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PRAD 336

Research Brief

Understanding the Target Audience

Through our research for Clorox, we developed a product that not only is unlike anything

on the market, but will also aid our consumers during the Covid-19 crisis. Our product will be a

line of gloves, latex and non-latex that are made of a special material that actively repels and

kills bacteria. These gloves would keep people from spreading bacteria when out in the

community and would also lessen the waste created by the non-reusable and non-antibacterial

latex gloves that are currently being used. To get an idea of our target, we surveyed thirty people

on their demographics, health concerns, and willingness to use a product like the one we are

creating. We did this through convenience sampling, which is the safest and most effective way

to sample during the current climate. Ideally, we would have gathered a random sample from

each age group to see the differing views according to that breakdown in order to get a better

grasp on the specific target of our advertising efforts, but due to current circumstances, we did

what we could with what we were given.

In our survey were questions that aided us in understanding the ways in which people

buy their products, as well as, our participants' role in the workforce. We asked questions to

understand what qualifications a product such as ours would need to be successful, and found

that there was not only a need for our product in the medical field, but outside of it as well. The

questions asked were simple to understand as our main goal was to figure out the need for our

product. We asked our participants whether they were essential workers and later asked if they
would be interested in a latex glove that could actively repel bacteria. We found that most of our

participants said yes to both questions. Through this survey our group was able to conclude

specifically what our demographic entailed, which helped us better analyze the data.

When reviewing the breakdown of the data, we found that the majority of our

respondents, about 70%, were between the ages of 18-24. One commonality found among all the

age groups was the response as to which Clorox products the respondents find themselves buying

frequently. All age groups responded with Clorox wipes, spray, and/or bleach at least once. In

addition, the majority of our respondents (21) are also customers of Clorox, purchasing their

products and even responded that they would be open and willing to try a new product that

actively repels bacteria, in this case, our latex gloves. Through conducting this survey, we

discovered that our target audience is men and women who live in Chicago or urban areas and

also responded with the following:

● Are current buyers of clorox products

● Find the quality of products to be important (e.g gloves that do not tear easily, good fit,

protective, comfort, durability, etc.)

● Are not essential workers/currently working right now

● Purchase their products in person

In our findings, one of the most common major health concerns in the current environment that

we found was the lack of sanitation products/supplies available to the public. Another primary

health concern that was listed by the respondents was the fear of transmitting the virus to another

individual who is immunocompromised or at high risk. In reviewing this data, we can infer that

the respondents are millennials who are concerned about the conditions within the current

environment, and taking the necessary precautions (such as purchasing/using sanitation products
if available) to prevent not only them from contracting the virus, but also potentially transmitting

it to those who may be at high risk

These images consist of families, couples, groups of friends and groups of professionals

varying in age from 18-24. The budget for people in this demographic is not going to be very

high, which is something to consider when deciding how to market the product. It is also

reasonable to believe that many of these people do not have office jobs that allowed them to

work from home which is why the majority of them are not working at the moment. Eighteen to

twenty four years of age is a time in which many young people have recently moved away from

home and are taking on a lot of new responsibilities. People in this age group are largely

students, most undergraduate and some graduate. Students are known to have a lot of expendable

income. There are some closer to the end of this age spectrum that may have just added on an

addition to their family. This part of the demographic has taken on a lot of responsibility. There

has been a trend of younger people not taking this virus as seriously as older members of society.

The amount of responsibility one is accustomed to taking on will reflect on how one views this


Pictures that Portray the Potential “Personas” of the Target Audience

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