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WARTAKERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 50 November 2016 ulaysoe PERINTAH LEMBAGA PEMBANGUNAN INDUSTRI PEMBINAAN MALAYSIA. (PINDAAN JADUAL KEEMPAT) 2016 LEMBAGA PEMBANGUNAN INDUSTRI PEMBINAAN MALAYSIA (AMENDMENT OF FOURTH SCHEDULE) ORDER 2016 ae! eee ea Pu. (a) 302 LLEMBAGA PEMBANGUNAN INDUSTRI PEMBINAAN MALAYSIA ACT 1994 LEMBAGA PEMBANGUNAN INDUSTRI PEMBINAAN MALAYSIA (AMENDMENT OF FOURTH SCHEDULE) ORDER 2016 IN exercise of the powers conferred by subsection 33¢(2) of the Lembaga Pembangunan Indust Pembinaan Malaysia Act 1994 [det 520), the Minister makes the following order Citation and commencement 1 (1) This order may be cited a5 the Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysta (Amendment of Fourth Schedule) Order 2016. (@) This Order comes into operation on 1 December 2016, Amendment of Fourth Schedule 2 The Lembaga Pembangunan Industri Pembinaan Malaysia Act 1994 [Act 520s amended by substituting forthe Fourth Schell the following Schedles “FOURTH SCHEDULE [Subsection 33¢01 No ‘ypesofconctruction matras Approved standard bythe Tenbage 2 Santry ares () ceramic wash basins wsas7e (©) ceramiewaterloseepans without Mashing MS 147 (ceramic water cntpane wth fuss NS 1MS295 Parts 03 (@—Ceramiebidetsandurals(Poorerwal S147 outed S799 ° (2) Coral hshing cisterns equipped with ‘mec (loss couplet level high level orconceled) (© Ceramic fushing cisterns not equipped with ‘mechanism (Clove couple, median level igh level orconeaed) ) —Pastc Bashing cisterns equipped wit ‘pecan (clone coupe eden level Bh Ieee oreonceae) 2. Glaed and unglazed ceramic ties 3. Ceramic pipes and pipe tings 4 coment (2) Portandcemest (_WnitePortand coment ofa kinds (@)_OtherPortland cement ofl kinds ©) Aluminous coment (@—otberhydranc cement Masonry coment 5. Pifaiated ber roof ts yates 1 Preartconete eso foundation (2) Sag woot ook wools and sar miner ‘woo Gndudig thet ateiturs) abl, {hee orale (0) Thin sheet (wiles) webs, mats mats, hoards and Snr non-woven Prodi, of Are dass (0 Glass re (inuaing woos) (2) Clear feat glass, non-vited or von-coloured ‘Groughaut the mass lier than square ectnguar spe (cing thee With one, ‘wo.thte oF four corer ct) 10 Pu.(a 302 sis7 1Msts0 13006 seo [MSEN 197 Part tané2 SEN 14647 MSEN 197 Parts and2 Ms 1s14:Pars1t07 Ms1020 wsa135 Pu. (a) 302 (0) Tite oat pas coloured throughout the MS 1155 ‘nase (ody tinted). opaied flashed or ‘merely surace ground, other than epic ss (2 Coated gas s2a07 (slog ws 1488 9. irecement at sheetnotcontaningasbesios MS 1296 10, Radant hare (ermal sation ft) 52005 1, romand eel products (2) Hote carbon steel sheets or plates (Hotrod steelcos sheets orplates MS EN 10025:Part2 S105: S768 (i) Hotroted hequeredcols, shetsor _AST¥LA7BE plates NSE 10025: Part 0) Coated steel colo sets (© Cots or tees ehcwotyealy patel 5.2545, or coated ne (i) tinccoated carbon steel profes hot M5 2500 Aipped (roe) thers plated or coated with ine only insets coajsheetaecoated carbon sted 65.2584 acaiped. S285 theron, plated or coated with ine. (Gi) Profle alumium-zine alloy coated 76S 2500 ‘continous otal. (Pra) Plated or coated th lmiou-sine sll. * Only in sheets oifabeet_shuminanesine alley 5 62337 ‘coated contains hatin seas23 ted or costed with aluminum-ine MS 1196 slo. 451597 (9) Paited varied or costed wah 52505 vaste sessie () Plated or coated ofag te Ms 2500 (re) a © Pipesand tubes (© Seamless carbon steppes (Welded carbon steel pes Crea ersesecion nonsireaar rosin sare of engi (0) Strut another ast ronan ares (ridges nd ge sections (1) Towersand tice masts (i) Seafodine (0) Conugted sheet eo fora, (0) Beangpes-ange shape and section (09) Guardrats (i) Fabricated strvetare (ot) Ratay trek (0) Lett gmuge ste seton (9) Bqual anges, shape and section Cron (2) Wieetad bars and wines © colform (4) Hotrod ste renforcement tor 2 Pu. (a) 302 aniscr 1 6395 Fart 21 ts Ws te EN oz Pres bas SPAN TS2i627 Part? mist Ms2001 1s 2410025: Part2 Ms 2026: Part2 ‘MS EN 10025:Fart2 SEN T3674 [MSN 10025:Fart2 o wo (8) Seetwceroa (©) Roudbarincot (©) Wire strand nd ropes ‘Wire mesh for constriction stright form (8) Gabon ste forststuraluse () Carbon steel for structural ‘machine eft bar) (©) Hot rolled tel reorement (©) Round bar (D Staatees see prouets 0 « ow o o Seamless, welded stale steel pipet Seales welded tails sel pipes forthe conveyance of water ‘ght gauge stanley see ube for ordinary ping Stainless stebanged, shape and Casing and ring ofa ind sed eling ior olla gat () Aloystea product o o ote alloy ste plat an col ‘gua anges, shape and section UI, Lorie 2 Pv. (a)302 Msts0 16120 fart IMSISO Lao: Part 2 MSISO 16120: Prt 3 DMSISO 1620; Part Msi MS i139 Par 3 sii3a Par ws 105 ASTIASS# 14s 1900 ‘SEW 10312 ASTHASL isos nsesea Ms 2240:Part2 (MSEN 10025 Pats MSEN 10025:Pae MSEN 10025 Put PU. (a)302 (0) castton product (© Nonmallesblecatiron-mashole _BSENI24 (8) Tebe pipe and oto role usi919 12 Aluminium () Aluminium plates sheet and stip of 2 §S2040 thicker seeding 02 ry wheter or ot alloyed (0) Atuninia fis of thickness nat exceeding MS 1048 (0.2 mm, not backed rolled but not farther (9 Auninvum paes, sets and stips us 2040 (6) Aluninium strvcres ase 2 Aluminium compose pane foreteriorand S257 faterarwal © Awniovun and aluminium alloy -collewated_ MSEN 1396 ‘Sheet and sep for general appictons G@)—Aluminuumand aluminium aby or extruded 52289 sare a oe Ms sra:Parte1t03 Note: The latest tition of the standard specications published by the relevant accreditation body shall apply” Made 29 November 2016 [kn PUU.110-1/5/3; PN(PUE}S46/¥] DATO" SRI HAJ FADILLAH BIN HAL YUSOF Minister of Works u eprsitie army deans char ota

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