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DEWAN BANDARAYA KOTA KINABALU * ee DESIG N GUIDELINES # FOR SEWERAGE TREATMENT PLANT ®VOLUME1.0 s All sewerage treatment plant system provider shall comply to the requirements of this document . # All developers shall advise their system provider to comply to the requirements in this document . “4 gy DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR SEVIAGE TREATMENT PLANT { ne a ECT ro ESRRETE — 11 froruaTion outing 3 bono € Pent ' leauivaven tow net hewsing 5 Pebnt il 2 vecroomnavseslarsriment 5 PEAnt orice 10-Employeerioona +s penn, [Shops — 9 PE tut” i sea 02 Pepon Commercial “3 Pesibome > rose we 25 Uesise ‘assume 3 usratpersoesy 73 Uitesperson 8.4 BEiperson eatunenoner 100 Leese os Potnt Lwasntsin 7 Dresuce 4 ‘Assume 3 uszslporsonicay 2t tivesiperson ti (003 Peiperson 12 Joomesnic sewage Loaoins feos ones Kore Hl |Suspendes Soius, 00658 KaIPE a = average fom oz25mare 4 Posi Face 47 (PEND 0:1) i 1a [erevusnr stanpaRo compliance standards eons 2 maf cof 5 not iss 50 ing Tou © 10 it Toar 3 et | erat ok ied uo ota MSS Todemeasured | VSS) Tobemensuad 14 Iivravenrvereiuenr rests {stag tequeney ne set of test ge mon for 12 eons | Tocompiyio een quaty 1s |rectincation ace o met ftuent standards STP fang a compo fun charg sol be recited by sysem provi : Aaiteatn prope sal be strated for MPKS approval \ pe eececedal eae ee ee tee Sten sha font Sse fr remontot Nope & ogous i jRemovat (ese) toprol agate and gut fecebng water eEcaeTO REGUREWENTS anssnora aa 23 24 28 29 SETBACK lor stP frank HEIGHT rank cover lwash WATER [CoMPOUND PAVING CONCRETE TANK pawtine Fence concRETE DRIVEWAY acjacen to pubic property [Fram STP wal to ST? fonce Jcjacert o road reserve, drain esene or Jopen srace rom STP wal io STP fence Pump pter Blower house to STP tence Re tank neigh [Covered siruciue : Tank wth cof systern lwnere aparments or double storey houses lace ngher than STP tae Jor wnere Foaming i anticipated wash ster to be provided frater meter tobe insted Iconcrete apron Iconcrete grace Hwecesprecing| [Tank esterer anc eontol om Perimeter fencing around STP Metal deck fencing JDecoratve brick fencing access road for serving 11mm (38 toot) setback Caron 1 setback Tim (35 fet) setback Fem Ground lve to top of ark: 2M Coveted atuctare height BY Tonkto be adequately covered ‘by RC slab or Noused under a rot system win galvanised trusses, No fabric er plastic cover wit be alowed cone faucet at pum pt ‘one faucet at inlet lo eration tank 528 con apron 2m sxrreuncg nin Minimum Grade 30 iferal ofan to be ined wah SIKATOP SEAL 107 or EXPANDITE THOROGEAL ‘Tobe painied wih 2 coats WEATHERSHIELD paint 2.4 Mhigh Gatvanized BLUE color metal deck ( TOPDECK G2.60" equivalent) fencing with 3 rows of barbed wite ontop MS angle 50xS0xGmm post al 3m centres wilh RC ground beam ‘50200 ot base. Galvanized fastener screw wit rubber washer to be use for ny clang Foundation ta be designed io prevent ground seftlement Selected decoraivelventlating bicwall 2.1m high with conecae pirat Im centres fon proper stftootng and faundstion may be allowed. ‘Wall shallbe painted with 2 coats of ICI WEATHERSHIELD pain, Brows of barb wire on top ofthe honeycomb fence shall be povided, Concrete ariveway (min Grade 25 ) must be proved tote aécessibie to the shudge holeng tank and bower house and ether fies vere ‘maintenance ae required. 26 Dec 2008 14:55 ~HP LASERJET FAX XN pee ae or bele a4 dy THERE = ais SeseRPTON Sereeree ESUREHENT a1 exrenoeo aeration tant — [oesign Paarens tam byeraui estan tne. 2 Hos S521 Sole Retoon te > 20 da MLSs" 2500 0.9.500 mat econ tt Pastel nis o be sized or Prasing resumen uportal unis sett tank Ano ton I nog tanto be provided at eto conte ang sivoge et ate prod wah Ro, Ineralecyle pps cyte tobe proved Janasrone extestor 2 ‘rowtbic selector may be provided in nr of anne selector ror Pe1000 5) No Anode tank neces item & Deotite Fl iieatin & contention to ne pena igen tobe prove for Neston Aciston eauipment » Air bowers Reznor ay 1 tandoy ey SummerstieEjectrfsvbmersite ates a0! alowed 5) Surlace stators 1 standby unk or every 3G ess ly uns Slondy unto be stored n casa com lonigen receement Kp 02 Kg BOD removed ‘Unites dyrame seriiaton er aleltion pvtrmed a2 |wersive scree pe 2.60998 hy av cla 86 sre sereen require pe > 2000 26 Bi im $8 aut el elim seieentequres 33. |stuoce waste pues lveste pump must be prowded hn eboney pt separate rom Retun shige pur. Miramar 1 ay 61 standby Zi i ure not Slowed for plant eater than 1000 PE a Foxe messuremen fo detec ves reqted 34 }rerurw stuose purse RAS pumps must be pondes separate 1) ny pt pups tobe used ey (ey nation) rm he waste pupa, smi aly 8 sandy Ait pnp not toned for plant greater than 1000 PE compute aros by Mass balance aeund 2 ow measurenift to be proved setng ton toxemine Gras TEE DESCRETION FEQUREREMTS 41 [ral SETTLING TANK lpe<1000 Minimum {siting tank with 60 degrze hopper alow CLARIFIER. pe <= 5,000 hy Mini 1 tank rectangular or eke Recangular tanker Prove Mechanical sludge scraper & surface scum removal cuir tank wih vsveing bedpe pc » 000 hy mum 2 tanks ica ank ony Provide Mechanical sudge scraper & surface scum emoval sen avenge ae. diameter: Sen inimum surtace ae ea ‘ome me fo aeting tank 30 inere asian = Qpump (il uy pumps ) oF apeak (alder) lvnorck weir Use stairs plate Sim tick 42 {s.uoce nouome TANK storage ime Proce store Proven of aration “Tobe aerated SRT in eration tanks ees than 20 days = = Overton pipe Covertio to be citacte fo aeteion tank inet a ee me em TENS TESCRPTON REGUREDENTS, sa 2 sa 84 JconvenTionaL activaTeD [scuoce PLANT Jnoratins BroLosicat, Jconractor. JoTHer APPROVED SYSTEMS |stuoce DewaTERING. JcAS plant may he weed where PE = 19,090 Primary tani Rectarguar tank |circulae take quakes tonk leac [Detaled design tobe submitted |calculstions to include SUMMARY OF DESIGN JOATA.. Relevant data tobe inctuced forall setwatod shidge unk i entclsion erin to be typed [Fer pant» 10.000 PE Not racereunenle! for PE € 10,000 Surface aes A= Oma _m? 30 Uiyete O1max = Qpeak or Qpump whichever is oreater Prove Mechanical uxge seraper& surtace scum real Provide htechanial tuoge Seraper& surface seUm teva ith traveling Biage agutcd where aeration tank hos leas ton 13 hen yuu etonton tine Maer tobe proved Not Recommended dua to maintenance problems Tricking fier systom Soquencing Batch Reactors ‘Aerated Submerged Biotin Reactor Bot fter press, centituge decanter or plate liter press reqared Suldge conaonng system tobe lnchaded. Dewatering stem design tobe submited A separate dewatering room shall be prewced. eich, TENS TOESERP TION, REGUS. mn 12 73 74 78 76 lpunae arr BLOWER HOUSE lconTRoL Room IELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL, [Miniic DIAGRAM IELecTRICAL JUNCTION BOX See METER _ rdanual SS seroue For PE «5,000 Juecrorical raking screen For PE >= 5,000 Piping atest Pipe bracket [access cat ladies loveystancoy pumps PE <= 10.000, pe> 10,000 Pump statist aycle Pump Throvotset iting crain [cover tor purnp pi Hvaves to pump pit rica swatches lovertiow pipe Weather housing Lightning protection Timer Protection Red strobe ataem, sic board JPurps & equipment SS ceraen tohawe 26min mach basket {600 600 x 600 ren basket thal canbe ited wath tee ha Dry standing platform to be provided in inlet chamber Vv A sel climbing mechanical sctenn shal be installed wit a FRP collection bin, ABs or OI pipes & thtings For exposed pipe bracksls Galvanised or SS Prefabiicoted Aluminum mounted on SS bracket Installed in inlet chamber & sump chamber Minimum 1 dey & 1 standby pump @ Cpoak exer pump 2 Duy & 2 stancby pumps @ OSOpeak each pump imum § statu Masienum 18 sizr/nour ‘veniam 75am tought Alling chai for pumps & screen sha be stainlss sts {A cover shal be Mid sae! grating 7Soun clr opening costed wih FRE “The sump chamber cover shall have @ SOLEX lock “Valves wath spine to be prom at sever pipe ina et to py sump FLYGT , TSURUMIor approved equivalent Adequate overfow pipe to drain rom ile chamber tobe provdedin case of covertow. Electrical control pane! shal be installed ina conto room. Propatighring reds and earthing to ba proved to protect eiectcal equipment No mechanical clocks alowed, ‘OMRON git clock recommended Provide Programmable Logic Controller where more then 8 ems 122d 1 be ‘contol ‘Surge & lightning protection ta be provided. ELCB tobe instatind, ‘Any edjupment feturenip chal aetivate he att srobe Baht o be insted ‘outside of conkrl room, ‘A mimie aiggram ofthe treatment par 8 pump pl lobe provided ath LEG Bigs showing which equipment isin operation, ‘Weatherproof IPSS Pastis cabmnet on SS bracket mount, ‘To be installed outside of contra room TERS ESCRETIOT REGURERENTS 51 62 03 64 6s 58 67 68 69 611 lnsTRUMENTATION lneLuewt JFLow meTER Jair eLOW loisso.veo oxvcen mixeo Liquor |SUSPENDED SOLIDS RETURN sLUDG! waste stuoce IRETURN & WASTE SLUDGE JAUTOMATION JpROGRAMMABLE LOGIC JCONTROLLER pant conTROL JOPERATIONS.& MAINTENENCE maNvAL rst to weatmens plant Maybe lestated in pumping main aie ove meter rccation tank 10.0 prebes Jowas waste stucge flowrate wal proceditoe allowed. = Fr Activated sludge plant [Conte shal be done by SLUDGE AGE [Check SRT ( Sols retention time } MLSS : bined Liquor suspedéd sods xvas : Waste sludge concentration [O&M manual to be submited ba Paral Fae wh utresone ow messirenent of foate Gtaaieed tow CGREYLINE or equletutesone fo rancor tage foemetereutyough eigen ype SOMAG to tr equtot tobe vod SSEYLINE Seppe Utasone fowmeter or approves evisent Air iping shal have provision to mesure aitow rates ‘clon roies shal cornpy fo caluisted va TTRIOAR sirtow meter of epproved equivalent ing Dissolved Onygan srve tobe inst GUI ( GREAT LAKE INSTRUMENTS } DO meter or approved equvalent Where 00 ctaps beloy 2 mai, the ar deinery equipment shall be arogrammad to supply are oxygen to meet cama Provision for MLSS measuremeni shat be provided (GUI or equivalent MLSS analyser & prebe recommended, [A quagostic nine fwnetr may bz used in RAS line to conti Ques He, [A magnet infie faxemeter may be used in YAS Ke to contin Cwras |SOMAG insertion electromagnet ty flowmeter oF equivalent recommenced to dotermine Oras & Quas for proper SRT corte, ‘Sotids concentration ( Xias and Xias ) to be measured by insertion type sensor ‘astaed in the RAS and WAS pipes. GLI sensor recommended. Equipment shal bo sequenced by PLE Provide PLC where mere than 8 unt of equipment needs inte-rlaed cantral Pee Ee eye Gis x forse sRT= V_itwasting or Aeration tne or MLSS in aration tank to be measured Qwas tobe measured wos to be measured : 2 ses of OSMFmanval tobe submites Flow chat of system - ~ Precess calulation of system be inehided CColeuiaton data sheet * SUMMARY OF DESIGN DATA" tobe incuded — —— em ech ARR TES CESCRIPTION REGURENENTS 5) [pins JA pling material {$8 204, ABS oF Ductile en (D1) Gi and nad steal pipes NOT slowed [Ak pipe lateral immersed in wastewater PVC class ©, UPVC class AE or $5204 Jastewater pumping tine ‘38 304, ABS or Ductle ten (Dt) Pipe exposed to sunight lcoveres pie upvc class CHAE 22 |vatves [Airvates above 100 men ameter Lever or gear type burly vale lcneck vaives ‘Swing check wove of Inne rubberized check valeta be us Pump pt Gate valve to $e used for pump pt 23 lerackeTswmo.ts Pipe brackets 38 304, UPVG , ABS [MS encased in concrete block [MS coated with FRP coating Botts not immersed in lige ‘Gotanised bots Botts inmarsed in uid 84 fuera works. fractal bate, sereen or siting basin SS 304 eailesectoct 85 {ouarorans [satay rat 2 horizontal cows of Som clam, MS tubes ‘WM high sandblasted and painted vith 2 coats Zine Crvomate and BLUE mat rising coal 86 [CAT LADDER Jcatnaser 2 pos. nium te provide access to eaeh tank Welded GI pipe Jcatiodder in purnp pit 2 nos Prefatnicted Aluminum stair mounted on SS brackevbots [Cat isader in Aeration tank 387 fooors boots to contr com ans DS plote on angle framing wth SHS door ame, [ower house Pad ack wth SOLEX lock provided, & SUMMARY OF DESIGN DATA & # PROCESS CALCULATION. # 4 SETS OF ENGINEERING DRAWINGS. # TO BE SUBMITTED BY A . Re PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER wes tect aes) — se eres mee POWER REQUIREMENT ENERGY CONSUMPTION ‘Submersible pump Qpump = 3. _ Waste pump Qpump = TEMS EQUIPMENT NOS. POWER | DURATION ] ENERGY | COST DUTY KW Hours kWh Per Day Per Day RMO.3/KWh ‘Air blowers RAS pump. Qoump = _Internal return pump _ Qpump = "Valves. ~~ EST Scraper mechanism _ TOTAL RUNNING COST me ee ih . Meee alll ma Bs ITEMS | DESCRIPTION DESIGN UNITS: _[PARAMETERS organisms Anoxic Hydraulic retention [Anoxic tan! noxic Soild retention time Waste activated sludge __.| Waste flowrate Waste sludge cone Pump Model WAS Qwas Xwas Qpivas mgil_ mg “kg i8s~ Kg BOD r_ “fia mail m3/d~ hours m kw Kgiday” m3fd mati ni minutes” mn kW. a ka to Ee Ge Ee Ea 6S Ee Ei Es Be fe Ei Ee ITEMS | DESCRIPTION DESIGN UNITS PARAMETERS Computed Total Oxygen required |O2 for Carbonaceous removal Keld | ~ Koid Kg O2/day Salinity Tension factor (02 Transfer Blower Suction airflow fale Blower Discharge airflow Static head Head losses in air pipes & filings mafmin malmin | ~mdimin ——_—— — ee MS Se i — 1 JTEMS [DESCRIPTION DESIGN UNITS ‘ PARAMETERS 41” [FINAL SETTING TANK, FST (CLARIFIER) i: hopper alllowec!_ ark wiih Sctapaiiskimmer 1i4 [Maximum Flowrate into clariier max may (All duty pump working ) Vas a susseeitea| patat iy 1208 Qmaxids” | oP maemaeday Hydraulic retention time HRT iz f hr Min, 2 ee en ge | iste 7 anf NOS eee fe fa - ofan 12.27” {Sludge Holding time Ts days : Min, 30 days 12.3,” | Liguid tank volume” Vs : m3 ‘ADJACENT PROPERTY ADUACENT PROPERTY Fy DRAIN RESERVE ROAD RESERVE Min FROM 10 i SETBACK LEGEND: STP TANK WALLS, 1. SERVICES RESERVE aM PUMP PIT, BLOWER HOUSE, (ROAD/ORAN ETC) Bees Pri SLUDGE DENATERING HOUSE |e He Ear etv0Ge HOLONG TANK ‘AT --AERATIONTANK ST__~SETTLING TANK - ADIACENT PROPERTY LOTS | _ 1 Se erp ‘SHT, BH, PP MUST BE ACCESSIBLE BY A 3.5m SERVICE LANE FOR [MAINTENANCE PURPOSE. : SUMMARY OF DESIGN DATA ‘To be provided by system provider and certified by a Professional engineer All design data will be checked against ACTUAL field performance data ITems {DESCRIPTION DESIGN PARAMETERS UNITS, Population Equivalent TPE = 0.225mdid i ‘Average flow Peak factor Alkalinity A. —— i ie ne Eo hd a ITEMS DESCRIPTION DESIGN PARAMETERS UMP PIT. Pump Modet Diameter of pipe throughlet_ _|Pipe friction Loss ‘Total Dynamic Head — 4 Rising Pipe material [Pipe Diameter Effective Sump Volume Flow velocity Rea mm erm mer WAVAVAY,) uh oe EFFLUENT TODRAN | | 7 | j i A PP & TYPICAL SCHEMATIC OF EXTENDED AERATION PLANT g FOR PE > 5000) 7 MRS” MECHANICAL RAKING COARSE ANX.T ANOXIC SELECTOR TANK (MIN. 2 NOS. IN PARALLEL) g SCREEN AT “AERATION TANK (MIN, 2 NOS. IN PARALLEL) & PP PUMP PIT FST FINAL SETTLING TANK (CLARIFIER) (MIN. 2 NOS.) S cB COLLECTION BIN SHT ‘SLUDGE HOLDING TANK (30 DAYS) a EOP EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PIPE : FS FINE SCREEN . 1 FM FLOW METER AFM AIR FLOW METER M MIXER - - 8H BLOWER HOUSE 5 cp CONTROL PANEL - 7 WAS WASTE ACTIVATED SLUDGE RAS: RETURN ACTIVATED SLUDGE RP _ RETURN SLUDGE PUMP 7 - WP. “WASTE PUMP eee - z e : IRP- INTERNAL RETURN PUMP -. . Mimi be Ee ES a Gk ce i — am em i AFM, cp WAS. we: IRP vie (PICAL SCHEMATIC OF EXTENDED AERATION PLANT COARSE SCREEN HOIST FRAME PUMP PIT COLLECTION BIN EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PIPE FINE SCREEN FLOW METER AIR FLOW METER MIXER - BLOWER HOUSE CONTROL PANEL WASTE ACTIVATED SLUDGE RETURN ACTIVATED SLUDGE RETURN SLUDGE PUMP. WASTE PUMP INTERNAL RETURN PUMP FOR PE < 5000) ANX.T ANOXIC SELECTOR TANK AT FST SHT AERATION TANK NOS. FINAL SETTLING TANK (CLARIFIER) (RECTANGULAR OR CIRCULAR TANK WITH MECHANICAL SLUDGE SCRAPER) ‘SLUDGE HOLDING TANK (30 DAYS) Plus Gra | EFFLUENT TO DRAIN FST E 3 2 SHT 8 DEWAN BANOMRAA KOTARINABATE Pe 5000 ea KOH 2 — eM fm’ Bl BRR ES EA sh EA st kt ANX. T . @ PP TYPICAL SCHEMATIC OF EXTENDED AERATION PLANT FOR PE < 1000 legenn: 9 SEES cs COARSE SCREEN ANX.T ANOXIC SELECTOR TANK H HOIST FRAME AT. AERATION TANK = PP” PUMP PIT FST SQUARE FINAL SETTLING TANK (CLARIFIER) cB ‘COLLECTION BIN WITH 60° HOPPER EOP EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PIPE SHT SLUDGE HOLDING TANK (30 DAYS) FS FINE SCREEN FM _ FLOW METER AFM AIR FLOW METER M MIXER BH - BLOWER HOUSE CP CONTROL PANEL WAS —_ WASTE ACTIVATED SLUDGE (DRY INSTALLATION) RAS RETURN ACTIVATED SLUDGE (DRY INSTALLATION) RP RETURN SLUDGE PUMP Z wpe WASTE PUMP - . 7 IRP- INTERNAL RETURN PUMP | ae EFFLUENT TO ORAIN SHT ‘OVERFLOW TO PUMP PIT ae DEWAN BANDARAYA KOTA KINABALU

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