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Number Bonds (10-20)

Learning Objective:
To know the number bonds for 10
and 20.
What are number bonds?
What are number bonds?
A good way to remember what number
bonds are is to think of number family.
What are number bonds?
A good way to remember what number
bonds are is to think of number family.
What are number bonds?
A good way to remember what number
bonds are is to think of number family.

Child Child Parents

What are number bonds?
A good way to remember what number
bonds are is to think of number family.

Child Child Parents

It's like a game. You have to add the 2

child numbers up to get the parents number.
Let's find the number bond for 10

? ? 10
Let's find the number bond for 10

? ? 10

For the first box, you can pick a number between

1 and 9.
Let's find the number bond for 10

1 ? 10

We are going to start off with 1.

Let's find the number bond for 10

1 ? 10

There are 2 ways to find out how to get the answer.

Whichever way you find easy, you can use.
Let's find the number bond for 10

1 ? 10

The first way is to use your fingers to count from

1 to 10. Work out the answer using your fingers.
Let's find the number bond for 10

1 ? 10

The answer you should have got is 9.

Let's find the number bond for 10

1 9 10

Your answer goes in the second box.

Let's find the number bond for 10

1 9 10

To make sure your correct, add 1 and 9 together.

Let's try some on our own
1) 2 ? 10

2) 3 ? 10

3) 4 ? 10

4) 5 ? 10
1) 2 8 10

2) 3 7 10

3) 4 6 10

4) 5 5 10
Working out the other answers
Working out the other answers
So we only went up to 5 in that exercise, this
is because 6,7,8 and 9 are easy to work out.
Working out the other answers
So we only went up to 5 in that exercise, this
is because 6,7,8 and 9 are easy to work out.

Take this example:

2 8 10
Working out the other answers
So we only went up to 5 in that exercise, this
is because 6,7,8 and 9 are easy to work out.

Take this example:

2 8 10

All you have to do it swap the red and the

green box.
Working out the other answers
So we only went up to 5 in that exercise, this
is because 6,7,8 and 9 are easy to work out.

Take this example:

8 10 2

All you have to do it swap the red and the

green box.
Working out the other answers
So we only went up to 5 in that exercise, this
is because 6,7,8 and 9 are easy to work out.

Take this example:

8 10 2

All you have to do it swap the red and the

green box.
Working out the other answers
So we only went up to 5 in that exercise, this
is because 6,7,8 and 9 are easy to work out.

Take this example:

8 2 10

All you have to do it swap the red and the

green box.
Working out the other answers

8 2 10

So all you have to do is work out 1-5 and

then 6-9 is easy to work out.
Let's try some on our own
1) 6 ? 10

2) 7 ? 10

3) 8 ? 10

4) 8 ? 10
1) 6 4 10

2) 7 3 10

3) 8 2 10

4) 8 1 10
Working out number bonds to 20
Working out number bonds to 20
This process is really easy now you have
learnt number bonds to 10.
Working out number bonds to 20
This process is really easy now you have
learnt number bonds to 10.

This is what you can do:

Working out number bonds to 20
This process is really easy now you have
learnt number bonds to 10.

This is what you can do:

6 4 10
Working out number bonds to 20
This process is really easy now you have
learnt number bonds to 10.

This is what you can do:

Firstly, we change the blue

4 20 box from 10 to 20.
Working out number bonds to 20
This process is really easy now you have
learnt number bonds to 10.

This is what you can do:

Secondly, in this example, the

question wants you to work out
6 4 20 16+ ? = 20.
Working out number bonds to 20
This process is really easy now you have
learnt number bonds to 10.

This is what you can do:

All you need to do is add a 1

4 20 in front of this 6. So it makes 16.
Working out number bonds to 20
This process is really easy now you have
learnt number bonds to 10.

This is what you can do:

Now work it out. Does 16+4=20?

16 4 20
Working out number bonds to 20
This process is really easy now you have
learnt number bonds to 10.

This is what you can do:

Yes it does. And thats how you

4 20 work out number bonds to 20.
In your books, write down:

• A number bond of 10
In your books, write down:

• A number bond of 10
• A number bond of 20
In your books, write down:

• A number bond of 10
• A number bond of 20

Turn to your learning objective:

In your books, write down:

• A number bond of 10
• A number bond of 20

Turn to your learning objective:

• RAG your work (red,amber or green)
Thank you for using my lesson.
Created by: coolteacher2276

To find more of my lessons, on slideshare.

Subjects I do are: English, Maths, Biology,

Chemistry, Physics, History, Drama and Art.

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