Bolyán, Anita, Atlantis Is Near Eridu Under The Persian Gulf Founded by The Neanderthals, 2021.

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Bolyán, Anita, Plato's Atlantis is "Tilmun" near Eriduin the Persian Gulf Founded

By Neanderthals , 2021
Dedicated to my brother, Gábor, who teaches in the building, once Schliemann' home

One shoul begin to find Atlantis by assuming, that the Greeks respected sciences,
what they wrote was reality. Platon wrote (Hrcl's pillars. That means, we search
for a place, which could be written in that way. The other is Athens and Egypt,
these two cities were in connection with the people of Atlantis. Not only at the
end western borders of the then known world could be found HRCL's pillars

Befor Alexander, the Great occupied Mesopotamia and the western part of india, the
greek people knew very little about that region. The eastern border of the unknown
world was the Euphrates.

That is why, we have to find pillars either in Crete or in Egypt that can prove
that Plato wrote about the eastern end of the known world. Crete was the homeland
Heracles. The athenians and, so, Solon or Plato knew the island well. As tiday,
Heracles sould have been a respected god of the people of Crete occupied by Greeks
at the tiem, when Solon and plato lived.
So, one should turn to nations living at the eastern part of the known world by the

It was well - known in Egypt, as they had close trade relations with the Sumerians,
that the sumerians once lived at an island, which sunked into the sea abruptly.

It is only the Sumerians, who had this myth of origin at the time when Solon lived.
So, Atlantis should be quested near the Sumerian towns, among the first is Eridu.

Another proof on the hypothesis is that at the time of the greek Solon and Plato,
the alphabet consisted of consonants and only one vowel, the A. The main city od
Bahrein, Dilmun, which can be written as tilmun, resemlances not only the Sumerian
island, Tilmun, but the consonants od Atlantis: t, l, n.

It is worth closely ecamine that an island back to the 10 000B.C. can be found near
Eridu andthe main city of Bahrein, as the people of Atlantis migrated
straightforward to Eridu and three islands after their homeland, Atlantis, had sunk
into the sea, most probably, the Persian Gulf.

Tartalom - Content
1. More hypothesis about Atlantis

2. History and the newest archeological findings

3.The Real Atlantis: the Young Persian Empire and the Ancient Sumerian Tilmun

4.The Garden of Eden, or, rather, TN? Tilmun is the Garden.

5.The Neanderthal - could they be the Sumerians?

6. Summary
7. Források- Sources

1. Some hypothese of Atlantis.

"...,az is felmerült: Közép-Amerikában

kell keresni Atlantiszt
Az Atlantisz utáni hajsza a 19. század elején kezdődött a guatemalai Dr. Paul Felix
Cabrera elméletével, mely szerint az elveszett kontinens valójában az akkor
Hispaniolának nevezett szigettel (azaz a mai Haitival és Dominikai Köztársasággal)
azonos. Sokan voltak ekkoriban - köztük Augustus Le Plongeon and Alice Dixon, amúgy
férj és feleség -, akik szerint Atlantiszt Mexikó közelében kell keresni. Ezek a
kutatók ugyanis maja írásokból egy elveszett kontinensre tett utalásokat véltek
kiovasni. Az elmélet szerint a maják kapcsolatban álltak az ókori egyiptomiakkal,
akiktől viszont a görögök vették ..." (szerk., Múlt--kor, 2004.)
It is very important to take into account that Plato sdid not finish his
description about Atlantis. Maybe, he was too old and as old people he remembered
about his childhood more clearly, that the previous day and it came into his mind
that he heared about this interesting place, Atlantis from his grandfather. Maybe,
he wanted to write a heroical epos about the triumph of Athens about the Persian
Empire, but he could not finish it because he died. From our question of where
Atlantis was Plato's motivation is not so important, but it is worth mentioning the
he did not finish his idea because he realized that he mixed together two data or
facts which made his idea sounded ridiculous.

That is the cause why it si so hard for the theoretician to clarify what Atlantis
was, and it was put from the Antarctis to Island.

It should be mentioned here that Plato 'csusztatott' - shift-, he identified the

Persian empire with the homeland of the Sumerian people in a way, that the
Athenians won over the enemy which was a younger and an older empire than Athens at
the same time,

The seek for the island of Atlantis began well after the Romain Calcidius
translated it in Latin. and asthe scholaars of the medieval period knew it and when
the ancient Greeks were rediscovered in the renaiisance when more and more remnants
and old scripts were discovered and admired by the Italian and Spanish scholars
after the long period to build up a new social and political system after the fall
of the Roman Empire in the west

2. History and the newest archeological findings

First, it was not so important whether Plato's Atlantis is dream or reality, and it
was only a mere fortune or, by chance,that it was identified with an American

However, as the British empire reached the Near East, the British began to excavate
- an to bux from local people - many diggerent ancient scripts, sculptors and other
remnants and to begin to closer examine the past of the mankind. It was soonclear
that there were countries, kings or vultures well before the Bibli's Genesis. So,
the British and in their track, the French colonizers began to search for any
strange and old remnants, which could show that ancient world before the Bible's
tiem. In the Near East and Egypt, the excavations began and both in Mesopotamia and
the ancient Egypt proved that the origin of the mankind went back to thousands of
years, even hundred-thousands of years. Even, German amateur or professional
archiologists began to find remnants which proved that old Roman and Greek writers,
who were believed to be dreamers, Homer or Plato, wrote about real facts. Schlieman
found Troy or May von Oppenhheim found the Tell Halaf in Mesopotamia which now
known that has the same age than Atlantis.

In the 19th century and onamong archeologists it was taken into consideration, that
everything what ancient scripts contained - among tham clay tablets or egyptian
papers- were true. The foundation of searching sn finding Atlantis were
In the British Museum, the Louvre and the institutions alike, many writtenevidences
gathered ... to prove that Plato wrote about the truth when mentioned Atlantis.
(Finkel, British Museum,, 2019.)

3. The real Atlantis: the Young Persian Empire and the Ancient Sumerian Tilmun

So, let' look at closer the real case of Plato's description. He wrote about an
emirethaich as old-or rather, younger than Athens. Secondly, Athen Won over
Atlantis. Furthermore, this Empire of the Atlantic people is around 9 000 years
old. There is only one - real - kingdom, which was won over Athen and younger that
the Greek city, and that was the Persian Empire. It was founded around 1 000 years
after Athens had already existed. At the same time, the Persian Empire consisted of
an interesting ancien nation, the Sumerians, who originated from an islend, their
culture was more than 9 000 years and who had trade connection with the Egyptians
back to thousands of years, so the Egyptians could know its sociaty, political and
cultural system very well.

Plato decided to write about his ancestors victory, maybe, because he wanted tohat
people rember about his home city's victory about a big and ancient empire or,
just, because he was old to remember about things happened in his youth better than
his days as an old man, we cannot be sure, but after a time, he realized, that he
committed a basic and profound mistake, and did not counted fine. He mixed Persia
and the homeland of the Sumerians and, thus, he claimed that Athen was as old,
older than Atlantis, the Sumerian island. He found out everybody would find this
mistake easily, and nobody would take him seriously afterward. So he was clever
enough to stop writing about the ancient Atlantis, as a younger empire than Athens
and put his Dialogs into his 'shelf' that his counterparts could not find it. It is
only by chance, that ceturies later, it was found by scholars of the Roman Empire.
in the age of the christianity, rationality and commonsense were overflown by pure
belief. Concerning the Bible, it contained so many unprovable mysteries and nobody
would thought afterwards for a long time, that rationality and logics mattered. God
is omnipotent, anyway.
I think, that as the portal's writer claimed ignorantly, in 2003 the British
scholar, Dr. Rose, had the means to find the real Atlantis, the both Persian in
utopia and Sumerian city in reality.
"... .
Jeffrey Rose, a Birminghami Egyetem régésze a Current Anthropolgy című
szakfolyóirat legújabb számában közzétett, New Light on Human Prehistory in the
Arabo-Persian Gulf Oasis című tanulmányában amellett állt ki, hogy ezen jelenség
bizonyítékai ma már víz alatt, az öböl mélyén találhatók. Szerinte ugyanis a
fejlett közösségek azon a területen alakulhattak ki, amely 8000 évvel ezelőtt
került víz alá.

Rose szerint a „Perzsa-öböl oázisának” területén több tízezer éven át élhettek,

mígnem az Indiai óceán elöntötte a térséget, így települések, kőházak, kereskedelmi
útvonalak, cserépedények, háziasított állatok és a világ legkorábbi hajói tűnhettek
el egyik napról a másikra, ahogy az emberi civilizáció hajnalának létfontosságú
leletei is az enyészeté lettek.
..." (Rose, múlt-kor, 2010.)

4.The Garden of Eden, or, rather, TN? Tilmun is the Garden.

After identifying Atlantis with the young Persian Empre with ancient roots of the
sumerian myths, it is worth to consider whether the Bibli whiyh contain stories
from the age of the ancient Greece and Persia, contains some hints or ideas of
Atlantis, the sumerian island. The answer is, yes.
The Garden od Eden is Atlantis. how one can be sure of that?
The name of Atlantis, Tilmun and Eden sould be compared. Atlantis was, of couse,
not the city founded by Poseidon, as not Greek people lived on it. Plato heared the
his grandfather, whose ancestor had heared it from Solon who once had visited
Egypt. Plato could see only this: tln t(s). It is important to emphise that the
early writing system consested only of consonants and s could hane been invented by
Greek. There are evidences of that, just we can mention the name Oennesz, that it
was originnaly, U-anna in the sumerian language (Sumer, wikipédia, 2021.).
At the same time, the semitan writings use two kinds of ways to write the
mysterious islen of the sumerians: DLMN or TLMN. Dilmun or Tilmun. It si worth
mentioning that the consonant m is sometimes, droppped out of the Greek, that is
the way, how Dariamus became Darius, the Persian king.

Now it is cler, that DLMN or TLMN was TLN (Atlantis) and DM in the language of the
Bibli which used semantic language and its first script was written in the 1st
century B.C.aroundin Hebrew.

Now, the identification of the places and actors is easy. The jigsaw of the now
world-famous island of ancien Sumerians could be clarified. Enki and his belived
wife were the samples of the Loss of the eden and because of the interglacial
period, when the warmth began to be so high that they had to leave their homland,
as the level of the sea, the Persian Gulf grew it was for theym easy to follow. All
the people who think that Atlantis cold be seen are right, if a new Ice Age rise
the water into icebergs and the level of the Persian Gulf will lower again, the
mountain of Atlantis could be seen again.

Until thatn, the archeologists who aim at discovering the remnants have to search
under water. There is a anthropologistwho who can find Atlantis. In 2010, the
archeologist of the Birmingham university began the search, although Dr. Roche has
not yet identified Atlantis as an islandor a group of island in the Persian Gulf.
(Mult-kor, 2010.)

5. The Neandarthals- are they Sumerians?

"...Neanderthals and Homo sapiens had similar auditory and speech capacities
...." (Conde-Valverde, 2021.)
There were already theories which thought that the sumerians came from the Indian -
ocean or the Anthartis and they moved nortward because of the interglacial period.
However, these theories could not explain, who were these already-developed men and
women who founded cities atonce after arriving to the sumerian cities. These were
the neanderthals. Nowadays it is clear by archeological and genetical researches
that the neanderthals people were people with suprisingly high level of social and
cultural development, they were nomads and they could live under extreme hot and
cold temperatues alike. During one of the ice ages they could easily move to the
territories easily, as the Persian Gulf was a land and not a sea. They did not had
to even use ships to settle in the Persian Gulf. As the level of the water rose
they used to it and built ships and ports, as well. Even channels to borded the
ships, or to defend their palace from enemies.

The Neanderthals were capable of achieving such results. Later on, when they to
move on because from 8 000BC the water began to form the Gulf they were ablr to
communicate with the homo sapiens living in the mountains around the Sumerian
cities the quotation from a research show just recently.
It is now proved that many Eurasian people have Neanderthal henes, that we are
partly, their descendants.

6. Summary

Almost all over the world, the mysterious island of Atlantis was 'founded'. That
was because people did not take Plato seriously. Plato was a Greek scientist, who
tried o see the world through rational eyes. Although he could not turn away from
Gods, that he wanted to write things whyh could be proved as closely as possible.
He was an Athenian, too, so he wanted to give his homeland a respectful picture.

From that, it is obvious, that he wanted to write about the great victores of
Athenians over the a great empire, whixh can be identified easily by anyone. He
wanted to write something similar to the Iliad by Homer.

The only victory could be equal or greater than taht of the winner over Troy is the
three victory against the great empire of Persia. Persia was bigger and more
powerful than Troy and it has a long history of the sumerians who are still were
frequently mentioned by the world of the Platonic time.

The Sumerian islend of Tlmn (Dilmun or Tilmun) was an ancient legendary golden
place where a God of the sea (now we now, Enki) was the Lord. As it was the habit
that time, the Greek Plato named Enki (Ea) after the god of the sea, poseidon in
Greece at the time and built up the story of the Sumerian Enki as a Greek one. The
problem was, that Athens would not overwin a Greek god, that is the cause why Plato
did not end the story. If he were able to travel to the Near East he could develop
the original story of Enki and he would have been able to write an Rpos about the
victory of the Persian gods by the Athenians. To overwina God's sons sounded
ridiculous. So, it is a big fortune, that the original story was found by its Latin
translator, one can be sure, that Plato's Dialogs were never copied among the

7. forrás:

1. Atlantisz: egyetlen legenda, számtalan felfedező » Múlt-kor ›

2004. nov. 22. — "Schliemannt" azonban röviddel a cikk megjelenése után köd nyelte
el, s meséjét ma a bulvár-újságírás történetének egyik korai nagy ...
2. Enki – Wikipé › wiki › Enki
Az Enki és Eridu mítosz szerint mintegy kiemeli Eridut a vízből. Enki itt ... A
mítosz nagyon régi eredetű, az ásatások szerint Eridu már az Ubaid-kor elején, az
Mezopotámia – Wikipé › wiki › Mezopotámia
... fennmaradtak. A Tepe Gawrában folyt ásatások során kerültek elő. ... Eridu,
Uruk, Ur, Lagas és Girszu voltak a legfontosabb társadalmi központok. A
mitológia ...

4. Eridu: Mezopotámia és a világ legkorábbi városa - Also ›

Eridu (Irak): A legkorábbi város Mezopotámiában és a világban ... tartalmazta az
1940-es ásatások során feltárt korai Ubaid-késő Uruk-időszakok között épült ...
Az ókori Elő-Ázsia építészettörté › arc › eptortea › okeloazs
A jerichoi ásatások mégis fontosak számunkra. ... Eridu alépítményre épített
"hegy"-temploma az ókori Elő-Ázsia jellegzetes templom-típusának első jelentős ...
Anunnakik a Sumér Mitológiában | A Sumérokról › sumer
A város ősiségét az archeológiai ásatások is alátámasztották. Eridu után további
városállamokat alapítottak. (Városállamokról részletesen lásd a lapon lejjebb.) ...

The newst idea about Atlantis was found out in 2015. :

"... mi is beszámoltunk a svéd földrajztudós, Ulf Erlingsson ötletéről: sok
elődjétől eltérően ő nem a Földközi-tenger vidékén, hanem fent északon vélte
megtaláli az elveszett földrészt. Erlingsson nem kevesebbet állít, mint hogy
Atlantisz voltaképpen a mai Írországgal azonos, hiszen az Emerald-sziget földrajzi
adottságai ...."
(Szerk.-Múltkor, 2015.)

Plato Describes Atlantis // First Mention of the Island // 360 BC ...
YouTube · Voices of the Past
2019. nov. 8.

Legend of Atlantis (Full Episode) | Drain the Oceans
National Geography

-Gulyás Attila - Atlantisról
2021 01. 04.
Piramisok X-aktái (egy új felfedezés a piramisok építéséről, tervezéséről)

: A szfinx - a láthatóhatár őre
láthatóhatár őre


Görögország TOP 15-ös látnivaló-listája - Messzi tájak › ... ›

Görögország › Görögország látnivalói
A bronzkorba repít vissza a Kréta szigetén, Heraklion közelében található ...
álltak, de vannak itt színház, oszlopcsarnok, stadion és egy tholosz maradványai

Indiai-óceán – Wikipé › wiki › Indiai-óceán

Az Indiai a legbonyolultabb felépítésű óceán. Hátságrendszere fordított Y alakú.
Ennek délnyugati szára, az Atlanti–Indiai-hátság a Közép-Atlanti-hátság ...
Hiányzó: magma cikk
Óceáni hátság – Wikipé › wiki › Óceáni_hátság
A tektonikusan aktív óceáni hátságok hosszanti tengelyében általában árkok húzódnak
a két gerinc között; ezekben tör fel a mélységi magma és keletkezik az új ...
Hiányzó: indiai cikk
publication › links
Az Élet és Tudomány kétrészes cikk- ben járja körbe a ... dencéjében vagy az
Indiai-óceán ke- leti vidékén. ... hátság
Lemeztektonika másként/2 - Természet Vilá › kulonsz ›
Magmás kôzetek esetén a mágnesességet hordozó ásványok a Curie-pont ... hogy az
óceáni litoszféra folyamatosan képzôdik az óceánközépi hátságok mentén. ... a cikk
forgása lesz, amelyet a köldökökön átfutó forgástengely mentén végez. ... lemez a
kontinensnyi India, amelynek odacsapódása a Himaláját hozta létr
Természet világa : természettudományi közlöny 148. évf. 5. sz › pdf
› EPA02926_termeszet_vilaga_2017...
an érdekes diagramot közöl a cikk, amely a ... magma által
túlhevített tengervíz tör fel, ... kelet-indiai-óceáni hátság távolította el őket
mintegy ...
Piramisok - legendák - meglepetések - Index Fó › Article ›
Csizi Sándor szerintem egy nagy mesemondó, habár a piros ruhás kislányt és a ... a
Atlantisz, majd pusztulása a Héliupoliszi Testvériség őrzött illetve használt), ...

Why Did The Egyptians Stop Building Pyramids? | Immortal Egypt | Timeline



1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed (Eric Cline, PhD)


The Bronze Age Collapse - Mediterranean Apocalypse

video - 202 0
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a Sziriat oszlopai - egy 21. századi elemzés - I. ré ›

Az első magyar igazi Atlantisz-kutatónk Somogyi Ede (1852-1921), egy több
nyelven ... Várkonyi az első változat (1942/43) címének ezt adta: Sziriat
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Tényleg! Hogy volt, hogy nem › ...
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nem ír, ami Czeke állít. ... A szerző a sumér, hun, indiai, magyar, szkíta stb.
nyelveket vagy népeket (?) az EU19-es gén alapján kapcsolja össze, mert ennek ...

Nyelvtudományi közlemények 78. kötet (1976) - ›

A cikk egyébként a sumer—magyar nyelvrokonítás elleni ármánynak tulajdonítja, ...
mantikai megfelelés: mdM. esa; vö. m. -banj-ben, f. -ssa/ssä. Gen.-szál áll.
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at the British Museum!Since ...
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Cracking Ancient Codes: Cuneiform Writing - with Irving Finkel ›
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Writing is generally agreed to be among the greatest inventions in human history,
perhaps the greatest invention ...
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Irving Finkel, Assistant Keeper I with responsibility for cuneiform in the
Department of the Middle East, British ...
2016. júl. 20. · Feltöltötte: The Oriental Institute
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Oldal lefordítása
2019. márc. 14. — According to some modern theories, the Sumerians regarded
Dilmun ... pass through Mount Mashu to reach Dilmun in the Epic of Gilgamesh, ...

Elveszett civilizáció rejtőzhet a Perzsa-öböl mélyén » Múlt-kor ›

2010. dec. 10. — Lehetséges, hogy a Perzsa-öböl mélye rejtheti a legkorábbi,
Afrikán kívüli emberi populáció nyomait. Az egykor virágzó terület 8000 évvel ...
Jeffrey Rose, a Birminghami Egyetem régésze a Current Anthropolgy című
szakfolyóirat legújabb számában közzétett, New Light on Human Prehistory in the
Arabo-Persian Gulf Oasis című tanulmányában amellett állt ki, hogy ezen jelenség
bizonyítékai ma már víz alatt, az öböl mélyén találhatók. Szerinte ugyanis a
fejlett közösségek azon a területen alakulhattak ki, amely 8000 évvel ezelőtt
került víz alá.

Rose szerint a „Perzsa-öböl oázisának” területén több tízezer éven át élhettek,

mígnem az Indiai óceán elöntötte a térséget, így települések, kőházak, kereskedelmi
útvonalak, cserépedények, háziasított állatok és a világ legkorábbi hajói tűnhettek
el egyik napról a másikra, ahogy az emberi civilizáció hajnalának létfontosságú
leletei is az enyészeté lettek.
...." (Conde-Valverde, and co.
Neanderthals and Homo sapiens had similar auditory and › ... ›
articles › article· Oldal lefordítása
3 napja — Our results show that the occupied bandwidth of Neanderthals was greater
than the Sima de los ... Nature Ecology & Evolution (2021)Cite this article ... The
ear canal is modelled as a tube with constant cross-sectional area.
28.Videótalálat a következőre: neanderthal tube 202142:26
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ezelőtt egy ... Cikk a Perzsa-öbölben elsüllyedt civizációról – angolul (io9) ...
, o

Timaiosz (dialógus) – Wikipé › wiki › Timaiosz_(dialógus)

Platón a Timaiosz című művében foglalja össze kozmológiáját. ... A művet a korai
középkorban Calcidius latin nyelvű fordításból ismerték, aki kommentárt is írt
a ...
Platón – Wikipé › wiki › Platón
Latinul adta ki Platón műveit először Marsilio Ficino Firenzében 1483-84-ben. ...
Híres fordítások: németül Schleiermacher (legújabban 1855-62), franciául ... A
késői dialógusok a szűkebb értelemben vett filozófia, a fogalmak elemzéséből áll.
Élete · Művei · Filozófiája · Antropológia, etika

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