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Exercise 1

Complete these sentences. Each time use the comparative form of one of the
following adjectives or adverbs.

Crowded Early Easily Expensive Interested

Often Quiet Thin Large Near

1) This jacket is too small. I need a……larger……..size.

2) You look……thinner………..Have you lost weight?

3) He’s not so keen on his studies. He’s………more interested……in having a

good time.

4) You will find your way around the town……more easily……….if you have a

5) You’re making too much noise. Can you be a bit…………quieter……?

6) There were a lot of people on the bus. It was………more crowded………than


7) You’re late. I expected you to be here…………earlier………..

8) You hardly ever write to me. Why don’t you write a bit…more often………?

9) The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be much………more


10) It’s a pity you live so far away. I wish you lived………nearer………..

S + tobe + much/far/five times/ten times + more Adj ( dai van) + than ……

I am much more fantastic than her

S + tobe + much/far/five times/ten times + Adj ( ngan van) + er + than ……

She is far taller than me

Exercise 2
Complete these sentences. Use the comparative of the words in brackets.

1) Her illness was (serious)… more serious than …..we at first thought.

2) Sorry, I’m late. It took me (long)…longer…………to get there than I expected.

3) My toothache is (painful)…more painful than………… was yesterday.

4) She looks about 20, but in fact she’s much (old) …older than…………she

5) The problem is not so complicated. It’s (simple) 16…more simple

than………….you think.

6) Your English has improved. You speak a lot (fluently)…more fluently

than…………you did when we last met.

7) Health and happiness are (important)…more important……..than money.

8) We always go camping when we go on holiday. It’s much (cheap)…19

Cheaper than .staying in a hotel.

9) I like the countryside. It’s (healthy) …healthier……….and (peaceful)…more

peaceful than ………….living in a town.

10) The examination was (easy)…easier than…..we expected.

Exercise 3
Complete these sentences. Use the comparative of the words in brackets.

1) It’s (a little / warm) …a little warmer………….. today than it was yesterday.

2) You’re driving too fast. Can you drive (a bit / slowly)…a bit more

3) A: Did you enjoy your visit to the museum?

B: Yes, I found it (far / interesting)…far more interesting than……..I expected.

4) I prefer this armchair. It’s (much / comfortable)…much more

comfortable…………..the other one.

5) You looked depressed this morning but you look (a bit /  happy)…

6) The flat is too small for me. I need something (much / big)5……………….

7) It’s (a lot / easy)…25……………to learn a foreign language in the country

where it is spoken.

8) Her illness was (far / serious)…35……………we at first thought.

9) Ann works (much / hard)…18…………most of her friends.

10) Don’t go by train. It’s (a lot / expensive)…38……………..

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