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1. Letter
formal letter is a letter made by an agency which is addressed
to a certain person or institution, while an informal letter is a
personal letter containing a person's problems or interests.

Purpose (Tujuan)
The purpose of the Letter is to inform or convey about information
from one party to another

Generic Structure (Struktur)

 Heading
a. Sender Address
b. Name and Receiver Address
c. Date
d. Greeting
 Body
 Closing
Language Feature (Ciri Kebahasaan)
1. Sentence Structure  
Accuracy of grammar may be more important than an email. Most of
the time, complete sentence are expected
2. Style
Language use may be personal. For example, first and second person
pronouns may be frequently used. May not be as formal as official
letter writing.
3. Allowed to use contractions
Example : he’s, she’s, haven’t, they’re
4. Altough the tone of your letter is informal, please take note
  •Do not use offensive language
  • Use gramatically correct sentence
2. Advertisment

A. Understanding Advertisement (PEMAHAMAN)

Advertisement is a text that has the purpose to announce a something
that appeals to many people

B. The purpose of Advertisement (TUJUAN)

To invite the listener or reader to buy or use the goods or services
offered in the ad. to announce / advertise about a case or a product to
the public Communicant sensitize and provide information about a
product (can be goods, services, ideas, etc.).

C. Type of Advertisement
Based on the type of media used, the ad can be classified as follows:
a. Print Ads
Print ads are the types of ads that are published using print
media such as newspapers,
b. Advertorial Ad
advertorial is a type of advertising that is packaged as news.
c. Display Ads Judging from the shape
display advertising is greater than the advertising columns. In
this ad, display images and text larger.
d. Electronic Advertising Electronic ad
is an ad published in the electronic media. Electronic
advertising can be classified into: radio ads, public service

D. Characteristics of Advertisement (Karakteristik)

Choice of words used indicate the target Interesting choice of words
used, precise, logical, and courteous.

E. Generic Structure Advertisement (Struktur) Purpose, name of

product, user

F. Examples of Advertisement (CONTOH)

-Sale Blackberry mobile phone Q10, black 100% intact and complete.
Still new, official Match Price SCM 4.3 million. 2 Year. Preferably COD's,
Locations in Sedayu Bantul Yogyakarta. Serious interest please contact
us, Phone 081328886002, Thank you.
3. Announcement text

Announcement is a statement (official notification) in oral or written

form that contains something for everyone to know

Purpose of Announcement Text (Tujuan)

The purpose of announcement is to inform the reader about
information an event, job vacancies, new enrollment, new admissions,
and so on. 

Generic Structure (Struktur)


Part of Announcement Text (bagian bagian)

The title/type of event
date and time
contact person/address

4. Memo text
memo is a letter form that is written in a succinct, crisp and clear
way that is addressed to a person

The Purpose of MEMO (Tujuan)

The purpose of Memo is to communicate important things such as a policy
change and direction about something to get done immediately crucial
message etc.

Generic Structure of Memo (struktur)

-Addressee (Receiver)

Characteristics of Memo
• Notes delivered should be clear and continuous

• The memo is also not bound by any form such as an official letter. The
memo may be written in form and may also be in the form of a letter

Reading Text

1. Descriptive Text
descriptive text usually focuses on describing a single location, object,
event, person, or place.

Purpose of descriptive text (Tujuan)

– To describe person, thing or place in specific
– To describe a particular person, thing or place.

Generic Structure of Descriptive Text (Struktur)

Identification: (contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or
object will be described.)

Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things,

place or person by describing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to
what the writer describe.

Language Feature of Descriptive Text

Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique
(only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur
temple, uncle Jim

The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example:
a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc.
The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple
present because it tells the fact of the object described.

Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk,
cut etc….
2. Recount Text

Recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity.
Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader.
Note: recount text is Fact

Purpose of Recount Text (Tujuan)

To retell past experience

The Characteristics / Language Feature of Recount Text:

- Using the simple past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect
tense, and past perfect continuous tense.
- Using temporal sequence, e.g. On Saturday. On Monday, On
- Focus on specific participant, e.g. I (the writer)
- Using the conjunctions, such as: then, before, after, etc.
- Using action verd, e.g. went, stayed

Generic Structure of Recount Text (Struktur)

Orientation : It gives the readers the background information needed
to understand the text, such as who was involved, where it happened,
and when it happened.
Events : A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence.
Re-orientation :A personal comment about the event or what
happened in the end.
3. Narrative Text

A narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people

Purpose of Narrative Text (Tujuan)

The Purpose of Narrative Text is to amuse or to entertain the reader
with a story.

The Characteristics / Language Feature of Narrative Text:

Past tense. (killed, drunk, etc)
Adverb of time. (Once upun a time, one day, etc)
Time conjunction. (when, then, suddenly, etc)
Specific character. The character of the story is specific, not general.
(Cinderella, Snow White, Alibaba, etc)
Action verbs. A verb that shows an action. (killed, dug, walked, etc)
Direct speech. It is to make the story lively. (Snow White said,”My
name is Snow White). The direct speech uses present tense.

Generic Structure of Narrative Text

Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of
the story are introduced.(berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu
terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana)
Complication : Where the problems in the story developed.
(Permasalahan muncul / mulai terjadi dan berkembang)
Resolution : Where the problems in the story is solved. Masalah
selesai, secara baik “happy ending” ataupun buruk “bad ending”.
Coda / reorientation (optional) – lesson from the story
4. Procedure Text
Text that explain how to make or use something

Purpose of Procedure Text (Tujuan)

To explain/tell (the reader) how to make/operate/do something
through a sequence of actions or steps.

To explain steps/instruction to make/operate/do something

Generic Structure of Procedure Text (Struktur)

Goal : (e.g : How to make spaghetti)
Material or Ingredient : (e.g : the material to cook omelette are egg,
onion, vegetable oil, etc. )
Step : (e.g : first, wash the tomatoes, onion, …., second cut the onions
becomes slice. . . )
Language Feature of Procedure Text:
1. Use adverbial of sequence / Using temporal conjunction (e.g: first,
second, third, the last)
2. Use command / imperative sentence (e.g : put the noodles on the . . .,
cut the onion. . ., wash the tomatoes. . . )
3. Using adverbials (Adverbs) to express detail the time, place, manner
accurate, for example, for five minutes, 2 hours, etc.
4. Using action verbs, e.g : make, take, boil, cook
5. Using Simple Present Tense
Difference between Narative text & Recount text

Narative Text : without a specific time Information

Recount Text : include the time

Narative Text : Imaginative

Recount Text : contains facts

Narative Text : there is conflict

Recount Text : without conflict

Difference between Descriptive Text & Procedure Text

Procedure text is text that provides instructions for doing something,

while descriptive text is text that provides information about

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