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ALL THIS INTIMACY by Rajiv Joseph & SAMUEL FRENCH. INC. i 45 West 28e Sexe t ACTI Scene 1 No Joke (TY and SETH in Ty's apartment) ing me. Tknow you. You're shitting me. ing you. : 1, Jen, And the neighbor? That neighbor | | SETH, Please tell me this is a joke. For Katherine Berg | | | TY. Shes forty-t¥0. { SETH, Forty-two? She's forty-1wo years old? TY. Yes, okay? SETH. No, Ty, this is not happening. One girl. One girl. Jen, TY. Three, Sth. Three. SETH. No, ‘TY. That's what I’m saying! 7 8 ALL THIS INTIMACY ALL THIS INTIMACY 9 SETH. I don't understand. How can this happen? ‘Why do I stand upon the edge with soch wind around me? ‘What if fall? (Beat; she lowers the paper and looks out) Thank you. TY, What am I going to do? SETH. And who else? You said three! Who's the third? ‘Who's the third gie!? TY. You don'tknow ber. © ‘SETH. Well wha is she? TY. Why does it matter? Lam in serious shit. Scene 3 SETH. Some random gir!? Who! Ty, who is it? Cum Lande TY. Ineed you to not freak out on me, SETH. Who's the third gil? Who's the third girl?! (Beat) TY. This git. She's .. this (Back io SETH and TY) SETH. Your student!? TY. Seth... SETH. Your student!? Ty, your student?! ‘TY. Just calm down, SETH. How old? Scone? Hot Litté Thing (SETH freats,) TY. Stop it. SETH, Eighteen! Forty-two! Thirty! © © TY, Jen's twenty-eight. SETH. Whatever! ‘TY. Listen, Seth... SETH. Wait! Can you please just... tel! me! You had sex (Lights up across tke stage an BECCA who holds @ notebook and faces the audience) BECCA. [Lam standing on the precipice of my life ‘And life is such a confusion, 10 ALL THIS INTIMACY men in one week? the same week, it was like over a nine-day ETH. That's dirty. That's extrer ‘TY. Injust.,. happened. SETH. What were you thinking?! Can you tell me that? What were you thinking?? diny. Scone 4 Labyrinth TY. (To audience) Two years ago I published a small bool of poetry. It won a lot of awards. For a book of poetry, it did pretty good. It was called Labyrinth. People story is about a young that he has super powers. But his superpowers are weird. B: he can make any place he goes into a labyrinth It makes no senso, this superpower. It defies all sorts of logic, and even for a made-up superpower, it raises a lot of both- ersome questions. Anyhow, it was a cool book of poems. The ‘book made me little money and got me this teaching position at Columbia University, teaching a poctry workshop to undergradu- ates, The success of the book, and this pretty cool job, made me ALL THIS INTIMACY " erything in general. (He steps tered with skiny, colorfl toys ‘ery confident about pretty mut out on to his back porch which fora small child) ‘And thea one day I stepped out on to my back porch in [Brooklyn to find s bunch toys lying around for no reason at sl Scene § Litle Kid Toys (TY crouches down, picking up a brightly colored ball. He stares atthe ball and the other toys with wonder. MAUREEN, Excuse me. What the hell are you doing? TY. I'mplaying with toys, My iffcult today, I’m sorry. TTY. Here, you can have them back. | rr 12 ALL THIS INTIMACY MAUREEN. No, P'msorry I snapped at you. ‘TY. These ate nice toys. MAUREEN. Yeah, they’re nice. ‘TY. ove this ball! QUAUREEN looks at the ball. She puts her hands out and TY tosses ito her. She catches it) TW.l'mTy. MAUREEN, Maureen. ‘TY. You just moved in hece? MAUREEN. Back in August. ‘TY. [twas really something coming out and finding al these toys here. It was. don't know, it was magical in @ way. MAUREEN. You like toys, huh? TTY. No, [ mean, there was a quality about coming out here and finding « pile of beautifiltoys just waiting for me, Like my I think I had this exact ball. (Beas) I'm sorry. 1 probably sound weird. [get like this 2 lot these days. These are beautiful, these toys. They're so new, MAUREEN. We just bought them. We were all set to adopt. A girl, We'd gone through the whole process seven years ago | ‘with Augustus, my son. But ths time we backed out at the last TY. I'm sorry. Why'd you buck out? MAUREEN. Well, we kind of came to the. conclusion... that... My husband... My husband. (MAUREEN tosses the ball to him. They play catch) ‘ALL THIS INTIMACY 3B ‘TY. I's funny these back porches. ‘MAUREEN. Why? TY. We're so close together. It's like we share it. But we © never interaet, Nobody does, I mean. Nobody ever talks or any- thing, even though we're all so close. ‘MAUREEN. I's city life. "TY. I've never met you or your kid. Or your husband...” ‘you get with someone, the further aT don’t know what F mean, I'm sorry. T TTY. Isbould. ‘MAUREEN. Soon you'd be running for the bills | ‘TY, Well, saytime you want to get away from your erazi- | ness, hop on over. | | |? | | “MAUREEN, Just hop on over. TY. Yeah, You know, whatever. MAUREEN. Just hop on over. ‘TY. We can defeat the paradox of city life: MAUREEN, Oh yeah? We can be intimate without being 4 ALL THIS INTIMACY MAUREEN. The spirit, TY. You went your toys back? MAUREEN. Maybe I'll como get ther later. (She smiles and exit, TY turns te the aulience,) TY. About s week later we were just talking, she was over there, she had been digging in the garden, and she was all sweaty and she came over to the ra sce right through her shire Anyhow, I was sino rotte, and she asked if she could have a drag. She doest says, but she just wants a drag, but her hands are the garden, so I take the cigarette in my flagers and hold lips. And ... then... God ... Dama, (MAUREEN enters, grabs TY, they have sex.) MAUREEN. Hey. TY. Fey. How you doing? ALL THIS INTIMACY 15 MAUREEN. Fine TY. Yeah? MAUREEN. Yeah TY. Good MAUREEN. Yeah. You? TY Fine. MAUREEN, Good, TY, Good. (hep finish. MAUREEN exis, TY stumbles downstage, pulling up his pants, fnally falling to the ground, spent.) TY. (To audience) Anyhow. Real rican, Yeah, it as good. Seone 6 Laryngitis (Ys epartment) figured this might De the best time to Because any inclination you might have that just won't be possible because you 16 ALL THIS INTIMACY ALL THIS INTIMACY 0 and serbbles on « page) Okay, okay... Just sit still fora second and let me speak be- fore you start secbbling away like a madman, jeez! I knew you'd do this or someting, just sit and let me say my peace! (IBN reads what he wrote) Look, T know its, bt Ckind of have to seize the moment here. Whenever we talk you always talk me out, you put words ia ny mouth, (TY write again and shows the page JEN reads, and die! (TY scrawis,) No. NO! T don’t want sushit I’m not staying for dinner! (TY serauls.) "BREAK UP, Okay? BREAK. UP. Me. Break Up. With You. How about that! Oa, but this has never happened to Ty Groene before because he's too smooth a talker and no one can ever get two words in-—(TY scravwls,) ‘'m not going to read your shit! (TY writes. Shows her ear- nestly. She reads it in spite of herself. She looks at kim and then way.) "We've talked about this! ‘No! That's NOT what { mean! (TY hits himself in the face ‘with the notebook) Listen. (TY gestures sarcastically.) “And don’t Jook at me like that! You know. You have your book and your job and you're hot shit and all that, so you don't Iking about, (TY scrawis “So?! and shows i | | i Okay. Ty. Beas) So. As you know. As we both well know... There has never ben a fim in my lif, really ever, when T haven't been, you Know... in school. And T know Pm always saying this, okay? : TLet me finish (JEN reads the notebook. TY serawis some- A. And by the way, a year ago you broke up with thing brief. She reads) sme, Out of the blue! So don't act all eartroken. (TY looks at ' | 5 i i "You know I don’t like that word, and it's rude, (He serawls | her, heartbroken.) another word, seemingly profane) Yeah yeah yeah. (TY serawils something, shows her,) ‘Nice. Thank you. Shut up. ‘Okay! God! T can’t believe you have laryngitis and you're still interrupting me! Constantly! (TY scrawl. JEN does not read.) Look, I'm going to talk and you can listea or you can not listen, but here it is. When it comes to figuring out what to do with tay tte, ve been seriously claustrophobic. Because choos- ing things narrows down your life cut. Tm not kidding. Every time Very funny. ‘Not I don’t want that! That's what we've, been doing. No mere footing around, No more hooking up. No more having your cake and eating it too. (TY seraws.) ‘Thats What I meant by cake. It’s not you. I just never feel that we're on the same page. (TY rips a page from the notebook and throws it at JEN. He rips ‘more out and throws them at JEN.) “This is what I'm talking about, Ty. I'm trying to pull things together. Tlove you, but when I’m around you, things come apart ‘They come apart. : 20 ALL THIS INTIMACY ‘with all due respect, no offense, ‘SETH. None taken, TY. Good. So I could care less a8 to how mad Franny ‘okay? She wants my head, tell het to come and fucking take it.I don't use it anyway. ‘SETH. I'm just telling you, this is not small potatoes. TY, Sinall what? Scene 8 Pleture of Happiness (Pranny's kitchen.) LIEN. Just give me your blessing, okay? FRANNY. Oh, You want « blessing? Fuck that I'm not Drain si ol ‘Ne biess from me. ‘SETH. My fue wife ‘TY. Oh, you area pussy. Oh my god, you ae such pussy. SETH. All 'm saying is please do something. TTY. Like what? ‘SETH, Apologize! Start with tat en is freaked out, do you ‘get that!? She tells you she's pregnant and you go erazy'on-her!? = T mean the way she explains it, it was like she had turned into some giant matant worn. "TY. Las freaking out! ‘SETH. Ie doesn't matte! She's a mess. ‘TY. So Fapologize! Then whet? What do Lsay? Jen, sweet- hear, you should know you're not alone, I knocked up « couple more chicks while Lvas ait ‘SETH. Tell her something. ‘TY. What? Whatdo Lsay? Flow do [explain this? ‘SETH. I don’t know. i don’t know! (Beat) | DON'T KNOW! say in my entie life, What about school? ALL THIS INTIMACY JEN, What about it? FRANNY. Jen, you're like the smartest person in the world. You have every degrve known to man. JEN. And? And what? What do I have to show for it? Why 40 you think I've been in schoo! so long? FRANNY. I don't know Jen. You love to read. You nced | thorapy. Not a baby. JEN. I'm embracing lifet FRANNY. Why don't you embrace my ass? JEN, Franny... [understand that you want the best for me, JEN. So? I'l make you look skinny. FRANNY. [—Whai? JEN. What? ERANNY. So I look far? JEN. That's not what I— FRANNY. Oh that is tow. JEN. Fran, that’s not— FRANNY. Fine, go ahead! Get pregnant and get fat‘and be a fatty. JEN. Five! FRANNY. Fine! Beat) FRANNY. You're gonna ruin my wedding pictures; What's it’s going to be like? How is that going to feel to be all bloated up in front of everyone——in front of Grandma and Grandpa? ALL THIS INTIMACY 23 JEN. Team deal with it. FRANNY. And what are you going to say when they ask you who the father is? TEN. [don’t know. I'l ell them it's the best man, FRANNY. Noy won't Tf you think Ty i il Seth's best ‘man, you're crazy. JEN. Why, shat happened now? FRANNY. Ty just got uninvited to the wedding. JEN. You caa't do that. He's Seth's bestfriend. FRANNY. [ can do whatever T wart. I's my wedding. Ty is (QUT and Paco is IN. JEN. Paco? FRANNY. Seth's new:best man. It was my idea, JEN, He's ten years old! FRANNY. He's twelve. And his English is getting better JEN, Paco? FRANNY, He'll be adorable. He's a splash of color. ‘espregnant in my wedding pictures. altered and you'll be Inge and everythi ‘ime I show the pictures to someone. Bap ne yo open yor math, you sk Bet Yorn sac rome. Si cteepeni aerate They've sot spi (Beat) Why would you say tut Tet TE spl Spl pour No os eer aks weg 24 ALL THIS INTIMACY ALL THIS INTIMACY 25 JEN, Letme see it. FRANNY. No. «TEN. Franny... FRANNY. (Mocking) ... Jen. JEN. (Losing it) Let me see the fucking picture! pictures. You know why? They're stupid. FRANNY. No! You're so negative! Anything that's impor- tant to me, you have to shit al over! JEN, I'm looking for a little support and all you can talk ‘about is how T'm going to look in your stupid wedding pictures. eat) (PRANNY hands JEN the pictre,) SEER EET PTT FRANNY. Here, Spaz. (JEN looks at the picture. Long beat) now, right? JEN. I mean... This is... Look at this. (FRANNY and JEN look at the picture together) 1 can’t believe you have this. Look ther. FRANNY. I know. TEN. | mean, Look at them, Fraa, FRANNY. Ihave Mom and Dad's wedding pictures. JEN. What? FRANNY. Mom gave them to me. JEN. Let me see them. FRANNY. Mom gave them to me. JEN. Even if they did have pictures Mom would have burned them, ERANNY, Well she didn’t, JEN. So let's see them, FRANNY. Oh you want to see them? JEN. Yeah. FRANNY. Why? They're stupid They're just stupid piow tures. . JEN. There are no pictures. And Mom would never give you something like that. 7 (PRANNY goes to a drawer and pulls a large photo out) (They took atthe picture for a beat) (EN puts the picture down.) JEN, But it’s folly, you know. ty. FRANNY, What the fuck is folly? ~ IEN.Its, FRANNY. Whats that, like garish at Christmas? JEN. No, that’s “Holly.” Folly is— _ FRANNY. No, forget it! T don't want to know. With yout PRANNY. Here itis. TEN. One? One picture. FRANNY. Mom and Dad on their wedding day. (Looking at 1) So happy. So full of hope. 26 ‘ALL THIS INTIMACY sop SAT wove and eveything. miking JEN) Fuck that! Fuck Folly. eae “EN Allo is it's not real! T's just an image! saying is you're going to be fat and Dlosted and waly at my wedding and ifT want to airbrush your fat stomach out of my wedding pictures E wil! os Scene 9 ‘The Precipice (TY sits ata desk at school grading papers. BECCA enters.) TY. Becca? BECCA. Hi, Mr. Greene. TY. Come on in. How's it going? (BECCA sits down. She looks at him, tokes a deep breath, nerv- TY. Everything. r ‘wuBECCA. Yes, Look, you don’t have to tell me anything, oF like, comfort me, That's not why I'm here. 1 just wanted to apolo- ize. "TY. Rocca, what are you taking about? BECCA, Look, Mr. Greene? I really-—well you know 1 do— ‘pow to be a poct and everything. And 7 te it Ido, But I fee like Tet you down. ly don't know what to say... Exoept that student. And I have never... pave you in my clas. BECCA. It was a stupid poem, TTY. Yous poem... Today? That poem? [BECCA. You don't have tobe nie to me. 1 ean tke it ‘TY, Becea, you put your soul into that poem, BECCA. Whatev, If that's what my soul sounds like, then in rouble. ‘TY, What was it called again? BECCA. “The Precipice.” TTY. “The Presipie.” Let me se it BECCA. Now? __ TY. Yeah, now. (BECCA goes to her bog and pulls out a ‘rumpled up ino a ball) Well, this isn't "ta nice way to treat a poem at all, TY. Let me take another look at it, okay? (TY smootiens it © extand reads from it) ALL THIS INTIMACY 29 28 ALL THIS INTIMACY “Lam standing on the precipice of my li here? (BECCA thinks.) We'll come back to that. ‘Okay, that’s @ good start. know “Why do I stand upon the edge with such wind around me? what's going on with you. Okay? What if Lfall? BECCA, Olay. And now Iam falling.” ‘Nice repetition "And te wind blows “Stars and sky and windand moon. Ok Blackness! And life is such a confusion.” " Around me al i blackness, except for stars and moon. Good. Nice images. You're very focus at? ‘Stars and moon, which are whiteness, BECCA. Lam? All else which is blackness..”" of like the contrast. Black and white. We'te dealing with ex- TY. You're 2 very focused poet. Asia, tus poets are very focused as people-are we? BECCA. [ guess not. ‘TY. That's why we write poetry sremes, There's no gray here is there? BECCA. No, nothing is gray. know. Nothing is. Everything is either something or “A. mean, that was lke poem, what yo just sad Ty.Nah. he BECCA. No, it was. Everything you say i ike @ poem. Ty. "And then impact! Where have fallen? (My heart sinks and rises atthe same time when Isee where Iam... TTY I don’t know. You ll me. BECCA. Tell you what? around thinking you can't write poety. I don't want you erum- pling these things up. 1 want you to trust yourself a litle bit more. 30 ALL THIS INTIMACY ALL THIS INTIMACY 31 TY. Dy. BECCA. Ty? Scene 10 TY, Wha? Best Man BECCA. I probably shoulda’t tell you TY, What? (Back at Ty's apartment.) BECCA. Your book, Labyrinth? Linean, SETH. You'fé hucky she is aotually 18, yowknow that? TTY, There's nothing you can tell me that Tam not thinking at ‘every moment. I regret it, okay? I regretted it before T found out she was pregnant. 7 SETH. I’m not telling Franny about this. Or Jen, Franny will ‘means, ‘burst into flames if she hears this shit. ‘TY. Well thank you, Becca. {'m not-sure 1 but thank you. in ea Ea ‘TY, Well, eventually she's going to find out. Right? ‘SETH. What are you going to do? (They smile ax each other.) TY. I don’t know. Beat) SETH, Thaveto go, TY. Look. I'l talk to Jen, At some point. ‘TY. What? SETH, Franny doesn’t want you in the wedding. TTY. I's okay. I's okay to be a mess, 32 ALL THIS INTIMACY SETH. I know. TTY. Are you kidding me? SETH. Look, Pmirying: 2 ‘TY, What do you mean you're trying? SETH. To get you an invitat there, But the whote Best Man thing... just let that go SETH. She does. You know how. weds ‘dings. She's catrying'on and on about : SETH. Yeah. ‘TY. He's twelve years old! SETHL He's thirteen. TY. Paco? Little Paco is your best a ve. SETH. Yeah, TY. You autor him! You're his tuto SETH. Three times a week. TTY. He doesn’t speak English! SETH. No, he's gotten better. He's TY, He's got Down's Syndrome! SETH. So? TY. He's a tiny Mexican kid with Down’ SETH. Whoa! Hold on there,:Ty. ‘Thit's out‘oft Venezuelan. 2 ALL THIS INTIMACY 33 ‘TY, Best friends since the first grade and you're booting me from your wedding party because you can’t stand up to your ‘wench of a fiancée. ‘SETH. Look it's not about stending up to her, It's. the wed- dding thing. She's exazy enough about... everything... but this ‘wedding thing, man, I stay out of her way, you know? She's on a goes down —if Tam explo fom your ‘wedding, from being: your best:man; there is n0 going back. I's like Franay saying, “Ty is out ofthe picture. He's not our friend.” {I's over between us if this happens. Don’t you sce that? SETH. You're being éramatic, TY. Bvery other person in the world is about to walk out on ‘me, I need to know you won’t, Tell me you have faith in me. 7 need it. Your faith. I need it ight now. SETH. Why digin't you just stay together with Jen inthe frst place? You guys were a good couple. Bear) TY. 1 don’t know. SETH, She loves you, man. She’s really... She would marry you right now if you asked her. TY. know. SETH, So? TTY. 1 don't want to marry her. SETH. You don't fove her. 34 ALL THIS INTIMACY TY. Come on, man. SETHE. Do you Tove Mareen or Bees TY. No. SETH. Well, shit. You, knows:mostemea: backwards to gt Jn, you know that TY, Yeab. SETH. She's hotter than Franny ander, SETH.) I'm just saying... TY. Tow, olay? (TY stands holding a notebook and a plastic cup of wine at recep- ‘ion after a poetry reading, JEN, FRANNY:arid:SETH enter, Also with plastic cups) 7 FRANNY. There he ist There hei SETH Dude that was awesome! ‘a Labyrinth! Outta nothing! s+ ‘TY. Hey, thanks for coming yous ALL THIS INTIMACY 35 JEN, Hi, Me t00. Nice to finally — FRANNY. —That was s0 cool! I can't believe you could read like that in front of the whole peoplestike that, the whole crowd! TY. Howe the win Frey? SETH. Wasted. FRANNY. But | tell you what: I am going to get wasted. Yes Tam. These glasses are like shot glasses'cups. Shot cups. ‘TY, (fo JEN) So you're in tht MFA program, righ? Posy? JEN, Um. Yeah. 1 rea, was. {just gradueted FRANNY, Well we're going to go get some more wine and iT probably take a LONG TIME because of I have to pee. So Okay! (FRANNY staris to exte, SETH stays with TY, oblivious) SETHL Ya know Labyint is from the Gresk, FRANNY. Seth... SETH. Oh Oh, okay. Wine, We'lt both ge wine! (They start to leave.) FRANNY. (Whisper) ...S0 dense sometimes! SETH, (Whisper) Sorry! 36 ALL THIS INTIMACY (they exit. TV and JEN smile at each other) TY. Hi LIEN. That was realy great: ‘TY. Oh, thanks. JEN. Really great. TY. Thanks. JEN, Jeez, I'm sory. What a stupid... whaas sy. TY.No, JEN. “Really great." How poetic. ‘TY. That's right! Franay told me! You're lawyer! JEN, Never tok the ber, Went fom undergo choot to the MFA program... TY. You're a lawyer poet! JEN. Poetic Counsel, Ty. ‘Wit do you do now tt you mo vying cr ri ALL THIS INTIMACY 37 TTY, How pootic... What's your dissertation about? JEN. Geography. You ever hear of Pangaea? land. Perfect. Untouched, (They both smile a eachother, but JEN breaks the spell) Hat (Giggles) Ym somy. ve bad like ten litle cups of win. TTY. Little cups. JEN. Yes, they are lite. TY. And fee. JEN. My favorite kind of wine. ‘TY. Always a good year, JEN. Yes. The yea fez. Two thousand free. TY. Cheers. (Beat) Yeah. 1 liked... T liked watohing, you rea GEN Kisses him, not 100 Tong, not too short. They look at each ‘other, smile. Drink their wine.) (MAUREEN and TY on the porch.) MAUREEN. Do you sleep with alt of ne? WY. Do you? Lan uve you e MAUREEN. No. Me and Nik. T mean TY . You can't have kids? What about: MAUREEN. You think about your kids'your whole fore they even exist, you think about them. You plan who they’UL be. You think about what they'll Look like. And then... It doesn’t ‘work out the way you planned, (Beat),L wanted tosfeckthat, you know? L imagine it's about as religious. anvexperienceias-one can ‘come by. Miraculous. How many things happen to-you that are TY. I don't know. T mean, the whole world is micaculous ALL THIS INTIMACY 39 when you think about it, ‘MAUREEN. Are you religious? TY, Me? No. Are you? * MAUREEN. No, I’m Catholic. ised. Lapsed, (Beat) Thelieve in sin. to sock forgiveness and work towards our salvation... which is really a messed up belief to have when you've stopped believing, in God. ‘TY. Aro you mn atheist? MAUREEN, I'm worse, I'm atheist who's still pissed off at God for not existing. IPs a stressful denomination. TY.Pdsay. MAUREEN, You're supposed to have faith even if your ‘prayers aren’t answered. All T wanted was to give birth, have child, t's the only thing I ever explicitly asked God for. Whon 1 found out it coulda’t happen... well that was the end of that, TY. Do you think what we're doing is a sin? MAUREEN. Oh yes. But it’s asin I can sink my teeth into. Bear) MAUREEN. Do you have anyone else? 40 ALL THIS INTIMACY ALL THIS INTIMACY 41 BECCA. What inspired you for Labyrinth? TY.A woman. BECCA. Oooh. A woman. Who? “TY, This was years ago, you know. Like four yeas ago. BECCA. Yeah? Scene 13 Growing as a Poet (TY opens his front door and BECCA enters, BECCA. Hi ‘TY. Hey there! What a surprise to get: brunch. [totally love Brooklyn. fs so reto, ‘TY. Yeah, itis, So... here you are. BECCA. [hope I'm not intruding... TTY. No! [ was just writing. BECCA. Wow. Of couse. (She pulls ou, TY. Wine! BECCA. Because my new pocm? It's about is is, nobody really reads poetry. ‘amounts of books. esn't matter how many you sell. If your poetry affects one person, then that’s all that matters. That's how you “Ty. Yep. tis, BECCA. So are you writing a new book of poetry? ‘TY. Uh, Yes, That's what 'm trying 0 do. soing 1 think, he's usta dumb lovesick girl who's jut flater ‘ng me. You're thinking: My poetry is changing the world. BECCA, (To TY) 1 mean, you're an artist, That's what you fo. TY. (To auilence) J mean, I'm an artist That's what Ido, Beat as back o BECCA. To BECCA) Tot ie mh ‘BECCA. No, meant. ‘TY. Well hank yor. Than yoo, Boca, 2 ALLTHIS INTIMACY, (BECCA sees MAUREEN’s kid’ ball) + 0 BECCA. Why do you have it? TY. I play with him sometimes. You like kids. 7 They start making out.) TY. Till go geta condom... BECCA. Pm on the pill (IY stares at her fora beat) TTY. Pll go getacondom. (BECCA pulls him to her body.) BECCA. It's okay, It's good. (FF goes with it) ALL THIS INTIMACY a ‘Scene 14 : ‘Something Immaculate (Spotlight on MAUREEN) ‘MAUREEN. Iam not supposed to be able to do this. 'm not. ‘This is pretty much impossible. And so... when the impossible becomes real... Something Immaculate. I'm pregnant, Ty. “You've made me pregnant. (TY appears.) "TY, How do you know Nick isn’t the father? MAUREEN. Nick and I haven't had sex in a year. TY.In a year! In ayear. You told me you couldn’ get preg- nant! ‘MAUREEN. I believed I couldn't, That's supposed to be the ‘ruth about... about me. The scientific truth, But it’s not, There's you've given me the one And not only that, Ty: M3 filled with.... so mach right nc "TY. (Desperate) How did you get pregnant!? MAUREEN. I'm ling you i was TTY. Miracles don't happen, MAUREEN. They happen all the time, This time, one hap- “ ALL THIS INTIMACY pened to me. TY. So you're going to keep it?. age this person press 5. (A beep) BECCA, Hey, Ty, this is Becca 1 ‘ALL THIS INTIMACY 4s anything, because i's really no that big of deal? T mean, ii about... anything. Um, so cool? Okay. Thanks. I... uh... ‘Olay cool. (Ghe hangs up. Exits. JEN enters) ome stupid sick fucking joke! Tell me! Tell me JEN, Stop it! Stop it! ‘TY. Why are you doing this to met JEN. Ty, top it! What's wrong with you? TY. No it didn’t! “s hun riasnemeacy JEN. It must have! TY, But it dia, Jen! Te didn't break dn’ fcking break! JEN. Wel, bone pay ort ot ‘Ty... If DIDN'T WORK! Ahashed outwith: Seth, ave them and Jen dver for dines. A peace offering A*we'e all friends” sort of thing, and then presto, All Wil. Forgiven. But here's the thing: Pma Jittle fucked.up, indthe-headrthese: days low things arg going to go homily wrong.tonigt:Limow because Maurech caught me on the gorcbsteday and: said ‘she'd like to talk sometime and. said-"Ohsokeya howyabant to- night? Come over. FIC nuke. diner‘: Mean/blleBoosa also osama ge a nae ee problematic realization thet within each of themarawrtsaszunbe- lievably potent seed. (Beat) { cook, Chicks digiit:}Tonight I'm ALL THIS INTIMACY a ‘aking something a litle mesey, bat I ike to experiment and see ‘5 years old and I was siting at the dinner table and I had a bow! of peas and carrots in front of me and my father was standing ‘over me demanding that I est the peas and carots. I refused, He yelled at me and threatened me and I began to ery, but I stared bhim down, ters running down my face, a tight scowl across my mouth. My father got angrier and he pointed at me and yelled, “You eat those vegetables NOW sing to have @ BIG problem, Mister! And, string at ‘my litle hand under the bow! and I flipped it up in the air. Peas and carrots every- where, Holy shit. (The doorbell rings.) ALL THIS INTIMACY acti Scene 16 Ina Pickle (TY stands far to the side of the stage while JEN, MAUREEN, ‘and BECCA stand facing the audience. They speak out at the audience.) ‘TY. (To audience) So 1 told them and st frst, they. were . (The women standin shock To audience) And then they 1d n0 idea you got so much action, (Beat) 1 (Beat) tmean: Whoa, (FRANNY enters quickly, looking out at the audience.) 2 50 ALL THIS INTIMACY FRANNY. Stupid cocksucking piece of sit. ‘n't handle that. I'm weak. So... Dinner. Everyone at once. Three birds with one stone. SETH. Lic ed shou yo ‘TY. What do you mean? SETH. Oiay. Bear with me, Franny thinks you're going to ‘propose to Jen. o Scene 17 Dinner | (TY stares at SETH) \ (Doorbell rings. Bowl of pickles ison the coffee table) : TY. You.told her this? (SETH shrugs.) You told Franny 1 | ‘was going to propose? To Jen? TY. Come int (SETH enters.) Yo. | ‘SETH. Thad to tell her something! SETH. Yo. / ‘TY. Why?! TY. Hungry? . | SETH. I'm sorry! You don't have to do it tonight. But she SETHE Listen, | ‘thinks you might doit. (Looks at she coffee rable) Are these pick- TY. What? ene i les? 2 ALL THIS INTIMACY ALL THIS INTIMACY 33 TY. You jus LIED? 1 (RANT gives him a box of condoms) SETH, I had otell Fanny something. You know?» | ee TY. No, Seth, 'don'tknow. T don't } FRANNY. Mazel Tov! These are what they ell "Condoms. j ‘There's directions inside. TRANNY: And here's some beet : | "TY. Condoms and beer. You're my type of gil, Franny. 5 sit your fuck- like the way she stares at m actually stat to believe what thing. T's hypnotic, but T Doorbell rings.) ‘TY. Well, I'm not. im not going to propose! Jesus! Will you get that? (SETH answers door. FRANNY enters.) FRANNY & SETH. Yeah. SETH. Hey honey! \v_ FRANNY. What a fucking day. So I'm in this— (They Kiss.) Hi sweetic... So I’m in this meeting this afteroon and (TY hands them nwo beers and exit.) FRANNY. (Affer TH) And I'm serious, Ty! T have a thresh- that Jacl old, ryone, ‘SETH, Fra FRANNY. I i " - ack were there, but no. hat cari T fucking do mimes huge pregnant/bloated,) Weddings don't happen over ‘night: 'm so glad we're not like them. ‘SETH. Yosh. —— FRANNY. How was your day, sweet SETH. It was... fine, listen, there's something T should — SETH. Heh, FRANNY. Exactly. (Looks at TY) Well. There hes. Daddy: TY. Hi Fran, Fa ae Be Gemeente Qt nga 54 ALL THIS INTIMACY FRANNY. What are these pickles? Gross. (TVenters.) "TY. Dinner should be ready in about half hour. FRANNY. God I'm starving, (To SETH) Swectic, will you go get me cigarettes? "TY. I thought you quit. PRANNY. did. That's why I don’t have any. Sweetie? SETH. Weren’t you just atthe store? (FRANNY just looks at SETH.) Ty, you need anything? ‘TY. Nope. SETH. Cool. Be right back. (GETH exits. TY and FRANNY lookat each other:) TY. So. Beat) So bow arc thi— FRANNY. —So I can't say I'm dhrilled at the prospect of paving you as & brother-in-law:..(TY shakes his head, laughing) No, I'm serious. TY, (Marveling at her) Franny. FRANNY. (Mimic) Ty. TY. Quie) Eranny. FRANNY. (Mimic) Ty: (Beat. They stare at each other: The doorbell rings. Excited: gets up) There she is! (PRANNY hums “Here Comes the Bride.” TY-extts 10 kitchen. 'FRANNY gets the daor. BECCA is there.) ERANNY. Um... Yeah? ALL THIS INTIMACY 38 BECCA. Fi FRANNY. Hi, ‘BECCA. Is Ty here? FRANNY. He's busy. Can I help you? BECCA, I'm here for dinner...1 didn’t know anyone else ‘was going to be here. I thought it was... FRANNY. You're bere for dinner. BECCA. He told me to come over. We had some stuff to. (Venters,) ‘TY. Becoal Come on i. You guys met. TY, No. This is good, You guys make yourselves comfort- able... Drink? FRANNY. Ty, what's going on here? ‘TY. What do you mean? FRANNY. —I mean, this was supposed to be a private din- ner... ‘TY. Is this your dinner party, Fran? FRANNY. No, but— ‘TY. No, So just shut up and relax. Becca you want a drink? You wanta beer? BECCA. Do you have club soda witha time? TTY. You got it, be back in a jiffy, (TF extts, FRANNY, clearly pissed off: sits down. BECCA goes 5 6 [ALL THIS INTIMACY sits across from her, They look at each other) BECCA. So how do you know Ty? FRANNY. My sister BECCA. Oh. He's your sister? FRANNY. Ty's student. : BECCA. Yeah, I'm in his poetry workshop. I's pretty rad. FRANNY. Th a BECCA. They'te like super classy but still kind of casual. FRANNY. Yeah, they're not really casual atall, BECCA. Oh, then [take it back. Those shoes suck. -FRANNY. What year are you? BECCA. U'ma first year. FRANNY. You're a reshiman? BECCA. Yeah, Pma first year. FRANNY. So you're like... really young. BECCA. I mean, yeah. Comparatively. (ERANNY’s brain explodes. SETH enters.) SETH. I got smokes. And I got some muthafuckin turkey |jerkey! (He wns and sees BECCA.) Whos. PRANNY. (fo SETH) Do-you know-about this? About Becca? ‘SETH, About what? T don’t know! What do 1 know? T got smokes and they had, got some, you knows... What? Hi, Pan ALL THIS INTIMACY 37 Seth, FRANNY. She's bere for diner. BECCA. I'm sony it’s so weird invited me and everything. SETH, You Bove! Ob wow! Tha’ get) And you're bere for for for dinner! back icteritars BECCA, Ty invited me He clled me wp toy en invited me. Whore you? FRANWY. esa aos BECCA Wo, you gj ae He mared and veyhing ‘School. Schoo! was nice. Are you having a good... How's school? BECCA. It’s pretty — ‘SETH. Do you like Turkey Jerkey? Have some? FRANNY. Can Ihave my fucking cigarettes? (SETH gives her a pack FRANNY whacks it against her palm ‘repeatedly, looking menacingly jrom SETH to BECCA.) BECCA. Wow, yon snake? FRANNY, Un. Yeah BECCA. {read this atl about smokers mots? mein everyone ows smoking bd aod every, bu pope wh smoke, hey have like hese microscopic. ound ll eve the insides of er mouths hat never go vay Even ifyon at SETH. You know what's awesome? You know what's ey 58 ALL THIS INTIMACY cool? Where's Ty? Ty? (Shouts desperately) TY! (¥ enters from kitchen) TY, Yo! (SETH walks so the girls can't see him and gestures madly to TY, (freaking out) FRANNY. (To TY) So Ty! Are your otter students coming ‘over for dinner tonight? Or just this one? 'SETHL Oht You know shat? [think [just remembered that left the stove on at our place? FRANNY. What? ‘SETH. The stove! The freaking stove! We gotta go. Fran, we should probably— ___ (The doorbell rings.) FRANNY. Finally! (FRANNY opens the door. MAUREEN 's there.) MAUREEN. Hi... (PRANNY just walks away.) FRANNY, Jesus F-ing Christ! What is this? (MAUREEN walks i, uncertain. FRANNY starts smoking.) ALL THIS INTIMACY 9 MAUREEN. Hi? Ty? I's sorry... you said tonighs, right? (T¥ walks up 0 her.) "TY. Nov I'm Sry Twat sient vee dizer party! Everyone: suthering. Everyone, this is Maurcon, ‘neighbor. This is Seth, Fray, and Bocca, “MAUREEN. Hello. BECCA. [love that shirt! MAUREEN. Oh! Thank you! I's Ol Navy. TY. Can I get you a drink? (He exits. MAUREEN eats pickles) “MAUREEN. Ty always has the best pickles, FRANNY. So you're his neighbor: SETH, Neighbor... neighborly... neighborly... BECCA. It gives you mouth wounds. Cr ALL THIS INTIMACY MAUREEN, I'm sorry. It's just. FRANNY. (Sbbing ous) No! Fine! Iwon’t smoke! (Uncomfortable beat) ‘SETH. Smoking indoors! What is thi, the Midwest? MAUREEN. So how do you guys know Ty? FRANNY. Well, she’s like his student ot something. She's a FRANNY. Yeah and she’s like really cute, And I'm here because my sister is coming and she and Ty are like... you know, ‘she's with hien, Bear) MAUREEN. Wait... what? FRANNY. Ty's with my sister? MAUREEN. I'm sony? ‘SETH. And what do you do, Maureen? BECCA. Ty has a gitftiend? FRANNY. She's going to be here any second, Hee name is ALL THIS INTIMACY 6 god damn Pictionary?! (SETH exits to Kitchen.) MAUREEN, Wait a minute, Your sister... FRANNY. Jen, SETH. (Ofitage; muted) What is ITAPPENING!? ‘MAUREEN. She and Ty... FRANNY. She's with him. ‘BECCA. What docs that even mean? ‘MAUREEN, Yeah, what does that mean? FRANNY. She's with him! Why is this so confusing? She's ‘ike with him! (MAUREEN thinks) ‘MAUREEN, You know what? I gotta go. (She heads for the door.) FRANNY. Why? How do you know him? MAUREEN. We've been...:T've been cheating on my hus- ‘band with Ty for the last few months. So tell your sister that, FRANNY. Oh shit. Oh shit, Iwill, (Doorbell rings. MAUREEN opens it. JEN rushes in with back- ack and bieyele helmet) JEN. Hit (She stops, looks around, suprised a al the ple.) Bi, U have to pee, ae @ ALLTHIS INTIMACY GEN rushes into the bathroom, slams the door. SETH and TY ‘enter from kitchen. Everyone looks at them. SETH has Pic- tionary) ‘SETH. Who's up for some Pictionary? sound of JEN throwing up comes from the bathroom. Every (ee. Fch ang er. istng muh. Clearing flan. The whole bit. JEN enters fram bathroom.) JEN, Hi, Sorry. Thad to pee. (Beat; goes to coffee table) (oh, are those pickles? MAUREEN. (To TY) You're « son of a bitch. TY. Yeah? MAUREEN, You could have just told me the truth, JEN. What? FRANNY. Ty's been fucking her. JEN. What? PRANNY. And maybe kiddie porn over there, too. TTY. Hey, Franny, you know, shut up. BECCA. Whos, This is wack. PRANNY, Nols hati tou? Ae yu fucking your seighbor AND your student, Ty? This nubile ile estmen who isn old ‘enougi to drink? BECCA. Tam not nubile! MAUREEN, Ican’t believe this... JEN. Oh... TY. Jen BECCA. That is so uncalled for: Like Vmrsome’sort of a1 bile pariah. 'm going Ty, I'l call you. Just wait! It t's worse than you think! (Beat; 10 {old them. (The women stop, look at him, Lights ce) And T wil admit to something stange and ‘this. The thrill of Being caught, the thrill of having done some- thing unbelievable, something that pts me ina very bad Tight. Tt ‘was @ mush, Terrifying, but also amazing, All these hysterical ‘women, shocked, angry. Their anger a hot blue, a whiteness. The way fire looks almost cold when it s the hottest it can get. And then... BECCA, Okay, so I'm like due back on the-planet carth? “You guys take care. I'm out. (BECCA exits) MAUREEN. I cannot believe this. YOU are sick, Ty. I ‘can't believe that you're part of... That you... Jesus Mary and Toseph. (MAUREEN exits. JEN sits against the wall. FRANNY lunges at TY to kill him. SETH jumps in, puts her in a:half nelson and struggles to keep her away from TE) FRANNY. I'll fucking kill you! Do you understand me! I FRANNY. Jen! You aze coming with us! I will not leave you 64 ALL THIS INTIMACY ‘with this... this. TEN. Franay. FRANNY. Come on! JEN. [need to be alone with Ty for a second. FRANNY. Fuck that! SETHL We gotta go. JEN. Wait for me outside. FRANNY. [fshe’s not out in five minutes {am com- ing back and I will kill you for real. (SETH ushers her out the door.) SETHL I'l all you dude... FRANNY. (Offitage) This isn’t donet Ty, this ist done! TY. Look... This wasn’t supposed to... (JEN starts erying.) ‘Aw Jesus, Jen? Lemme get you some club soda or something. (le goes to get a drink, JEN stands up, suddenly stronger.) JEN. No! Fuck you TY. 1 mean... dinner? Or... 7 JEN. No, Ty! Not dinner! Or okay, maybe dinner, oo. TY.1m sony. . (EN grabs her own hair, Starts walking to-he door, walks back wT¥) repro eg nS ‘ALL THIS INTIMACY 6s JEN. You know what,,.? (Again she starts walking to the door. back 10 TY. To the door, back to TY) TY. Are you okay? JEN, Shut up! Look at me! don’t know which way to go. Ever. This is your fault, Ty, Everything is your fault. TEN. I'm 30 stupid ‘TY. You're not smpid. I'm stupid, JEN. (Trying to cain down) Okay. Okay. Look. Let’ jst. ‘Let's jus... You know. Franay told me... She told me yoo wers sing to... ‘TY. Oh, God, Jen, Pm sorry... JEN, Well what? What do you want Ty, just look at me and tell me... 1 hate you right now so fucking much but if you can and tell me... Tell me that you're at last the person I think I know and not some... some.... I DON'T KNOW... Can you Took at me...” Can you tell me anything? (Bea) Ty: CEN exits) IY. Mo audience) What bapened me? Where di ¢0 66 ALL THIS INTIMACY Scene 18 Halfsies (BECCA and TY ina park. They sit on a bench drinking coffee.) ‘TY. I want to pay for the whole thing. BECCA. No, Halfis better. . TY. Pd really lke to pay for the whole thing. BECCA. No. ‘TY. Why not? BECCA, Because [said so. TY. Don’t be brat. BECCA. What are you, gonna get stern with me? TY. You don’t have the money, [have the money. I'm going tp give you the money. BECCA. Thave plenty of money. TY. How? . BECCA. ’mrich. TY. Becca. BECCA, So forget it. eat) TY. Lwant to go with you BECCA. No way. TY, Why not? BECCA. You wont a lot of things TY. Yes. Eo. BECCA. Look, { appreciate everything, But just give me f ALL THIS INTIMACY 0 space on this, Give me ha the money and ten, you now, walk away. Wash your hands of me. "TY 1 dont want o wash my baad of you, BECCA. Why not? TTY, Beeause we're connected, We didn’t want this to hap- ‘en, but just because it did doesn't mean T suddenly don't want ‘anything to do with you. BECCA. Do you want to marry me? Beat) TY.No. BECCA. Do you want to date me? ‘TY. les not like that— BECCA. Becanse I don’t want to date you. vo TTY: Okay. BECCA. Ali I realy want is for you to write me a check for ‘half the amount and then I just don’t want to hang out anymore. 1 ‘mean, the semester is done. I'm no longer your student. So 1 don't have to see you enyamore. ‘TY. You should just et me come with you. TY, Is it some generational thing? What, are you kids t00 68 ALL THIS INTIMACY lazy you can’t even finish: word? Finishing words... It's like ‘Too Many Consonants. It's 60 ridic, BECCA. Oh, poor old Ty can't relate to youth culture, A. ‘month ago you understood me. Now you're my dad, TY. That's not— BECCA, You can’t get three girls pregnant at the same time and then expect them to like you. (Beat. They drink their coffee.) TY, I'm not a bad person. BECCA. Whatev, eat) What are they doing anyhow? Mau- vee se whats erie? TY. Jen. BECCA. Jen. ‘TY. Maureen's going to have the baby, Her husband left her. BECCA. That sucks. TY. Jen, [ don’t know, She won't tale to me. (Beat) I loved her, BECCA, Guess you'll have plenty to waite about, Beat) ‘TY. Becea, can [tell you something? BECCA. Ub oh. TY. don’t know. [just... [need to... You should know how casy it is to ruin yourself, how the smallest things can change ‘who you are. How choices ean damage you. (BECCA gets wp) gaan FOOTER Rent nate en renrmeatienn nats ALL THIS INTIMACY 0 BECCA. I don't neod any more lessons from you Ty. But I appreciate the thought. Take eare of yourself. (She starts to leave.) And send me 2 check. (BECCA exits, TY watches her go.) Scene 19 Absolution (y's apartment, TY enters, MAUREEN is siting, wating for him. TY nurns om the ligh, surprised-o see her. She's visibly ‘TY. I've been out walking around in circles. Okay’? Is tat okay’? And thea T gota bear atack because you're siting here ‘waiting for me in tho dark like Dracula or something: How'd you set in here anyhow? I 0 ALL THIS INTIMACY ALL THIS INTIMACY au MAUREEN. I just hopped on over. Your back door was ‘TY, Maureen... unlocked. Sign the papers. MAUREEN. What ‘TY. What's the rush? TY. 1 want to... MAUREEN, Pm leaving ina few days, I'm moving, Fold ‘you this, TY. To Boston. MAUREEN, Yes. ‘TY. Who moves to Boston? MAUREEN. Sign there. Your name, You know what it says. Absolve yourself. ‘TY. When I was a litle kid, Iwas always temified when Td 0 up to my bedroom at night. I always thought Dracula’d be waiting for me. Just siting theve at my desk, waiting. [think I'm sill afaid ofthat, * MAUREEN. Welbere fam: (TY touches her and brings her close 10 him as ifto kiss her.) MAUREEN, Stop. What ae you doing. ‘TY, I want to bold you for a second. MAUREEN, Ty please just— (TY kisses her. MAUREEN doesn't kiss back, nor‘does she pull away. After the Kiss they look ‘at each other. MAUREEN shoves hint away.) Don't do that. TY. P'm sony. 22 MAUREEN. I don't need this fiom you, Ty. ‘TY. What's your problem? I'm just MAUREEN. SIGN! The papers! (TY looks at MAUREEN and then quickly rips the papers up into shreds.) “MAUREEN, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! ‘TY. Idon’t want to sign them. “MAUREEN. Are you out of your mind! | TY. Leome in here, you've broken in. Itty to be nice o you, MAUREEN, You should have seen your face when I frst uy Asked you... You were so relieved | ‘TY. I fel differen now! MAUREEN. [sally don't cate. AU NAR RSE RN ea SHAT SE TY. Why nov? MAUREEN, Because I don't, Sign the papers and I'll leave try to be affectionate, you know, and you just act like some mean ae old... Tmean you're mean. “MAUREEN, I'm allowed to be mean! You are too much, ‘TY. Why is everyone being so mean to me?! MAUREEN, We bad an agreement, TY. Ldon’t want to sign. MAUREEN? doesn’t matter what you want anymore. You ‘had what you wanted. Plenty of it, ‘an falling apart, Ty! Nick left 2 ALL THIS INTIMACY ‘me. He took Augie and iff want to see... If Ewant to even see my son with any regularity, I have to move up there. To Boston Where Nick and bis whole family—who hate me now—live. ‘And... Iknow you can’t understand this. But it hurts, okay? TY. Tknow it hurts, MAUREEN. Of, you don’t know shit, ‘Well I know it's a good thing your husband left TY. Tknow. I'm sorry T said that and I'm sorry I ripped up those papers. I'l sign them. I mean, you gave me a copy, Pl sign that, "MAUREEN, Send itto my lawyer. (MAUREEN turns t0 90.) ‘TY. Wait! Maureen, wait... (TY goes down on knees.) MAUREEN. What are you doing? TY. Imessed up. I messed up my life. MAUREEN, Yeah, no kidding. TY. Ineed your help, MAUREEN. You're razy. (ke nurs leave) ALL THIS INTIMACY B ‘TY. I'm serious! Wait! I have something deep hanging over ‘me, And I think it corrupted me and made me into a terrible per “know now. The person you hate. And okay, T’m bad, But I need to, [ don't know, recon don't know. Why are you asking me this? Scene 20 ‘What Happened Between Us (Branny cond Seth's aparment: FRANNY is exercising along to an exercise video. TY enters,) ‘FRANNY. Well, that leaves me. TY. Can Icome in? iv FRANNY. | fee] s0 needed. What do you want, ‘TY, Inced to talk to you, ” ALL THIS INTIMACY ? “TY. Can you be normal for once? FRANNY. Please don’t make yourself at home, Ty. You should not feel this is'a safe place for you. I's not. TY. Gee, thanks, Fran, You're so sweet, (Beat) This is hard. FRANNY. What? TY. Ihave to come clean. About everything, To Seth and Jen, About us. Beas) FRANNY. You must be out of your fucking mind, ‘TY. Pim not, But I wanted to tel you First, FRANNY. You're going t6 fell Seth and Jen. Now? A year later? “TY. This is what I want to talk about. FRANNY. Talk theat ‘TY. What we did... Franny, what happened between us... FRANNY. We made a deal, Ty. TY. Llanow we did. FRANNY. 4 stupid drunken thing. Jn the fatehen. Tt didn’t hapy decided it never happened. We mide a deal and we put it behind us, End of story, Ty. End of story. TY. It’s not behind us. It's right here. Right now. FRANNY. What want? What are you trying to hold over me? ALL THIS INTIMACY 7s ‘TY. Nothing, [just need to do this. Imeed to come clean, = FRANNY. Take a shower, then! ‘TY. Te was a sin, And I've been feeling it for the past year, ‘but I haven't faced it, Real sin stays with us. And I bave to dea! witht . TFRANNY. Holy sit Ae you bomagaia? Beeaus if you ‘are? Ifyou're a born-again litle freak, you can get the fuck out ne NNT compe meng in you? Wha i120, 709 Se Se weer Lasers ae ‘oyei-and run this by me first? ‘TY. thought you sbould know. 16 ALL THIS INTIMACY FRANNY. Bullshit That's way too courteous for ‘You know what th ee Fieve med wp wy a te ike we wal be lin tei, oer tow ve wa? Fora re mm we wee ie "amy Anthea you and had sero even osteo ea en NOW. Ta a pony ose r caw. Tart Sy andy ore rything. if "ave oma ings igh PRANNY. Ala Alpi Alligh Fak Fk Fuck (PRANNY stares at TY, walks to a table, takes out a white enve- Tope, brings t to him and holds i out) Ty. What is, FRANNY. Aa fivition our weding. TY. What, I'm invite now? ERANNY. eat Al youre best cts about your toast, ce 7 TY. Wha a you talking about? FRANNY. You want things fo go back to the way vere? Then sit asng your np thea T. You've comng ALLTHIS INTIMACY, n to the wedding, you'e gonna be Seth’s best man, you're gorma ‘walk dovin the sisle with pregnant Jen, you're gonna be sweet Gnd nice and charming and all that shit you always pall and ‘You're going to keep your fucking mouth shat about things thet don't nced to be said. “TY. I don’t se how that will ix things. FRANNY. You can ether put the pices back together or _you can blow everything apart. TTY. You would do this for me? FRANNY. Do we have a deal? ‘TY, What about Paco? FRANNY. Fuck Paco. He can be the ring bearer. He won't ‘ssow the difference. (TY looks at the invitation, thinking) This s 2 deat I'm making with you, Ty. If you're serious about al this future and not abont your stupid guilt + You think shel tke me back? Ty, Um not a fucking mind reader. » FRANNY, Do,we have a deal? él 1» TY. Yeah, (IY takes the invitation and turns to leave.) Franny... Thank you. FRANNY. You're welcome, Now go avray. I have to do my pilates. - ALL THIS INTIMACY Scene 21 Toast (PY stands center stage in his suit holding a microphone and a lass of champagne.) TY. We were fourteen years old, Seth and I, and we were at ‘the mall. Hanging out, drinking cokes. Like fourteen-year-olds do at the mall. It was summer and we were bored and sitting by one of those mall fountains, stealing pennies from under the water. ‘This worhac: walked up-to the fountain, She was beautiful, ‘And she looked at the-fountain, went into a coin purse, found = nickel, made a wisi; and flipped it into the fountain, Seth and I watched this. We couldn't take our eyes off of her. Anyhow, then she walked away. We had: cleaned out the fountain, and $0 the only coin left in the water was that worsan's. nickel. I tried to reach in and get it, but it was too far. [couldn't reach it. But Seth was still watching the woman walle away, And then, as ifhe were dreaming, Seth said to me: You know, Ijust love women,” ‘And T said, yeah, she was hot. ‘And then Seth said: ‘cit amazing to think that someday, we could hang out ‘with a woman like that? Someday, a woman like that might want tw date us? Or marry us?" ‘And said, yeah, that would be awesome, And Seth just shook his head and said, more to himself, “Man. Ijust love women.” Here's the reason I’m telling this story today. Seth was ALLTHIS INTIMACY ~ ‘wrong. Seth didn’t Jove “women”. Seth didn't Jove that woman at ‘the fountain, Seth loved the idea hom to sire sie oie ny ls toma tei ais. td ot fon fant tos «atten. san Scene 22 ‘Pullof the Moon (JEN stands outside the wedding reception looking at the moon. "i, She is very pregnant. TY enters.) TY. Look at that moon. JEN. That’s what I was doing. TTY, Strong enough to pull the tides, to move the oceans. No wonder it ean mess with our heads. (Reminiscing) Now remember thet moon, that one time when we were at the— : JEN. Yes. Ido, Of course 1 do. (Beat) You made a very nice 80 ALL THIS INTIMACY toast, TY. Lwinged it JEN. T igured. TY. Yeah, JEN. Yeah. ‘TY. So what’s going on? a ing, T'U be a mother in about a month, I'm TY. Jen... JEN. Don't you get sappy, Ty. I really don’t want to hear it. don’t want to hear you. (Beat) TY, Wel, tigured that. You haven't returned my calls... oF ry emails. or my text messzge.., JEN. You had a chanco:to explain yourself: You had a ALL THIS INTIMACY a chance to make things better and you didn't. So, thanks for the text messages but I've moved on. Beat) TY, I'm sorry, TEN. I know. (TY touches Jen's stomach tenderly. Ske allows i.) (The baby kicks. JEN reacts and TY feels it as well. He's as- tounded by this) ‘TY, What are we going to name her? ‘TY. I mean, trying to be antagonistc-here, Jen! But + you're got to realize that 'm connected to you, okay? Maybe you bate me and never want fo see me, but she's my daughter 100, She’s OUR daughter. And I don’t want it to come down to this, but I meen, legally I could get partial custody if wanted to, TEN. Legally. Jesus. I can't believe you're going to talk LAW with me. You won't get partial custody or anything like it, ‘TY. Why not? JEN, Courts favor the child's best interest. ‘TY. Pimher father. your lines, man. I'm through with you. Take it easy, asshole. Have a nice ite. ETH exits) ‘TY. That's acliché exit line, dude! [can’t let you go out like that! Come back and say something cold-blooded! Tel! me off, dude! Bitch me out! Say something smart! 'l give you a sovond ‘chance! Come back and hit me! Punch me in the face! Seth! I deserve it! Come on! You can’t just leave. Seth, come back. (TY watts to bench and sits and puts his face in his hands.) Scene 23 All This and More (Y's afce. He takes a map of Pangea and hangs itp. Stores at it, Turns and speaks to the audience.) TY. You know that time in your life? When your future is rich and ripe and full of possibility? And you haven't done any= thing to taint it yet? And you have virgin soil beneath your feet and the world is a good place and you are a good person’? ‘And them you eat the forbidden fruit. And you're banished ALL THIS INTIMACY 8s ‘from that perfect place because you're not worthy of it any more, And so what do you do then? "You live in shame, You cover your nakedness, avert your "eyes, cultivate secrets, you tear the world to pieces, start nations, sStirteivilizations. Fuck, Have children. Spread your seed. Create fa new world, where new people will have the opportunity to stand in a now gorden of Eden and proceed to fail all over agai. Just like you did, Just like you did (BECCA enters, BECCA. Hi. TY. Oh. Hi. BECCA. Hi TY. Come in, BECCA. I was just passing by. I have to be somewhere. .ap of Pangaea) What is that? Is that Russia? 's Pangaes. is like Russia. TY. Ne Russa, it's Pangaea. It's the way the world ‘uscd to look when all the continents were connected. It's specu tive, it's not rea, it's... Anyhow. How've you been? "BECCA, I just wanted to stop by and say congrats on the book. ‘TY. Ob, thanks! BECCA. I gotit. TTY. You bought one? BECCA. Yeah. 7 "TY. Great! (Beat) Do you like it? 86 ALL THIS INTIMACY BECCA. [liked Labyrinth beter, TY. Look, hope they're not... BECCA. Hey, write what you know. You know? ‘TY. There's alot of you in there, BECCA. Oh, you think? (Beat) Anyway, [ saw you dedi- cated the book. TY. Yeah. Beat) Yeah, BECCA. Have you see them? TY. No, BECCA. Oh, Wel, wrote anew poem. Tv. You aid? BECCA. Yeah, Wanna bea i? TY. Sure, BECCA. thave it memorized, Heteit goes “This iusto say. Thave eaten the plums that were in the tocbor and wich you were probably ‘saving for breast Forgive me they were delicious so sweet ‘and so cold” Beat) Do you like it? 1s my best poem, F think. seg ee ‘ALL THIS INTIMACY Cl TT. No youn’ ose : COA, Yet id Denil ne did't wate it Trott (Beat) {2 BECCA. now, Pm just siting you. euT¥. Oh, ‘BECCA. You're such asp. TY, Yeh, Thnow. oe THECCA, 1 know it was William Carlos Wiliams! T'm not stupid, you know. Wemulichtinyoasits, ae and nh you samen? 1 But I realized... (Re: Pan fissertation. I got it off the inter- 88 ALL THIS INTIMACY. ‘TY. Hey. Do you want to... You know, get a drink? BECCA. I'm not old enough to drink. TY. Coffee. BECCA. Probably not. (BECCA leaves, Beat. TY picks up a hook) “There's no feeling in the world like writing e book. To work ‘on something, to put your labor and:love-into it and then to get it published... When you hold your book in your hands... there's nothing like it It's like holding your... (Reai) Nobody reads poetry, but people like this book. I think they like it because the poems link together and tell one narrative tale, It’s about after the apocalypse. There are only fifteen people left in the entire world, Fourteen of them are Women between the ages of fourteen and forty. And there is one man. Naturally, the ‘mun must copulate extensively with each woman. [tis up to them 10 work together and re-create humanity. Uke i boeause its his job. It's his duty, He's doing the right thing. Te doesn’t matter if be’s unkind! Tt doosn’t matter what any- ‘one thinks about him, because ove kind, for humanity and he's daing the rig thing. W's his job. Sag gine einen cnr lieve me. ‘He's doing the right thing. (T¥ looks atthe Book and then throws the book as hard as he can against the wall)

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