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Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

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Undular hydraulic jump formation and energy loss in a flow through MARK
emergent vegetation of varying thickness and density

Ghufran Ahmed Pashaa, Norio Tanakaa,b,
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University, 255 Shimo-okubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama 338-8570, Japan
International Institute for Resilient Society, Saitama University, 255 Shimo-okubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama 338-8570, Japan


Keywords: Floods resulting from extreme events like tsunamis may inundate widespread inland areas, but vegetation can
Tsunami act as a natural buffer zone to reduce the inundation area and dissipate the energy of flowing water. This paper
Vegetation summarizes a series of laboratory experiments in which the energy loss through emergent vegetation in a steady
Backwater rise subcritical flow was investigated. The energy loss was determined against vegetation of variable thickness (dn,
Undular hydraulic jump
where d = diameter of cylinder, n = number of cylinders in a stream-wise direction per unit of cross-stream
Energy loss
width), density (G/d, where G = spacing of each cylinder in cross-stream direction, d = diameter of cylinder),
Drag coefficient
and initial Froude number. On the upstream side of vegetation, the backwater rise increased by increasing both
vegetation thickness and density. Contrarily, on the downstream side a breaking undular jump with a lateral
shock wave was observed for a dense vegetation arrangement (G/d = 0.25), whereas a non-breaking undular
jump with and without air bubbles was identified for intermediate (G/d = 1.09) and sparse (G/d = 2.13)
vegetation conditions, respectively. Under these conditions, the maximum energy reduction due to a jump
reached 6.4% for dense vegetation, and was reduced to 1.7% and 1.4% for intermediate and sparse vegetations,
respectively. Hence, denser vegetation offers larger resistance, thus causes significant energy loss.

1. Introduction tion, a soft landing place, and an escape route. The effectiveness of a coastal
forest as protection depends upon various factors, including tree density
Various researchers have worked in recent years to derive the best (Harada and Kawata, 2005; Irtem et al., 2009; Tanaka et al., 2011),
possible method for tsunami mitigation (Nateghi et al., 2016; Rahman deficiencies in coastal forests such as open gaps (Mascarenhas and
et al., 2017; Tanaka, 2012; Thuy et al., 2012). Both artificial (hard Jayakumar, 2008; Thuy et al., 2009), the breaking moment of trees
solutions) and natural (soft solutions) methods can be implemented to (Tanaka et al., 2009), and magnitude of the tsunami (Tanaka, 2009).
dissipate the energy carried by the huge currents of a tsunami. Artificial Since the 1998 Papua New Guinea tsunami (Dengler and Preuss, 2003),
methods include construction of sea walls and embankments, installing many researchers have investigated the effects of coastal vegetation on
tsunami gates, and putting up breakwater structures. These methods tsunami mitigation. Hiraishi and Harada (2003) did field investigations
can prove costly for developing countries because they require a huge after the Papua New Guinea tsunami and proposed a green belt of mango
capital investment (Tanaka, 2009). Further, the money will be wasted if or coconut trees to reduce the tsunami force. Previous post-tsunami surveys
a large tsunami arrives exceeding the designed capacity of the artificial have also shown that coastal trees help reduce the damaging effects of
structure, thus causing disastrous damage to people, infrastructures natural disasters (Danielsen et al., 2005; Kathiresan and Rajendran, 2005;
(Suppasri et al., 2012; Fraser et al., 2013; Ishigaki et al., 2013), and Tanaka et al., 2007; Mascarenhas and Jayakumar, 2008). To utilize the
even coastal forests (Tanaka et al., 2013). Currently, natural methods tsunami mitigation function of a coastal forest, field plantation has also
such as coastal forests are widely considered to be an effective measure been done along the coast of southern Asian countries (Tanaka, 2009;
to mitigate tsunami damage from both economic and environmental Tanaka et al., 2011).
points of view (Kathiresan and Rajendran, 2005; Osti et al., 2009; Hydraulic resistance and reflection of water by trees can reduce the
Tanaka, 2009; Yanagisawa et al., 2009, 2010). energy of flowing water, inundation depth, inundation area, and
Based on previous work (Shuto, 1987; Tanaka et al., 2007), the roles of hydraulic force behind the vegetation. The force of the water passing
coastal vegetation in tsunami mitigation include trapping, energy dissipa- through the vegetation becomes weaker, which minimizes the damage

Corresponding author at: International Institute for Resilient Society, Saitama University, 255 Shimo-okubo, Sakura-ku, Saitama 338–8570, Japan.
E-mail address: (N. Tanaka).
Received 29 June 2016; Received in revised form 10 May 2017; Accepted 19 June 2017
0029-8018/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

behind the vegetation. Iimura and Tanaka (2012) investigated the 2. Materials and methods
effects of vegetation density both experimentally and analytically and
confirmed that both the level and velocity of the water behind the 2.1. Experimental procedure and flume characteristics
vegetation are reduced considerably by increasing the density of
vegetation. Denser vegetation causes increased water reflection and 2.1.1. Flume characteristics
resistance because the water surface slope in the vegetation region is Laboratory experiments with nine different conditions (Table 1)
increased. Later, Iimura and Tanaka (2013) studied the effects of were conducted in a glass-sided water flume (constant bed slope 1/
aspect ratio on tsunami mitigation using numerical simulations and 500) that is 5 m in length, 0.7 m in width, and 0.5 m in height at
found that the effect of the collision of an inundating current behind a Saitama University. Fig. 1a shows a schematic figure of the water
forest is large if the aspect ratio is between 1 and 4. An increase in channel. In the experimental channel, the ground conditions and
forest width can reduce not only inundation depth but also the current tsunami characteristics implicated were not specific to any location
and hydraulic force behind a coastal forest (Harada and Imamura, but were considered in general. Based on video analysis, Nandasena
2005). Moreover, a few studies changed the tree density distribution in et al. (2012) estimated that the maximum Froude number (Fr = V/
a forest and investigated the energy reductions behind the forest (Thuy (gh)0.5, where V = depth-averaged velocity (m/s), g = gravitational
et al., 2009; Iimura and Tanaka, 2012). However, no one has reported acceleration (m/s2), and h = water depth (m)) was around 1.5 at the
the flow structure and patterns downstream of a forest and possible time the tsunami reached the Misawa and Hachinohe shores in Japan,
energy reduction due to the formation of a hydraulic jump. whilst the Froude number was about 1.14–1.4 at the wave front 1 km
In open channels, the transition from supercritical to subcritical flow is inland from the coast of the Sendai Plain which had no tsunami
called a hydraulic jump. The different kinds of hydraulic jumps were mitigation structure such as a coastal forest. At many locations
described by Chow (1959). A jump is characterized by the development of inundated by the tsunami, the tsunami's flow was subcritical and had
large scale turbulence, surface waves, energy dissipation, and air entrain- a Froude number between 0.7 and 1 (Spiske et al., 2010). For the Great
ment. For a Froude number slightly above unity, the hydraulic jump is East Japan tsunami, Tanaka et al. (2013) estimated the Froude number
considered a smooth rise of the free surface, followed by a train of as 0.9–0.6 at 500–550 m distance from the shoreline, and a simulation
stationary free-surface undulations known as an undular hydraulic jump by Tanaka et al. (2014) estimated the Froude number to decrease from
(Chanson, 2009). Undular jumps are often observed downstream of low 1.6 near the shoreline to 0.6 around 550 m from the shoreline in the
drop-structures or in a transitional region from steep to mildly sloping Sendai Plain. In the current study, to set the flow conditions, Froude
channels (Ohtsu et al., 2003). An undular hydraulic jump may also occur similarity was applied to set the model scale of the physical experiment.
behind ships travelling in canals and shallow waters (Haslewood, 1985). This study defined the initial Froude number (Fro) when the reference
Various researchers have done experimental studies in an open channel to velocity and water depth were used without a vegetation model. For
study the flow of an undular hydraulic jump by a sluice gate (Chanson and creating subcritical conditions of an inundating tsunami, the water
Montes, 1995; Ohtsu et al., 2001, 2003), but the development of an undular depths (model without vegetation) selected in the experiment were 3,
hydraulic jump formed in the wake of a coastal forest, especially during a 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5 and 7 cm, setting the initial Froude number
tsunami event, has never been reported. However, a few undular flow approximately equal to 0.57, 0.62, 0.65, 0.66, 0.68, 0.69, 0.70, 0.71,
patterns were observed in a forest downstream during the 2011 Japan and 0.73, respectively. As a first step, a slightly lower range of initial
tsunami near a bank of the Yuriage area (photo 16, Tokida and Tanimoto, Froude numbers was selected due to the restricted length of the
2014). The arrangement of trees in a forest can transform the flow into a channel. This is because flow with a higher Froude number increases
supercritical flow that results in the occurrence of a hydraulic jump. To the length of the hydraulic jump. Also, the behavior of an undular
clarify the energy loss mechanism, not only by drag force but also the hydraulic jump downstream of vegetation is investigated better against
downstream flow pattern change, flume experiments were conducted to a low initial Froude number. As discussed in the previous studies
determine the amount of energy loss through emergent vegetation of (Tanaka et al., 2013; Pasha and Tanaka, 2016), it is better to set a
variable thicknesses, changing density, and flow conditions. Different flow coastal forest inland, where it is expected to trap tsunami-borne
patterns of undular hydraulic jumps were also identified. This study will floating debris. From that point of view, the experimental condition
help in selecting an optimal forest width in relation to different flow is set in the lower range of Froude numbers in the post-tsunami
conditions and vegetation arrangements. research (Spiske et al., 2010; Tanaka et al., 2013, 2014).

Table 1
Experimental conditions.

Case Initial Froude number ‘Fro’ Vegetation density D (cm) W (cm) Vegetation thickness ‘dn’ Vegetation
No. ‘G/d’ (No. cm) type

1 0.57, 0.62, 0.65, 0.66, 0.68, 0.25 1 3.88 179.21 Dense

0.69, 0.70, 0.71, 0.73
2 0.57, 0.62, 0.65, 0.66, 0.68, 1.09 1.67 10.55 174.72 Intermediate
0.69, 0.70, 0.71, 0.73
3 0.57, 0.62, 0.65, 0.66, 0.68, 2.13 2.5 24.27 179.36 Sparse
0.69, 0.70, 0.71, 0.73
4 0.57, 0.62, 0.65, 0.66, 0.68, 0.25 1 8.23 380.13 Dense
0.69, 0.70, 0.71, 0.73
5 0.57, 0.62, 0.65, 0.66, 0.68, 1.09 1.67 23.60 390.85 Intermediate
0.69, 0.70, 0.71, 0.73
6 0.57, 0.62, 0.65, 0.66, 0.68, 2.13 2.5 52.48 387.83 Sparse
0.69, 0.70, 0.71, 0.73
7 0.57, 0.62, 0.65, 0.66, 0.68, 0.25 1 12.58 581.05 Dense
0.69, 0.70, 0.71, 0.73
8 0.57, 0.62, 0.65, 0.66, 0.68, 1.09 1.67 35.2 582.96 Intermediate
0.69, 0.70, 0.71, 0.73
9 0.57, 0.62, 0.65, 0.66, 0.68, 2.13 2.5 78.52 580.27 Sparse
0.69, 0.70, 0.71, 0.73

G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

Fig. 1. Experimental set-up: (a) schematic figure of channel with vegetation model, (b, c) set-up of load cell at vegetation front, (d) details of vegetation arrangement and its definition
(e) dense vegetation model with dn-380.13 No. cm, (f) intermediate vegetation model with dn-390.85 No. cm, (g) sparse vegetation model with dn-387.83 No. cm, and (h) flow structure
scheme and definition of various parameters.

G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

2.1.2. Scaling respectively (Fig. 1e, f, g). D and W were determined under the same
The scale of the current experimental study was 1/100. Because the vegetation thickness: dn (No. cm), which is expressed as a function of
flow conditions considered in the experiment are subcritical, they summed tree diameter and is defined as a product of the diameter of a
represent tsunami flow in an inland area at some distance from the tree (d) at breast height and the number of trees (n) in a rectangle with
shore line. According to Tanaka and Suzuki (2013), the water depth a frontage of unit length along the shoreline and depth equal to the
behind the coastal forest in the Miyagino district was 3.0–3.6 m, while width of the forest (W) (Fig. 1d), (Shuto, 1987). In this study, dn was
the point at which the water depth was measured was about 800 m calculated as:
from the shoreline; and the water depth at the front area of the house
group was 2.5–4.6 m at 1200 m from the shoreline. If the length ratio dn = Wd × 10 2
3 D2 (2)
between prototype (Lp) and model (Lm) is Ls = Lp /Lm, then scaling an
experimental water depth of 5 cm (average of selected water depths) to where 10 in the above equation adjusts a unit in Shuto's definition of
a tsunami water height of 4.5–5 m requires a scaling factor, Ls, that is dn (No. cm) on a 1:100 scale, because d, D, and W are in centimeters.
approximately equal to 100. In the experiment dn was set to three values, i.e., ~ 180, ~ 380, and ~
580 (No. cm). Shuto (1987) classified the effectiveness of a forest and
2.1.3. Experimental conditions the degree of damage to the forest and land in terms of tsunami
Vegetation models covering the full width of the channel were inundation depth, vegetation thickness, and presence of undergrowth.
mounted in the water flume bed about 2.5 m from the upstream inlet. Referring to his study, here dn ~ 180 No. cm represents areas where
The water level was measured throughout the center of the channel as some trees on weak soil or at the forest fringe may be damaged and soil
indicated in Fig. 1a by using a point gauge at 2–5 cm intervals around the trees may be scoured; dn ~ 380 No. cm corresponds to an
(depending on the variation in the water surface). Before mounting area where soil in the forest may be scoured and damaged to some
the vegetation model in a channel, the discharge was measured using a extent; dn ~ 580 No. cm represents an area where neither damage to
flow meter (Signet 8150 Flow Totalizer) against each selected initial trees nor damage to soil occurs.
water depth (ho), and the discharge values against each initial water
depth (ho) were noted. Subsequently, after placing the vegetation 2.3. Non-dimensional pi groups
model in a channel, the discharge values were changed according to
the selected nine flow conditions. The depth-averaged velocity was Scaling experimental results to prototype conditions is challenging.
computed using the measured water depth and discharge. A two-axis Fig. 1h shows a flow structure scheme and important parameters. Flow
load cell (force gauge) (SSK Co., model LB60) having a resolution of 1/ conditions and vegetation arrangement are the main parameters that
1000 and capacity to measure a maximum load of 1 N was used to decide the amount of energy lost. Using Buckingham's pi theorem, the
measure the drag force on an individual cylinder (Fig. 1b). The drag following dimensionless groups were developed:
coefficient Cd for each solid circular cylinder was defined as:
⎡ Δh Vo V1 ρw hoVo G
Cd =
2F f⎢ , , , , , dn*,
⎢⎣ ho gho gh1 μ d
ρV 2dH (1)
ho y2 b LJ V2 ΔE1 ΔE2 ⎤
where F (N) is the drag force on individual centrally positioned , , , , , , ⎥=0
cylinders at the forest front and forest back, ρ (kg/m3) is the fluid L y1 y1 y1 V1 E1 y1 ⎥⎦ (3)
density, d (m) is the diameter of the cylinder, and H (m) is the water
where Δh = backwater rise, ho = initial water depth without vegetation,
depth in front of the cylinder. V (m/s) is the calculated mean velocity
Vo = velocity at ho, Fro = Froude number at ho (initial Froude number),
against water depth H (m) and discharge Q (m3/s). In addition, to
FUS = Froude number on the upstream of vegetation against water
measure the drag force, a gap is required between individual cylinders
depth h1 and velocity V1, g = gravitational acceleration, ρw = density of
and the bottom of the channel as indicated in Fig. 1c. The experiments
water, μ = viscosity of water, L = wavelength, dn* = dn/D is non-
were conducted with the smallest possible gap, i.e., 0.001 m, similar to
dimensional vegetation width, y1 = minimum water depth during the
the measurements taken by Takemura and Tanaka (2007). The drag
jump (water depth at the toe of a hydraulic jump), y2 = mean water
coefficient of individual cylinders was determined both at vegetation
depth after the hydraulic jump, b = channel width, LJ = length of
front and back, and the position of load cell is indicated in Fig. 1a.
hydraulic jump, V2 = mean velocity after hydraulic jump, HGL =
hydraulic grade line, EGL = energy grade line, E1 = specific energy at
2.2. Vegetation conditions
vegetation front, E2 = mean specific energy after formation of a
hydraulic jump where the flow is subcritical, ΔE1 = total energy loss
The tree species selected for the vegetation model was the Japanese
(E1-E2), and ΔE2 = energy loss due to hydraulic jump [(y2-y1)3/4y1y2]
pine tree (average tree height = 15 m and trunk diameter = 0.4 m)
(Fig. 1d, h). (For the definitions of G, d, dn, and D, see Section 2.2).
found on the Sendai Plain; its tree crown was high relative to the
A smooth glass-sided channel with an extremely small bed slope
tsunami height, and the trees can be considered as circular cylinders
was used for the experiment, and therefore the effects of channel slope
(Tanaka et al., 2014). For a 1/100 scale model, wooden cylinders with a
and wall roughness were excluded. Because the viscosity and density of
diameter of 0.004 m were used as tree models in a staggered arrange-
water were same for every case and Froude scaling is commonly used
ment. Fig. 1d and Table 1 show details of the vegetation arrangement,
for free surface gravity flows, the π4 group (the Reynolds number) was
where D is the distance between cylinders and W is the width of the
ignored. Therefore, the backwater rise (Δh/ho), total energy loss (ΔE1/
vegetation model.
E1), and energy loss due to the hydraulic jump (ΔE2/y1) are a function
According to Takemura and Tanaka (2007), flow structures differ
of the initial Froude number (Fro = Vo / gho ), vegetation density (G/d),
depending on the G/d arrangement of the vegetation model (vegetation
and non-dimensional vegetation width (dn*):
density), where G represents the spacing between each cylinder in a
cross-stream direction, and d is the diameter of a cylinder (Fig. 1d). Δh ΔE1 ΔE2 ⎡ V G ⎤
The G/d ratio indicates whether vegetation density is sparse or dense. , , = f ⎢ o , , dn*⎥
ho E1 y1 ⎣⎢ gho d ⎦⎥ (4)
In order to investigate the energy loss through vegetation, vegetation
models with three different G/d values (0.25, 1.09, and 2.13) were However, traditionally, vegetation thickness (dn) is commonly used
made. A model with G/d of 0.25 represents dense vegetation, while G/d to express the resistance of vegetation (Shuto, 1987; Iimura and
of 1.09 and 2.13 characterize intermediate and sparse vegetations, Tanaka, 2012); thus, instead of non-dimensional vegetation width

G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

Fig. 2. Flow phenomenon describing backwater rise and hydraulic jump formation.

(dn*), vegetation thickness (dn) was used to plot the relationships 3.1.2. Downstream of vegetation model – undular hydraulic jumps
between backwater rise and energy loss in the current study. and classification
As the water flows through the vegetation, it faces great resistance,
resulting in decreased water depth as it progresses. Depending upon
3. Results and discussion the resistance offered by the trees, if the water depth (at the vegetation
end) is less than the critical depth, then the flow becomes supercritical.
3.1. Flow structure around vegetation model This supercritical flow will be transformed into a subcritical flow by the
formation of a hydraulic jump. In the current study, undular hydraulic
As seen in Fig. 2, the initial water depth (ho) without vegetation, jumps were observed downstream of the vegetation model depending
which was constant throughout the channel, was raised upstream of the on the initial Froude number, vegetation density, and vegetation
vegetation model, and the water surface slope inside the vegetation thickness (Fig. 2). Undular hydraulic jumps were classified by the ratio
became larger due to the resistance offered by the trees. However, on of initial water depth to wavelength (ho/L) (Fig. 4a), using detailed
the downstream side, an undular hydraulic jump was observed. analysis of identical pictures of every case and with the help of water
profiles drawn for the center cross-section of the flow by using a point
3.1.1. Upstream of vegetation model – backwater rise gauge. Fig. 4b shows the flow chart of classification of undular
Increasing the vegetation density raises the maximum water level in hydraulic jumps. Here, the undular jump is classified into three
front of the vegetation, and the water surface slope inside the categories; non-breaking undular (NBU), breaking undular (BU)
vegetation increases (Iimura and Tanaka, 2012). The initial flow jumps, and no jump. The non-breaking undular jump is subdivided
conditions without vegetation models placed in the channel varied into three groups depending on the initial water depth to wavelength
between Fro = 0.57 and Fro = 0.73. Fig. 3a, b, c shows that the ratio; namely, non-breaking undular jumps with a small wavelength
backwater rise increased almost linearly with increasing Froude (0.25 ≤ ho/L ≤ 0.50) without air bubbles (NBS) and with air bubbles
number. The increased velocity for the higher Froude number, i.e., (NBSA), medium wavelength (0.20 ≤ ho/L < 0.25) without air bubbles
higher energy head for higher velocities, consequently increased the (NBM) and with air bubbles (NBMA), and large wavelength without air
backwater rise. However, the relative backwater rise was increased only bubbles (0.15 ≤ ho/L < 0.20) (NBL). In some cases of low Froude
slightly for different Froude conditions (Fig. 3d). This shows that the number flow, a few undulations were observed, which was classified as
initial flow depth had very little effect on the relative backwater rise for no jump (NJ). Also, the cases in which the length of a jump exceeded
a given Froude number. the available channel length was classified as a jump exceeding the
Other than the Froude number, the backwater rise greatly depends channel (JEC) in the current classification. Fig. 5a–f shows different
on the vegetation arrangement, i.e., vegetation density and thickness. patterns of undular hydraulic jumps. Fig. 5g shows the flow in a
Fig. 3a, b, c also shows the back water rise for the three types of subcritical state with no hydraulic jump (NJ) due to low Froude
vegetation, i.e., dense (G/d = 0.25), intermediate (G/d = 1.09), and number (Fr1 < 1), while Fig. 5h represents a supercritical flow with
sparse (G/d = 2.13), respectively. While keeping the spacing between the length of the jump exceeding the channel length with Fr1 > 1
cylinders (G/d) constant and increasing vegetation thickness (dn), the (JEC). The water profiles of five out of nine flow conditions of (i) dense,
relative backwater rise was increased by 30–35% when dn was raised (ii) intermediate, and (iii) sparse vegetation against dn-180, -380, and
from 180 No. cm to 380 No. cm and was further raised by 20–25% -580 (No. cm) are shown in Fig. 6a, b, and c, respectively. The
while increasing dn from 380 No. cm to 580 No. cm. Similarly, the classification of the hydraulic jump along with the water depth without
relative backwater rise was also increased by 25–30% by reducing the vegetation and critical depth are also shown for every water profile in
distance between cylinders from dense to sparse and keeping the Fig. 6. Table 2 shows the values of Froude number (Fr1) at minimum
vegetation thickness constant. It can be seen in Fig. 3 that the water depth during the jump (y1) for Fig. 6.
backwater rise was lower for the sparse vegetation condition (Fig. 3c)
compared to the dense condition (Fig. 3a) for a given Froude number Vegetation conditions for formation of undular jumps. Fig. 7
and thickness. A dense arrangement of trees caused a higher flow shows the patterns of undular hydraulic jumps against different
resistance compared to a sparse arrangement and consequently vegetation densities and initial Froude number (Fro). For vegetation
resulted in a higher backwater rise. having a constant thickness and sparse conditions (G/d = 2.13), mostly

G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

Fig. 3. Backwater rise Δh for various initial Froude numbers Fro: (a) dense vegetation (G/d = 0.25), (b) intermediate vegetation (G/d = 1.09), (c) sparse vegetation (G/d = 2.13), and (d)
relative backwater rise Δh/ho, where ho is initial water depth without vegetation and dn has units of No. cm.

non-breaking undular hydraulic jumps were observed. At a very low observed immediately downstream of the shock wave near the free
initial Froude number, no hydraulic jump (NJ) was observed; however, surface. For the last three flow conditions (Fro = 0.70, 0.71, and 0.73),
by increasing Fro, the initial water depth to wavelength ratio of undular the length of the hydraulic jump was so large that it crossed the
waves started to decrease along with increases in the length of the available channel length, and supercritical flow conditions prevailed on
jump. Lateral shock waves of extremely small intensity and located very the downstream side of the vegetation model. A jump exceeding the
far from the vegetation model were seen, but they did not affect the channel (JEC) was observed in this case due to the limitation of the
flow pattern (represented by dashed lines in Fig. 5). channel length. Moreover, no air bubbles were identified in the dense
vegetation arrangement.
In intermediate vegetation (G/d = 1.09), non-breaking undular In the current study, the shock waves were generated due to
jumps with a small wavelength (NBS) were observed for low Fro. As the channel limitations; however, they didn't affect the characteristics of
Fro increased, the intensity of jumps also increased and included the undular hydraulic jump. In Fig. 5, dashed lines represent the
prominent air bubbles. As the Fro increased further, air bubbles started direction of shock waves, and it can be seen that wavelength
to diminish with increased length of jumps. At the maximum Fro value characteristics do not change due to shock waves (Fig. 5a, c e).
(0.73), lateral shock waves were observed, which changed the pattern Moreover, the water depth and energy loss were calculated only at
of undular hydraulic jumps from non-breaking to breaking undular the center of the channel where the effect of shock waves was much
jumps. less. However, the shock wave slightly affected the continuity of
In the dense vegetation arrangement, non-breaking undular jumps undular patterns in the case of a breaking undular hydraulic jump,
with a small wavelength (NBS) were observed for very low Fro. In this but due to calculation of mean value of energy loss, the effect of
case, lateral shock waves formed, which turned the non-breaking shock waves became negligible.
undular jumps into breaking undular jumps with the increase in Fro.
The shock waves were initiated upstream of the first wave crest and Hydraulic conditions for formation of undular jumps. Fig. 8
propagated downstream across the flume. According to Montes (1986), summarizes the hydraulic conditions other than the vegetation
the presence of lateral shock waves is associated with the sidewall conditions required to form various flow conditions of undular
boundary layers. He suggested that the lateral boundary layers retard jumps. The vertical axis is the ratio of channel width (b) to water
the fluid near the wall and develop the critical conditions faster than on depth at the toe of a hydraulic jump (y1), and the horizontal axis is the
the channel centerline. Chanson (2009) argued that the shock waves Froude number (Fr1) against y1. The toe of a hydraulic jump is the
area form of flow separation at the sidewalls, since flow recirculation is minimum water depth during the length of a jump and was determined

G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

the upper limit of breaking undular jumps (Line D1 in Fig. 8). The
maximum Fr1 obtained in this study is 2.0 (Line D2 in Fig. 8), which
was against highest initial Froude number with vegetation G/d = 1.09
and dn-580 No. cm, but due to channel limitations, the length of
hydraulic jump exceeded the available channel length, and thus it was
not classified.
Ohtsu et al. (2003) identified the flow conditions of undular
hydraulic jumps in a horizontal channel controlled by a sluice gate
and classified the jumps based on lateral shock waves and inflow
Froude number (F1). He classified the undular jumps into non-break-
ing undular hydraulic jump, breaking undular hydraulic jump, and
weak classical jump. According to his findings, the upper limit of the
inflow Froude number for a non-breaking undular hydraulic jump is
1.78 (b/y1 ≥ 10) and for a breaking undular hydraulic jump is 2.1 (b/y1
≥ 12), which is very close to the upper limits of Fr1 obtained in the
current experimental study.

3.2. Variation of drag coefficient with vegetation density and Froude


Fig. 9 shows the relationship between drag coefficient (Cd) and

initial Froude number (Fro) with different vegetation densities (dense,
intermediate, and sparse) and thicknesses (dn-180, 380, and 580 (No.
cm)). Against all the subcritical flow conditions (Froude No. 0.57–
0.73), the drag coefficient increased slightly with increasing Froude
number. However, for the last three Fro values i.e., Fro = 0.70, 0.71,
and 0.73, the drag coefficient abruptly increased due to cylinder
oscillations. During oscillations, additional mass acted on the cylinder
and resulted in higher drag force as a result of a higher drag coefficient.
Nepf (1999) pointed out that drag coefficient changes with the density
of vegetation, and this coefficient is decreased by reducing the spacing
Fig. 4. (a) Definition of initial water depth to wavelength ratio (ho/L). NBS: non- between vegetation (i.e., from sparse to dense vegetation arrange-
breaking undular jump with small wavelength, NBM: non-breaking undular jump with ments). However, Nepf (1999) set the vegetation model array to a
medium wavelength, NBL: nonbreaking undular jump with large wavelength, (b)
constant width of five meters, whereas in the current study, the width
classification of undular hydraulic jumps.
of the vegetation model (W) was also changed by changing the spacing
between cylinders against a constant vegetation thickness. Thus, the
drag coefficient trend obtained was opposite that of the study of Nepf
at the section where the pressure becomes hydrostatic; thus, the (1999), i.e., the drag coefficient was increased by reducing spacing
streamline curvature can be neglected (Fig. 1h). Fig. 8 was plotted by between cylinders, as shown in Fig. 9.
comparing all the values of b/y1 irrespective of the vegetation For low initial Froude numbers, the drag coefficient at the vegetation
conditions (vegetation density and thickness) with Fr1. The overall front observed during the experiment was almost the same at all three
trend shows that, against a constant b/y1, increasing Fr1 changes the vegetation densities (Fig. 9a, c, e), which started to increase as cylinders
undular hydraulic jumps patterns from: started to oscillate. The drag coefficient acting on cylinders was greater for
vegetation with dn-180 No. cm as compared to vegetation with dn-380 No.
No jump → few undulations → non-breaking hydraulic jump of cm and dn-580 No. cm. The width of the vegetation in the current study
small wavelength → non-breaking hydraulic jump of medium wave- was much less than that of Nepf (1999); therefore, the flow structure was
length → non-breaking hydraulic jump of large wavelength → breaking different. Because the backwater rise was highest for dense vegetation
undular hydraulic jump. compared to intermediate and sparse vegetation against the same discharge
Air bubble formation in the non-breaking undular jump was (Fig. 3), the approach velocity V in Eq. (1) was lowest for dense vegetation
observed for flows having Fr1 between 1.0 and 1.45 and b/y1 values and highest for sparse vegetation. This resulted in a maximum drag
less than 25 (approximately). For vegetation conditions G/d = 2.13 and coefficient in dense vegetation, which decreased as the spacing between
dn-180 No. cm, the Fr1 calculated was less than 1; however, the the cylinders was increased (sparse vegetation) (Fig. 9). The drag coefficient
undular hydraulic jump classification using ho/L was categorized as an at the vegetation back was slightly higher than that at the vegetation front.
undular hydraulic jump of small or medium wavelength (Fig. 7a) and is This difference was higher for the dense vegetation arrangement and
marked by section A in Fig. 8. Section B is also a portion where Fr1 was started to decline as spacing between cylinders increased. For sparse
less than 1, and it includes vegetation conditions of G/d = 2.13 and dn- conditions, the difference between drag coefficients was extremely low.
580 No. cm and a few cases of G/d = 1.09 and dn-580 No. cm. The Fr1 This is because the water surface slope inside the vegetation was large in
was calculated by using the measured water level and steady state cases of dense vegetation compared to sparse vegetation. Also, due to
discharge. However, the local velocities downstream of the vegetation presence of slight oscillations at vegetation back in dense vegetation, the
are assumed to be slightly higher, which resulted in development of few drag coefficient values at vegetation back were a little higher than at front.
undulations even with Fr1 < 1 for some cases. Cylinder oscillations are caused due to the measurement method of the
In the current hydraulic conditions for formation of undular drag force by load cell which was set with a small gap between cylinders and
hydraulic jumps, against 10 < b/y1 < 40, Fr1 = 1.7 is the upper limit the bed. So, the values of drag coefficient which were greatly influenced by
of non-breaking undular jumps (Line C in Fig. 8), whereas Fr1 = 1.9 is cylinder oscillations are marked inside dashed circle line A in Fig. 9 due to
less reliability.

G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

Fig. 5. Classification of undular jumps: (a) non-breaking undular jump with small wavelength (NBS), (b) non-breaking undular jump with small wavelength and air bubbles (NBSA), (c)
non-breaking undular jump with medium wavelength (NBM), (d) non-breaking undular jump with medium wavelength and air bubbles (NBMA), (e) non-breaking undular jump with
large wavelength (NBL), (f) breaking undular jump with lateral shock wave (BU), (g) no jump or very few undulations (NJ), and (h) hydraulic jump exceeded the channel length (JEC).
Dashed lines show lateral shock waves.

3.3. Energy reduction behind vegetation current study, the water level was measured at the center of the
channel and throughout the length of the channel. Using the
As the tree density increases (i.e., space between vegetation measured water depth, detailed water profiles were drawn against
becomes smaller), the maximum water level and maximum velocity each case. The specific energy is defined as the energy per unit
behind the vegetation decrease (Iimura and Tanaka, 2012). In the volume of water at any section of a channel measured with respect to

G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

Fig. 6. Distribution of water level for vegetation thickness (i) dn-180 No. cm, (ii) dn-380 No. cm, and (iii) dn-580 No. cm, (a) dense vegetation (G/d = 0.25), (b) intermediate vegetation
(G/d = 1.09), and (c) sparse vegetation (G/d = 2.13). ho/L: initial water depth to wavelength ratio. For the meanings of NJ, NBS, NBSA, NBM, NBMA, NBL, BU, and JEC, see the caption
of Fig. 5.

the channel bottom (Chow, 1959). Thus, the value of α is taken as 1. Because the flow is steady, the depth-
averaged velocity against the known discharge (Q) was calculated
V2 using the relationship V = Q/A. Fig. 6 shows a significant difference
2g (5) between the effects of water depths on upstream and downstream
vegetation, which resulted in a certain loss of energy. The energy loss
where E is specific energy, y is water depth, V is velocity, and α is a (ΔE) through vegetation is the difference between specific energy
coefficient to account for variations in velocity. In the current study, upstream and downstream of vegetation.

G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

Fig. 6. (continued)

With increasing vegetation density, the water level was increased in was small, it still contributed to energy loss.
front of the vegetation by reflection and damming up, and the water In the present study, the energy loss is subdivided into two
surface slope inside the vegetation was increased (Iimura and Tanaka, portions:
2012; Pasha and Tanaka, 2016). Under the current conditions, the
water flow passing through the vegetation became critical just down- 1. total energy loss (ΔE1 = E1 – E2), and
stream of the vegetation, which resulted in formation of an undular 2. energy loss due to a hydraulic jump (ΔE2 = (y2-y1)3/4y1y2)
hydraulic jump (Fig. 6). Although the intensity of the hydraulic jump

G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

Fig. 6. (continued)

where E1 is the specific energy at the forest front, E2 is the mean 3.3.1. Total energy loss
specific energy after formation of a hydraulic jump where the flow is
subcritical, y1 = the minimum water depth during the jump, and y2 = Effect of Froude number on total energy loss. Fig. 10a shows
mean water depth after the hydraulic jump. The mean values of E2 and the relationship between the relative total energy loss (ΔE1/E1) and the
y2 are considered because of the undulations in the water surface after initial Froude number, which was varied between Fro = 0.57 and Fro =
the hydraulic jump. 0.73 for (i) dense, (ii) intermediate, and (iii) sparse vegetation
arrangements. In each subplot of Fig. 10a, the data is plotted against

G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

Table 2
Froude number (Fr1) at y1 for Fig. 6.

dn (No. cm) G/d Fro

0.58 0.65 0.68 0.70 0.73

180 0.25 1.11 1.74 1.82 1.72 1.84

1.09 0.82 1.01 1.09 1.29 1.46
2.13 0.59 0.73 0.81 0.89 0.94
380 0.25 1.14 1.86 1.81 1.81 1.88
1.09 0.85 1.16 1.25 1.46 1.50
2.13 1.17 1.29 1.36 1.38 1.35
580 0.25 1.15 1.45 1.87 2.01 2.01
1.09 0.77 0.88 1.03 1.25 1.43
2.13 0.79 0.89 1.00 1.14 1.18

Fig. 8. Hydraulic conditions for formation of undular jumps. For the meaning of NJ,
NBS, NBSA, NBM, NBMA, NBL, BU, and JEC, see the captions of Fig. 5. A and B
represent vegetation having small undulations even with Fr1 < 1. C represents the upper
limit of a non-breaking undular jump, and D is the upper limit of a breaking undular
jump (D1 - jump observed, D2 - jump not observed).

Against all the values of vegetation density and thickness, Fig. 10a-i,
a-ii, and 10a-iii shows that the relative total energy loss remained
almost constant when the initial Froude number was increased from
0.57 to 0.73. The initial flow depth (ho) has very little effect on total
relative energy loss. In a dense arrangement (Fig. 10a-i), the last three
points plotted against all the three thickness values showed compara-
tively low energy reduction. This is because the length of the hydraulic
jump increased with an increase in the Froude number, and for the
highest tested initial Froude number values (Fro = 0.70, 0.71, 0.73), the
length of the jump exceeded the available channel length downstream
of the vegetation model. In this case, E2 was calculated against
supercritical flow conditions, which resulted in low energy reduction.
However, it is important to calculate the damage due to the occurrence
of a hydraulic jump downstream of the vegetation in future studies.
Because a breaking undular hydraulic jump was formed against
vegetation having G/d = 0.25, the length of the hydraulic jump was
increased by increasing the Froude number (Fig. 11a). In dense vegetation
(Fig. 10a-i), the relative length of the hydraulic jump for the highest tested
initial Froude number values (Fro = 0.70, 0.71, 0.73) was so large that it
crossed the available channel length downstream of the vegetation model.
In such a case, the flow remained supercritical, and no hydraulic jump was
observed within the channel. In the case of intermediate vegetation
(Fig. 11b), the relative length of jumps remained almost the same, except
for the highest tested initial Froude number, where a slight increase in the
relative length was observed. The non-breaking undular jump in cases of
sparse vegetation (Fig. 11c) showed a slightly higher value of relative jump
length (maximum for dn-380 No. cm) compared to intermediate vegetation
(Fig. 11b) due to the longer wave length of undulations in sparse vegetation. Effect of vegetation density on total energy loss. The density

of vegetation greatly affects the downstream flow because increasing the
density of vegetation reduces velocity of the water behind the vegetation
(Iimura and Tanaka, 2012), contributing to energy loss. Fig. 10b shows the
relationship between the relative total energy loss (ΔE1/E1) and vegetation
densities (G/d = 0.25, 1.09, 2.13) for three values of vegetation thickness (i)
dn-180 No. cm, (ii) dn-380 No. cm, and (iii) dn-580 No. cm. Since the
Fig. 7. Vegetation conditions for formation of undular jumps: (a) dn-180 No. cm, (b) dn- relative total relative energy loss remained almost constant with different
380 No. cm, and (c) dn-580 No. cm. For the meanings of NJ, NBS, NBSA, NBM, NBMA,
initial Froude numbers (Fig. 10a), therefore, Fig. 10b was plotted against
NBL, BU, and JEC, see the captions of Fig. 5.
the five out of nine Fro, i.e., 0.58, 0.65, 0.68, 0.70, 0.73, to improve the
readability of the figure. Also, the trend line and R2 value are included for
the single flow condition with Fro = 0.68.
three values of vegetation thickness (dn = 180, 380, and 580 (No. cm)).
Vertical bars represent standard deviation. It is important to mention It is clear from all the subplots of Fig. 10b that the total relative energy
here that total energy loss includes losses due to vegetation itself and loss is greatest with the denser vegetation (G/d = 0.25) and least with the
the undular hydraulic jump forming downstream of vegetation. sparse vegetation (G/d = 2.13). Against a constant vegetation thickness,

G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

Fig. 9. Change of drag coefficient (Cd) on individual cylinder located at center of forest model and flume: (a) G/d = 0.25 – front, (b) G/d = 0.25 – back, (c) G/d = 1.09 – front, (d) G/d =
1.09 – back, (e) G/d = 2.13 – front, and (f) G/d = 2.13 – back. Where, dn has units of No. cm, and the data plotted within dashed circle line (A) represents data which is not reliable due
to cylinder oscillations.

decreasing the vegetation density (increasing the spacing between cylin- 580 No. cm, the dense, intermediate, and sparse vegetation dissipated
ders) decreased the resistance to the flow, which resulted in a decrease in maximum relative total energy losses of 52%, 48%, and 44%, respectively
the relative energy loss. Because the range of initial Froude numbers was (Fig. 10b-i). According to Fig. 10b, the overall difference of relative total
limited, the difference in relative energy loss between the different initial energy loss between dense and sparse vegetation against all the vegetation
Froude numbers also was not high. For a vegetation thickness of dn-180 thickness is 5–9%.
No. cm, dense vegetation dissipated the relative total energy of 33–37%,
which was decreased to 29–32% and 26–28% in intermediate and sparse Effect of vegetation thickness on total energy loss. Fig. 10c
conditions, respectively (Fig. 10b-i). For dn-380 No. cm, the maximum shows the relationship between the relative total energy loss (ΔE1/E1)
relative total energy losses were 48%, 42%, and 39% for dense, inter- and vegetation thickness (dn = 180, 380, 580 (No. cm)) for three values
mediate, and sparse vegetation, respectively (Fig. 10b-ii). Similarly, for dn- of vegetation densities (i) dense vegetation, G/d = 0.25, (ii)

G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

Fig. 10. Relationship between relative total energy loss (ΔE1/E1) for (a) Initial Froude number (Fro), (i) G/d = 0.25, (ii) G/d = 1.09, and (iii) G/d = 2.13, (b) vegetation density (G/d) (i)
dn = 180 No. cm, (ii) dn = 380 No. cm, and (iii) dn = 580 No. cm, and (c) vegetation thickness (dn), (i) G/d = 0.25, (ii) G/d = 1.09, and (iii) G/d = 2.13.

intermediate vegetation, G/d = 1.09, and (iii) sparse vegetation, G/d = losses due to a hydraulic jump (ΔE2/y1) and the initial Froude number
2.13. Similar to Fig. 10b, five out of nine flow conditions were selected (Fro = 0.57–0.73) for (i) dense, (ii) intermediate, and (iii) sparse
to determine the effect of vegetation thickness on total energy loss with vegetation arrangements. The data in each subplot of Fig. 12a is plotted
Fro = 0.68 showing a trend line. against three values of vegetation thickness (dn = 180, 380, and 580
(No. cm)). Vertical bars represent standard deviation.
Against a constant vegetation density, the relative energy reduction
was increased by increasing the thickness of vegetation from dn-180 to As shown in to Fig. 7, the characteristics of an undular hydraulic
580 No. cm. Wider vegetation had a larger resistance and reflection of jump for vegetation with fixed density and thickness changes with
water and thus resulted in higher energy loss. Against all the vegetation increasing initial Froude number. This also increases the energy
densities, the relative total energy loss increased 9–12% when the loss due to a hydraulic jump. Unlike the total relative energy loss,
vegetation thickness was increased from dn-180 No. cm to dn-380 No. the relative energy loss due to a jump increased with the increase in
cm. Further increasing the vegetation thickness to dn-580 No. cm also the initial Froude number. The increase was more prominent in
increased the relative total energy loss by 5–6%. Thus, the overall dense (Fig. 12a-i) and intermediate vegetation (Fig. 12a-ii) due to
difference of relative total energy loss between dn-180 No. cm and dn- the higher intensity of the hydraulic jump, like a breaking undular
580 No. cm against all the vegetation densities was 15–17% (Fig. 10c). jump and non-breaking undular jump with air bubbles (Fig. 7).
Whereas in sparse vegetation, the relative energy loss due to a jump
3.3.2. Energy reduction behind vegetation due to hydraulic jump remained almost constant with the increase in the initial Froude
Although it is difficult to determine the exact energy loss due to an number (Fig. 12a-iii) because the water depth downstream of the
undular hydraulic jump formed downstream of vegetation, it still sparse vegetation crossed the critical water depth in very few cases
contributes to the energy loss that needs to be calculated. The (Fig. 6-iii).
important factors that affect the energy loss include Froude number,
vegetation density, and thickness. Effect of vegetation density on energy loss due to hydraulic
jump. Fig. 12b shows the relationship between the energy loss due to a Effect of Froude number on energy loss due to hydraulic hydraulic jump (ΔE2/y1) and vegetation densities (G/d = 0.25, 1.09,
jump. Fig. 12a shows the relationship between the relative energy 2.13) for three values of vegetation thickness (i) dn-180 No. cm, (ii) dn-

G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

380 No. cm, and (iii) dn-580 No. cm against five out of nine Fro, i.e.,
0.58, 0.65, 0.68, 0.70, and 0.73. The trend line and R2 value are cited
for the single flow condition having Fro = 0.68.

Comparing Fig. 12b-i, b-ii, and b-iii shows that the maximum
energy loss was observed in the dense vegetation arrangement (G/d =
0.25) compared to intermediate (G/d = 1.09) and sparse arrangements
(G/d = 2.13). For most of the experimental conditions, a breaking
undular hydraulic jump was formed in cases of dense vegetation, while
a non-breaking undular jump occurred against the intermediate and
sparse vegetation. The inflow Froude number (Fr1) for formation of a
breaking undular jump was higher than Fr1 for a non-breaking undular
jump (Fig. 8). Therefore, the maximum energy loss due to a hydraulic
jump in the case of dense vegetation was larger (6.3%) than that in
cases of intermediate (1.7%) and sparse vegetation (1.4%). Effect of vegetation thickness on energy loss due to hydraulic

jump. Fig. 12c shows the relationship between the relative energy loss
due to a jump (ΔE2/y1) and vegetation thickness (dn = 180, 380, 580
(No. cm)) for three vegetation densities: (i) dense vegetation, G/d =
0.25, (ii) intermediate vegetation, G/d = 1.09, and (iii) sparse
vegetation, G/d = 2.13. Because JEC was observed for the last three
flow conditions of dense vegetation (Fig. 7), the remaining six flow
conditions were selected to make Fig. 12c-i with Fro = 0.66 having a
trend line and R2 value. However, for intermediate and sparse
vegetation conditions, five out of nine flow conditions were selected
to determine the effect of vegetation thickness on total energy loss with
Fro = 0.68 having a trend line and R2 value.

According to Fig. 7a, an undular hydraulic jump was formed for the
narrow vegetation (dn-180 No. cm). For vegetation thickness, dn-180
No. cm, the undular jump contributed to energy loss to a maximum of
5% in dense vegetation (Fig. 12c-i), 1.5% in intermediate vegetation
(Fig. 12c-ii), and 0% in sparse vegetation (Fig. 12c-iii). As the vegetation
thickness was increased to dn-380 No. cm, the energy loss due to the
hydraulic jump reached the maximum values of 6.3%, 1.7%, and 1.4% in
dense, intermediate, and sparse vegetation, respectively. However,
contrary to the previous phenomena, a further increase in the vegetation
thickness (dn-580 No. cm) resulted in less energy loss due to the
hydraulic jump i.e., 5.0%, 1.1%, and 0.2% maximum energy loss in
dense, intermediate, and sparse vegetation, respectively. For lower
values of the initial Froude number, the difference in energy loss due
to a change in vegetation thickness was small, but as the initial Froude
Fig. 11. Relative length of jump (LJ/y1) for three vegetation densities and initial Froude
number increased, the difference became prominent, especially in dense numbers: (a) dense vegetation (G/d = 0.25), (b) intermediate vegetation (G/d = 1.09),
and intermediate cases. Many textbooks (e.g., Chow, 1959) indicate a and (c) sparse vegetation (G/d = 2.13) where, dn has units of No. cm.
low energy loss due to an undular hydraulic jump. Also, Streeter and
Wylie (1979) specified that the fraction of energy dissipated by an
undular hydraulic jump is less than 5%. In the current study, except for a
few dense cases, the amount of energy dissipation was well below 5%.
3.3.3. Comparison of total energy loss and energy loss due to
For dn-580 No. cm, the width of the vegetation was so large that it
hydraulic jump
dissipated the maximum energy within the vegetation. When the flow
The energy reduction due to vegetation and a hydraulic jump was
reached the end of the vegetation, the maximum energy had been
explained separately in the previous sections, but it is important to
dissipated, and the inflow Froude number decreased too. Although the
quantify the contribution of energy loss due to a hydraulic jump to the
backwater rise was increased by increasing the vegetation thickness,
total energy loss. Thus, a comparison of total energy loss and energy
the water surface slope inside the vegetation decreased slightly with
loss due to a hydraulic jump is made in Table 3. Out of nine flow
increasing vegetation thickness as the width of vegetation also in-
conditions, the maximum values of both the total energy loss and
creases by increasing vegetation thickness. The drag coefficient at the
energy loss due to a hydraulic jump were used for the comparison in
back of dense vegetation (Fig. 9b) showed a low value for dn-580 No.
Table 3. In Table 3, the relative total energy loss (ΔE1/E1) is compared
cm compared to vegetation with dn-180 and dn-380 (No. cm). This
with the energy loss due to a hydraulic jump relative to y1 (ΔE2/y1) and
difference in drag coefficient decreased as the vegetation type changed
E1 (ΔE2/E1).
from dense to sparse (Fig. 9f). The length of the hydraulic jump also
In the case of dense vegetation (G/d = 0.25), the maximum
was greatest for dn-380 No. cm and least for dn-580 No. cm, as shown
contribution to energy loss by the hydraulic jump calculated in
in Fig. 11a, b, c. All the above-mentioned points suggest that the
terms of y 1, i.e., (ΔE2/y1 ) of the total energy loss (ΔE1 /E1) was
optimum value for vegetation thickness was dn-380 No. cm in the
around 13.2% against dn-380 No. cm, and was reduced to 12.3%
current experimental conditions.
and 9.4% for dn-180 No. cm and dn-580 No. cm, respectively

G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

Fig. 12. Relationship between relative energy loss due to hydraulic jump (ΔE2/y1) for (a) initial Froude number (Fro), (i) G/d = 0.25, (ii) G/d = 1.09, and (iii) G/d = 2.13, (b) vegetation
density (G/d) (i) dn = 180 No. cm, (ii) dn = 380 No. cm, and (iii) dn = 580 No. cm, and (c) vegetation thickness (dn), (i) G/d = 0.25, (ii) G/d = 1.09, and (iii) G/d = 2.13.

Table 3 The contribution of energy loss by a jump calculated in terms of E1

Comparison of relative total energy loss (ΔE1/E1) with energy loss due to hydraulic jump was much lower than calculated in terms of y1. The maximum effect of
relative to y1 (ΔE2/y1) and E1 (ΔE2/E1), plotted against maximum values among initial
ΔE2/E1 in ΔE1/E1 was 3.5% for dense vegetation with dn-180 (No. cm)
Froude numbers.
and was reduced to 3.0% and 2.1% for dn-380 No. cm and 580 No. cm,
G/d dn (No. cm) ΔE1/E1 ΔE2/y1 ΔE2/E1 respectively. However, the contribution of energy loss by a jump
relative to E1 in the total energy loss was very much smaller in the
0.25 179.21 37.0% 4.6% 1.3%
cases of intermediate and sparse vegetation, as the maximum con-
380.12 48.0% 6.3% 1.4%
581.05 52.1% 4.9% 1.1%
tributions were 1.5% and 1.2% in intermediate and dense vegetation
1.09 174.72 31.7% 1.4% 0.5% conditions against dn-180 and 380 (No. cm), respectively (Table 3).
390.85 42.3% 1.7% 0.5% The findings of current experimental study make it evident that
582.96 47.8% 1.1% 0.3% denser vegetation resulted in greater energy loss. However, it is difficult
2.13 179.36 28.1% 0.0% 0.0%
to construct dense vegetation in the field, and thus it is recommended
387.83 39.5% 1.4% 0.5%
580.27 44.8% 0.2% 0.1% to favor intermediate vegetation over sparse vegetation for dissipating
tsunami energy. Similarly, the wider vegetation, i.e., greater vegetation
thickness, leads to more total energy losses, but the contribution to
(Table 3). However, increasing the spacing between vegetation energy loss of a hydraulic jump relative to y1 to total energy loss was
cylinders reduced the intensity of the hydraulic jump, as was its not negligible, especially in intermediate (max. 4.4%) and dense
contribution in the total energy loss. The hydraulic jump that was vegetation (max. 13.2%), as can be seen in Table 3. Considering losses
formed downstream of the intermediate vegetation (G/d = 1.09) due to an undular hydraulic jump, the concept of designing vegetation
contributed to maximum energy losses of 4.4%, 4.1%, and 2.2% for mitigation that produces a hydraulic jump downstream can be
against dn-180, 380, and 580 (No. cm), respectively, whereas the utilized when available space is limited.
contribution to energy loss by a hydraulic jump in the case of sparse
vegetation (G/d = 2.13) was the least. In sparse vegetation, the 4. Conclusions
maximum contribution to energy loss by a jump relative to y 1 in
total energy loss was 3.5% against dn-380 No. cm, while the The flow structure around vegetation and the energy loss in a steady
contribution was reduced to 0.1% and 0.4%, for dn-180 No. cm subcritical flow (Froude number 0.55–0.75) through emergent vegeta-
and 580 No. cm, respectively (Table 3). tion were investigated experimentally in a water flume with variation in

G.A. Pasha, N. Tanaka Ocean Engineering 141 (2017) 308–325

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