Tugas Resume Kuliah Umum

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1. Nama Taruna/NIT : Aisyah Rahmayani/16072010003

2. Prodi/Course : D4 Lalu Lintas Udara 27
3. Tanggal Kuliah Umum : 26 Januari 2021
4. Judul Kuliah Umum : Ambassadorial Lecture
“Enhancing Transport Security Awareness”
5. Nama Narasumber : Julie Lewis, M. Yugihartiman, Heri Sudarmaji, and Genny
Luhung P
6. Asal Instansi Narasumber : First Secretary (Transport) Australian Embassy Jakarta
Secretary of Human Resources Development on
Transportation Agency
Head of Center for Human Resources
Development on Civil Aviation
Indonesia Civil Pilot Academy

7. Mata Kuliah Yang Terkait

Dengan Tema Kuliah Umum : tidak terkait / terkait dengan mata kuliah

The Australian Government established a Post at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta in 2005.
Australia's relationship with Indonesia is an ongoing collaborative and collaborative
relationship, with a particular focus on developing transport capacity.
The relationship between Australia and Indonesia has been supported by a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU). In February 2020, the provisions of the Australia-Indonesia MoU on
transportation security were approved and signed by the Ministers in Canberra in the
presence of the President of Indonesia and the Prime Minister of Australia.
Australia is very proud of the report cards it has received under the Australia-Indonesia
Transport Security Cooperation Program working in the aviation and maritime sector.

Content of the material

Transportation Security Cooperation Program Indonesia – Australia :

1. Policy and standards

2. Quality assurance

3. Air cargo

4. Threat and risk

5. Identity Security

6. Trusted insider training

7. Governance support

8. English language training

9. Security Awareness

The relationship between Australia and Indonesia has been underpinned by memorandum of
understanding in February 2020 the terms of the Australian Indonesian mou on Transport
Security wearing you a grade Distance in Canberra Ask Originally and yellow-bellied
interconnected system requires multinational corporation to make time and peaches
challenges this cooperation messing Volvo sector government Regulators operated and
Industry the complexity of operations will grow commensurate with the commodity and
passenger volumes the threat of terrorism and criminality is also growing and involving our
ports and airports and a critical National infrastructure will remain highly attractive.

Target why is the transport sector such an attractive attractive Target for terrorists attacks
because an attack on a cruise ship aircraft or airport has the ability to inflict Mass casualties
to inflict damage to the economy in trouble it's an attractive high-profile incident a symbolic
statement that can generate Sensational media imagery and it generates public anxiety the
cruise industry is an attractive Target the nature of the industry's operations presents
opportunities that could be exploited the impact on tourism and the subsequent and economic
Fallout from an attack would be a significant uranium cruises Indonesia this is Beach attacks
weather resulted in a decrease of European visit is the effects of a terrorist attack a fellow saw
and why they linger long after the initial horror experience at the time of the incident ya ya
Asian industries of coal is an attractive Target for terrorists and many attacks have
contributed to the evolution of a security measures 911 opened a new chapter in threats and
responses to Aviation Security the post 9/11.

Aviation Security environment she could to address suicide attacks including the use of
aircraft as an interest as an instrument of Tara and destruction Battle Creek to the terrorist
base of cords When developing a security measures we need to consider many forms of
attack to best protect our people and our infrastructure, I come from terrorist criminals party
civil disorder disgruntled employees activists I reached by Slayer intro to security assistance
in implementing effective security arrangements to deter and detect unlawful Behavior
Access Control screening patrols and CCTV are examples of liar to preventive security
building a security conscious transport.
Community provides an additional preventive liar to our Transport Security Arrangements
the eyes and ears of the people that travel through Dawn hat clean and how transport hubs
can be invaluable detection and deterrent light the international civil aviation organization
Sera Security Code to 20/20 has been extended into 2021 this initiative encourages
organizations and industries around the globe to prevent Aviation Security culture this is a
great initiative that we should apply to the home of the transport network not just Al Aviation
sector security culture is an area that have been actively involved in for her number is it is an
area that requires I'm going after and attention tonight in the benefits we hear the terms
security awareness and security culture often and they often interchanged but what do we
name the Cambridge Dictionary describe an awareness as knowledge that something exists
and understanding of a situation or subject at the present time based on information or
experience call Cha is described as the way of life

Transportation Sector:

1. Economic and strategic interests

2. Connect regionally and globally

3. Multilateral cooperation

Threat Objectives - Targets:

1. The ability to inflict mass casualties

2. The ability to cause economic damage / public trust

3. Generating public anxiety

4. Causing disruption of scheduled air travel

The source of the threat:

1. Terrorists

2. Criminals / piracy

3. Civil disturbance

4. Activist

Preventive efforts that can be done:

1. Control all existing access

2. Patrol

The benefit of building security awareness is to improve detection, reporting and completion
of suspicious activity / criminal. Improve security culture and crime prevention in all
transportation sectors. Develop a culture of security by involving all staff to equally prioritize
security at all times. Because strong security helps increase internal and external trust,
creating consistent positive behavior. How to develop security awareness? First, with training
and education, sharing information, involving all elements of transportation and society,
reporting suspicious activity.


To increase security awareness, training and education are carried out, sharing
information, involving all elements in society, and reporting any suspicious
activity to the relevant institutions. To add security, all activities carried out
related to crime and terrorism must be reported or conveyed in the official media.


Innovation ideas
Piracy or jumping squirrels, for example, need to be a special concern for
industry players in the transportation sector. Another condition that affects is the
condition of drivers who carry trucks or other modes of transportation must be in
a fit state, so that risks can be minimized.

Developing a system capable of assisting in the process of creating a security

plan and providing opportunities for the community, especially transportation
actors, to take part in training in an effort to increase awareness and awareness of
the threat of terrorism.

GPS technology is very helpful in tracking the position of the vehicles in the
system and can be monitored in real time. A technology has even been developed
that allows remote control of the vehicle, so that if something happens (such as a
drowsy driver) it can be done to prevent potential accidents or hijacking

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