Assessment From 2 To 4

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Assessment 2 - Sunday, 31 May, 11:55 PM

How to submit
This assessment task must be submitted online by the due date specified in
Moodle. Should you need an extension, please contact your trainer.
Performance objective
In this assessment you are to demonstrate the skills and ability required to
analyse and interpret business vision, mission, values and objectives of a
business plan and to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.

Assessment description
Review two completed business plans. Analyse the strengths and weaknesses
of each business plan and prepare two written reports of your findings

Business Plan 1:

     1.     Use your own company or Read the Case study

     2.     Prepare a business plan layout against the criteria for effective

business plans, as described in your workbook or other reference materials.
     3.     (you can
access for more
     4.     Start working on the strengths and weaknesses of the business plan.

Deliverable specifications
●    Submit a draft of your business plan including analysing the strengths and
weaknesses related to the case study.

Quality specifications

●    Each report should be properly formatted and logically structured.

●    Identify relevant strengths and weaknesses of the plan, including discussion
on the following areas:
○    Compare and contrast with textbook structure and layout.
○    Comment on quality and relevance of information.
○    Comment on the quality of information, i.e. did the business plan
demonstrate adequate research on competition market conditions?
○    Comment on quantity of information – was there sufficient information to
determine the likely success of the business in accordance with its performance
○    Were the performance measures specific and realistic?
○    Was the document well set out, easily understood and pitched at an
appropriate level for the reader?
Quality specifications
●    The business plan must include the following:
○    Table of contents
○    Executive summary include vision, mission and values
○    Introduction
○    Description of the business (background)
○    Business products and services
○    Marketing activity – the market
○    Business operations:
–    productivity and performance targets for key result areas (in consultation
with key stakeholders)
–    include financial and non-financial performance measures
–    detail resource requirements, including human resources, capital equipment
and other resources required to achieve business goals
○    Management and organisational structure
○    Proposal
○    Financial background
–    trading to date
–    forecasts
○    Risks (risk analysis)
–    include a section on how you will ensure skilled labour is available to
implement the plan, such as a recruitment or training strategy
o   Licensing
–    include any permits or licences required
○    Conclusion
1. Case Study
Assessment 3 -
Sunday, 7 June, 11:55 PM

How to submit
This assessment task must be submitted online by the due date specified in
Moodle. Should you need an extension, please contact your trainer.
Performance objective
In this assessment you are to demonstrate the skills and ability required to
analyse and interpret business vision, mission, values and objectives of a
business plan and to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.

Assessment description
Submit your full business plan.

     1.     Review the information in your business plan
     2.     Analyse and interpret the current business environment, goals and
objectives embedded in the case study.
     3.     Consult with your assessor (assume the assessor is a key stakeholder),
if you require any clarification.
     4.     Document in your business plan how the organisation  achieves its
     5.     Submit your business plan for feedback from stakeholders (your
assessor is the key stakeholder)
Deliverable specifications
● Submit a completed business plan.
Asessment 4 -
Thursday, 11 June, 9:00 PM

How to submit
This assessment task must be submitted online by the due date specified in
Moodle. Should you need an extension, please contact your trainer.
Performance objective
In this assessment you are to demonstrate the skills and ability required to
analyse and interpret business vision, mission, values and objectives of a
business plan and to evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.

Assessment description
Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of your business plan and prepare a
written report of your findings.

Deliverable specifications
● Submit a report on capturing performance data for each performance
● Submit a written report explaining how the performance measurement
system will be implemented and tested, and how system/product failures and
variances to the business will be reported, to whom and when.
● Document a plan for communicating the business plan to all relevant
Quality specifications
● Performance measurement system:
○ one report for each performance measure
○ covers financial and non-financial performance measures
○ report should be pitched at the appropriate level for the recipient
○ should be presented in a readable and logical format
○ should include graphs, charts or other methods of presenting data.
● Report:
○ timeframes should allow appropriate action to be taken (where
○ identify key stakeholders who will require the information
○ describe the benchmarking used to determine suitable performance
measures, including tolerance levels and variances to plan
○ document how system failures, product failures and variances to the
business will be reported, to whom and when.
● Document a plan for communicating the business plan to all relevant
○ Produce a report or document which covers the following areas:
– Who are the key stakeholders?
– What information will each person (position) require?
– What are the relevant timeframes?
– How will you communicate this information?
– How will you ensure their understanding of their role in implementing the
business plan?
● A follow-up interview may be required (at the discretion of the assessor).

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