Unemployment Homework

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Unemployment is a term referring to individuals who are employable and actively

seeking a job but are unable to find a job. Included in this group are those people in
the workforce who are working but do not have an appropriate job.
Unemployment is an issue which does not exist in just one location. On the contrary, it
is a global phenomenon which affects a number of places across the globe.

Of all the many causes of unemployment which exist, the main causes of
unemployment can be pointed to the global economic crisis which exists at the
moment and has been existing for a while, also the tigh budgets for companies.

Firstly, it is very needless to say that today we live in an age of technology. Previously
companies required a lot of labour in order to perform tasks for them.

However, nowadays, computers and various other machines can perform even the
most complex of tasks in just minutes. In addition to that, some years ago, even
sending one message or reply took so much of time. Nowadays with the help of the
internet, things are done in a matter of minutes and it is for this reason that so many
people are no longer required to do tasks which required manual labour and
intellectual ability. This is one of the reasons for unemployment.

Secondly, Big companies provide their employees with a large number of benefits and
facilities. It is for this reason that when looking for employees, they have a large
number of specifications. Unless a person fulfils all the requirements, he or she will
not even be considered for the position at hand. Since job descriptions have become
so very specific and particular, people are finding it very tough to even get an
interview. At such a point in time, there is little which can be done, because
companies will not be willing to take on board those who are not exactly perfect for
the job. Some people may also just have not enough motivation to work at a job.
These people may enjoy watching TV or playing video games all day long instead of

Also, this lack of motivation for work may be especially high for people who only have
a low level of education and who would only be able to earn quite low wages, which
makes it unattractive for them to work, especially if there is sufficient social security
to cover their basic expenses.
Unemployment, especially long-term unemployment, may also lead to a significant
level of poverty. Since most people rely on their jobs in order to be able to pay their
bills, once these people lose their jobs and the property aswell, they may no longer be
able to afford the things for their daily life and may suffer from significant poverty.
When someone in the family is unemployed, it is usually not just that one person but
the entire family which is affected and has to suffer. In addition to money being scarce
in the family, the family also has to cater to the emotional needs of the person who is

Few best unemployment solutions to follow are retraining schemes, the creation of
more job opportunities, better education, motivation programs.

In conclusion, unemployment is a serious social and economic issue that results in a

tremendous impact on everything but is often overlooked. A stronger system of
assessing unemployment should be put in place in order to determine its causes and
how to address it better.

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