CC Essay Rev03

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Comparison and Contrast Essay

Diving Into the Universe: Astrology versus Astronomy

There is a common notion that leads people to think Astrology and Astronomy are the

same field of study. But are they actually same? This question has been prepossessing my

mind ever since I have read Eddie Redmayne’s statement on “Brief Answers to the Big

Questions”. He indicates how Stephen told him that he is an astronomer and not an astrologer

when he chose to talk about how their birthdays were few days apart, which put them into the

same zodiacal sign (qtd. in Hawking). I have encountered the same experience as well. Some

people would ask my zodiacal sign and start making personality analysis whenever I tell how

fascinated I am with the Universe and Astronomy. Despite bearing some superficial

similarities, the difference between astrology and astronomy are striking.

First and the prime similarity of astrology and astronomy to be considered as the same

field of study is that they both study universe. Astrology studies celestial bodies and

examines their position. And the calculations of their position display horoscope. Indeed,

horoscope originates from Greek language, and “hora + skopein” means “hour + examine”

(Zarka 420). Similarly, astronomy studies celestial objects and phenomenon using

mathematics, physics and chemistry. Another similarity is that both astrology and astronomy

are ancient branches of study. It is believed that the Babylonians of Mesopotamia was the

earliest civilization which studied astrology. The Babylonians were very fascinated by

divination, and interpreting horoscopes began in the sixth century BCE. It was until the mid-

17th century that astrology and astronomy had little contrast between them (Kindersley 13).

In the other words, astrology was the reason for astronomy to be born. However, it has

diverged from astrology with technological revolutions, and become more of a scientific

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In spite of their similarities, astrology is considered to be a pseudoscience. Because

astrologers claim that the positions of Sun, Moon and other luminary have impacts to the life

on Earth, which do not rely on any scientific evidence. Astronomers, on the other hand,

observe Universe in order to understand how it was formed, how it manages to expand in all

directions, and try to explain them using science. For example, according to the astrological

theory, Mars represents death. It was determined with the color of Mars which is red. And

according to that theory, red represents blood and war which can be referred as death. But if

you look at this statement in a scientific way, red is iron oxide which represents water. And

water is life. Thus, astronomy appears to be symbolic, while astronomy is factual (Zarka

422). Another difference between them is the way they predict future. Namely, astrology

predicts events through charts that are established with person’s birth. Astrology anticipates

one’s opportunities such as gains and winnings, as well as losses and misfortunes. In contrast,

astronomy predicts possible threats to Earth. For instance, larger objects like meteoroids can

be detected with the help of the newest technology.

In conclusion, despite the specious similarities, the differences between astrology and

astronomy are very noticeable. But these similarities are still reason for them to be considered

as same. Today, astronomers reject astrology since the traditional astrology has a contrast

abstract and has no scientific evidence. But because of the historical records which were the

main source for astronomy, astronomers have a good reason to be grateful to astrology.
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Works Cited

Hawking, Stephen, and Eddie Redmayne. “Foreword”. Brief Answers to the Big Questions,
Hodder & Stoughton and Bantam Books, 2018.

Kindersley, Dorling. “Introduction”. ASTRONOMY BOOK: Big Ideas Simply Explained, DK

Publishing, 2017, p. 13.

Zarka, Philippe. “Astronomy and Astrology”. Proceedings of the International Astronomical

Union, vol.5, no. S260, 2009, p. 420-425, doi:10.1017/S1743921311002602.

Accessed 26 November 2020

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