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NUMBER 54 OF 2010



a. that the Procurement of Government Goods / Services an efficient, open and competitive indispensable for the
availability of goods / services quality, affordable, so that will have an impact on the improvement of public
b. that to realize the Procurement of Government Goods / Services as referred to in paragraph a, regulations
regarding the procedures for procurement of goods / services that are simple, clear and comprehensive, in
accordance with good governance, so that it can become effective arrangements for the parties related to the
Procurement goods / Services;
c. that based on consideration as referred to in paragraphs a and b, it is necessary to stipulate Presidential

Regulation on Procurement of Goods / Services; Given:

1. Article 4 paragraph (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945;
2. Law No. 1 of 2004 on State Treasury (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2004 Number 5,
Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4355);

3. Government Regulation No. 29 Year 2000 on the Provision of Construction Services (State Gazette of the Republic of
Indonesia Year 2000 Number 64, Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3956);

4. Government Regulation No. 6 of 2006 on the Management of State / Regional (State Gazette of the Republic
of Indonesia Year 2006 Number 20, Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number
4609) as amended by Government Regulation No. 38 of 2008 (Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia
Year 2008 number 78, State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia number 4855);




Part One Definition and


article 1
In this Presidential Regulation, the following meanings:
1. Procurement of Government Goods / Services, hereinafter referred to as the Procurement of Goods /
Services is activity to obtain goods / services by the Ministry / Institution / Regional Work Units / other
institutions that process starting from planning until completion of all activities need to obtain goods /
2. Ministry / Institution / Regional Work Units / other institutions, hereinafter called the K / L / D / I is the agency
/ institution using the State Budget (APBN) and / or the Regional Budget (APBD).
3. Users of Goods / Services is the official holder authorizes the use of goods and / or services belonging to countries
/ areas in each K / L / D / I.
4. Policy Institute for Procurement of Goods / Services, hereinafter referred to LKPP is the Government agency
in charge of developing and formulating policies for Procurement of Goods / Services as defined in the
Presidential Decree No. 106 of 2007 on the Policy Institute for Procurement of Goods / Services.

5. Budget User hereinafter called PA is the official holder authorizes the use of the budget of the Ministry /
Institution / Regional Work Units or officials who equated the other Institutions Users APBN / APBD.

6. Budget Authority, hereinafter referred to KPA is an official appointed by the PA to use the budget or
stipulated by the Regional Head for the use of the budget.

7. Committing Officer hereinafter referred to as the CO is officer in charge of the implementation of the Goods /
8. Procurement Services Unit, hereinafter called the ULP is an organizational unit that serves government
implement the Goods / Services in K / L / D / I, which is permanent, can be stand alone or attached to a unit
that already exists.
9. The Procurement Officer is personnel who have a Certificate of Expertise Goods / Services which implement the
Goods / Services.
10. The Committee / Official Receiver is the Works committee / officials appointed by the PA / KPA in charge of
checking and accepting the results of the work.
11. The Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus or internal watchdog at other institutions, hereinafter referred to APIPs are
officers who conduct supervision through auditing, the Review, evaluation, monitoring and other supervisory activities towards
the implementation of the tasks and functions of the organization.

12. Goods / Services is a business entity or individual who provides goods / Works Construction / Consulting
Services / Other Services.
13. The Integrity Pact is a statement that contains a pledge to prevent and not collusion, corruption and
nepotism in the Procurement of Goods / Services.
14. Items are any object either tangible or intangible, movable or immovable, which can be traded, used, used or
used by the User of Goods.

15. Construction work is all work related to the implementation of the construction or the manufacture of other
physical form.
16. Consultancy Services are professional services that require specific expertise in various fields of science
that prioritize their process to think (brain-ware).
17. Other Services are services that require certain capabilities that give priority to skills (skillware) within a system of
governance that has been widely known in the business world to complete a job or any employment and / or the
provision of services other than consulting services, implementation of construction work and the procurement of
Goods ,
18. Creative Industries is an industry that comes from the use of creativity, original ideas, skills and individual
talents to create wealth and jobs through the creation and use of creativity and inventiveness.

19. Certificate of Expertise Goods / Services is proof of recognition from the government for competence and professional
capability in the Procurement of Goods / Services.
20. The self-management is the procurement of goods / services where work is planned, carried out and / or
supervised by the K / L / D / I in charge of the budget, other government agencies and / or community
21. Procurement Document is a document established by the ULP / Procurement Officer which contains information and provisions
that must be adhered to by the parties in the process of procurement of goods / services.

22. Contract Procurement of Goods / Services hereinafter called contract is a written agreement between KDP Goods /
services or implementing self-management.
23. Public Bidding is the method of election of Goods / Works Construction / Other Services for all jobs that can
be followed by all the Goods / Works Construction / Other Services are eligible.
24. The auction Limited is a method of selecting providers for Construction Work Construction Work with the
number of providers capable of performing the work is believed to be limited to the complex.

25. The auction is a method of selecting Simple Goods / Other Services for the highest-value work
Rp200.000.000,00 (two hundred million rupiah).
26. Direct selection is the method of selecting providers Construction works for most high-value jobs
Rp200.000.000,00 (two hundred million rupiah).
27. General Selection is the selection method Consultancy Services Provider for the work that can be followed
by all providers qualified Consultant.
28. Simple Selection is the selection method for the Consultancy Services Provider Consulting Services
Rp200.000.000,00 highest-value (two hundred million rupiah).
29. Competition is a method for selecting which hold a Service Provider original ideas, creativity and innovation
specific price / cost does not can be determined based on unit price.

30. The contest is a method for selecting which hold a manufacturer: Goods / certain objects which have no
market price and the price / cost does not can be determined based on unit price.

31. Direct Appointment is a method for selecting the Goods / Services by way of direct pointing one (1) Goods /
32. Direct Procurement is the procurement of goods / services directly to the Supplier of Goods / Services, without going through the
auction / Selection / Direct Appointment.
33. Micro, is a productive enterprise owned by an individual and / or business entities that meet the criteria of
Micro as defined in the laws governing the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

34. Small Business is an economic enterprise productive stand-alone and carried out by an individual or
business entity that is not a subsidiary or branch of the company is not owned, controlled or become part
either directly or indirectly from medium or large businesses, which meet the criteria Small businesses as
defined in the laws governing the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises.

35. Security hereinafter referred to Security, is a written guarantee that is easily melted and unconditional
(unconditional), issued by Commercial Banks / Insurance Companies / Insurance submitted by providers of
goods / services to the PPK / ULP to guarantee the fulfillment of the obligations Providers goods / Services.

36. The complex job is a job that requires a high-tech, high risk, using specially designed equipment and / or
work that is worth over Rp100.000.000.000,00 (one hundred billion rupiah).

37. Procurement electronically or E-Procurement is the procurement of goods / services conducted using
information technology and electronic transactions in accordance with statutory provisions.

38. Electronic Procurement Services, hereinafter referred to LPSE, is a unit of K / L / D / I, which was
established to service systems Goods / Services electronically.

39. E-Tendering is the procedure of electing Goods / Services conducted openly and can be followed by all
providers of goods / services listed on the electronic procurement system by means of submitting one (1)
time deals in the allotted time.

40. The electronic catalog or E-Catalog is an electronic information system that contains the list, type, technical
specifications and prices of certain goods from various providers Goods / Services.

41. E-Purchasing is the procedure for the purchase of goods / services through an electronic catalog system.
42. National Procurement Portal is a gateway electronic information systems related to information Goods /
Services Procurement nationally managed by LKPP.
Part Two Scope

Section 2
(1) The scope of this Presidential Regulation include:
a. Procurement of Goods / Services in the K / L / D / I are either partially or wholly financed from the APBN /
b. Goods / Services Procurement environment for investment in Bank Indonesia, State Owned Legal Entity
and State-Owned Enterprises / Regional Owned Enterprises financed partly or wholly charged to APBN /
APBD. (2) Procurement of Goods / Services with funds sourced from APBN / APBD referred

in paragraph (1), includes the Procurement of Goods / Services which some or all funds sourced from
domestic loans or grants received by the Government and / or regional governments.

(3) Provision of Goods / Services which funds are either partly or entirely derived from
Loans / Grants Abroad (PHLN) guided by the provisions of this Presidential Regulation. (4) If there is a difference
between the provisions of this Presidential Regulation of Procurement
Goods / Services applicable to the giver Loans / Grants for Foreign Affairs, the parties may agree on
procedures for procurement to be used.

Article 3
Procurement of Goods / Services through:
a. self-management; and / or
b. elections Goods / Services.

Article 4
Procurement of Government Goods / Services in the Presidential Decree include:
a. Goods;
b. Construction jobs;
c. Consulting Services; and
d. Other Services.


Part One Principles


Article 5
Goods / Services to apply the principles as follows:
a. efficient;
b. effective;
c. transparent;
d. open;
e. compete;
f. fair / non-discriminatory; and
g. accountable.

Part Two Ethics


Article 6
The parties involved in the implementation of the Goods / Services must comply with ethics as follows:
a. carry out tasks in an orderly manner, with a sense of responsibility to achieve the goals, smoothness and
accuracy achievement of Goods / Services;
b. work professionally and independently, as well as maintaining the confidentiality of documents Procurement of Goods /
Services which by their nature must be kept secret to prevent irregularities in the procurement of goods / services;

c. do not affect each other, either directly or indirectly which results in unfair competition;

d. receive and be responsible for all decisions adopted in accordance with the written agreement of the parties;

e. avoid and prevent conflicts of interests of the parties concerned, either directly or indirectly in the process of
procurement of goods / services;
f. avoid and prevent wastage and leakage of state finances in the Procurement of Goods / Services;

g. avoid and prevent abuse of authority and / or collusion with the purpose of personal gain, class or other
parties that may directly or indirectly harm the country; and

h. do not accept, do not offer or promise to give or receive gifts, rewards, commissions, rebates and be
anything from or to anyone who knows or should be related to the procurement of goods / services.


Part One Procurement


Article 7
(1) Organization of Procurement of Goods / Services Procurement through the Provider of Goods / Services consists
a. PA / KPA;
b. CO;
c. ULP / Procurement Officer; and
d. Organizers / Official Receiver Job Results.
(2) Organization of Procurement of Goods / Services Procurement through self-management consists of:
a. PA / KPA;
b. CO; and
c. Organizers / Official Receiver Job Results.
(3) The CO may be assisted by a support team that is required for the implementation of the Procurement
Goods / Services.
(4) The ULP organization set according to the needs at least consist of:
a. head;
b. secretariat;
c. Supporter staff; and
d. team work.

Part Two Budget


Article 8
(1) The PA has the duty and authority as follows:
a. Procurement establishes the General Plan;
b. widely announced General Procurement Plan at least on the website of K / L / D / I;
c. establishes CO;
d. establishes the Procurement;
e. The committee set / Official Receiver Job Results;
f. set:
1) winner of the auction or providers on Direct Appointment to package Procurement / Construction work
/ Other services with value above
Rp100.000.000.000,00 (one hundred billion rupiah); or
2) The winner of the Selection or Direct Appointment providers on Procurement of Consultancy Services for
the package with a value above 10,000,000,000.00 (ten billion rupiah).

g. oversee the implementation of the budget;

h. submit financial statements in accordance with the provisions of the legislation;
i. resolve disputes between KDP ULP / Procurement Officer, in the event of a difference of opinion; and

j. oversee the storage and maintenance of the entire Document Procurement of Goods / Services.
(2) In addition to the duties and authority as referred to in paragraph (1), in the case of
necessary, the PA can:
a. establish a technical team; and / or
b. establishes the jury / team of experts for the implementation of the Procurement through Contests / Contest.

Article 9
On the basis of the amount of workload or span of control of the organization:
a. PA at the ministry / agency / other central institutions assign one or several KPA;

b. PA on Local Government proposed a 1 (one) or some of the KPA to the Regional Head for the set.

Part Three Budget


Article 10
(1) KPA at the Ministry / Organization / Institution other center is defined Officials
by PA.
(2) the KPA at the Local Government Officials set by the Regional Head on
PA proposal.
(3) KPA to fund deconcentration and co-established by the PA on
Ministry / Agency / Institution other centers on the proposal of the Regional Head. (4) KPA has
the appropriate authority delegated by the PA.

Part Four Committing


Article 11
(1) The CO has the duties and authority as follows:
a. establish an implementation plan Procurement of Goods / Services, including:
1) The technical specification of goods / services;
2) Self-Estimated Price (HPS); and
3) draft contract.
b. issue a Letter of Appointment Goods / Services;
c. signing the Contract;
d. perform the Contract Goods / Services;
e. controlling the execution of the Contract;
f. The reported execution / completion of Goods / Services to the PA / KPA;
g. submit the results of work of the Procurement of Goods / Services to the PA / KPA Minutes of submission;

h. report on the progress of work including budget absorption and resistance of its work to the PA / KPA
each quarter; and
i. storing and maintaining the integrity of the entire document in the implementation of the Goods / Services.
(2) In addition to the duties and authority as referred to in paragraph (1), in the case of
necessary, CO can:
a. propose to the PA / KPA:
1) changes in the work package; and / or
2) changes in the schedule of procurement activities;
b. establish support teams;
c. establish a team or experts giving technical explanations (aanwijzer) to assist with the task of ULP; and

d. Advances shall determine the amount to be paid to the Supplier of Goods / Services.

Article 12
(1) The CO is an official set by the PA / KPA to implement Procurement
Goods / Services.
(2) To set as PPK must meet the following requirements:
a. integrity;
b. have high discipline;
c. has the responsibility and the technical and managerial qualifications to carry out the task;

d. able to take decisions, act decisively and have exemplary behavior and attitude has never been involved
e. signed the Integrity Pact;
f. not served as financial manager; and
g. has a Certificate of Expertise Procurement of Goods / Services.
(3) managerial requirements referred to in paragraph (2) c is:
a. least educated Bachelor of Tier One (S1) with areas of expertise wherever possible in accordance with the
demands of the job;
b. possess at least 2 (two) years actively involved in activities related to the procurement of goods /
services; and
c. have the ability to work in groups to carry out each task / job.

Article 13
KDP forbidden to sign a covenant or contract with providers of goods / services if it has not provided a budget
or not enough budget that can lead dilampauinya budget limits provided for activities funded by APBN / APBD.

Part Five ULP /

Procurement Officer

Article 14
(1) K / L / D / I required to have a ULP to provide services / guidance in the field of
Procurement of Goods / Services.
(2) ULP on the K / L / D / I is formed by the Minister / Head of Institution / Regional Head / Head

Article 15
(1) Selection of Goods / Services in ULP is done by the Working Group. (2) Members of the ULP
shall be established for:
a. Procurement / Construction Work / Services more with value above
100,000,000.00 (one hundred million rupiah);
b. Procurement of Consultancy Services with a value above Rp50,000,000.00 (fifty million rupiah).
(3) Members of the Working Group composed of odd numbered at least 3 (three) and
can be added according to the complexity of the work.
(4) Working Group referred to in paragraph (1), may be assisted by a team or experts
giving technical explanations (aanwijzer).

Article 16
(1) Procurement of Goods / Works Construction / Other Services are the highest value
100,000,000.00 (one hundred million rupiah) can be carried out by the ULP or 1 (one) of the Procurement.

(2) Procurement of Consultant highest-value Rp50,000,000.00 (fifty

million) can be carried out by the ULP or 1 (one) of the Procurement. (3) Direct Procurement
implemented by 1 (one) of the Procurement.

Article 17
(1) Members of the Working Group ULP / Procurement Officer meets the following requirements:
a. have integrity, discipline and responsibility in carrying out the task;
b. the work that will be held;
c. understand certain types of work that the task ULP / Procurement Officer concerned;

d. understand the content of the documents, methods and procedures for procurement;
e. has no family relationship with the officials who set them as members of ULP / Procurement Officer;

f. has a Certificate of Expertise Goods / Services in accordance with the required competence; and

g. signed the Integrity Pact.

(2) The primary task and authority ULP / Procurement Officer include:
a. plan elections Goods / Services;
b. set the Procurement Documents;
c. set a nominal amount of the bid security;
d. announced the implementation of Goods / Services website K / L / D / I respectively and the official notice
board for the society as well as conveying to LPSE to be announced in the National Procurement Portal;

e. assess the qualifications of Goods / Services through pre-qualification or post-qualification;

f. evaluating the administrative, technical and price of the bids;
g. specifically for ULP:
1) answer the objection;
2) set the Goods / Services to:
a) Direct Appointment auction or packages Procurement / Construction Work / Other Services
Rp100.000.000.000,00 highest-value (one hundred billion rupiah); or

b) Selection or Direct Appointment for Procurement of Consultancy Services package highest-value

10,000,000,000.00 (ten billion rupiah);
3) submit a copy of the Bidding Document Goods / Services to the CO;
4) save the original document election Goods / Services;
h. Specialty of the Procurement:
1) establishes Goods / Services for:
a) Direct Procurement Direct Appointment or packages Procurement / Construction Work / Other
Services are valuable most high
100,000,000.00 (one hundred million rupiah); and / or
b) Appointment Direct or Direct Procurement Procurement of Consultancy Services for the package
highest-value Rp50,000,000.00 (fifty million rupiah);
2) submit the original document election Goods / Services to the PA / KPA;
i. a report on the process and results of procurement to the Minister / Head of Institution / Regional Head /
Head of Institution; and
j. give an account of the implementation of procurement of goods / services to the PA / KPA.

(3) In addition to the duties and authority of ULP / Procurement Officer referred to in
paragraph (2), in case of need ULP / Procurement Officer may propose to the CO:
a. HPS change; and / or
b. changes in technical specifications of the job.
(4) Member of ULP / Procurement Officer comes from civil servants, both from the agency itself
as well as other agencies.
(5) Excluded from the provisions in paragraph (4), a member of the ULP / Procurement Officials at other agencies
Users APBN / APBD other than K / L / D / I or Group Implementing a self-managed society, can come from
not civil servants.
(6) In the case of Goods / Services are specialized and / or requires special expertise,
ULP / Procurement Officer can use the expertise that comes from civil servants or private.

(7) Members of the ULP is forbidden to sit as:

a. CO;
b. financial managers; and
c. APIP, except a Procurement Officer / member ULP for Procurement of Goods / Services takes office.

Part Six Committee / Official

Receiver Job Results

Article 18
(1) PA / KPA establish committee / Official Receiver Job Results.
(2) Members of the Committee / Official Receiver Job Results derived from the civil service, both of
self institution and other institutions.
(3) Excluded from the provisions in paragraph (2), a member of the Committee / Official Receiver Job Results
at another institution Users APBN / APBD or Community Group Managing self-management can come from
not civil servants.
(4) The Committee / Official Receiver the Works shall meet the following requirements:
a. have integrity, discipline and responsibility in carrying out the task;
b. understand the contents of the Contract;
c. have technical qualifications;
d. signed the Integrity Pact; and
e. not served as a financial manager.
(4) The Committee / Official Receiver the Works as described in paragraph (4) have
the duties and authority to:
a. examine the work of procurement of goods / services in accordance with the provisions contained in the
b. receive the results of Goods / Services after passing inspection / testing; and
c. create and sign the handover of the Works.
(5) In the goods / services require specialized technical expertise, can be formed
teams / experts to assist in the task of the Committee / Official Receiver Job Results. (6) Team / experts
referred to in paragraph (6) set by the PA / KPA. (7) In the case of procurement of consulting services,
inspection of work referred to in
paragraph (5) a, carried out after coordination with the concerned Users Consultancy Services.

Part Seven Goods /


Article 19
(1) Goods / Services in the implementation of the Goods / Services shall meet
the following requirements:
a. comply with laws and regulations to carry out the activities / business;
b. has the expertise, experience, technical and managerial ability to provide goods / services;

c. obtaining at least 1 (one) work as a provider of goods / services within a period of 4 (four) years both
within the government and private sector, including experience in subcontracting;

d. provisions referred to in letter c, shall not apply to providers of goods / services were established for less
than 3 (three) years;
e. human resources, capital, equipment and other facilities needed in the Procurement of Goods / Services;
f. in the case of Goods / Services will conduct the partnership, Goods / Services shall have joint operation
agreement / partnership that includes the percentage of partnerships and companies that represent the
g. have the ability in the field of employment suitable for Micro, Small and small cooperatives as well as the
ability of the subfields appropriate jobs for non-small businesses;

h. have a Basic Ability (KD) for non-small enterprises, except for the Procurement of Goods and Consulting Services;

i. specifically for Procurement Construction and Other Services, must take into account the rest of the Capability
Package (SKP) as follows: SKP = KP - P

KP = value Capability Package, provided that:

a) Small Business, Value Capability Package (KP) is set at five (5) work packages; and

b) for non small businesses, value Capability Package (KP) is set at six (6) or
1.2 (one point two) N.
P = the number of packages being worked on.
N = the number of packets that can be handled most jobs at the same time
for a period of 5 (five) years.
j. not in the court's supervision, not bankrupt, its activities are not suspended and / or directors, acting for
and on behalf of the company not in criminal sanction, as evidenced by a signed statement Goods /

k. as a taxpayer already has a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and has fulfilled tax obligations last
year (the annual tax return) and has a monthly report of income tax article 21, article 23 (if there is a
transaction), article 25 / Article 29 and VAT (for Taxable entrepreneur) at least three (3) months in the
current year.
l. legally has the capacity to bind with the Contract;
m. not included in the Black List;
n. have a fixed address and clear and can be reached by delivery services; and
o. signed the Integrity Pact.
(2) The requirements referred to in paragraph (1) c, d, f, h and i,
exempted for Goods / Services individuals.
(3) Employees of K / L / D / I are prohibited from becoming Goods / Services, but is concerned
take leave beyond dependents K / L / D / I.
(4) Goods / services that give rise to a conflict of interest prohibited participation
became Goods / Services.

Article 20
(1) KD as referred to in Article 19 paragraph (1) letter h in subfields jobs
similar to non small businesses is calculated with the following conditions:
a. For Construction Work, KD is equal to 3 NPt (Rated Top Experiences in the past 10 years); and

b. For Procurement of Other Services, KD equals 5 NPt (Value Top Experiences in the past 10 years).

(2) KD least equal to the total value of the HPS of the work to be tendered. (3) The provision in paragraph (1) shall be
exempted in terms of procurement of goods / services can not be followed
by national companies because there is no national companies are able to meet the KD. (4) In the case of a
partnership, which is calculated from the company representing KD
partnerships (leadfirm).

Article 21
(1) In terms of the nature and scope of the activities of the Procurement of Goods / Services is too broad, or the type of expertise
required to complete activities can not be carried by one (1) Goods / Services, then the implementation of
the Goods / Services:
a. given an opportunity that allows the Goods / Services join together in a consortium or any other form of
cooperation; and / or
b. given an opportunity that allows providers of goods / services or consortium Goods / Services to use
foreign experts.
(2) Foreign Experts referred to in paragraph (1) letter b, is used along
needed to provide for the type of expertise that is not owned and to enhance the technical capacity to deal
with or work activities.

Article 22
(1) PA preparing the General Plan for the Procurement of Goods / Services in accordance with the needs of the
K / L / D / I respectively.
(2) General Plan Procurement of Goods / Services as referred to in paragraph (1) shall include:
a. activities and budget of Goods / Services which will be financed by the K / L / D / I own; and / or

b. activities and budget of Goods / Services which will be financed by cooperation between K / L / D / I in the
joint financing (co-financing), as long as needed. (3) General Plan Procurement of Goods / Services include
the following activities:
a. identify the needs of goods / services required K / L / D / I;
b. prepare and establish budgeting plan for the Procurement of Goods / Services as referred to in paragraph
c. establishes general policies regarding:
1) packaging work;
2) how the Procurement of Goods / Services; and
3) organizing Goods / Services;
d. preparing Terms of Reference (TOR).
(4) KAK referred to in paragraph (3) letter d shall at least contain:
a. description of the activities to be undertaken;
b. the execution time required;
c. technical specification of goods / services to be held; and
d. the magnitude of the total estimated cost of work.

Article 23
(1) Preparation of General Plan of Goods / Services in the K / L / D / I for Fiscal Year
next or upcoming budget year, should be completed in the budget year running.

(2) K / L / D / I presents the bill for the election of Goods / Services Financed
of APBN / APBD, which includes:
a. organization of personnel emoluments Goods / Services including technical team, team
support and project staff;
b. Procurement announcement cost of goods / services, including the cost of the announcement;
c. Document doubling the cost of procurement of goods / services; and
d. other costs required to support the implementation of the Goods / Services.
(3) K / L / D / I presents the bill for the election of Goods / Services
procurement will be conducted in the next budget year.
(4) K / L / D / I can propose the amount of General Cost Standard (SBU) related honoraria for
personnel procurement organization, as input / SBU consideration in the determination by the Minister of Finance / Head of
the Region.

Article 24
(1) PA do the packaging of goods / services in the General Plan for Procurement of Goods / Services
activities and budget K / L / D / I.
(2) Packaging is done by assigning as many business packages for Enterprises
Micro and Small Enterprises and small cooperatives without prejudice to the principle of efficiency, healthy competition, unified
system and the quality of technical capability. (3) In the packaging of goods / services, PA prohibited:
a. unite or concentrate some activities that are spread across multiple locations / areas that the nature of work
and the level of efficiency should be conducted at several locations / regions respectively;

b. brings together some of the procurement package by the nature and type of work can be separated and / or
magnitude of value should be done by the Micro and Small Enterprises and small cooperatives;

c. break Goods / services into several packages with the intention of avoiding the auction; and / or

d. determining the criteria, requirements or discriminatory procurement procedures and / or by considerations that
are not objective.

Article 25
(1) PA announced a General Plan for Procurement of Goods / Services in each K / L / D / I is
open to the general public after the work plan and budget K / L / D / I was approved by the DPR / DPRD.

(2) The announcement referred to in paragraph (1) shall at least contain:

a. Budget User's name and address;
b. work packages to be undertaken;
c. location of the work; and
d. approximate amount of cost.
(3) The announcement referred to in paragraph (2), carried on the website of K / L / D / I
respectively and the official notice board for the public as well as the National Procurement Portal through LPSE.

(4) K / L / D / I can announce an implementation plan Procurement of Goods / Services contract

will be implemented in the next budget year / forthcoming.


Provisions Section One

self-managed self-management

Article 26
(1) self-management is an activity Goods / Services where work is planned,
performed and / or supervised by the K / L / D / I in charge of the budget, other government agencies and /
or community groups. (2) The work can be done with self-management include:

a. work aimed to improve the ability and / or take advantage of the technical capabilities of human resources and
in accordance with the principal task of the K / L / D / I;
b. operation and maintenance work that requires the direct participation of the local community;

c. the work in terms of the magnitude, nature, location or financing is not in demand by providers of goods /
d. work in detail / details can not be calculated / determined beforehand, so that when implemented by
providers of goods / services will lead to uncertainties and risks;

e. education and training, courses, upgrading courses, seminars, workshops or counseling;

f. work for the pilot project (pilot project) and surveys that are specifically for technology development /
working methods can not be implemented by providers of goods / services;

g. employment surveys, data processing, formulation of government policy, in laboratory testing and the
development of specific systems;
h. work that is confidential to the K / L / D / I was concerned;
i. Creative Industries jobs, innovative and culturally in the country;
j. research and development in the country; and / or
k. job development of the defense industry, defense equipment industry and almatsus domestic industry.
(3) The procedure self-management includes planning, implementation, monitoring, delivery,
reporting and accountability work. (4) Procurement through
self-management can be done by:
a. K / L / D / I Responsible Budget;
b. Other Government Agencies Implementing self-management; and / or
c. Implementing self-managed community groups.
(5) PA / KPA specifies the type of work and the parties will implement the Procurement
Goods / Services is self-managed.

Article 27
(1) Procurement of self-management by the K / L / D / I Responsible Budget:
a. planned, carried out and supervised by the K / L / D / I Responsible Budget; and

b. uses its own employees, employees of K / L / D / I and / or be able to use experts.

(2) Number of experts referred to in paragraph (1) letter b shall not exceed 50%
(Fifty percent) of the total number of employees of the K / L / D / I, which is involved in self-managed activities
are concerned.
(3) Procurement of self-management carried out by other Government Agencies Implementing self-management
carried out under the following conditions:
a. planned and supervised by the K / L / D / I Responsible Budget; and
b. the implementation of the work performed by government institutions is not Responsible Budget.

(4) Procurement through self-managed by the Implementing self-managed community groups to follow
the following conditions:
a. planned, implemented and supervised by the Community Group Managing self-management;
b. target defined by the K / L / D / I Responsible Budget; and
c. The main occupation is prohibited to be transferred to another party (subcontracting).

Article 28
(1) self-management planning activities include:
a. goal setting, action plan and implementation schedule;
b. preparation of the implementation schedule with mempertim-veloped sufficient time for implementation of work /
c. technical planning and preparation method to obtain a proper implementation plan needs manpower, materials and
equipment as appropriate;
d. planning purposes manpower, materials and equipment in detail and described in the work plan monthly,
weekly work plans and / or daily work plan; and
e. total cost of the plan preparation in detail in the plan monthly fee and / or a weekly fee that does not
exceed the Budget Ceiling that has been set in the budget document.

(2) Planning of self-managed activities can be done by calculating power

Experts / equipment / materials implemented specific to the Contract / Lease in itself. (3) self-management
planning activities contained in the TOR.
(4) Planning self-managed activities proposed and implemented by the Group
Implementing self-managed society, defined by the CO after going through the evaluation process. (5)
Preparation of self-managed activities scheduled by allocating time for
planning, implementation, monitoring, delivery and reporting of work. (6) PA / KPA is responsible for the
establishment of self-managed Implementing Community Groups
including goals, objectives and the amount of self-management budget.
(7) PA / KPA can propose honorarium fee standards for implementing self-management to
Finance Minister / Head of the Region.
(8) self-management can be implemented exceed one (1) Fiscal Year.

Part Two Implementation of

Article 29
Procurement of Goods / Services through self-managed by K / L / D / I as Responsible Budget carried out under
the following conditions:
a. procurement of materials / goods, Other Services, equipment / spares and experts conducted by ULP / Procurement Officer;

b. procurement referred to in paragraph a reference to the provisions in this Presidential Regulation;

c. payment of the necessary labor costs are conducted regularly by the attendance of workers or by piece rate;

d. payment of salaries of the necessary expertise to do under the Contract;

e. use of labor, materials and / or equipment are recorded every day in a daily report;
f. implementation of the Goods / Services that use the Money Supply (UP) / Advance work or other similar
terms undertaken by Government Agencies implementing self-management;

g. UP / Advances for work or other similar terms, accounted regular monthly maximum;

h. Physical progress recorded daily and were evaluated every week that are tailored to the absorption of funds;

i. the progress of non-physical or software is recorded and evaluated every month which is adapted to the absorption of
funds; and
j. supervision of physical work in the field carried out by the executor appointed by the CO, based on a
predetermined plan.

Article 30
Procurement through self-managed by other Government Agencies implementing self-management carried out under the following
a. implementation is based on the contract between the KDP K / L / D / I Responsible Budget by implementing
self-management on other Government Agencies implementing self-management.
b. procurement of materials, Other Services, equipment / spare parts and the necessary expertise carried out by the ULP /
Procurement Officer on other Government Agencies implementing self-management;
c. procurement referred to in paragraph b guided by the provisions in this Presidential Regulation;

d. payment of wages of labor required to do daily based on the attendance list of workers or by piece rate;

e. payment in exchange for the necessary expertise to do under the Contract;

f. use of labor, materials / goods and / or equipment are recorded every day in a daily report;

g. Physical progress recorded daily and were evaluated every week that are tailored to the absorption of funds by other
Government Agencies implementing self-management;
h. the progress of non-physical or software is recorded and evaluated every month which is adapted to the absorption of funds by
other Government Agencies implementing self-management; and
i. supervision of physical work in the field carried out by the designated PPK in K / L / D / I Responsible Budget,
based on a predetermined plan.

Article 31
Procurement is self-managed by the Implementing self-managed society groups conducted with the following
a. the implementation of self-management by the Community Group Managing self-management is based on the
contract between the KDP K / L / D / I Responsible Budget with Community Groups Implementing
b. implementation of the Goods / Services to be left to self-managed community groups Implementing capable
of performing the work;
c. procurement of construction work can only be in the form of rehabilitation, renovation and construction is simple;

d. construction of new buildings is not simple, built by K / L / D / I Responsible for the budget and then
submitted to the community in accordance with laws and regulations;
e. procurement of materials / goods, Other Services, equipment / spare parts and the necessary expertise
conducted by the Community Group Managing self-management with regard to the principles of
procurement and procurement ethics as stipulated in Presidential Regulation;

f. channeling funds to community groups Implementing self-management is done in stages with the following
1) 40% (forty percent) of the total funds self-management, self-management if the Executive Society was
ready to implement self-management;
2) 30% (thirty percent) of the overall self-managed fund, once the job has reached 30% (thirty percent); and

3) 30% (thirty percent) of the overall self-managed fund, once the job has reached 60% (sixty percent).

g. achievement of the progress of work and self-managed funds are spent, reported by the Implementing
self-managed community groups periodically to the CO;
h. supervision of the implementation of the work done by the Community Group Managing self-management; and

i. accountability work / Procurement activities submitted to the K / L / D / I funders of self-managed in

accordance with the law.

part three
Reporting, Monitoring and Accountability self-management

Article 32
(1) The implementation of self-management is supervised by personnel in charge of the Budget or by group
Implementing self-managed society.
(2) The progress of implementation of the work and the use of funds reported by the managers
field / Implementing self-management to the CO regularly.
(3) The report of physical and financial progress of realization are reported every month in stages by
Implementing self-managed through the PA / KPA.
(4) APIPs on K / L / D / I Responsible Budget an audit of the implementation of the


Part One Preparation


Article 33
Election preparations Goods / Services consist of the following activities:
a. election planning Goods / Services;
b. the selection of the procurement system;
c. determination of qualification assessment methods;
d. preparation of election schedule Goods / Services;
e. Document preparation Goods / Services; and
f. HPS determination.

The second part

Planning Selection of Goods / Services

Article 34
(1) Planning elections Goods / Services consist of the following activities:
a. review of the work package; and
b. review of procurement activities schedule.
(2) Planning elections Goods / Services as referred to in paragraph (1) may be
done by:
a. CO; and / or
b. ULP / Procurement Officer.
(3) Planning elections Goods / Services done by:
a. adapts to real conditions at the site / field at the moment will carry out the selection Goods / Services;

b. consider the public interest;

c. consider the type, nature and value of goods / services as well as the number of providers of goods / services available; and

d. the provisions on packaging as referred to in Article 24 paragraph (3).

(4) In the event of changes in the work package:

a. KDP proposed changes to the work package to the PA / KPA to set; or
b. ULP / Procurement Officials propose changes to the work packages through the CO to be set by the PA /

Part Three Selection

Procurement System

First Paragraph Selection Methods

Determination of Goods / Works Construction / Other

Article 35
(1) ULP / Procurement Officer to prepare and establish the method of selecting Provider
Goods / Works Construction / Other Services. (2) Selection of Goods /
Other Services done by:
a. The auction consists of Public Bidding and Auction Simple;
b. Direct appointment;
c. Direct procurement; or
d. Contest / Competition.
(3) Selection of Providers of Construction Work carried out by:
a. Public Auction;
b. Auctions Limited;
c. Direct Selection;
d. Direct appointment; or
e. Direct procurement.
(4) Contest / Competition carried out specifically for the election of Goods / Services Another
is the result of Creative Industries, innovative and cultures in the country.

Article 36
(1) Selection of Goods / Works Construction / Other Services in principle do
through the method of Public Auction with post-qualification.
(2) Special for Construction work is complex and is believed to be the number of its providers
limited, election Provider Construction Work done by Auction Limited. (3) Selection of Goods / Works
Construction / Other Services through the auction method
General announced on the website at least K / L / D / I, and the official notice board for the public as well as
the National Procurement Portal through LPSE, so that the general public and the business world who are
interested and qualified to apply. (4) In the Public Bidding no technical and price negotiations.

Article 37
(1) Procurement jobs that are not complex and highest value Rp.200.000.000,00 (two
hundred million rupiah) can be done by:
a. Simple Auctions for Procurement / Other Services; or
b. Direct Selection Procurement Construction Works.
(2) The auction Simple or Direct Selection is done through post-qualification process. (3) The auction Simple or
Direct Selection announced at least on the website
K / L / D / I, and the official notice board for the public as well as the National Procurement Portal
through LPSE, so that the general public and the business world who are interested and qualified to apply.

(4) In Auction Direct Selection Simple or no technical and price negotiations.

Article 38
(1) Direct appointment to one (1) Goods / Works Construction / Other Services
can be done in terms of:
a. certain circumstances; and / or
b. procurement of Goods Special / Special Construction Work / Other Services that are special.

(2) Direct appointment is done by inviting one (1) Goods / Works

Construction / Other Services are considered able to carry out the work and / or qualified.

(3) Direct appointment is done with both technical and price negotiations so
the price obtained in accordance with the prevailing market price and technically accountable.

(4) The criteria specific circumstances that allow done to the Direct Appointment
Goods / Works Construction / Other Services referred to in paragraph (1) letter a, include:

a. emergency response can not be planned in advance and job completion time must be / not be suspended
1) The defense of the country;
2) security and public order;
3) safety / protection of the public that the implementation of the work can not be delayed / should be done
immediately, including:
a) due to natural disasters and / or non-natural disasters and / or social disaster;
b) in the context of disaster prevention; and / or
c) as a result of damage to facilities / infrastructure that can stop the public service activities.

b. organizing job preparation sudden conference to follow up on international commitments and was
attended by the President / Vice-President;
c. activities concerning the country's defense stipulated by the Ministry of Defense as well as activities
related to security and public order established by the Chief of the Indonesian National Police; or

d. Goods / Works Construction / Other Services specific and can only be carried out by one (1) Goods /
Other Services for 1 (one) manufacturer, 1 (one) patent holders, or those who have received permission
from the patent holder, or party who wins the auction to get permission from the government. (5) Criteria
for Special Goods / Special Construction Work / Other Services that are specially

enabling the Direct appointment as referred to in paragraph (1) letter

b, include:
a. Goods / Other Services based on official rates set by the government;
b. Construction Work building which is a unit construction system and an integral responsibility for the risk of
failure of the overall building can not be planned / calculated previously (unforeseen condition);

c. Goods / Works Construction / Other Services that are complex that can only be carried out with the use of
special technology and there is only one (1) Providers are able;

d. Procurement and distribution of drugs, medicines and medical equipment consumables in order to
guarantee the availability of medicines for the implementation of the health care community types and
the price set by the Minister responsible for the health sector;

e. Procurement of motor vehicles with a special price for the government's widely publicized to the public;

f. Rental lodging / hotel / conference room tariff is open and accessible to the public; or
g. advanced building lease / rental office and advanced open space or other enclosed with the terms and
manner of payment and price adjustment can be accounted for.

Article 39
(1) Direct Procurement can be made to the Procurement / Construction Work / Services
Others highest-value 100,000,000.00 (one hundred million rupiah) with the following conditions:

a. the operational needs of the K / L / D / I;

b. simple technology;
c. small risk; and / or
d. implemented by Goods / Services business individuals and / or small business concerns and small
cooperatives, except for the work package that requires technical competence that can not be met by the
Micro, Small and small cooperatives. (2) Direct Procurement implemented based on the prevailing price in
the market to Providers
Goods / Works Construction / Other Services.
(3) Direct Procurement implemented by 1 (one) of the Procurement. (4) PA / KPA prohibited from using Direct
Procurement as an excuse to break up
Procurement package into several packages in order to avoid the auction.

Article 40
(1) The competition is used for Procurement of Other Services are characterized as
a. the process and the result of an initiative, creativity, innovation, culture and specific implementation methods;
b. can not be determined based on unit price.
(2) The contest is used for procurement that has the following characteristics:
a. do not have market prices; and
b. can not be determined based on unit price.
(3) ULP / Procurement Officer establishes administrative and technical requirements for:
a. Providers of goods will enter the Contest;
b. Other service providers who will participate in the contest.
(4) In determining the administrative requirements as referred to in paragraph (3),
ULP / Procurement Officer may set conditions more easily than the requirements of Goods / Services as
referred to in Article 19 (5) The technical requirements drawn up by a team of experts in their field.

(6) The preparation method of evaluation and evaluation conducted by a team of experts
in the field.

Second paragraph
Determination Method of Selection of Consulting Services Provider

Article 41
(1) ULP / Procurement Officer to prepare and establish the method of selecting Provider
(2) Selection of Consulting Services Provider done through technical negotiations and the cost so
obtained the appropriate price the market price and technically
accounted for.
(3) Selection of Consulting Services Provider done:
a. Selection consisting of the General Selection and Selection of Simple;
b. Direct appointment;
c. Direct procurement; or
d. Contest.

Article 42
(1) Selection of Consulting Services Provider, in principle, be done through Selection Method
(2) Selection of Consulting Services Provider through the General Selection Method was announced with at
lack in website K / L / D / I, and the official notice board for the public as well as the National Procurement
Portal through LPSE, so that the general public and the business world who are interested and qualified to
(3) The short list in the General Selection amounting to 5 (five) to 7 (seven) Service Provider

Article 43
(1) Simple Selection can be made to the Procurement of Consultancy Services in Selection
General inefficient in terms of cost selection.
(2) Simple Selection can be done for the procurement of consulting services are:
a. is simple; and
b. Rp200.000.000,00 highest value (two hundred million rupiah).
(3) Selection of Consulting Services Provider Selection Method Simple announced through most
less on the website of K / L / D / I and the official notice board for the public as well as the National Procurement
Portal through LPSE, so that the general public and the business world who are interested and qualified to apply.

(4) The short list in the Selection Simple amounted to three (3) to five (5) Service Provider

Article 44
(1) Direct appointment to one (1) Consulting Services Providers can be done in
certain circumstances.
(2) Criteria for certain circumstances as described in paragraph (1), includes:
a. emergency response can not be planned in advance and job completion time must be / not be suspended
1) The defense of the country;
2) security and public order;
3) safety / protection of the public that the implementation of the work can not be delayed / should be done
immediately, including:
a) due to natural disasters and / or non-natural disasters and / or social disaster;
b) in the context of disaster prevention; and / or
c) as a result of damage to facilities / infrastructure that can stop the activities of public services;

b. activities concerning the country's defense stipulated by the Ministry of Defense as well as activities
related to security and public order established by the Chief of the Indonesian National Police;

c. the work can only be done by 1 (one) Provider Consulting Services; and
d. the work can only be done by 1 (one) of copyright holders who have registered or those who have
obtained permission of copyright holders. (3) Direct Appointment done through a pre-qualification process to
1 (one)
Consulting Services Provider.

Article 45
(1) Direct Procurement can be made to the Procurement of Consultancy Services which have
the following characteristics:
a. the operational needs of the K / L / D / I; and / or
b. the highest value Rp50,000,000.00 (fifty million rupiah).
(2) Direct Procurement implemented by 1 (one) of the Procurement. (3) PA / KPA prohibited from using Direct
Procurement as an excuse to break up
procurement package into several packages in order to avoid Selection.

Article 46
(1) The competition is conducted on Procurement of Consultancy Services which have characteristics
as follows:
a. the process and the result of an initiative, creativity, innovation and specific implementation methods; and

b. can not be determined based on unit price.

(2) ULP / Procurement Officer establishes the administrative requirements for Service Providers
Consultancy which will follow the contest.
(3) In determining the administrative requirements as referred to in paragraph (2),
ULP / Procurement Officer may set conditions more easily than the requirements of Goods / Services as
referred to in Article 19.
(4) Terms and technical evaluation methods stipulated by the ULP / Procurement Officer after
receiving input from a team of experts in their field. (5) The evaluation
conducted by a team of experts in their field.

paragraph three
Determination Methods of Submission of Documents

Article 47
(1) ULP / Procurement Officer to prepare and establish method of submitting Documents
(2) Method of Bidding Documents income consists of:
a. the method of the cover;
b. method two covers; or
c. two-stage method.
(3) Method of the cover is used for the Procurement of Goods / Services are simple and have
the following characteristics:
a. Procurement of Goods / Services standard price has been set by the government;
b. Procurement of Consultancy Services to KAK simple; or
c. Procurement / Construction Work / Other Services are the technical specifications or the volume can be
expressed clearly in the procurement documents. (4) In addition, as described in paragraph (3), a method
used in the cover
Appointment Direct / Direct Procurement / Contest / Competition. (5) The method
used for the two covers:
a. Procurement / Other Services that use the evaluation system of values ​or system costs during the economic life.

b. Procurement of Consultancy which has the following characteristics:

1) required a separate assessment of the technical requirements to the offer price, so that does not affect the
assessment of the price of technical appraisal; or
2) the work is complex, requiring more in-depth technical evaluation.
(6) two-stage method is used for Procurement / Construction Work / Other Services
which has the following characteristics:
a. Jobs are complex;
b. meet certain performance criteria of the whole system, including consideration of ease or efficiency of
operation and maintenance of equipment; and / or
c. have some alternative use of the system and the design of the application of different technologies.

Fourth paragraph
Determination Evaluation Method Procurement / Construction Work / Other Services

Article 48
(1) The evaluation method in the selection of deals Goods / Works Construction / Services
Other consists of:
a. knockout;
b. value system; and
c. assessment system costs during the economic life.
(2) Method of evaluation of bids for Procurement / Construction Work / Other Services
in principle, to use ratings knockout.
(3) Excluded from the provisions in paragraph (2), Procurement / Construction Work / Services
Others are complex, can use the system evaluation method or methods of evaluation value assessment of
costs during the economic life. (4) The value system is done with the following conditions:

a. the amount of charge weights between 70% (seventy percent) up to 90% (ninety percent) of the total
weight of the whole;
b. elements assessed to be either quantitative or quantifiable; and
c. procedures and assessment criteria must be stated clearly and in detail in the Procurement Documents.

(5) In evaluating the ULP / Procurement Officer shall not modify, add and / or
reducing criteria and procedure for evaluation after the Bid submission deadline.

paragraph five
Evaluation Methods in Procurement of Consultancy Services Offer

Article 49
(1) The evaluation method in the selection of deals do Consultancy Services Provider
by using:
a. methods of evaluation based on quality;
b. methods of evaluation based on quality and cost;
c. evaluation method based Budget Ceiling; or
d. methods of evaluation based on the lowest cost.
(2) The evaluation method is based on quality referred to in paragraph (1) letter a,
used to work:
a. maintaining the quality of technical offers as a factor in determining the results / benefits (outcomes) as a
whole; and / or
b. hard work scope specified in the ToR.
(3) The evaluation method is based on the quality and costs referred to in paragraph (1) letter b,
used to work:
a. the scope, the output (output), the time of assignment and other things can be predicted well in TOR; and /
b. the cost can be determined easily, clearly and precisely.
(4) The evaluation method based Budget Ceiling referred to in paragraph (1) c,
used to work:
a. there are already rules governing the (standard);
b. can be detailed to the right; or
c. budgets do not exceed a certain threshold.
(5) The evaluation method is based on the lowest cost referred to in paragraph (1) letter d,
used for work that is both simple and standard.
(6) In the evaluation based on quality and cost, weighting the technical value and cost of regulated
under the condition:
a. the weight of the technical offer between 0.60 to 0.80;
b. cost bidding weights between 0.20 to 0.40.
(7) All job offers Consulting Services evaluation should be followed by clarification and
negotiations, with the following provisions:
a. Unit Price negotiable is direct non-personnel costs which can be replaced (reimburseable cost) and / or
the direct costs of personnel are considered unnatural;
b. cost aspects that need clarification or negotiation, especially:
1) the suitability of the work plan with the kind of expenditure;
2) the volume of activities and types of expenditure; and
3) the unit cost compared to the cost of the prevailing market / reasonableness of costs;
c. clarification and / or negotiation of the unit immediately personnel costs is based on payroll that has been
audited and / or proof of deposit of Income Tax expert consultant concerned;
d. the unit cost of the highest direct cost of personnel 3.2 (three point two) times the basic salary received by
experts and the highest fixed to 2.5 (two point five) times their salary income experts are not fixed; and

e. unit direct cost of personnel is calculated based on a predetermined unit time.

Sixth paragraph
Stipulation of Contract

Article 50
(1) ULP / Procurement Officer Procurement Contracts specify the type of goods / services. (2) Contract for
Procurement of Goods / Services include:
a. Contracts based method of payment;
b. The contract is based on the imposition of Fiscal Year;
c. Contracts based on funding sources; and
d. Contracts based on the type of work.
(3) Contract for Procurement of Goods / Services by way of payment referred to in
(2) a, consisting of:
a. Lump Sum contract;
b. Unit price contracts;
c. The combined contract Lump Sum and Unit Price;
d. Percentage contracts; and
e. Turnkey Contract (Turnkey).
(4) Contract for Procurement of Goods / Services by loading the FY as
referred to in paragraph (2) b, consisting of:
a. Single Year Contract; and
b. Plural year contract.
(5) Contract for Procurement of Goods / Services based on funding sources as referred to in
paragraph (2) c, consisting of:
a. Single Procurement Contracts;
b. Joint Procurement Contracts; and
c. Umbrella contract (Framework Contract).
(6) Contract for Procurement of Goods / Services based on the types of work referred to in
Paragraph (2) d, consisting of:
a. Single Occupation Procurement Contracts; and
b. Integrated Public Procurement Contracts.

Article 51
(1) Lump Sum Contract is a Contract for Procurement of Goods / Services upon completion of the entire
work within a certain time limit as stipulated in the Contract, with the following conditions:

a. the number of definite and fixed prices and no price adjustment possible;
b. all risks are borne entirely by the Supplier of Goods / Services;
c. payments are based on the stage of product / output are produced in accordance with the contents of the Contract;

d. the nature of work is oriented to the output (output based);

e. the total offering price is binding; and
f. not be allowed any work add / subtract.
(2) Unit Price Contract is a Contract for Procurement of Goods / Services upon completion of the entire
work within the time limits specified under the following conditions:
a. Unit Price definite and fixed for each unit or element of work with certain technical specifications;

b. the volume or quantity of their work still is an estimate at the time the Contract was signed;
c. payment is based on the measurement results together on the volume of work that is actually implemented
by providers of goods / services; and
d. possible existence of additional work / less based on the measurement results together on the necessary
(3) a combination of the Lump Sum Contracts and Contracts Unit Price is a combination
Lump Sum and Unit Price within 1 (one) work of an agreement. (4) The percentage of the Contract Procurement
Contract Consulting Services / Other Services, with
the following conditions:
a. Provider Consulting Services / Other Services receive remuneration based on a percentage of the value of a particular job;
b. payment based on the stage of product / output are produced in accordance with the contents of the Contract. (5)
Turnkey Contract
(Turnkey) is a Contract for Procurement of Goods / Works
Construction / Other Services upon completion of the entire work within certain time limits with the following
a. the number of fixed and stable prices until the entire job is completed; and
b. payments are made based on the joint assessment showing that the work has been carried out in
accordance with predetermined performance criteria.

Article 52
(1) The contract is a Single Year Contract implementation hedge funds work
budget during one (1) Fiscal Year.
(2) Contract Year Contract execution Plural is a job for a period of more
of 1 (one) year budget at the expense of the budget, which is done after approval:

a. Minister of Finance for the activities whose value above 10,000,000,000.00 (ten billion rupiah);

b. Minister / Head of Institution concerned for the activities that the contract value of up to
10,000,000,000.00 (ten billion rupiah) for the following activities: planting seeds / seedlings, planting,
pioneer ministry sea / air, food and medicine in hospitals, food for inmates at the Correctional Institution,
excise bands procurement, procurement of waste disposal services and cleaning service.

(3) Multiple Year Contract approved by the local government in accordance with the Regional Head
the provisions of the legislation.

Article 53
(1) Single Supply Contract is a contract made by one (1) CO with 1
(A) Goods / Services specific to certain jobs within a certain time.

(2) Joint Procurement Contract is a contract between the KDP with 1 (one)
Goods / Services to complete the work within the specified time, according to the needs of each KDP sign
the contract.
(3) Contracts Umbrella (Framework Contract) is a Unit Price Contract between the Government
with Goods / services that can be used by K / L / D / I, with the following conditions:

a. held to guarantee the price of goods / services more efficient, the availability of goods / services is
guaranteed and nature takes over and the volume or quantity of work that can not be determined when
the contract was signed; and
b. the payment is made by each PPK / Task Force based on the results of the assessment / measurement
along to the volume / quantity of work that has been
implemented by providers of goods / services significantly.
(4) The imposition of the budget for the Joint Procurement Contracts as referred to in paragraph
(2), arranged in a co-financing agreement.

Article 54
(1) Public Procurement Contract is a Contract Single Goods / Services
only consist of 1 (one) work planning, implementation or supervision.
(2) Integrated Public Procurement Contract is a Contract Procurement of Works
Construction is complex by combining the planning, execution and / or supervision.

Paragraph Seven
Receipt Agreement

Article 55
(1) Proof of the agreement consists of:
a. receipt;
b. receipts;
c. Work Order (SPK); and
d. agreement letter.
(2) Proof of purchase as referred to in paragraph (1) letter a, used for Procurement
Goods / services worth up to Rp 5,000,000.00 (five million rupiah). (3) Receipt referred to in paragraph (1)
letter b, is used for Procurement
Goods / services worth up to Rp10,000,000.00 (ten million rupiah). (4) SPK referred to in paragraph (1) c, is
used for Procurement
Goods / Works Construction / Other Services with a value of up to 100,000,000.00 (one hundred million)
and for consulting services with a value of up to Rp50,000,000.00 (fifty million rupiah).

(5) The Agreement as referred to in paragraph (1) letter d, used for Procurement
Goods / Works Construction / Other Services with a value above 100,000,000.00 (one hundred million) and for
consulting services with a value above Rp50,000,000.00 (fifty million rupiah).

Part Four Determination Method of

Assessment Qualifications

Article 56
(1) Qualification is competency assessment process and business capacity and compliance
certain other requirements of the Goods / Services.
(2) Qualifications can be done with two (2) ways: pre-qualification or post-qualification. (3) Pre-qualification is a
qualification assessment process undertaken prior to implantation
(4) Prequalification for Procurement implemented as follows:
a. Consulting Services Provider election;
b. election of Goods / Works Construction / Other Services that are complex through General; or

c. election of Goods / Works Construction / Other Services that use Direct Appointment method, except for
emergency treatment. (5) The assessment process for the Direct Appointment qualification in emergency
response do
Offer Document together with income. (6) pre-qualification
process resulted in:
a. the list of candidates Goods / Works Construction / Other Services; or
b. a short list of candidates Consulting Services Provider.
(7) In the pre-qualification process, ULP / Procurement Officer immediately opened and evaluated
Qualification Document 2 (two) business days after receipt. (8) post-qualification is a qualification
assessment process undertaken after importation
(9) post-done for Procurement as follows:
a. Public Auction, except Public Bidding for Works Complex;
b. Simple Auctions / Direct Selection; and
c. Selection of Individual Consulting Services Provider.
(10) ULP / Procurement Officer prohibited add qualification requirements aimed
discriminatory and beyond those stipulated in the provisions of this Presidential Regulation. (11) ULP / Procurement
Officer shall simplify the qualification process with the following provisions:
a. ask Goods / Services fill in the form of qualifications; and
b. do not ask for all the documents required except at the stage of proof of qualification.

(12) The evaluation of qualification made by the method:

a. Autumn systems, for Procurement / Construction Work / Other Services;
b. System value for Procurement of Consultancy.

part five
Preparation of Election Schedule Goods / Services

First paragraph
Stages Selection of Goods / Works Construction / Other Services

Article 57
(1) Selection of Goods / Works Construction / Other Services to the auction method
Works include the following stages:
a. Public auction for the selection Goods / Other Services with pre-qualification, the method of two covers which include
the following activities:
1) prequalification;
2) registration and Qualification Document retrieval;
3) income and Qualification Document evaluation;
4) proof of qualification and manufacture of the Minutes of Evidence Qualifications;
5) determination of the qualifying results;
6) the announcement of the results of the qualification;
7) the objection of qualifications;
8) regulations;
9) making the Bidding Document;
10) the briefing;
11) influx Bid;
12) Bid Opening cover of I;
13) evaluation of the Offer Document cover of I;
14) notices / announcements participants who pass the evaluation of the first cover;
15) Bid Opening cover II;
16) evaluation of the Offer Document cover II;
17) making of Minutes of Auction results;
18) the determination of the winner;
19) announcement of the winner;
20) the objection;
21) an appeal (if necessary); and
22) the appointment of Goods / Services.
b. Public Bidding for the election of Goods / Works Construction / Other Services with pre-qualification or
auction Limited for Construction Work Providers election, two-stage method which includes the following
1) prequalification;
2) registration and Qualification Document retrieval;
3) income and Qualification Document evaluation;
4) proof of qualifications;
5) determination of the qualifying results;
6) the announcement of the results of the qualification;
7) the objection of qualifications;
8) regulations;
9) making the Bidding Document;
10) the briefing;
11) influx Bid Phase I;
12) Bid Opening Phase I;
13) Bid evaluation of Phase I;
14) the determination of the participants who passed the evaluation of Phase I;
15) notices / announcements participants who pass the evaluation of the first phase;
16) influx Bid Phase II;
17) Bid Opening Phase II;
18) evaluation of Phase II Bid;
19) making of Minutes of Auction results;
20) the determination of the winner;
21) announcement of the winner;
22) the objection;
23) an appeal (if necessary); and
24) the appointment of Goods / Services.
c. Public Bidding for the election of Goods / Works Construction / Other Services with post-qualification which
includes the following activities:
1) announcement;
2) registration and document retrieval Procurement;
3) the briefing;
4) inclusion Bid;
5) Bid Opening;
6) evaluation of bids;
7) evaluation of qualifications;
8) proof of qualifications;
9) manufacture Minutes Auction Results;
10) the determination of the winner;
11) announcement of the winner;
12) the objection;
13) an appeal (if necessary); and
14) the appointment of Goods / Services.
(2) Selection of Goods / Services Other methods Simple Auction or
Direct selection for Construction Works, include the following stages:
a. announcement;
b. registration and document retrieval Procurement;
c. briefing;
d. influx Bid;
e. Bid Opening;
f. evaluation of bids;
g. evaluation of qualifications;
h. proof of qualifications;
i. Auction Results Minutes of manufacture;
j. determining the winner;
k. winner announcement;
l. refutation;
m. an appeal (if necessary); and
n. designation Goods / Services.
(3) Selection of Goods / Works Construction / Other Services for emergency treatment
with Direct Appointment method, include the following stages:
a. CO may issue a Letter to Proceed (SPMK) to:
1) Providers nearby are conducting similar work; or
2) Other providers are considered able and qualified to carry out such work, if there is no provider
referred to in point 1).
b. Direct appointment processes and administration carried out simultaneously, as follows:
1) hospitalization work in the field;
2) the determination of the type, technical specifications and volume of work, as well as the time of completion of the work;

3) the preparation of the Procurement Documents;

4) preparation and adoption of HPS;
5) Procurement Document delivery to the Supplier of Goods / Works Construction / Other Services;

6) submission of the Bid;

7) Bid Opening;
8) clarification and technical negotiations and pricing;
9) the preparation of the Minutes of Direct Appointment results;
10) determination of Goods / Works Construction / Other Services;
11) announcement Goods / Works Construction / Other Services; and
12) Designation of Goods / Services.
(4) Selection of Goods / Works Construction / Other Services for not handling
emergency with Direct Appointment method includes the following steps:
a. invitations to selected participants enclosing the Procurement Documents;
b. Qualification Documents income;
c. evaluation of qualifications;
d. briefing;
e. influx Bid;
f. and a clarification of bid evaluation and technical and price negotiations;
g. determining the winner;
h. winner announcement; and
i. designation Goods / Services.
(5) Selection of Goods / Works Construction / Other Services with Acquisition method
Direct include at least the following steps:
a. market price surveys by comparing a minimum of two (2) Goods / Works Construction / Other Services
are different;
b. compare the offer price to HPS; and
c. technical clarification and negotiation of price / cost.
(6) Selection of Goods / Services Other methods Contest / Competition includes most
less the following steps:
a. announcement;
b. registration and document retrieval Contest / Competition;
c. briefing;
d. inclusion of proposals;
e. the opening of proposals;
f. administrative examination and assessment of the technical proposal;
g. manufacture Minutes Contest Results / Competition;
h. determining the winner;
i. winner announcement; and
j. the designation of a winner.

Second paragraph
Stages Selection of Consulting Services Provider

Article 58
(1) Selection of Consulting Services Provider by the General Selection methods include stages
a. quality evaluation method, a method which includes two covers:
1) prequalification;
2) registration and Qualification Document retrieval;
3) giving an explanation (if needed);
4) income and Qualification Document evaluation;
5) proof of qualifications;
6) the determination of qualifying;
7) notification / announcement of qualification;
8) the objection of qualifications;
9) regulations;
10) making the Bidding Document;
11) the briefing;
12) influx Bid;
13) opening the document cover of I;
14) the evaluation of the first cover of the document;
15) the determination of the technical ratings;
16) notices / announcements technical ratings;
17) the objection;
18) an appeal (if necessary);
19) opening invitation cover document II;
20) opening and evaluation of documents cover II;
21) an invitation for clarification and negotiation;
22) clarification and negotiation;
23) making of Minutes of Selection; and
24) the appointment of Consulting Services Provider.
b. quality evaluation method and cost method which includes two covers:
1) prequalification;
2) registration and Qualification Document retrieval;
3) giving an explanation (if needed);
4) income and Qualification Document evaluation;
5) proof of qualifications;
6) the determination of qualifying;
7) notification / announcement of qualification;
8) sanggah qualifications;
9) regulations;
10) making the Bidding Document;
11) the briefing;
12) influx Bid;
13) opening the document cover of I;
14) the evaluation of the first cover of the document;
15) the determination of the technical ratings;
16) notices / announcements technical ratings;
17) opening invitation cover document II;
18) opening and evaluation of the second cover;
19) the determination of the winner;
20) notification / announcement of the winner;
21) the objection;
22) an appeal (if necessary);
23) an invitation for clarification and negotiation;
24) clarification and negotiation;
25) making of Minutes of Selection; and
26) the appointment of Consulting Services Provider.
c. Lowest cost evaluation method, method 1 (one) cover which includes the following activities:
1) prequalification;
2) registration and Qualification Document retrieval;
3) giving an explanation (if needed);
4) income and Qualification Document evaluation;
5) proof of qualifications;
6) the determination of qualifying;
7) notification / announcement of qualification;
8) the objection of qualifications;
9) regulations;
10) the briefing;
11) influx Bid;
12) Bid Opening and arithmetic correction;
13) evaluation of the administrative, technical and cost;
14) the determination of the winner;
15) notification / announcement of the winner;
16) the objection;
17) an appeal (if necessary);
18) an invitation for clarification and negotiation;
19) clarification and negotiation;
20) making of Minutes of Selection; and
21) the appointment of Consulting Services Provider.
(2) Selection of Consulting Services Provider Selection Method with Simple method
Budget Ceiling evaluation or lowest cost method, method 1 (one) cover include the following stages:

a. prequalification;
b. Qualification Document registration and retrieval;
c. giving an explanation (if needed);
d. Qualification Document entry and evaluation;
e. proof of qualifications;
f. the determination of the qualifying results;
g. notification / announcement of qualification;
h. refutation of qualifications;
i. invitation;
j. briefing;
k. influx Bid;
l. Bid Opening and arithmetic correction;
m. evaluation of the administrative, technical and cost;
n. determining the winner;
o. notification / announcement of the winner;
p. refutation;
q. an appeal (if necessary);
r. invitations clarification and negotiation;
s. clarification and negotiation;
t. manufacture Minutes Selection; and
u. Consulting Services Provider designation.
(3) Selection of Consulting Services Provider Method for Direct Appointment
emergency management include the following stages:
a. CO may issue a Letter to Proceed (SPMK) to:
1) Consultancy Services Provider nearby are conducting similar work at the site of the emergency
handling; or
2) Consultancy Services Provider others are judged capable and qualified to carry out such work, if no
Provider Consultant referred to in point 1).

b. Direct appointment processes and administration carried out simultaneously, as follows:

1) hospitalization work in the field;
2) determination of the scope, the number and qualifications of skilled manpower and time of completion of the work;

3) the preparation of the Procurement Documents;

4) preparation and adoption of HPS;
5) submission of the Procurement Documents;
6) submission of the Bid;
7) opening and evaluation of the Bid;
8) clarification and negotiation;
9) the preparation of the Minutes of Direct Appointment results;
10) determination of consulting services provider;
11) announcement Consulting Services Provider; and
12) the appointment of Consulting Services Provider.
(4) Selection of Consulting Services Provider with Direct Appointment method for not
emergency management include the following stages:
a. invitations to selected enclosing Consultancy Services Provider Procurement Documents;
b. entry, evaluation and verification of qualifications;
c. briefing;
d. influx Bid;
e. opening and evaluation of bids;
f. clarification and technical negotiations and costs;
g. Minutes of manufacture Direct Appointment results;
h. Consulting Services Provider determination;
i. announcement; and
j. Consulting Services Provider designation.
(5) Selection of Consulting Services Provider with Direct Procurement Method, covering most
less the following steps:
a. market price surveys to select the candidate Provider Consulting Services;
b. compare the offer price to the value of the direct costs of personnel as defined in Article 49 paragraph (7)
letter c and d; and
c. technical clarification and negotiation costs.
(6) Selection of Consulting Services Provider with the method includes at least Contest
the following stages:
a. announcement;
b. Contest registration and document retrieval;
c. briefing;
d. inclusion of proposals;
e. the opening of proposals;
f. administrative examination and assessment of the technical proposal;
g. manufacture Minutes Contest Results;
h. determining the winner;
i. winner announcement; and
j. the designation of a winner.
(7) Selection of Individual Consultant Services Providers using stages Public Auction
post-qualification of the cover, by adding a clarification and negotiation phases of technical and cost after stage

paragraph three
Compilation Schedule of Elections
Goods / Services

Article 59
(1) ULP / Procurement Officer to prepare and establish implementation schedules Procurement
Goods / Services.

(2) Preparation of implementation schedule of procurement referred to in paragraph (1), must

allocating sufficient time for all stages of the procurement process, including time for:

a. The auction announcement / Selection;

b. registration and retrieval Qualification Document or Document Procurement;
c. briefing;
d. influx Bid;
e. evaluation of bids;
f. determining the winner; and
g. refutation and rebuttal appeal.

Article 60
(1) Public Bidding with prequalification, Auctions Limited or General Selection is done
with punctuality as follows:
a. prequalification serving at least seven (7) working days;
b. registration and Qualification Document retrieval begins from the date of announcement of up to 1 (one)
working day before the Qualification Document submission deadline;
c. Qualification Document submission deadline of at least three (3) working days after the end of the
announcement aired qualification;
d. objection period to the qualifying results conducted for 5 (five) working days after the announcement of the results of the
qualification and there is no objection appeal;
e. auction invitation / selection to participants who qualify delivered 1 (one) working days after completion of
corrected problems;
f. Bidding Document retrieval is done since the inception of the auction invitation / selection up to 1 (one)
working day before the Bid submission deadline;
g. fastest briefing held 4 (four) business days from the date of the auction invitation / selection;

h. influx Bid begins 1 (one) working day after the briefing until at least seven (7) working days after the
signing of the Minutes of Giving explanations;

i. objection period to the results of the auction / selection for 5 (five) working days after the announcement of the auction /
selection appeal and objection period for 5 (five) working days after receiving an answer the objection;

j. Appointment Letter Goods / Services (SPPBJ) published at least six (6) working days after the
announcement of the auction winner determination / selection if there is no objection, or after the
objection is answered in the absence of an appeal;
k. in case an appeal is not accepted, SPPBJ published at least two (2) working days after the answer to an
appeal from the Minister / Head of Institution / Regional Head / Head of Institution; and

l. The contract signed within 14 (fourteen) working days after the publication of SPPBJ.

(2) Setting the schedule / time out of the process as described in paragraph (1) letter a to
with the letter l, left entirely to the ULP.
(3) In the case of Public Bidding with prequalification, Auctions Limited or General Selection
do precedes the budget year, SPPBJ only published after DIPA / DPA authorized.

Article 61
(1) Public Auction and the General Selection Individuals with post-done
punctuality as follows:
a. announcement aired auction / selection carried out at least seven (7) working days;
b. registration and document retrieval Procurement (Qualification Document and Document Selection)
starting from the date of announcement of up to 1 (one) working day before the Bid submission deadline;

c. fastest briefing held 4 (four) business days from the date of announcement of the auction / selection;

d. influx Bid begins 1 (one) working day after the briefing;

e. Bid submission deadline at least two (2) working days after the explanation by taking into account the
time required to prepare the Offer Document in accordance with the type, complexity and location of the
f. proposal evaluation can be conducted in accordance with:
1) the time required; or
2) the type and complexity of the work;
g. objection period to the results of the auction / selection for 5 (five) working days after the announcement of the auction /
selection appeal and objection period for 5 (five) working days after receiving an answer the objection;

h. SPPBJ published at least six (6) working days after the announcement of the auction winner
determination / selection if there is no objection, or after the objection is answered in the absence of an
i. in case an appeal is not accepted, SPPBJ published at least two (2) working days after the answer to an
appeal from the Minister / Head of Institution / Regional Head / Head of Institution; and

j. The contract signed within 14 (fourteen) working days after the publication of SPPBJ.

(2) Setting the schedule / time out of the process as described in paragraph (1) letter a to
with the letter J, left entirely to the ULP.
(3) In the case of Public Bidding and General Selection Individuals with post qualification
do precedes the budget year, SPPBJ published after DIPA / DPA authorized.

Article 62
(1) The auction Simple, or Direct Selection Simple Selection Individuals do
with punctuality as follows:
a. serving the announcement made at least three (3) working days;
b. registration and document retrieval Procurement starts from the date the announcement of up to 1 (one)
working day before the Bid submission deadline;
c. fastest briefing held 4 (four) business days from the date of the announcement;

d. influx Bid begins 1 (one) working day after the briefing until at least 2 (two) working days after the signing
of the Minutes of Giving explanations;

e. objection period to the results of the auction / simple selection of individuals for 5 (five) working days after the announcement
of the auction / simple selection of individual and comparative objection period of 5 (five) working days after receiving an
answer the objection;
f. SPPBJ published at least six (6) working days after the announcement of the auction winner determination
/ selection of individual simple if there is no objection, or after the objection is answered in the absence of
an appeal;
g. in case an appeal is not accepted, SPPBJ published at least two (2) working days after the answer to an
appeal from the Minister / Head of Institution / Regional Head / Head of Institution; and

h. The contract signed within 14 (fourteen) working days after the publication of SPPBJ.

(2) Selection Simple with prequalification do with punctuality as follows:

a. prequalification serving at least three (3) working days;
b. registration and Qualification Document retrieval begins from the date of announcement of up to 1 (one)
working day before the Qualification Document submission deadline;
c. Qualification Document submission deadline of at least three (3) working days after the end of the
announcement aired qualification;
d. objection period to the qualifying results conducted for 5 (five) working days after the announcement of the results of the
qualification and there is no objection appeal;
e. invitations to participants who entered the short list submitted 1 (one) working days after the objection period or after
completion of corrected problems;
f. Bidding Document retrieval is done since the issuance of the invitation of selection up to 1 (one) working
day before the Bid submission deadline;
g. fastest briefing held 4 (four) business days from the date of the invitation selection;

h. influx Bid begins 1 (one) working day after the briefing until at least three (3) working days after the
signing of the Minutes of Giving explanations;

i. objection period to the results of selection for 5 (five) working days after the announcement of the selection and the appeal
during the objection period of 5 (five) working days after receiving an answer the objection;

j. SPPBJ published at least six (6) working days after the announcement of the award of the selection if
there is no objection, or after the objection is answered in the absence of an appeal;

k. in case an appeal is not accepted, SPPBJ published at least two (2) working days after the answer to an
appeal from the Minister / Head of Institution / Regional Head / Head of Institution; and

l. The contract signed within 14 (fourteen) working days after the publication of SPPBJ.

(3) setting the schedule / time out of the process as described in paragraph (1) letter a to
with the letter h, and in paragraph (2) letter a to letter l, left entirely to the ULP.
(4) In the case of auction Simple or Direct Selection or Selection Simple done
precede the budget year, SPPBJ only published after DIPA / DPA authorized.

Article 63
Scheduling / appointment time Direct / Direct Procurement / contest / competition is left entirely to the ULP /
Procurement Officer.

part six
Preparation of Documents for Procurement of Goods / Services

Article 64
(1) ULP / compiling its Procurement Officer Procurement of Goods / Services which consists of:
a. Qualification Document; and
b. Bidding Document.
(2) Qualification Document referred to in paragraph (1) letter a, at least consist of:
a. manual form filling stuffing qualification;
b. qualifying entry form;
c. instructions to participants of qualifications;
d. qualification data sheet;
e. Integrity pact; and
f. qualification evaluation procedure.
(3) Bidding Documents referred to in paragraph (1) letter b shall at least consist of:

a. invitation / announcement to prospective Goods / Services;

b. instructions to participants Goods / Services;
c. general terms of the Contract;
d. specific terms of the Contract;
e. quantity and price list;
f. technical specifications, TORs and / or images;
g. form of a letter of offer;
h. the draft contract;
i. Collateral form; and
j. examples of forms that need to be filled.
(4) KDP set part of the draft Procurement Document consisting of:
a. SPK draft; or
b. the draft letter of agreement include:
1) The general terms of the Contract;
2) The specific terms of the Contract;
3) technical specifications, TORs and / or images;
4) The quantity and price list; and
5) other documents.
c. HPS.

Article 65
(1) The CO drafting the Contract for Procurement of Goods / Services as referred to in
Article 64 paragraph (4) letter a and b.
(2) Draft Contract for Procurement of Goods / Services prepared by referring to the Standard
Contract Procurement of Goods / Services.
(3) Further provisions on the Standard Contract for the Procurement of Goods / Services and Guidelines
Contract drafting of Goods / Services Chief LKPP regulated by legislation.

Part Seven Self-Estimated


Article 66
(1) The CO set Estimated Price Alone (HPS) Goods / Services, except for
Contest / Competition.
(2) ULP / Procurement Officials announced the total value of HPS based HPS set
by KDP.
(3) The total value of HPS is open and not secret.
(4) HPS arranged for up to 28 (twenty eight) days before the submission deadline
bidding. (5) HPS is used as:

a. a tool to assess the fairness of deals included details;

b. basis for setting the upper limit for legitimate deals Procurement / Construction Work / Other Services and
Procurement of Consultancy Services that use the Budget Ceiling method; and

c. basis for establishing the amount of performance security value for deals whose value is lower than 80%
(eighty percent) of the total value of HPS. (6) HPS not as a basis for determining the amount of state losses.
(7) Preparation of HPS is based on local market price data, obtained by

the survey results before the implementation of procurement, taking into account information that includes:

a. unit cost information officially published by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS);
b. unit cost information published officially by the relevant associations and other data sources that can be
accounted for;
c. list of fees / tariffs Goods / Services issued by the manufacturer / sole distributor;
d. the cost of the previous contract or underway taking into account changes in costs;

e. the previous year's inflation, current interest rates and / or exchange rate of Bank Indonesia;
f. Contracts comparison with similar results, whether conducted by other agencies or other parties;

g. estimates of the cost calculation performed by consultant planners (engineer's estimate);

h. index norm; and / or

i. Other information that can be accounted for.
(8) HPS compiled by calculating profits and overhead costs that are considered reasonable.

Part Eight Security Goods /


Article 67
(1) Goods / Services handed over to the User Security Goods / Services to meet
obligations as required in the Document Procurement / Contract Procurement of Goods / Services.

(2) The warranty for the Procurement of Goods / Services consist of:
a. Bid Security;
b. Performance bond;
c. Advance payment guarantee;
d. Insurance; and
e. Warranty Disclaimer Appeal.
(3) The warranty for the Procurement of Goods / Services as referred to in paragraph (2) shall be
liquefied unconditional (unconditional) the amount of the guarantee no later than 14 (fourteen) working days
after the affidavit of default of the CO / ULP received by the Issuer Warranty.

(4) ULP / Procurement Officer or CO to clarify the validity of a written guarantee

(5) Guarantees of Commercial Banks, Insurance Companies or the insurance company can
used for any type of guarantee.
(6) Insurance Companies referred to in paragraph (5) is the Insurance Companies
who have permission from the Minister of Finance.
(7) on the Company's Insurance Guarantee issuer referred to in paragraph (5) is
General Insurance Company has permission to sell collateral (suretyship) as determined by the Minister of
Article 68
(1) The bid security provided by the Goods / Works Construction / Other Services in
when entering bids, of between 1% (one percent) to 3% (three percent) of the total HPS.

(2) the bid security returned to the Goods / Works Construction / Services
More after the CO receives a Performance Bond to the signing of the contract. (3) The bid security is not
required in the case of Procurement / Construction Work / Services
Others carried the Direct Appointment, Direct Procurement or Contest / Competition.

Article 69
(1) Provider Consulting Services can be provided Advances.
(2) Advance Payment Guarantee given by the provider of goods / services against payment Advances
(3) The amount of the Advance Payment Security is worth Advances received. (4) Returns calculated
proportionately Advances at every stage

Article 70
(1) Guarantees given by the implementation of Goods / Works for Construction Contracts
worth over 100,000,000.00 (one hundred million rupiah).
(2) a Performance Bond may be provided by the Service Provider for a contract valued Others
above 100,000,000.00 (one hundred million rupiah).
(3) Guarantees given after the issuance SPPBJ Implementation and before signing
Contracts Procurement / Construction Work / Other Services. (4) The amount
of performance security value is as follows:
a. for the value of the corrected between 80% (eighty percent) to 100% (one hundred percent) of the total
value of HPS, a Performance Bond amounting to 5% (five percent) of the Contract; or

b. for the value of deals fell below 80% (eighty percent) of the total value of the HPS, the amount of Performance
Bond 5% (five percent) of the total value of HPS. (5) Performance Bond in effect on the date the Contract until the
handover of Goods / Other Services
or the first handover Construction Works. (6)
Performance Bond returned after:
a. Delivery of Goods / Other Services and Certificate of Guarantee; or
b. Insurance surrender by 5% (five percent) of the value of a special contract for Construction Works
Provider / Other Services.

Article 71
(1) Insurance must be provided by the Provider Works Construction / Other Services
after the execution of the work is completed 100% (one hundred percent). (2) Insurance of 5% (five percent)
of the value of contracts to be awarded to
CO to ensure the maintenance of Construction Work / Other Services that have been submitted. (3)
Insurance refunded after 14 (fourteen) working days after the
maintenance is done.
(4) Provider of Construction Work / Other services may choose to provide assurance
Maintenance or provide retention.
(5) Insurance or retention referred to in paragraph (4), the amount of 5% (five
percent) of the Public Procurement Contract Construction / Other Services.

Warranty Certificate
Part Nine

Article 72
(1) In the procurement of capital goods, manufacturer: Warranty Certificate handed.
(2) Certificate of Guarantee given to the feasibility of the use of goods up to the period
in accordance with certain provisions of the Contract.
(3) The Warranty Certificate issued by the manufacturer or the legally appointed by

part ten
Elections for Goods / Services

First paragraph
Selection announcement Goods / Services

Article 73
(1) ULP announced the implementation of the Goods / Services to the wider community in
a. work plans and budgets K / L / D / I has been approved by parliament / legislature; or
b. Budget Implementation List (DIPA) / Budget Implementation Document (DPA) has been adopted.

(2) In the event that the ULP will conduct auctions / Selection after the work plan and budget
K / L / D / I approved DPR / DPRD but DIPA / DPA has not been approved, the announcement made by mentioning the
condition of DIPA / DPA has not been ratified.
(3) The auction / Selections were made public by announcing it
broad at least via:
a. Website K / L / D / I;
b. official notice board for the community; and
c. National Procurement Portal through LPSE.
(4) The announcement of the establishment of Goods / Services announced publicly by
a general announcement at:
a. Website K / L / D / I; and
b. official notice board for the community.

Article 74
(1) In the announcement for Auctions Limited, ULP must include the name of the candidate
Goods / services that are considered capable. (2) In the case of K / L / D / I use newspapers to announce the
Procurement of Goods / Services,
election should be based on the list of large circulation newspapers and has a wide circulation.

Second Paragraph
Qualification Assessment

Article 75
(1) In the process of pre-qualification / post-qualification, ULP / Procurement Officer shall not prohibit,
inhibit and restrict the participation of candidate Goods / Services from outside the Province / Regency / City.

(2) Goods / Services sign an affidavit stating the above seal

that all information submitted in the entry form is correct qualifications. (3) K / L / D / I prohibited conduct
mass prequalification applicable to procurement in the
specified period by publishing mark passed the prequalification list or the like.

Third Paragraph Registration and

retrieval Document

Article 76
(1) Goods / Services Providers who are interested in the selection of goods / services, signing up
to follow the auction / Selection / Direct Elections to the ULP.
(2) Goods / Services that participate in the procurement of goods / services by appointment
Direct / Procurement directly invited by the ULP / Procurement Officer. (3) Goods / Services take Document
Procurement of ULP / Procurement Officer or
downloaded from the website used by the ULP.

Fourth paragraph
Giving Explanation

Article 77
(1) To clarify Document Procurement of Goods / Services, ULP / Procurement Officer held
(2) ULP / Procurement Officer can provide further explanation by way
review of the field.
(3) Provision of the explanation must be recorded in the Minutes of Giving explanations
signed by the ULP / Procurement Officer and a minimum of one (1) representative of the participants.

(4) ULP provide a copy of the Minutes Provision Company and Addendum Documents
Procurement to all participants, whether they attend or not attend the briefing.

(5) If none of the participants who attended or who are willing to sign the Minutes
Giving explanation, the explanation is quite Minutes Award signed by the ULP members are present.

(6) Changes in contract design and / or technical specifications and / or images and / or the total value
HPS, must get approval from the CO before set forth in Addendum Procurement Documents.

(7) In the case of the CO does not approve the proposed changes referred to in paragraph (6),
a. ULP PPK objected to the PA / KPA to be decided;
b. If the PA / KPA agreed with the CO, do not change; or
c. If the PA / KPA agreed with the ULP, PA / KPA decided to change and are final, and ordered the ULP to
create and validate Addendum Procurement Documents.

(8) The absence of participants at the briefing can not be used as a basis for
reject / disqualify bids.

Paragraph Five Entry Bid

Article 78
(1) Goods / Services Bid enter a period and in accordance
requirements as defined in the Bidding Document.
(2) Documents submitted go beyond the deadline for submission of bids is not
can be received by the ULP / Procurement Officer.
(3) Goods / Services may change, add and / or replace Bid
before the deadline for submission of bids.

Sixth paragraph Bid


Article 79
(1) In conducting the evaluation of bids, the ULP / Procurement Officer shall be guided by the system
way / criteria set out in the Procurement Documents. (2) In evaluating the bids, the ULP / Procurement
Officer and Goods / Services prohibited
action post bidding.

paragraph seven
Determination and Announcement of Winners

Article 80
(1) ULP / Procurement Officer determine the results of elections Goods / Services. (2) ULP / Procurement
Officer announces election results Goods / Services after
established through the website of K / L / D / I and the official notice board.

Eighth paragraph

Article 81
(1) Participants elections Goods / Services aggrieved, either individually or
together with the other participants may submit the objection in writing if it finds:

a. deviation from the provisions and procedures stipulated in Presidential Decree and which are set out in
Document Procurement of Goods / Services;
b. the engineering that resulted in unfair competition; and / or
c. abuse of authority by the ULP and / or other authorized officials.
(2) The rebuttal submitted to the ULP and forwarded to the CO, PA / KPA and APIPs
K / L / D / I no later than five (5) working days after the announcement of the winner. (3) ULP is required to
provide written answers to all the objections within 5 (five) days
work after letter of objection is received.

Article 82
(1) Goods / services that are not satisfied with the answer refutation of ULP can
filed an appeal to the Minister / Head of Institution / Regional Head / Head of Institution no later than five (5)
days after receipt of an answer the objection. (2) Goods / Services filed an appeal shall submit Guarantees

Disclaimer Appeal applicable 20 (twenty) days after the filing of a Counter-Appeal.

(3) Warranty Disclaimer Appeal set at 20/00 (two percent) of the total value of HPS
or a maximum of Rp50,000,000.00 (fifty million rupiah). (4) An objection of
Appeal to stop the auction / Selection.
(5) LKPP can provide advice, opinions, and recommendations for the settlement of the objection
appeal at the request of the Minister / Head of Institution / Regional Head / Head of Institution. (6) The Minister /
Head of Institution / Regional Head / Head of Institution give answers
all an appeal to the earnest appeal no later than 15 (fifteen) working days after an appeal letter is received.

(7) In the case of an appeal are justified, the Minister / Head of Institution / Head
Regional / Head of Institution ordered ULP / Procurement Officer reevaluating or Goods / Services
Procurement reset.
(8) In the event that an appeal is declared incorrectly, Minister / Head of Institution / Head
Regional / Head of Institution ordered that ULP proceeding Goods / Services Procurement reset.

(9) In the case of an appeal are justified, Warranty Disclaimer Appeal restored
the buffer.
(10) In the event that an appeal be declared wrong, Warranty Disclaimer Appeal confiscated and
cash deposited into the State / Region.

Ninth paragraph Election


Article 83
(1) ULP stated Auctions / Direct Selection fail if:
a. the number of participants who qualify in the pre-qualification process is less than 3 (three) participants;
b. the number of participants who entered the Bidding Documents for Procurement / Construction Work / Other Services
less than 3 (three) participants;
c. rebuttal of the participants on the prequalification results to be correct;
d. there are no offers that passed the evaluation of bids;
e. in the bid evaluation found evidence / indication of unfair competition;
f. the lowest offer price fell to Contracts and Contracts Unit Price combined Lump Sum and Unit Price higher
than the HPS;
g. whole price bids for the Lump Sum Contracts above the HPS;
h. auction results refutation of participants turned out to be true; or
i. potential winners and potential winners backup 1 and 2, after the evaluation by deliberately not present in
the clarification and / or proof of qualifications. (2) Selection ULP declared failed if:

a. Participants who pass the pre-qualification process qualification at less than 5 (five) for the General Selection or less
than 3 (three) for Simple Selection;
b. rebuttal of the participants on the prequalification results are declared righteous;
c. no bids that meet the requirements in the bid evaluation;
d. in the bid evaluation found evidence / indication of unfair competition;
e. potential winners and potential winners backup 1 and 2 are not present in the clarification and negotiation for
reasons that are unacceptable;
f. no participants agree / agree on the technical and price negotiation results;
g. Selection of participants refutation results turned out to be true;
h. corrected for the lowest cost deals Contracts and Contracts Unit Price combined Lump Sum and Unit
Price higher than Budget Ceiling; or
i. the entire supply fee for Lump Sum Contracts Budget Ceiling above.
(3) PA / KPA stated Bidding / Selection / Direct Selection fail if:
a. PA / KPA agreed with the CO that is not willing to sign SPPBJ for the auction / Selection / Direct Selection
is not in accordance with the Presidential Regulation;
b. public complaints of alleged corruption involving the ULP and / or CO to be correct;

c. allegations of corruption and / or violation of competition healthy in the implementation of

Auctions / Selection / Direct Election declared righteous by the authorities;
d. refutation of Goods / Services on procedural errors contained in Document Procurement of Goods /
Services to be correct;
e. Procurement document does not comply with this Presidential Regulation;
f. implementation Auctions / Selection / Direct selection does not match or deviate from the Procurement Documents;

g. potential winners and potential winners backup 1 and 2 resigns; or

h. implementation Auctions / Selection / Direct Election of President's rule violation.
(4) PA / KPA / CO / ULP prohibited from providing compensation to the participants of auctions / Selection /
Direct election if the bid is rejected or auction / selection / election be declared failed.

(5) The Minister / Head of Institution / Head of Institution stated Bidding / Selection / Selection
Direct fail if:
a. an appeal of the participants to be correct; or
b. public complaints of alleged corruption involving the KPA was correct.
(6) Regional Head stated Bidding / Selection / Direct Selection fail if:
a. an appeal of the participants to be correct; or
b. public complaints of alleged corruption involving the PA and / or KPA was right.

Article 84
(1) In the case of auctions / Selection / Direct Elections declared a failure, then the ULP soon
a. reevaluation;
b. submission of the Bid;
c. Auctions / Selection / Direct selection again; or
d. The auction process termination / Selection / Direct Election.
(2) In the case of auctions / Selection of the number of providers of goods / services which passed the prequalification
only 2 (two) participants, the process of auctions / Selection resumed.
(3) In the case of auctions / Selection / Direct Selection reset the number of Goods / Services
to submit offers only 2 (two) participants, the process of auctions / Selection / Direct Selection resumed.

(4) In the case of auctions / Selection of the number of providers of goods / services which passed the prequalification
only 1 (one) participant, Auction / Selection re-done as Direct Appointment process.

(5) In the case of auctions / Selection / Direct Selection reset the number of Goods / Services
to submit offers only one (1) participant, Auction / Selection / Direct selection process re-done as Direct

Tenth paragraph Designation

Goods / Services

Article 85
(1) The CO publishes SPPBJ with the following provisions:
a. there is no objection from the participants;
b. disclaimer and / or an appeal proved to be incorrect; or
c. objection period and / or appeal objection period ends.
(2) In the case of Goods / Services that have received SPPBJ resigned and future
its offer is still valid, such withdrawal can only be made on grounds which can be received objectively by the
(3) The resignation referred to in paragraph (2), carried out with the proviso that
Auction participants bid security is concerned cashed and deposited in the State Treasury / Region.

(4) In the case of Goods / Services appointed as executor of the work resign
themselves for reasons unacceptable and a bid is still valid, then:
a. The bid security is concerned cashed and deposited in the State Treasury / Region; and

b. Goods / Services shall be sanctioned prohibition to participate in procurement of goods / services in

government agencies during the two (2) years. (5) In the absence of a rebuttal, SPPBJ should be published
no later than six (6) days
work after the announcement of the winner determination and promptly delivered to the winners are concerned.

(6) In the event of denial and / or an appeal, to be published SPPBJ most

no later than 2 (two) business days after all the objections and / or an appeal to be answered, and immediately
delivered to the winner.

Eleventh paragraph
Signing of the Contract for Procurement of Goods / Services

Article 86
(1) Contract draft PPK enhance Goods / Services to be signed. (2) Signing of the Contract for Procurement of
Goods / Services carried out after DIPA / DPA authorized. (3) The parties signed the contract after Goods /
Services handed Assurance
Implementation of at least 14 (fourteen) working days since the publication of SPPBJ. (4) Signing of the Contract
for Procurement of Goods / Services of complex and / or valued above
Rp100.000.000.000,00 (one hundred billion rupiah) performed after obtaining contract law expert opinion.

(5) The authorized person to sign the Contract for Procurement of Goods / Services on behalf of the
Goods / Services is the Directors named in the Deed of Incorporation / Articles of Association of Goods /
Services, which has been registered in accordance with the legislation. (6) The other party is not the Board of
Directors or whose names were not mentioned in the deed
Incorporation / Articles of Association referred to in paragraph (5), to sign the Contract for Procurement of
Goods / Services, along got the power / authority authorized delegation of the Board of Directors or the legal
basis of establishment / Statutes to sign the Contract for Procurement of Goods / Services.
Part Eleven

Implementation of

Paragraph One Change

Contract Contract

Article 87
(1) In the event of any discrepancy between field conditions at the time of execution, with pictures
and / or technical specifications specified in the Contract Documents, the CO together Goods / Services may make
changes to the Contract that includes:
a. increase or decrease the volume of work that is listed in the Contract;
b. add and / or reduce the types of work;
c. change the technical specifications in accordance with the needs of field work; or
d. change the implementation schedule.
(2) Jobs added as described in paragraph (1) shall be implemented with the following provisions:
a. does not exceed 10% (ten percent) of the price indicated in the agreement / contract early; and

b. the availability of budget.

(3) Goods / Services must not divert the implementation of major work by
The contract, with a subcontract to other parties, except for a major job provider for goods / services
(4) Any violation of the provisions referred to in paragraph (3), Goods / Services
subject to penalties in the form and amount in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Contract
(5) Changes resulting contract administration issues, can be carried along
agreed by both parties.

Second paragraph
Payment Advances and Job Performance

Article 88
(1) Advances may be granted to the Supplier of Goods / Services for:
a. mobilization tools and manpower;
b. so earnest money payments to suppliers of goods / materials; and / or
c. Another technical preparations necessary for the implementation of the Goods / Services.
(2) Advances may be granted to the Supplier of Goods / Services with the following conditions:
a. highest for Small Business 30% (thirty percent) of the Contract for Procurement of Goods / Services; or

b. for non small businesses no more than 20% (twenty percent) of the Contract for Procurement of Goods / Services.

(3) The amount of Advances for Multiple Year Contract is the smallest value between 2
(Two) options:
a. 20% (twenty percent) of the Contract of the first year; or
b. 15% (fifteen percent) of the Contract.
(4) The value of the Advance Payment Security can be gradually reduced in proportion to the
work that is achieved.

Article 89
(1) Payment of work performance can be provided in the form of:
a. monthly payments;
b. payment based on the stage of completion of work (terms); or
c. a lump sum payment after the completion of the work.
(2) Payment of work performance is given to providers of goods / services after deducting installments
Advances returns and fines if any, as well as taxes.
(3) Request for payment to the CO for contract use subcontracting, must
include proof of payment to all subcontractors in accordance with the development (progress) job.

(4) The monthly payments / billings for construction work, done worth of work
(5) The CO can withhold part of the payment as cash retention job performance for
Construction Employment Insurance.

paragraph three
Implementation Contract for Procurement of Goods / Services in Certain Circumstances

Article 90
Under certain circumstances referred to in Article 38 and Article 44, the Direct Appointment for natural disaster
relief work carried out as follows:
a. KDP SPMK published after approval of the PA / KPA and a copy of the statement from the natural disaster /
authorized agency in accordance with laws and regulations;

b. hospitalization in field work conducted jointly between the CO and the Provider of Goods / Services, while its
administrative processes and can be carried out simultaneously;
c. emergency response funds are derived from natural disaster relief funds are:
1) emergency response should be implemented and completed within the shortest possible time for the
security and safety of people and / or to avoid losses to the state or the larger society;

2) construction of emergency should be implemented and completed within the shortest possible time, to the
security and safety of people and / or avoid losses to the state / society greater;

3) the occurrence of natural disasters which fall within the scope of a contract area, emergency handling work can
be incorporated into the Contract Change Order (CCO) and can exceed 10% (ten percent) of the value of the
initial contract.

The fourth paragraph of

Force Majeure

Article 91
(1) Force Majeure is a condition that occurs outside the will of the parties and can not be
previously thought, so the obligation specified in the contract be not be met.

(2) that can be classed as Force Majeure under the Contract for Procurement of Goods / Services
a. natural disasters;
b. non-natural disasters;
c. social disaster;
d. strike;
e. Fire; and / or
f. Other industrial disturbance as expressed through a joint decree the Ministry of Finance and the relevant
technical minister.
(3) In the event of Force Majeure, Goods / Services informing them of the
Force Majeure to the CO in writing no later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days after the occurrence of Force
Majeure, the Force Majeure include a copy of the statement issued by the party / authority authorized in
accordance with laws and regulations.

(4) Excludes the Force Majeure is detriments caused by the act

or negligence of the parties.
(5) Delays in execution of work caused by Force Majeure does not
(6) Upon the occurrence of Force Majeure, the parties can make a deal, as outlined
the contract changes.

Fifth paragraph Price


Article 92
(1) Price Adjustment is done with the following conditions:
a. Contract price adjustment imposed on Multiple Year Contract shaped unit price based on terms and
conditions that have been listed in the Procurement Documents and / or changes in the Procurement
b. procedures for calculation of price adjustment should be stated clearly in the Procurement Documents;

c. price adjustment does not apply to Single Year Contract and Contract Lump Sum and Unit Price lame job.
(2) Conditions of use of price adjustment formula is as follows:

a. Contract price adjustment imposed on the Plural year implementation period of more than twelve (12)
months and imposed starting in the 13 (thirteen) since the implementation of the work;

b. Unit price adjustment applies to all activities / currency payments, except the profit component and
Operating Expenses as specified in the offer;
c. Unit Price adjustments applied in accordance with the implementation schedule contained in the initial contract /
addendum to the contract;
d. Unit Price adjustment for components of the work comes from abroad, using the index price adjustments
of the country of origin of the goods;
e. new kinds of work with the new unit price as a result of the amendment of the contract can be awarded to price
adjustment starting in the 13 (thirteen) since the amendment of the contract was signed; and

f. Contracts were delayed its implementation caused by faulty Goods / Services imposed a price adjustment
based on the price index at the lower of the initial schedule with the schedule of realization of the work.

(3) Adjustment of unit price as referred to in paragraph (2) letter a, defined by

the following formula: Hn
= Ho (a + b.Bn / Bo + c.Cn / Co + d.Dn / Do + ........)
Hn = Unit Price of goods / services at the time they are made;
Ho = Unit Price of goods / services at the time of the bid price;
a = Coefficient remains consisting of profit and overhead;
In terms of deals do not include the amount of profit and overhead component then a =
b, c, d = Coefficient of component contracts such as labor, materials, tools, etc;
The sum a + b + c + d + ..... ff is 1.00.
Bn, Cn, Dn = price index components at the time they are made; Bo, Co, Do = index component prices at
month 12 after signing
(4) Determining the coefficient of contract work done by the relevant technical minister. (5) The price
index used is sourced from BPS publication.
(6) In the event that the price index is not published by BPS, use the index of prices
issued by technical agencies.
(7) Formulation contract value adjustments set as follows:
pn = (Hn1 x V1) + (Hn2 xV2) + (Hn3 x V3) + ...... etc
pn = Value after adjustment contract unit price of goods / services;
Hn = New unit price each type of component of the work after
using a price adjustment formula Unit Price adjustments;
V = Volume of each type of component work performed.

Sixth paragraph
Termination of Contract

Article 93
(1) CO may terminate the contract unilaterally if:
a. late penalties due to improper execution of work Goods / Services has exceeded 5% (five percent) of the
b. Goods / Services neglect / breach in performing its duty and negligence in not fixing a predetermined time
c. Goods / Services guilty of corruption, fraud and / or forgery in the procurement process decided by the
competent authority; and / or
d. Complaints about irregularities procedures, allegations of corruption and / or pelanggararan fair competition in the
implementation of the Goods / Services stated correctly by the relevant authorities.

(2) In the event of termination of the contract done in error Goods / Services:
a. Performance Security thawed;
b. Advances remainder must be repaid by the Supplier of Goods / Services or Security Advances disbursed;

c. Goods / Services to pay a fine; and / or

d. Goods / Services included in the Black List.

Paragraph Seven

Article 94
(1) In the event of a dispute between the parties in the Provision of Goods / Services,
the parties to first resolve the disputes through amicable discussion.

(2) In the event of dispute settlement referred to in paragraph (1) is not reached,
The dispute settlement can be done through arbitration, alternative dispute resolution or court in accordance
with the provisions of the legislation.

Eighth paragraph
Handover Works

Article 95
(1) After the work is completed 100% (one hundred percent) in accordance with the provisions set forth
Contract, Goods / Services submitted a request in writing to the PA / KPA through the CO for submission of
(2) PA / KPA appoint committee / Official Receiver Job Results for the assessment
the results of work completed.
(3) If there are deficiencies in the employment results referred to in paragraph (2),
Organizers / Official Receiver Job Results through the CO ordered Goods / Services for the repair and / or
complete lack of employment as required under the contract.

(4) The Committee / Official Receiver the Works received the submission of a job after the entire
the results of work carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Contract. (5) Special
Construction Work / Other services:
a. Provider of Construction Work / Other Services perform maintenance on the results of the work during the period
specified in the contract, so that conditions remain as at the time of submission of work;

b. most short maintenance period for a permanent job for six (6) months, while for semi-permanent jobs for
3 (three) months; and
c. maintenance period can exceed the budget year.
(6) After the maintenance period referred to in paragraph (5) ends, the CO
restore Insurance / retention money to the Goods / Services. (7) Special Procurement of Goods, applicable
warranty period as agreed by the parties in
(8) Goods / Services signed Handover End of Job when
the end of the handover process (Final Hand Over).
(9) Goods / Services which did not sign the Handover End of Work
as referred to in paragraph (8) is included in the Black List.


Part One
Increased Use of Goods / Services Domestic Production

Article 96
(1) In the implementation of the Goods / Services, K / L / D / I shall:
a. maximize the use of goods / services produced domestically, including national design and engineering in
the Procurement of Goods / Services;
b. maximize the use of Goods / national services; and
c. maximizing the provision of the work packages for Micro and Small Enterprises and small cooperatives.

(2) The obligation K / L / D / I as referred to in paragraph (1) shall be conducted at each stage
Procurement of Goods / Services, from preparation until the expiration of the Agreement / Contract. (3) The
agreement / contract shall specify the terms of use:
a. Indonesian National Standard (SNI) or other applicable standards and / or equivalent international
standards and specified by the agency authorized;
b. domestic production according to the ability of national industries; and
c. experts and / or provider of goods / services in the country.
(4) Utilization of domestic production in the process of procurement of goods / services performed as
a. terms and conditions of use of domestic production published in the Procurement Documents and
explained to all participants;
b. in the evaluation process the Procurement of Goods / Services should be investigated as well as possible in order to really be the
result of domestic production and not the goods / services imports are sold in the country;

c. in the case of some of the material to produce the goods / services of domestic production comes from imports, selected
goods / services that have the greatest domestic components; and
d. in preparing for the Procurement of Goods / Services, as far as possible use of national standards and
national attention to the ability or potential. (5) In the implementation of the Goods / Services strived for
Goods / Services in
country acts as a provider of goods / services major, while Goods / foreign services can act as a sub-Goods
/ Services as needed. (6) The use of foreign experts whose expertise is not yet available in Indonesia, should

disusun berdasarkan keperluan yang nyata dan diusahakan secara terencana untuk semaksimal mungkin terjadinya
pengalihan keahlian pada tenaga kerja Indonesia. (7) Pengadaan Barang yang terdiri atas bagian atau komponen dalam
negeri dan bagian atau
komponen yang masih harus diimpor, dilakukan dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
a. pemilahan atau pembagian komponen harus benar-benar mencerminkan bagian atau komponen yang telah
dapat diproduksi di dalam negeri dan bagian atau komponen yang masih harus diimpor; dan

b. peserta Pengadaan diwajibkan membuat daftar Barang yang diimpor yang dilengkapi dengan spesifikasi teknis,
jumlah dan harga yang dilampirkan pada Dokumen Penawaran. (8) Pengadaan Pekerjaan Terintegrasi yang terdiri
atas bagian atau komponen dalam negeri dan
parts or components that have to be imported, carried out under the following conditions:
a. sorting or division of components must be completely reflect the parts or components that can be
produced domestically and parts or components that have to be imported;

b. installation work, fabrication, testing and others as much as possible done in the country; and

c. Procurement participants are required to make a list of the imported goods that are equipped with the technical
specifications, quantities and prices attached to the Offer Document. (9) Procurement of imported goods is possible in
case of:
a. The goods can not be produced domestically;
b. technical specifications of goods produced in the country do not meet the requirements; and / or

c. the volume of domestic production can not meet demand.

(10) Goods / Services which implement the Procurement of Goods / Services which are imported directly,
maximum use of existing services in the country.

Article 97
(1) The use of domestic products as referred to in Article 96 paragraph (1) letter a,
carried out according to the amount of domestic components on any goods / services as indicated by the value
of Domestic Component (DCL).
(2) Product of the Interior shall be used if there is a Provider of Goods / Services offered
Goods / Services with DCL value plus the value of the Company Benefit Weight (BMP) at least 40% (forty
(3) The provisions referred to in paragraph (2) is only applied in Procurement
Goods / Services followed by at least three (3) participants Goods / Services Procurement domestic product.

(4) Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3), hanya dapat diikuti
oleh Barang/Jasa produksi dalam negeri sepanjang Barang/Jasa tersebut sesuai dengan spesifikasi teknis yang
dipersyaratkan, harga yang wajar dan kemampuan penyerahan hasil Pekerjaan dari sisi waktu maupun jumlah.

(5) TKDN mengacu pada Daftar Inventarisasi Barang/Jasa Produksi Dalam Negeri yang
diterbitkan oleh Kementerian yang membidangi urusan perindustrian. (6) Ketentuan dan tata cara penghitungan
TKDN merujuk pada ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh
Menteri yang membidangi urusan perindustrian dengan tetap berpedoman pada tata nilai Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden ini.

Bagian Kedua
Preferensi Harga

Pasal 98
(1) Preferensi Harga untuk Barang/Jasa dalam negeri diberlakukan pada Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
yang dibiayai pinjaman luar negeri melalui Pelelangan Internasional. (2) Preferensi Harga untuk Barang/Jasa dalam
negeri diberlakukan pada Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
yang dibiayai rupiah murni tetapi hanya berlaku untuk Pengadaan Barang/Jasa bernilai diatas Rp5.000.000.000,00
(lima miliar rupiah).
(3) Preferensi Harga hanya diberikan kepada Barang/Jasa dalam negeri dengan TKDN lebih besar
atau sama dengan 25% (dua puluh lima perseratus).
(4) Barang produksi dalam negeri sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3), tercantum dalam Daftar
Barang Produksi Dalam Negeri yang dikeluarkan oleh Menteri yang membidangi urusan perindustrian.

(5) Preferensi harga untuk Barang produksi dalam negeri paling tinggi 15% (lima belas
(6) Preferensi harga untuk Pekerjaan Konstruksi yang dikerjakan oleh Kontraktor nasional adalah
7,5% (tujuh koma lima perseratus) diatas harga penawaran terendah dari Kontraktor asing.
(7) Harga Evaluasi Akhir (HEA) dihitung dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
a. preferensi terhadap komponen dalam negeri Barang/Jasa adalah tingkat komponen dalam negeri dikalikan
preferensi harga;
b. preferensi harga diperhitungkan dalam evaluasi harga penawaran yang telah memenuhi persyaratan administrasi
dan teknis, termasuk koreksi aritmatik;
c. perhitungan Harga Evaluasi Akhir (HEA) adalah sebagai berikut: HPKPHEA11

HEA = Harga Evaluasi Akhir. KP

= Koefisien Preferensi (Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN) dikali
Preferensi tertinggi Barang/ Jasa). HP
= Harga Penawaran (Harga Penawaran yang memenuhi persyaratan lelang dan
telah dievaluasi).
(8) Dalam hal terdapat 2 (dua) atau lebih penawaran dengan HEA yang sama, penawar dengan
TKDN terbesar adalah sebagai pemenang.
(9) Pemberian Preferensi Harga sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), tidak mengubah Harga
Penawaran dan hanya digunakan oleh ULP untuk keperluan perhitungan HEA guna menetapkan peringkat
pemenang Pelelangan/Seleksi.

Bagian Ketiga
Pengawasan Penggunaan Produksi Dalam Negeri

Pasal 99
(1) APIP melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap pemenuhan penggunaan produksi dalam negeri dalam
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa untuk keperluan instansinya masing-masing. (2) APIP segera melakukan langkah serta
tindakan yang bersifat kuratif/perbaikan, dalam hal
terjadi ketidaksesuaian dalam penggunaan produksi dalam negeri, termasuk audit teknis (technical audit)
berdasarkan Dokumen Pengadaan dan Kontrak Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang bersangkutan.

(3) Dalam hal hasil pemeriksaan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), menyatakan adanya
ketidaksesuaian dalam penggunaan Barang/Jasa produksi dalam negeri, Penyedia Barang/Jasa dikenakan sanksi sesuai
dengan Peraturan Presiden ini.
(4) PPK yang menyimpang dari ketentuan ini dikenakan sanksi sesuai dengan ketentuan
peraturan perundang-undangan.



Pasal 100
(1) Dalam Pengadaan Barang/Jasa, PA/KPA wajib memperluas peluang Usaha Mikro dan Usaha
Kecil serta koperasi kecil.
(2) Dalam proses perencanaan dan penganggaran kegiatan, PA/KPA mengarahkan dan
menetapkan besaran Pengadaan Barang/Jasa untuk Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil serta koperasi kecil.

(3) Nilai paket pekerjaan Pengadaan Barang/Pekerjaan Konstruksi/ Jasa Lainnya sampai dengan
Rp2.500.000.000,00 (dua miliar lima ratus juta rupiah), diperuntukan bagi Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil serta
koperasi kecil, kecuali untuk paket pekerjaan yang menuntut kompetensi teknis yang tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh
Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil serta koperasi kecil. (4) Perluasan peluang Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil serta
koperasi kecil melalui Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa ditetapkan sebagai berikut:
a. setiap awal Tahun Anggaran, PA/KPA membuat rencana Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dengan sebanyak mungkin
menyediakan paket-paket pekerjaan bagi Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil serta koperasi kecil; dan

b. PA/KPA menyampaikan paket pekerjaan kepada instansi yang membidangi Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil
serta koperasi kecil disetiap provinsi/kabupaten/kota. (5) Pembinaan Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil serta
koperasi kecil meliputi upaya untuk
meningkatkan pelaksanaan kemitraan antara usaha non-kecil dengan Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil serta koperasi
kecil di lingkungan instansinya.


Pasal 101
(1) Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang dilaksanakan melalui Pelelangan/ Seleksi internasional harus memberikan kesempatan
seluas-luasnya kepada Penyedia Barang/Jasa nasional. (2) Dokumen Pengadaan melalui Pelelangan/Seleksi
internasional ditulis dalam 2 (dua) bahasa, yaitu Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris.

(3) Dalam hal terjadi penafsiran arti yang berbeda terhadap Dokumen Pengadaan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2),
maka dokumen yang berbahasa Indonesia dijadikan acuan. (4) Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang dibiayai dengan kredit
ekspor, kredit lainnya dan/atau hibah:
a. dilakukan melalui persaingan usaha yang sehat;
b. dilaksanakan dengan persyaratan yang paling menguntungkan negara, dari segi teknis dan harga; dan

c. dilakukan dengan memaksimalkan penggunaan komponen dalam negeri dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa nasional.

(5) Pemilihan Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang dibiayai dengan kredit ekspor, kredit lainnya dan/atau hibah, dilakukan di
dalam negeri.
(6) Dalam Dokumen Pengadaan yang diikuti oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa asing memuat hal-hal sebagai berikut:

a. adanya kerja sama antara Penyedia Barang/Jasa asing dengan industri dalam negeri;
b. adanya ketentuan yang jelas mengenai tata cara pelaksanaan pengalihan kemampuan, pengetahuan, keahlian
dan keterampilan; dan
c. ketentuan bahwa seluruh proses pengadaan sedapat mungkin dilaksanakan di wilayah Indonesia.


Pasal 102
(1) Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang dibiayai dana Pinjaman/Hibah Luar Negeri (PHLN) terdiri dari
a. perencanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dengan PHLN; dan
b. pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dengan PHLN.
(2) PA/KPA merencanakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dengan memperhatikan penggunaan
spesifikasi teknis, kualifikasi, standar nasional dan kemampuan/potensi nasional. (3) Dalam merencanakan
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) huruf a,
harus memaksimalkan penggunaan produksi dalam negeri sesuai dengan kemampuan/ potensi nasional dan
standar nasional dalam hal:
a. studi kelayakan dan rancang bangun proyek;
b. penyiapan Dokumen Pengadaan/KAK; dan
c. penyusunan HPS. (4) Kriteria dan tata cara evaluasi dalam Dokumen Pengadaan mencantumkan rumusan peran

serta Penyedia Barang/Jasa nasional dan preferensi harga yang ditetapkan. (5) Dalam penyusunan rancangan
Kontrak, perlu dicantumkan kewajiban penggunaan produksi
dalam negeri.

Pasal 103
(1) PPK dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan yang dibiayai dari PHLN, wajib memahami:
a. Naskah Perjanjian Pinjaman Luar Negeri (NPPLN)/ Naskah Perjanjian Hibah Luar
Negeri (NPHLN) atau dokumen kesepahaman; dan
b. ketentuan-ketentuan pelaksanaan proyek Pengadaan Barang/Jasa setelah NPPLN/NPHLN
disepakati Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan pemberi pinjaman/ hibah. (2) Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang
dibiayai oleh Lembaga Penjamin Kredit Ekspor/Kredit Swasta
Asing dilakukan melalui Pelelangan/Seleksi internasional.
(3) Pengadaan Barang/Jasa sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2), harus merupakan proyek
prioritas yang tercantum dalam Daftar Rencana Prioritas Pinjaman Hibah Luar Negeri (DRPPHLN). (4) Dalam
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang dananya bersumber dari Lembaga Penjamin Kredit

Ekspor, peserta Pelelangan/Seleksi internasional memasukkan penawaran administratif, teknis, harga dan
sumber pendanan beserta persyaratannya sesuai dengan ketentuan dan norma yang berlaku secara internasional.
(5) Evaluasi penawaran sumber pendanaan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (4), dilakukan

dengan metode perhitungan biaya efektif.


Pasal 104
(1) Perusahaan asing dapat ikut serta dalam Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dengan ketentuan sebagai
a. untuk Pengadaan Pekerjaan Konstruksi dengan nilai diatas Rp100.000.000.000,00
(seratus miliar rupiah);
b. untuk Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Lainnya dengan nilai diatas Rp20.000.000.000,00 (dua
puluh miliar rupiah); dan
c. untuk Pengadaan Jasa Konsultansi dengan nilai diatas Rp10.000.000.000,00 (sepuluh
miliar rupiah). (2) Perusahaan asing yang melaksanakan pekerjaan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), harus

melakukan kerja sama usaha dengan perusahaan nasional dalam bentuk kemitraan, subKontrak dan lain-lain,
dalam hal terdapat perusahaan nasional yang memiliki kemampuan dibidang yang bersangkutan.


Pasal 105
(1) Konsep Ramah Lingkungan merupakan suatu proses pemenuhan kebutuhan Barang/Jasa
K/L/D/I, sehingga keseluruhan tahapan proses Pengadaan dapat memberikan manfaat untuk K/L/D/I dan
masyarakat serta perekonomian, dengan meminimalkan dampak kerusakan lingkungan.

(2) Konsep Pengadaan Ramah Lingkungan dapat diterapkan dalam Dokumen Pemilihan berupa
persyaratan-persyaratan tertentu, yang mengarah pada pemanfaatan sumber daya alam secara arif dan
mendukung pelestarian fungsi lingkungan hidup sesuai dengan karakteristik pekerjaan.

(3) Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang Ramah Lingkungan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2),
dilakukan dengan memperhatikan efisiensi dan efektifitas pengadaan (value for money).


Bagian Pertama
Ketentuan Umum Pengadaan Secara Elektronik

Pasal 106
(1) Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah dapat dilakukan secara elektronik. (2) Pengadaan Barang/Jasa secara
elektronik dilakukan dengan cara e-tendering atau e-

Pasal 107
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah secara elektronik bertujuan untuk:
a. meningkatkan transparansi dan akuntabilitas;
b. meningkatkan akses pasar dan persaingan usaha yang sehat;
c. memperbaiki tingkat efisiensi proses Pengadaan;
d. mendukung proses monitoring dan audit; dan
e. memenuhi kebutuhan akses informasi yang real time.

Pasal 108
(1) LKPP mengembangkan Sistem Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah secara elektronik. (2) LKPP menetapkan
arsitektur sistem informasi yang mendukung penyelenggaraan Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa Pemerintah secara elektronik.

Bagian Kedua


Pasal 109
(1) Ruang lingkup e-tendering meliputi proses pengumuman Pengadaan Barang/Jasa sampai
dengan pengumuman pemenang.
(2) Para pihak yang terlibat dalam e-tendering sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) adalah PPK,
ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan dan Penyedia Barang/Jasa.
(3) E-tendering dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan sistem pengadaan secara elektronik yang
diselenggarakan oleh LPSE.
(4) Aplikasi e-tendering sekurang-kurangnya memenuhi unsur perlindungan Hak atas Kekayaan
Intelektual dan kerahasian dalam pertukaran dokumen, serta tersedianya sistem keamanan dan penyimpanan
dokumen elektronik yang menjamin dokumen elektronik tersebut hanya dapat dibaca pada waktu yang telah
(5) Sistem e-tendering yang diselenggarakan oleh LPSE wajib memenuhi persyaratan sebagai
a. mengacu pada standar yang meliputi interoperabilitas dan integrasi dengan sistem Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
secara elektronik;
b. mengacu pada standar proses pengadaan secara elektronik; dan
c. tidak terikat pada lisensi tertentu (free license).
(6) ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan dapat menggunakan sistem Pengadaan Barang/Jasa secara elektronik
yang diselenggarakan oleh LPSE terdekat.

Bagian Ketiga


Pasal 110
(1) Dalam rangka E-Purchasing, sistem katalog elektronik (E-Catalogue) sekurang-kurangnya
memuat informasi teknis dan harga Barang/Jasa.
(2) Sistem katalog elektronik sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) diselenggarakan oleh LKPP. (3) Dalam rangka
pengelolaan sistem katalog elektronik sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1),
LKPP melaksanakan Kontrak Payung dengan Penyedia Barang/Jasa untuk Barang/Jasa tertentu.

Bagian Keempat Layanan

Pengadaan Secara Elektronik

Pasal 111
(1) Gubernur/Bupati/Walikota membentuk LPSE untuk memfasilitasi ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan
dalam melaksanakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa secara elektronik.
(2) K/L/I dapat membentuk LPSE untuk memfasilitasi ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan dalam
melaksanakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa secara elektronik.
(3) ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan pada Kementerian/Lembaga/Perguruan Tinggi/BUMN yang tidak
membentuk LPSE, dapat melaksanakan Pengadaan secara elektronik dengan menjadi pengguna dari LPSE
terdekat. (4) Fungsi pelayanan LPSE paling kurang meliputi:
a. administrator sistem elektronik;
b. unit registrasi dan verifikasi pengguna; dan
c. unit layanan pengguna.
(5) LPSE wajib menyusun dan melaksanakan standar prosedur operasional serta menandatangani
kesepakatan tingkat pelayanan (Service Level Agreement) dengan LKPP. (6) LKPP melakukan pembinaan dan
pengawasan terhadap penyelenggaraan sistem Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa secara elektronik.

Bagian Kelima Portal

Pengadaan Nasional

Pasal 112
(1) LKPP membangun dan mengelola Portal Pengadaan Nasional.
(2) K/L/D/I wajib menayangkan rencana Pengadaan dan pengumuman Pengadaan di website
K/L/D/I masing-masing dan Portal Pengadaan Nasional melalui LPSE. (3) Website masing-masing K/L/D/I wajib
menyediakan akses kepada LKPP untuk memperoleh
informasi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2).


Bagian Pertama
Pengadaan Tentara Nasional Indonesia dan Kepolisian
Negara Republik Indonesia

Pasal 113
(1) Alat utama sistem senjata (alutsista) Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) yang digunakan untuk
kepentingan pertahanan Negara ditetapkan oleh Menteri Pertahanan berdasarkan masukan dari Panglima TNI.

(2) Alat material khusus (almatsus) Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia yang digunakan untuk
kepentingan penyelenggaraan keamanan dan ketertiban masyarakat ditetapkan oleh Kepala Kepolisian Negara
Republik Indonesia.
(3) Pengadaan alutsista dan almatsus dilakukan oleh industri pertahanan, industri alutsista dan
industri almatsus dalam negeri.
(4) Dalam hal alutsista dan almatsus belum dapat dibuat di dalam negeri, Pengadaan alutsista dan
almatsus sedapat mungkin langsung dari pabrikan yang terpercaya. (5) Pabrikan Penyedia alutsista dan almatsus di
luar negeri sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (4),
sedapat mungkin bekerja sama dengan industri dan/atau lembaga riset dalam negeri. (6) Ketentuan lebih lanjut
tentang pedoman dan tata cara Pengadaan alutsista diatur oleh Menteri
Pertahanan dengan tetap berpedoman pada tata nilai pengadaan sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden ini.

(7) Dalam melaksanakan Pengadaan alutsista sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Peraturan Presiden
ini, Menteri Pertahanan dapat membentuk tim koordinasi yang terdiri dari unsur-unsur Kementerian Pertahanan,
Mabes TNI/Angkatan, kementerian yang membidangi industri, riset dan teknologi serta unsur lain terkait.

(8) Ketentuan lebih lanjut tentang pedoman dan tata cara Pengadaan almatsus diatur oleh Kepala
Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia dengan tetap berpedoman pada tata nilai pengadaan sebagaimana diatur
dalam Peraturan Presiden ini.
(9) Dalam melaksanakan Pengadaan almatsus sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Peraturan Presiden
ini, Kepala Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia dapat membentuk tim koordinasi yang terdiri dari unsur-unsur
kementerian yang membidangi industri, riset dan teknologi serta unsur lain terkait.

(10) Penyusunan pedoman dan tata cara Pengadaan alutsista dan almatsus sebagaimana dimaksud
pada ayat (6) dan ayat (8) dikonsultasikan kepada LKPP.
Bagian Kedua Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa di Luar Negeri

Pasal 114
(1) Pengadaan Barang/Jasa untuk kepentingan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia di Luar Negeri
pada prinsipnya berpedoman pada ketentuan Peraturan Presiden ini. (2) Dalam hal Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) tidak dapat
dilaksanakan, maka pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dapat menyesuaikan dengan ketentuan peraturan
perundang-undangan di negara setempat dengan tetap mengutamakan kepentingan nasional.

(3) Ketentuan lebih lanjut tentang pedoman dan tata cara Pengadaan Barang/Jasa di Luar Negeri
sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2), diatur oleh Menteri Luar Negeri dengan tetap berpedoman pada tata
nilai Pengadaan Barang/Jasa sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden ini.

(4) Penyusunan pedoman dan tata cara Pengadaan Barang/Jasa sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat
(3), dikonsultasikan kepada LKPP.


Bagian Pertama


Pasal 115
(1) K/L/D/I dilarang melakukan pungutan dalam bentuk apapun dalam pelaksanaan Pengadaan
(2) Pimpinan K/L/D/I wajib melaporkan secara berkala realisasi Pengadaan Barang/Jasa kepada

Bagian Kedua


Pasal 116
K/L/D/I wajib melakukan pengawasan terhadap PPK dan ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan di lingkungan K/L/D/I masing masing,
dan menugaskan aparat pengawasan intern yang bersangkutan untuk melakukan audit sesuai dengan ketentuan.

Bagian Ketiga


Pasal 117
(1) Dalam hal Penyedia Barang/Jasa atau masyarakat menemukan indikasi penyimpangan
prosedur, KKN dalam pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah dan/atau pelanggaran persaingan yang
sehat dapat mengajukan pengaduan atas proses pemilihan Penyedia Barang/Jasa.

(2) Pengaduan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), ditujukan kepada APIP K/L/D/I yang
bersangkutan dan/atau LKPP, disertai bukti-bukti kuat yang terkait langsung dengan materi pengaduan.

(3) APIP K/L/D/I dan LKPP sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) sesuai dengan kewenangannya
menindaklanjuti pengaduan yang dianggap beralasan.
(4) Hasil tindak lanjut pengaduan yang dilakukan oleh APIP sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat
(3), dilaporkan kepada Menteri/Pimpinan Lembaga/Kepala Daerah/Pimpinan institusi, dan dapat dilaporkan kepada
instansi yang berwenang dengan persetujuan Menteri/Pimpinan Lembaga/Kepala Daerah/ Pimpinan Institusi,
dalam hal diyakini terdapat indikasi KKN yang akan merugikan keuangan negara, dengan tembusan kepada LKPP
dan BPKP.
(5) Instansi yang berwenang dapat menindaklanjuti pengaduan setelah Kontrak ditandatangani
dan terdapat indikasi adanya kerugian negara.

Bagian Keempat

Pasal 118
(1) Perbuatan atau tindakan Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang dapat dikenakan sanksi adalah:
a. berusaha mempengaruhi ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan/pihak lain yang berwenang dalam bentuk dan cara apapun, baik
langsung maupun tidak langsung guna memenuhi keinginannya yang bertentangan dengan ketentuan dan
prosedur yang telah ditetapkan dalam Dokumen Pengadaan/Kontrak, dan/atau ketentuan peraturan
b. melakukan persekongkolan dengan Penyedia Barang/Jasa lain untuk mengatur Harga Penawaran diluar
prosedur pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa, sehingga
mengurangi/menghambat/memperkecil dan/ atau meniadakan persaingan yang sehat dan/atau merugikan
orang lain;
c. membuat dan/atau menyampaikan dokumen dan/atau keterangan lain yang tidak benar untuk memenuhi
persyaratan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang ditentukan dalam Dokumen Pengadaan;

d. mengundurkan diri dari pelaksanaan Kontrak dengan alasan yang tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan
dan/atau tidak dapat diterima oleh ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan;
e. tidak dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaan sesuai dengan Kontrak secara bertanggung jawab; dan/atau

f. berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 99 ayat (3), ditemukan adanya ketidaksesuaian
dalam penggunaan Barang/Jasa produksi dalam negeri. (2) Perbuatan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), dikenakan
sanksi berupa:
a. sanksi administratif;
b. sanksi pencantuman dalam Daftar Hitam;
c. gugatan secara perdata; dan/atau
d. pelaporan secara pidana kepada pihak berwenang.
(3) Pemberian sanksi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) huruf a, dilakukan oleh
PPK/ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan sesuai dengan ketentuan.
(4) Pemberian sanksi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2) huruf b, dilakukan oleh PA/KPA
setelah mendapat masukan dari PPK/ ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan sesuai dengan ketentuan. (5) Tindakan sebagaimana
dimaksud pada ayat (2) huruf c dan huruf d, dilakukan sesuai dengan
peraturan perundang-undangan.
(6) Apabila ditemukan penipuan/pemalsuan atas informasi yang disampaikan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa, dikenakan sanksi pembatalan sebagai calon pemenang dan dimasukkan dalam Daftar Hitam.

(7) Apabila terjadi pelanggaran dan/atau kecurangan dalam proses Pengadaan Barang/Jasa, maka
a. dikenakan sanksi administrasi;
b. dituntut ganti rugi; dan/atau
c. dilaporkan secara pidana.

Pasal 119
Perbuatan atau tindakan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 118 ayat (1) huruf f, selain dikenakan sanksi
sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 118 ayat (2) huruf a dan huruf b, dikenakan sanksi finansial.

Pasal 120
Selain perbuatan atau tindakan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 118 ayat (1), Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang
terlambat menyelesaikan pekerjaan dalam jangka waktu sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Kontrak, dapat dikenakan
denda keterlambatan sebesar 1/1000 (satu perseribu) dari harga Kontrak atau bagian Kontrak untuk setiap hari
keterlambatan dan tidak melampaui besarnya Jaminan Pelaksanaan.
Pasal 121
Konsultan perencana yang tidak cermat dan mengakibatkan kerugian negara, dikenakan sanksi berupa keharusan
menyusun kembali perencanaan dengan beban biaya dari konsultan yang bersangkutan, dan/atau tuntutan ganti rugi.

Pasal 122
PPK yang melakukan cidera janji terhadap ketentuan yang termuat dalam Kontrak, dapat dimintakan ganti rugi
dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
a. besarnya ganti rugi yang dibayar oleh PPK atas keterlambatan pembayaran adalah sebesar bunga terhadap nilai
tagihan yang terlambat dibayar, berdasarkan tingkat suku bunga yang berlaku pada saat itu menurut ketetapan Bank
Indonesia; atau
b. dapat diberikan kompensasi sesuai ketentuan dalam Kontrak.

Pasal 123
Dalam hal terjadi kecurangan dalam pengumuman Pengadaan, sanksi diberikan kepada anggota ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan
sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan.

Pasal 124
(1) K/L/D/I dapat membuat Daftar Hitam sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 118 ayat (2) huruf
b, yang memuat identitas Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang dikenakan sanksi oleh K/L/D/I.
(2) Daftar Hitam sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), memuat daftar Penyedia Barang/Jasa
yang dilarang mengikuti Pengadaan Barang/Jasa pada K/L/D/I yang bersangkutan. (3) K/L/D/I menyerahkan
Daftar Hitam kepada LKPP untuk dimasukkan dalam Daftar Hitam
(4) Daftar Hitam Nasional sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (3), dimutakhirkan setiap saat dan
dimuat dalam Portal Pengadaan Nasional.


Bagian Pertama

Pasal 125
(1) Untuk pemenuhan dan peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia dibidang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
dilakukan pelatihan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa.
(2) Program pelatihan Sumber Daya Manusia sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), disusun
berdasarkan standar kompetensi dan dapat dilakukan secara berjenjang.

Bagian Kedua Sertifikasi

Sumber Daya Manusia

Pasal 126
(1) LKPP melakukan Sertifikasi Keahlian Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah. (2) LKPP dapat bekerja sama dengan
lembaga sertifikasi profesi yang memenuhi persyaratan
akreditasi untuk melakukan Sertifikasi Keahlian sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1). (3) Pengaturan mengenai

jenjang Sertifikasi Keahlian Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah

ditetapkan oleh Kepala LKPP.

Bagian Ketiga Masa Pemberlakuan

Sertifikat Keahlian
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa

Pasal 127
Ketentuan masa transisi Pemberlakuan Sertifikat Keahlian Pengadaan Barang/Jasa diatur sebagai berikut:

a. PPK pada Kementerian/Lembaga/Instansi lain wajib memiliki Sertifikat Keahlian Pengadaan Barang/Jasa sejak
Peraturan Presiden ini berlaku;
b. PPK pada Kementerian/Lembaga/Instansi lain yang ditugaskan di Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT)
Pusat/Kabupaten/Kota, wajib memiliki sertifikat keahlian Pengadaan Barang/Jasa paling lambat 1 Januari 2012;
c. PPK pada Pemerintah Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota wajib memiliki sertifikat keahlian Pengadaan Barang/Jasa paling
lambat 1 Januari 2012.

Bagian Keempat
Pengembangan Profesi

Pasal 128
(1) Pegawai negeri yang ditugaskan sebagai PPK atau anggota ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan,
memperoleh jenjang karir sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan. (2) Pegawai negeri yang ditugaskan sebagai
PPK, anggota ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan, memperoleh
tunjangan profesi yang besarnya sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan.


Pasal 129
(1) Ketentuan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang dilakukan melalui pola kerja sama pemerintah dan
badan usaha swasta dalam rangka Pengadaan Barang/Jasa publik, diatur dengan Peraturan Presiden tersendiri.

(2) Ketentuan Pengadaan tanah diatur dengan peraturan perundang-undangan tersendiri. (3) Pengaturan Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa yang dibiayai APBN, apabila ditindaklanjuti dengan
Keputusan Menteri/Pimpinan Lembaga/ Institusi lain Pengguna APBN, harus tetap berpedoman serta tidak
boleh bertentangan dengan ketentuan Peraturan Presiden ini. (4) Pengaturan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang
dibiayai APBD, apabila ditindaklanjuti dengan
Peraturan Daerah/Keputusan Kepala Daerah/Pimpinan Institusi lainnya pengguna APBD, harus tetap berpedoman
serta tidak boleh bertentangan dengan ketentuan Peraturan Presiden ini.



Pasal 130
(1) ULP wajib dibentuk K/L/D/I paling lambat pada Tahun Anggaran 2014. (2) Dalam hal ULP belum terbentuk atau
belum mampu melayani keseluruhan kebutuhan
Pengadaan sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden ini, PA/KPA menetapkan Panitia Pengadaan untuk
melaksanakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa.
(3) Panitia Pengadaan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2), memiliki persyaratan keanggotaan,
tugas pokok dan kewenangan sebagaimana persyaratan keanggotaan, tugas pokok dan kewenangan Kelompok
Kerja ULP.

Pasal 131
(1) K/L/D/I wajib melaksanakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa secara elektronik untuk
sebagian/seluruh paket-paket pekerjaan pada Tahun Anggaran 2012. (2) K/L/D/I mulai menggunakan
e-Procurement dalam Pengadaan Barang/Jasa disesuaikan
dengan kebutuhan, sejak Peraturan Presiden ini ditetapkan.

Pasal 132
Dengan berlakunya Peraturan Presiden ini:
1. Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang dilaksanakan sebelum tanggal 1 Januari 2011 tetap dapat berpedoman pada
Keputusan Presiden Nomor 80 Tahun 2003 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah
sebagaimana telah beberapa kali diubah terakhir dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 95 Tahun 2007.

2. Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang sedang dilaksanakan berdasarkan Keputusan Presiden Nomor 80 Tahun 2003
tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah sebagaimana telah beberapa kali diubah
terakhir dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 95 Tahun 2007, dilanjutkan dengan tetap berpedoman pada Keputusan
Presiden Nomor 80 Tahun 2003 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah sebagaimana
telah beberapa kali diubah terakhir dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 95 Tahun 2007.

3. Perjanjian/Kontrak yang telah ditandatangani berdasarkan Keputusan Presiden Nomor 80 Tahun 2003 tentang
Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah sebagaimana telah beberapa kali diubah terakhir
dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 95 Tahun 2007, tetap berlaku sampai dengan berakhirnya Perjanjian/Kontrak.

4. Penayangan pengumuman Pengadaan Barang/Jasa di surat kabar nasional dan/atau provinsi, tetap dilakukan oleh
ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan di surat kabar nasional dan/atau provinsi yang telah ditetapkan, sampai dengan berakhirnya
perjanjian/Kontrak penayangan pengumuman Pengadaan Barang/Jasa.


Pasal 133
Tata Cara Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa tercantum dalam Lampiran Peraturan Presiden ini, dan merupakan satu
kesatuan dan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Peraturan Presiden ini.

Pasal 134
(1) Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai Standar Dokumen Pengadaan (Standard Bidding Document)
diatur dengan Peraturan Kepala LKPP paling lambat 3 (tiga) bulan sejak Peraturan Presiden ini ditetapkan.

(2) Ketentuan lebih lanjut mengenai teknis operasional tentang Daftar Hitam, pengadaan secara
elektronik, dan sertifikasi keahlian Pengadaan Barang/Jasa, diatur oleh Kepala LKPP paling lambat 3 (tiga) bulan
sejak Peraturan Presiden ini ditetapkan.

Pasal 135
Keputusan Presiden Nomor 80 Tahun 2003 tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah
sebagaimana telah beberapa kali diubah terakhir dengan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 95 Tahun 2007, dicabut dan
dinyatakan tidak berlaku sejak tanggal 1 Januari

Pasal 136
Peraturan Presiden ini mulai berlaku sejak tanggal ditetapkan.

Ditetapkan di Bogor, Jawa Barat pada

tanggal 6 Agustus 2010
Salinan sesuai dengan aslinya
Deputi Sekretaris Kabinet
Bidang Hukum,
ttd. Dr. M. Iman

Tata pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih (Good Governance and Clean Government) adalah seluruh aspek yang
terkait dengan kontrol dan pengawasan terhadap kekuasaan yang dimiliki Pemerintah dalam menjalankan
fungsinya melalui institusi formal dan informal. Untuk melaksanakan prinsip Good Governance and Clean
Government, maka Pemerintah harus melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip akuntabilitas dan pengelolaan sumber daya
secara efisien, serta mewujudkannya dengan tindakan dan peraturan yang baik dan tidak berpihak (independen),
serta menjamin terjadinya interaksi ekonomi dan sosial antara para pihak terkait (stakeholders) secara adil,
transparan, profesional, dan akuntabel.

Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik melalui penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang baik dan bersih, perlu didukung
dengan pengelolaan keuangan yang efektif, efisien, transparan, dan akuntabel. Untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan
efektifitas penggunaan keuangan negara yang dibelanjakan melalui proses Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah,
diperlukan upaya untuk menciptakan keterbukaan, transparansi, akuntabilitas serta prinsip persaingan/kompetisi
yang sehat dalam proses Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah yang dibiayai APBN/APBD, sehingga diperoleh
barang/jasa yang terjangkau dan berkualitas serta dapat dipertanggung-jawabkan baik dari segi fisik, keuangan,
maupun manfaatnya bagi kelancaran tugas Pemerintah dan pelayanan masyarakat. Sehubungan dengan hal
tersebut, Peraturan Presiden tentang Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan
pedoman pengaturan mengenai tata cara Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang sederhana, jelas dan komprehensif, sesuai
dengan tata kelola yang baik.

Pengaturan mengenai tata cara Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah dalam Peraturan Presiden ini diharapkan
dapat meningkatkan iklim investasi yang kondusif, efisiensi belanja negara, dan percepatan pelaksanaan
APBN/APBD. Selain itu, Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah yang berpedoman pada Peraturan Presiden ini
ditujukan untuk meningkatkan keberpihakan terhadap industri nasional dan usaha kecil, serta menumbuhkan
industri kreatif, inovasi, dan kemandirian bangsa dengan mengutamakan penggunaan industri strategis dalam
negeri. Selanjutnya, ketentuan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah dalam Peraturan Presiden ini diarahkan untuk
meningkatkan ownership Pemerintah Daerah terhadap proyek/ kegiatan yang pelaksanaannya dilakukan melalui
skema pembiayaan bersama (co-financing) antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah.

Kebijakan umum Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah bertujuan untuk mensinergikan ketentuan Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa dengan kebijakan-kebijakan di sektor lainnya. Langkah- langkah kebijakan yang akan ditempuh
Pemerintah dalam Pengadaan Barang/Jasa sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden tentang Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa Pemerintah ini, meliputi:

a. peningkatan penggunaan produksi Barang/Jasa dalam negeri yang sasarannya untuk memperluas kesempatan
kerja dan basis industri dalam negeri dalam rangka meningkatkan ketahanan ekonomi dan daya saing nasional;

b. kemandirian industri pertahanan, industri alat utama sistem senjata (Alutsista) dan industri alat material khusus
(Almatsus) dalam negeri;
c. peningkatan peran serta Usaha Mikro, Usaha Kecil, koperasi kecil dan kelompok masyarakat dalam
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa;
d. Perhatian terhadap aspek pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dan pelestarian fungsi lingkungan hidup secara
arif untuk menjamin terlaksananya pembangunan berkelanjutan;
e. Peningkatan penggunaan teknologi informasi dan transaksi elektronik;
f. Penyederhanaan ketentuan dan tata cara untuk mempercepat proses pengambilan keputusan dalam
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa;
g. Peningkatan profesionalisme, kemandirian, dan tanggung jawab para pihak yang terlibat dalam perencanaan dan
proses Pengadaan Barang/Jasa;
h. Peningkatan penerimaan negara melalui sektor perpajakan;
i. Penumbuhkembangan peran usaha nasional;
j. Penumbuhkembangan industri kreatif inovatif, budaya dan hasil penelitian laboratorium atau institusi pendidikan
dalam negeri;
k. Memanfaatkan sarana/prasarana penelitian dan pengembangan dalam negeri;
l. Pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa di dalam wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, termasuk di
Kantor Perwakilan Republik Indonesia; dan
m. Pengumuman secara terbuka rencana dan pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa di masing- masing
Kementerian/Lembaga/Satuan Kerja Pemerintah Daerah/Institusi lainnya kepada masyarakat luas.

Hal-hal mendasar dalam ketentuan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah yang diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden
ini antara lain diperkenalkannya metode pelelangan/seleksi sederhana, pengadaan langsung, dan
kontes/sayembara dalam pemilihan penyedia barang/jasa selain metode pelelangan/seleksi umum dan
penunjukan langsung. Lebih lanjut, Peraturan Presiden ini juga mengatur secara khusus pengadaan Alutsista TNI
dan Almatsus Polri yang pengadaannya diutamakan terlebih dahulu berasal dari industri strategis dalam negeri,
dan pengaturan pengadaan melalui sistem elektronik (e-procurement). Dalam Peraturan Presiden ini juga diatur
mengenai Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN) dan persyaratan keikutsertaan perusahaan asing untuk
meningkatkan penggunaan produksi dalam negeri dan keberpihakan terhadap pengusaha nasional, pengaturan
kontrak payung dan kontrak pembiayaan bersama (co-financing) antara Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah
Daerah, serta peningkatan nilai pengadaan yang diadakan untuk menumbuhkembangkan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan


Cukup jelas Pasal 2 Ayat (1)
Huruf a Cukup jelas Huruf b

Yang dimaksud dengan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa untuk investasi adalah pengadaan untuk belanja modal dalam
rangka penambahan aset dan/atau peningkatan kapasitas. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Ayat (4)

Dalam hal perbedaan antara ketentuan berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden ini dengan pedoman Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa pemberi pinjaman/hibah luar negeri dipandang tidak prinsipil oleh pelaksana kegiatan dan pemberi
pinjaman/hibah, maka Peraturan Presiden ini tetap berlaku. Pasal 3 Cukup jelas Pasal 4 Huruf a

Pengadaan Barang meliputi, namun tidak terbatas pada:

a. bahan baku;
b. barang setengah jadi;
c. barang jadi/peralatan;
d. mahluk hidup.
Huruf b
Pekerjaan Konstruksi adalah pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan konstruksi bangunan atau
pembuatan wujud fisik lainnya.
Yang dimaksud dengan pelaksanaan konstruksi bangunan, meliputi keseluruhan atau sebagian rangkaian
kegiatan pelaksanaan yang mencakup pekerjaan arsitektural, sipil,
mekanikal, elektrikal dan tata lingkungan, masing-masing beserta kelengkapannya untuk mewujudkan suatu
Yang dimaksud dengan pembuatan wujud fisik lainnya, meliputi keseluruhan atau sebagian rangkaian kegiatan
pelaksanaan yang mencakup pekerjaan untuk mewujudkan selain bangunan antara lain, namun tidak terbatas
a. konstruksi bangunan kapal, pesawat atau kendaraan tempur;
b. pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan persiapan lahan, penggalian dan/atau penataan lahan (landscaping);

c. perakitan atau instalasi komponen pabrikasi;

d. penghancuran (demolition) dan pembersihan (removal);
e. reboisasi.
Huruf c
Pengadaan Jasa Konsultansi meliputi, namun tidak terbatas pada:
a. jasa rekayasa (engineering);
b. jasa perencanaan (planning), perancangan (design) dan pengawasan (supervision) untuk Pekerjaan Konstruksi;

c. jasa perencanaan (planning), perancangan (design) dan pengawasan (supervision) untuk pekerjaan selain
Pekerjaan Konstruksi, seperti transportasi, pendidikan, kesehatan, kehutanan, perikanan, kelautan,
lingkungan hidup, kedirgantaraan, pengembangan usaha, perdagangan, pengembangan SDM, pariwisata,
pos dan telekomunikasi, pertanian, perindustrian, pertambangan, energi;

d. jasa keahlian profesi, seperti jasa penasehatan, jasa penilaian, jasa pendampingan, bantuan teknis, konsultan
manajemen, konsultan hukum. Huruf d

Pengadaan Jasa Lainnya meliputi, namun tidak terbatas pada:

a. jasa boga (catering service);
b. jasa layanan kebersihan (cleaning service);
c. jasa penyedia tenaga kerja;
d. jasa asuransi, perbankan dan keuangan;
e. jasa layanan kesehatan, pendidikan, pengembangan sumber daya manusia,
f. jasa penerangan, iklan/ reklame, film, pemotretan;
g. jasa percetakan dan penjilidan;
h. jasa pemeliharaan/perbaikan;
i. jasa pembersihan, pengendalian hama (pest control) dan fumigasi;
j. jasa pengepakan, pengangkutan, pengurusan dan penyampaian barang;
k. jasa penjahitan/konveksi;
l. jasa impor/ekspor;
m. jasa penulisan dan penerjemahan;
n. jasa penyewaan;
o. jasa penyelaman;
p. jasa akomodasi;
q. jasa angkutan penumpang;
r. jasa pelaksanaan transaksi instrumen keuangan;
s. jasa penyelenggaraan acara (event organizer);
t. jasa pengamanan;
u. jasa layanan internet;
v. jasa pos dan telekomunikasi;
w. jasa pengelolaan aset. Pasal 5

Dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip efisien, efektif, transparan, keterbukaan, bersaing,

adil/tidak diskriminatif dan akuntabel akan meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap proses
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa, karena hasilnya dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kepada masyarakat dari segi
administrasi, teknis dan keuangan.
a. Efisien, berarti Pengadaan Barang/Jasa harus diusahakan dengan menggunakan dana dan daya yang minimum
untuk mencapai kualitas dan sasaran dalam waktu yang ditetapkan
atau menggunakan dana yang telah ditetapkan untuk mencapai hasil dan sasaran dengan kualitas yang
b. Efektif, berarti Pengadaan Barang/Jasa harus sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan sasaran yang telah ditetapkan serta
memberikan manfaat yang sebesar-besarnya.
c. Transparan, berarti semua ketentuan dan informasi mengenai Pengadaan Barang/Jasa bersifat jelas dan dapat
diketahui secara luas oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang berminat serta oleh masyarakat pada umumnya.

d. Terbuka, berarti Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dapat diikuti oleh semua Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang memenuhi
persyaratan/kriteria tertentu berdasarkan ketentuan dan prosedur yang jelas.

e. Bersaing, berarti Pengadaan Barang/Jasa harus dilakukan melalui persaingan yang sehat diantara sebanyak
mungkin Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang setara dan memenuhi persyaratan, sehingga dapat diperoleh
Barang/Jasa yang ditawarkan secara kompetitif dan tidak ada intervensi yang mengganggu terciptanya
mekanisme pasar dalam Pengadaan Barang/Jasa.

f. Adil/tidak diskriminatif, berarti memberikan perlakuan yang sama bagi semua calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa
dan tidak mengarah untuk memberi keuntungan kepada pihak tertentu, dengan tetap memperhatikan
kepentingan nasional.
g. Akuntabel, berarti harus sesuai dengan aturan dan ketentuan yang terkait dengan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa
sehingga dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Pasal 6 Huruf a Cukup jelas Huruf b Cukup jelas Huruf c Cukup jelas
Huruf d Cukup jelas Huruf e

Ketentuan ini dimaksudkan untuk menjamin perilaku konsisten dari para pihak dalam melaksanakan tugas,
fungsi dan perannya. Oleh karena itu, para pihak tidak boleh memiliki/melakukan peran ganda atau terafiliasi.
Yang dimaksud dengan peran ganda, misalnya:

a. dalam suatu Badan Usaha, seorang anggota Direksi atau Dewan Komisaris merangkap sebagai anggota Direksi
atau Dewan Komisaris pada Badan Usaha lainnya yang menjadi peserta pada Pelelangan/Seleksi yang sama;

b. dalam Pekerjaan Konstruksi, konsultan perencana bertindak sebagai pelaksana pekerjaan atau konsultan
pengawas pekerjaan yang direncanakannya, kecuali dalam pelaksanaan Kontrak Terima Jadi (turn key
contract) dan Kontrak Pengadaan Pekerjaan Terintegrasi. Kontrak Pengadaan Pekerjaan Terintegrasi
mencakup layanan jasa perencanaan,
pelaksanaan, dan/atau pengawasan dengan memperhatikan besaran pekerjaan atau biaya, penggunaan
teknologi canggih serta risiko besar bagi para pihak ataupun kepentingan umum dalam 1 (satu) Pekerjaan
Konstruksi, misalnya Kontrak Berbasis Kinerja (Performance Based Contract/PBC), Kontrak Rancang dan
Bangun (Design and Build), Kontrak Rancang, Bangun dan Operasi
(Engineering, Procurement and
c. pengurus koperasi pegawai dalam suatu K/L/D/I atau anak perusahaan pada BUMN/BUMD yang mengikuti
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dan bersaing dengan perusahaan lainnya, merangkap sebagai anggota
ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan atau pejabat yang berwenang menentukan pemenang Pelelangan/Seleksi.

Yang dimaksud dengan afiliasi adalah keterkaitan hubungan, baik antar Penyedia Barang/Jasa, maupun
antara Penyedia Barang/Jasa dengan PPK dan/atau anggota ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan, antara lain meliputi:

a. hubungan keluarga karena perkawinan dan keturunan sampai dengan derajat kedua, baik secara horizontal
maupun vertikal;
b. PPK/Pejabat Pengadaan baik langsung maupun tidak langsung mengendalikan atau menjalankan perusahaan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa;
c. hubungan antara 2 (dua) perusahaan yang dikendalikan, baik langsung maupun tidak langsung oleh pihak yang
sama yaitu lebih dari 50% (lima puluh perseratus) pemegang saham dan/atau salah satu pengurusnya sama.
Huruf f Cukup jelas Huruf g Cukup jelas Huruf h Cukup jelas Pasal 7 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2) Cukup
jelas Ayat (3)

Tim pendukung adalah tim yang dibentuk oleh PPK untuk membantu pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa.

Tim pendukung antara lain terdiri atas Pejabat Pelaksana Teknis Kegiatan (PPTK), Direksi Lapangan, konsultan
pengawas, tim Pelaksana Swakelola, dan lain-lain. Ayat (4) Cukup jelas Pasal 8 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2)
Huruf a

Yang dimaksud dengan tim teknis adalah tim yang dibentuk oleh PA untuk membantu PA dalam pelaksanaan
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa.
Tim teknis antara lain terdiri atas tim uji coba, panitia/pejabat peneliti pelaksanaan Kontrak, dan lain-lain. Huruf b
Cukup jelas Pasal 9

Pertimbangan beban pekerjaan dan rentang kendali dititikberatkan kepada kemampuan PA melakukan pengawasan
terhadap pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa. Pasal 10 Cukup jelas Pasal 11 Ayat (1) Huruf a Angka 1

Dalam menetapkan spesifikasi teknis tersebut, PPK memperhatikan spesifikasi teknis dalam Rencana Umum
Pengadaan dan masukan/rekomendasi dari pengguna/ penerima akhir. Angka 2 Cukup jelas Angka 3 Cukup jelas
Huruf b Cukup jelas Huruf c

Pada tingkat SKPD, PPK menandatangani Kontrak berdasarkan pendelegasian wewenang dari PA/KPA. Huruf d
Cukup jelas Huruf e
Cukup jelas
Huruf f Cukup
jelas Huruf g
Cukup jelas
Huruf h Cukup
jelas Huruf i
Cukup jelas.
Ayat (2) Huruf a
Angka 1

Dalam melakukan pengkajian ulang paket pekerjaan dapat terjadi perubahan total nilai paket pekerjaan maupun
Harga Satuan. Angka 2 Cukup jelas Huruf b

Tugas pokok dan kewenangan serta persyaratan tim pendukung ditetapkan oleh PPK. Huruf c

Yang dimaksud dengan tim pemberi penjelasan teknis (aanwijzer) adalah tim yang mempunyai kemampuan
untuk memberikan masukan dan penjelasan teknis tentang spesifikasi Barang/Jasa pada rapat penjelasan.
Huruf d Cukup jelas Pasal 12 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2) Huruf a Cukup jelas Huruf b Cukup jelas
Huruf c Cukup jelas Huruf d Cukup jelas Huruf e Cukup jelas Huruf f

Yang dimaksud pengelola keuangan disini yaitu bendahara/ verifikator/Pejabat Penandatangan Surat Perintah
Membayar. Huruf g Cukup jelas Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Pasal 13 Cukup jelas Pasal 14 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas
Ayat (2)

Jumlah ULP di masing-masing K/L/D/I disesuaikan dengan rentang kendali dan kebutuhan. ULP dapat dibentuk
setara dengan eselon II, eselon III atau eselon IV sesuai dengan kebutuhan K/L/D/I dalam mengelola Pengadaan
Barang/Jasa. Pasal 15 Cukup jelas
Pasal 16 Cukup
jelas Pasal 17
Ayat (1) Huruf a
Cukup jelas
Huruf b Cukup
jelas Huruf c
Cukup jelas
Huruf d Cukup
jelas Huruf e

Hubungan keluarga yang dimaksud adalah hubungan keluarga sedarah dan semenda. Huruf f Cukup
jelas Huruf g Cukup jelas Ayat (2) Huruf a Cukup jelas Huruf b Cukup jelas Huruf c Cukup jelas Huruf

Bagi K/L/D/I yang belum atau tidak memiliki LPSE dapat menyampaikan melalui LPSE terdekat. Huruf e Cukup
jelas Huruf f Cukup jelas Huruf g Angka 1 Cukup jelas Angka 2

Dalam hal penetapan pemenang Pelelangan/Seleksi tidak disetujui oleh PPK karena suatu alasan penting, ULP
bersama-sama dengan PPK mengajukan masalah perbedaan pendapat tersebut kepada PA/KPA untuk mendapat
pertimbangan dan keputusan akhir. Angka 3 Cukup jelas Angka 4 Cukup jelas Huruf h Angka 1

Dalam hal penetapan Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak disetujui oleh PPK karena suatu alasan penting, Pejabat
Pengadaan bersama-sama dengan PPK mengajukan masalah perbedaan pendapat tersebut kepada PA/KPA untuk
mendapat pertimbangan dan keputusan akhir. Angka 2 Cukup jelas Huruf i Cukup jelas Huruf j Cukup jelas Ayat
(3) Huruf a Cukup jelas
Huruf b
Perubahan spesifikasi pekerjaan diusulkan berdasarkan berita acara pemberian penjelasan. Ayat (4)

Anggota ULP yang berasal dari instansi lain adalah anggota ULP yang diangkat dari K/L/D/I lain karena di instansi
yang sedang melakukan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa tidak mempunyai cukup pegawai yang memenuhi syarat. Ayat
(5) Cukup jelas Ayat (6)

Tenaga ahli tidak ikut terlibat dalam penentuan pemenang Penyedia Barang/Jasa. Ayat (7) Huruf a
Cukup jelas. Huruf b

Yang dimaksud pengelola keuangan yaitu bendahara/ verifikator/Pejabat Penandatangan Surat Perintah
Membayar. Huruf c Cukup jelas. Pasal 18 Ayat (1)

Apabila Pejabat Penerima Hasil Pekerjaan lebih dari 1 (satu), dibentuk Panitia Penerima Hasil Pekerjaan. Ayat
(2) Cukup jelas Ayat (3) Cukup jelas. Ayat (4) Cukup jelas Ayat (5) Huruf a

Ketentuan dalam Kontrak mencakup kesesuaian jenis, spesifikasi teknis, jumlah, waktu, tempat, fungsi dan/atau
ketentuan lainnya. Huruf b Cukup jelas. Huruf c Cukup jelas. Ayat (6) Cukup jelas Ayat (7) Cukup jelas Ayat
(8) Cukup jelas Pasal 19 Ayat (1) Huruf a

Yang dimaksud dengan memenuhi ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan untuk menjalankan

usaha/kegiatan sebagai Penyedia Barang/Jasa, antara lain peraturan perundang- undangan dibidang
pekerjaan konstruksi, perdagangan, kesehatan, perhubungan,
perindustrian, migas dan pariwisata. Huruf b
Cukup jelas Huruf c Cukup jelas Huruf d
Cukup jelas Huruf e Cukup jelas
Huruf f Cukup
jelas Huruf g
Cukup jelas
Huruf h Cukup
jelas Huruf i

Yang dimaksud dengan Sisa Kemampuan Paket (SKP) adalah sisa pekerjaan yang dapat dikerjakan oleh Penyedia
Pekerjaan Konstruksi dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Huruf j

Untuk memastikan suatu badan usaha tidak dalam keadaan pailit, ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan mencari informasi
dengan cara antara lain menghubungi instansi terkait. Untuk mempercepat kerja ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan,
Penyedia Barang/ Jasa cukup membuat pernyataan, misalnya bahwa Penyedia Barang/Jasa tidak dalam keadaan
pailit atau kegiatan usahanya tidak sedang dihentikan/direksi untuk dan atas nama perusahaan tidak sedang dalam
menjalani sanksi pidana.

Dengan demikian, surat keterangan tidak pailit tidak perlu dimintakan kepada seluruh peserta pemilihan, melainkan
hanya dikenakan kepada pemenang Pelelangan/Seleksi. Huruf k

Persyaratan pemenuhan kewajiban pajak tahun terakhir dengan penyampaian SPT Tahunan dan SPT Masa
dapat diganti oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa dengan penyampaian Surat Keterangan Fiskal (SKF) yang dikeluarkan
oleh Kantor Pelayanan Pajak. Huruf l Cukup jelas Huruf m

Yang dimaksud Daftar Hitam adalah daftar yang memuat identitas Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang dikenakan sanksi
oleh K/L/D/I. Huruf n Cukup jelas Huruf o

Pakta Integritas disampaikan bersamaan pada saat pemasukan Dokumen Kualifikasi untuk sistem prakualifikasi
atau bersamaan dengan pemasukan Dokumen Penawaran pada sistem pascakualifikasi. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas
Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Ayat (4)

Yang dimaksud dengan pertentangan kepentingan antara lain:

a. Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang telah ditunjuk sebagai konsultan perencana menjadi Penyedia Barang/Pekerjaan
Konstruksi atau menjadi konsultan pengawas untuk pekerjaan fisik yang direncanakannya, kecuali dalam
pelaksanaan Kontrak Terima Jadi (turn key contract) dan Kontrak Pengadaan Pekerjaan Terintegrasi.

b. Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang telah ditunjuk sebagai konsultan pengawas menjadi Penyedia Barang/Pekerjaan
Konstruksi untuk pekerjaan fisik yang diawasi, kecuali dalam pelaksanaan Kontrak Terima Jadi (turn key
contract) dan Kontrak Pengadaan Pekerjaan Terintegrasi. Pasal 20 Ayat (1) Huruf a

Nilai Pengalaman Tertinggi (NPt) adalah nilai Kontrak tertinggi yang pernah dilakukan oleh Penyedia Pekerjaan
Konstruksi/Jasa Lainnya pada subbidang yang sejenis. Huruf b

KD untuk Pengadaan Jasa Lainnya menjadi persyaratan Penyedia Jasa Lainnya bilamana diperlukan. Ayat (2)
Cukup jelas
Ayat (3) Cukup
jelas Ayat (4)
Cukup jelas
Pasal 21 Cukup
jelas Pasal 22
Ayat (1) Cukup
jelas Ayat (2)
Cukup jelas
Ayat (3) Huruf a
Cukup jelas
Huruf b Cukup
jelas Huruf c
Angka 1 Cukup
jelas Angka 2

PA/KPA menetapkan cara Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang sesuai, baik melalui Swakelola maupun Penyedia
Barang/Jasa. Dalam hal Swakelola, salah satu kebijakan yang ditetapkan oleh PA/KPA adalah mengalokasikan
anggaran yang akan dilaksanakan oleh Kelompok Masyarakat Pelaksana Swakelola. Angka 3 Cukup jelas Huruf
d Cukup jelas Ayat (4) Huruf a

Uraian kegiatan dalam KAK meliputi latar belakang, maksud dan tujuan, sumber pendanaan, serta jumlah tenaga
yang diperlukan. Huruf b

Waktu pelaksanaan yang dimuat dalam KAK, termasuk pula penjelasan mengenai kapan Barang/Jasa tersebut
harus tersedia pada lokasi kegiatan/sub kegiatan terkait. Huruf c

Spesifikasi teknis perlu dirinci lebih lanjut oleh PPK sebelum melaksanakan Pengadaan. Huruf d

Komponen biaya pelaksanaan pemilihan Penyedia Barang/Jasa harus disediakan dalam anggaran. Pasal 23
Ayat (1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2) Huruf a Cukup jelas Huruf b Cukup jelas Huruf c Cukup jelas Huruf d

Yang dimaksud biaya lainnya misalnya biaya survei lapangan, biaya survei harga, biaya rapat, biaya pendapat
ahli hukum Kontrak profesional dan biaya lain-lainnya. Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Ayat (4) Cukup jelas
Pasal 24 Cukup
jelas Pasal 25
Ayat (1) Cukup
jelas Ayat (2)
Cukup jelas
Ayat (3)

Portal Pengadaan Nasional adalah Ayat (4)

Cukup jelas Pasal 26 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2) Huruf a Cukup jelas
Huruf b

Yang dimaksud dengan partisipasi langsung masyarakat setempat antara lain pekerjaan pemeliharaan saluran
irigasi tersier, pemeliharaan hutan/tanah ulayat, pemeliharaan
saluran/jalan desa.
Huruf c
Pekerjaan yang tidak diminati oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa seperti pekerjaan di daerah berbahaya (wilayah
konflik). Huruf d Cukup jelas Huruf e Cukup jelas Huruf f Cukup jelas Huruf g

Yang dimaksud dengan pemrosesan data antara lain pekerjaan untuk keperluan sensus dan statistik. Huruf h

Yang dimaksud dengan pekerjaan yang bersifat rahasia adalah pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan
negara yang tidak boleh diketahui dan dimanfaatkan oleh pihak-pihak yang tidak berhak, antara lain pembuatan
soal-soal ujian negara. Huruf i Cukup jelas Huruf j Cukup jelas Huruf k Cukup jelas Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Ayat
(4) Huruf a Cukup jelas Huruf b

Instansi Pemerintah lain yang dapat melaksanakan Swakelola dapat bersifat swadana maupun non-swadana. Huruf c

Yang dimaksud dengan Kelompok Masyarakat Pelaksana Swakelola adalah kelompok masyarakat yang
melaksanakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dengan dukungan biaya dari APBN/APBD, antara lain Komite
Sekolah, kelompok tani, Perguruan Tinggi, lembaga penelitian. Ayat (5)
Cukup jelas
Pasal 27 Ayat
(1) Huruf a
Cukup jelas
Huruf b

Yang dimaksud dengan tenaga ahli adalah konsultan. Ayat (2)

Cukup jelas Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Ayat (4) Cukup jelas Pasal 28
Cukup jelas Pasal 29 Huruf a Cukup jelas Huruf b Cukup jelas
Huruf c

Pembayaran secara berkala dapat dilakukan secara harian, mingguan, bulanan sesuai dengan kesepakatan kerja.
Pembayaran dengan upah borongan dilakukan tanpa menggunakan daftar hadir sesuai dengan kesepakatan kerja.
Huruf d Cukup jelas Huruf e Cukup jelas Huruf f Cukup jelas Huruf g Cukup jelas Huruf h Cukup jelas Huruf i
Cukup jelas Huruf j Cukup jelas Pasal 30 Huruf a

Kontrak antara PPK pada K/L/D/I Penanggung Jawab Anggaran dengan pelaksana Swakelola pada Instansi
Pemerintah Lain Pelaksana Swakelola dapat didahului dengan Nota Kesepahaman antara K/L/D/I Penanggung
Jawab Anggaran dengan Instansi Pemerintah Lain Pelaksana Swakelola. Huruf b Cukup jelas Huruf c Cukup
jelas Huruf d Cukup jelas Huruf e Cukup jelas Huruf f Cukup jelas Huruf g Cukup jelas Huruf h
Cukup jelas
Huruf i Cukup
jelas Pasal 31
Huruf a

Kontrak antara PPK pada K/L/D/I Penanggung Jawab Anggaran dengan Kelompok Masyarakat Pelaksana
Swakelola dapat didahului dengan Nota Kesepahaman antara K/L/D/I Penanggung Jawab Anggaran dengan
Kelompok Masyarakat Pelaksana Swakelola. Huruf b Cukup jelas Huruf c

Yang dimaksud pekerjaan rehabilitasi, renovasi dan konstruksi sederhana antara lain pengecatan,
pembuatan/pengerasan jalan lingkungan. Huruf d

Bangunan baru yang tidak sederhana antara lain konstruksi bangunan gedung yang melebihi 1 (satu) lantai. Huruf e
Cukup jelas Huruf f Cukup jelas Huruf g Cukup jelas Huruf h Cukup jelas Huruf i Cukup jelas Pasal 32 Cukup
jelas. Pasal 33 Cukup jelas. Pasal 34 Ayat (1) Huruf a

Dalam melakukan pengkajian ulang paket pekerjaan dapat terjadi perubahan nilai total paket pekerjaan maupun
Harga Satuan. Huruf b Cukup jelas. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas. Ayat (3) Cukup jelas. Ayat (4) Cukup jelas. Pasal 35
Ayat (1) Cukup jelas. Ayat (2) Huruf a Cukup jelas. Huruf b Cukup jelas. Huruf c Cukup jelas. Huruf d

Kontes digunakan untuk Pengadaan Barang dan Sayembara untuk pengadaan Jasa Lainnya.
Ayat (3) Cukup
jelas. Ayat (3)
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 36 Ayat
(1) Cukup jelas.
Ayat (2) Cukup
jelas. Ayat (3)

Apabila dipandang perlu, ULP dapat menambah media pengumuman antara lain dengan media cetak, radio, televisi
dan mengundang Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang dianggap mampu. Ayat (4) Cukup jelas. Pasal 37 Cukup jelas.
Pasal 38 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas. Ayat (3) Cukup jelas. Ayat (4) Huruf a

Termasuk dalam penanganan darurat adalah tindakan darurat untuk pencegahan bencana dan/atau kerusakan
infrastruktur yang apabila tidak segera dilaksanakan dipastikan dapat membahayakan keselamatan masyarakat.
Angka 1 Cukup jelas. Angka 2 Cukup jelas. Angka 3

Penanggulangan bencana alam dengan Penunjukan Langsung dapat dilakukan terhadap Penyedia
Barang/Pekerjaan Konstruksi/Jasa Lainnya yang sedang melaksanakan Kontrak pekerjaan sejenis terdekat
dan/atau yang dinilai mempunyai kemampuan, peralatan, tenaga yang cukup serta kinerja baik.

Yang dimaksud dengan bencana alam antara lain: berupa gempa bumi, tsunami, gunung meletus, banjir,
kekeringan, angin topan dan tanah longsor.
Yang dimaksud dengan bencana non alam antara lain berupa gagal teknologi, kejadian luar biasa (KLB) akibat
epidemi dan wabah penyakit.
Yang dimaksud dengan bencana sosial seperti konflik sosial antar kelompok atau antar komunitas masyarakat
dan teror. Huruf b Cukup jelas Huruf c Cukup jelas Huruf d

Yang dimaksud dengan “pelelangan untuk mendapatkan izin” antara lain proses penunjukan satu pengelola iklan
disatu wilayah/tempat. Ayat (5) Huruf a Cukup jelas Huruf b

Yang dimaksud dengan unforeseen condition adalah kondisi yang tidak terduga yang harus segera diatasi dalam
pelaksanaan konstruksi bangunan. Misalnya penambahan jumlah atau panjang tiang pancang akibat kondisi tanah
yang tidak terduga sebelumnya; atau diperlukan
perbaikan tanah (soil treatment) yang cukup besar untuk landas pacu (runway) yang sedang dibangun.

Pekerjaan atas bagian-bagian konstruksi yang bukan merupakan satu kesatuan konstruksi bangunan atau yang
dapat diselesaikan dengan desain ulang tidak termasuk dalam kategori unforeseen condition. Contoh : antara
pondasi jembatan (abuttment) dengan bangunan atas jembatan (girder, truss, dsb). Huruf c Cukup jelas. Huruf d
Cukup jelas. Huruf e

Publikasi harga antara lain dalam Portal Pengadaan Nasional dan dalam website masing- masing Penyedia
Barang/Jasa. Huruf f Cukup jelas. Huruf g

Penyesuaian harga yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan maksudnya sesuai dengan perhitungan

inflasi/deflasi. Pasal 39 Ayat (1) Huruf a

Yang dimaksud dengan kebutuhan operasional K/L/D/I adalah kebutuhan rutin K/L/D/I dan tidak menambah aset
atau kekayaan K/L/D/I. Huruf b Cukup jelas Huruf c Cukup jelas Huruf d Cukup jelas Ayat (2) Cukup jelas
Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Ayat (4) Cukup jelas Pasal 40 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas. Ayat (3)
Cukup jelas. Ayat (4) Cukup jelas Ayat (5)

Yang dimaksud dengan tim yang ahli dibidangnya adalah personil yang mempunyai keahlian atau kemampuan
dalam bidang yang sesuai dengan Barang/Pekerjaan Konstruksi/Jasa Lainnya yang akan diadakan.

Tim ahli dapat berasal dari Pegawai Negeri maupun non Pegawai Negeri. Ayat (6) Cukup
jelas. Pasal 41 Cukup jelas. Pasal 42 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas. Ayat (2)
Dalam hal diperlukan, ULP dapat menambah media pengumuman antara lain dengan media cetak, radio, televisi dan
mengundang Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang dianggap mampu. Ayat (3) Cukup jelas. Pasal 43 Cukup jelas. Pasal 44
Ayat (1) Cukup jelas. Ayat (2) Huruf a

Pengadaan Penyedia Jasa Konsultansi penanggulangan bencana alam dengan Penunjukan Langsung dapat
dilakukan terhadap Penyedia Jasa Konsultansi yang sedang melaksanakan Kontrak pekerjaan sejenis terdekat
dan/atau yang dinilai mempunyai kemampuan, peralatan, tenaga yang cukup serta kinerja baik. Huruf b Cukup
jelas Huruf c Cukup jelas. Huruf d Cukup jelas. Ayat (3) Cukup jelas. Pasal 45 Cukup jelas. Pasal 46 Ayat (1)
Cukup jelas. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas. Ayat (3) Cukup jelas. Ayat (4)

Yang dimaksud dengan tim yang ahli dibidangnya adalah personil yang mempunyai keahlian atau kemampuan dalam
bidang yang sesuai dengan Jasa Konsultansi yang akan diadakan. Tim ahli dapat berasal dari Pegawai Negeri
maupun non Pegawai Negeri. Ayat (5) Cukup jelas. Pasal 47 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas. Ayat (2) Huruf a

Metode satu sampul adalah penyampaian dokumen penawaran yang terdiri dari persyaratan administrasi, teknis dan
penawaran harga yang dimasukan ke dalam 1 (satu) sampul tertutup kepada ULP/ Pejabat Pengadaan. Huruf b

Metode dua sampul adalah penyampaian dokumen penawaran yang persyaratan administrasi dan teknis
dimasukkan dalam sampul tertutup I, sedangkan harga penawaran dimasukkan dalam sampul tertutup II,
selanjutnya sampul I dan sampul II dimasukkan ke dalam 1 (satu) sampul (sampul penutup) dan disampaikan
kepada ULP. Huruf c

Metode dua tahap adalah penyampaian dokumen penawaran yang persyaratan administrasi dan teknis
dimasukkan dalam sampul tertutup I, sedangkan harga penawaran dimasukkan dalam sampul tertutup II, yang
penyampaiannya dilakukan dalam 2 (dua) tahap secara terpisah dan dalam waktu yang berbeda. Ayat (3)
Huruf a Cukup
jelas Huruf b

Pengadaan Jasa Konsultansi sederhana misalnya pekerjaan perencanaan bangunan sederhana, pekerjaan pengawasan
bangunan sederhana dan pengadaan jasa penasehatan perorangan. Huruf c

Metode satu sampul dapat digunakan untuk pemilihan Penyedia Barang/Pekerjaan Konstruksi/Jasa Lainnya,
misalnya pengadaan mobil, sepeda motor dan pembangunan gedung. Ayat (4) Cukup jelas. Ayat (5)
Cukup jelas. Ayat (6)

Contoh Pengadaan Barang/Pekerjaan Konstruksi/Jasa Lainnya yang menggunakan metode pemasukan

penawaran dua tahap antara lain untuk pengadaan pesawat terbang,
pembangunan pembangkit tenaga listrik, perancangan jembatan bentang lebar dan penyelenggaran acara
(event organizer) pameran berskala internasional. Pasal 48 Ayat (1) Huruf a

Sistem gugur merupakan evaluasi penilaian penawaran dengan cara memeriksa dan membandingkan
Dokumen Penawaran terhadap pemenuhan persyaratan yang telah ditetapkan dalam Dokumen Pemilihan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa dengan urutan proses evaluasi dimulai dari penilaian persyaratan administrasi,
persyaratan teknis dan kewajaran harga. Terhadap Penyedia Barang/Pekerjaan Konstruksi/Jasa Lainnya yang
tidak lulus penilaian pada setiap tahapan dinyatakan gugur. Huruf b

Sistem nilai merupakan evaluasi penilaian penawaran dengan cara memberikan nilai angka tertentu pada setiap
unsur yang dinilai, berdasarkan kriteria dan bobot yang telah ditetapkan dalam dokumen pemilihan Penyedia
Barang/Pekerjaan Konstruksi/Jasa Lainnya, kemudian membandingkan jumlah perolehan nilai dari para peserta.

Evaluasi penawaran sistem nilai digunakan dengan memperhitungkan keunggulan teknis sepadan dengan harganya
mengingat penawaran harga sangat dipengaruhi kualitas teknis. Huruf c

Sistem penilaian biaya selama umur ekonomis merupakan evaluasi penilaian penawaran dengan cara
memberikan nilai pada unsur-unsur teknis dan harga yang dinilai menurut umur ekonomis barang yang ditawarkan
berdasarkan kriteria dan nilai yang ditetapkan dalam dokumen pemilihan Penyedia Barang/Pekerjaan
Konstruksi/Jasa Lainnya, kemudian nilai unsur-unsur tersebut dikonversikan ke dalam satuan mata uang tertentu,
dan dibandingkan dengan jumlah nilai dari setiap penawaran peserta dengan penawaran peserta lainnya. Ayat (2)
Cukup jelas Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Ayat (4) Cukup jelas Ayat (5) Cukup jelas Pasal 49 Ayat (1) Huruf a

Metode evaluasi berdasarkan kualitas adalah evaluasi penawaran berdasarkan kualitas penawaran teknis terbaik,
dilanjutkan dengan klarifikasi dan negosiasi teknis serta biaya. Huruf b
Metode evaluasi berdasarkan kualitas dan biaya adalah evaluasi penawaran berdasarkan nilai kombinasi terbaik
penawaran teknis dan biaya terkoreksi dilanjutkan dengan klarifikasi dan negosiasi teknis serta biaya. Huruf c

Metode evaluasi berdasarkan Pagu Anggaran adalah evaluasi penawaran berdasarkan kualitas penawaran
teknis terbaik dari peserta yang penawaran biaya terkoreksinya lebih kecil atau sama dengan Pagu Anggaran,
dilanjutkan dengan klarifikasi dan negosiasi teknis serta biaya. Huruf d

Metode evaluasi biaya terendah adalah evaluasi Pengadaan Jasa Konsultansi berdasarkan penawaran biaya
terkoreksinya terendah dari konsultan yang nilai penawaran teknisnya diatas ambang batas persyaratan teknis
yang telah ditentukan, dilanjutkan dengan klarifikasi dan negosiasi teknis serta biaya. Ayat (2)

Pemilihan Penyedia Jasa Konsultansi dengan evaluasi berdasarkan kualitas contohnya adalah Jasa Konsultansi
yang bersifat kajian makro (masterplan, roadmap), penasihatan (advisory), perencanaan dan pengawasan pekerjaan
kompleks, seperti desain pembuatan pembangkit tenaga listrik, perencanaan terowongan di bawah laut dan desain
pembangunan bandar udara internasional. Ayat (3)

Pemilihan Penyedia Jasa Konsultansi dengan evaluasi berdasarkan kualitas dan biaya, contohnya adalah desain
jaringan irigasi primer, desain jalan, studi kelayakan, konsultansi manajemen dan supervisi bangunan
non-gedung. Ayat (4)

Pemilihan Penyedia Jasa Konsultansi dengan evaluasi berdasarkan Pagu Anggaran, contohnya adalah
pekerjaan desain dan supervisi bangunan gedung serta pekerjaan survei dan pemetaan skala kecil. Huruf a
Cukup jelas. Huruf b

Pekerjaan yang dapat dirinci dgn tepat dalam ayat ini meliputi perincian yang jelas mengenai waktu penugasan,
kebutuhan tenaga ahli dan input lainnya. Huruf c Cukup jelas Ayat (5)

Pemilihan Penyedia Jasa Konsultansi dengan evaluasi berdasarkan biaya terendah, contohnya adalah desain dan/atau
supervisi bangunan sederhana dan pengukuran skala kecil. Ayat (6) Cukup jelas Ayat (7) Cukup jelas Ayat (8)
Cukup jelas Pasal 50 Cukup jelas Pasal 51 Ayat (1)

Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang dapat dilaksanakan dengan Kontrak Lumpsum, antara lain:
1. pengadaan kendaraan bermotor;
2. pengadaan patung;
3. konstruksi bangunan sederhana, seperti ruang kelas;
4. pembuatan aplikasi komputer. Ayat (2)
Cukup jelas Ayat (3)

Untuk pekerjaan yang sebagian bisa mempergunakan Lumpsum kemudian untuk bagian yang lain harus
menggunakan Harga Satuan, misalnya pengadaan bangunan yang menggunakan
pondasi pancang (bangunan atas menggunakan Lumpsum, pondasi mempergunakan Harga Satuan). Ayat (4)

Kontrak Persentase digunakan untuk pekerjaan yang sudah memiliki acuan persentase, misalnya
perencanaan dan pengawasan pembangunan gedung pemerintah, advokat, konsultan penilai. Ayat (5)

Kontrak Terima Jadi digunakan untuk membeli suatu barang atau instalasi jadi yang hanya diperlukan sekali saja,
dan tidak mengutamakan kepentingan untuk alih (transfer) teknologi selanjutnya. Pasal 52 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas
Ayat (2) Cukup jelas Ayat (3)

Yang dimaksud dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan adalah peraturan perundang-undangan

pemerintah daerah, keuangan daerah, dan sebagainya. Pasal 53 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2)

Kontrak Pengadaan Bersama diadakan dalam rangka pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang sumber
pendanaannya berasal dari beberapa K/L/D/I (co-financing) oleh beberapa PPK dengan sumber dana yang berbeda
(APBN-APBN, APBD-APBD, APBN-APBD). Penjelasan mengenai tanggung jawab dan pembagian beban anggaran
diatur dalam Kontrak sesuai dengan karakteristik pekerjaan.

Kontrak Pengadaan Bersama dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pelaksanaan maupun anggaran,
contohnya adalah pengadaan ATK, obat, peralatan kantor, komputer. Ayat (3)

Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dengan Kontrak Payung antara lain dilakukan untuk pengadaan alat tulis kantor (ATK),
pekerjaan pengadaan kendaraan dinas, jasa boga, jasa layanan perjalanan (travel agent) dan pekerjaan/jasa lain
yang sejenis. Ayat (4) Cukup jelas Pasal 54 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2)

Model Kontrak Pengadaan Pekerjaan Terintegrasi antara lain dapat berbentuk:

1. Kontrak berbasis kinerja (Performance Based Contract) merupakan Kontrak Pengadaan Barang/Jasa atas
dicapainya suatu tingkat pelayanan tertentu yang bisa merupakan penggabungan paket pekerjaan yang
biasanya dilakukan terpisah.
2. Kontrak Rancang dan Bangun (Design & Build) merupakan Kontrak Pengadaan yang meliputi desain dan
3. Kontrak Rancang Bangun Konstruksi (Engineering Procurement Construction/ EPC) merupakan Kontrak
pengadaan yang meliputi desain, pengadaan, dan konstruksi.
4. Kontrak Rancang-Bangun-Operasi- Pemeliharaan (Design-Build-Operate-Maintain) merupakan Kontrak
pengadaan yang meliputi desain, pembangunan, pengoperasian dan pemeliharaan.

5. Kontrak Jasa Pelayanan (Service Contract) merupakan Kontrak Pengadaan untuk melayani kebutuhan
layanan tertentu.
6. Kontrak Pengelolaan Aset merupakan Kontrak untuk pengelolaan aset sehingga aset yang dimiliki dapat
dimanfaatkan secara optimal.
7. Kontrak Operasi dan Pemeliharaan merupakan Kontrak pengadaan yang meliputi pengoperasian dan
pemeliharaan atas suatu aset yang dimiliki. Pasal 55
Cukup jelas.
Pasal 56 Cukup
jelas. Pasal 57
Cukup jelas
Pasal 58 Cukup
jelas Pasal 59
Cukup jelas
Pasal 60 Ayat
(1) Huruf a

Pengumuman untuk Pelelangan Terbatas harus mencantumkan nama calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang dianggap
mampu. Huruf b Cukup jelas Huruf c Cukup jelas Huruf d Cukup jelas Huruf e Cukup jelas Huruf f Cukup
jelas Huruf g Cukup jelas Huruf h Cukup jelas Huruf i Cukup jelas Huruf j Cukup jelas Huruf k Cukup jelas
Huruf l Cukup jelas Ayat (2) Cukup jelas Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Pasal 61 Cukup jelas Pasal 62 Cukup jelas
Pasal 63 Cukup jelas Pasal 64 Ayat (1) Huruf a

Dokumen Kualifikasi merupakan dokumen yang ditetapkan oleh ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan sebagai dasar penilaian
kompetensi, kemampuan usaha dan pemenuhan persyaratan tertentu lainnya dari Penyedia Barang/Jasa. Huruf b

Yang dimaksud dengan Dokumen Pemilihan adalah dokumen yang ditetapkan oleh ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan
yang memuat ketentuan pelaksanaan Penyedia Barang/Jasa. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas.
Ayat (3) Cukup
jelas. Ayat (4)
Huruf a Cukup
jelas. Huruf b
Angka 1 Cukup
jelas. Angka 2
Cukup jelas.
Angka 3 Cukup
jelas. Angka 4
Cukup jelas.
Angka 5

Yang dimaksud dengan dokumen lainnya, antara lain Surat Jaminan, Berita Acara Addendum, Berita Acara
Pemberian Penjelasan. Huruf c Cukup jelas. Pasal 65 Ayat (1)

Dalam menyusun rancangan Kontrak Pengadaan Barang/Jasa, PPK dapat menerima masukan dari ULP/Pejabat
Pengadaan. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas. Ayat (3) Cukup jelas. Pasal 66 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas.
Ayat (3)

Yang dimaksud dengan nilai total HPS adalah hasil perhitungan seluruh volume pekerjaan dikalikan dengan Harga
Satuan ditambah dengan seluruh beban pajak dan keuntungan. Rincian Harga Satuan dalam perhitungan HPS
bersifat rahasia. Ayat (4) Cukup jelas. Ayat (5) Huruf a Cukup jelas. Huruf b

Batas tertinggi penawaran tersebut termasuk biaya overhead yang meliputi antara lain biaya keselamatan dan
kesehatan kerja, keuntungan dan beban pajak. Huruf c Cukup jelas. Ayat (6) Cukup jelas Ayat (7) Huruf a Cukup
jelas Huruf b Cukup jelas Huruf c Cukup jelas Huruf d Cukup jelas
Huruf e Cukup
jelas Huruf f
Cukup jelas
Huruf g Cukup
jelas Huruf h

Norma indeks merupakan rentang nilai harga terendah dan harga tertinggi dari suatu Barang/Jasa yang
diterbitkan oleh instansi teknis terkait atau Pemerintah Daerah setempat. Huruf i Cukup jelas Ayat (8)

Contoh keuntungan dan biaya overhead yang wajar untuk Pekerjaan Konstruksi maksimal 15% (lima belas
perseratus). Pasal 67 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2)

Terhadap Pengadaan Jasa Konsultansi tidak diperlukan Jaminan Penawaran, Jaminan Pelaksanaan dan Jaminan
Pemeliharaan. Terhadap Pengadaan Barang tidak diperlukan Jaminan Pemeliharaan namun harus memberikan
Sertifikat Garansi. Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Ayat (4) Cukup jelas Ayat (5) Cukup jelas Ayat (6) Cukup jelas Ayat
(7) Cukup jelas Pasal 68 Cukup jelas Pasal 69 Cukup jelas Pasal 70 Cukup jelas Pasal 71 Cukup jelas Pasal
72 Cukup jelas Pasal 73 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2)

Catatan mengenai pelaksanaan Pelelangan/Seleksi setelah Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran K/L/D/I disetujui
DPR/DPRD namun DIPA/DPA belum disahkan, misalnya “Pengumuman ini mendahului persetujuan DIPA Tahun
Anggaran (sebutkan Tahun Anggaran) sehingga apabila dana dalam dokumen anggaran yang telah disahkan
tidak tersedia atau tidak cukup tersedia, maka Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dapat dibatalkan dan Penyedia
Barang/Jasa tidak dapat menuntut ganti rugi dalam bentuk apapun”. Ayat (3)

Dalam hal diperlukan, pengumuman Pelelangan/Seleksi dapat diperluas oleh K/L/D/I melalui surat kabar, baik surat
kabar nasional maupun surat kabar provinsi. Ayat (4) Cukup jelas Pasal 74
Cukup jelas
Pasal 75 Ayat
(1) Cukup jelas
Ayat (2) Cukup
jelas Ayat (3)

Yang dimaksud dengan prakualifikasi massal untuk Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dalam kurun waktu tertentu adalah
pelaksanaan prakualifikasi yang dilakukan sekaligus kepada seluruh calon Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang mendaftar
dengan menerbitkan tanda daftar lulus prakualifikasi atau sejenis yang berlaku pada kurun waktu tertentu,
misalnya 1 (satu) Tahun Anggaran dan hanya berlaku untuk K/L/D/I yang menerbitkan. Pasal 76 Cukup jelas
Pasal 77 Cukup jelas Pasal 78 Ayat (1)

Pemasukan Dokumen Penawaran dapat dilakukan melalui pos/jasa pengiriman atau dimasukkan langsung ke
kotak yang disediakan oleh ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Pasal 79 Ayat
(1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2)

Tindakan post bidding yaitu tindakan mengubah, menambah, mengganti dan/atau mengurangi Dokumen
Pengadaan dan/atau Dokumen Penawaran setelah batas akhir pemasukan penawaran. Pasal 80 Cukup
jelas Pasal 81 Ayat (1) Huruf a

Yang dimaksud dengan penyimpangan terhadap ketentuan dan prosedur adalah:

a. tidak memenuhi persyaratan; dan
b. tidak mengikuti prosedur tata urut proses. Huruf b

Yang dimaksud rekayasa tertentu adalah upaya yang dilakukan sehingga dapat
mengakibatkan persaingan tidak sehat, misalkan:
a. penyusunan spesifikasi yang mengarah kepada produk tertentu, kecuali untuk suku cadang;

b. kriteria penilaian evaluasi yang tidak rinci (detail) sehingga dapat mengakibatkan penilaian yang tidak adil
dan transparan; dan
c. penambahan persyaratan lainnya yang diluar ketentuan yang diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden. Huruf c

Yang dimaksud dengan adanya penyalahgunaan wewenang adalah tindakan yang sengaja dilakukan diluar
kewenangan terkait proses pengadaan. Yang dimaksud dengan pejabat berwenang lainnya adalah PA/KPA,
Kepala Daerah, PPK, Tim Pendukung, dan Tim Teknis. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Pasal 82
Ayat (1) Cukup
jelas Ayat (2)
Cukup jelas
Ayat (3) Cukup
jelas Ayat (4)
Cukup jelas
Ayat (5)

Saran, pendapat dan rekomendasi penyelesaian Sanggahan Banding dari LKPP ditembuskan kepada pihak terkait.
Ayat (6)

Menteri/Kepala Lembaga/Kepala Daerah/Pimpinan Institusi dalam memberikan tanggapan atas Sanggahan

Banding dapat meminta saran dan pendapat dari APIP K/L/D/I yang bersangkutan atau unit kerja yang tidak
menimbulkan pertentangan kepentingan. Ayat (7) Cukup jelas Ayat (8) Cukup jelas Ayat (9) Cukup jelas Pasal
83 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2)

Apabila Seleksi Umum yang gagal karena tidak ada peserta yang memenuhi persyaratan
teknis maka dapat dilakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut:
a. perbaikan KAK dan Dokumen Pengadaan;
b. mengumumkan kembali Pengadaan Jasa Konsultansi; dan/atau
c. melakukan kembali prakualifikasi dan menyusun kembali daftar pendek konsultan. Apabila Seleksi Umum yang
gagal karena tidak ada peserta yang menyetujui/menyepakati
klarifikasi dan negosiasi teknis dan harga, dapat dilakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut:
a. mengumumkan kembali Pengadaan Jasa Konsultansi; dan
b. melakukan kembali prakualifikasi dan menyusun daftar pendek konsultan dengan tidak mengikutsertakan
konsultan yang telah masuk dalam daftar pendek konsultan sebelumnya. Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Ayat (4) Cukup
jelas Ayat (5) Cukup jelas. Ayat (6) Cukup jelas. Pasal 84 Cukup jelas. Pasal 85 Cukup jelas. Pasal 86
Ayat (1) Cukup jelas. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas Ayat (3)

Jaminan Pelaksanaan diserahkan hanya untuk Pengadaan Barang/Jasa yang mensyaratkan perlunya penyerahan
Jaminan Pelaksanaan. Ayat (4)
Cukup jelas
Ayat (5) Cukup
jelas Ayat (6)
Cukup jelas
Pasal 87 Ayat
(1) Cukup jelas
Ayat (2) Cukup
jelas Ayat (3)
Cukup jelas
Ayat (4) Cukup
jelas Ayat (5)

Masalah administrasi yang dimaksud dalam ayat ini antara lain pergantian PPK, perubahan rekening penerima.
Pasal 88 Cukup jelas Pasal 89 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2) Cukup jelas Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Ayat (4)

Pembayaran bulanan/termin dilakukan senilai pekerjaan yang telah terpasang maksudnya adalah bahwa
pembayaran tidak perlu memperhitungkan bahan-bahan yang ada di lapangan. Ayat (5) Cukup jelas Pasal 90
Cukup jelas Pasal 91 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2) Huruf a

Yang termasuk bencana alam antara lain berupa gempa bumi, tsunami, gunung meletus, banjir, kekeringan, angin
topan, dan tanah longsor. Huruf b

Yang termasuk bencana non alam antara lain berupa gagal teknologi, epidemi dan wabah penyakit. Huruf c

Yang termasuk bencana sosial antara lain konflik sosial antar kelompok atau antar komunitas masyarakat, dan teror.
Huruf d Cukup jelas Huruf e Cukup jelas Huruf f

Menteri Keuangan dan menteri teknis terkait menerbitkan Surat Keputusan Bersama setelah memperoleh
pertimbangan dari APIP, LKPP dan BPS. Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Ayat (4) Cukup jelas
Ayat (5) Cukup
jelas Ayat (6)
Cukup jelas
Pasal 92 Ayat
(1) Huruf a
Cukup jelas
Huruf b Cukup
jelas Huruf c

Harga Satuan timpang adalah Harga Satuan penawaran yang melebihi 110% dari Harga Satuan HPS, setelah
dilakukan klarifikasi. Ayat (2) Huruf a Cukup jelas Huruf b Cukup jelas Huruf c Cukup jelas Huruf d Cukup
jelas Huruf e Cukup jelas Huruf f

Jadwal adalah kerangka waktu yang sudah dirinci setelah pemeriksaan lapangan bersama. Jadwal awal adalah
jadwal yang ditetapkan pada Kontrak atau jadwal yang sudah disepakati dalam rapat persiapan pelaksanaan
Kontrak dan dituangkan dalam adendum Kontrak. Ayat (3)

Koefisien komponen adalah perbandingan antara nilai bahan, tenaga kerja dan alat kerja terhadap Harga Satuan
dari pembobotan HPS dalam Dokumen Pengadaan. Penyesuaian harga tidak berlaku untuk jenis pekerjaan yang
bersifat borongan misalnya Pekerjaan Lump Sum.

Indeks harga yang digunakan bersumber dari penerbitan resmi Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) dan telah
dipublikasikan. Ayat (4) Cukup jelas Ayat (5) Cukup jelas Ayat (6) Cukup jelas Ayat (7)

Volume yang dihitung dalam penyesuaian harga adalah volume terpasang sesuai dengan laporan kemajuan fisik
yang telah disahkan oleh pihak terkait. Pasal 93 Cukup jelas Pasal 94 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2)

Arbitrase atau perwasitan adalah cara penyelesaian suatu perselisihan diluar peradilan umum yang didasarkan pada
perjanjian arbitrase yang dibuat secara tertulis oleh para pihak yang berselisih.

Alternatif penyelesaian sengketa adalah lembaga penyelesaian perselisihan atau beda pendapat diluar pengadilan
melalui prosedur yang disepakati oleh para pihak. Alternatif penyelesaian sengketa terdiri atas:

a. negosiasi;
b. mediasi;
c. konsiliasi; dan
d. penilaian ahli.
Penyelesaian pengadilan adalah metode penyelesaian perselisihan yang timbul dari hubungan hukum mereka yang
diputuskan oleh pengadilan. Keputusan pengadilan mengikat kedua belah pihak. Pasal 95 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas
Ayat (2) Cukup jelas Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Ayat (4) Cukup jelas Ayat (5) Huruf a

Masa pemeliharaan pekerjaan harus diberikan waktu yang cukup, dengan memperhatikan sifat, jenis dari
pekerjaannya. Huruf b

Yang dimaksud dengan pekerjaan permanen adalah pekerjaan yang umur rencananya lebih dari 1 (satu) tahun.

Yang dimaksud dengan pekerjaan semi permanen adalah pekerjaan yang umur rencananya kurang dari 1 (satu)
tahun. Huruf c Cukup jelas Ayat (6) Cukup jelas Ayat (7)

Untuk pengadaan barang, para pihak mengikuti jangka waktu yang ditentukan oleh pabrik (garansi pabrikan). Ayat
(8) Cukup jelas Ayat (9) Cukup jelas Pasal 96 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2) Cukup jelas Ayat (3) Cukup jelas
Ayat (4) Cukup jelas Ayat (5) Cukup jelas Ayat (6) Cukup jelas Ayat (7) Cukup jelas Ayat (8) Cukup jelas
Ayat (9)

Pengadaan barang impor dilengkapi dengan:

a) Sertifikat keaslian (Cerficate of Origin); dan
b) Surat Dukungan pabrikan/prinsipal (Supporting Letter). Ayat (10)
Yang dimaksud dengan jasa pelayanan yang ada di dalam negeri antara lain jasa asuransi, angkutan, ekspedisi,
perbankan. Pasal 97 Ayat (1)

TKDN dihitung berdasarkan perbandingan antara harga Barang/Jasa dikurangi harga komponen luar negeri
terhadap harga Barang/Jasa dimaksud. Ayat (2)

Nilai Bobot Manfaat Perusahaan (Nilai BMP) merupakan nilai penghargaan kepada perusahaan karena
berinvestasi di Indonesia, memberdayakan Usaha Mikro dan Usaha Kecil serta koperasi kecil melalui kemitraan,
memelihara kesehatan, keselamatan kerja dan lingkungan (OHSAS 18000/ISO 14000), memberdayakan
lingkungan (community development), serta memberikan fasilitas pelayanan purna jual. Ayat (3) Cukup jelas
Ayat (4) Cukup jelas Ayat (5) Cukup jelas Ayat (6) Cukup jelas Pasal 98 Cukup jelas Pasal 99 Cukup jelas
Pasal 100 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas. Ayat (3)

Yang dimaksud dengan kompetensi teknis adalah memiliki kemampuan sumber daya manusia, teknis, modal dan
peralatan yang cukup, contohnya pengadaan kendaraan, peralatan elektronik presisi tinggi, percetakan dengan
security paper, walaupun nilainya dibawah Rp2.500.000.000 (dua miliar lima ratus juta rupiah), diberikan kepada
Penyedia Barang/Jasa yang bukan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah serta koperasi kecil. Ayat (4) Cukup jelas
Ayat (5) Cukup jelas Pasal 101 Ayat (1)

Untuk Pengadaan Barang/Jasa internasional yang dilakukan di luar negeri melalui Pelelangan/Seleksi
Internasional, dilakukan semaksimal mungkin mengikut-sertakan
Penyedia Barang/Jasa nasional. Ayat
(2) Cukup jelas Ayat (3) Cukup jelas
Ayat (4)

Apabila kredit ekspor, kredit lainnya dan/atau hibah luar negeri disertai dengan syarat bahwa pelaksanaan
Pengadaan Barang/Jasa hanya dapat dilakukan di negara pemberi kredit ekspor, kredit lainnya dan/atau hibah,
agar tetap diupayakan semaksimal mungkin penggunaan Barang/Jasa hasil produksi dalam negeri dan
mengikutsertakan Penyedia Barang/Jasa nasional. Ayat (5) Cukup jelas Ayat (6)
Cukup jelas
Pasal 102
Cukup jelas
Pasal 103 Ayat
(1) Cukup jelas
Ayat (2) Cukup
jelas Ayat (3)

Daftar Rencana Prioritas Pinjaman Hibah Luar Negeri (DRPPHLN) diterbitkan oleh Kementerian
Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional/Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (BAPPENAS) dan
dilaksanakan setelah Menteri Keuangan mengeluarkan penetapan sumber pembiayaan dari Lembaga
Penjamin Kredit Ekspor atau Kredit Swasta Asing. Ayat (4)

Ketentuan dan norma yang berlaku secara internasional antara lain ketentuan Overseas Economic Cooperation
for Development (OECD) yang diantaranya menyangkut jenis proyek yang memenuhi syarat untuk memperoleh
pendanaan dari kredit ekspor maupun trade-related aid, jangka waktu pengembalian maksimum yang dapat
diberikan, besarnya insurance premium, interest rate dan sebagainya. Ayat (5)

Metode perhitungan biaya efektif diantaranya discounted cost/net present value. Pasal 104 Ayat (1)
Huruf a Cukup jelas. Huruf b

Jika Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Lainnya dengan nilai dibawah Rp20.000.000.000,00 (dua puluh miliar rupiah) tidak
dapat dilaksanakan oleh Penyedia Barang/Jasa Lainnya dari Dalam Negeri maka Pengadaan dapat diikuti oleh
perusahaan asing dan diumumkan dalam website komunitas internasional contohnya adalah peralatan riset, buku
teknologi, jurnal penelitian, aplikasi untuk penelitian. Huruf c

Jika Pengadaan Jasa Konsultansi dengan nilai dibawah Rp10.000.000.000,00 (sepuluh miliar rupiah) tidak dapat
dilaksanakan oleh Penyedia Jasa Konsultansi Dalam Negeri maka pengadaan dapat diikuti oleh perusahaan asing
dan diumumkan dalam website komunitas internasional. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas Pasal 105 Cukup jelas Pasal 106
Ayat (1)

Pengadaan Barang/Jasa secara Elektronik berpedoman pada Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 tentang
Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas Pasal 107 Cukup jelas Pasal 108 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas
Ayat (2)

Yang dimaksud dengan arsitektur sistem informasi adalah kerangka dasar yang bersifat menyeluruh dan
memberikan arah, bentuk, pengembangan dan tatanan pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa secara elektronik.
Pasal 109
Cukup jelas
Pasal 110 Ayat
E-purchasing diselenggarakan dengan tujuan:
a. terciptanya proses Pemilihan Barang/Jasa secara langsung melalui sistem katalog elektronik (E-Catalogue)
sehingga memungkinkan semua ULP/Pejabat Pengadaan dapat memilih Barang/Jasa pada pilihan terbaik;
b. efisiensi biaya dan waktu proses Pemilihan Barang/Jasa dari sisi Penyedia Barang/Jasa dan Pengguna
Barang/Jasa. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas Ayat (3)

Berdasarkan Kontrak Payung (framework contract), LKPP akan menayangkan daftar barang beserta spesifikasi
dan harganya pada sistem katalog elektronik dengan alamat www.e- Pasal 111 Ayat (1)
Cukup jelas Ayat (2) Cukup jelas Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Ayat (4) Cukup jelas Ayat (5) Cukup jelas Ayat (6)

Pembinaan dan pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh LKPP termasuk tata cara e-tendering, pelaksanaan standar
prosedur operasional yang dilaksanakan oleh LPSE berkaitan dengan registrasi, verifikasi, sertifikat elektronik dan
prosedur operasional lainnya. Pasal 112 Ayat (1)

Portal Pengadaan Nasional dibangun dan dikelola dengan tujuan:

a. menyediakan informasi rencana Pengadaan;
b. menyediakan informasi pengumuman Pengadaan; dan
c. memberikan kemudahan akses keseluruhan LPSE. Ayat (2)
Cukup jelas Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Pasal 113 Cukup jelas Pasal 114
Cukup jelas Pasal 115 Cukup jelas Pasal 116

Pengawasan dan pemeriksaan atas Pengadaan Barang/Jasa dimaksudkan untuk mendukung

usaha Pemerintah guna:
a. meningkatkan kinerja aparatur Pemerintah, mewujudkan aparatur yang profesional, bersih dan bertanggung
b. memberantas penyalahgunaan wewenang dan praktek KKN; dan
c. menegakkan peraturan yang berlaku dan mengamankan keuangan negara. Pengawasan
Masyarakat (Wasmas) dapat berfungsi:
a. sebagai barometer untuk mengukur dan mengetahui kepercayaan publik terhadap kinerja aparatur pemerintah,
khususnya dalam Pengadaan Barang/Jasa;
b. memberikan koreksi terhadap penyimpangan dalam pelaksanaan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa; dan

c. memberikan masukan dalam perumusan kebijakan perencanaan, penganggaran, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan
dalam Pengadaan Barang/Jasa. Pasal 117 Cukup jelas. Pasal 118 Ayat (1) Cukup jelas Ayat (2) Cukup jelas
Ayat (3) Cukup jelas Ayat (4) Cukup jelas Ayat (5) Cukup jelas Ayat (6) Cukup jelas Ayat (7) Cukup jelas
Pasal 119 Cukup jelas Pasal 120 Cukup jelas Pasal 121 Cukup jelas Pasal 122 Cukup jelas Pasal 123 Cukup
jelas Pasal 124

Daftar Hitam dapat dikenakan bila Penyedia Barang/Jasa ternyata dengan sengaja memalsukan data
komponen dalam negeri. Pasal 125 Cukup jelas Pasal 126 Ayat (1)

Dalam hal dibutuhkan keahlian khusus, LKPP dapat bekerja sama dengan lembaga lain. Ayat (2) Cukup jelas
Pasal 127 Cukup jelas Pasal 128 Cukup jelas Pasal 129 Cukup jelas Pasal 130 Cukup jelas Pasal 131
Cukup jelas Pasal 132 Angka 1 Cukup jelas Angka 2 Cukup jelas Angka 3
Dengan ketentuan ini, semua Kontrak termasuk loan agreement dan Kontrak penunjukan surat kabar untuk
penayangan pengumuman pelelangan, tetap berlaku sampai berakhirnya perjanjian/Kontrak. Angka 4 Cukup jelas
Pasal 133 Cukup jelas Pasal 134 Cukup jelas Pasal 135 Cukup jelas Pasal 136 Cukup jelas


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