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that too many articles in ‘Annual Reviews’ each comprising two or more chapters and and subtropics, where

and subtropics, where there is a pressing need

are written in a characteristically dense style, progressing from Concepts and Methodology for a high yielding nutritious crop.
suggesting that the authors felt they had to (Part 1) through Key Factors (host popula- While the ability of the potato to give high
include very possible reference and make tion, pathogen population, transmission, en- yields over a relatively short period of time is
every possible point. This makes them a vironment, patterns over place and time (Part widely appreciated, its equally important nut-
useful source of information, but hard to II), and Disease Groups (both infectious and ritional properties are frequently overlooked
read. Some of this year’s reviews are like that, non-infectious (Part III) to Practical Aspects and often misunderstood. Jennifer Woolfe
but by no means all. Among those I particu- (microbial control of insects, prevention of has undertaken the invaluable task of remov-
larly liked (no doubt reflecting my own in- insect diseases (Part IV). Part I, which covers ing such ignorance and often prejudice in a
terests) were one by Gilman on the G- epidemiological concepts as applied to insect relatively short, thoroughly researched, and
proteins which are important in the transduc- epizootiology, ecological methods, and well written book.
tion of signals from receptors. and another by mathematical modelling, is particularly useful The six chapters deal with the structure and
Srere on the enzymes involved in sequential in setting the scene for what follows. The composition of the tuber; the nutritional
metabolic pathways. format for each chapter (introduction, main value of the components; the protein and
Whatever any reviewer says, many body of work, conclusion, and references), other nitrogenous constituents (popularly
biochemists and all relevant libraries will buy combined with cross-referencing between and erroneously underrated); the effects of
this book: they will not be disappointed. chapters and a good index, all help to make cooking, storage, and processing on the nutri-
Simon van Heyningen this book informative, well referenced, and tive value of potatoes; toxic or potentially
enjoyable to read. The editors are to be toxic constituents; and finally a chapter on the
congratulated on the uniformity of presenta- patterns of potato consumption in the tropics.
Diseases and Plant Population Biology. By
tion and the authors on clarity of expression. The book could with advantage be read by
Jeremy J. Burdon. Pp. 208. Cambridge
Epizootiology of Insect Diseases should all interested in understanding, promoting, or
University Press. 1987. Hardcoverf27.50
prove useful to readers and research workers consuming the potato. The author, and Dr
($49.50/, Paperbackf 12.50 ($19.95).
from a wide range of disciplines. Susan Poats who contributed to the book, are
In this timely monograph Jeremy Burdon F. R. Hunter to be congratulated for providing a much
successfully describes the various studies and needed addition to the growing literature on
theoretical considerations of the interactions the crop.
Acidification of Freshwaters. By Malcolm
between plant communities and parasitic fun- P. M. Harris
CresserandAnthony Edwards. Pp. 138.
gi, bacteria, and viruses. Although the au-
Cambridge University Press. 1987. f 19.50
thor’s aim is to consider natural plant com-
($34.501. An Introduction to the Historiography of
munities, the paucity of observed and ex-
In an integrated approach the authors present Science. By Helge Kragh. Pp. 235.
perimental data from such communities
a valuable review of the mechanisms regulat- Cambridge University Press. 1987. f 19.50
makes the use of experimental data from
ing the acidity of freshwaters. At present, the ($32.50).
agricultural systems inevitable. Disease in the
latter is sometimes catastrophic but the abs- progressive disappearance in the last decades As an introduction to the problems involved
ence of similar examples from natural plant of salmon and trout populations from rivers in writing about the history of science, this
communities does not mean that effects of and lakes in Scandinavia, the United King- book cannot really be recommended. Most of
disease are insignificant. On the contrary, the dom, and Canada is well recognised as an the philosophy is derivative, and too much of
author argues that disease is a powerful example of the disruptive effects of water it is sloppy, despite a parade of the external
selective force shaping the size, pattern, and acidification on freshwater ecosystems. apparatus of rigour. The historical parts are
structure of natural plant communities. In Whereas the relationship between recent wa- more rewarding, but even here there are too
reiterating data from crop pathology the ter acidification and atmospheric pollution many gross blunders. One of the chosen
author manages to describe well documented has been established, the authors are stressing discussion examples of a historical fact is that
material with refreshing clarity that will the importance of natural processes in the Darwin was born in 1802; a very elementary
please both ecologists and plant pathologists. surface soils that may modify and eventually exercise in historical research would show
The effects of pathogens on the evolution- determine the impact of acid precipitation on that he was born in 1809. (The date 1802
ary performance (fecundity and longevity) of the drainage water. Soils naturally acidify cannot be a misprint-it is repeated too many
individual host plants and the co-evolutionary when geochemical weathering is no longer times.) Dr Kragh also seems to believe that
interactions between populations of hosts and capable of offsetting base-leaching losses, and Galileo’s Dialog0 was written in Latin. All the
pathogens are described. Additionally, fac- this process is susceptible to modification as a historical discussions are based largely (some-
tors such as host resistance and susceptibility, result of human activities. Changes in land times entirely) on modern secondary literature,
demography, density, and distribution are use - such as deforestation or afforestation and none appear to be founded on the author’s
considered in detail. Using information from with coniferous trees, ploughing, and use of own research. Some of these secondary sources
a variety of related disciplines the author fertiliser - may substantially influence water are of high quality, but not all: a discussion of
succinctly argues his case for recognising the pH. The underlying soil chemistry and physic- the hypothesis that Newton’s mental break-
important ecological role played by plant al and hydrological principles are discussed. down was caused by mercury poisoning is
pathogens. In the final chapters the authors deal with the based on a popular article by a scientific
The book is a lively account, well refer- experimental methods and possible priorities journalist, and as a result events which took
enced, and at an acceptable price, at least in for freshwater acidification research. The place when Newton was 50 are ascribed to his
paperback. book is of interest for many students of this youth. In short, a disappointing treatment of
R. C. Shattock interdisciplinary field. an interesting subject.
S. E. Wendelaar Bonga .7. R. Milton

Epizootiology of Insect Diseases. Edited

by James R. Fuxa and Yoshinori Tanada. The Potato in the Human Diet. By Jennifer English Science, Bacon to Newton. Edited
Pp. 555. Wiley, Chichester. 1987. f55.00. A. Woolfe. Pp. 231. Cambridge University by Brian Vickers. Pp. 244. Cambridge
The appearance of Epizootiology of Insect Press. 1987. f 17.50 ($32.50; price for University Press. 1987 Hardback, f27.50
Diseases is timely and fills an urgent CAMBlSEf9.95). ($44.50), Paperbackf9.95($15.95).
need for a book that brings together insects, Since its inception in 1972, the International The Cambridge English Prose Texts are now
their diseases, and the factors that determine Potato Center, sponsor of this publication, enriched by a selection of eight pieces of
the outcome of disease on insect populations. must take much credit for fostering potato English scientific writing composed between
The material is organised in four parts, production and consumption in the tropics 1660 and 1672, their authors being Robert


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