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Cooking Party Night

RCPT 414 Program Plan

Joel Neville, Alex Madden, Taquon Thaniel, Luke Litton, and Richard

Table of Contents

Program Overview……………………………………………………2

Goals and Objectives…Richard Bentley…………………………….2-3

Planning Tool and Supporting Materials………………………3-5

Technology Plan...Alex Madden…………………………………...5

Program Budget……………………………………………………5-6

Animation Plan...Richard Bentley………………………………….6-7

Risk Management Plan...Joel Neville……………………………..7-9

Marketing and Promotion Plan...Luke Litton…………………..9-11

Evaluation Plan...Taquon Thaniel…………………………………11-12


Program Overview

This virtual event’s goal is to provide a fun, casual, and learning experience for

attendees about cooking new culinary recipes with peers. Leaders of the program will

provide three simple recipes for attendees to follow on to, as a guideline. Attendees do

not necessarily have to follow the recipe guidelines. The attendees can use this time to

use their own recipe if they wish to do so. Attendees do not have to participate in the

cooking lessons if they do not want to, this part of the program is designed to be a culinary

lecture. A friendly competitive atmosphere will be supported by an addition of a friendly

plating contest and discussion followed by a Kahoot session about culinary trivia. At the

end of the program a evaluation event survey will be distributed.

Goals & Objectives

1. Provide an entertaining and fun experience for all attendees.

A. Get attendees involved by using recipe lessons in a lecture format and

encourage them to cook with the program leaders.

B. Provide a friendly competitive atmosphere by creating a plating contest.

C. Provide an interactive competitive trivia Kahoot game on culinary trivia.

D. Encourage and facilitate friendly discussions about cooking and the culinary

arts among participants.

2. Provide a safe and learning environment for the program attendees.

A. Create a risk management plan for all the program leaders.


B. Provide safety instructions and risk assumption information to all


C. Teach attendees simple and creative culinary recipes

D. Teach attendees interesting skills and culinary techniques.

E. Provide fun culinary facts in the Kahoot trivia game.

3. Support the interest for the culinary arts and the program for our attendees.

A. Get attendees excited by providing interesting recipes and ingredients.

B. Provide a friendly atmosphere to allow attendees to discuss their interest

in the culinary arts.

C. Provide prizes for the winners of the plating contest and the Kahoot trivia

to create initiative to participate in the program.

4. To have at least 30 attendees in our program event.

A. Have at least 15 students attend our event.

B. Reach out to friends and family by using word of mouth campaigns.

C. Create and promote a Facebook event page for our program.

D. Have every program leader promote our program on their individual social

media accounts. (e.g. Instagram, facebook, Twitter)

E. Have out program flyers distributed around Radford University’s campus.

Planning Tools

We created a timeline schedule to create and follow deadlines for our program. We did

this to ensure efficiency in completing program tasks within the group. We also used the

WhatsApp, Zoom, and our Radford student emails to support the planning and the

communications in our group.

Task Start Date End Date Group Member

Group formation 10/5/2020 10/5/2020 Everyone

Brainstorming 10/7/2020 10/7/2020 Everyone

Goals & Objectives 10/7/2020 10/10/2020 Joel

Planning Tools 10/7/2020 10/10/2020 Everyone

Technology Plan 10/10/2020 10/13/2020 Alex

Animation Plan 10/10/0202 10/13/2020 Richard

Risk Management 10/13/2020 10/16/2020 Joel

Marketing Plan 10/13/2020 10/16/2020 Luke

Evaluation Plan 10/16/2020 10/19/2020 Taquon

Program Plan 10/7/2020 10/20/2020 Everyone

Recipes completed 10/7/2020 10/11/2020 Everyone

Recipes reviewed 10/13/2020 10/13/2020 Everyone

Intermission activity reviewed 10/12/2020 10/12/2020 Taquon

Research Planting
techniques 10/12/2020 10/18/2020 Joel

Facebook Page created 10/12/2020 10/12/2020 Luke

Advertisement flyer created 10/13/2020 10/14/2020 Luke

Advertisement flyer reviewed 10/14/2020 10/14/2020 Richard

recipes list reviewed 10/16/2020 10/19/2020 Richard

Purchase supplies 10/16/2020 10/21/2020 Alex and Richard

Zoom meeting 10/22/2020 10/22/2020 Everyone

Flyers distributed 10/19/2020 10/28/2020 Everyone

Briefing Presentation
completed 10/28/2020 11/1/2020 Everyone

Briefing the class 11/2/2020 11/2/2020 Everyone

Zoom meeting 11/3/2020 11/3/2020 Everyone

Evaluation Surveys
completed 10/7/2020 11/2/2020 Taquon

Event Day 11/4/2020 11/4/2020 Everyone

Debriefing content reviewed 11/4/2020 11/11/2020 Everyone

Debriefing Presentation 11/12/2020 11/12/2020 Everyone

Technology Plan

During our cooking party, we will be using Zoom to stream it. Zoom is a free app that you can

get on your phone or laptop and join in. The Zoom entry ID is 920 7138 0670 and you can put

this in right when you open zoom. After putting in the ID it will ask for a password and this is

28200. After that is done you can join in and we advise you to sign onto Zoom with a computer

because this will make it easier to access. During our cooking party we will also be doing a

Kahoot game to spice things up. The code to join this will be shown to you during the event and

we will also put it in the chat to make things run smoothly. We do suggest that you login to

Kahoot using your smartphone so you can see both the question and the answers. At the end

when everyone has shared their plates and when everyone is eating their delicious food, we will

ask everyone to take a small survey. We will add that it will help us in future events, and we

would love to hear some feedback on how we did. This survey will be done through the Google

Forms website and we will post the link to it in the chat at the end. If people are having trouble

finding it they will also try to have a QR code for people to scan with their phones.

Program Budget

The budget was divided out among the individual program leaders based on what they

needed for the program. Two gift cards were also added for the program prizes for our


Recipe Expenses: $99.55


Prize Expenses $35.00

Total Spent: $134.55

Animation Plan

Wednesday, November 4, 2020


Zoom ID: 920 7138 0670

Passcode: 28200

Program Schedule

3:00pm- Zoom meeting begins. Program leaders greeting attendees as they log in.

3:05pm- Finish waiting for all attendees to join the Zoom room.

3:05pm- Introduce our selves and provide necessary information for the program.

3:10pm- Joel provides and teaches his recipe on making tortillas. Project to last 20


3:25pm- Transitions into Alex’s recipe presentation. Projected to last 15 minutes.

3:45pm Transitions into Luke’s recipe presentation. Projected to last 10 minutes

3:55pm. Program leaders will then 5 minutes for attendees to clean up and plate their

culinary dishes.

4:00pm- Taquon will then start the platting contest with the participating attendees.

Projected to last 5-10 minutes.

4:10pm- After the winner of the contest is named. Richard will then transition into the

kahoot trivia game. The Trivia game is projected to be around 8-10 minutes.

4:15pm: Kahoot trivia should be ready for all attendees to participate.


4:25pm- Kahoot trivia ends, a winner of the trivia game is announced.

4:25pm- All Program leaders would then transition into an open discussion about

culinary arts to conclude the program. Projected to last 10 minutes.

4:35pm- open discussion ends. The program leaders will then thank attendees for

participating in the program. Richard and Taqoun will then start the survey distribution

process for our attendees to evaluate the program.

4:40pm. After a five-minute grace period for acquiring the survey link, the program will

then end. Richard will officially close the Zoom room session.

Risk Management

Our facilitators will follow the program guidelines below, as well as policies set by

Radford University in order to maintain a safe event for all participants.

Computer Safety:

Since the event is taking place online, cyber security is a primary concern. We will only

use secure websites that participants are familiar with to carry out the program.

Facilitators will monitor for suspicious activity and will be prepared to report it


Fire Hazards:

We will be using the stove top to cook. Participants will be advised to exercise caution

and to remove potential fire hazards from the area around the stove (ex: oils, aerosol

cans, loose flour, etc.). It will be advised to keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen during

the event. Recipes will not include excessive amounts of grease in order to mitigate the

risk of grease fires.

Burn Precautions:

Participants will be advised to exercise caution around the stove and other hot objects.

Recipes do not include unnecessary risks (ex: precariously straining hot water).

Facilitators will maintain a slow pace throughout the event to make sure none of the

participants feel rushed. Facilitators will be trained on advice to give if someone burns



Recipes do not include common allergens. Any exceptions must include suggestions for

substitutions for the ingredients.

Offensive Behavior:

Facilitators will monitor the chat to make sure everyone is interacting appropriately.

Facilitators may kick any offending participants from the program. Serious incidents will

be reported to the Radford University Police Department and the Division of Information

and Technology.

Participant Privacy:

Participants will be made aware that they are interacting on a live streaming platform

and that other participants can see their actions when recording. We will not pressure

anyone to turn on their cameras, however it will be necessary in order to participate

during certain aspects of the event.

Emergency Contact:

Radford University Division of Information and Technology: (540) 831-5173

Radford University Police Department: (540) 831-5500

Marketing and Promotion Plan

Target Market:

Together, we discussed that our target population are individuals no matter the age who

find an interest in cooking for get-togethers. We plan to make this event a relaxed and

enjoyable environment for people of the Radford community as well as other friends and

family to learn our quick and easy recipes.

Marketing Obstacles:

- Less attendance due to attendees having class and working.

- Lack of promotion on social media since we only have 5 team members.

- Fear of the flyers not being seen on campus due to the lack of student involvement on

campus right now because of the on-going cases of COVID-19.

Methods of Marketing:

-A cooking part night event page was created on Facebook for each member to invite

friends and family.

-A flyer was posted on all of the team members' personal Instagram and RCPT’s


- Flyers were created to hang up in common areas around campus like the dining areas,

the library, and the upcoming event boards.

- Each member will participate in an email and word of mouth campaign individually.

Each group member has a different social group, classes, and family allows us to reach

many types of attendees.



Flyers used for the event are shown below:


Evaluation Plan

The goals and objectives for Radford: Cooking Party Night will be evaluated through a survey

when the program is over.. With this event we will be using the website survey monkey. A link

will be sent out in the Zoom room chat room. The evaluation will help us understand if we met our

goals. Attendance will also be evaluated through a headcount of total attendees on Zoom.

Survey Questions

1. Are you in RCPT 414 class?


2. Rate the level of safety of the program overall? 1-10.

3. How friendly was the environment of the program? 1-10.

4. How clear were the safety instructions of the program? 1-10.

5. Rate the clarity of the program overall (the overall understanding of program) 1-


6. Did you learn new culinary techniques throughout the program? If so, explain

which techniques.

7. Did you learn new culinary recipes throughout the program? If so, elaborate on

which recipes.

8. Would you want to do this program again if you had the option?




Makes eight

- 2 cups all purpose flour

- 3 tablespoons shortening

- 1 tsp salt

- 1/3rd to ½ cup hot water

Charcuterie Board List

● Vegetables

● Fruit

● Crackers

● Baguette

● Dips

● Meat

● Cheese

● Olives

● Pickles

Homemade Chicken Wraps

•400g chicken breast, skin removed, diced or in strips

• 2 cloves of garlic, crushed

•4 Tbsp lemon juice

•Tbsp oil of choice

•1 avocado

•1 tomato

•1 cup chopped red onion

• iceberg lettuce

•salt to taste

•pepper to taste

•other spices you like

All ingredients can sub in something else if you do not like it.

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