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Development of a Mouse Model of Supraspinatus Tendon Insertion

Site Healing
Rebecca Bell,1 Peter Taub,2 Paul Cagle,1 Evan L. Flatow,1 Nelly Andarawis-Puri1
Leni and Peter W. May Department of Orthopaedics, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York 10029, New York, 2Division of
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Mount Sinai, New York, New York
Received 7 April 2014; accepted 8 August 2014
Published online 18 September 2014 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/jor.22727

ABSTRACT: Supraspinatus (SS) tendon tears are common musculoskeletal injuries whose surgical repair exhibits the highest incidence
of re-tear of any tendon. Development of therapeutics for improving SS tendon healing is impaired by the lack of a model that allows
biological perturbations to identify mechanisms that underlie ineffective healing. The objective of this study was to develop a mouse
model of supraspinatus insertion site healing by creating a reproducible SS tendon detachment and surgical repair which can be
applied to a wide array of inbred mouse strains and genetic mutants. Anatomical and structural analyses confirmed that the rotator
cuff of the mouse is similar to that of human, including the presence of a coracoacromial (CA) arch and an insertion site that exhibits a
fibrocartilagenous transition zone. The surgical repair was successfully conducted on seven strains of mice that are commonly used in
Orthopaedic Research suggesting that the procedure can be applied to most inbred strains and genetic mutants. The quality of the
repair was confirmed with histology through 14 days after surgery in two mouse strains that represent the variation in mouse strains
evaluated. The developed mouse model will allow us to investigate mechanisms involved in insertion site healing. ß 2014 Orthopaedic
Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 33:25–32, 2015.

Keywords: supraspinatus healing; tendon repair; murine; rotator cuff

Rotator cuff function and stability is achieved through manipulations to identify biological mechanisms that
the cooperative role of several musculotendinous com- underlie the ineffective SS tendon insertion site healing.
ponents which regularly subject the supraspinatus While mouse models have been used to examine
(SS) tendon to high and complex loads. Consequently, degeneration associated with 2–3 rotator cuff tendon
tendon tears affect over 20% of the general population tears without repair15 and defect fill-in of larger or more
and up to 55% of the population over the age of 60.1–5 readily accessible tendons such as the Achilles, flexor
It is likely that the complex loading environment of digitorum longus (FDL) and patellar tendons,16,17 there
the rotator cuff that led to development of the SS are no mouse models that exist to investigate insertion
tendon tear also impedes healing and is responsible site healing in the context of the complex rotator cuff
for its highest re-tear rate of any repaired tendon with loading environment. Therefore, the objective of this
an incidence of 20–90%.6,7 Both intrinsic factors, such study is to develop a mouse model of supraspinatus
as aging and hypovascularity, and extrinsic factors, insertion site healing by utilizing microsurgical methods
such as repetitive impingement by the coracoacromial to create a reproducible supraspinatus detachment and
(CA) arch have been implicated as contributors to the surgical repair which can be ultimately applied to a
development of the degenerative environment and the wide array of inbred mouse strains and genetic
high incidence of SS tendon re-tear. mutants. In addition, as the mouse possesses a CA
Development of rotator cuff surgical repair models arch, the surgical repair model can be coupled with
in sheep, canine, and rat have provided insight into downhill treadmill running to investigate mechanisms
the role of complex loading in the shoulder on degener- of supraspinatus insertion healing in the clinically
ation and healing. Large animals, such as sheep and relevant chronically degenerated environment.
canine, have been used to evaluate surgical techniques
as their size allows for use of similar approaches and METHODS
techniques as those used in humans.8–10 Despite its To determine the potential scope of applicability of the
small size, the similar anatomy between the rat and surgical methods in all mice, the techniques were evaluated
the human, including the presence of a CA arch that on a representative set of mouse strains that are commonly
encloses the SS tendon, has made this model particu- used in orthopaedics. More specifically, the techniques were
larly conducive for investigation of the role of extrinsic evaluated on “wild types” (C57Bl6 and C3H), strains used to
factors in healing.11,12 In addition, using the rat model investigate arthritis (Balb/c18–20 and DBA1/J21), strains that
exhibit increased joint laxity (A/J22), and strains used to
has provided valuable data regarding correlations
investigate healing (MRL/MpJ23 and NOD/ShiLtJ24).
between biomechanical changes and injury or altered
loading.13,14 While insightful, development of effective Anatomical Measurements
therapeutics for improving SS tendon healing is The purpose of these measurements was twofold. First, we
impaired by the lack of a model that allows genetic wanted to confirm that the mouse and human exhibited an
anatomically similar rotator cuff, a structurally similar SS
tendon insertion, and a similar anatomical relationship
Correspondence to: Nelly Andarawis-Puri (T: 212-241-1625; F: between the CA arch and SS tendon during daily motion.
212-876-3168; E-mail: For this analysis, the fibrocartilage region was assessed in
# 2014 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. toluidine blue stained sections (n ¼ 6 C57Bl6), and the



Figure 1. Human (A) supraspinatus insertion27 site showing the transition from tendon (T) to fibrocartilage (FC) to mineralized
fibrocartilage with the tidemark (TM). Similar structure is observed through the transition from tendon to bone in the mouse (B).

structure was compared to human sections from the litera- Second, we wanted to determine the range in anatomical
ture (Fig. 1).25–28 In addition, the relationship between the measurements among the mouse strains for which our
SS tendon and the CA arch at different arm positions was techniques are expected to be effective. For this analysis, a
determined in a cadaver mouse by placing a radiopaque wire total of three 11–16 week-old male mice per strain (C57Bl6,
into the insertion site of the supraspinatus perpendicular to MRL/MpJ, DBA1/J, C3H, NOD, A/J, Balb/c, The Jackson
the tendon. Radiographs were captured at full flexion Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME) were sacrificed, and the
(Fig. 2A), at neutral position (Fig. 2B), and at extension construct consisting of the humerus, scapula, and the four
(Fig. 2C). At full flexion, the insertion site (red arrow) is attached rotator cuff musculotendinous units (Fig. 3A) was
more medial than the arch (yellow arrow) and moves isolated. The bony anatomy and the CA arch were visually
laterally as the arm is extended, as occurs through the confirmed to be similar to human in all strains (Fig. 3B).
transition from full abduction to neutral position in humans. For comparisons across mouse strains, ImageJ was used
As the arm travels to extension, the insertion site moves on high resolution images to measure and average the width
under the arch to a more lateral position. Overhead motion of the SS tendon at three locations starting immediately
in humans, as in overhead reaching and swimming can lead medial to the humeral head and continuing every 0.5 mm
to impingement of the SS tendon by the CA arch. Similarly, along the length with the portion located under the arch as
the mouse is required to use full flexion daily with SS tendon the last measurement. As the ability of the humeral head to
impingement likely occurring by the CA arch while reaching accommodate a bone tunnel is essential to success of the SS
for food and while in full flexion during downhill motion. tendon repair, the bone density was measured for each of the

Figure 2. Radiographs (A–C) and corresponding images of mouse walking (D–F) at full flexion (A, D), neutral (B, E) and extension
(C, F). Yellow arrow indicates CA arch and red arrow indicates radiopaque marker of the insertion site of the supraspinatus tendon.



Figure 3. Anatomy of Mouse Rotator Cuff showing (A) humerus with four attached RC musculotendinous units and (B) needle passed
through CA arch.

strains using ImageJ on X-ray images acquired at 50 kVp for assess the reliability and reproducibility of the surgical
1.5 min. An aluminum step wedge was used to quantify the techniques, in addition to the 40 mice that were specifically
gray values for each humeral head and the bone density was dedicated for this study, an additional 94 mice that were
reported in millimeter of aluminum equivalent.29 Using the allotted for other studies, were included for assessment of
aluminum wedge, the sensitivity of the measurement was the initial success of the surgery (Table 1). At 14 days after
0.05 mm. surgery, the surgery was deemed successful if the tendon
remained securely attached to the humeral head with
histological confirmation that tension was maintained with
Surgical Procedure
no gapping between the tendon and the bone. Accordingly,
Mice were positioned in a right lateral decubitus position.
with IACUC approval, survival surgeries were conducted for
The incision was made starting just above the elbow of the
evaluation at 14 days in C57Bl6 (n ¼ 10) and MRL/MpJ
forepaw and directed posterior and inferior to the ear.
(n ¼ 6) mice. Additional C57Bl6 (n ¼ 3) mice were also
Subcutaneous flaps were mobilized with blunt dissection
analyzed 7 days after surgery.
until deltoid was identified with the overlying vasculature
identifying the borders of the muscle (Fig. 4A). The deltoid
was released with sharp dissecting scissors, first along the Tolerance to Surgical Procedures
posterior border and then just distal to the vessel (Fig. 4B). To assess the ability of the mice to tolerate the surgery, the
The humerus was then grasped for stability just distal to the mice were monitored daily by evaluating their grooming as
head. It was adducted and externally rotated to visualize well as their use of the injured arm. Animal weights were
the CA arch. Blunt dissection between the humeral head and measured weekly to confirm that the animals did not suffer
the CA arch was used to visualize the rotator cuff (Fig. 4D). from a loss of appetite (weight loss) or diminished activity
A 7-0 PDS suture with BV-1 needle was placed in a figure-of- (weight gain). As weakness and pain is expected to be
eight fashion through the SS tendon (Fig. 4E and F), and the manifested in gait changes, a subset (n ¼ 8 C57Bl6) of mice
tendon was sharply released with a micro-scalpel (Fig. 4G). were further analyzed by assessing their gait prior to surgery
Full mobility of the tendon was confirmed and debridement and 4, 7, 10, and 14 days post-surgery. For gait assessment,
of the insertion site performed. With the humerus stabilized, mice walked at 10 cm/s for 5 s on a DigiGait system (Mouse
the BV-1 needle of a 7-0 PDS suture was used to create a Specifics Inc., Quincy, MA). Paw area (cm2), shared stance
tunnel within the bone of the humeral head transversely (%), stride length (cm), and stance width (cm) were measured
from posterior to anterior (Fig. 4H). The entrance of the bone (Fig. 5). Paw area, the area recorded at peak stance, has
tunnel was done at the insertion site of the supraspinatus been shown to be reduced with chronic pain.29 Shared stance,
avoiding the infraspinatus (IS) tendon and the exit avoided the percent of stance that the hind paws contact the belt at
the subscapularis (Fig. 4I). The suture was ligated, bringing the same time, is indicative of weakness.30 Stance width, the
the tendon back down to its original insertion site (Fig. 4J, width between the centroid of each front paw, is indicative of
K, and L). The deltoid was reflected back over the humerus the ability of the animal to load the limb.
and the skin incision closed with running 6–0 prolene
sutures. Buprenex was administered post-surgery and every Biomechanics
12 h for the next 48 h. A total of six C57Bl6 mice were sacrificed 14 days post-
surgery with the humerus and SS tendon construct dissected
Surgical Evaluation out of the injured limb as well as the contralateral limb. The
Metrics of surgical success were defined to assess success at humerus was potted in PMMA and the supraspinatus was
the time of surgery as well as at 14 days postoperatively. At gripped with custom grips at gauge length of 3 mm. The
the time of surgery, the procedure was deemed successful if humerus was held at a 30˚ angle with the supraspinatus
the tendon was properly returned to its insertion site with no being parallel to the actuator. A preload of 0.05 N was held
major complication (i.e., bone breaking, tendon tearing). To for a minute prior to the ramp to failure at 1%/s (0.03 mm/s).



Figure 4. Vascular landmarks (A) to identify the lateral proximal deltoid to guide deltoid detachment (B and C). Exposure of the
supraspinatus (SS) tendon (seen between the scissor blades) (D). Passage of a suture through the distal SS tendon (E and F), without
damaging the subscapularis tendon (Sub). Reattachment of the SS tendon to the humerus (J, K, and L).

The maximum force, displacement at maximum force, stiff- 200 mm. The sections were then polished down to 100 mm and
ness, and failure location were recorded for both injured and stained using Toluidine Blue to observe the morphology of
contralateral limbs. the tissue at the different timepoints. Killian et al.31 previ-
ously determined the gap size to correlate with the strength
Histology of the repair. The gap size has been previously measured
C57Bl6 mice were sacrificed either at day 0, 7 days or during gross dissection by measuring the distance from the
14 days (n ¼ 3/timepoint) post-surgery. After sacrifice, the tendon to the humeral head during tissue harvest. Due to
construct consisting of the humerus, scapula, the four the small size of the mouse, gross gaps were not visibly
attached rotator cuff musculotendinous units, and CA arch obvious at the time of dissection, motivating measurement of
was dissected, embedded in plastic, and then sectioned at the gap from the location of the surgical holes seen in the



Table 1. Surgical Repair Was Deemed Successful at Day 0 if the Tendon Was Properly Returned to its Insertion Site
With No Major Complication

Feasibility of
Anatomical Surgical Procedures Across Success of Surgical Success of
Assessment Representative Strains (Day 0) Reattachment (Day 0) Survival Surgeries
N¼ 3/strain ¼ 21# 3/strain ¼ 21# (19&, 21#, 94 ) ¼ 134 19&
Outcome NA 20/21 130/134 19/19
Surgical repair was deemed successful in survival surgeries if the tendon remained securely attached to the humeral head with
histological confirmation of no gapping between the tendon and the bone. “ ” denotes that 94 of those mice were used for other studies.
A shared common symbol (“#”, “&”) indicates that the same animals were used.

histological sections. The suture hole was identified in each Measurements of millimeter aluminum equivalents
of the surgical repair specimens. The distance between the (mmAl) values showed that MRL/MpJ humeral head
suture hole and humeral head was recorded. We considered was denser than that of A/J (significant) and NOD/
the distance at day 0 to represent a successful repair and ShiLtJ (trend) (Fig. 6).
compared the values from 7 days and 14 days to day 0 to
assess any gapping of the repair site. Tolerance to Surgical Procedures
At time of surgery, 130 of 134 (97%) supraspinatus
Statistical Analysis
surgical repairs were deemed successful with the four
For anatomical measurements, a Kruskal–Wallis test was
used with a Dunn’s post-test to determine differences
between the strains of mice evaluated. A repeated-measures
ANOVA with Bonferroni’s post-test comparing each time Table 2. Animal Weights and Tendon Widths for the
point to baseline was used for gait analysis to determine Seven Mouse Strains Evaluated
when the animals return to baseline indicating normal gait.
A paired t-test was used to compare the biomechanical Strain Weight (g) Tendon Width (mm)
parameters for the injured tendons. Significance, denoted by
“ ” was set at p < 0.05, and a trend, denoted by “#”, was set C57Bl6 29.1  0.4 1.02  0.11
at p < 0.10. C3H 30.2  2.4 1.07  0.18
Balb/c 28.2  1.2 0.96  0.11
RESULTS DBA1/J 24.9  1.3 1.13  0.06
Anatomical Measurements A/J 26.3  2.4# 1.00  0.14
Comparisons between the seven mouse strains that MRL/MpJ 45.4  3.9 ,# 0.93  0.08
were evaluated confirmed that all possessed the same NOD/ShiLtJ 27.9  0.8 1.06  0.34
vascular landmarks allowing the surgical methods A shared “ ” or “#” indicates a significant difference or trend
developed to be directly applicable to all the strains between the two groups respectively.
evaluated. Further dissection confirmed that all the
mouse strains evaluated possessed a CA arch that
passes over the supraspinatus insertion site when the
humerus is in full flexion as occurs in humans during
overhead activities.11 There was significant difference
(p ¼ 0.016) in weights between mouse strains with the
MRL/MpJ strain being significantly higher than the
DBA1/J strain (Table 2). No significant difference was
found in the tendon width between the seven strains
(p ¼ 0.618).

Figure 6. Relative bone density measurements deduced from

Figure 5. Gait Analysis. Square indicates paw area (cm2). gray values of the humeral head for each strain of mouse. The
Dashed line indicates stride length (cm) and solid line indicates region enclosed by the yellow circle indicates the location of the
stance width (cm). gray value measurements.



Figure 7. Gait Analysis. The surgery had no effect on (A) stance width of the front paws, (B) shared stance of the hind paws, and (D)
paw area of the injured front paw. (C) Stride length of the injured front paw was reduced but modulated to pre-injury levels by
14 days.

failures that occurred being attributable to broken Histological Assessment

humeral heads (Table 1). At 14 days post-surgery, histological assessment con-
Gross observations of mice undergoing the survival firmed that the surgeries on all 10 C57Bl6 and 6 MRL/
surgeries confirmed that the surgery was well tolerat- MpJ, the SS tendon remained attached at the inser-
ed and that the mice resumed normal behavior within tion site with no gapping (Fig. 8), as well as the 3
12 h after the surgery. There were no significant C57Bl6 at 7 days. The no gapping was confirmed by
weight changes with all mice maintaining weights the distance from the suture hole to the humeral head.
that were within 10% of the pre-surgery weight. The The day 0 distance 262.7  20.7 mm, 7 days distance of
mice appeared well-groomed and continued normal 297.8  33.3 mm and the 14 days distance of 242.3 
cage activity throughout the study. 19.3 mm.
Gait analysis mostly confirmed the gross analysis.
No significant changes in paw area, stance width, and DISCUSSION
shared stance were found between pre-surgical mea- We have developed a mouse model of SS tendon
sure and at any time point evaluated post-surgery. insertion healing through surgical detachment and
Stride length was significantly reduced at 4 and reattachment in the context of the complex rotator cuff
7 days post-surgery but was modulated towards pre- loading environment. Despite anatomical similarities
surgical levels by 10 days with no measurable differ- between the mouse and human, the small size of the
ences by 14 days (Fig. 7C). mouse has previously been an obstacle to investigating
supraspinatus insertion healing, although studies that
Biomechanical Assessment investigate degeneration associated with unrepaired
At the time of dissections, the tendon was visibly detachment of two or three rotator cuff tendons have
attached to the bone with suture with no signs of
gapping in all samples. There were significant
Table 3. Biomechanical Evaluation of Injured Tendon
decreases in maximum load and stiffness and an
14 Days Post Surgrey Compared to its Contralateral
increase (trend) in displacement at maximum load
(Table 3) for the injured samples compared to the Max. Stiffness Disp. at Max.
contralaterals. The failure location for all of the Load (N) (N/mm) Load (mm)
contralateral tendons occurred in the midsubstance,
whereas the injured tendons all failed at the repair Injured 0.45  0.14 0.39  0.09 2.15  0.99
site. Contralateral 1.22  0.52 2.37  1.6 0.95  0.59



of re-tear. Interestingly, SS tendon re-tear rates are

the highest of all tendon repairs, likely reflecting the
particularly complex loading environment that is
specific to the rotator cuff.
Studies in rat SS tendon, utilizing downhill (10˚)
treadmill running (17 m/min for 1 h/day, 5 days/week)
have reported increased cellularity, loss of tenocyte
morphology, decreased material properties, and in-
creased cross sectional area over time.11,12 Interesting-
ly, a similar 6-week uphill running protocol induced
healthy adaptation in the Achilles tendon, likely
because of their different mechanical environments
and the repetitive impingement that is common to the
SS tendon.36 The presence of a CA arch in the mouse
that passes over the supraspinatus insertion site in
full flexion suggests that similar to the rat model, our
developed surgical repair model in the mouse can be
coupled with downhill treadmill running that induces
degeneration, to investigate healing in chronically
degenerated tendons.
There are several limitations associated with this
mouse model of SS tendon surgical repair. We evaluat-
Figure 8. Histological assessment of the repaired supraspina- ed our surgical techniques on seven commonly used
tus tendon. The naı̈ve structure in (A). The tendon was returned
back to the insertion site at (B) day 0. The tendon remained mouse strains that we expect to be representative of
attached with no gapping at (C) 7 days and (D) 14 days post- the majority of inbred strains and mutants. We chose
to conduct survival surgeries on C57Bl6 and MRL/
been successfully conducted.15 The present study MpJ mice because C57Bl6 is one of the most commonly
focused on feasibility of a novel technique that may be used “wild type” mice, and MRL/MpJ exhibits starkly
used for a wide array of mice. The potential applica- different properties from other commonly used mouse
tions of this model with any of the widely available strains as it is heavier and exhibits higher bone
mouse strains and genetic mutants may be used to density. As C57Bl6 and MRL/MpJ mice are expected
investigate the countless biological mechanisms that to represent the widest range of possible variation
underlie supraspinatus insertion healing. They will between mouse strains evaluated, we expect that these
also be integral to development of effective therapeu- findings can be extended to the remaining mouse
tics to reduce the particularly high rate of injury and strains evaluated. While it is reasonable to expect that
re-tear of SS tendons. We have shown that the our methods can extend to mouse strains and mutants
procedure is reproducible and have confirmed histolog- beyond the ones evaluated in this study, it is likely
ically the reattachment of the tendon at its proper that the incidence of success of our surgical techniques
insertion site. We have also shown the feasibility of would diminish in mouse mutants where the bone
biomechanical assessment of the SS tendon at 14 days density is significantly decreased or the tendon mor-
post-surgery when the healing tissue is weak and phology is extremely altered. Similarly, coupling our
disorganized presenting a challenge to isolation and surgical methods with downhill treadmill running is
gripping for mechanical testing. expected to induce degeneration due to CA arch
Adult mouse mutants have been used to investigate impingement, as long the morphology of the CA arch
the role of ECM proteins, such as decorin and bigly- is not altered by the genetic mutation. To overcome an
can, to tendon function.33–35 Mouse mutants have also inherent limitation of simulating the clinically com-
been used to investigate mechanisms of tendon defect mon chronic environment prior to introducing the
healing in injury models, such as central third full surgical laceration and repair, collagenase injections
length defect,17 midsubstance biopsy punch in patellar may be necessary if downhill treadmill running is
tendons, and FDL transection.16 However, no models ineffective in inducing degeneration due to an altered
exist that utilize mouse mutants to investigate mecha- arch. Future studies will combine treadmill running or
nisms that can be modulated to improve the clinically collagenase injections prior to supraspinatus lacera-
relevant healing after repair of supraspinatus inser- tion and repair to investigate supraspinatus insertion
tion. The structural gradient in the tendon insertion healing in a chronically degenerated environment.
site into the bone is essential to normal function as it We have developed a mouse model of SS tendon
allows for a gradual transition between two tissues detachment and repair to investigate biomechanical
with highly disparate properties. Surgically reattached mechanisms that are responsible for the clinically
tendons do not effectively restore this structural gradi- observed poor supraspinatus insertion healing. The
ent, predisposing the healing insertion to a high risk potential applications of this model include testing



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