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Theory – set of concepts to explain a phenomenon Paradigm – pattern

4 Paradigms of Nursing

 Person - Most important because knowing the client will make your nursing care individualized, holistic,

ethical, and humane.

 Health

 Environment

 Nursing

Concepts of Man

 Man is a bio-psychosocial and spiritual being who is in constant contact with the environment.

 Man is an open system in constant interaction with a changing environment.

 Man is a unified whole composed of parts, which are interdependent and interrelated with each other.

 Man is composed of parts, which are greater than and different from the sum of all his parts.

 Simply saying, you cannot remove 1 system from man.

 Man is composed of subsystems and suprasystems.

 Subsystem (within) Example: biological, psychological, emotional.

 Suprasystem (outside) Example: Family, community, population

Florence Nightingale

 Act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery.

NCM 103
Sister Callista Roy

 Theoretical system of knowledge that prescribes a process of analysis and action related to the care of the

ill person.

Martha Rogers

 Nursing is a humanistic science dedicated to the compassionate concern with maintaining and promoting

health and preventing illness and caring for and rehabilitating the sick and disabled.

 Levels of prevention

 Primary – Health promotion and disease prevention

 Secondary – Treatment, curative

 Tertiary – Rehabilitation

Dorothea Orem (Self-care and Self-care deficit theory)

 Helping or assisting service to persons who are wholly or partly dependent, when they, their parents and

guardians, or other adults responsible for their care are no longer able to give or supervise their care.

 i.e. – completely assisted, partially assisted, and self-assisted.

ANA (American Nurses Association)

 Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and

injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and advocacy in the care of individuals, families,

communities, and populations (2003).

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs

 Self-actualization

 Self-esteem

 Love and belongingness

 Safety and Security

 Being free from harm or danger

 2 forms: Physical safety (free from physical harm) and Psychological safety (explaining the

procedure to the patient)

NCM 103
 Physiologic (priority) Faye Abdellah

 If all the needs are within the physiologic  Typology of 21 Nursing problems

level  Patient-centered approach

 High Priority needs – (life threatening  The client’s needs are the basis of the

needs) Airway, Breathing, Circulation nursing problems

 Medium priority needs – (Health Lydia Hall

threatening needs) Elimination,  3 C’s:

Nutrition, Comfort, 1. Core (therapeutic use of self) – Patient

 Low Priority needs – (Person’s 2. Care (nursing function) – Nurse

developmental needs) 3. Cure (medical) – Doctor

Jean Watson

 Human Caring Theory

 Caring is an innate characteristic of every
Florence Nightingale
 Environment Theory
 10 Carative factors
 May 12, 1830 – August 13, 1910
Ida Jean Orlando-Pelletier
 Environmental sanitation
 Dynamic Nurse-Patient Relationship Model
Hildegard Peplau
 Nursing Process Theory
 Psychodynamic Theory of Nursing
 Nursing as a process involved in
 Interpersonal Process
interacting with an ill individual to meet
 Phases of Nurse-patient relationship:
an immediate need.
1. Orientation (client seeks)
 Four Practices Basic to Nursing
2. Identification (independence,
 Observation, reporting, recording, and
3. Exploitation (accept service of nurse)
Madeleine Leininger
4. Resolution
 Transcultural Theory of Nursing
Virginia Henderson
Myra Levine
 14 Fundamental needs of the person
 4 Principles of Conservation
NCM 103
1. Conservation of energy  Unitary man is an energy field in constant

2. Conservation of structural integrity of the interaction with the environment.

body Imogene King

3. Conservation of personal integrity  Goal Attainment Theory

4. Conservation of social integrity  Interacting systems framework

Sister Callista Roy  Nurses purposefully interact with the patient

 Adaptation Model and mutually set the goal, explore, and agree

 Individuals cope through biophysical social to means to achieve the goals.

adaptation Betty Neuman

 4 mode of adaptation  Total Person Model

 Role function, interdependence,  3 types of stressors: intra-personal, extra

physiological, self-concept personal, interpersonal

Dorothea Orem  Primary, secondary, tertiary levels of

 Self-care and Self-care Deficit Theory prevention

 Universal self-care requirement (nutrition,  The goal of nursing is to assist individual

oxygenation), developmental self-care families and groups in attaining and

requirement (developmental tasks), health maintaining a maximal level of total wellness

care deviation self-care requirement by purposeful interventions.

 3 Nursing systems: wholly compensatory Parse

,partially compensatory, supportive-  Theory of Human Becoming

educative compensatory  emphasizes how individual chose and bear

Dorothy Johnson responsibility for patterns of personal health

 Behavioral Systems Theory Patricia Benner

 Man is composed of subsystems and these  Novice – Expert Theory

systems exist in dynamic stability.  Stage 1: Novice

Martha Rogers  Stage 2: Advance beginner

 Science of Unitary Human Being  Stage 3: Competent (2-3 years)

 Stage 4: Proficient (3-5 years)

NCM 103
 Stage 5: Expert  COMpetence

 Skills acquisition  Presence of Prayer, Open mindedness,

Joyce Travelbee Stimulation, Understanding, Respect,

 Human to Human Relationship Relaxation, Empathy

Ernestein Weidenbach Mila Delia Llanes

 Clinical Nursing: A Helping Art  Conceptual model on Core Competency

Nola Pender Development

 Health Promotion Model Ma. Irma Bustamante

 The effects of the Nursing Self-Esteem

Enhancement (NurSe) Program to the Self-

THEORISTS Esteem of Filipino Abused Women

Sr. Letty Kuan

Carmencita Abaquin
 Retirement and Role Discontinuity
 Chairman of Board of Nursing

 PREPARE ME intervention
St. Elizabeth of Hungary - Patroness of nurses
 P – presence which in
St. Catherine of Siena – The 1st lady with the
 RE – reminisce therapy
 P - prayer
Clara Barton – Founder of American Red
 Re - relaxation
 ME – medication Fabiola – Wealthy Matron who donated her
Sr. Caroline Agravante wealth to build a hospital the Christian world
 The CASAGRA Transformative Leadership T. Fliedner – Founder of the first organized
model school of nursing
 5 C’s for Transformational leadership: Rose Nicolet – Helped establish the first
creative, caring, critical, contemplative, school of nursing in the Philippines
collegial Lilian Wald – Founder of Public Health
Carmelita Divinagracia Nursin
 COMPOSURE Behavior for wellness

NCM 103

General Instruction: Please answer all the questions/statements based on your readings, lectures, and notes.
Please support your answer by citing references. DO NOT COPY YOUR CLASSMATES’ WORK!
Write it on a short bond paper. Submit your work on Friday, January 22, 2021 not later than 1pm and put
it under Maam Jham’s table. Late submission will not be accepted. Good luck!

1. Make a research about the following:

 Historical Development of Nursing

 History of Nursing in the Philippines

NCM 103

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