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Optik 119 (2008) 535–539

A novel fiber Bragg grating high-temperature sensor$

Yage Zhana,, Shaolin Xuea, Qinyu Yanga, Shiqing Xiangb, Hong Heb, Rude Zhub
Department of Applied Physics, College of Science, Donghua University, Shanghai 201620, China
Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China

Received 25 May 2006; received in revised form 21 February 2007; accepted 25 February 2007

A novel fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor for the measurement of high temperature is proposed and experimentally
demonstrated. The interrogation system of the sensor system is simple, low cost but effective. The sensor head is
comprised of one FBG and two metal rods. The lengths of the rods are different from each other. The coefficients of
thermal expansion of the rods are also different from each other. The FBG will be strained by the sensor head when the
temperature to be measured changes. The temperature is measured basis of the wavelength shifts of the FBG induced
by strain. A dynamic range of 0–800 1C and a resolution of 1 1C have been obtained by the sensor system. The
experiment results agree with theoretical analyses.
r 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Sensor; Fiber Bragg grating; High temperature

1. Introduction sensors are the most appropriate sensors for monitoring

applications in the fields mentioned above. But common
Reliable high-temperature sensors are important and FBG sensors cannot used directly as high-temperatures
indispensable in some fields, such as in some structure sensor because they will be decayed when its tempera-
health monitoring and material processing, electrical ture higher than 200 1C and will be destroyed when its
transformer, petroleum pipeline and so on [1,2]. Tradi- temperature higher than 350 1C [5,6]. Until now, only a
tional electrical high-temperature sensors have some very few kind of technologies on FBG high-temperature
disadvantages, including low reliability, large tempera- measurement have been researched [7,8]. Brambilla et al.
ture fluctuation and latent danger of fire accident. have researched the high-temperature measurement
Optical fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors have numer- characteristics of FBGs that with special dopants
ous advantages over traditional electrical sensors, such (such as Sn and/or Na2O). They discovered that these
as immunity to electromagnetic interference, higher FBGs exhibit unusual oscillations in reflectivity [9].
stability and sensitivity, more easiness of multiplex, These methods are not suited for high-temperature
being competent for application in harsh environments, measurement.
‘‘smart structures’’ and on-site measurements [3,4]. FBG This paper proposes a novel kind of FBG high-
temperature sensor. The novel sensor is very suited for
$ high-temperature object, especially for high-temperature
Project supported by Science and Technology Committee of
Shanghai (Grant No. 011661081). object in usual temperature atmosphere. The experi-
Corresponding author. mental results and the characteristic of the sensor system
E-mail address: (Y. Zhan). are also described. The sensor is based on a novel FBG

0030-4026/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
536 Y. Zhan et al. / Optik 119 (2008) 535–539

sensor head and a fiber long period grating (LPG) as a to the other end. For briefness, the length change of L is
linear edge filter for interrogation. The novel sensor given by
head has been designed, prepared and used in high- X
temperature measurement experiments successfully. A DL1 ¼ l 1j DT 1j a1j ðj ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; nÞ, (1)
dynamic range of 0–800 1C and a resolution of 1 1C have j¼1
been experimentally achieved. Experimental results
agree with theoretical analyses. X
DL2 ¼ l 2j DT 2j a2j ðj ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; nÞ, (2)
2. Theoretical analyses
DL ¼ DL1  DL2 , (3)
2.1. Principle of sensor head where DL1 and DL2 are the elongations of the two metal
rods, respectively. DL is the length change of L, namely
Sensor head is very crucial in sensor system. But the elongation of FBG section of fiber. lij, DTij and aij
common FBG cannot be used as high-temperature (i ¼ 1, 2) are the length, average temperature and
sensor head directly. We have designed a novel average CTE of the jth subsection of the metal rod.
high-temperature FBG sensor head. The sensor head The corresponding wavelength shift DlB of the FBG is
is mainly comprised of a FBG and two metal expressed by [3,10]
rods, as shown in Fig. 1. The two metal rods have    
different length and different coefficient of ther- DlB ¼ lB 1  pe  ¼ lB 1  pe
mal-expansion (CTE). The lengths of the two metal DL   DL1  DL2
¼ lB 1  pe , ð4Þ
rods are L1 and L2, respectively. The CTEs of the L L
two metal rods are a1 and a2, respectively. The rods where pe ¼ ð1=ÞðDneff =neff Þ ¼ ðn2eff =2Þ½p12  nðp11 þ p12 Þ
are fixed into one adiabatic plate. In order that there is the effective photo-elastic coefficient of the glass fiber
is not transverse thermal radiation, the two metal with Possion ratio n. P11 and P12 are the photo-elastic
rods have been protected by adiabatic cylinder1 and coefficients of fiber. neff is the effective refractive index
adiabatic cylinder2, respectively. The left ends of the of the guide mode in the fiber. For a typical fused silica
two metal rods connect two adiabatic rods, respectively. fiber, pe ¼ 0.22.
The FBG is pre-strained and glued to the end surface of The two metal rods of the sensor head are made from
the adiabatic rods on points A and B. The FBG is an H62 brass rod and a 45# carbon steel rod,
protected by the adiabatic cylinder3 in order that respectively. The CTEs of the two metal rods are a1
the FBG is not be modulated by the environ- and a2, respectively. a1 and a2 have been measured and
mental temperature and the thermal radiation of the determined numerically by
adiabatic plate. 
The sensing ends (see also in Fig. 1) touch the object a1 ¼ 15:78250 þ 0:02796  T  2:4085  105

whose temperature to be measured. When temperature  T 2  106 ,
to be measured is changed, the two metal rods will have 
a2 ¼ 10:99550 þ 0:00994  T  5:5421  105
different elongation, which will make L change (the 
distance between the two adiabatic rods) and the FBG T 2  106 . ð5Þ
be strained. The temperature is measured basis of In the same temperature range, a1 is larger than a2.
wavelength shifts of the FBG. The lengths of the two rods are L1 and L2, respectively.
The adiabatic cylinders are effective. The transverse The curve of the wavelength change of the FBG have
thermal radiation of the metal rods is negligible. been theoretically simulated with suppositions of both
When the rods are in heat balance, the temperature of L1 ¼ 20 cm, L2 ¼ 18 cm and L1 ¼ 18 cm, L2 ¼ 20 cm in
each metal rod reduces linearly from whose sensing end the range of 0–500 1C. The simulation results are shown
in Fig. 2. Similarly, the simulation results in the range of
and 0–1000 1C are shown in Fig. 3.
Adiabatic cylinder3
If L1 ¼ 20 cm and L2 ¼ 18 cm, the peak wavelength of
FBG Metal rod2(L2 α 2)
A. .
B the FBG shifts almost linearly with temperature in the
Adiabatic plate
L Adiabatic rod2 range of 0–800 1C. When the temperature ascends from
Adiabatic rod1
0 to 800 1C, it shifts 6.80 nm. Generally, 6.8 nm
Object wavelength shift will not induce the FBG worse or
Adiabatic cylinder1
Metal rod1(L1 α 1) Sensing ends The sensitivity of the sensor system is enhanced when
Adiabatic cylinder2
the metal rod with larger CTE is longer than the metal
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of sensor head structure. rod with smaller CTE, which can be confirmed by that
Y. Zhan et al. / Optik 119 (2008) 535–539 537


Intensity (dB)




1545 1550 1555 1560

Wavelength (nm)

Fig. 2. The temperature–wavelength response of the sensor Fig. 4. Schematic spectra of the FBG temperature sensor and
FBG in the range of 0–500 1C. the LPG employed as edge filter.

Sensor head


Interrogation system
BBS: Broadband source; IMG: Index matched gel

Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of the sensor system.

in the experiments. The LPG is used as a linear response

edge filter because the useful spectrum region of the
LPG is shown to be nearly linear over a sufficiently wide
Fig. 3. The temperature–wavelength response of the sensor range [9]. If an interrogation system is arranged
FBG in the range of 0–1000 1C. according as the way shown in Fig. 8, light from the
broadband source (BBS) will be modulated by the LPG
and then illuminates the FBG via a 2  2 coupler. After
the slope of curve (a) is larger than the slope of curve (b) being LPG modulated, the light has a section of
in Figs. 2 and 3. So all the experiments are implemented available linear spectrum. The reflected light from the
in the conditions of L1 ¼ 20 cm and L2 ¼ 18 cm. FBG is detected by the photo-detectors (PD) and will
change with the Bragg wavelength shift of FBG.
2.2. Interrogation principle Therefore, the filtering mechanism of the LPG yields a
linear relationship between the wavelength shift of FBG
Wavelength interrogation technology is very impor- and the PD detected light intensity.
tant for FBG sensor system. In our high-temperature
sensor system, an LPG is used as a linear response edge 3. Experiments and results
filter to convert wavelength into intensity encoded
information for interrogation. The principle of using Fig. 5 shows the schematic diagram of the experi-
an LPG to interrogate an FBG temperature sensor is mental setup. The sensor head is made in accordance
based on the temperature related optical intensity with Fig. 1. A brass (H62) rod is used as the longer
measurement. Fig. 4 shows the schematic reflection metal rod with a larger CTE and a carbon steel (45#)
and transmission spectra of the FBG and the LPG used rod is used as the shorter metal rod with smaller CTE.
538 Y. Zhan et al. / Optik 119 (2008) 535–539

Light from the BBS illuminates the FBG through a The curve in Fig. 7 is accordant with curve (a) in
coupler. The lengths of the brass rod and the carbon Fig. 2 in the range of 0–500 1C. It can be deduced that
steel rod are 20 and 18 cm, respectively. The CTE of the the sensor can measure the temperature in the range of
two metal rods are a1 and a2, respectively, same as 0–800 1C. The FBG had 4.25 nm wavelength shifts when
function (5). The Bragg wavelength of the FBG is the temperature changed from 0 to 500 1C. The
1549.96 nm after it is glued on the adiabatic rods. The theoretical value is 4.31 nm. The relative error is 1.4%.
reflected light from the FBG is detected by the All the experimental data in Fig. 7 can be fitted by a
wavelength interrogation system through the same slight second-order polynomial function. The function
coupler. The other end of the coupler immerses in index can be expressed as
matching gel (IMG).
l ¼ 1549:9006 þ 0:0060  T þ ð5:2369  106 Þ  T 2 ,
In experiments, the temperature of the sensing end is
controlled by a stove. The temperature of the stove can (6)
be modulated by step of 0.1 1C in the range of 0–500 1C where l is the wavelength of FBG and T the temperature
with an accuracy of 0.2 1C. Three series of experiments to be measured. There is a linear response when the
have been down. temperature to be measured is higher than 100 1C. The
function can be expressed as

3.1. Primary experiments l ¼ 1549:2677 þ 0:0097  T. (7)

The error of the slope value is 1.2330  10 and the
To prove elementary performance of the sensor standard deviation of the fit is 0.0458. Profited from the
system, first series of experiment has been done. An good demodulation system, a resolution of 1 1C is
optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) has been used for obtained.
interrogating the wavelength of the sensor FBG. The
experimental setup is shown in Fig. 6. 3.2. Farther experiments
Limited by the characteristics of present stove,
experiments are implemented in the temperature range In order to make the whole sensor simple, low cost
of 0–500 1C. The experimental result is shown in Fig. 7. and effective, an LPG has been used as a linear filter for
interrogation [11]. The experimental setup is shown in
Coupler Fig. 8.
Sensor head
BBS Second and third series of experiments have been
done with the LPG interrogation technology. In second
series of experiments, the output power of the BBS was
IMG set at three different work points for the three sub-series
of experiments to explore the stability and repeatability
OSA of the sensor system. The results are shown in Fig. 9.
In third series of experiments, the usual interferences
Fig. 6. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup (I). (such as heat convection in surroundings) are attached,
to explore the sensor system’s ability of anti-interfer-
ence. The results are shown in Fig. 10.
1555 From Fig. 9, it is obvious that the sensor system has
Data of the experiment good stability and repeatability. From Fig. 10, it is
1554 Fitted curve of the data certified that the sensor system has better anti-inter-
ference ability when the temperature to be measured is
Wavelength (nm)

LPG Coupler Sensor head

1551 IMG

1550 PD

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

DAC & Signal processing
Temperature (°C)

Fig. 7. The results of the experiment. Fig. 8. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup (II).
Y. Zhan et al. / Optik 119 (2008) 535–539 539

Power1 be obtained by the sensor system. The experiment results

17.4 Power2 well agree with the theoretical analysis.
Relative intensity PD output

17.2 (all with the same BBS)

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higher than 100 1C. The sensor system has weaker anti- 2358–2361.
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100 1C. So our work group is making efforts to improve Yage Zhan was born in 1977, in China.
the anti-interference ability of the sensor system. She received the B.S. degree in Physics
from the HeNan University in 2000, and
the M.S. degree in Optical Engineering
4. Conclusion form Shanghai Institute of Optics and
Fine Mechanics, CAS, in 2002, respec-
In conclusion, a novel FBG sensor structure for tively. She is now working for her Ph.D.
measurement of high temperature is studied. The sensor Her research interests include fiber grat-
is simply, low cost and easy to be implemented. A ing sensors and demodulation technolo-
dynamic range of 0–800 1C and a resolution of 1 1C can gies for fiber grating sensors.

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