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Public Speaking and Brand Promotion

A brand comprises of certain features that distinguishes it from other

businesses. A business needs to have an effective brand management
strategy which can provide the organization the way ahead and also help build
customer association. One of the most important aspects of brand
management strategy is public speaking. This component helps you in the
following ways:

Direct Interaction with Target Audience: The target audience of your

business can give you complete attention and can positively respond to your
ideas and new initiatives through direct interaction. The best way to do that is
through public speaking.

Help spread your message. Nowadays it’s easy for consumers, journalists

and industry stakeholders to miss your focused messages. People can
choose exactly what they want to see and hear and as such it’s more difficult
than ever to capture their attention. The more communication platforms you
use, like appearances in the news, public speaking, a strong social media
presence, the better are your chances that the target audiences will hear your
messages. Moreover research proves that most people process visuals
involving communicating with them directly (like seeing you standing at a
podium) faster than indirect messaging (like advertisements).

Brand in the limelight: Marketing surveys show that usually around 20

stimuli influencers are enough to compel a customer to make the buying
decision. Organizational leads speaking at events about the organization and
narrating stories of success and initiatives can keep you in the limelight and
help get the attention of your customers. It influences the customers to choose
your product or service when they need to make a decision.

Extensive Outreach: A single talk or a speech can be communicated to

target audience in a variety of ways. A completed video of the speech may be
posted on the website, or small pieces of video can be posted on various
social media platforms. Moreover the speeches can be shared on you tube
too after necessary publicity and customers responses received.

Demonstrate Leadership: Undertaking public speeches to highlight

organizational expertise and strategic ideas for industry can help build the
image perception of being the industry leader. It can also help you earn
respect and value as being the leader having the knowledgebase to share
ideas for the development of industry as a whole rather than that of the
organization only.

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