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• Tematikus szókincsfejlesztés •

• Nyelvtani áttekintés és gyakorlás •

• Íráskészség fejlesztés kifejezésekkel •
• Beszédkészség fejlesztés kifejezésekkel •
• Vizsgafeladat gyakorlás •










UNIT 1. LIFESTYLE …………………………………………........................................................…. 2
UNIT 2. WORK …………………………………...........................................................……………. 9
UNIT 3. ENVIRONMENT ………………................................................................….……….. 17
UNIT 4. EDUCATION ……………………......................................................……………………. 27
UNIT 5. FREE TIME ………………………………......................................................……………. 34
KEY ……………………………………......................................................……………………………… 42
GRAMMAR BANK ……………………………......................................................………………… 52
GRAMMAR BANK KEY ……………………......................................................…………………. 60
WRITING KIT ……………………………………….....................................................……………... 62
SPEAKING KIT ………………………………….....................................................……………….… 64


Vocabulary Revision
Try to recall your previous studies and collect some topic-related words/expressions you think
the examiners would like to hear at a B2 level exam. Try to collect words for all the subtopics
in the bubbles.





Vocab Boost
1. Look at the following topic-related words. If you are not sure what they mean, look them
up in a dictionary. Which subtopic are they related to and how? Put the words into the right

serious accident, balanced diet, bland, to come down with something, to complain about
something, cold remedy, cuisine, to cut down on, to faint, fizzy drinks, food supplement, high blood
pressure, homemade, infectious disease, junk food, to prevent, recipe, regular medical check-ups,
to slip, swollen, to work out, ready-made, to suffer from, emergency department

2. Complete the sentences using some words or phrases from the previous exercise in the
correct form.
1. No matter how hard I keep on trying, I can’t _______ _________ ______ chocolate.
2. We didn’t like the soup in the new Italian restaurant. Although they usually serve spicy dishes, this
was ______ so we sent it back.
3. I was taken to hospital yesterday after ___________ in the sauna. Nothing serious, I think it was only
too hot.
4. I always try to find time to _______________ _________ in the gym, it helps me unwind.
5. Luckily, my father’s rare heart condition was discovered at one of his _________ _________ ________.
You must see a doctor once a year.
6. Nan would never give away any of the family’s traditional____________.

3. Add 5 more words to the following lists. Use a dictionary if necessary.

1. Goulash soup, breaded-fried chicken with mashed potatoes, pork stew with dumplings, ……..
2. temperature, rash, runny nose, ………….
3. pills, plaster, eye-drops, ………………

Vocab Challenge
In the Interview task of the Speaking part, you will answer the questions of a survey about one
topic. How would you answer the following questions about eating habits?
In your answers, try to use as many of the words and phrases from the exercises above as
1. What do you usually have for lunch on a typical weekday?
2. Some people say, breakfast is the most important meal. What’s your opinion?
3. How would you improve your diet?
4. Which do you prefer, eating at home or eating out?
5. What special Hungarian dish would you recommend to a tourist to try? How is it made?
6. How popular is fast food in your country? Why do you think that is so?

Grammar Spot
Revise what you already know about quantifiers (e.g. a lot of, a few, etc.), adverbs of frequency
(always, usually, etc.) and other time expressions (every day, twice a week, etc.).

Check the Grammar Bank at the end for more information and practice.

1. Complete the following sentences about your lifestyle.

• My parents usually ____________________________ but I prefer_________________.
• I have never ___________________________ but I would like to.
• We ___________________________ twice a week.
• I am always ______________________________.
• I don’t ________________________________ very often.
• I _____________________ on a daily basis.

2. Fill in the gaps with the right words to express your opinion.
• At the weekend, I eat/drink too much _________________________ sometimes.
• I think I get _________________________ exercise.
• I don’t think I eat enough ______________________________.
• I think eating too much ______________ is bad for you.
• I think I take _____________ vitamins and __________ medicine.
• I always put ___________ sugar in my tea/coffee.

3. Make as many sentences as you can about your lifestyle and how you could improve it.
You can use the examples above but add some more and try to speak about this topic for 2-3

Writing Challenge
In the Writing part of the exam, you are often asked to write an article
about a topic with the help of 4 guidelines. Imagine that you would like to
write a short article about living a healthy life for a school magazine. What
would you write?
Write about 150 words and try to use the linking words on the right.

Check the Writing Kit at the end for more ideas.

You should write about:

• the importance of a balanced diet

The most important factor is …
• the importance of doing exercise
• the importance of relaxing activities Another point to consider is …

• the importance of medical check-ups therefore as a result


(Discussing the most important factor)

(Discussing 2 related points)

(Discussing one more point)


Speaking Challenge
In the Monologue task of the Speaking part, you are asked to speak for 3
minutes on your own. You get a topic and 4 guidelines to help you speak.
Imagine that your English-speaking friend would like to take up a new sport
and he asks for your advice. What would you tell him?
Speak about the 4 points below and try to use the linking words on the right.

Check the Speaking Kit at the end for more ideas.

Talk about:

• what sport you think he should choose If you ask me, … Actually, …
• the equipment and facilities you need to do this sport in order to As you may know, ...
• why you think this sport could be beneficial
• other sports you think would be suitable

In the Transaction task of the Speaking part, you are usually asked to
do a role-play in a certain situation. Imagine that you are in an English-
speaking country and you need to see the doctor urgently. What would
you say in this situation?
Act out the situation and try to use the linking words on the right.

Check the Speaking Kit at the end for more ideas.

Let me think, …
Receptionist: So, you would like to see doctor Smith
As a matter of fact, …
If I remember well, ...
You (example): Yes, I need some urgent medical care.
As far as I know,, ...
Receptionist: What symptoms do you have?


Receptionist: How long have you been experiencing these symptoms?


Receptionist: What have you tried doing to ease the pain?


Receptionist: Are you allergic to anything?


Receptionist: Is there anyone who can look after you while you are recovering?


Receptionist: Just take a seat and the nurse is going to call your name soon.


Exam Task
Read the online article below about diets. Match the headings (A-I) with the paragraphs (1-5).
There are 3 headings you don’t need. There is an example (0) for you.
A. Be more health conscious
B. Binge drinking is just great
C. Drop the glass, lose some weight
D. Fight for calorie information
E. Food tastes better with alcohol
F. It’s all about genetics
G. Research on drinking
H. What would you choose?
I. Women in their 20s drink more

Will alcohol ruin my diet?

(0) H) What would you choose?

Would you rather have a cheeseburger or a frozen margarita? The calories are roughly the same,
as are the calories for a pint of lager and a slice of pizza. If you think alcohol is just too liquid to be
calorific, you’re in good company.

(1) Only 20% of us realise how many calories are in a large glass of wine. The Local Government
Association, which promotes public health issues, is campaigning for calorie information to be
displayed on alcoholic cans and bottles – as it is on soft drinks. It says alcohol provides only “empty
calories” and interferes with how efficiently the body burns fat.
(2) A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, of 19,220 women whose drinking habits were
monitored for nearly 20 years, found that the risk of becoming overweight was almost 30% lower for
women who drink moderately. An extensive review of the evidence in Current Obesity Reports found
that moderate drinking was not associated with weight gain.
(3) However, it is not moderate drinking that maintains weight, but the healthy behaviour associated
with it, says Professor Jean-Philippe Chaput of the faculty of medicine at the Children’s Hospital of
Eastern Ontario. People who drink sensibly usually exercise and eat healthily too. “If your goal is to
lose weight, give up alcohol,” he advises. “If you want to maintain weight, then moderate drinking may
be fine, but you need to eat less and exercise more – if you add alcohol on top, you add calories.” He
warns that binge drinking will put weight on, especially around the belly for men and the bottom for
(4) Alcohol stimulates appetite – it makes salty peanuts strangely irresistible. But, Chaput warns, the
metabolism of alcohol and its effects on weight depends on many factors, including genetics. Studies
of Finnish, Chinese and British men show increases in weight after more than five years of moderate
(5) Women may metabolise alcohol in a way that uses up more energy – leaving less fat to be
deposited. But Chaput’s key message is that we shouldn’t look at just one thing – in this case, alcohol
– but at our overall health. And we shouldn’t be fixated with dieting anyway. “Instead of measuring
weight, we need to measure health,” he says. A sentiment to which you can’t help but raise a glass.

Exam Pack
You have revised the ’LIFESTYLE’ topic and have learnt some new things. Now use your memory and
write 7 sentences using new words or expressions here that you will remember and use in the
exam if you get a Writing or Speaking task in connection with this topic.









Vocabulary Revision
Try to recall your previous studies and collect some topic-related words/expressions you think
the examiners would like to hear at a B2 level exam. Try to collect words for all the subtopics
in the bubbles.






Vocab Boost
1. Look at the followng topic-related words. If you are not sure what they mean, look them
up in a dictionary. Which subtopic are they related to and how? Put the words into the right

9-to-5, job ad, archaeologist, arrogant, to go for an interview, badly paid, blue-collar, challenging,
civil engineer, cover letter, to fire, fringe benefits, to hire, monotonous, job description, overtime,
patient, precise, to get promoted, specialist, recruitment agency, scientist, reliable, vet, efficient

2. Complete the sentences using some words or phrases from the previous exercise in the
correct form.
1. We are never going to finish. If we don’t hurry up, we will have to do _______________.
2. Have you met the new colleague? They say he is so _________________. He has been here for 5
minutes, but he already knows everything better.
3. I hope I will _____ _______________. I have been working here for ages and I ‘m sure I could manage
with some more responsibility.
4. He wanted to be a __________________________. He loves animals but he is afraid of blood.
5. Well, the salary is not very good but the _______________ ___________ are more than generous. I can’t
6. ___________________ jobs tend to be less popular with young adults. Everyone wants to go to

3. Add 5 more words to the following lists. Use a dictionary if necessary.

1. salary, income, fee, …
2. scissors, stapler, folder, …
3. factory, office, hospital, …

Vocab Challenge
In the Interview task of the Speaking part, you will answer the questions of a survey about one
topic. How would you answer the following questions about work?
In your answers, try to use as many of the words and phrases from the exercises above as

1. What would be the ideal job for you? Why?

2. What challenges do people have to face when they
start working?
3. How could you be motivated to do your best at work?
4. How can you achieve a good work-life balance?
5. What makes a good colleague?
6. Why do people want to do blue-collar jobs?
Grammar Spot
Revise what you already know about Past Simple (Where did you start work?) and Present
Perfect (I have never worked for a multinational company).
Check the Grammar Bank at the end for more information and practice.

1. Complete the following sentences about your goals that you have or have not accomplished
at work/at school this year.
• I haven’t __________________________yet.
• We have just________________________________.
• My boss/teacher has__________________________ this year.
• We ____________________________ on holiday this year.
• The CEO/ school director has________________________ this year.
• I have already ____________________.

2. Fill in the gaps with the right words to give information about yourself.
• I have never worked as a __________________.
• I have always wanted to work for a ___________________.
• I have ____________________ for _____ years.
• Last year I _____________ a lot of housework.
• I didn’t ______________ yesterday.
• I __________________ student work last summer.

3. Try to think about some things you have had to do today. What are the things you have
already done? What haven’t you done yet?

Writing Challenge
Formal letter
In the Writing part of the exam, you are often asked to write a formal
letter with the help of 3 guidelines. Imagine that you have seen a job
advertisement on the internet, which says they are looking for event
organizers for a music festival in England. How would you apply for this post?
Write about 120 words and try to use the formal expressions on
the right.
Check the Writing Kit at the end for more ideas.
Let me think, …
You should …
As a matter of fact, …
• describe your previous experience
If I remember well, ...
• explain why you would be an ideal candidate
As far as I know,, ...
• ask about accommodation

Dear Sir or Madam,


(Qualities and experience)

(Asking for information)


Speaking Challenge
In the Monologue task of the Speaking part, you are asked to speak for 3 minutes on your own.
You get a topic and 4 guidelines to help you speak. Imagine that you work part-time for a small
company to save some money for something. Your friend would also need money, so he seeks your
advice. What would you tell him?
Speak about the 4 points below and try to use the linking words on the right.
Check the Speaking Kit at the end for more ideas
Talk about
So, where shall I start?
• your responsibilities
As for the ...
• the working conditions
What I really like is ...
• the advantages of working part-time
• the disadvantages However, ...

In the Transaction task of the Speaking part, you are usually asked to do a role-play in a certain
situation. Sometimes you should give details and examples or clarify what you want to say. Look at
some useful phrases and put them in the appropriate category. Try to add some more phrases.

Giving Examples

Explaining, clarifying

Asking for clarification

For instance, I mean, What do you mean exactly? What I’m trying to say is… such as …

Imagine that you have been shortlisted for a job interview with a multinational company. Ms Jones,
the HR assistant calls you to conduct a telephone interview with you.
Act out the situation and try to use the expressions from the chart.
Check the Speaking Kit at the end for more ideas

Ms Jones: Nice to speak to you at last. I would like to ask you some questions. Is it OK with you?

You (example): Yes, of course.

Ms Jones: First, we would like to know more about you. What kind of work experience have you got?


Ms Jones: Can you tell me something about your strengths and weaknesses?


Ms Jones: Why would you like to work for a multinational company?


Ms Jones: It’s good to hear that. Our company provides a multinational environment for our
employees. Have you ever worked in international teams?


Ms Jones: I’m sure you have a lot of questions.


Ms Jones: Well, that’s something we need to discuss with your superiors.


Exam Task
You’ll read a letter of application for a job. Answer the questions with a maximum of 2 words.
There is an example (0) for you.

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in response to your ad in the Evening Journal for a position listed as Science Editorial. I
believe my broad-based scientific knowledge and writing skills make me an excellent candidate for
this position.

My education includes a B.Sc. in Balneology with honours, and two years of medical school.
Through these studies, I have gained in-depth knowledge of many scientific subjects which include
biology, chemistry, anatomy, physiology, and genetics. As an Advanced Placement English student,
a participant in University Interscholastic League writing contests, and the daughter of an English
teacher, I have a good working knowledge of English as well as strong writing skills. Currently, I am
enrolled in a technical communications course to further augment my writing skills.

Concerning my related experience, I have been employed as a Technical Writer for Education
Networks Corporation. In that position, I was the sole writer on scientific subjects (life and Earth
sciences) for a project involving development of software for a Children’s Encyclopedia on CD-ROM.
This position has allowed me to develop superior interpersonal skills.

I plan to use my employment in the medical field and my technical writing experience to find full-time
employment as a writer on technical subjects and make full use of my scientific knowledge. I will also
start an evening coursework in desktop publishing.

Enclosed is a resume that provides more details about my background. I am excited by an

opportunity such as the one you are advertising, and I believe I would be a creative and energetic
asset to your company.

Yours faithfully,
Lisa Umbach

0. What is the aim of the writer?

To find a job.

1. Where would she like to work?

She would like to work for a(n) ___________.

2. What information did we get about her education?

She graduated from _________________.

3. What does Lisa say about her language skills?
She says her English is at a(n) _____________.

4. What particular skills would she like to improve in the near future?
She wants to improve her ________________.

5. What kind of work experience does she have?

She has been a(n) ____________.

6. How does she interact with other people?

She has excellent ________________.

7. What studies is she planning to take up?

She is planning to take part in a(n) __________________.

Exam Pack
You have revised the ’WORK’ topic and have learnt some new things. Now use your memory and
write 7 sentences using new words or expressions here that you will remember and use in the
exam if you get a Writing or Speaking task in connection with this topic.









Vocabulary Revision
Try to recall your previous studies and collect some topic-related words/expressions you think
the examiners would like to hear at a B2 level exam. Try to collect words for all the subtopics
in the bubbles.





Vocab Boost
1. Look at the following topic-related words. If you are not sure what they mean, look them
up in a dictionary. Which subtopic are they related to and how? Put the words into the right

blizzard, to drizzle, earthquake, entertainment facilities, extreme weather conditions, to flow,

habitat, hazardous waste, heavy rain, to be located, mountain range, multi-storey car park, to pay
the rent, peaceful, peaks, to recycle, scorching, selective waste collection, spacious, sustainable,
housing estate, to wipe the dust, endangered, rural, refurbish

2. Complete the sentences using some words or phrases from the previous exercise in the
correct form.
1. Although it was __________________ and we couldn’t spend so much time in the sun, we enjoyed
swimming in the sea.
2. Well, this flat looks lovely, but we can’t afford to _____________________ unless I get a pay rise.
3. I adore the village where I live. It’s so calm and relaxing but sometimes, it would be great if there
were some _____________________________, like a cinema or a theatre.
4. The match was called off due to ____________________________.
5. A minor _______________________ has hit the country, causing homes to shake in some villages, a
recent report has said.
6. I got really concerned about the environment when I realized that the snow had melted on the
_____________ of our highest mountains.

3. Add 5 more words to the following lists. Use a dictionary if necessary.

1. earthquake, flood, volcanic eruption, …
2. bunk bed, chest of drawers, towel rail, …
3. scratching post, muzzle, terrarium, …

Vocab Challenge
In the Interview task of the Speaking part, you will answer the questions of a survey about one
topic. How would you answer the following questions about the weather?
In your answers, try to use as many of the words and phrases from the exercises above as

1. How does the weather influence your mood?

2. How would you describe the climate of your country?
3. Can you see any effects of the climate change? What
4. What environmental issues are you most worried
5. What can you do to protect the environment?
6. How could authorities encourage people to do more
for their environment?

Grammar Spot
Revise what you already know about different future forms (will, be going to, will be doing, will have
done, present tenses for the future).
Check the Grammar Bank at the end for more information and practice.

1. Complete the sentences using a suitable verb in the right future form to speak about some
environmental changes that might happen in the future.
• Sea levels __________________________________ by 2050.
• The number of dangerous thunderstorms__________________________ by 2100.
• Nobody _______________________________ disposable plastic plates and cutlery.
• Polar bears ____________________ extinct in a 100 years’ time.
• People ______________________________ all their waste.
• More and more countries _________________________ environmentally sustainable farming practices.

2. Fill in the gaps with the right verbs to speak about what you are planning on doing to help
the environment.
• I’m going to ___________________ fewer plastic bags and bottles.
• I’m going to ___________________ reusable bags.
• I’m going to ___________________ the household waste in selective containers.
• I’m going to __________________ my papers on both sides of the page.
• I’m going to __________________ the recycling services offered by the garbage disposal company.
• I’m going to __________________ electricity by using energy-efficient light bulbs.

3. Think about your future. What are your plans, hopes and ambitions for the future? What do
you think you will have achieved by 2030? How will your life be different in ten years’ time? Try
to speak about this topic for 2-3 minutes using different future forms.

Writing Challenge
In the Writing part of the exam, you are often asked to write a formal
essay about a topic with the help of 4 guidelines. Imagine that you have
decided to enter an English essay writing competition about climate change.
What would you write about this title: ‘Climate change: our responsibility?’
Write about 150 words and try to use the time expressions on the right.
Check the Writing Kit at the end for more ideas.
You should write about:
• how the climate is changing
• what will happen if the changes continue by the time as soon as
• what people can do at an individual level to slow this in 60 years’ time
process down
by 2100 soon
• what steps you are going to take to protect the

________________________________________ (title)


(Describing the situation)

(Outlining possible solutions)

(Specifying your actions)


Speaking Challenge
In the Monologue task of the Speaking part, you are asked
to speak for 3 minutes on your own. You get a topic and 4
guidelines to help you speak. Imagine that your friend would
like to buy a pet and she is interested in your opinion and
experience. What would you tell her?
Speak about the 4 points below and try to use the linking words on the right.
Check the Speaking Kit at the end for more ideas.
Talk about
If I were you, I would …
• what kind of pet your friend should buy
One advantage is that …
• the advantages of having a pet
A possible drawback is that …
• the disadvantages of having a pet in your home
As for me, … All in all, …
• your personal experience

In the Conversation task of the Speaking part, you will have a conversation with two of
your friends about a problem to solve. Sometimes you should give advice or try to recommend
something to your friends. Look at some useful phrases and put them in the appropriate category.
Try to add some more phrases.

Giving advice

Accepting ideas

Rejecting ideas

I think you should try it. I’m not sure. It doesn’t sound promising. Great. We will give it a go.

That’s a fantastic idea. It sounds interesting, but …

Imagine that you have two new neighbours, Julie and Rob from England. You meet them in the
lobby of your apartment block. They might need an introduction to the neighbourhood.
Act out the conversation and try to use the expressions from the chart.

Check the Speaking Kit at the end for more ideas.

Julie: Oh, hi. I’m Julie and this is my husband, Rob. We are planning to move in next door. Nice to
meet you.
You (example): Nice to meet you. You’ll love it here.

Rob: I’m sure. How long have you been living here?
Julie: Ah, so long? Can you just help us for a moment? We don’t know much about the area. Could you
tell us about it?
Rob: I wonder where I can go running here. You know I like to start the day jogging in the fresh air.
Julie: We went shopping at the corner shop yesterday but it’s rather small. Is there a supermarket
somewhere near?
Rob: Yeah, and I also need a new pair of trainers. What kind of shops are there around here?
Julie: Great. Another thing. Parking seems to be very expensive around here and I don’t want to go
everywhere by car.
Rob: You never go anywhere without your car. But me? I can’t even drive. Is public transport easily
Julie: That’s great. How about the neighbours? We saw an old lady with a trolley-bag a few minutes
ago. She seemed very nice.
Julie: Well, we’re going to be late. We need to go now. Bye.
Rob: See you.

Exam Task
Listen to the following internet programme about endangered animals and choose the correct
option from A-C. There is an example (0) for you. You can listen to the recording twice.

link a hangfelvételhez

0. Some animal species will go extinct in the next …

A. century.
B. decade.
C. few years.

1. Pangolins have been …

A. dying of skin cancer.
B. slowly declining for 80 years.
C. used as medicine.

2. Sumatran tigers are close to extinction because of …

A. being hunted.
B. losing their food.
C. killing people.

3. Black rhinos are still hunted …

A. by Europeans.
B. for food.
C. for their horn.

4. Hawksbill turtles are …
A. famous for their shells.
B. important for corals.
C. in slow decline.

5. Cross river gorillas are forced to …

A. inbreed.
B. kill their mates.
C. mix genetically.

6. Sumatran elephants …. human settlements.

A. damage
B. live far from
C. support

7. Amur leopards are often …

A. caught in the wild.
B. given medicine.
C. victims of forest fires.

Exam Pack
You have revised the ’ENVIRONMENT’ topic and have learnt some new things. Now use your memory
and write 7 sentences using new words or expressions here that you will remember and use in the
exam if you get a Writing or Speaking task in connection with this topic.









Vocabulary Revision
Try to recall your previous studies and collect some topic-related words/expressions you think
the examiners would like to hear at a B2 level exam. Try to collect words for all the subtopics
in the bubbles.





Vocab Boost
1. Look at the following topic-related words. If you are not sure what they mean, look them
up in a dictionary. Which subtopic are they related to and how? Put the words into the right

assembly hall, boarding school, chalk, to cheat, eager beaver, examiner, geography, to give a
presentation, gymnasium, head teacher, knowledgeable, lenient, to pass, religious school, to recite
a poem, revision, run-down, secondary grammar school, state school, single-sex school, to write
an essay, to retake, drill, canteen, form-teacher

2. Complete the sentences using some words or phrases from the previous exercise in the
correct form.
1. Our parents work hard, and they don’t have much time to look after us, so we go to a _________ in
the country.
2. I always decide not to, but in the end, I always end up doing last minute ____________ before the
3. When Tom tried to bully me, we were sent to the _____________________’s office. I thought we’d be
4. I’m trying my best, but Jim is always better. He always knows the answers, he is always ready first.
What an ____________________. No wonder everybody hates him.
5. I will always remember Mr Smith ________________. He always sounded so enthusiastic.
6. Although the outside of the school is a bit __________________, the classrooms are well-equipped.

3. Add 5 more words to the following lists. Use a dictionary if necessary.

• law, architecture, psychology, …
• literature, biology, art, …
• to take, to pass, to sit for, …

Vocab Challenge
In the Interview task of the Speaking part, you will answer the questions of a survey about one
topic. How would you answer the following questions about your studies?
In your answers, try to use as many of the words and phrases from the exercises above as

1. What is / was your favourite subject? Why?

2. How well do / did you get on with your classmates?
3. Could you describe your favourite teacher and their teaching
4. Do you think music should be taught at school? Why / why
5. What extra-curricular activities would you like to see in your
6. How would you improve the education system where you live?
Grammar Spot
Revise what you already know about obligation, prohibition and ability (modal verbs like can, must
have to).
Check the Grammar Bank at the end for more information and practice.

1. Complete the sentences using a suitable verb to speak about your school years.
• We can’t ________________________________ during the lessons, but we can in the breaks.
• You don’t have to _________________________________ in the primary school, but you must in the
secondary school.
• You mustn’t ____________________________________ in the building just in the school yard.
• We don’t have to __________________________, although it’s possible.
• Teachers mustn’t__________________________________.
• When I was at primary school I could ____________ very well but now I’m not even able to ________.

2. Use the right modal verbs to complete some rules of the iTOLC language exam.
• You _________ use a digital dictionary during all the parts of the exam.
• You _________ speak to the other students during the exam.
• You _________ submit 2 writing tasks.
• You _________ speak for 3 minutes in the monologue task.
• You _________ take some notes on paper during the exam.
• You _________ leave out any tasks.

3. Think about your extra-curricular activities like clubs, games or workshops after school.
What can you do there? Do you need any special clothes or equipment? What kind of rules do
you have to follow as a member? Try to speak about this topic for 2-3 minutes using different
modal verbs.

Writing Challenge
Informal letter
In the Writing part of the exam, you are often asked to write an
informal letter to a friend with the help of 3 guidelines. Imagine
that you have just taken part in a school event that you really
enjoyed. How would you write about this experience to your English
Write about 120 words and try to use the linking words on the right.
Check the Writing Kit at the end for more ideas.
You should write about: I hope you are doing well.
• the place you visited / the event you took part in
Imagine, …. Fortunately, ...
• what you did
The most amazing part was …
• why it was interesting

________________________________________ (title)

(Opening and giving news)

(Describing the event)

(Writing about the good moments)

(Closing and saying good-bye)

Speaking Challenge
In the Monologue task of the Speaking part, you are asked
to speak for 3 minutes on your own. You get a topic and 4
guidelines to help you speak. Imagine that your English friend
would like to hear about your school/college. What would you tell
Speak about the 4 points below and try to use the linking words on the right.
Check the Speaking Kit at the end for more ideas.
Talk about
Let me tell you about the …. first
• the building
Have I told you about …?
• the teachers / the students
• why you like it One reason why I like it is that …

• what you would improve Another aspect is …

In the Conversation task of the Speaking part, you will have a conversation with two of your
friends about a problem to solve. Sometimes you should give suggestions and cooperate. Look at
some useful phrases and put them in the appropriate category. Try to add some more phrases.

Giving suggestions

Accepting ideas

Rejecting ideas

We might want to…. I’d rather not. Why don’t we….? Agreed Shall we …?

Sounds great. I think it could work.

Imagine that you are studying abroad, and you will have to work together on a project in history
with two of your classmates, Jane and Gus. Try to discuss some details of the project.
Act out the conversation and try to use the expressions from the chart.
Check the Speaking Kit at the end for more ideas.

Jane: Guys, Ms Jones assigned us to do a presentation on everyday life in the 1980s. We are supposed
to work in groups of three. I thought we could do it together.
Gus: That’s a good idea, we haven’t worked together this year. Are you in?

You (example): Of course, I’d love to.

Jane: I don’t know anything about this period. How shall we start?
Gus: Awesome. We could also go to the library because they might have something on this period.
Jane: The library? Are you insane? What could we find there?
Gus: How about asking our parents? They were young then, I’m sure they have some memories to
Jane: Yes, my mum has a lot of old clothes, she loved those skirts and shoes and can’t get rid of them.
I played a lot with them when I was younger. What else do you think we could use?
Gus: We could also visit some museums. They often have great exhibitions about a topic. Which
museum would you recommend?
Gus: How about making a short film about the life of everyday people in the 1980s?
Jane: I’m not sure. Isn’t is a bit too much for one project?
Jane: OK, but we should do everything we can. Our grade depends on it, and history is very important
for me. How about you?

Exam Task
You’ll hear an interview with John, a young man who can speak
more than a dozen languages. Look at the statements. Are they
true or false? Mark the right answer. There is an example (0) for
you. You can listen to the recording twice.

link a hangfelvételhez













Exam Pack
You have revised the ’EDUCATION’ topic and have learnt some new things. Now use your memory
and write 7 sentences using new words or expressions here that you will remember and use in the
exam if you get a Writing or Speaking task in connection with this topic.


Vocabulary Revision
Try to recall your previous studies and collect some topic-related words/expressions you think
the examiners would like to hear at a B2 level exam. Try to collect words for all the subtopics
in the bubbles.


free time



Vocab Boost
1. Look at the following topic-related words. If you are not sure what they mean, look them
up in a dictionary. Which subtopic are they related to and how? Put the words into the right

bookworm, to carve, catchy, chapter, comedy, competitive, to direct, dull, exhibit, to face the
music, gig, gripping, to go hiking, percussion instrument, protagonist, to publish, sculptor, still life,
striker, to take part, orchestra, plot, screening, opponent, depict

2. Complete the sentences using some words or phrases from the previous exercise in the
correct form.
1. All the displayed __________ are ancient, you mustn’t touch them.
2. Who was that film __________________ by?
3. The ___________________ of the book is a young wizard who lives with his aunt’s family.
4. His latest song is so ____________________that I can’t get it out of my head.
5. Van Gogh is famous for his ________________________.
6. Well, you did it, you knew they wouldn’t be happy. Now you’ll have to ________________ and take
responsibility for your actions.

3. Add 5 more words to the following lists. Use a dictionary if necessary.

• pop, hip-hop, heavy metal, …
• goalkeeper, defender, referee, …
• autobiography, novel, short story, …

Vocab Challenge
In the Interview task of the Speaking part, you will answer the questions of a survey about one
topic. How would you answer the following questions about free time?
In your answers, try to use as many of the words and phrases from the exercises above as
1. What do you like doing in your free time?
2. Do you prefer being outdoors or indoors?
3. How much free time is enough?
4. What kind of free time activities are popular in your country?
5. Why is it important to have hobbies?

6. Is there a new hobby you would like to take up?

Grammar Spot
Revise what you already know about the Passive (e.g. Many games can be played indoors).
Check the Grammar Bank at the end for more information and practice.

1. Complete the sentences using the passive to speak about an Oscar-winning film you have
• This film __________________by_________. (direct)
• The main characters ___________________________ by___________. (portray)
• The plot _________________________________in_______________. (set)
• The truth _______finally ____________________. (reveal)
• The film ___________________________for the Oscar for best ______________. (nominate)
• The main actor _______________________ with an Oscar. (award)

2. Use the right verbs in the passive to write about famous works of art.
• Hamlet _______________ by Shakespeare
• Guernica __________________ by Picasso.
• Requiem _________________ by Mozart.
• Mickey Mouse _______________ by Walt Disney.
• Shallow ____________ by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper.
• Sagrada Familia _______________ for more than 100 years.

3. Think about a book you have recently read. What is it about? Who are the characters? Why
did you/didn’t you like it? Try to speak about this topic for 2-3 minutes using passive forms.

Writing Challenge
Forum or blog post
In the Writing part of the exam, you are often asked to write
a post with the help of 4 guidelines. Imagine that you have just
read the following opinion in a forum post: ‘Museums should be
free.’ What is your opinion about this?
Write about 150 words and try to use the linking words on the right.
Check the Writing Kit at the end for more ideas.
You should write about:
The first and most obvious reason is …
• whether you agree / disagree
• why you agree / disagree Secondly, … What is more, …

• your personal experience Finally, … I’ll always remember …

• what you think of museums in general

(Addressing the post writer and stating whether you agree or disagree)

(Giving the most important reason)

(Listing more reasons)

(Summing up the argument and closing)

Speaking Challenge
In the Monologue task of the Speaking part, you are asked to
speak for 3 minutes on your own. You get a topic and 4 guidelines
to help you speak. Imagine that your English friend would like to
come to a music festival in your country. What would you tell him
about it?
Speak about the 4 points below and try to use different synonyms of ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ on the right.
Check the Speaking Kit at the end for more ideas.
Talk about
• a music festival you have attended
to prefer to be keen on to fancy
• why you enjoyed it
to avoid can’t stand
• what you disliked there
• whether you would recommend it

In the Conversation task of the Speaking part, you will have a conversation with two of your
friends about a problem to solve. Imagine that you’re studying abroad, and you want to organize
a school sports day with two of your friends, Emma and Ben. Act out the situation and try to use the
expressions for giving suggestions from the previous unit.
Check the Speaking Kit at the end for more ideas.

We might want to…. I’d rather not. Why don’t we….? Agreed Shall we …?

Sounds great. I think it could work.

Ben: So, we need to organize the sports day for next week. How shall we start?
Emma: I have never done anything like that before.
You (example): Neither have I but I’m sure it will be fun.

Ben: Of course, it’ll be fun. How about a swimming competition?

Emma: What else could we do then? A three-legged race or a tug-of-war, perhaps?
Emma: That’s great. When should people enter the competition? On the day of the competition or
some days in advance?

Ben: You are right. How about a race between classes? The one which scores the most points should
win something. But what?
Emma: Oh, wait, I know. A trip to the Science Museum would be fantastic. Everybody loves
educational trips.
Ben: So be it, then. At the end of the day we could organize a ‘students versus teachers’ football
match and finish with a concert of the school band.
Emma: This will be a great day. Is there anything else we should discuss?

Exam Task
A market research company phones you and wants to get your opinion on TV viewing habits.
Answer the questions you hear. You can listen to the recordings twice. Look at the picture for more
information about the task.

link a hangfelvételhez

This is the beginning of the dialogue:

Interviewer: ’Hello, my name is Adam Taylor and
I work for DTX Market Research. We are doing a
survey on TV viewing habits. I would like to ask you
some questions. Do you have a few minutes to
You (example): ’Hello, yes of course.’

Exam Pack
You have revised the ’FREE TIME’ topic and have learnt some new things. Now use your memory and
write 7 sentences using new words or expressions here that you will remember and use in the
exam if you get a Writing or Speaking task in connection with this topic.










Vocab Boost
1. (További lehetséges szavak zárójelben)
Meals: ready-made, to cut down on, balanced diet, homemade, recipe (snacks, working lunch,
canteen, ingredients, serve etc.)
Eating Out: bland, to complain about something, fizzy drinks, junk food, cuisine (delicious, tasty, first
course, main course, dessert etc.)
Health problems: to come down with something, cold remedy, high blood pressure, infectious
disease, to suffer from (epidemic, virus infection, disorder, treatment, alternative medicine etc.)
Getting Injured: serious accident, to faint, swollen, to slip, emergency department (minor accident,
sore, hurt, bleed, bandage etc.)
Keeping fit: food supplement, regular medical check-ups, to work out, to prevent, to reduce stress
levels (push-up, do regular exercise, go jogging, check your heart rate, muscle strain etc.)

1. cut down on
2. bland
3. fainting
4. work out
5. regular medical check-up

6. recipes

3. (Több megoldás is lehetséges)

1. stuffed cabbage, roast chicken, tripe stew, meatloaf, golden dumplings etc.
2. cough, blister, hay fever, allergy, upset stomach etc.
3. painkiller, medicine, remedy, sleeping pill, vitamin etc.

Grammar Spot

1. (Több megoldás is lehetséges)

• My parents usually drink coffee, but I prefer tea.
• I have never eaten oysters, but I would like to.
• We go running twice a week.
• I am always in a hurry.
• I don’t play sports very often.
• I go swimming on a daily basis.

2. (Több megoldás is lehetséges)
• At the weekend, I eat/drink too much chocolate sometimes.
• I think I get little exercise.
• I don’t think I eat enough fibres.
• I think eating too much coffee is bad for you.
• I think I take a lot of vitamins and too much medicine.
• I always put a little sugar in my tea/coffee.

Exam Task
1. D
2. G
3. C
4. E
5. A


Vocab Boost
1. (További lehetséges szavak zárójelben)
Professions: archaeologist, civil engineer, scientist, vet, specialist (engineer, accountant, sales
representative, chef etc.)
Skills and qualities: patient, arrogant, precise, reliable, efficient (punctual, rude, hard-working,
communicative, flexible etc.)
Job search: job ad, to go for an interview, cover letter, job description, recruitment agency (cover
letter, C.V., resume, to be shortlisted, apply for etc.)
Employment: fringe benefits, to fire, to hire, overtime, to get promoted (working conditions, job
description, employment contract, work for, colleague)
Adjectives to describe work: 9-to-5, badly paid, blue-collar, challenging, monotonous (white-collar,
manual, well-paid, creative, demanding, freelance etc.)
1. overtime
2. arrogant
3. get promoted
4. vet
5. fringe benefits
6. blue-collar

3. (Több megoldás is lehetséges)
1. wage, bonus, fringe benefit, hourly rate, severance pay etc.
2. file, stationery, paper clip, tray, printer etc.
3. clinic, premises, headquarters, warehouse, field etc.

Grammar Spot
1. (Több megoldás is lehetséges)
• I haven’t finished my project yet.
• We have just taken a math test.
• My boss/teacher has criticised me a lot this year.
• We haven’t been on holiday this year.
• The CEO/ school director has resigned this year.
• I have already done my homework.
2. (Több megoldás is lehetséges)
• I have never worked as a freelancer.
• I have always wanted to work for a dance company.
• I have worked here for 5 years.
• Last year I did a lot of housework.
• I didn’t talk to my superior yesterday.
• I didn’t do any student work last summer.

Speaking Challenge

Giving Examples For instance, …such as, for example, …. like,

Explaining, clarifying I mean, What I’m trying to say is …, Just to make it clear,

What do you mean exactly? Is that what you mean? Could you be a bit
Asking for clarification
more clear about this?

Exam Task
1. journal|scientific journal|newspaper|magazine
2. college|university
3. good level
4. writing skills
5. technical writer
6. interpersonal skills
7. evening course


Vocab Boost
1. (További lehetséges szavak zárójelben)
city life/country life: entertainment facilities, peaceful, to be located, multi-storey car park, rural
(urban, skyscraper, crowded, pollution, commute etc.)
home and housing: to wipe the dust, spacious, housing estate, to pay the rent, refurbish (redecorate,
cosy, interior, digs, detached house etc.)
weather: blizzard, to drizzle, heavy rain, extreme weather conditions, scorching (flood, drought, mild,
humid, chilly etc.)
natural environment: peak, to flow, mountain range, habitat, endangered (wildlife, unspoilt,
landscape, diversity, green areas etc.)
environmental issues: hazardous waste, selective waste management, to recycle, earthquake,
sustainable (to protect, to preserve, natural disaster, to be green, greenhouse gases etc.)
1. scorching
2. pay the rent
3. entertainment facilities
4. heavy rain
5. earthquake
6. peaks
3. (Több megoldás is lehetséges)
1. drought, landslide, tornado, avalanche, hail etc.
2. bedside table, wall unit, fitted carpet, dustbin, TV stand, etc.
3. flea collar, on leash/ on lead, cage, dog poo/dog waste, stroke etc.

Grammar Spot
1. (Több megoldás is lehetséges)
• will have risen
• will have increased
• will be using
• will become
• will be recycling
• will introduce
2. (Több megoldás is lehetséges)
• buy
• use
• collect/deposit
• print
• check/look for
• save

Speaking Challenge

I think you should try it., If I were you, I would …, Why don’t you …? You’d
Giving Examples
better ..., I think you should …., I don’t think you should

Great. We will give it a go., That’s a fantastic idea! , Sounds good. Why
Accepting Ideas

I’m not sure. It doesn’t sound promising. , It sounds interesting, but …,

Rejecting ideas
Well, I don’t know., I’d rather not.

Exam Task
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. C

Animal lovers might be shocked to hear that some animals may definitely go extinct in the next
ten years. Pangolins are ancient animals that have existed for 80 million years but they are in
rapid decline, because their unique scales are used as folk cures for almost anything, even cancer
throughout China and Vietnam. Sumatran tigers are the smallest surviving tiger subspecies with
only 400 left in the wild. The problem lies in accelerating deforestation, which greatly reduced the
tigers’ food supply. Pushed out of their territory, tigers now enter villages in search of food, which
results in villagers killing them in retaliation. The existence of the black rhino has been under threat
since Europeans settled in Africa. Hunters used to kill five or six rhinos a day for food or for just
entertainment. Today black rhinos are still facing an incredible threat from poaching, as their horns
are used for folk remedies. Hawksbill turtles are fundamental to maintaining the coral reefs, but their
population has declined by 80% in the last century due to fishing, pollution and coastal development.
The turtles are also hunted for their beautiful shells, which are used as jewellery and ornaments.
Cross river gorillas are increasingly vulnerable to being hunted into extinction. This gorilla population
is so small that the death of even a few of them has a massive blow to the species’ genetic diversity
due to forced inbreeding. Sumatran elephant numbers have declined by 80% within one generation.
The elephant’s habitat has been lost to paper industries and palm oil plantations. The elephants had
no other choice but live closer to human settlements, causing damage in crops, homes and even
killing people in their way. Amur leopards are the rarest and most endangered big cats in the world.
Years of logging and forest fires have brought these beautiful animals to the brink of extinction.
They are poached for their luxurious fur and their body parts and bones are used in traditional Asian
medicines. Fewer than 70 of these animals exist in the wild.


Vocab Boost
1. (További lehetséges szavak zárójelben)
Types of schools: boarding school, secondary grammar school, state school, religious school, single-sex
school (primary school, elementary school, high school, higher education, post-graduate course etc.)
Teachers and students: knowledgeable, lenient, head teacher, eager beaver, form-teacher (strict,
bright, poor, hard-working, quick on the uptake etc.)
Exams and requirements: to pass, to retake, to cheat, revision, examiner (to fail, state exam, grade,
certificate, end-term test, etc.)
Learning languages and other subjects: geography, to write an essay, drill, to give a presentation, to
recite a poem (to memorise, comprehension check, explain, quiz, highlight, etc.)
School buildings and equipment: run-down, gymnasium, chalk, assembly hall, canteen (board, marker,
corridor, projector, notice board, etc.)
1. boarding school
2. revision
3. head teacher
4. eager beaver
5. reciting
6. run-down
3. (Több megoldás is lehetséges)
1. pedagogy, engineering, performing arts, medical science, management etc.
2. math, history, physics, chemistry, P.E., etc.
3. to retake, to fail, to revise for, to sign up for, to cancel, etc.

Grammar Spot
1. (Több megoldás is lehetséges)
• eat
• take exams
• run
• wear a uniform
• beat the kids
• play basketball/ catch the ball
• can/may/are allowed to
• mustn’t
• have to/must
• can/have to/must
• can/may
• mustn’t/can’t
Speaking Challenge

We might want to …, Why don’t we…?, Shall we…?, How about…ing? Let’s
Giving suggestions

Agreed., Sounds great., I think it could work., Sounds like a good idea.,
Accepting Ideas
Why not?

I’d rather not., I’m afraid that’s not going to work., Well, to be honest, ….,
Rejecting ideas
I see what you mean, but ….

Exam Task
1. T
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. F
6. F
7. T

Female: Hello John! I understand that you speak around 15 languages! Can you tell me how you
personally learn languages?
Male: I’ve got to say, I don’t think there’s a single technique that works. I learn languages in all sorts
of different ways. I’ve done courses, I’ve studied by myself, I’ve asked friends to teach me specific
words and phrases while I’ve been on holiday, I’ve read books, I’ve watched TV programmes with and
without subtitles, I’ve used flashcards, I’ve used apps, and I’ve used every language learning product
under the sun. For me, the secret is in variety and having an open mind, and then being consistently
interested and motivated to keep up with whatever it is you decide to do. I find that if I feel like I
really need a language, then I’ll find the strength to keep up with it. That’s why I’ve learned random
languages like Hebrew and Hungarian, because I wanted to connect with people I know who speak
Female: If you could only speak one language for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Male: What a tough question! If you could only see one colour for the rest of your life, which one
would you see? Having said all that, though, I think I’d have to go with the language I speak best after
English: Greek.
Female: What would you say is the best part about being multilingual?
Male: I love being able to slip in and out of different cultures, different conversations, different
experiences of the world. It feels like such a superpower to be able to choose where you live, and
think about the kinds of friendships and connections you can form there.
Female: Do you think there is such a thing as a ‘language learning gene’?
Male: No. I think we all have completely unique strengths and superpowers depending entirely on
our personalities. The trick with language learning is to identify how to play best to your strengths
and then learn languages in that way. Anyone can learn a language. Just not everyone has worked out
their personal ‘how’ yet.
Female: What are some of the ways that you think the internet is really helping people learn
Male: Nowadays you can just immerse yourself in foreign cultures in a way that even 10 years ago
you couldn’t. You can spend a whole weekend binge-watching a Colombian soap opera on YouTube,
you can decide to read the news in French for a month. You can spend hours on Skype talking to
people on the other side of the world. The country we live in no longer determines the kind of life we
want to lead any more.
Female: As someone who is multilingual myself, I get asked all the time “do you ever dream in
French?”- Which question do you get asked the most?
Male: Normally something like “What’s the secret?” which I understand, but still disappoints me
slightly. There aren’t really any shortcuts to learning a language. The only secret is to really, really
passionately care about languages and enjoy learning them. Enjoy making mistakes, and don’t be a
perfectionist. Have fun, and you’ll be amazed how quickly you’ll learn.


Vocab Boost
1. (További lehetséges szavak zárójelben)
Music: to face the music, percussion instrument, gig, catchy, orchestra (string instrument, band,
rehearsal, opera singer, vocalist etc.)
Reading: protagonist, bookworm, to publish, chapter, plot (blurb, contents, bookmark, author, moral,
Film / Theatre: to direct, gripping, dull, comedy, screening (tragedy, act, scene, dubbed, subtitled etc.)
Sport: to go hiking, competitive, to take part, striker, opponent (amateur, team sport, professional
sport, athlete, to beat etc.)
Art: sculptor, to carve, still life, exhibit, depict (talented, skill, artistic, work of art, artist etc.)

1. exhibits
2. directed
3. protagonist
4. catchy
5. still lives
6. face the music

3. (Több megoldás is lehetséges)

1. rap, blues, punk, jazz, rock etc.
2. forward, midfielder, striker, substitute, coach etc.
3. poem, legend, myth, fairy-tale, comics etc.

Grammar Spot

1. (Példa)
• It was directed by Todd Phillips.
• The main characters were portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix and Robert De Niro.
• The plot was set in Gotham City.
• The truth was finally revealed.
• The film was nominated for the Oscar for best actor and best film.
• The main actor was awarded with an Oscar.

• Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
• Guernica was painted by Picasso.
• Requiem was composed by Mozart.
• Mickey Mouse was drawn/was created by Walt Disney.
• Shallow is sung by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper.
• Sagrada Familia has been built for more than 100 years.

Exam Task
1. How often do you watch TV?


2. What are the most popular TV programmes in your country?


3. Why do you think these programmes are popular?


4. What negative effects of watching TV can you think of?


5. In what ways has the internet changed TV viewing habits?


6. Thanks for answering. Have a nice day!




Gyakoriságot kifejező határozószók

Ezek a határozók azt mutatják meg, milyen gyakran végzünk egy bizonyos cselekvést.

Nézd meg a következő példákat és válaszolj a kérdésekre.

• always
• every day /week / month / year
• often
• once a day/month /week /year
• usually
• twice a day/month /week /year
• sometimes
• three times a day/month /week /year
• hardly ever / rarely
• four times a day/month /week /year
• never

Hol helyezkednek el ezek a szavak a mondatban?

Melyik szavakat használhatod tagadó mondatokban?

He is always late for work.

I don’t go to the cinema very often.
We usually meet with our friends at the weekend.
My boss hardly ever arrives at the office before 10.00.
John never goes out before an important exam.
We drive to London once a year.
My classmates eat out twice a month.
Her son has French classes three times a week.

I practice dancing every day.

Rakd sorrendbe a megadott szavakat, hogy értelmes mondatokat kapj.

1. do how often in relax front of TV you the?

2. discusses his John never problems with wife. his

3. do you your Where holiday? Christmas usually spend

4. My day phones sister our doesn’t mother every but she call me.

5. don’t I have the to usually weekend. work at

Mennyiség kifejezése
Nézd meg a példa mondatokat és jelöld be a táblázatban, hogy milyen főnév áll a kifejezések után.
How many biscuits have you eaten?
I don’t drink too much coffee.
You need to take a lot of pills.
Just a little milk, thank you.
We bought a lot of bread and oranges yesterday.
He only has very few friends, I’m sure he is lonely.
Several people have complained about the noise.
Eat healthily and take plenty of exercise.

+ megszámlálható főnév + megszámlálhatatlan főnév

plenty of

a lot of / lots of




a little

a few

Egészítsd ki a mondatokat egy szóval.

1. How ____________books does your brother have?
2. We had made ___________ sandwiches before the guests arrived.
3. I don’t have ______________ work to do at the weekend.
4. _______ lot of things have happened since we last spoke.
5. How ___________ luggage are you planning to take to Mexico? It is a long way away.
6. There is __________ of information on the internet nowadays.
7. He hasn’t invited_______________ friends to his birthday party yet. Would you like to come?
8. The shopping centre was very crowded. There were too ________ people.
9. This town is not very exciting, only _________ tourists come here.
10. had ____________ money to spend yesterday because my salary hadn’t been transferred to my account.


Present Perfect és Past Simple

Mindkét igeidő a múltra vonatkozik, de mást akarunk kifejezni velük.

Nézd meg a példákat. Mi a különbség a mondatpárok jelentése között?

• He saw a lot of job advertisements online yesterday.

• He has already seen a lot of job advertisements online.

• You haven’t finished the project yet.

• You didn’t finish the project last week. Have you finished it yet?

• He worked for Toyota for 6 years.

• He has worked for the company for 6 years.
• He has worked for the company since 2013.

Melyik igeidőt használod, ha tudod, mikor történt valami?

Melyik igeidőt használod, ha a cselekvés eredményét akarod hangsúlyozni?

Melyik igeidőt használod, ha a múltban elkezdődött és még most is tartó cselekvést akarsz kifejezni?

Milyen időhatározókkal használjuk a Past Simple igeidőt?

Milyen időhatározókkal használjuk a Present Perfect igeidőt?

Pipáld ki a helyes mondatokat, tegyél x-et, ha a mondat hibás. Javítsd ki a hibás mondatokat.
1. Has he studied last weekend? ________________________________________________________
2. This is the most difficult job I have ever had to do. ___________________________________
3. How long have he known his best friend? ____________________________________________
4. I have started it for 10 years ago. ________________________________________________
5. He didn’t go out last night. _______________________________________________________
6. Where you worked last year? ____________________________________________________
7. We have never met. _____________________________________________________________
8. I didn’t took a day-off last month. _______________________________________________
9. I haven’t never worked in this field. _____________________________________________
10. Did you finish the project? ______________________________________________________


A jövő kifejezése
Nézd meg a következő mondatokat és válaszolj a kérdésekre.

I’m sure it won’t rain tomorrow. It’ll be a sunny day.

Look at the time. We’re going to be late for the meeting with the landlord.

I’ll take out the rubbish when I’ve finished doing my homework, I promise.

You can rely on me. I’ll help you if you need.

Why are you going to move to that little village?

Why are you moving to that little village?

What time does the train to Leeds leave?

Sea level will have risen by 20 centimetres by 2050.

This time tomorrow we will be walking our new puppy in the park.

Don’t lift that box. I’ll do it.

I might go to the party.

• Melyik szerkezetet használod jövőbeli tervek, szándékok kifejezésére?

• Melyik szerkezetet használod, ha nem vagy még biztos benne, hogy mit fogsz csinálni?

• Melyik szerkezetet használod, ha menetrendet vagy műsorrendet akarsz leírni?

• Jövőbeli események megjóslására használhatod a be going to szerkezetet vagy a will segédigét. De

mi a különbség a kettő között?

• Melyik szerkezetet használod, ha tudod, hogy mikor fog valami megtörténni a közeljövőben?

• Melyik szerkezetet használod, ha tudod, hogy egy cselekvés befejeződik egy adott időpont előtt?

• Melyik szerkezetet használod, ha tudod, hogy egy cselekvés épp folyamatban lesz egy adott


• Jósláson kívül mire használhatod még a will segédigét?

Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a zárójelben megadott igék megfelelő alakjával.
1. I have made the decision, I __________________ (buy) a flat in the city centre next to the railway
2. I don’t think you_________________________ (finish) in time, but I can give you a hand.
3. We _____________________________ (lie) on the beach this time next week.
4. The film ________________ (start) at 5 o’clock, so we won’t miss it. Why don’t we go later?
5. Mary and John ____________________ (visit) us at the weekend.
6. Have a rest, I_____________ (make) some coffee.
7. Most people _________________________ (install) solar panels on their roofs by the end of the century.
8. It’s getting dark. I think I ___________ (call) a taxi.
9. I ___________ (go) to the park with you but it depends on the weather.
10. Lots of people _____________ (wait) there, so we’d better get there earlier.


Szabályok, lehetőségek, képességek kifejezése

Nézd meg a példa mondatokat és válaszolj a kérdésekre.
• I must run fast to win the race.
• You will have to run fast if you want to qualify to finals.
• We didn’t have to wear uniforms, but we weren’t allowed to wear make-up.
• You mustn’t cheat in the exam.

• We always have to attend classes. You can’t play truant.

• You can choose from many different elective courses.

• I couldn’t sing very well but I was able to tap out the rhythm.
• I have never been able to spell French words correctly.
• I love maths and I can make calculations very well in my head.

Melyik szerkezeteket használod szabályok kifejezésére? Hogy alakul ez múlt időben? Mit használhatsz

Melyik szerkezeteket használod lehetőségek, engedélyek kifejezésére?

Melyik szerkezeteket használod képességek kifejezésére? Hogy alakul ez a különböző igeidőkben vagy
más igei szerkezetekben?

Egészítsd ki az alábbi mondatokat a megadott igék megfelelő alakjával.

1. I ______________________ you do your homework. It’s not my responsibility. (help)
2. You ______________________ the test paper before the teacher tells you to. (open)
3. Tom _____________ German very well, and if everything goes according to plan, he will
____________________ as a translator. (speak, work)
4. I _____________________ now. I have an appointment at the doctor. (leave)
5. We ___________________________ to visit the museum. It’s free under 18. (pay)
6. You _________________________ a noise. The exam has already started. (make)
7. You are not __________________ gum at school. (chew)
8. I have never ______________ on my head. (stand)
9. __________ the toilet? (use)


A szenvedő szerkezet
Találd meg a cselekvő mondatok szenvedő alakú párját és válaszolj a kérdésekre.

• They don’t use this room very often. Two tickets have been bought.

• Who wrote the Harry Potter books? A new library is being built next to my house.

• Someone stole my bicycle yesterday. I hate being told what to do.

• The local government is building a new The car was being fixed when I got there.
library next to my house.
When will the job be finished?
• They were fixing the car when I got there.
Who were the Harry Potter books written by?
• When will they finish the job?
This room isn’t used very often.
• Jim has bought two tickets.
My bicycle was stolen yesterday.
• I hate it when they tell me what to do.

Hogyan képezzük a szenvedő szerkezetet a különböző igeidőkben és egyéb szerkezetben?

Hová kerül az aktív mondat alanya a szenvedő szerkezetben?

Mikor használom a szenvedő szerkezetet?

Milyen írásművekben fordul gyakrabban elő?

Alakítsd át a mondatokat szenvedő szerkezetbe a megadott szavak felhasználásával. Ne
változtass a megadott szavakon.

1. Who directed Titanic?


2. They will pay me £ 100.


3. They established the British Museum in 1753.


4. They check the tickets at the entrance.


5. The students were organizing the trip when the headmaster cancelled it.

6. They have interviewed the writer twice this year.


7. They will finish it next year.


8. They can visit this site from next week.


9. People will buy a lot of tickets for this show.


10. Agatha Christie wrote this book.




Gyakoriságot kifejező határozószók

1. How often do you relax in front of the TV?

2. John never discusses his problems with his wife.

3. Where do you usually spend your Christmas holiday?

4. My sister phones our mother every day but she doesn’t call me.

5. I usually don’t have to work at the weekend.

Mennyiség kifejezése
1. many
2. lot of
3. much
4. a
5. much
6. plenty
7. many
8. many
9. few
10. little


Present Perfect és Past Simple

1. X Did he study last weekend?
2. √
3. X How long has he known his best friend?
4. X I started it 10 years ago.
5. √
6. Where did you work last night?
7. √
8. X I didn’t take a day-off last month.
9. X I have never worked in this field.
10. X Have you finished the project?


A jövő kifejezése
1. ‘m going to buy
2. will finish
3. will be lying
4. starts
5. are visiting
6. will make
7. will have installed
8. ‘ll
9. might
10. will be waiting


Szabályok, lehetőségek, képességek kifejezése

1. I don’t have to help you do your homework. It’s not my responsibility.
2. You mustn’t open the test paper before the teacher tells you to.
3. Tom can speak German very well, and if everything goes according to plan, he will be able to work
as a translator.
4. I have to leave now. I have an appointment at the doctor.
5. We don’t have to pay to visit the museum. It’s free under 18.
6. You mustn’t make a noise. The exam has already started.
7. You are not allowed to chew gum at school.
8. I have never been able to stand on my head.
9. May I/Can I use the toilet?
10. We didn’t have to wait too long. She arrived in 5 minutes.


A szenvedő szerkezet
1. Who was Titanic directed by?
2. I will be paid Ł100.
3. The British Museum was established in 1753.
4. They tickets are checked at the entrance.
5. The trip was being organized when the headmaster cancelled it.
6. The writer has been interviewed twice this year.
7. It will be finished next year.
8. This site can be visited from next week.
9. A lot of tickets will be bought for this show.
10. This book was written by Agatha Christie.


With regard to …
I am writing you to inform you about …

I am terribly sorry, but ….

Please accept my apologies for ….

Could you possibly …?

I would appreciate it if you could …

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with …

I feel something should be done about …

I was glad to hear that …

I was very happy to learn that …

Perhaps we could …
Would it be possible to …?

I am writing to enquire about …

Could you give some more information about …?

Once again, I am sorry for the inconvenience caused …

Thank you again for your attention to this matter.

Please contact me for further information.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you.
Well done on …

I am terribly sorry, but …

Please forgive me for…

Could you please …?

Would you …?

Actually, there’s something that bothers me …

I think something should be done about …

I was happy to hear that …

I am so pleased for you that …

How about …?
Couldn’t we …?

Do you think you could …?

Any information on that?

I hope we can …
Thank you again for …

Hope to hear from you soon.

Keep in touch.

… is a highly controversial issue nowadays.
Many people tend to believe that …
Research shows that …
Let me give you an overview of the question in more detail.
I will oppose/support this view with examples in the following essay.
The following essay looks at both sides of the argument.

As far as I am concerned, …
Vélemény It seems to me that …
My own view on the matter is that …

To some extent I agree, but …

Ellenvélemény On the other hand, …
Despite the fact that …, …

Obviously …
Érvelés One reason for this is …
Another point to consider is …

To sum up …
Összefoglalás In conclusion …
All things considered, …




The subject/topic of my talk is ...

Bevezetés I’m going to talk about ...
Let me give you an overview of …

I’d like to begin/start by ...

Let’s begin/start by ...
First of all, I’ll... and then I’ll go on to …
Then/ Next ... Finally … / Lastly ...

Moving on now to …
Új rész bevezetése The next issue/topic/area I’d like to focus on is …
Now I’d like to discuss...

For example, ...

Példák adása A good example of this is...
To illustrate this point....

To sum up ...
To summarise...
In conclusion ...
In short …

In other words, …
So what I’m saying is....
To put it more simply....
To put it another way....


Tanács kérése
Do you think …?
In your opinion, …?
Please tell me your opinion on …
What do you think about …?
What would you do if you were me?
What should I …...?
Could you recommend …?

Tanács adása
How about ...?
Why don’t you ...?
It is usually a good idea to ...
You could (try) ...
My suggestion/advice is (to) ...
(I think/I really think) you need to/must/should ...
Do you know the quickest/ best/ easiest…?

Shall we… (travel there)?
Let’s … (go dancing)
I think you/ we …should … (visit Barcelona)
How about… (eating out)?
Why don’t you/ we… (invite him)?
Maybe we should… (talk to the manager).
I’d recommend… (buying it).
Have you thought about… (going hiking)?

Javaslat elfogadása Javaslat elutasítása

Ok. Yes, let’s. No, let’s not.
Yes, I’d like to. No, I’d rather not.
Yes, I’d love to. I don’t feel like it.
What a good idea! I dislike going for a walk.
Why not? That sounds like a good idea. What an awful / bad idea!

List of Pictures

Cím: Fénykép, készítette: Ismeretlen a készítő, licenc: CC BY-SA

Cím: Fénykép, készítette: Ismeretlen a készítő, licenc: CC BY-SA

Cím: Fénykép, készítette: Ismeretlen a készítő, licenc: CC BY-SA

Cím: Fénykép, készítette: Ismeretlen a készítő, licenc: CC BY

Cím: Fénykép, készítette: Ismeretlen a készítő, licenc: CC BY-SA

Cím: Fénykép, készítette: Ismeretlen a készítő, licenc: CC BY-SA



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