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National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Department of Civil and Construction Engineering

Intelligent Urban Water Management

Final Report on

Low Impact Development at NTUST Campus

By Group 1

Team members

Name ID No
1. Sintayehu Assefa D10805806
2. Do Ngoc Duy M10805835
3. Musa Elijah Dlamini M10805807
4. SHIH, JIWEI M10805401
5. Joram Mburu D10805812

Professor: Chia-Chun Ho
1. Introduction
1.1. Project Area
The National Taiwan University of Science and Technology was founded on
August 1, 1974, as the National Taiwan Institute of Technology (NTIT). It was the
first higher education institution of its kind within our nation's technical and
vocational education system. In 1979 and 1982, NTIT added master's and doctoral
programs, respectively and on August 1, 1997, NTIT was upgraded to university
status and changed its name to the “National Taiwan University of Science and
Technology," also known as “Taiwan Tech.” At that time, the school reorganized
itself into the five colleges.

Taiwan Tech has five campuses: the main Taipei campus and branch
campuses at Tu-Cheng, Keelung, Gong-Guan, and Chupei. The main campus,
situated in a district of Taipei with convenient transportation and beautiful
surroundings, covers an area of about 10 hectares [1]. Inside the campus, there are
Class Rooms, Student dormitories, sporting fields, laboratory and office buildings,
Administrative buildings, green and open areas, and the other facilities. This campus
is situated near to a mountain, which is the reason high rainfall intensity.

In this campus there are few LID facilities and some green areas. The roads
are more of impermeable. As we found from some sources and we tried to see the
campus, the soil permeability is very weak. The weak permeability of soil in addition
to less number of LID facilities, the campus is prone to flooding.

1.2. Motivation
During our study of this course, we have learned so many LID facilities, tried
to realize Low impact development in other countries and institutions. In addition,
we visited well developed LID facilities which change the situation of areas. While
studying and living at NTUST, we tried to realize shortage and poor management of
LID facilities and flooding around the campus. So the team members are motivated

 Select most suitable and efficient LID facilities for the campus

 Design the capacity of LID facilities to make the campus more eco-
 To estimate the cost required to modify the campus

2. Literature Review
2.1. Low Impact Development
The term low impact development (LID) refers to systems and practices that
use or mimic natural processes that result in the infiltration, evapotranspiration or use
of stormwater in order to protect water quality and associated aquatic habitat [2].
LID employs principles such as preserving and recreating natural landscape features,
minimizing effective imperviousness to create functional and appealing site drainage
that treat stormwater as a resource rather than a waste product. There are many
practices that have been used to adhere to these principles such as bioretention
facilities, rain gardens, tree boxes, vegetated rooftops, rain barrels and permeable

2.1.1. Vegetative Strip

A vegetative strip is an area designed to remove suspended solids and other
pollutants from stormwater runoff flowing through a length of vegetation called a
vegetated filter strip and it may range from turf and native grasses to herbaceous and
woody vegetation [3].

2.1.2. Bioretention
Bioretention basins are landscaped depressions or shallow basins used to
slow and treat on-site stormwater runoff [4]. These systems normally are composed
of seven elements, each element with a different function:

A. Grass buffer strip- reduces runoff velocity and removes suspended

B. Vegetation –Help remove water through process of evapotranspiration
and remove excess nutrients through nutrient cycling.

C. Shallow ponding area –provides storage of excess stormwater flows
and its subsequent evaporation, also aids in the additional settlement
of particulate matter.
D. Mulch –an organic layer that encourages micro biological degradation
of petroleum-based pollutants, aids in pollutant filtration and reduces
soil erosion.
E. Engineered soils –to support vegetation growth along with nutrient
uptake and provision for water storage. Soils should include some
clay to adsorb pollutants such as hydrocarbons, heavy metals and
F. Sand bed –provide drainage and aeration of planting soil as well as an
aid in flushing pollutants.
G. Underdrain system –removal of excess treated water to storm drain
system or receiving waters.
2.1.3. Bioswale
Bioswales are channels designed to concentrate and convey stormwater
runoff while removing debris and pollution and are typically doesn’t provide active
volume capture or peak flow attenuation [5].

Figure 1 Bioswale typical image

2.1.4. Permeable Pavement

Permeable pavement is a porous urban surface which catches precipitation
and surface runoff, storing it in the reservoir while slowly allowing it to infiltrate into
the soil below [6]. The most common uses of permeable pavement are parking lots,
low-traffic roads, sidewalks, and driveways. In this project, bicycle parking areas and
walkways are designed considering permeable pavement.

2.1.5. Green Roof

A green roof system is an extension of the existing roof which involves, at a
minimum, high quality water-proofing, root repellent system, drainage system, filter
cloth, a lightweight growing medium, and plants [7]. Green roofs may be intensive
or extensive type. Intensive green roofs are widely used on commercial buildings
where owners want to have large green areas that incorporate all sizes and types of
plants while extensive roofs are more often used for single family and multi-family
residential buildings [8]. In areas like Taipei where typhoon is common, extensive
type green roofs are preferable.

2.1.6. Raingardens
A rain garden is a garden of native shrubs, perennials, and flowers planted in
a small depression, which is generally formed on a natural slope and are effective in
removing up to 90% of nutrients and chemicals and up to 80% of sediments from the
rainwater runoff [9].

Figure 2 Typical Rain Garden

3. Current Situation and Problems
3.1. IB plaza
3.1.1. Problem
 Storm drain is too high to let runoff on roads flow into drainage system. The
water on the pavement couldn’t flow into the drainage system. Showing as
following Figure.3.

Figure 3

 The plaza area is much higher than road place. If we set a LID facility on the
plaza, the groundwater runoff is impossible to flow into it. Showing as
following Figure.4.

Figure 4

 Too much grey construction. Ceramic tile pavement is impermeable, always
flooded, and also too slippery to walk and biking on it. And also, the white
color cover will reflect the heat from the sun and stay on the ground.

Figure 5

 Cross-section of the plaza is not good for runoff easily flowing into drainage
system. The highest place is on the plaza of the corner.

Figure 6

 Water comes from:

IB plaza’s runoff comes from IB building roof top, IB balcony on 2, 3,
4 floors, and the bicycle parking place near and behind the IB building. The
amount of rainfall comes from those places couldn’t efficiently collect and
storage. And also, there are some small flooding problem, like a small pond,
on the plaza because of not good slope and drainage system.

3.1.2. Positions in campus

Figure 7 IB plaza position in the scope of the modification area

Figure 8 IB plaza real condition photo

3.1.3. Size of the IB plaza
Using the website set from National Land Surveying and Mapping
Center Ministry of the Interior, R.O.C (Taiwan) to measure the length and the
area size of the IB plaza and the LID facility we designed, as showing in
- Area: 1868.702 m2 = 42m*45m

Figure 9 Area measuring (IB plaza)

3.2. Green place – Campus Plant Interpretation Zone (Kenvin)
3.2.1. Problems
The most serious problem in this area is about the surface of the ground
because some places have depression and thus, it is ideally for rainwater
stagnated inside to create puddle. Besides, due to the low coefficient of
permeability (k-value), soil in this area and in NTUST campus cannot let
rainwater infiltrate immediately during and after rain.

Fig 10 Flooded by the uneven surface on the ground in the Campus Plant
Interpretation Zone

Most of catch basins in the park had a higher elevation than the ground
surface and it resulted in the ineffectiveness in the drainage of the storm
water runoff.

10 | P a g e
Fig 11 Flooded by the difference in height between ground surface and a
catch basin

Fig 12 Difference in height between ground surface and a catch basin

Besides, the path adjacent to the curb is not so smooth and thus, this area
was usually flooded during and after rain. More seriously, after rain, there
were too much mud and leaves stuck along the curb and sometimes, this
caused a very dirty scene, even slippage for vehicles and walking man.

11 | P a g e
A catch basin
A catch basin
Storm water

Fig 13Current catch basins in NTUST campus

3.2.2. Positions in campus

Figure 14 Campus Plant Interpretation Zone position in the scope of

the modification area

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3.2.3. Size of the Campus Plant Interpretation Zone
By using Google Earth, the total area of Campus Plant Interpretation
Zone can be measured easily, the detailed information is shown in fig. 15

Figure 14 Measurements in the Campus Plant Interpretation Zone

The total area is around 4661 m2.

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3.3. Useless place between MA, E2, T2 (Sintayehu)
4. Detail Design
4.1. LID Facility Modification
4.1.1. Bio-swale (between roadway and plaza)
- Place

Figure 15 Design bio-swale position

- Top view

- Side view

14 | P a g e
- Size

B2=4.00m, B1=1.25m,
H=0.8m, L=47.0m
- Benefits of bio-swale

 Change the slope of plaza first, to confirm the water on the plaza
could be easily flow out.
 Setting lower elevation to let the runoff easily flow into.
 Combine traditional drainage system and bio-swale (to increase the
infiltration and also retention)

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4.1.2. Extensive rain Garden/Permeable walkway/Wet pond/Vegetated strip
- Place of extensive rain garden

- Place of permeable walkway & wet pond & vegetated strip

16 | P a g e
- Top view

- Side view

- Size of extensive rain garden

Figure 16 Area measuring (rain garden)

 Area= 186m2
 Max. width= 5m
 Min. width= 2m
 Depth = 0.2 m

17 | P a g e
- Size of permeable walkway

 Width= 3.0 m
 Long= 3.0 m*(42+45+45)m= 396m2
 Depth= 0.08 m
- Size of wet pond

 Area= 35 m2
 Depth= 0.3 m
- Size of vegetated strip

 Area= total area - other facilities

= 1868.702-186-396-35=1252m2

- Benefits of extensive rain garden & vegetated strip

 Planting more flowers and grasses could make the students and
professor pressure decreasing and relax more after and before heavy
 Increasing the infiltration of the original area.
 Lower the elevation and slope modification of it to let the
groundwater could flow into the garden easily.
 Make our campus more colorful and greener.

- Benefits of permeable walkway

 Solve the problem that always slippery on the pavement, and provide
a dry way during a rainy day

- Benefits of wet pond

 As a fountain, make the water in the pond moving and also energize
the water movement and increase the aeration.

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4.1.3. Water Direction
- Bio-swale: flow into drainage system

- IB plaza facilities:

 Link and connect to hub (our rainwater harvesting system).

 Let the excessive runoff just flow into the bio-swale.

4.1.4. Bio-Retention
- Place: The position of the bio-retention zone is between two rows of the

trees (remaining the current trees), as showed in the above figure.

Figure 17 Design bio-retention position

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- Size:

Figure 18 Simulation of cross-sectional view of installation of bio-


Fig 19 Illustration for the mechanism of using bio-retention in

combination with catch basins

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Storm water runoff will infiltrate through three layers from filter media,
choking layer and reservoir aggregate. Then, treated storm water will be
directed toward the under-drain system, which is directed into the storage
Width = 1m,
Length = 90 m,
Depth = 2 m.
- Benefits of bio-retention

 Collecting rainwater from surrounding road and the Campus Plant

Interpretation Zone effectively;
 Cleaning and purifying rainwater into fresh water before storing in
the rain harvesting system;
 Along with the rain harvesting system, storing excessive rainwater
when it comes to heavily rainy seasons.

4.1.5. Rainwater Harvesting Tank/System

- Place: The position of the rainwater harvesting tank/system is among the

park where is near the AD building, as showed in the above figure.

Figure 20 Design rainwater harvesting system position

21 | P a g e
- Size:

Figure 21 Simulation of plan view of installation of rainwater

harvesting system
This storage system is not only receiving rainwater from the
surrounding road through bio-retention system, but it also collects rainwater
via the above surface. According to the design, the current top soil above the
rain harvesting system will be replaced by washed river sand, that have
function of infiltration and purification. The design of this system is
illustrated in fig. 22 below:

22 | P a g e
Fig 22 Illustration for the mechanism of using rain harvesting system

Width = 15 m,
Length = 10 m,
Depth = 2 m.
- Benefits of rain harvesting system/tank

 The system captures water from both landscaped areas through

surface infiltration and from roof areas which are filtered through an
Atlantis Filtration Unit. Clean water is retained within the storage
area away from harmful U.V. light and heat remaining cool
underground readily available for reuse;
 Applications: Typical applications include flushing toilets, in
washing machines, watering gardens and washing cars;
 Reducing risks of flooding in the NTUST campus;
 Can being a hub, which is linked with other LID facilities, in order to
reserve water for dry seasons.
4.1.6. Overflow System
- Place: Inside the bio-retention system located in the campus plant

interpretation zone. This system will be directly connected to the current

drainage system in NTUST campus.

Figure 22 Design over flow system position

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- Benefits of over flow system

 Preventing risks of flooding during heavily rainy seasons;

 Can being a link, which is connected to the current drainage in
NTUST campus.

4.2. Discharge Estimation

4.3. Cost Estimation

This sub-section gives a breakdown of the cost per LID facility as shown
in Table 1.The cost per unit area was derived from Lecture Notes by Prof. Ho
(2020) and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority report (2016).

Table 1: LID Facility Cost

Area LID Facilities Area (m2) Unit cost (NT$/m2) Cost (NT$)
1 Area Wet Pond 35 4,090 143,150
209.5 4,090 856,855
Bio retention 186 6,389 1,188,35
Permeable walkway (Unit 395 2,960 1,169,20
Paver) 0
Vegetative Strip 1252 178 222,856

2nd Area Rainwater harvesting 300 m3 10,000/ m3 3,000,00

system 0
Bio retention 180 6,389 1,150,02

3rd Area Permeable Walkway (unit 37 2,960 109,520

Permeable Walkway (open 162.5 2,810 456,625
paver) 68 2,810 191,080
Dry Pond 208 4,090 850,720
Vegetative Strip 1186.5 178 211,197
Bio retention 402 6,389 2,568,37

AD Green Roof 800 3,370 2,696,00

Building 0

24 | P a g e
Tota 14,813,955

Other costs not involved in this sub-section include excavation costs (plant &
machinery), pipe networks, labor etc.

In order to justify the investment made in constructing the LID facilities,

adequate assessment should be made on the return period of this investment.

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1. Conclusion
As a team we try to identify problem areas in the campus and selected some
LID facilities. We tried to estimate runoff amount and capacity of LID facilities in
our project area. Based on our project, we found out that:

The permeability of soil is smaller which is one of the main problem of

runoff, the existing LID facilities were not maintained efficiently and their
performance is weak, so construction of new facilities and maintenance is required.

Since the campus has so many paved areas, Qmin>Qi, however λ > λc. It
needs provision of large water collection and storage areas to achieve the
requirement in the campus, however, it is not economical and the use may be

Some Facilities only need small maintenance and modification to improve

their performance. So, instead of demolition and constructing new facilities, we
suggest for minor improvement to increase their capacity and usage

5.2. Recommendation
Looking on the current situation and based on our project work finding, we
would like to some recommendations for concerning bodies.

 The university shall conduct investigation on the existing drainage

systems and modify some of them.
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 Runoff collection points easily clogged by debris due to lack of some
consideration, they need modification.
 Detail design shall be done and the campus LID facilities shall be
constructed to treat and use rainwater.
6. General Comment on Projects

7. References
[1] NTUST. "Brief History of NTUST." NTUST. (accessed 10/06,
[2] USEPA. "Urban Runoff: Low Impact Development." (accessed
22/06, 2020).
[3] Vegitative Filters, S. o. N. J. E. Protction, 2011. [Online]. Available:
[4] Lake Superior communities. "Bioretention Basins."
(accessed 10/06, 2020).
[5] J. Brown. "Bioretention & Bioswales."
BioretentionBioswales.pdf+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=tw (accessed
09/06, 2020).
[6] USGS. "Evaluating the potential benefits of permeable pavement on the
quantity and quality of stormwater runoff."
science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects (accessed 09/06,
[7] Green Roofs for Health Cities. "About green roofs." (accessed 13/06, 2020).
[8] Green Roof plan. "Intensive vs Extensive Green Roofs: What’s the
roofs/ (accessed 22/06, 2020).

26 | P a g e
[9] Ground Water Foundation. "All About Rain Gardens." (accessed
13/06, 2020).
Unit 3 LID Design Guide (2020); Cost comparison chart (pg. 117). Prof
C.C. Ho Lecture Notes.
Vegetated-Filter-Strips & Soil Amendment-Areas; Table 7.18. (2016).
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.

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