Brand Management Unit 2

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Unit 2

Brand elements :

Brand elements are also known as brand identities . They are devices that allow a brand to be
identifiable , differentiated . These devices are things like logos ,brand name and slogans , jingles . A
strong brand element is easy to identify And differentiates the product from the competition

Criteria for choosing brand elements:








The various brand elements are as follows:

Brand Name: The brand name is an important element of a brand. A brand name is one of the first
elements that consumers recognize in a brand. If the brand name is catchy, it will register in the
customer's mind immediately. However, care should be taken by the marketer while selecting brand
names. Once a brand name is given, it becomes difficult to alter. Choosing the right brand name for a
product can be difficult and time consuming task. Let us look at some guidelines which can be followed
while selecting a brand name. They are:

(a) Brand names must be simple to pronounce and spell:

b) Familiarity and Meaningfulness:

(c) Differentiated, Distinctive, and Unique:

(2) Brand Naming Procedure:

(a) Define objectives: While selecting the brand name, the branding objective must be clearly defined
and understood by the marketer. The following criterias must be kept in mind by the marketer, which is
the brand name should be memorable, meaningful, likable transferable, adaptable and protectable.
(b) Generate names: Once the marketer has clearly understood the branding objectives, they should
then start generating as many names as possible. The employees of the company and even customers
can be involved in the generation of names process. The individual who comes up with the best brand
name can be awarded by the company

(c) Screening the brand names: After the various names have been generated , the marketer must then
screen the names as per the branding objectives. The marketer must narrow down the list to a few
brand names that the decision of choosing a brand name becomes easier

(d) Research the final selected brand:

Before finalising the brand name, it is important to do a research on the brand name from the
consumer's perspective. Some aspects that can be researched are is it easy to say the brand name , does
it have recall values, etc

(e) Select the brand name: If the consumer response to the brand name is positive, the company can go
ahead and select the brand name. The brand name selected can be

applied to the product.

-2) Logos and Symbols: A logo is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol commonly used by commercial
enterprises, organizations and even individuals to aid and promote

instant public recognition. Logos are either purely graphic (symbols/icons) or are composed of the name
of the

organization (a logotype or word mark). Logos and symbols give a visual identity to the brand name.
Some brands just use the brand name as a logo like Amul, IBM, Intex etc. whereas others use symbols
like the Nike swoosh or Olympic rings. These non-word mark logos are also often called symbols.

Benefits of logos and symbols :

1. They are easily recognisable And give identity to the product .

2. Logos are versatile and can be used across a range of products .
3. Logos can give identity to the product even when brand is not used.
4. Logos are is to change with changing times
5. However the change must be brought gradually so that the advantage of that logo offers are not
lost over the time

Characters –

Characters are special types of symbols that one takes on real life characteristics or humans .
Characters are usually promoted through ad campaigns and they create brand identity for the
product .

Slogans –
Slogans are short phrases that communicate descriptive or persuasive information about the brand .

They often appear in advertising but can play an important role on packaging and on other aspects of
marketing programs

They are effective in attracting consumers towards the brand .

Benefits of slogan :

1. They help to build brand awareness

2. They establish a relation between the brand and the product category that the brand belongs to
3. They reinforce the brand positioning
4. They make product look different from that of the competitors

Slogans are one of the easiest brand elements to change over time , marketers have more
flexibility on managing debt

Jingles : jingles are musical messages around the brand . They use catchy words and have a tone
which is very hummable . They immediately register in the minds of customers . Jingles help in
creating brand awareness for the product

Packaging : packaging offers Quite easy to understand the product at a glance that is whom I am
, what I am and why am I relevant to your life . It is one of the ways companies can get
consumer to notice product . It makes the product likeable . Today the marketer cannot ignore
the role of packaging with respect to packaging . A well packaged gets noticed in a crowded
market place . That’s the reason packaging is also called fifth P of marketing mix .

URLs : uniform resource locator

It specifies location of pages on the web and are also commonly referred as domain names .
Anyone wishing to specific URL must register and pay for the name . Having a URL in the name
of brand gives visibility and makes the search easy for the consumer

Corporate culture
Brand focus
Customer experience
Marketers need to focus on consumer experience which refers to what
Communication task
Integration tools

Integrating Marketing Programs & Personalized Marketing :

Brand communication is an initiative taken by the organization to make their product and
services popular among the end users . it goes a long way to promoting goods and services
among target customer . The process involves identifying the target markets and promoting the
brand among them through anyone or a combination of following measures
Sales promotion
Public relation
Direct marketing
Personal selling , etc

IMC refers to integrating all the methods of a brand promotion to endorse a particular product
or service amongst target customer . In imc all experts of market communication work together
for increased sales and maximum cost effectiveness . The various factors that should have been
taken into consideration to make IMC successful are :
Understand the product and target market
Corporate culture
Brand focus
Customer experience
Marketers need to focus on customer experience which refers to what customer feel about the
brand or product
Communication tools
Integration tools.

Personalised marketing :
Personalised marketing is a new digital marketing trend . It refers to new way of thinking that
will permanently transform the way company approaches to media . Personalised marketing is
the ultimate form of target marketing. It focuses on creating messages for individual customers.
It is mostly automated process using computer software to craft individual process . It allows the
marketer to reach different customers with creative messages rather than having single tv
advertising that everyone sees. It means marketer can supply tailor their message based on
demographics , interest , location or even purchase history of the consumer . It has the ability to
reach millions of customers but with tailor made messages for its customer . The ways by which
personalised marketing can be done are :
1. Experiential marketing –
It is broadly defined as any Form of customer focus marketing activity that has various touch
points which creates sensory emotional connection with the customers. To put it in simple
words, experiential marketing is a form of advertisement that helps consumers in
experiencing a brand
2. One to one marketing is a CRM STARTEGY emphasising personal interactions with the
customers. This personalisation of interaction is taught to foster greater customer royalty
and better return on marketing . The concept of one to one marketing as CRM approach was
advanced by dan papers and marthrogernIn 1994 book one to one future . In one to one
The marketer identifies individual customer from customer database

Engages in dialog with the customer for customises the product and service as per the
requirement of consumer

3.Permission marketing

Permission marketing in turn point by shets goding. It aims at selling goods and services only when
advance consent is given by the customer to receive marketing Information. Permission marketing has
been welcome as a way of for marketers to succeed in a world increasingly cluttered with marketing
messages. Shet define permission marketing as anticipated, personal and relevant

Anticipated: people look forward to hear from you .

Personal: the messages are directly related to individual

Relevant: the marketing is about something the person or prospective is interested in. Permission
marketing inspires marketers to avoid looking at short term goals of developing and not lose focus on
long term goals of developing a strong relationship with customer which will yield long term profit and
loyal customer. permission marketing is about building on going relationship of increasing depth of
customer. In words of steh gofin turning stranger into friends and friends into Customer.

Product strategy

The marketers must design a product or a Service in such a manner that it make Customer expectations.
Meeting Customer expectations is very important for creating brand loyalty. When the marketer is anle
to exceed Customer expectations they create Customer delight. Brand must be able to crate Customer
delight to strengthen brand Recoil. Product strategy is define as the rolled map of the Product. Product
strategy should have following core elements :

 Design
 Features
 Quality
 Branding
 Target market
 Positioning

Perceived quality : it is Customer perception of overall quality or superior quality of a product or service
as Compare to competitor . It also important to offer good quality products to the customer as it will
ensure repeat purchase from them the marketer has to strive hard to maintain the quality of product

Perceived quality of the Product may little or nothing to do with actual quality of product and maybe
based on the following:

Company or brand current public image

Customer experience with the Product

Influence of friends, family, etc.

Marketer should keep following factors in mind to deliver memorable experience to the customers in
terms of quality they are

Understand the Product perimeter which the Customer is sensitive about

Find out what Customer finds attractive in Product

Deliver high quality product and pay attention to details

Incorporate those product items which the competitor does not offer

Use technology wherever possible

Keep a watch on market trends

When a customer has a perception that a brand is of good quality it is easy to retain them

Relationship marketing :-

It refers to everything that a marketer does to develop strong lifelong relationship with the customer

In simple terms it is about keeping your customers happy and making them feel important

Listening to customer is the key in relationship marketing. When a number of customers request a
particular change in policy , product or procedure and a company listens and responds, the company
shows it is interested in its clients and their welfare .

Tips on developing effective relationship marketing :

1. Take regular feedback from customers through service.

2. Respect customer feedback and incorporate it into companies business practices
3. Use social media to connect with customers.
4. Have clear policy to indicate how company employees should interact with customer in both
positive and negative situation .
5. Conduct regular training sessions for all the members of staff
6. Do not sacrifice quality for innovativeness.
7. Maintain a high customer satisfaction rate in all areas of the company
8. Make an effort to inform customers how much they are appreciated

Pricing Strategy :

Setting up price to build brand equity :

Methods –

1. Value based pricing :

It is pricing setting of a product or service on the benefit it provides to customer .
It relies on consumers perception of the value of the product and not the cost of product
Value based pricing tries to find a price point that is as high as possible without causing too
many potential customers to turn away due to price . In this case , value is not determined by
simply adding up the cost of materials involved in production along with other cost such as
marketing and distribution .
Setting of value based pricing:
1. Focus on single segment
2. Compare with next best alternative
3. Understand the differentiation worth
4. Put the differentiation value in Rupees.

2. Everyday low pricing ( EDLP )

It is the pricing strategy used by retail stores that provides low prices to customers every single
day without any special pricing discount, sale etc. The strategy of EDLP helps to convince the
customer that they will get better and low pr8ve products other than competitive stores every
3 Power of pricing

Pricing at both the ends of strategy spectrum can effect brand equity in different ways. Premium pricing
is the principle of setting high price point to reflect products exclusivity and quality while brands such as
Mercedes Benz or Rolex the price is in expect that the consumers of brand enjoy .

Channel Strategy

Marketing channels are defined as set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of
making a product or a service available for use or consumption

Types of Channels

1. Direct channel A direct channel of distribution describes a situation in which the producers of the
product sells the product directly to the consumer without help of intermediaries a direct change of
distribution may involve face to face sales , computer sales or mail order but does not involve any form
of distributer other than original producer

Some forms of Direct Channels

1 Company owned stores

2 Store within a Store

3 direct means catalogues

4 Indirect channel :

It consist of different types of intermediaries. There are intermediaries middlemen between

manufacturers and consumer there is no direct contact between the producers and the consumer

Manufacturer to wholesaler to retailers to consumer

Manufacturers to agent to wholesaler to retailer to consumer

A number of different services provided by channel members can enhance the value of customer of
purchasing and consuming a brand name . The channel members can provide following types of services

1. Market research :
2. Communication
3. Contact
4. Matching
5. Negotiation
6. Physical distribution
7. Transporting and sharing of goods
8. Financing and risk taking
9. Other services

Promotion Strategy:

Promotion strategies are necessary by the brand to be noticed by public and attracting new customers
There are numerous ways to promote a product or service .

Some companies use more than 1 method while others use different methods for different marketing
purposes . A strong promotional strategy can position the product effectively in the minds of consumer.
Some ways of promoting a product are advertising , public relations , sales promotion, personal selling ,
internet marketing , social media marketing, sponsorship, etc . The marketer must combine various
elements of promotion mix in right quantity in order to capture attention of consumers.

Developing an integrated marketing program :

For developing an effective integrated marketing program , the marketer must choose the best option
and combine them in a manner that they compliment each other

The following criteria must be kept in mind to develop an effective IMC program –

Coverage: The IMC program must reach maximum number of consumers . Right coverage is important
for the success of the IMC program. The promotional mix elements used must strengthen the image of
the brand in the minds of the consumers

Contribution : Each marketing communication program has different roles to play

Commonality :

Complementary :

Comfortability :

Cost :
Leveraging secondary brand association to brand building equity :

Brand equity can be built through brand elements, marketing program activities and product , price
distribution and marketing communication strategies. Building brand equity through leveraging
secondary brand association is an indirect approach. Association that are part of entity becomes
applicable to the brand . In effect the brand borrows some brand knowledge and some brand equity

From some other entities.

Secondary brand association is important for creating strong unique association or positive responses if
existing brand association or responses are deficient in some way

It can also be an effective way to reinforce existing association

Various ways of leveraging secondary brand association by linking the brand to following entities

1. Companies
2. Countries of origin and other geographic areas
3. Channels of distribution
4. Co branding
5. Characters through licensing

1.Companies – Corporate or family brand can be a source of brand equity. A corporate brand
may evoke associations of common product attributes, benefits, or attitudes, people and
relationships, program an values and corporate credit ability.

2 . Country of origin and other geographical area – The country or geographic location from
which brand originates can also be linked to the brand to generate secondary association.
Customer have the freedom to choose products from any part of the world. Today, the
customer can choose to ride a Japanese car, wear a Swiss watch, fly by Singapore airlines or
have mexican food.
 3.Channels of distribution – In channel of distribution , particularly retailers are able to create an image
of their store in the minds of the customer. Retailers  create these association through the product and
brands they stock in the store. Thus a retail store can indirectly affect the brand equity of the products
sold in their stores. An image transfer takes place from the retail store to the brand’s available in the
store directly. The store design and atmosphere can influence the consumer to think positively about a
product which the consumer never thought of buying before. 
4. Co-branding – cobranding also also called brand bundling or brand alliances occurs when two or more
existing brands are combined into a joint product or are marketed together some way or other. An
important aspect of co-branding is that both the brand’s should have equivalent brand equity ,
otherwise it will not work.
Advantages of Co-branding : 
a. Increased market – co-branding can increase the visibility and market share of both the
products. Thus it benefits both the brand’s and results in the growth of their market share.
b. Sharing of cost – co-branding results in sharing of promotional and running costs between the
brand’s involved.
c. Builds reputation – In co-branding the goodwill of both the brand’s integrates and enhances the
reputation of new brand.
Disadvantages of Co-branding
a. Negative feedback – A negative feedback about new product started by co-branding can affect
both the brand’s involved in creating it.
b. Dilution of the brand- if the brand- has entered into the no.of  co-branding arrangements theirs
no risk of over exposure that would result in dilution of the brand.
Lack of focus – The organization undertaking co-branding  may lose focus on their brand building
exercise and may divert their attention to co-branding arrangements. 

 Ingredient Marketing:

Ingredient branding is a marketing strategy where component or an ingredient of a product or service is

pulled into spotlight and given its own identity.

5. Character through licensing:

Licensing create contractual agreement whereby firms can use names, logos, characters etc. to make
their own brand from some fix fee. It is like taking on rent another brand to build one’s own brand. A
product line agreement between two parties allow one party to sell other merchandise.

One of the strongest player in licensing is Walt Disney. To obtain Walt Disney licence, to sell it licence
character a marketer need to submit a retail proposal and meet minimum guidelines that are set by the
Disney from time-to-time. An excerpt of that marketer must keep in mind that while entering into
licensing agreement is that they select a brand that will remain popular for a certain period of price and
time. They should not select a brand which popularity is shortly.

 Advantages of licensing:

a. Revenue - Licensing can generate revenue from Licenser and can be used by company as a
business strategy

b. Legal protection - Licensing give legal protection to the brand. Other cannot use name, logo etc.
without the permission of the licenser.

 Disadvantage of licensing:

a. Over-Exposure of Trademark - when a particular logo or character is used too many times it may
lose significance in the eyes of consumers.
b. Create confusion - Consumer may not be aware of the licensing agreement. Hence they may not
know who is the brand belongs to.

Everyone seems to be going green these days. When bollywood stars were asked what they drink
regularly they mostly say - green tea. On supermarket shelves you'll find green tea based soft drinks and
green tea bags supplemented with flavours. Siptea has just launched a range of 4 flavours of green teas
called Clear green for which it's releasing advertorials.

Green tea is boring or bitter. It tastes more like medicine . For those customers who love tea, green tea
often fails. In order to do away with its limitations , green tea is often sold in flavours.

On the other hand, black tea is fine as a hardening drink but it does not have anti oxidants. There is an
option which has both health & taste that's oolong tea. It has less antioxidant than green tea and it not
as strong as black tea . It has a unique taste of its own.

Oolong tea does not come cheap. The cost of imported oolong can vary from rs.600-800 for 100
grams. However the advantage with oolongs is that you can steep the leaves more than once.Indian tea
gardens are also experimenting with oolong. Red thunder is a oolong tea which is made in darjeeling.
Red thunder is not cheap. The cost is rs.200 for 50 grams. Oolong tea tastes better than most indian teas
it is one luxury worth investing in. Siptea wants to launch oolong tea.Sipti is interested jn launching tree
in market. You are asked to build beand using brand elements.

Do you think Ulang will be successful in tidays environment why ?

What are the factors one has to consider while setting the price for ullangtea

Color cosmetics player revlon plans to take on garnier ,

The mass hair color leader , with the launch of its mass brand . While this would have been revloms first
india specific brand , it would also deter from revlons premium positioning , price at RS. 120 , color and
care would compete with garnier . Which covers 75 % share of mass hair color and Godrej. About 60%
of the 200 crore hair color, market is domimated by mass brands priced around RS. 100 . It is first india
specific brand from revlon. If it succeeds , we would like t to have , brand rights to distribute it in other
markets – said umesh K Modi , the CEO of Modi group.

The RS. 150 crore modi revlon , a 74:26 joint venture between modi mundiparwa and revlon has color
brands like color silk , top speed and color stay priced at RS. 250 , 375 and rs. 450 respectively. With the
launch of color and care , it is targeting 15% of the market share in first year. Though new brand would
be mix of mass marketing campaigns and instore promotions through its beauty advisors

For modi Revlon, around 20% of its revenue comes from hair color business , it has 12% market share of
total hair color business

Question: explain brand strategy of revlon

Which brand elements to be utilized for color and care

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