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1. Nama Taruna/NIT : Aisyah Rahmayani/16072010003

2. Prodi/Course : D4 Lalu Lintas Udara 27
3. Tanggal Kuliah Umum : 26 Januari 2021
4. Judul Kuliah Umum : Current Situation of Transportation and Logistics in
Sweden and its Challenges
5. Nama Narasumber : H.E. Mrs Marina Berg
6. Asal Instansi Narasumber : Sweden’s Embassy of Indonesia
7. Mata Kuliah Yang Terkait
Dengan Tema Kuliah Umum : tidak terkait / terkait dengan mata kuliah

A. Preliminary
Due to the long distances between the mountains in the north and the coast in southern
Sweden, transportation is a basic necessity for people to move from one place to another.
However, due to the large number of means of transportation that make the environment
beautifully polluted, the only small example is air. The large number of transportation that is
detrimental to the environment has made the government take steps to make transportation
that is environmentally friendly so that environmental pollution is not too severe and does not
interfere with transportation facilities that help people move from one place to another.
Electrifying roads, moving from owning cars to buying a transport service, and introducing
automation are examples of new solutions. Sweden’s close collaboration between business,
academia and state gives a competitive advantage, leading to a combination of top academic
research, new business models from the private sector, and adaptions to legislation and
government incentives from the state.

B. Content of the material


To realize the idea of transportation without fossil fuels must go through various challenges,
but through Sweden's extraordinary advantages in terms of collaboration, enabling them to
achieve this fossil freemobility by cooperating with the private sector, academia. and
government. Since Sweden's strength is collaboration and collaboration is the key to
development, there are several related projects in terms of collaborative programs, science
parks, startups and research.

a) LINDHOLMEN SCIENCE PARK - an innovative force for Sweden

Lindholmen Science Park seeks to realize a vision to strengthen Sweden's competitiveness by
focusing on future mobility for people and goods through two parallel tasks: developing
ecosystems within the park and running programs or activities that drive research innovation.

b) SWEDEN DRIVE - a new approach to mobility

To achieve long-term sustainable mobility solutions, the best skills in the field need to work
closely with organizational boundaries. This is what Drive Sweden aims to achieve: a strategic
innovation program developed by the Swedish government.

c) CLOSING- Transport efficiency approach

CLOSER is a collaboration and innovation platform to improve transportation efficiency, with a

major focus on long and short distance transportation of goods. The result is a news solution
for the freight transport system.


The human factor is the number one cause of all accidents that occur at sea. Sea Traffic
Management (STM) is an initiative to make the marine sector safer while reducing negative
environmental impacts and increasing efficiency.


Because so much automation in society creates a dilemma, automated vehicle traffic control
towers help solve one of the biggest challenges of the future.

A. AUTOMATIC VEHICLE Traffic Control Tower

Automated vehicles may require humans to put autonomous mode aside and control the
vehicle especially when it comes to public transportation or emergency vehicles in critical
situations. Its aim is to understand the role of traffic control towers for automatic road vehicles.
The control tower will be used for the control and operation of vehicles, fleets and traffic levels,
all of which will be affected by the use of driverless automatic vehicles.

Nobina's development work is all about a faster, more interesting and more sustainable
journey. To enable daily door-to-door travel and provide good accessibility In developing cities,
driverless buses can become part of a smart and environmentally friendly public transport


The Swedish Transport Administration is looking for new ways to vibrate the country's main
transportation routes. Two real environmental tests have been carried out and are currently
being evaluated.

A. E16 SANDVIKEN the world's first electric highway

The E16 Sandviken is a two kilometer long highway lined with poles that support overhead
power lines. Large trucks are loaded in the same way as trolley buses and trams. When the
truck passes under the cable, the so-called pantograph connects to the truck and automatically
injects power into the system. If there is no electricity to connect, the vehicle is driven by an
ordinary engine.

B. eRoadArlanda elways charges while driving

The aim of the project is to generate knowledge, experience, and decision-making data for the
creation of a platform for the electrification of larger transport routes in Sweden. This system
calculates the energy consumption of the vehicle, allowing electricity costs to be charged per
vehicle and user.


Sweden The start-up scene is home to many new businesses that are passionate about
sustainability without sacrificing the comfort of powered vehicles.

A. MAKE WAY for the intelligent movement company

Einride's solutions are based on all-electric autonomous vehicles, coordinated by intelligent
routing software that integrates customer data, traffic data and so on to optimize delivery
times, battery life and energy consumption - traveling from A to B as efficiently as possible.
Einride's first product in production was the T-pod

B. ELECTRIC WORK VEHICLES developed in Sweden

These vehicles are built to enable tough work - construction and logistics - in urban areas during
any season and aim to meet the highest demands in driver safety and the environment.

C. A CAR MADE of composite materials

The lightweight Uniti electric city car is made of composite materials and optimized for energy
and resource efficiency, safety, and production scalability. The main goal is that people can
access vehicles for daily trips without the hassle of owning ownership. they will achieve this
through mobility as a service model.

D.REPLACING TODAYS 'SMALLER motorized transport

The Armadillo is referred to as a 'go-kart, bicycle and van mix' and its size allows it to ride on a
bicycle path without causing problems for cyclists.


Swedes have become accustomed to a variety of mobility-as-a-service platforms for traveling.

In the future, we will see mostly new vehicles equipped with the technology required for a
smooth sharing service. Like roaming services, travelers will be able to use any mode of
transportation in any part of the country through a single subscription.

A. COMBINED MOBILITY in small towns and rural areas

this service can generate new customers for public transport operators and can increase
sustainability for the community, provided there is a strong and qualitative public transport
system at its core.


Public transportation, car rental and car sharing, taxis and bicycles depend on customer needs
at a certain minute, hour, day, week, month. Everything is available in one application, and all
on one bill for the whole family.

C. Conclusion

There are several aspects that exist in the country of Sweden that enable them to undergo an
environmentally friendly transportation process without fossil fuels including the Collaboration
Aspect is a very important aspect in Sweden and will be a good example to be applied in
Indonesia and then Automation. Sweden became the first country to use / develop electric
roads in the world. Then there is the aspect of changing people's mindsets to use public
transportation instead of using private vehicles. and the use of electricity in land transportation
from both cars and buses to make them more environmentally friendly. All these aspects are
very good to be applied and do not forget other factors, namely human resources and our
willingness and creativity in advancing the nation without destroying the universe.

D. Innovation ideas

Indonesia must start to think creatively into the future like Sweden did, they create
environmentally friendly transportation for good things in the future. We should also think to
the future, we don't have to immediately make environmentally friendly transportation, we can
start with a simple way by saving and limiting the use of goods that damage the environment.

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