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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
1 Pile work
Boring, providing and installing bored cast-in-situ reinforced cement concrete piles
of grade M-25 of specified
diameter and length below the pile cap, to carry a safe working load not less than
specified, excluding the cost of steel reinforcement but including the cost of boring,
with bentonite solution and temporary casing of appropriate length for setting out
and removal of same and the length of the pile to be embedded in the pile cap etc.
1.001 6591.00 Metre 1873.90 12350853.54
by percussion drilling using direct mud circulation (DMC) or Bailer and chisel
technique by tripod and mechanical winch machine all complete, including removal
of excavated earth with all lifts and leads (Length of pile for payment shall be
measured up to bottom of pile cap).
(a) : 450 mm dia piles

1.002 (b) :500 mm dia piles 105.00 Metre 2198.52 230844.61

1.003 (c) : 600 mm dia piles 96021.95 Metre 3005.48 288591892.52
Boring, providing and installation bored cast-in-situ reinforced cement concrete
piles of grade M-25 of
specified diameter and length below pile cap, to carry a safe working load not less
than specified, excluding the cost of steel reinforcement but including the cost of
boring with bentonite solution and temporary casing of appropriate length for
1.004 16945.05 Metre 4083.72 69198911.42
setting out and removal of same and the length of the pile to be embedded in the
pile cap etc. by Crawler mounted, telescopic boom hydraulic pilling Rig all
complete, including removal of excavated earth with all its lifts and leads (length of
pile for payment shall be measured up to bottom of pile cap). 600 mm dia piles

Vertical load testing of piles in accordance with IS 2911 (Part IV) including
installation of loading platform by
Kentledge method and preparation of pile head or construction of test cap and
dismantling of test cap after test etc. complete as per specification & the direction
of Engineer in-charge.
1.005 15.00 Per test 43390.73 650860.95
Note: 1. Initial and Routine Load Test shall not be carried out by Dynamic method
of testing.
Note: 2. Testing agency shall submit the design of loading platform for the approval
of Engineer-in-charge. (a) : Initial test (Test Load 2.5 times the safe capacity)

1.006 (b) :Routine test (Test Load 1.5 times the safe capacity) 117.00 Per test 19604.25 2293696.92
Single pile above 50 tonne and up to 100 tonne capacity
1.007 12.00 Per test 52670.08 632040.93
(a) : Initial test (Test Load 2.5 times the safe capacity)
1.008 (b) :Routine test (Test Load 1.5 times the safe capacity) 12.00 Per test 30059.84 360718.09
Lateral load testing of single pile in accordance with IS Code of practice IS : 2911
1.009 (Part IV) for determining 15.00 Per test 19604.25 294063.71
safe allowable lateral load on pile : (a) :Up to 50 tonne capacity pile
1.010 (b) : Above 50 tonne and up to 100 tonne capacity pile 14.00 Per test 30844.01 431816.20
Integrity testing of Pile using Low Strain/ Sonic Integrity Test/ Sonic Echo Test
method in accordance with IS
14893 including surface preparation of pile top by removing soil, mud, dust &
1.011 44.00 Per test 838.85 36909.57
chipping lean concrete lumps etc. and use of computerised equipment and high
skill trained personal for conducting the test & submission of results, all complete
as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.
2 Earth Work:
Earth work in surface excavation not exceeding 30 cm in depth but exceeding 1.5 m
in width as well as 10 sqm on plan including disposal of excavated earth upto all 100
2.001 3023.00 5675.81 17157961.91
lead and lift, disposed soil to be levelled and neatly dressed : Sqm
(a) : All kinds of soil
Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual
means over areas (exceeding
30 cm in depth, 1.5 m in width as well as 10 Sqm on plan) including disposal of
2.002 202150.00 Cum 175.08 35392558.45
excavated earth lead up to
50m and lift up to 1.5m, disposed soil to be levelled and neatly dressed : All kinds
of soil

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual
means in foundation
trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 Sqm on plan) including
2.003 dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift up to 1.5m, including getting out the 34928.00 Cum 177.22 6190072.47
excavated soil and disposal surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50
All kinds of soil.
Banking excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth, breaking clods,
watering, rolling each layer
with 1⁄2 tonne roller, or wooden or steel rammers, and rolling every 3rd and top-
2.004 373059.00 Cum 271.97 101460524.21
most layer with power roller of minimum 8 tonnes and dressing up, in
embankments for roads, flood banks, marginal banks, and guide banks etc., lead up
to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m : All kinds of soil.
Deduct for not rolling with power roller of minimum 8 tonnes for banking
2.005 excavated earth in layers not 1350.00 Cum 3.37 4551.65
exceeding 20 cm in depth.
Supplying and Filling the approved good quality earth brought from outside the
premises in layers not
exceeding 20 cm in depth, breaking clods, watering, rolling each layer with 1⁄2
2.006 8631.00 Cum 762.98 6585238.34
tonne roller, or wooden or steel rammers, and rolling every 3rd and top-most layer
with power roller of minimum 8 tonnes and dressing up including all lead and lift.

Filling available excavated earth (excluding rock) in trenches, plinth, sides of

foundations etc. in layers not
2.007 80048.00 Cum 126.48 10124433.82
exceeding 20cm in depth, compacting each deposited layer by ramming and
watering, lead up to 50 m and lift up to 1.5 m.
Extra for every additional lift of 1.5 m or part thereof in excavation (Item no. 2.6.,
2.008 2.8.1,2.10.1) / banking 122189.95 Cum 52.04 6359311.04
excavated or stacked materials. All kinds of soil.
Supplying and filling in plinth with Clean Coarse sand under floors, including
2.009 watering, ramming, compacting 13544.00 Cum 1024.24 13872274.61
and dressing complete.
2.010 Deduct for disposed soil not levelled and neatly dressed. 1500.00 Cum 38.20 57299.13
Carriage of Earth with mechanical Transport (a) up to 1 km Including Loading,
2.011 142375.00 Cum 111.89 15930370.93
Unloading and stacking
Carriage of Earth with mechanical Transport (b) up to 2 km Including Loading,
2.012 240.00 Cum 127.47 30593.97
Unloading and stacking
Carriage of Lime, Murrum, Building rubbish By Mechanical Transport- Disposal up
2.013 to 5 Km. lead outside 1500.00 Cum 243.05 364575.80
campus premises
Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank vegetation, grass, brush wood, trees
and saplings of girth up to 30 100
2.014 1391.00 722.39 1004845.17
cm measured at a height of 1m above ground level and removal of rubbish up to a Sqm
distance of 50 m outside the periphery of the area cleared.
Felling trees of the girth (measured at a height of 1 m above ground level),
including cutting of trunks and
2.015 branches, removing the roots and stacking of serviceable material and disposal of 15.00 Nos 221.33 3319.99
unserviceable material. (a) : Beyond 30 cm girth up to and including 60 cm girth

2.016 (b) : Beyond 60 cm girth up to and including 120 cm girth 50.00 Nos 980.18 49009.14
2.017 (c) : Beyond 120 cm girth up to and including 240 cm girth 23.00 Nos 4533.59 104272.56
2.018 (d) : Above 240 cm girth 1.00 Nos 9092.33 9092.33
Providing and Laying Separation Membrane of impermeable plastic sheeting 125
2.019 29534.00 Sqm 23.34 689356.08
micron thick.
Providing & Laying HDPE made empty cement bags and stitching these in
periphery so as to make a flexible
barricade up to an height of 4 Metre above ground level and erecting with 50 to 60
2.02 187.50 Sqm 197.22 36978.79
mm diameter bamboos in frame work of 2400 mm X 1330 mm size including
embedding of 600 mm lower part of vertical bamboos in ground as per direction of
Engineer in charge
Providing & Laying HDPE made empty cement bags and filling with clod free
available excavated earth and
2.021 stitching the bags manually and placing these filled up bags in form of toe wall to 9.00 Cum 1555.12 13996.08
protect the stacked earth as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.(Volume of filled
up bags shall be measured for payment purposes)

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing & Laying barricading with three rows of enamel painted G.I. Sheets of
about 750 mm wide nailed
or bolted with wooden poles 80 mm to 100 mm dia spaced 2.4 meter centre to
centre. The poles will be embedded in mobile iron pedestal rings suitably framed
2.022 for giving stable support as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge. All 90.00 Sqm 216.96 19526.09
management (including watch and ward) of barricades shall be the full
responsibility of the contractor. The barricades shall be removed only after
completion of the work or part of the work. After completion of work barricading
will be contractor's property
Removing from one location, a tree of girth not more than 60 Cms. Including the
roots by excavating earth
around the root, lifting the tree along with earth around the roots by suitable
equipment, transporting the tree from old location to the new location, making a pit
2.023 of required diameter and depth in earth at new location, and replanting the tree in 13.00 Nos 876.24 11391.08
to the pit, back filling the soil around the roots of the tree, including necessary
manure, watering the tree for required time till the roots gets hold in the earth at
new location complete as directed by Engineer In charge.

3 Concrete Work:
Concrete work:
Providing and laying in position cement concrete of specified grade excluding the
3.001 cost of centering and shuttering - All work up to plinth level : 1444.00 Cum 4505.41 6505806.81
(a) : 1:5:10 (1 Cement : 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal
(b) :1:3:6 (1 Cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
3.002 215.00 Cum 5439.68 1169530.79
(c) : 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal
3.003 10595.00 Cum 4839.77 51277340.66
Providing and laying in position Plum cement concrete of specified grade 1:5:10 (1
cement : 5 coarse sand :
10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) using plums of 160 mm and more
of reasonable size up to a maximum of 20% by volume of Concrete excluding the
3.004 33.75 Cum 3849.14 129908.43
cost of centering and shuttering. The Plums should be evenly distributed in
concrete and minimum space between two plums should be not less than 200 mm
and the plums should not be closure than 150 mm from the surface.

4 Reinforced Cement Concrete Work:

Reinforced Cement Concrete work
Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for
4.001 14802.00 Sqm 221.05 3272048.47
(a) : Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete

(b) : Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and
4.002 138165.00 Sqm 405.98 56092354.50
string courses & kerb etc.
4.003 (c) : Suspended floors, roofs, landings, balconies and access platform 47267.00 Sqm 451.95 21362120.57
4.004 (d) : Shelves (Cast in situ) 230.00 Sqm 451.95 103947.53
4.005 (e) : Lintels, beams, plinth beams, girders, bressumers and cantilevers 53339.00 Sqm 373.74 19935161.09
4.006 (f) : Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts 32491.00 Sqm 510.12 16574427.93
4.007 (g) : Stairs, (excluding landings) except spiral-staircases 4345.00 Sqm 445.19 1934366.26
4.008 (h) : Arches, domes, vaults up to 6 m span 1440.00 Sqm 1199.83 1727754.39
4.009 (i) : Extra (over item no. 5.9.9)for arches, domes, vaults exceeding 6 m span 1140.00 Sqm 502.58 572943.95
4.010 (j) : Extra for shuttering in circular work 27012.00 Sqm 90.39 2441543.37
(k) : Small lintels not exceeding 1.5 m clear span, moulding as in cornices, window
4.011 sills, string courses, 818.00 Sqm 221.05 180822.57
bands, copings, bed plates, anchor blocks and the like
4.012 (l) Form work for Waffle slabs with intermediate rib beams 37600.00 Sqm 790.91 29738115.76
(m) : Extra for Shuttering (over DSR items no. 5.9.3, 5.9.4, 5.9.6 & 5.9.7)in sloping
slabs, beams, columns
4.013 70703.00 Sqm 225.98 15977277.78
and walls for chhatries, gopurams, etc. including the edge beams etc. at all levels.

Extra for staging for additional height in shuttering where ever required with
adequate bracing, propping etc.,
including cost of de-shuttering and decentring at all levels over a height of 3.6 m,
4.014 for every additional height of 3.6 m or part thereof for Suspended roofs, sloping 32723.00 Sqm 316.36 10352402.96
slabs, slabs in curved shape, landing, beams and balconies etc. ( only Plan area of
staging to be measured and paid for. Staging for vertical walls, columns pardies etc.
will not be paid for in any case.)

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending,
4.015 placing in position and binding 7223539.85 Kg 76.63 553554175.76
all complete up to plinth level. Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars TMT 500 D
Steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending,
placing in position and binding
4.016 4500725.00 Kg 76.63 344899477.19
all complete above plinth level. Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars TMT 500 D

Providing and laying in position machine batched and machine mixed design mix M-
25 grade cement
concrete for reinforced cement concrete work, using cement content as per
approved design mix, including pumping of concrete to site of laying but excluding
the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement, including admixtures
4.017 in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate, retard setting of 36989.00 Cum 7084.59 262052031.12
concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per
direction of Engineer-in- charge.
(Note :- Cement content considered in this item is @ 330 kg/cum. Excess/ less
cement used as per design mix is payable/recoverable separately.
All works up to plinth level
4.018 (b) : All works above plinth level up to floor V level 30994.00 Cum 7892.95 244634113.19
Extra for providing richer mixes at all floor levels.
Note:- Excess/less cement over the specified cement content used is payable
4.019 /recoverable separately. 5521.00 Cum 86.08 475265.35
Providing M-30 grade concrete instead of M-25 grade BMC /RMC. (Note:- Cement
content considered in M-30 is @ 340 kg/cum)
Providing M-35 grade concrete instead of M-25 grade BMC /RMC. (Note : Cement
4.020 content considered in M-35 1332.50 Cum 172.10 229328.09
is @ 350 kg/cum)
Providing M-40 grade concrete instead of M-25 grade BMC /RMC.(Note : Cement
4.021 content considered in M-40 666.25 Cum 258.19 172016.97
is @ 360 kg/cum)
Add for using extra cement in the items of design mix over and above the specified
4.022 399.75 Quintal 835.76 334095.17
cement content therein.
Extra for R.C.C./ B.M.C/ R.M.C. work above floor V level for each four floors or part
4.023 133.25 Cum 196.02 26119.48
Extra Labour for leaving hollow spaces in Burnt brick Masonry/CSE block masonry
for RCC Vertical mullions
& horizontal transoms (ties) of required size, providing reinforcement bar for
mullions & transoms (ties) as per structural drawing corners bars and concreting
4.024 the same with M25 concrete grade concrete including removal of mortar, dust, etc. 250.00 Metre 199.70 49926.01
from the hollow spaces before doing the concreting complete as per drawing &
instruction of engineer- in- charge. Reinforcement concrete & Burnt brick
Masonry/CSE block masonry will be paid separately in their respective items.

Providing and fixing tapered / parallel threaded couplers conforming to IS code on

“Reinforcement Couplers
for Mechanical Splices of Bars for Concrete Reinforcement - Specification”, to
reinforcement bars including threading, enlargement at connection by forging,
protecting the prepared reinforcement bars and related operations as required to
4.025 1540.00 Nos 137.67 212012.34
complete the works per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (The length of the bars in
which coupler is to be provided should not be less than 4 metre, no deduction for
labour and binding wire saved for not providing lap length shall be made).
(a) : Coupler for 16 mm diameter reinforcement bar

4.026 (b) :Coupler for 20 mm diameter reinforcement bar 950.00 Nos 187.29 177929.04
4.027 (c) :Coupler for 25 mm diameter reinforcement bar 675.00 Nos 259.03 174845.07
4.028 (d) :Coupler for 28 mm diameter reinforcement bar 40.00 Nos 356.58 14263.27
4.029 (e) :Coupler for 32 mm diameter reinforcement bar 290.00 Nos 413.69 119970.84
Providing and fixing in position Stainless steel Grade 304 plate-1.0 mm thick as per
design for expansion
4.030 1086.00 Metre 937.31 1017920.34
(a) : 300 mm wide.
Providing & laying Non shrink, free flow, self levelling, cementations grout of
Conbextra GP2 of Fosroc or
4.031 equivalent approved make including making holes if necessary in concrete ,curing 13171.00 Kg 24.38 321125.75
etc. complete as per the manufacture specifications as per approved drawings and
as instructed by engineer in charge.

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing & fixing premoulded compressible filler board of approved make
conforming to as per
4.032 manufacturer specification, including cost of primer in expansion joints as per 7.00 Cum 70866.38 496064.66
drawing, specification and sample approved and as directed by engineer in charge.

Providing and laying polysulphide sealant for expansion joints of approved make
Including surface
Sq.Cm x
4.033 preparation, applying primer, backer rod, sealant, curing make as per drawing, 200.00 122.52 24503.22
manufacturer specification to give water tightness & as directed by engineer in
Providing and fixing expansion joint flexible strip with polyurethane sealant of
approved make flush mounted
4.034 expansion /seismic joint system with+/‐25mm joint movement design as per the 8.00 Sqmt 13452.10 107616.77
joint manufacturer specification complete as per drawing, specification and sample
approved and as directed by engineer in charge.
Making core cutting for fixing pipe 50 mm to 100 mm dia in RCC slab/wall/beam
up to 350 mm wide (length of
4.035 58.00 Nos 1358.24 78777.95
Core cutting) for drainage line fittings as per detailed drawing and as directed by
engineer in charge.
Making core cutting for fixing pipe 150 mm dia in RCC slab/wall/beam up to 350
mm wide (length of Core
4.036 94.00 Nos 1653.51 155430.39
cutting) for drainage line fittings as per detailed drawing and as directed by
engineer in charge.
Making core cutting for fixing pipe 230 mm dia in RCC slab/wall/beam up to 350
mm wide (Length of Core
4.037 63.00 Nos 2598.38 163697.72
cutting) for drainage line fittings as per detailed drawing and as directed by
engineer in charge.
Providing and fixing of expansion joint system related with floor location as per
drawings and direction of
Engineer-In-Charge. The joints system will be of extruded aluminium base
members, self aligning / self centering arrangement and support plates etc. as per
ASTM B221-02. The system shall be such that it provides floor to floor /floor to
wall expansion control system for various vertical location in load application areas
that accommodates multi directional seismic movement without stress to it's
components. System shall consist of metal profiles with a universal aluminium base
4.038 210.00 Metre 7154.81 1502509.09
member designed to accommodate various project conditions and finish floor
treatments. The cover plate shall be designed of width and thickness required to
satisfy projects movement and loading requirements and secured to base members
by utilizing manufacturer’s pre-engineered self-centering arrangement that freely
rotates / moves in all directions. The Self – centering arrangement shall exhibit
circular sphere ends that lock and slide inside the corresponding aluminium
extrusion cavity to allow freedom of movement and flexure in all directions
including vertical displacement. Provision of Moisture Barrier Membrane in the
4.039 (b) Floor Joint 150 mm Gap 100.00 Metre 7857.28 785727.99
Providing and fixing of expansion joint system related with wall joint
(internal/external) location as per
drawings and direction of Engineer-In- Charge. The joints shall be of extruded
aluminium base members, self aligning / centering arrangement and support plates
as per ASTM B221- 02. The material shall be such that it provides an Expansion
Joints System suitable for vertical wall to wall/ wall to corner application, both new
4.040 and existing construction in office Buildings & complexes with no slipping down 426.00 Metre 5717.16 2435510.98
tendency amongst the
components of the Joint System. The Joint System shall utilize light weight
aluminium profiles exhibiting minimal exposed aluminium surfaces mechanically
snap locking the multicellular to facilitate movement. (Material shall confirm to
ASTM 6063.)
(a) Wall Joint 100 mm Gap
4.041 (b) Wall Joint 150 mm Gap 350.00 Metre 6158.25 2155387.03
5 Brick Work:
Brick work:
Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of size 230 mm x
5.001 36274.86 Cum 5262.97 190913339.85
110 mm x 70 mm class designation 7.5 in foundation and plinth in: Cement mortar
1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Extra rate over DSR item no. 6.1.2 for Brick work with burnt clay (non modular)
bricks of 230 mm x 110 mm x
5.002 909.00 Cum 1762.34 1601965.53
50 mm size instead of size 230 mm x 110 mm x 70 mm of class designation 7.5 in
foundation and plinth in: Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)
Brick work with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of size 230 mm x
110 mm x 70 mm class
5.003 3781.00 Cum 6105.65 23085455.97
designation 7.5 in superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes
and sizes in : Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)
Extra rate over DSR item no. 6.4.2 for Brick work with burnt clay (non modular)
bricks of 230 mm x 110
5.004 mm x 50 mm size instead of size 230 mm x 110 mm x 70 mm and class designation 908.00 Cum 1914.75 1738593.37
7.5 in superstructure above plinth level for all levels in all shapes and sizes in :
Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)
Half brick masonry with common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class
designation 7.5 in
5.005 40.00 Sqm 749.17 29967.00
superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in Cement mortar 1:4 (1
cement :4 coarse sand)
Honey-comb brick work 10 / 11.4 cm thick with common burnt clay bricks of class
designation 7.5 in super
5.006 113.43 Sqm 488.12 55367.30
structure above plinth level up to floor V level in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand).
Brick edging 7cm wide 11.4 cm deep to plinth protection with common burnt clay
F.P.S. (non modular) bricks
5.007 150.00 Metre 42.93 6438.75
of class designation 7.5 including grouting with cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
fine sand).
Providing and laying autoclaved aerated cement blocks masonry with 100 mm
thick AAC blocks in super
5.008 structure above plinth level up to floor V level in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 20.00 Cum 7186.76 143735.27
coarse sand ). The rate includes providing and placing in position 2 Nos 6 mm dia
M.S. bars at every third course of masonry work.
Manufacturing the Compressed Stabilized Earth (CSE) Blocks of size 230 mm x 110
mm x 100 mm, from the
selected soil available from excavation at site within premises including providing
and installing, operating and maintaining necessary machinery by the contractor at
his own cost for the production of CSE blocks. Rates includes required quantity of
Selected soil for the production of CSE blocks will be excavated from the site from
the Water bodies and transported to the location of CSE blocks manufacturing
facility by the contractor. The contractor shall provide necessary Cement, sand and
5.009 Surkhi etc. at his cost including the supply, transportation to site, royalties etc. The 8323366.00 Nos 9.58 79710845.28
proportion of materials will be as follows (1) Soil/Earth 30 to
40% by weight (2) Sand 30 to 40% by weight (3) Finely ground surkhi which is
obtained by gridding well burnt red brick bats available as wastage from red bricks
manufacturing kilns, 30 to 40% (4) Cement 8 to 10% by weight but in no case less
than 8%. (5) Hydrated Lime 5% The blocks must be cured with moist air or by
covering with water soaked gunny bags over the stake of earth blocks for four
weeks. The Blocks are allowed to dry for at least 10 days under the shade. The
Cured earth blocks are to be staked neatly at the storage
Brick work with Compressed Stabilized Earth (CSE) Blocks of class designation 7.5
in superstructure above
plinth level up to floor V level in all shapes and sizes in : Cement mortar 1:4 (1
5.010 22450.00 Cum 3169.49 71155134.78
cement : 4 coarse sand) Rates to include transportation of Compressed Earth
blocks from storage yard to the site of work. (Supply of CSE block will be paid
separately in relevant items)
Half brick masonry with Compressed Stabilized Earth (CSE) Blocks of class
designation 7.5 in
superstructure above plinth level up to floor V level in: Cement mortar 1:4 (1
5.011 16676.00 Sqm 370.74 6182470.50
cement :4 coarse sand) Rates to include transportation of Compressed Earth blocks
from storage yard to the site of work. (Supply of CSE block will be paid separately
in relevant items)
Extra for brick work / AAC block masonry / Tile brick masonry in superstructure
5.012 above floor V level, for each 1122.50 Cum 325.24 365084.21
four floors or part thereof by mechanical means.
Extra for half brick masonry in superstructure, above floor V level for every four
5.013 floors or part thereof by 1667.60 Sqm 28.80 48030.22
mechanical means.

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Extra rates over DSR item no. 6.4.2 for providing exposed masonry with common
burnt clay bricks of size
5.014 230 mm x 110 mm x 70 mm including raking horizontal and vertical joints 10 mm 27449.00 Sqm 71.41 1960220.60
wide 12 mm deep to receive pointing complete. The Exposed surface area only of
the Brick work will be measured for payment.
Extra rates over MR item no. 5.002 for providing exposed masonry work for Brick
masonry with common
burnt clay bricks of size 230 mm x 110 mm x 50 mm instead of size 230 mm x 110
5.015 mm x 70 mm , including raking horizontal and vertical joints 10 mm wide 12 mm 3865.00 Sqm 11.75 45401.27
deep to receive pointing complete in cement mortar
1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand). The Exposed surface area only of the Brick work
will be measured for payment.
Extra rates over MR item no. 5.004 for providing exposed masonry with
Compressed Stabilized Earth (CSE)
5.016 Blocks including raking horizontal and vertical joints 10 mm wide 12 mm deep to 87618.00 Sqm 58.89 5159498.87
receive pointing complete. The Exposed surface area only of the Brick work will be
measured for payment.
6 Stone Work:
Stone Work:
Random rubble masonry with hard stone in foundation and plinth including
6.001 levelling up with cement concrete 33.75 Cum 4408.75 148795.35
1:6:12 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand : 12 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
upto plinth level with : Cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand)
Coursed rubble masonry with hard stone (first or second sort) in superstructure
above plinth level and upto
6.002 26.25 Cum 5922.74 155471.91
floor five level Masonry work (first sort) , in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6
coarse sand)
Stone work, plain in copings, cornices, string courses and plinth courses, upto 75
mm thick in Cement mortar
6.003 1:6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand), including pointing with white cement mortar 1:2 (1 100.00 Cum 43038.76 4303875.75
white cement : 2 stone dust) with an admixture of pigment matching the stone
shade. - Red Sandstone
Providing and fixing stone jali 40 mm thick throughout in cement mortar 1:3 (1
cement : 3 coarse sand),
6.004 including pointing in white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 stone dust) with 8.00 Sqm 10715.19 85721.51
an admixture of pigment, matching the stone shade, jali slab without any chamfers
etc. Red sand stone
Providing and fixing wet cladding in (wall lining) any shape at all heights with 18 to
20 mm thick gang saw cut
stone with (machine cut edges) of uniform colour and size, backing filled with a
grout of average 12 mm thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) mixed
with adhesive in proportion as per manufacture's specification, including pointing
6.005 in white cement mortar 1:2 (1 white cement : 2 stone dust) with an admixture of 1218.00 Sqm 2309.95 2813522.76
pigment matching the stone shade at all levels including cutting, making recesses in
stone slab, drilling holes, rubbing, polishing, curing, and scaffolding etc. complete in
the required pattern as per drawing and as directed by engineer in charge.
(a) : Red Mandana stone

6.006 (b) : Granite stone 30.00 Sqm 4457.76 133732.94

7 Marble & Granite Work:
Marble & Granite Work:
Providing and fixing 18 mm thick gang saw cut, mirror polished, premoulded and
prepolished, machine cut for kitchen platforms, vanity counters, window sills ,
facias and similar locations of required size, approved shade, colour and texture
7.001 laid over 20 mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), joints 322.00 Sqm 4396.71 1415740.11
treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment epoxy touch ups,
including rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing to edges to give high gloss finish
etc. complete at all levels
.(a) : Granite of any colour and shade Area of slab over 0.50 Sqm
Providing edge moulding to 18 mm thick marble stone counters, Vanities etc.,
including machine polishing to
7.002 541.00 Metre 259.42 140348.53
edge to give high gloss finish etc. complete as per design approved by engineer in
charge. (a) : Granite work

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Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Extra for providing opening of required size & shape for wash basin/ kitchen sink
in kitchen platform, vanity
7.003 counter and similar location in marble/Granite/stone work, including necessary 446.00 Nos 435.02 194017.17
holes for pillar taps etc. including moulding, rubbing and polishing of cut edges etc.
Providing and laying Mirror polished Granite stone flooring in required design and
patterns, in linear as well as
curvilinear portions of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings
with 18 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4
7.004 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with 120.00 Sqm 3848.56 461827.76
white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing,
curing and polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed by the
Engineering- Charge.
(a) : Granite Stone of approved shade
Providing and fixing 18mm thick gang saw cut, mirror polished, pre moulded and
pre polished, machine cut
stone for tread and risers of steps, dedo, jambs, lintels, partition, seat, landing,
parapet top , shelves, chajja , sill, divider, and similar locations of required size,
machine cut edges ,approved shade, colour and texture laid over 20mm thick base
7.005 cement mortar 1:3(1 cement : 3 coarse sand), joints treated with white cement, 51.00 Sqm 4462.97 227611.70
mixed with matching pigment, epoxy touch ups, including rubbing, curing,
moulding and polishing edges give high gloss finish etc. complete at all levels as per
detailed drawing and as directed by engineer in charge.
(a) : Granite Stone of approved shade

Providing and laying flamed finish Granite stone flooring in required design and
patterns, in linear as well as
curvilinear portions of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings
with 18 mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement mortar 1:4
7.006 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement slurry and pointing with 35.00 Sqm 3650.63 127771.95
white cement slurry admixed with pigment of matching shade including rubbing,
curing and polishing etc. all complete as specified and as directed by the
Engineering- Charge : Flamed finish granite stone slab Jet Black, Cherry Red, Elite
Brown, Cat Eye or equivalent
8 Wood & PVC Work:
Wood & PVC Work:
Providing wood work in frames of doors, windows, clerestory windows and other
frames, wrought framed and fixed in position with hold fast lugs or with dash
8.001 437.00 Cum 102954.67 44991192.22
fasteners of required dia & length ( hold fast lugs or dash fastener shall be paid for
(a) : Second class teak wood
Providing wood work in frames of panelled shutters for doors, window , clerestory
windows and other similar
frames, and fixed to the Existing wooden frames with approved make Hinges as per
detailed drawings and
as directed by the Engineer - in - Charge. The various components of Panelled
shutter like vertical stiles, Top, Bottom & lock rails and intermediate transoms &
mullions, in the shutter shall be measured, only in volume of teakwood used and
8.002 shall be paid for. The rates shall include all the required materials like, nails, 122.00 Cum 131458.42 16037926.86
screws, wooden nails, Adhesive Glue etc. and labour for preparation of shutter
frame and fixing the same with Door frames complete. Approved quality Hinges,
Wooden/ Glass/Ply wood panels including the necessary Teak wood beading , nails
& screws etc. for fixing hinges/panels shall be paid under relevant items as the case
may be.
(a) : Second class teak wood

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing wood work in frames of Partitions with Glass/Wooden panels/Plywood
Panels. Wooden members
are to be fixed to cover the Rectangular/ Square M.S. Tube sections of the main
partition frames from all sides as per the detailed drawings including fixing the
wooden members with necessary screws, nuts, bolts etc. in such a way that the M.S.
Sections are covered on all sides and is concealed behind the wooden members.
8.003 Wooden members of Shutters frame if any and wooden beadings for fixing Glass 367.00 Cum 115599.60 42425054.99
panels, wooden panels, plywood panels of the partition with wooden members of
the frames will also be paid under this same item. The work to be carried out as per
the detailed drawings and as directed by Engineer In charge. ( hold fast lugs or
dash fastener shall be paid for separately)
(a) : Second class teak wood

Providing and fixing panelling or panelling and glazing in panelled or panelled and
glazed shutters for doors,
windows and clerestory windows (Area of opening for panel inserts excluding
8.004 2593.00 Sqm 2425.54 6289419.08
portion inside grooves or rebates to be measured). Panelling for panelled or
panelled and glazed shutters 25 mm to 40 mm thick : (a) : Second class teak wood
panels- 25 mm thick
8.005 (b) : Float glass panes 5.0 mm thick glass panes 2371.00 Sqm 1582.91 3753076.39
(c) : Fly proof stainless steel grade 304 wire gauge with 0.5 mm dia. wire and 1.4
8.006 mm wide aperture with 222.00 Sqm 1803.06 400278.76
matching wood beading
Providing and fixing ISI marked flush door shutters conforming to IS : 2202 (Part I)
non-decorative type, core
of block board construction with frame of 1st class hard wood and well matched
commercial 3 ply veneering with vertical grains or cross bands and face veneers on
8.007 1171.00 Sqm 2219.12 2598586.35
both faces of shutters, lipping with 2nd class teak wood battens 25 mm minimum
depth on all edges of flush door shutters :
(a) : 35 mm thick excluding ISI marked Stainless Steel butt hinges with necessary
(b) : 30 mm thick excluding ISI marked Stainless Steel butt hinges with necessary
8.008 84.90 Sqm 2023.10 171761.07
Extra for Providing and fixing flush doors with decorative veneering instead of non
8.009 decorative ISI marked flush 433.00 Sqm 444.35 192403.86
door shutters conforming to IS: 2202 (Part I) (a) : On one side only
Providing & Fixing decorative high pressure laminated sheet of plain / wood grain
in gloss / matt / suede finish
with high density protective surface layer and reverse side of adhesive bonding
8.010 1893.00 Sqm 761.10 1440764.24
quality conforming to IS :
2046 Type S, including cost of adhesive of approved quality. (a) :1.0 mm thick on
one side only
Providing and fixing 5.0 mm thick toughened glass fixed with wooden bedding
including the cost of wooden
8.011 5290.00 Sqm 2483.23 13136293.63
beadings ,glass and necessary cutting finishing for Partitions, doors, windows etc.
complete as per drawing and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Providing & fixing 4.0 mm thick glass vision panel not exceeding 0.2 sqmt fixed
with teak wood beading of 5
8.012 21.00 Nos 655.96 13775.22
mm thick both side in the opening and fixing the same in flush door at required
location as per drawing and as directed by engineer-in-charge.
providing and fixing frosted glass panes 5.0 mm thick in doors, windows and
clerestory window shutters.
8.013 45.00 Sqm 1003.54 45159.38
(Area of opening for glass panes excluding portion inside rebate shall be
Extra rate over DSR item no for providing single glazing 5.0 mm thick clear
cosmos (ET 125) of
approved make (in place of 5.0 mm thick clear float glass) having properties like
8.014 light transmission 1299.00 Sqm 1278.80 1661163.54
28%,external reflection 28%, internal reflection 9%, 28%, solar factor 0.3, shading
coefficient 0.34, U value (W/Sqm-k) 3.9 Light instead of 5.0 mm thick sheet float
glass as per drawing and as directed by Engineer-in- Charge.
Providing and fixing 12 mm thick plane toughened glass fixed with wooden
beading including the cost of
8.015 2926.00 Sqm 4254.99 12450112.27
wooden beadings ,glass and necessary cutting finishing for Partitions, doors,
windows etc. complete as per drawing and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.

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Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing and fixing in position frameless partition with 12 mm thick clear
toughened float glass with
appropriate stainless steel grade 304 patch fittings as per manufacturer's
specifications and as per design and as directed by Engineer - in - Charge. All joints
of the glass to glass and glass to wall/floor/ceiling shall be filled with RTV silicon
sealant of structural grade and weathering grade of approved make , to make the
8.016 partition leak proof, complete . Rates to include the cost of all installation charges 150.00 Sqm 14886.55 2232982.07
and materials like glass, all SS patch fittings, wall Rails, hardware and RTV Silicon
sealants etc. Installed glass are shall be measured and paid for.
The contractor shall submit the detailed shop drawing showing all junction details
and get the same approved from Engineer - in - Charge before executing this item.

Providing and fixing within the frameless partition, floor spring operated openable
single or double leaf
shutter of 12 mm clear toughened float glass of approved make with appropriate
stainless steel grade 304 patch fittings as per manufacturer's specifications,
8.017 20.00 Sqm 28443.14 568862.71
Stainless steel 316 Handles 38 mm dia and 600 mm long
,floor springs, Locks, Pivots and other fixing accessories of approved makes and all
other incidentals complete as per detailed drawings and approved shop drawings
as directed by Engineer - in - Charge.
Providing and fixing 12 mm thick Plane Toughened glass for the sky lights at
terrace levels/ roof levels of
Gopurams and the sky lights at the top level of the chhatries and Roof level of 60
seater class rooms etc. as per detailed design drawings and instructions of
8.018 Engineer In charge. The glass will be fixed with 3M or equivalent type two way 2536.63 Sqm 5791.79 14691650.67
adhesive tapes of necessary thickness. 10 to 12 mm wide joints will be kept
between two glass sheets abutting each other over the steel sections of the frame
and the joint will be sealed with RTV silicon sealant of approved make to make the
entire sky light water tight complete as directed .
Providing and Fixing in position in proper line and level 18 mm thick Marine
plywood panels for panels for
shutters to windows/partitions conforming to IS: 710 fixed to wooden/steel frame
8.019 with necessary accessories ,lipping with 2nd class teak wood battens 12 mm thick 546.30 Sqm 2687.72 1468303.49
on all edges of plywood as per drawing and as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
(Frames for shutter and/or fixed frames to be paid separately)

Providing, Fabricating and Fixing in position in proper line and level with 12 mm
thick Plywood Marine
plywood panels for shutters to windows/partitions conforming to IS: 710 fixed to
8.020 wooden/steel frame with necessary accessories ,lipping with 2nd class teak wood 60.70 Sqm 2544.97 154479.63
battens 12 mm thick on all edges of plywood as per drawing and as directed by
Engineer-in-Charge. (Frames for shutter and/or fixed frames to be paid separately)

Providing & fixing wooden patta 130 mm wide made from 18 mm thick marine
plywood conforming to IS: 710
8.021 with each side 5 mm thick teakwood beading and fixed to supporting second class 287.00 Metre 778.41 223402.91
teakwood patti 35X 35 mm which is fixed to wall as per drawing and as directed by
engineer- in- charge
Providing wooden louvers of Second class teak wood 10 mm thick and up to 150
mm wide as required
including fixing at 50 mm center to center distance at required location in
8.022 frames/shutters of door/windows including cutting finishing and beading as per 72.00 Sqm 2965.12 213488.49
drawing and as directed by engineer-in-charge. Frames will be paid separately in
relevant items. Area of Lovers in elevation Excluding the frame will be measured
and paid for.
Providing and fixing exterior grade non asbestos cement fiber board of approved
make with necessary s.s.
screws etc. for the covering of Pipe shafts, Cable shafts etc. Complete in pattern
8.023 43.60 Sqm 879.26 38335.70
with grooves as per drawing and as directed by engineer in-charge. Framing will be
paid in relevant items.
(a) : 6 mm thick Cement Boards
8.024 (b) : 8 mm thick Cement Boards 313.20 Sqm 1078.62 337824.57
8.025 (c) : 12 mm thick Cement Boards 87.20 Sqm 1379.47 120289.38

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Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing and fixing of Hollow metal fire rated doors of approved make as per IS
3614 part-1 & part-2 for
stability and integrity. Pressed Galvanized steel confirming to IS 277 with the
following specification. Recommended fire door shall have doors tested at CBRI or
ARAI for maximum rating of 2hrs with vision panel. Door frame shall be double
rebate profile of size 143 x 57 mm made out of 1.60mm (16gauge) minimum thick
galvanized steel sheet. Frames should be provided with back plate bracket and
anchor fasteners for installation on a finished wall opening. Door leaf shall be
8.026 46mm thick fully flush double skin door with vision light. Door leaf shall be 57.00 Sqm 12976.14 739639.79
manufactured from 1.2mm (18guage) minimum thick galvanised steel sheet. The
internal construction of the door should be rigid reinforcement pads for receiving
appropriate hardware. The infill material shall be resin bonded honeycomb core.
All doors shall be factory prepped for
receiving appropriate hardware and provided with necessary reinforcement for
hinges, locks, and door closers of approved make. The edges should be interlocked
with a bending radius of 1.4mm. The glass should be
5.5 mm clear borosilicate fire rated glass of relevant rating of the door. All doors
(b) 2Hrs Fire Rated Door Single leaf of size : with vision panel & Standard Door
Hardware Such as Hinges
8.027 128.00 Sqm 17761.09 2273419.44
(CE 4330), Panic (1211 + 1185) Bar And Door Closer (TS 68 STD ARM) set
equivalent make
Providing and fixing sliding folding Top & Bottom Track set of approved make
suitable for wooden sliding
folding door of total weight up to 100 kg. with all hardware as per architectural
drawing and as directed by engineer in charge. ( Including Top Pivot , bottom Pivot
‐ wall Pivot‐ Hinges ‐100x32x3 min weight 300gm; Hinge Cum Handle ‐ min weight
768 gm; Top Roller ‐,Bottom Roller ‐,Heavy duty aluminium top track profile of
8.028 12.00 Metre 16757.15 201085.84
suitable size for the door up to Rigid aluminium flush bottom track profile
25x19x3;conceled bottom guide
100x32x3;concealed intermediate hanger 100x32x3 with roller made of wool pile;
end bottom guide
100x32x3;aluminium drop bolt 200x36x2 spender dia 10 mm; end carrier set
100x32x3; etc.
Providing and fixing aluminium extruded section body tubular type universal
hydraulic door closer (having
brand logo with ISI, IS : 3564, embossed on the body, door weight up to 36 kg to 80
8.029 12.00 Nos 1155.83 13869.94
kg and door width from
701 mm to 1000 mm), with double speed adjustment with necessary accessories
and screws etc. complete.
Providing & Fixing Zinc Material Combination Finish Door Safety Chain, minimum
weight 190 grm. with
8.030 94.00 Nos 284.03 26698.79
necessary nickel Plated screws for doors as per drawing and as directed by
Providing & Fixing S.S. 316 Grade C Shaped Handles in Satin Finish, 10 mm dia and
centre to centre
8.031 minimum 150 mm size, minimum weight 140 grm with necessary screws etc. 84.00 Nos 116.03 9746.77
complete of approved make as per drawing and as directed by engineer-in-charge.

Providing & Fixing S.S. 316 Grade Fire resistance BSEN 1634:1:2000 Certified &
Mechanically tested BSEN
1935:2002 Satin Finish S.S. 316 Grade 4 ball bearings Hinges approximate size
8.032 102mm X 76mm X 3 mm minimum Weight 260 grm of approved make with AISI 7144.00 Nos 473.65 3383726.36
316 Grade ball Bearing S.S. Pin, Cap, and with necessary S.S. Self Tapping Phillips
Cross Head Screws etc. complete as specified as per drawing and as directed by
engineer-in -charge.
Providing & Fixing S.S. 316 Grade Satin Finish Fire resistance BSEN 1634:1:2000
Certified & Mechanically
tested BSEN 1935:2002 Hinges without bearings approximate size 76mm X 65mm
X 2 mm minimum weight
8.033 2420.00 Nos 265.10 641542.94
100 grm of approved make with AISI 316 Grade S.S. Pin, Cap, and with necessary
S.S. Self Tapping Phillips
Cross Head Screws etc. complete as specified as per drawing and as directed by
engineer-in -charge.

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing & Fixing S.S. 304 Grade Stainless Steel Satin Finish Round Tower bolt of
overall length (excluding
Bracket) 300 mm and inner bolt of dia meter 12mm and outer barrel dia meter 16
8.034 4043.00 Nos 572.13 2313123.48
mm, minimum weight 430 grm. of approved make with necessary Nickel Plated
Screws complete as per specified as per drawing and directed by Engineer in
Providing & Fixing S.S. 304 Grade Stainless Steel Satin Finish Round Tower bolt of
overall length (excluding
Bracket) 100 mm and inner bolt of dia meter 12mm and outer barrel dia meter 16
8.035 2020.00 Nos 223.01 450478.77
mm, minimum weight 150 grm of approved make with necessary nickel Plated
Screws complete as per specified as per drawing and directed by Engineer in
Providing & Fixing AISI S.S. 316 Grade Solid Window Casement stay/adjustor with
minimum weight 280 grm
8.036 1255.00 Nos 635.46 797507.81
of size diameter 14 mm, lenght 200 mm with necessary fixing screws as specified
as per drawing & as directed by engineer-in-charge.
Providing & Fixing Satin Finish Brass Parliamentary Hinges with the Size of 100 X
75 X 4 mm of approved
8.037 164.00 Nos 760.98 124799.98
make with necessary fixing screws as specified as per drawing & as directed by
Providing & Fixing Fire resistance BSEN 1634:1:2000 Certified & mechanically
tested BSEN 1906:2010 Pair
of AISI S.S. 316 Grade Satin Finish hollow Pipe or solid design Mortise Handle with
the minimum weight 620 grm key hole for Mortise Pin Cylinder, high grade brass
bushing for extra fixing strength for intensive use of door with back to back fixing
8.038 1803.00 Pair 1614.38 2910732.21
screws system of approved make with both side active mortise handle and spindle,
High Quality Stainless Steel Wood Screws (8 PCS.) for minimum door thickness 30
mm as per drawing and as directed by engineer in charge. The Inner and Outer
Rose of Mortise handle and Escutcheons must be of AISI 316 grade only.

Providing & Fixing Fire resistance BSEN 1634:1:2000 Certified & mechanically
tested BSEN 1906:2010 Pair
of AISI S.S. 316 Grade Satin Finish hollow Pipe or solid design Mortise Handle with
the minimum weight 930 grm with S.S. 316 Grade euro profile escutcheons key
hole for Mortise Pin Cylinder, high grade brass bushing for extra fixing strength for
8.039 intensive use of door with back to back fixing screws system. of approved make 1392.00 Pair 2160.58 3007528.36
with both side active mortise handle and spindle, High Quality Stainless Steel Wood
Screws (8 PCS.) for minimum door thickness 30 mm as per drawing and as directed
by engineer in charge. The Inner and Outer Rose of Mortise handle and
Escutcheons must be of AISI 316 grade only.

Providing & Fixing Satin Finish Double Door Lock body , 26 mm brass latch. 52 mm
lock with Back Set centre
of approximate size 85 X 45 mm, of approved make, minimum Weight 0.880 grm
8.040 973.00 Nos 1386.81 1349365.47
suitable for minimum 30 mm thick Double Door Shutter with necessary fixing
screw as specified as per drawing and as per directed by engineer in charge.

Providing & Fixing Fire resistance BSEN 1634:1:2000 Certified Satin Finish Mortise
Lock body approximate
size of back set 45 mm X 85 mm, with 52 mm Lock and 26 mm brass latch ,
8.041 734.00 Nos 688.11 505072.48
Stainless steel main & Strike plate & including back to back fixing feature suitable
for minimum door thickness 30 mm Single door shutter with necessary fixing
screw as per specified as per directed by engineer in charge.
Providing & Fixing Fire resistance BSEN 1634:1:2000 Certified Satin Finish Mortise
Latch body with back set
approximate size of 45 mm, Stainless Steel main & Strike Plate of approved make
8.042 395.00 Nos 530.71 209631.20
suitable for minimum 30 mm thick Single door Shutter with necessary fixing screw
as specified as per drawing and as directed by engineer in charge.

Providing & Fixing Satin Finish 6 pin Mechanism, high Quality brass body Mortise
Pin Cylinder with 5 high
accuracy Computerized Dotted keys of approved make one side key & one side
8.043 463.00 Nos 681.77 315659.50
knob suitable for minimum door thickness 30 mm with necessary Fixing Screw as
specified and as per drawing and as per directed by engineer in charge.

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing & Fixing Fire resistance BSEN 1634:1:2000 Certified Satin Finish Secure
Standard 5 pin
Mechanism Mortise Pin Cylinder with both Side Keys, high accuracy Brass keys of
8.044 1142.00 Nos 576.34 658175.70
approved make suitable for minimum door thickness 30 mm with necessary fixing
screw as per specified and as per drawing and as per directed by engineer in
Providing & Fixing Fire resistance BSEN 1634:1:2000 Certified Satin Finish Secure
Standard 5 pin
Mechanism half Mortise Pin Cylinder with high accuracy Brass keys of approved
8.045 497.00 Nos 503.34 250162.27
make one side key suitable for minimum door thickness 30 mm with necessary
fixing screw as per specified and as per drawing and as per directed by engineer in
Providing & Fixing high Quality Zinc Material Satin Finish baby latch/Indicator Bolt
inner Only with the size 87
8.046 395.00 Nos 374.78 148039.97
mm of approved make with necessary SS Screw etc. complete as specified as
drawing as directed by engineer-in- charge
Providing & Fixing Satin Finish S.S. Door Magnet length of 75 mm of approved
make, minimum Weight 150
8.047 160.00 Nos 180.13 28820.66
grm with necessary nickel plated screw complete, as specified, as per drawing and
as directed by engineer in charge.
Providing & Fixing high Quality Zinc Material Door Stopper length of 150 mm
including Rubber of approved
8.048 368.00 Nos 355.86 130958.09
make minimum Weight 260 grm with necessary Screws etc. complete as specified,
as per drawing as directed by engineer-in-charge.
Providing & Fixing S.S. 316 Grade C Shaped Handles in Satin Finish, 10 mm dia and
centre to centre
8.049 minimum 100 mm size, minimum weight 94 grm with necessary screws etc. 1170.00 Nos 116.03 135758.59
complete of approved make as per drawing and as directed by engineer-in-charge.

Providing & Fixing AISI S.S. 316 Grade Satin Finish Wall/Floor mounted Door Stop
with the length of 75 mm
8.050 to 100 mm including Rubber, minimum Weight 150 grm of approved make with 1297.00 Nos 355.39 460939.68
necessary SS screws etc. complete as specified as per drawing and as directed by
Providing & Fixing heavy duty Satin Finish pivot pair (Top Pivot & Bottom Patch) of
approved make, Suitable
8.051 1241.00 Nos 1146.75 1423121.42
for Door thickness minimum 45 mm as specified as per drawing as directed by
Providing & Fixing Zinc Material Door Eye Viewer of Dia. 36mm approved make
with wide angle vision and
8.052 193.00 Nos 175.12 33797.49
fixing accessories as specified as per drawing as directed by engineer-in-charge.

Providing and fixing double action hydraulic floor spring of approved brand and
manufacture conforming to IS
: 6315, having brand logo embossed on the body / plate with double spring
mechanism and door weight up to
8.053 125 kg, for doors, including cost of cutting floors, embedding in floors as required 120.00 Nos 2294.33 275319.90
and making good the same matching to the existing floor finishing and cover plates
with brass pivot and single piece M.S. sheet outer box with slide plate etc. complete
as per the direction of Engineer-in-charge. With stainless steel cover plate
minimum 1.25 mm thickness
Providing & Fixing Brass finish Special Shaped Handles of special design as per
drawing in matt Finish made
8.054 out of 5 mm thick brass plate and having approximate weight 5 kg per pair of 11.00 Pair 10552.05 116072.57
handles with necessary brass screws etc. complete of approved make as per
drawing and as directed by engineer-in-charge.
Supply and carpentry of chemically seasoned 2nd class teak wood for creation of
trellis & pergola rafters,
columns, seat backs, railing tops, playground equipment parts like climbing wall
8.055 35.00 Cum 130996.80 4584888.17
steps, seats of see-saws, swings, etc. to be installed in exterior areas complete with
all material, labour, equipment and accessories like screws, nuts, bolts, adhesive,
Filling the gap in between frame & adjacent RCC/ Brick/ Stone work by providing
weather silicon sealant over
8.056 8013.00 Metre 99.87 800222.08
backer rod of approved quality as per architectural drawings and direction of
Engineer-in-charge complete. Up to 5mm depth and 5 mm width

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
9 Steel Work:
Supplying and fixing rolling shutters of approved make, made of required size M.S.
laths, interlocked together through their entire length and jointed
together at the end by end locks, mounted on specially designed pipe shaft with
brackets, side guides and arrangements for inside and outside locking
9.001 with push and pull operation complete, including the cost of providing and fixing 941.00 Sqm 2410.35 2268137.03
necessary 27.5 cm long wire springs manufactured from high tensile
steel wire of adequate strength conforming to IS: 4454 - part 1 and M.S. top cover
of required thickness for rolling shutters.
(a) : 80x1.25 mm M.S. laths with 1.25 mm thick top cover
9.002 Providing and fixing ball bearing for rolling shutters. 216.00 Nos 493.92 106686.78
Extra over DSR Item No. 10.6.1 for providing mechanical device chain and crank
operation for operating
9.003 923.00 Sqm 815.62 752817.62
rolling shutters.
(a) : Exceeding 10.00 sqm and up to 16.80 Sqm in the area
Extra over DSR item No. 10.6.1 for providing grilled rolling shutters manufactured
out of 8 mm dia M.S. bar
9.004 198.00 Sqm 352.87 69868.14
instead of laths as per design approved by Engineer-in- charge,(area of grill to be
Steel work in built up tubular ( round, square or rectangular hollow tubes etc.)
trusses etc., including
cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of approved steel
9.005 215947.00 Kg 115.78 25002754.82
primer, including welding and bolted with special shaped washers etc. complete.
Hot finished welded type tubes

Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work including cutting, hoisting,
fixing in position and applying a
9.006 priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel etc. as required. 1559.40 Kg 84.73 132126.69
(a) : In stringers, treads, landings etc. of stair cases, including use of chequered
plate wherever required, all complete
(b) : In gratings, frames, guard bar, ladder, railings, brackets, gates, and similar
9.007 39539.00 Kg 101.38 4008499.48
Providing and fixing mild steel round holding down bolts with nuts and washer
9.008 4896.00 Kg 83.21 407414.57
plates complete.
Steel work in built up tubular ( round, square or rectangular hollow hot finished
welded type tubes etc.) for
supporting frame work of Partitions with fixed glazing/fixed wooden/ plywood
panels/ openable glazed doors/windows etc. all as per the detailed drawings and
instructions of Engineer In charge , including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and
9.009 applying a priming coat of approved steel primer, including welding and bolted 156192.00 Kg 130.93 20449776.07
with special shaped washers etc. complete. Steel sections if required for
Architectural aesthetic looks, may be covered with wooden members as per
detailed design drawings. Weight of Steel sections only will be measured and paid
for. Glazing, wooden/ply wood panels, shutters etc. will be paid separately under
relevant items.
Steel work in single section or built up section or tubular ( round, square or
rectangular hollow tubes
etc.)sections for frame work of sky lights at terrace levels/ roof levels of Gopurams
/ chhatries / class rooms etc. as per detailed drawings and direction of Engineer In
charge , including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat of
9.010 54753.00 Kg 124.93 6840196.14
approved steel primer, including welding and bolted with special shaped washers
etc. complete. Weight of Steel sections only will be measured and paid for. Glazing,
Poly carbonate sheets or Fiberglass Plastic sheets of the skylight will be paid
separately under relevant items.

Providing and fixing hand rail of approved size by welding etc. to steel ladder
railing, balcony railing, staircase
9.011 8713.00 Kg 117.81 1026464.99
railing and similar works, including applying priming coat of approved steel
primer. (a) : M.S. tube
Providing and fixing carbon steel galvanised ( minimum coating 5 micron) dash
fastener of 10 mm dia double
threaded 6.8 grade (yield strength 480 N/mm2), counter sunk head, comprising of
9.012 10218.00 Nos 97.61 997427.64
10 m dia polyamide PA 6 grade sleeve, including drilling of hole in frame ,
concrete/ masonry, etc. as per direction of Engineer-in- charge.
(a) :10 x 120 mm
9.013 (b) :10 x 80 mm 6204.00 Nos 79.61 493894.40

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing and fixing stainless steel ( Grade 304) railing made of Hollow tubes,
channels, plates etc., including
welding, grinding, buffing, polishing and making curvature (wherever required)
and fitting the same with necessary stainless steel nuts and bolts complete, i/c
fixing the railing with necessary accessories & stainless steel dash fasteners ,
9.014 585.00 Kg 696.97 407726.89
stainless steel bolts etc., of required size, on the top of the floor or the side of waist
slab with suitable arrangement as per approval of Engineer-in-charge, ( for
payment purpose only weight of stainless steel members shall be considered
excluding fixing accessories such as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.).

Providing and fixing stainless steel AISI 316 Grade Stainless Steel Knock Down
railing system of approved make with satin finish and loading tested as per
International load Testing Criteria with EXOVA Certification (Without any welding,
Fabrication and Buffing on site) made of Hollow tubes, channels, plates , special
glass holding fixtures etc., including welding, grinding, buffing, polishing and
making curvature (wherever required) and fitting the same with necessary
stainless steel nuts and bolts complete, on the top of the floor or the side of waist
9.015 18230.00 Kg 1299.19 23684284.05
slab with suitable arrangement as per drawing and as directed by engineer in
charge. The balustrade would be fixed onto floor/waist slab with casted base plate
of S.S 316 with High Strength 2 NOS Anchor fasteners and whenever required,
joints to be filled with bushings for extra strength.
(for payment purpose only weight of stainless steel members shall be considered
excluding fixing accessories such as nuts, bolts, fasteners etc.).

Providing and fixing 12 mm thick toughened glass with fixing of translucent

polyester film on glass to give it a look of Frosted glass in the design as per detailed
drawing to be fixed with Stainless steel railing in stairs/ passages etc. with
necessary full length and designs stainless steel nuts etc. including making required
9.016 size holes for bolts etc. for fixing the glass sheet with railing members complete. 3168.00 Sqm 3474.06 11005815.46
Sample of the railing will be prepared by the contractor and got approved by the
Architect Before taking up the job at full scale. Stainless steel railing should be paid
in relevant items.
Supplying and installing 4.3 m high 4mm GI Wire Chain Link Fencing PVC coated, of
approved shade &
colour on structure composed of 60.3 mm diameter MS CHS columns at 3 m centre
9.017 to centre, & frame composed of 10mm MS bars, 40x25x5 ISA & 40x5 MS Flats, all 68.00 metre 6712.14 456425.54
MS items painted with approved paints, fixed in ground complete as per drawing
and as directed by engineer in charge.(excluding cost of RCC Foundation)

10 Flooring Work:
Flooring work:
Brick on edge flooring with bricks of class designation 7.5 on a bed of 12 mm
10.001 15565.00 Sqm 709.00 11035627.90
cement mortar, including filling the joints with same mortar, with common burnt
clay non modular bricks: 1:6 (1cement : 6 coarse sand).
Cement concrete flooring 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate) finished with a floating
10.002 coat of neat cement, including cement slurry, but excluding the cost of nosing of 4398.00 Sqm 397.60 1748630.64
steps etc. complete.
40 mm thick with 20 mm nominal size stone aggregate
Kota stone slab flooring over 20 mm (average) thick base laid over and jointed with
grey cement slurry mixed
10.003 with pigment to match the shade of the slab, including rubbing and polishing 32573.00 Sqm 1284.33 41834625.81
complete with base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand):
a) 25 mm thick
Extra rate over DSR item no. 11.26.1 in flooring for using Red Mandana stone slabs
10.004 in place of Kota stone 25814.10 Sqm 292.67 7555113.66
Extra rate over DSR item 11.26.1 in flooring for using Brown Bundi stone slabs in
10.005 730.90 Sqm 983.04 718506.31
place of Kota stone slabs
Kota stone slabs 20 mm thick in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars laid on 12
mm (average) thick
10.006 cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand) and jointed with grey cement slurry 6850.00 Sqm 1340.42 9181897.74
mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing and
polishing complete.

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Extra rate over DSR item 11.27 in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars for using
10.007 Sand stone slabs in 6325.80 Sqm 553.82 3503353.64
place of Kotah stone slabs
Extra rate over DSR item 11.27 in risers of steps, skirting, dado and pillars for using
10.008 Brown Bundi stone 77.20 Sqm 1720.54 132825.93
slabs in place of Kota stone slabs
Kota stone slab 25 mm thick approved colour, shade & texture with machine cut
edges in Kitchen platforms,
vanity counters, facia, sills, jams, lintels, partition, seat, landing, parapet top ,
shelves, chajja and similar locations of required size and in full length, over 20 mm
10.009 2550.00 Sqm 1866.49 4759549.54
(average) thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement 3 coarse sand) laid to line and level
and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the
slabs, including rubbing and polishing complete as per drawing and as directed by
engineer in charge.
Extra rate over MR item no. 10.005 in Kitchen platforms, vanity counters, facia,
sills, jams, lintels, partition,
10.010 1994.70 Sqm 504.21 1005738.59
seat, landing, parapet top , shelves, chajja and similar locations for using Red
Mandana stone slabs in place of Kota stone slabs
Extra rate over MR item no. 10.005 in Kitchen platforms, vanity counters, facia,
sills, jams, lintels, partition,
10.011 seat, landing, parapet top , shelves, chajja and similar locations for using Brown 272.30 Sqm 1198.40 326325.32
Bundi stone slabs in place of
Kotah stone slabs
Rough Kota stone slab 25 mm thick approved colour, shade & texture in flooring
over 20 mm (average) thick
over base of cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid to line and level
10.012 19144.75 Sqm 1013.73 19407575.19
and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the
slab including cleaning complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.

Extra rate over above DSR item no. 10.008 in Rough Red Mandana stone slab 25
mm thick approved
colour, shade & texture in flooring over 20 mm (average) thick over base of cement
10.013 18752.75 Sqm 156.20 2929107.78
mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid to line and level and jointed with grey
cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including
cleaning complete as directed by the Engineer-in-charge.
Rough Kota stone slabs 20 mm thick of approved colour, shade & texture in risers
of steps, skirting, dado
and pillars similar locations of required size with machine cut edges over 12 mm
(average) thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement 3 coarse sand) laid to line and level
10.014 41.25 Sqm 1413.85 58321.47
and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the
slabs, including nosing, rubbing and polishing of Machine cut edges, cleaning
complete as per drawing and as directed by engineer in charge.

Rough Kota stone slab 25 mm thick approved colour, shade & texture with machine
cut edges in Kitchen
platforms, vanity counters, facia, sills, jams, lintels, partition, seat, landing, parapet
top , shelves, chajja and similar locations of required size and in full length, over 20
10.015 26.25 Sqm 1843.60 48394.43
mm (average) thick cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement
3 coarse sand) laid to line and level and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with
pigment to match the shade of the slabs, including rubbing and polishing complete
as per drawing and as directed by engineer in charge.
Extra for Mirror polishing over normal polishing of marble work/Granite
10.016 work/stone work where ever required 25572.00 Sqm 239.51 6124713.15
to give high gloss finish complete.
Extra for River-washed finish polishing in place of normal polishing on
marble/Granite/stone where ever
10.017 286.00 Sqm 300.39 85910.26
required to give rough finish complete as per drawing and as directed by engineer
in charge.
Extra for Sand blasted finish/lather finish polishing in place of normal polishing on
marble/Granite/stone where
10.018 1255.00 Sqm 371.56 466303.55
ever required to give rough finish complete as per drawing and as directed by
engineer in charge.
Extra for pre finished nosing in treads of steps of Kota stone/ sand stone slab.
10.019 442.00 Rmt 85.29 37699.99
Extra for Kota stone/ sand stone in treads of steps and risers using single length up
10.020 1109.00 Sqm 19.02 21092.08
to 1.05 metre.

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Extra for Kota stone/ Red Mandana/ Sand Stone in treads and risers of steps for
10.021 using single stone of length 2449.00 Sqm 126.95 310890.31
from 1.05 metre to 1.50 metre.
Extra for providing 3 nos. grooves of size 5 mm x 5 mm in the treads of steps as per
10.022 detailed drawings to 4983.00 Rmt. 32.58 162331.74
make the surface of treads non slippery.
Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles conforming to IS: 15622
(thickness to be specified by
the manufacturer), of approved make, in all colours, shades except burgundy, bottle
green, black of any size as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, in skirting, risers of
10.023 473.00 Sqm 941.42 445290.92
steps and dados, over 12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand) and jointing with grey cement slurry @ 3.3kg per sqm, including pointing in
white cement mixed with pigment of matching shade complete.

Providing and laying Ceramic glazed tiles of size 300x300 mm (thickness to be

specified by the manufacturer)
of 1st quality conforming to IS : 15622 of approved make in colours such as White,
10.024 360.00 Sqm 883.75 318150.59
Ivory, Grey, Fume Red Brown, laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4
Coarse sand), including pointing the joints with white cement and matching
pigment etc., complete.
Providing and fixing Glass mosaic tiles at finished plain wall surface of size 20 mm
x 20 mm x 4 mm in all
colour, design , fixing in customize design as per direction of Engineer-in- Charge.
10.025 The Glass mosaic tiles to be fixed on the wall surface with the help of approved 978.00 Sqm 1972.07 1928681.99
adhesive applied at the rate of 2.5 kg per sqm and grouting of the same. The rate is
inclusive of all operation, material and required pattern approved by Engineer-in-
Extra over DSR item no. 11.53 for providing and fixing 25 mm x25 x4 mm or 50
mm x 50 x4 mm Glass Mosaic
10.026 /Shon tiles or equivalent in place of 20 mm x 20 mm x 4mm glass mosaic tiles as 941.40 Sqm 19.95 18782.41
per detailed Architectural
Design pattern and shade of tiles.
Providing and laying vitrified floor tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified
by the manufacturer) with
water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to IS : 15622, of approved make,
10.027 in all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 12033.00 Sqm 1582.01 19036349.70
coarse sand), including grouting the joints with white cement and matching
pigments etc., complete.
(a) : Size of Tile 600x600 mm
10.028 (b) : Size of Tile 800x800 mm 1072.00 Sqm 1713.55 1836924.38
Providing and laying Vitrified tiles in different sizes (thickness to be specified by
manufacturer), with water
absorption less than 0.08 % and conforming to I.S. 15622, of approved make, in all
10.029 colours & shade, in skirting, riser of steps, dado and pillar over 12 mm thick bed of 6896.00 Sqm 1592.65 10982892.36
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), including grouting the joint with
white cement & matching pigments etc. complete.
(a) : Size of Tile 600x600 mm
10.030 (b) : Size of Tile 800x800 mm 585.00 Sqm 1726.60 1010063.82
Providing and laying Terracotta colored vitrified floor tiles of Endura Make or
equivalent in different sizes
(having thickness 12 mm to 15 mm as specified by the manufacturer) with water
absorption less than 0.08%
10.031 and conforming to IS : 15622, of approved make, in all colours and shades, laid on 4389.00 Sqm 1431.73 6283841.12
20mm thick cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), including grouting the joints with white
cement and matching pigments etc., complete.
(a) : 300x300 mm
Providing and laying Terracotta colored Vitrified tiles of Endura make or
equivalent in different sizes ( having
thickness 12 mm to 15 mm as specified by the manufacturer), with water
absorption less than 0.08% and conforming to IS: 15622, of approved colours and
10.032 shade, in skirting, tread & riser of steps, dado and pillar over 12 mm thick bed of 185.00 Sqm 1454.82 269140.78
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), including grouting the joint with
white cement & matching pigments etc. complete as per drawing and as directed by
engineer in charge.
(a) : 300x300 mm

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing and laying Glazed/Mat finished Terracotta clay tiles of approved make in
flooring in different sizes
(having thickness 12 mm to 15 mm as specified by the manufacturer) with water
10.033 absorption less than 1%, in all colours and shades, laid on 20mm thick cement 409.50 Sqm 3786.39 1550525.68
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), including grouting the joints with white
cement and matching pigments etc., complete.
(a) 300x300 mm
10.034 (b) 200x200 mm 136.50 Sqm 3538.06 482944.56
Providing and laying Glazed/Mat finished Terracotta clay tiles of approved make in
skirting, tread & riser of
steps, dado and pillar in different sizes ( having thickness 12 mm to 15 mm as
specified by the manufacturer), with water absorption less than 0.08% , of
10.035 approved colours and shade, in skirting, tread & riser of steps, dado and pillar over 66.75 Sqm 3825.13 255327.69
12 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand), including
grouting the joint with white cement & matching pigments etc. complete as per
drawing and as directed by engineer in charge.
(a) 300x300 mm
10.036 (b) 200x200 mm 22.25 Sqm 3573.63 79513.21
Providing and laying Terracotta clay tiles of approved make in flooring laid on 20
mm thick cement mortar
1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand), including grouting the joints with white cement and
10.037 344.00 Sqm 1121.88 385926.48
matching pigments etc. for terraces & exteriors areas complete. , as per
architectural drawing as directed by engineer-in-charge.
(a) 300x300 mm
Providing and laying 40 mm thick Terracotta clay paver of approved size, design &
shape, laid in required
colour and pattern over and including 50 mm thick compacted bed of coarse sand,
10.038 9885.00 Sqm 1275.49 12608248.12
filling the joints with fine sand etc. all complete as per the direction of Engineer-in-
(a) : 200x200 mm
10.039 (b) : 100x200 mm 1558.00 Sqm 1305.25 2033572.47
10.040 (c ) : 100x100 mm 1039.00 Sqm 1353.11 1405882.67
Providing and laying 50 mm thick sand blasted Red Mandana stone pavers of
approved size, design &
shape, laid in required pattern over and including 50 mm thick compacted bed of
10.041 16220.00 Sqm 1701.07 27591303.51
coarse sand, filling the joints with fine sand etc. all complete as per the direction of
(a) : 200x200 mm
10.042 (b ) : 100x100 mm 1622.00 Sqm 1730.82 2807388.92
Providing and laying 60mm-70mm thick Red Mandana cobble stone of 100mm x
100mm size, design &
10.043 shape, laid in required pattern over and including 50mm thick compacted bed of 8485.00 Sqm 1434.86 12174816.56
coarse sand, filling the joints with Cement etc. all complete as per the direction of
Extra Rates for leaving gap between two tiles in flooring, skirting and wall dado of
size 3 mm width and depth
up to 6 mm and Grouting the joints of flooring & wall tiles having joints of 3 mm
10.044 width, using Cementations grout mix of desired shade including filling /grouting 2320.00 Sqm 197.46 458112.55
and finishing complete as per drawing and as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
(a) :Size of Tile 300x300 mm

10.045 (b) : Size of Tile 300x600 mm 4184.00 Sqm 151.00 631801.91

10.046 (c) : Size of Tile 600x600 mm 953.00 Sqm 104.55 99632.58
Extra over item no. MR 10.017, MR 10.018, MR 10.019, MR 10.020 for providing
and filling 5 mm x 5mm
10.047 groove in flooring with cementations grout to match the shade of the slab, including 5552.00 Sqm 157.52 874569.30
rubbing and cleaning complete as per drawing as directed by engineer in charge.

Extra over item no. MR 10.010 for providing and filling 12 mm x 5 mm groove in
flooring with cementations
10.048 238.25 Sqm 223.53 53255.87
grout to match the shade of the slab, including rubbing and cleaning complete as
per drawing as directed by engineer in charge.

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Crazy pattern in terracotta clay tiles pieces for flooring for terraces & exteriors
areas of approved shape &
size 20 mm thick in flooring, including filling the gaps with light shade pigment
with white cement marble powder mixture (3 parts of white cement : 1 part of
marble powder) by weight in proportion of 4:7 (4 cement marble powder mix : 7
10.049 white, black, chocolate, grey, yellow or green marble chips of sizes from 1 mm to 4 172.00 Sqm 952.69 163862.67
mm nominal size by volume), with under layer 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:6 (1
cement : 6 course sand ),. including rubbing and polishing complete, as per
architectural drawing as directed by engineer-in-charge. (use of wastage of
terracotta clay tiles at site for crazy terracotta clay tiles flooring)

Crazy pattern in Red Mandana Sand stone pieces of approved shape & size 20 mm
thick in flooring ,
including filling the gaps with light shade pigment with white cement marble
powder mixture (3 parts of white cement : 1 part of marble powder) by weight in
proportion of 4:7 (4 cement marble powder mix : 7 white, black, chocolate, grey,
10.050 yellow or green marble chips of sizes from 1 mm to 4 mm nominal size by volume), 586.00 Sqm 952.69 558276.31
with under layer 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 course sand ),.
including rubbing and polishing complete, as per architectural drawing as directed
by engineer-in-charge.
(use of wastage of Red Manadana sand stone at site shall be used for crazy sand
stone flooring)
Crazy pattern in Kota stone pieces of approved shape & size 20 mm thick in
flooring, including filling the gaps
with light shade pigment with white cement marble powder mixture (3 parts of
white cement : 1 part of marble powder) by weight in proportion of 4:7 (4 cement
marble powder mix : 7 white, black, chocolate, grey, yellow or green marble chips
10.051 258.00 Sqm 805.76 207885.22
of sizes from 1 mm to 4 mm nominal size by volume), with under layer 20 mm
thick cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement : 6 course sand ),. including rubbing and
polishing complete, as per architectural drawing as directed by engineer-in-charge.
(use of wastage of kota stone at site for crazy kota stone flooring)

Providing and laying China Mosaic Top finish with all sides of vata using pieces of
white glazed tiles of size
(max) 4 to 8 over 20 mm base of cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 Fine sand)
10.052 with cement slurry @ 20248.00 Sqm 639.54 12949494.48
2.75 Kg of cement per Sqm, mixing of water proofing material including filling up
the joints with grey cement rounding of edges and corners all complete as per the
direction of Engineer in charge.
Providing and laying approved Light weight filler material wastage of AAC Blocks
up to 100mm size in
required thickness to level or in slope by using insulating material in 1:5:10 prop (1
10.053 35.00 Cum 3626.17 126916.09
cement: 5: Sand: 10 wastage of AAC Block material) as per approved manufacturers
specification including scaffolding, compacting, finishing ,curing etc. complete as
per drawing as directed by engineer in charge.
Providing and fixing 25 mm wooden planking, tongued and grooved in flooring,
including fixing with iron
10.054 329.60 Sqm 3750.21 1236067.78
screws complete.
(a) second class teak wood
Providing and laying 500x500x40 mm thick Turf paver (Turf pave XD) on 150 mm
thick sub grade of
compacted bed of 20 mm thick nominal size stone aggregate and base course and
10.055 556.70 Sqm 1961.50 1091964.48
filling with 150 mm thick sand, including spreading, well ramming, consolidating
and finishing smooth etc. all complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Providing and laying 60mm thick factory made cement concrete interlocking paver
block of M -30 grade made
by block making machine with strong vibratory compaction, of approved size,
10.056 15589.00 Sqm 677.61 10563251.21
design & shape, laid in required colour and pattern over and including 50mm thick
compacted bed of coarse sand, filling the joints with fine sand etc. all complete as
per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing and fixing of any colour Wonder floor PVC Cushioned BRAVO 4.0 mm
thick Sports and multi utility
flooring, roll manufactured with coating process , Glass fibre tissue impregnation
for dimensional stability ,
0.50 mm thick solid colour wear layer, unique TW anti-skid surface texture, total
wt./sq. approx. 2930 gm./sq. Metre ,residual indentation 0.12, dimensional
stability (%) 0.09 , tear strength 6.0 N/MM2 ,tensile strength 28
Kg/CM2,flammability IS 15061 , having abrasion resistance 0.16%, tensile stress
28Kg/CM2 & tear strength of
10.057 846.00 Sqm 1216.52 1029173.40
6.0N/mm2 according to IS:34 – 1 Method A.
The flooring should have specially formulated abrasion resistant wear layer over a
Glass fiber tissue reinforcement layer to have dimensional stability of the flooring.
There should be a sufficient superior shock absorbing cushion base layer to provide
foot comfort for the player. It should have acoustical property >
18DB. The flooring should have anti-bacterial property. The flooring roll be
installed with rubber based adhesive Fevicol SR 505 on the clean & perfectly
levelled floor & joints are to be treated & finished with PVC hot welding process to
provide joint less flooring.
Providing & laying of silento 3 mm thick vinyl flooring with 0.5 mm PU coating
layer as per manufactures
specification and the direction of Engineer in charge. There should be a sufficient
10.058 superior shock absorbing cushion base layer to provide foot comfort for the player. 311.00 Sqm 2453.03 762892.47
It should have acoustical property > 18DB. The flooring should have anti-bacterial
property. The flooring roll be installed with rubber based

11 Roofing:
Providing gola 75x75 mm in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4
11.001 stone aggregate 10 mm and down gauge), including finishing with cement mortar 4425.00 Metre 161.02 712515.35
1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) as per standard design : In
75x75 mm deep chase
Making khurras 45x45 cm with average minimum thickness of 5 cm cement
concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate of 20 mm nominal size) over P.V.C. sheet 1
11.002 331.00 Nos 210.03 69518.30
m x1 m x 400 micron, finished with 12 mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand) and a coat of neat cement, rounding the edges and making and finishing the
outlet complete.
Providing and fixing false ceiling grid made out of anodised aluminium (with 15
micron anodic coating) T-
sections 35 x15x1.5 mm size main runners, cross runners 23.5x19x1.5 mm fixed to
main runners placed 600 mm centre to centre both ways so as to form a grid of 600
mm square. The frame work shall be suspended from ceiling by level adjusting
11.003 2857.00 Sqm 870.69 2487552.00
hangers of 6 mm dia M.S rod fixed to roof slab by means of ceiling cleats and dash
fastener. The suspenders shall be placed 600 x 1200 mm centre to centre including
fixing to the frame with C.P brass screws and applying a priming coat of zinc
chromate yellow primer
(a ) :8mm thick non asbestos fiber cement board - moisture resistant board
Providing and fixing 75 mm diameter and 60 cm long rain water spout in cement
11.004 mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 fine 340.00 Nos 107.69 36615.85
sand) PVC pipe 4 Kg/cm 2
Providing and fixing extruded polystyrene insulation board of approved make
having density 36kg/m3, K
11.005 value 0.028 at 25 deg, green, pink or blue in colored by spot application over slab 766.00 Cum 14097.13 10798400.28
surfaces as per manufacturer specifications and as directed by engineer-in-charge.

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing and laying of 10 mm thick Polycarbonate Multiwall sheet as per drawing
and as directed by
engineer in charge having density of 1.2 g/m3 and 66 Mpa Yield stress. The sheet
Should have linear thermal expansion of 0.000065 /K & thermal conductivity 0.20
w (m-k). Sheet shall be remain stable between - 40C to
120C. Length & width of the sheet should be as per detailed drawings & design.
polycarbonate sheet should be available with co-extruded UV barrier applied on it.
11.006 Poly carbonate sheet shall not remove any toxic fumes and hence pose no hazard to 3758.00 Sqm 1853.73 6966317.25
human life in case of fire. The sheet shall be fixed with 3mm thick Aluminium flat
on the longitudinal joint & applied with a layer of EPDM rubber over the sheet. The
joint between sheet &
the Aluminium Joint shall be fully filled with RTV silicon sealant of approved make
to avoid water leakage from the joint complete as per drawing and as directed by
engineer in charge. The sheet shall be fixed to the structure with help of SDST
screws.(Structural steel should be paid in relevant item)
Providing and fixing 15 Cm wide, 45 cm overall semi-circular plane G.S. sheet
gutter with iron brackets 40 x 3
11.007 mm Size, bolts, nuts and washers etc., including making necessary connections with 759.00 Meter 601.54 456570.55
rain Water pipes complete.
0.80 mm thick with zinc coating not less than 275 gm/m²
Providing and fixing 3 mm thick, both side UV resistant Polycarbonate sheets easy
to mould/bent to required
shape and size for the sky lights at terrace levels/ roof level of Gopurams
/chhatries / class rooms etc. as per detailed design drawings and instructions of
Engineer In charge. The Polycarbonate sheet will be fixed to MS framing by
11.008 necessary Galvanised steel bolts of self drilling type with crown head and 816.00 Sqm 2433.03 1985348.46
necessary rubber washers etc. including minimum 100 mm of side overlap in the
sheets. Overlapped joints will be sealed with RTV silicon sealant of approved make
to avoid water leakage from the joint., complete as per drawing and as directed by
engineer in charge. (Structural steel should be paid in relevant item)

12 Finishing Work:
Finishing work
12.001 Providing and laying plaster 21054.00 Sqm 193.88 4081854.92
(a) : 12 mm cement plaster of mix : 1:4 (1 cement: 4 coarse sand)
(b) : 15 mm cement plaster on rough side of single or half brick wall of mix : 1:4 (1
12.002 5612.00 Sqm 225.10 1263253.35
cement: 4 coarse sand)
(C) : 18 mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12 mm thick cement plaster
1:5 (1 cement: 5 coarse
12.003 4283.00 Sqm 291.32 1247723.11
sand) and a top layer 6 mm thick cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand)
finished rough with sponge.
Extra for addition of synthetic Polyester triangular fibre of length 6 mm, effective
diameter 10-40 microns and
ag of 50
12.004 specific gravity of 1.34 to 1.40 in cement plaster/mortar by using 125 gms. of 3787.00 65.32 247350.28
Kg of c
synthetic Polyester triangular fibre for 50 Kgs. cement used in cement mortar as
per directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
Pointing on brick work or brick flooring on non Modular bricks with cement mortar
1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand)
12.005 as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge. 85620.00 Sqm 93.42 7998466.80
(a) : Flush / Ruled/ Struck or weathered pointing on bricks of size 230 mm x 110
mm x 100 mm
Pointing on brick work or brick flooring on non Modular bricks with cement mortar
1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand):
12.006 31187.00 Sqm 119.66 3731980.35
(a) : Flush / Ruled/ Struck or weathered pointing on bricks of size 230 mm x 110
mm x 75mm
Extra rate over above DSR item 13.31.1 for Pointing on brick work or brick flooring
on non Modular bricks
with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) as per directions of Engineer-in-
12.007 Charge. 3297.60 Sqm 31.09 102517.73
(a) : Flush / Ruled/ Struck or weathered pointing on bricks of size 230 mm x 110
mm x 50 mm instead of size
230 mm x 110 mm x 75 mm
Pointing on brick work or brick flooring on non Modular bricks with cement mortar
12.008 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand): 366.40 Sqm 194.39 71223.26
(b) : Raised and cut pointing

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Pointing on stone work with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) as per
directions of Engineer-in-
12.009 90.00 Sqm 171.99 15478.84
(a) : Flush/ Ruled pointing
12.010 (b) : Raised and cut pointing 45.00 Sqm 311.35 14010.85
White washing with lime to give an even shade : New work (three or more coats)
12.011 611.00 Sqm 18.23 11138.48
Providing and applying white cement based putty of average thickness 1 mm, of
approved brand and
12.012 12982.00 Sqm 100.88 1309607.93
manufacturer, over the plastered wall surface to prepare the surface even and
smooth complete.
Distempering with oil bound washable distemper of approved brand and
manufacture to give an even shade :
12.013 8005.00 Sqm 100.93 807965.08
New work (two or more coats) over and including water thin able priming coat
with cement primer
Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of required shade : New work
12.014 (Two or more coats applied @ 3931.00 Sqm 65.09 255874.50
3.84 kg/10 sqm)
Wall painting with premium acrylic emulsion paint of interior grade, having VOC
(Volatile Organic Compound )
12.015 content less than 50 grams/ litre of approved brand and manufacture, including 20722.00 Sqm 84.78 1756873.02
applying additional coats wherever required to achieve even shade and colour.
Two coats
Painting with synthetic enamel paint, having VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)
content less than 150 grams/
12.016 4480.40 Sqm 80.57 360979.08
litre, of approved brand and manufacture, including applying additional coats
wherever required to achieve even shade and colour. Two coats
Finishing walls with Acrylic Smooth exterior paint of required shade : New work
(Two or more coat applied @
12.017 1351.00 Sqm 101.27 136820.23
1.67 ltr/10 sqm over and including priming coat of exterior primer applied @ 2.20
kg/ 10 sqm)
Finishing with Epoxy paint (two or more coats) at all locations prepared and
applied as per manufacturer's
12.018 609.00 Sqm 131.14 79865.71
specifications including appropriate priming coat, preparation of surface, etc.
complete. On steel work
Providing and applying two coats of fire retardant paint on cleaned wood / ply
surface / steel surface @ 3.5
12.019 184.60 Sqm 278.66 51440.36
sqm per litre per coat including preparation of base surface as per
recommendations of manufacturer to make the surface fire retardant.
Painting (one or more coats) with black Japan paint of approved brand and
12.020 manufacture to give an even 2100.00 Sqm 47.26 99237.79
Providing and applying Melamine polishing with including preparation of surface
and staining to the approved
colour and shade as per the manufacturers specifications including scaffolding,
12.021 26076.00 Sqm 472.12 12311040.68
curing, cleaning the surfaces and other incidental work to be done etc. complete at
all floors for any height as directed by engineer in charge.

Providing and applying low pigmented textured wall finish with marble chips and
minerals aggregate, giving
Natural plast/Random star effect of approved shade of approved make, finishing
with i) 1st coat of Low VOC
cement primer 0.80 Lt/10 Sqm ii) 2nd coat of stone finish highly dense smooth
12.022 appearance with trowel @ 2.2 350.00 Sqm 734.91 257217.95
Kg/Sqm and iii) 3rd coat of stone finish by gun spraying , coverage 1.1 Kg/Sqm,
Overall minimum 1.50 mm thickness as per manufacturer's specification including
scaffolding, curing, cleaning the surfaces and other incidental work to be done etc.
complete at all levels as directed by engineer in charge.

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing and applying breathable, non-reactive, antifungal, and water repellent
Silane/ Siloxane chemical as
approved by Engineer-in-charge, of approved make, diluted with solvent mineral
Turpentine oil in the ratio of
12.023 1:12 (One part of approved chemical :12 Part of Turpentine oil), on the existing 183198.25 Sqm 101.63 18618800.52
stone masonry surface or Stone cladding or RCC surfaces with two or more coats to
give uniform application of chemical on the surface, including scaffolding, curing,
cleaning the surfaces and other incidental work to be done etc. complete at all
levels as directed by engineer in charge.
Extra for expose shuttering over ordinary shuttering for exposed concrete
elements using special sized of
approved quality steel plates formwork / 12 mm waterproof plywood formwork /
wood grain finish formwork with definite pattern as per approved drawing,
12.024 172609.00 Sqm 422.47 72922337.92
Including providing and fixing necessary sleeves, grooves & Drip moulds for all
shapes, at all levels and as directed by engineer in charge. Same kind of shuttering
material should be used for standard and residual sizes. ( no separate payment for
small qty. in Metre )
13 Water Proofing Work:
Water proofing work:
Providing and Placing in position suitable PVC water stops conforming to IS:12200
for construction/ expansion joints between two RCC members and fixed to the
13.001 865.00 Metre 551.59 477122.82
reinforcement with binding wire before pouring concrete etc. complete :
(a) : Serrated with central bulb (225 mm wide, 8-11 mm thick)

Providing and laying water proofing treatment on roofs of slabs by applying

cement slurry mixed with water
proofing cement compound consisting of applying: a) after surface preparation,
first layer of slurry of cement
@ 0.488 Kg/Sqm mixed with water proofing cement compound @ 0.253 Kg/Sqm.
b) laying second layer of Fiber glass cloth when the first layer is still green.
Overlaps of joints of fiber cloth should not be less than 10 cm. c) third layer of 1.5
13.002 15437.00 Sqm 439.23 6780402.17
mm thickness consisting of slurry of cement @ 1.289 Kg/Sqm mixed with water
proofing cement compound @ 0.670 Kg/Sqm and coarse sand @ 1.289 Kg/Sqm.
This will be allowed to air cure for 4 hours followed by water curing for 48 hours.
The entire treatment will be taken up to 30 cm on parapet wall and tucked into
groove in parapet all around. d) fourth and final layer of brick tiling with cement
mortar (which will be paid for separately. For the purpose of measurement the
entire treated surface will be measured.
Providing and laying integral cement based water proofing treatment including
preparation of surface as
required for treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces etc. consisting of following
operations: a) Applying a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg/sqm of cement
admixed with water proofing compound conforming to IS.
2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge over the RCC slab including adjoining
walls up to 300 mm height including cleaning the surface before treatment. b)
Laying brick bats with mortar using broken bricks/brick bats 25 mm to 115 mm
13.003 size with 50% of cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand) admixed with water 16112.00 Sqm 1183.08 19061770.12
proofing compound conforming to IS : 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge
over 20 mm thick layer of
cement mortar of mix 1:5 (1 cement :5 coarse sand ) admixed with water proofing
compound conforming to IS
: 2645 and approved by Engineer-in-charge to required slope and treating similarly
the adjoining walls up to
300 mm height including rounding of junctions of walls and slabs c) After two days
of proper curing applying a second coat of cement slurry using 2.75 kg/ sqm of
Grading roof for water proofing treatment with Cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement :
13.004 2 coarse sand : 4 graded 793.00 Cum 6268.13 4970627.31
stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing and laying APP (Atactic Polypropylene Polymer) modified prefabricated
five layer 3 mm thick water
proofing membrane, black finished reinforced with non-woven polyester matt
consisting of a coat of bitumen primer for bitumen membrane @ 0.40 litre/sqm by
the same membrane manufacture of density at 25°C, 0.87-
0.89 kg/ litre and viscosity 70-160 cps. Over the primer coat the layer of membrane
shall be laid using Butane Torch and sealing all joints etc., and preparing the
surface complete. The vital physical and chemical parameters of the membrane
13.005 13033.00 Sqm 478.61 6237771.37
shall be as under : Joint strength in longitudinal and transverse direction at
23°C as 650/450N/5cm. Tear strength in longitudinal and transverse direction as
300/250N. Softening point of membrane not less than 150°C. Cold flexibility shall
be up to -2°C when tested in accordance with ASTM,D -
5147. The laying of membrane shall be got done through the authorised applicator
of the manufacturer of
membrane : 3 mm thick

Extra for covering top of membrane with Geotextile, 120 gsm non woven, 100%
polyester of thickness 1 to
13.006 26116.00 Sqm 84.23 2199673.14
1.25 mm bonded to the membrane with intermittent touch by heating the
membrane by Butane Torch as per manufactures recommendation.
14 Sanitary Work:
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning white vitreous china extended wall
mounting water closet of approved make including Supply, installation , testing &
commissioning of dual plate concealed cistern with flushing capacity 2 litre/ 4 litre
(Low Flow), cost shall be inclusive of providing and fixing of accessories i.e. wall
plate for flushing cistern ,seat cover, and cistern fittings, nuts, bolts and gasket, SS
14.001 rack bolt /anchor bolts / fasteners for EWC hanging, and providing protection 135.00 each 28295.16 3819846.90
cover over cistern, cutting and making good the walls wherever required complete
as per manufacturer recommendation
Water closet- Jaquar KUS WHT 35951,Cistern - JCS-WHT-2400 , Flushing Cistern
Wall Plate JCP-CHR-

Supply, installation , testing & commissioning white vitreous china extended wall
mounting water closet of
approved make including Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of dual
plate concealed cistern with flushing capacity 2 litre/ 4 litre (Low Flow), cost shall
be inclusive of providing and fixing of accessories i.e. wall plate for flushing cistern
,seat cover, and cistern fittings, nuts, bolts and gasket, anchor bolts / fasteners for
14.002 141.00 each 25986.99 3664166.11
EWC hanging, and providing protection cover over cistern, cutting and making
good the walls wherever required complete as per manufacturer recommendation
Water closet- Jaquar VGS-WHT-81951,Cistern - JCS-WHT-2400 , Flushing Cistern
Wall Plate JCP-CHR-

Supply, installation , testing & commissioning white vitreous china extended wall
mounting water closet of
approved make including Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of dual
plate concealed cistern with flushing capacity 2 litre/ 4 litre (Low Flow), cost shall
be inclusive of providing and fixing of accessories i.e. wall plate for flushing cistern
,seat cover, and cistern fittings, nuts, bolts and gasket, anchor bolts / fasteners for
14.003 55.00 each 19074.03 1049071.57
EWC hanging, and providing protection cover over cistern, cutting and making
good the walls wherever required complete as per manufacturer recommendation
Water closet- Jaquar FLC WHT 5951,Cistern - JCS-WHT-2400 , Flushing Cistern
Wall Plate JCP-CHR-

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning first quality white vitreous china
under rim counter top
washbasins, 32 mm CP brass waste and CP brass cast bottle trap and pipe to wall
with CP brass flange and rubber adopter for waste connection complete including
filling gap between counter and wash basin with approved type poly sulphide
14.004 142.00 each 5038.43 715457.31
sealant, cutting and making good the walls wherever required as per manufacturer
Wash Basin-Jaquar CNS -WHT 701, ALD-705( waste Coupling), ALD-769L ( Bottle
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning first quality white vitreous china
under rim counter top
washbasins, 32 mm CP brass waste and CP brass cast bottle trap and pipe to wall
with CP brass flange and rubber adopter for waste connection complete including
14.005 filling gap between counter and wash basin with approved type poly sulphide 58.00 each 4692.21 272148.00
sealant, cutting and making good the walls wherever required as per manufacturer
Wash Basin-Jaquar CNS -WHT 703, ALD-705( waste Coupling), ALD-769L ( Bottle
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning first quality white vitreous china wall
mounted washbasin with
32 mm CP brass waste and CP brass cast bottle trap and pipe to wall with CP brass
flange and rubber adopter for waste connection complete including filling gap
14.006 between counter and wash basin with approved type poly sulphide sealant, cutting 10.00 each 4588.33 45883.33
and making good the walls wherever required as per manufacturer
Wash Basin-Jaquar CNS -WB04, ALD-705( waste Coupling), ALD-769L ( Bottle
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning first quality white vitreous china
under rim counter top
washbasins, 32 mm CP brass waste and CP brass cast bottle trap and pipe to wall
with CP brass flange and rubber adopter for waste connection complete including
14.007 filling gap between counter and wash basin with approved type poly sulphide 194.00 each 5961.70 1156569.99
sealant, cutting and making good the walls wherever required as per manufacturer
Wash Basin-Jaquar CNS -WHT 705, ALD-705( waste Coupling), ALD-769L ( Bottle
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning Stainless Steel AISI 304 (18/8)
kitchen sink as per IS 13983
with C.I. brackets, bottle trap, waste coupling and stainless steel plug 40 mm,
14.008 including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the walls 35.00 each 15219.18 532671.23
wherever required.
Kitchen sink with drain board 510x1040 mm bowl depth 200 mm , MODEL NIRALI
Providing, Fixing of CP Brass wall mounted sink tap with wall flange, extended
operating lever, swinging spout
14.009 complete with all accessories as per approved specifications and making good the 35.00 each 2744.57 96059.79
walls wherever required. Sink mounted sink tap ARI-CHR-39347 OR EQUIVALENT
Providing, Fixing of CP Brass Wall Mounted washbasin mixer with concealed &
wall flange, extended
operating lever, complete with all accessories as per approved specifications and
14.010 137.00 each 8768.34 1201262.05
making good the walls wherever required.
Washbasin Mixer -JAQUAR SOL -CHR-6233K & CONCEALED ALD-CHR-233 OR
Providing, Fixing of CP Brass Pressmatic pillar tap to be fixed on
washbasin/counter top complete with all
14.011 accessories as per approved specifications and making good the walls wherever 254.00 each 3578.08 908831.08

Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of C.P. brass dual coat robe hook with
all accessories as per
14.012 341.00 each 694.70 236892.83
approved specifications and making good the walls wherever required. JAQUAR

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of C.P Braided Copper connection
450 mm long including nuts
14.013 and washers and making connection to fixtures and fittings complete as per 839.00 each 451.09 378467.78
manufacturer recommendation
Supply, Installation, testing & commissioning of CP finish Health Faucet with
regulator ( angle valve) of
14.014 approved quality with CP braided flexible pipe 1 m long, wall hooked complete as 343.00 each 2455.18 842127.61
per manufacturer recommendation.
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning Heavy class SS grating with
Cockroach proof SS strainer of
14.015 approved design including setting in floor with cement motor to match with floor 758.80 each 4660.66 3536509.58
finish as per architectural requirement suitable for waste and FT.
a) Size 100 mm x 100 mm , Make - Chilly( CCTL - SMHC-150 )/GMGR
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning C.P. brass angle valve with wall
flange of approved quality
14.016 conforming to IS:8931complete as per approved specifications. a) 15mm nominal 839.00 each 1393.62 1169250.74
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of C.P Toilet paper roll holder with all
accessories as per
14.017 336.00 each 1534.70 515659.89
approved specifications and making good the walls wherever required. Model
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of C.P Towel rack with all accessories
as per approved
14.018 137.00 each 3719.41 509559.58
specifications and making good the walls wherever required.
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of Soap Dish with all accessories as
per approved
14.019 142.00 each 720.71 102341.34
specifications and making good the walls wherever required. Jaquar CAN-1131N
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of C.P Towel ring , cost inclusive of CP
flange, fasteners,
14.020 201.00 each 1076.92 216460.67
complete as per manufacturer recommendation.
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning C.P. brass Two way bib tap with wall
flange of approved quality
conforming to IS:8931 with all accessories as per approved specifications and
14.021 53.00 each 2081.76 110333.32
making good the walls wherever required.
a) 15 mm nominal bore. a 15mm nominal bore
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of 15mm CP brass single lever
concealed bath and shower
wall mixer with diverter with 3 way shower head, spout, OH shower with
adjustable type arm with wall flange with slip fit connection & hand shower with
14.022 flexible pipe with bracket. 133.00 each 16436.91 2186109.63
Diverter Jaquar ARI 39079K with ALD -079, OHS-1757 140mm diameter with
Shower arm: Jaquar SHA-477, HANDSHOWER : HSH 5541 , JAQUAR FLEXIBLE
Providing and fixing water closet squatting pan (Indian type W.C. pan ) with 100
mm sand cast Iron P or S
trap, 10 litre low level white P.V.C. flushing cistern, including flush pipe, with
manually controlled device (handle lever) conforming to IS : 7231, with all fittings
14.023 7.00 each 3817.66 26723.65
and fixtures complete, including cutting and making good the walls and floors
wherever required. 17.1.1 White Vitreous china Orissa pattern W.C. pan of size
580x440 mm with integral type foot rests

Supply, installation , testing & commissioning C.P. brass bib tap with wall flange of
approved quality
14.024 69.00 each 1273.91 87899.50
conforming to IS:8931 a) 15 mm nominal bore. A) 15mm nominal bore

Page 26 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing & fixing white vitreous china large flat back urinal and sensor battery
based infrared sensor
operated urinal having pre & post flushing with water (250 ml & 500 ml
consumption), having water inlet from back side, infrared sensor with necessary
14.025 concealed box and cover with cells, in-built solenoid valve, suitable brackets 144.00 each 25742.24 3706882.48
complete as per manufacturers specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of Soap Dispenser with all

accessories as required and making
14.026 142.00 each 2939.99 417478.91
good the walls wherever required.
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of Soap Dispenser with all
accessories as required and making
14.027 103.00 each 1784.44 183797.52
good the walls wherever required.
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of Auto operated fully hygienic Hand
dryer Stainless steel body
14.028 Satin Finish , cost inclusive of fasteners and accessories required for fixing on wall, 103.00 each 33974.62 3499385.65
complete as per manufacturer recommendations.
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of Paper Towel Dispenser Stainless
steel body Satin Finish with
14.029 fixing on wall with fasteners and supports as per manufacturer recommendation 104.00 each 8616.26 896091.54
and making good the walls wherever required.
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of wall mounted Pressmatic tap for
drinking water station with
14.030 86.00 each 3809.02 327575.74
all accessories as required and making good the walls wherever required. Model -
Providing and fixing white vitreous china laboratory sink with C.I. brackets, C.P.
brass chain with rubber plug,
40 mm C.P brass waste and 40mm C.P. brass trap with necessary C.P. brass unions
14.031 58.00 each 3558.81 206410.69
complete, including painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the
wall wherever required :
17.11.2 Size 600x450x200 mm
Providing and Fixing 2 Nos. CP support arms and backrest of 35 mm dia to be
mounted on the track
14.032 29.00 each 4143.90 120173.15
(vertically and laterally) for handicap toilet complete as required. Model :
Parryware T6608A1 or equivalent from Basket
Providing and Fixing Grab Bar 600mm long for handicap toilet.
14.033 29.00 each 2043.29 59255.48
Model - JAQUAR AHS-1507 /Parryware T660A1 or Equivalent from basket
15 Interna; Drainage:
Providing, fixing , Testing and Commissioning of Type B Ringfit UPVC SWR pipes
for vent, soil, waste, confirming to IS 13592 and Fittings confirming IS 14735 ,
including all fittings (plain or door) e.g. bends, junction, cowls, offsets, access
15.001 pieces, G.I. clamps spaced at 1.0 m centre to centre for wall and roof, jointing with 178.75 metre 324.21 57952.69
solvent cement joints including cutting chase or holes in walls and floors and
making good where required.
a) 75 mm Outer Dia
15.002 b) 110mm Outer dia 4511.72 metre 405.25 1828395.28
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning in position SWR PVC P trap of self
cleaning design of
following sizes. Making proper connection with Cutting chase / hole in floors /slabs
15.003 and bringing the same in proper condition in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix complete 42.20 each 387.48 16351.74
as per specifications. including cost of cutting and making good the walls and floors
after installation of P traps wherever required.
a) 100mm inlet and 75mm outlet
15.004 b) 100mm inlet and 100 mm outlet 575.30 each 543.51 312680.04
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning PVC saddle for connecting two or
three inlet waste connection
15.005 587.40 each 516.10 303159.87
of 32/40 and 50mm nominal dia , including cutting and chasing as per approved

Page 27 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning 100mm x 63 mm PVC waste reducing
elbow including cutting
15.006 280.50 each 256.07 71827.81
chases, making holes in the floor / slab, restoring the same after installation
complete as per approved specifications and connection to pvc pipes
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning upvc floor/ceiling clean out plug with
suitable inlet key for
15.007 opening male threaded joint with UPVC pipe & socket. Including socketed joint 9.30 each 209.72 1950.39
complete as per approved specifications.
a ) For 75 mm dia pipe
15.008 b) For 110 mm dia pipe 168.10 each 301.96 50760.11
Supplying, installation , testing & commissioning of uPVC pipes and fittings ( For
Internal drainage & roof
drainage) confirming to IS 4985 for drain in wall / floor / open, pressure rating 6
kg/cm2 tested to IS 2556 (XIII), seals to traps as per IS 5329, including all
15.009 781.99 metre 123.83 96837.16
accessories, breaking / chasing walls, making necessary holes in floor, walls etc. as
per approved specifications and making good etc., Cement mortar encasing under
floor within toilets.
a ) 32 mm dia OD waste pipe.( 8kg/cm2)
15.010 b) 40 mm dia OD waste pipe. 278.63 metre 132.43 36899.98
15.011 c) 63 mm dia OD waste pipe. 429.77 metre 271.68 116760.84
15.012 d) 110 mm dia OD waste pipe. 6933.30 metre 671.20 4653616.29
15.013 d) 160 mm dia OD waste pipe. 400.00 metre 1450.41 580164.90
Providing and fixing to the inlet mouth of rain water pipe cast iron grating 15 cm
15.014 diameter and weighing not 273.00 each 46.24 12624.29
less than 440 grams.
Providing, fixing, jointing, testing and commissioning centrifugally cast 150 mm
Diameter C.I. pipe for
soil, waste & vent pipes (For Kitchen Drainage in Hotels and dining hall)
installation conforming to IS:3989 cut to required lengths including providing and
fixing all necessary supports, fittings and specials such as Bends, junctions, offsets,
15.015 158.50 metre 2667.80 422846.16
access pieces (plain or door) & vent cowl. Fixing at wall/ceiling level supported by
galvanized steel clamps & hangers etc. duly epoxy coated. Making proper
connection with drip seal PJS joint of required depth as per manufacturer
recommendation and as per approved specifications

Painting of Exposed CI pipes and fittings (after installation) of 150 mm dia with
two coats of synthetic enamel
15.016 paint of approved shade over a coat of primer, all as per pipe colour code including 158.50 metre 64.63 10243.09
painting of legends with direction arrows are per the approval of Project Manager /
Providing and fixing in position CI full bore P / S trap (IS : 3989) of 150 mm dia for
locations under slab
including providing necessary galvanized steel support and as per Specification
15.017 and duly epoxy coated. Making proper connection with drip seal joints, cutting 69.90 each 2323.60 162419.69
chase / hole in floors / slabs and bringing the same in proper condition and shape
after placing the trap in right position complete by supporting by GI clamps /
hangers as required. 150x150 mm
Providing and fixing Brass floor clean out plug comprising of GI pipe ( Medium
duty), socket, elbow, extension
piece caulked to pipe and cast brass plug with suitable inlet key for opening male
15.018 10.00 each 3183.29 31832.94
threaded joint with GI class
B pipe & socket. Including lead / drip seal caulked to CI pipes or CI class LA pipes
complete as required. For 150 mm dia pipe
Providing and fixing GI pipes ( Medium duty) confirming to IS 1239 Part 1
complete with GI fitting confirming
to IS 1879 part I to X, complete with clamps, supports , fasteners, cutting in wall
15.019 575.50 metre 1009.69 581078.42
complete as required
Internal work - Exposed on wall
80 mm dia. nominal bore
15.020 100 mm dia. nominal bore 152.50 metre 1647.45 251236.60
15.021 150 mm dia. nominal bore 550.00 metre 2286.60 1257631.61

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes SDR-11
confirming to IIS 15778, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply,
including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, i/c fixing the pipe with clamps at
1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent
15.022 2956.25 metre 303.81 898141.05
cement and the cost of cutting chases and making good the same including testing
of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge. Concealed work, including
cutting chases and making good the walls etc. a)
15 mm nominal dia Pipes

15.023 b) 20mm nominal dia 2970.11 metre 333.52 990586.92

15.024 c) 25mm nominal dia 840.40 metre 395.29 332203.61
Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes SDR -11 , having
thermal stability for hot &
cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings, including
fixing the pipe with clamps at
15.025 1837.55 metre 161.64 297020.00
1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of & fittings with one step CPVC solvent
cement and testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in Charge.
Internal work - Exposed on wall a) 15 mm nominal outer dia

15.026 b) 20 mm nominal outer dia 1859.77 metre 183.75 341736.02

15.027 c) 25 mm nominal outer dia 1665.62 metre 235.73 392642.37
15.028 d) 32 mm nominal outer dia 1392.05 metre 295.20 410936.79
15.029 e) 40 mm nominal outer dia 584.10 metre 394.40 230366.44
15.030 f) 50 mm nominal outer dia 546.70 metre 589.73 322406.86
15.031 g) 65 mm nominal inner dia pipes ( Sch 80 ) 279.40 metre 1737.81 485545.11
15.032 h) 80 mm nominal inner dia pipes ( Sch 80) 31.90 metre 2480.27 79120.68
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of Nitrile Rubber Insulation on Hot/
cold water having thermal
conductivity .038 W/mok 0.212 BTU / (Hr-ft2-oF/inch) at an average temperature
15.033 of 30oC ,temperature range of –40oC to 105oC,Density of material shall not be less 1091.75 metre 41.64 45463.47
than 0.06 gm/cm3, class O type, complete as per manufacturer recommendation
a ) 15 mm nominal outer dia Pipes ( 9mm insulation thickness)

15.034 b)20 mm nominal outer dia Pipes ( 9mm insulation thickness) 428.23 metre 50.98 21830.05
15.035 c) 25 mm nominal outer dia Pipes ( 9mm insulation thickness) 430.10 metre 54.62 23491.20
15.036 d) 32 mm nominal outer dia Pipes ( 13mm insulation thickness) 233.20 metre 101.97 23780.04
15.037 e) 40 mm nominal outer dia Pipes ( 13mm insulation thickness) 44.00 metre 143.69 6322.24
15.038 f) 50 mm nominal outer dia Pipes ( 13mm insulation thickness) 137.50 metre 163.39 22465.81
15.039 g) 62.5 mm nominal outer dia Pipes ( 13mm insulation thickness) 33.00 metre 192.36 6347.88
Providing and fixing proprietary polyshield outer mechanical protection over
nitrile rubber insulation
comprising of wrapping with poly glass tape helically wound and subsequently
15.040 1091.75 metre 27.89 30446.04
applying 2 coats of polyshield material (resin & hardener) as per manufacturers
a ) 15 mm nominal outer dia Pipes
15.041 b)20 mm nominal outer dia Pipes 428.23 metre 33.45 14322.97
15.042 c) 25 mm nominal outer dia Pipes 430.10 metre 39.00 16772.82
15.043 d) 32 mm nominal outer dia Pipes 233.20 metre 46.75 10903.02
15.044 e) 40 mm nominal outer dia Pipes 44.00 metre 55.64 2448.17
15.045 f) 50 mm nominal outer dia Pipes 137.50 metre 66.73 9175.71
15.046 g) 65 mm nominal outer dia Pipes 33.00 metre 83.39 2751.97
Supplying & fixing full way lever operated forged brass ball valve of brass body
with forged brass hard
chrome plated steel ball tested to a pressure not less than 25 Kg / sqcm with
15.047 74.00 each 786.80 58223.23
threaded joints complete with nuts, bolts, male threaded adaptor, washers union
a) 15 mm nominal dia
15.048 b) 20 mm nominal dia 330.00 each 1055.91 348450.00
15.049 c) 25 mm nominal dia 192.00 each 1648.16 316447.01
15.050 d) 32 mm nominal dia 97.00 each 2753.34 267073.52
15.051 e) 40 mm nominal dia 37.00 each 3535.19 130801.88
15.052 f) 50 mm nominal dia 28.00 each 5776.32 161736.88

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Supply, Installation, Testing and commissioning of slim seal type C.I. Butterfly
valve (Body : Grey Cast Iron,
shaft : SS, Disc : SG Iron (Rilson coated), Liner : HT - EPDM) of approved make with
15.053 PN 10 rating flange dimensions shall be confirming to IS 6392, washer, nuts & 25.00 each 4822.09 120552.35
bolts. Rated to temperature of 85 Deg C and tested to a pressure not less than 15
a) 65mm nominal dia
15.054 b) 80mm nominal dia. 15.00 each 5192.14 77882.16
15.055 c) 100mm nominal dia. 4.00 each 7425.39 29701.57
15.056 c) 150mm nominal dia. 10.00 each 9945.89 99458.92
Providing & fixing gun metal / Bronze non – return valve of approved make with
union / flange, washer,
15.057 44.00 each 462.75 20361.04
nuts & bolts. Rated to temperature of 85 Deg C and tested to a pressure not less
than 15 Kg/ a) 20mm nominal dia
15.058 b) 32 mm nominal dia 59.00 each 714.07 42130.08
NON RETURN VALVE with dual plate of CI body SS plates vulcanized NBR seal
15.059 flanged end & PN 16 12.00 each 2656.66 31879.94
pressure rating a) 65mm dia
15.060 b) 80 mm nominal dia 12.00 each 3069.62 36835.43
15.061 b) 100 mm nominal dia 10.00 each 4248.85 42488.52
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning Gun metal float valve with cast brass
lever arm and plastic ball
15.062 of adequate size confirming to IS 1703 of approved quality complete as per 65.00 each 2286.88 148647.26
specifications and as directed by
Engineer - in - Charge. a) 32 mm nominal dia
15.063 b)40 mm nominal dia 65.00 each 3056.27 198657.38
16 External Plumbing Work:
Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/ manual
means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5m in width or 10 sqm on
16.001 plan), including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift up to 1.5 m, 4975.20 cum. 177.22 881723.26
including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as
directed within a lead of 50 m.
All kinds of soil
Excavating trenches of required width for pipes, cables, etc. including excavation
for sockets, and dressing of
sides, ramming of bottoms, depth up to 1.5 m, including getting out the excavated
soil, and then returning the soil as required, in layers not exceeding 20 cm in depth,
16.002 including compacting each deposited layer by ramming, watering, etc. and 7867.20 metre 234.39 1843980.52
disposing of surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead of 50 m.
All kinds of soil (a) Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 80 mm dia. but not exceeding 300
mm dia

16.003 (b) Pipes, cables etc. exceeding 80 mm dia. but not exceeding 300 mm dia 12000.50 metre 365.93 4391286.99
Sewer Drainage - Providing and fixing of uPVC SDR pipes as Under ground
Sewerage Pipes as per IS 15328-
2003 for underground non pressure applications , placing in trench , jointing the
pipes with solvent cement as per manufacturer's specifications complete as per
16.004 1515.20 metre 1042.73 1579940.85
specifications and as directed by the Engineer - in - Charge. Make of the pipe:
Supreme/Finolex SN4 (SDR 41, Stiffness Class 4KN/m2). PCC for bedding,
haunching or all round the pipe, excavation and backfilling shall be payable
separately under relevant head, a) 160 mm nominal dia
16.005 b) 200 mm nominal dia 750.00 metre 1249.17 936881.13
16.006 c) 250 mm nominal dia 850.00 metre 1970.58 1674992.11
16.007 d) 315 mm nominal dia 50.00 metre 2823.14 141157.17
STORM DRAINAGE - Providing and laying non-pressure NP2 class (light duty)
R.C.C. pipes with collars
16.008 jointed with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 5318.50 metre 391.91 2084382.39
fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete:
a)150mm RCC Pipe
16.009 b) 250mm dia R.C.C. pipe 8955.50 metre 527.28 4722033.96
16.010 c) 300mm dia R.C.C. pipe 2145.00 metre 569.75 1222122.79

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing, laying and jointing glazed stoneware pipes class SP-1 with stiff mixture
of cement mortar in the
16.011 proportion of 1:1 (1 cement : 1 fine sand) including testing of joints etc. complete: 283.50 metre 232.42 65889.85
a) 100mm dia.

Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand :10 graded
stone aggregate 40 mm
16.012 6188.50 metre 815.45 5046412.41
nominal size) all-round. including bed concrete as per standard design. a) 150mm
nominal dia
16.013 b) 200mm nominal dia. 790.00 metre 950.65 751009.92
16.014 c) 250mm dia nominal dia. 850.00 metre 1099.35 934443.45
Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 coarse sand :10 graded
stone aggregate 40 mm
16.015 8915.50 metre 702.82 6265951.82
nominal size) up to haunches of pipes including bed concrete as per standard
design. a) 250mm nominal dia
16.016 b) 300mm nominal dia 2145.00 metre 810.95 1739484.70
Providing and fixing square-mouth S.W. gully trap class SP-1 complete with C.I.
grating brick masonry
chamber with water tight C.I. cover with frame of 300x300 mm size (inside) the
16.017 198.00 each 1794.00 355212.16
weight of cover to be not less than 4.50 kg and frame to be not less than 2.70 kg as
per standard design 150 x 100 mm size P type
With common burnt clay F.P.S.(non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Constructing brick masonry chamber for underground C.I. inspection chamber and
bends with bricks in
cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) C.I. cover with frame (light duty)
455x610 mm internal dimensions, total weight of cover with frame to be not less
than 38 kg (weight of cover 23 kg and weight of frame 15 kg), R.C.C. top slab with
1:2:4 mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal
16.018 size), foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10 graded stone 129.00 each 5279.62 681070.61
aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar
1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), finished smooth with a floating coat of neat cement
on walls and bed concrete etc. complete as per standard design: Inside dimensions
455x610 mm and 45 cm deep for single pipe line With common burnt clay F.P.S.
(non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5

Extra for depth beyond 45 cm of brick masonry chamber :

16.019 19.31.1 For 455x610 mm size 20.00 Rmt. 4416.11 88322.26
With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Sewer Manhole - Constructing brick masonry circular type manhole 0.91 m internal
dia at bottom and 0.56m
dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse sand), in side cement plaster 12
mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with a
floating coat of neat cement, foundation concrete 1:3:6 mix (1 cement : 3 coarse
sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), and making necessary
channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, all
16.020 complete as per standard design. 0.91 m deep with S.F.R.C. cover and frame (heavy 391.00 each 9832.84 3844642.22
duty, HD-20 grade designation) 560 mm internal diameter conforming to I.S.12592,
total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 182 kg., fixed in cement concrete
1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
including centering, shuttering all complete. (Excavation, foot rests and 12mm
thick cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for separately) With
common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class
designation 7.5

Extra depth for circular type manhole 0.91m internal dia (at bottom) beyond 0.91
16.021 m to 1.67 mt With common 75.00 metre 5448.80 408659.82
burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Constructing brick masonry circular manhole 1.52 m internal dia at bottom and
0.56 m dia at top in cement
mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) inside cement plaster 12 mm thick with
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement :
3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, foundation concrete
1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size)
and making necessary channel in cement concrete
1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size)
16.022 finished with a floating coat of neat cement, all complete as per standard design a 27.00 each 39356.18 1062616.89
2.30 m deep with SFRC Cover and frame (heavy duty HD- 20 grade designation)
560 mm internal diameter conforming to I.S. 12592, total weight of cover and
frame to be not less than 182 kg. fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2
coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) including centering,
shuttering all complete. (Excavation, foot rests and 12 mm thick cement plaster at
the external surface shall be paid for separately) With common burnt clay F.P.S.
(non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5

Extra depth for circular type manhole 1.52 m internal dia (at bottom) beyond 2.30
16.023 m :With common burnt clay 13.00 metre 16701.67 217121.76
F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Providing orange colour safety foot rest of minimum 6 mm thick plastic
encapsulated as per IS : 10910, on 12
mm dia steel bar conforming to IS: 1786, having minimum cross section as 23 mm x
25 mm and over all minimum length 263 mm and width as 165 mm with minimum
112 mm space between protruded legs having
2 mm tread on top surface by ribbing or chequering besides necessary and
16.024 2508.00 each 350.62 879351.62
adequate anchoring projections on tail length on 138 mm as per standard drawing
and suitable to with stand the bend test and chemical resistance test as per
specifications and having manufacture’s permanent identification mark to be
visible even after fixing, including fixing in manholes with 30x20x15 cm cement
concrete block 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size) complete as per design.
Storm Chamber - Constructing brick masonry circular type manhole 0.91 m
internal dia at bottom and 0.56m
dia at top in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement :4 coarse
sand), in side cement plaster 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3
coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cement, foundation concrete 1:3:6
mix (1 cement : 3 coarse sand : 6 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), and
making necessary channel in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4
graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat
16.025 cement, all complete as per standard design. 0.91 m deep with S.F.R.C. grating and 66.00 each 9832.84 648967.74
frame (heavy duty, HD-20 grade designation) 560 mm internal diameter
conforming to I.S.12592, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 182 kg.,
fixed in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size) including centering, shuttering all complete. (Excavation, foot
rests and
12mm thick cement plaster at the external surface shall be paid for separately)
With common burnt clay
F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Extra depth for circular type manhole 0.91m internal dia (at bottom) beyond 0.91
m to 1.67 m
16.026 5.00 metre 5448.80 27243.99
a) With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5

Constructing brick masonry road gully chamber 50x45x60 cm with bricks in

cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand) including 500x450 mm pre-cast R.C.C. horizontal grating with frame
16.027 583.00 each 4453.08 2596147.93
complete as per standard design :
a With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5

Constructing brick masonry road gully chamber 45x45x77.5 cm with bricks in

cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4
coarse sand) with pre-cast R.C.C. vertical grating complete as per standard design
16.028 306.50 metre 4961.06 1520566.26
: a With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Storm Chamber - Constructing brick masonry chamber for underground C.I.
inspection chamber and bends
with bricks in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) C.I. Grating with frame
(light duty) 455x610 mm internal dimensions, total weight of cover with frame to
be not less than 38 kg (weight of cover 23 kg and weight of frame 15 kg), R.C.C. top
slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size), foundation concrete 1:5:10 (1 cement : 5 fine sand : 10
16.029 31.00 metre 5279.62 163668.13
graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering 12 mm thick with
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand), finished smooth with a floating coat
of neat cement on walls and bed concrete etc. complete as per standard design:
Inside dimensions 455x610 mm and 45 cm deep for single pipe line With common
burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5

Extra for depth beyond 45 cm of brick masonry chamber :

16.030 For 455x610 mm size 10.00 metre 4416.11 44161.13
With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Constructing Desilting chamber ( roof water desilting) with coarse sand, aggregate
& nelton mesh, chamber
will be constructed ( as shown in drawing ) of brick work with bricks of class 75
with cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement:5 fine sand) plastering internal face with cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 fine sand and rough plaster on outer face with a floating
coat of neat cement. R.C.C top slab with medium duty HD -20 SFRC manhole cover
16.031 3.00 each 22434.99 67304.98
and frame of 600 mm dia. The weight of cover & frame not be less than182 Kg as
per standard design. Including excavation, dewatering, refilling, watering, ramming
and removing the surplus excavated material complete as per approved
specifications and indicated tender drawing. (All sizes are clear internal sizes).
a Size 2000 x 2000 x 1500 mm deep

Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse

sand ) with R.C.C. top slab
with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size), foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded
stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with floating coat of neat cement
and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded
16.032 6.60 each 9572.30 63177.18
stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per
standard design :Inside size
90x80 cm and 45 cm deep including C.I. cover with frame (light duty) 455x610 mm
internal dimensions, total weight of cover and frame to be not less than 38 kg
(weight of cover 23 kg and weight of frame 15 kg) :With common burnt clay F.P.S.
(non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5
Extra for depth for manholes : Size 90x80 cm With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non
16.033 modular) bricks of class 85.80 metre 6344.25 544336.75
designation 7.5
DOMESTIC WATER - Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC)
pipes, having thermal
stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain & brass threaded
fittings This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement
16.034 1540.00 metre 3855.31 5937174.09
,trenching ,refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of Engineer in
External work
a) 150 mm nominal outer dia Pipes Schedule 80
16.035 b) 40 mm nominal outer dia Pipes SDR 11 638.00 metre 394.40 251624.37
Providing and fixing G.I. pipes B Class, confirming to IS 1239 Part 2 with G.I. fittings
as per IS 1879 Part 1 to
X , including painting of pipes, excavation up to 1m depth laying of pipes, backfilling
complete as per specifications and directed by Engineer - in - Charge. Excavation,
16.036 20.00 metre 476.64 9532.82
painting and backfilling shall be paid separately under relevant head
External work
a) 32 mm nominal inner dia Pipes

16.037 b)40 mm nominal inner dia Pipes 20.00 metre 482.18 9643.65
16.038 c)50 mm nominal inner dia Pipes 20.00 metre 657.50 13149.93
16.039 d)65 mm nominal inner dia Pipes 20.00 metre 828.84 16576.75

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
16.040 e)80 mm nominal inner dia Pipes 250.00 metre 1009.69 252423.29
16.041 f)100 mm nominal inner dia Pipes 350.00 metre 1647.45 576608.59
16.042 g)150 mm nominal inner dia Pipes 2280.00 metre 2593.62 5913442.38
Painting G.I. pipes and fittings with two coats of anti-corrosive bitumastic paint of
16.043 approved quality 20.00 metre 11.70 234.04
a) 32 mm nominal inner dia Pipes
16.044 b)40 mm nominal inner dia Pipes 20.00 metre 13.33 266.68
16.045 c)50 mm nominal inner dia Pipes 20.00 metre 15.93 318.51
16.046 d)65 mm nominal inner dia Pipes 20.00 metre 19.64 392.75
16.047 e)80 mm nominal inner dia Pipes 250.00 metre 22.79 5696.29
16.048 f)100 mm nominal inner dia Pipes 350.00 metre 52.04 18212.43
16.049 g)150 mm nominal inner dia Pipes 2280.00 metre 64.86 147876.95
DRINKING WATER DISTRIBUTION -Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl
Chloride (CPVC) pipes SDR
11, having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain &
16.050 brass threaded fittings This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC 865.70 metre 235.73 204074.46
solvent cement ,trenching ,refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of
Engineer in Charge.
a) 25 mm nominal outer dia Pipes
16.051 b) 20 mm nominal outer dia Pipes 588.50 metre 183.75 108137.91
16.052 c) 50 mm nominal outer dia Pipes 1540.00 metre 589.73 908188.34
FLUSHING WATER DISTRIBUTION - Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl
Chloride (CPVC) pipes,
having thermal stability for hot & cold water supply including all CPVC plain &
16.053 brass threaded fittings This includes jointing of pipes & fittings with one step CPVC 1540.00 metre 2308.12 3554510.55
solvent cement ,trenching ,refilling & testing of joints complete as per direction of
Engineer in Charge.
a) 80 mm nominal inner dia Pipes Schedule 80
16.054 b) 32 mm nominal outer dia Pipes SDR 11 544.50 metre 295.20 160737.82
16.055 c) 40 mm nominal outer dia Pipes SDR 11 773.30 metre 394.40 304986.09
16.056 d) 50 mm nominal outer dia Pipes SDR 11 773.30 metre 589.73 456040.29
Constructing Grease Trap of size as mentioned below of 1200 liquid depth in brick
work of class 75 with
cement mortar (1:6), inside plastering 16 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 with
floating coat of neat cement and rough plaster on outside. Including aluminium
16.057 bucket as per detail to collect the grease. RCC top slab with 2 nos. 600 x 600 mm 3.00 Lot 57704.21 173112.64
dia medium duty hinged type cover with epoxy coating, double seal manhole covers
with frame (weight of covers & weight of frame 75 Kg), necessary 150 mm thick
foundation concrete (1:2:4).
2000mm x 1500mm as per detailed drawings and specifications.
Hydro pneumatic Booster system for maintaining pressure in rooms - Domestic
Water Supply Supply Installation , Testing & Commissioning of suitable hydro
pneumatic system consisting of horizontal/vertical multistage centrifugal pump
having stainless steel (SS304) impellers, shaft and housing, with single mechanical
seal and pressurised tank of 100 Liter capacity, complete with all standard
accessories including pressure switch, pressure gauges, non-return & isolating
valves, with necessary
protection and operational devices i.e. alternate pumping operation and shut-off
17.001 2.00 set 193317.77 386635.54
during dry running conditions etc. with suitable electrical motor to be operated on
210/220 OR 400/440 volt 50 cycle AC supply, suitable for following duty
parameters and with set of pumps - 2 nos.(1 working+1standby) complete with
Control Unit Panel, manifolds & chassis, including fixing on foundation, complete as
required. Construction of foundation and Foundation bolts shall be paid separately
under relevant items.
No. of Pumps per Set : 2 (1 Working + 1 Stand by ) Capacity : app 200 lpm
per pump
Head : app. 30 m
STP ACADEMIC SPINE- Design , Construction, Testing and Commissioning of
Sewage Treatment plant of 96
cum per day capacity including settler, Anaerobic baffle Reactor + Anaerobic Filter
17.002 & plant gravel filter ( DEWAT Technology), and finishing pond. The cost shall be 1.00 Lot 7381543.15 7381543.15
inclusive of design , submission and approval of drawings, testing and
commissioning of complete system The work should be completed as specified in
Technical specification.

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Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
STP AMENITIES- Design , Construction, Testing and Commissioning of Sewage
Treatment plant of 20 cum
per day capacity including settler, Anaerobic baffle Reactor + Anaerobic Filter &
17.003 plant gravel filter ( DEWAT Technology), and finishing pond. The cost shall be 1.00 Lot 3123012.41 3123012.41
inclusive of design , submission and approval of drawings, testing and
commissioning of complete system The work should be completed as specified in
Technical specification.
Sewage Water Transfer Pump- Submersible Centrifugal pump - Supply, installation
, testing &
commissioning compact monoblock dry motor submersible pumps for suitable
rating, with non-clog free flow open impeller, suitable for operation on 415 volts +
5% -15%, 50 C/s , speed 960/1440R&M including oil chamber, guide wire for
lifting & lowering of pump, M.S. galvanized lifting chain, duck foot bend with
following specifications:
(a) Set of Total 2 nos. of Pumps (Both operating in cyclic operation) with minimum
solid handling capacity of
100 mm.(b) Necessary cables from pump set to control panel including termination
17.004 1.00 Set 218576.29 218576.29
as required (position of panel marked on enclosed drawings).-- 1 Set
(b) Electrical switch panel having all necessary accessories & safety devices of
standard specifications. (Panels with sump pumps near each sump as per site
conditions). Panel shall be compatible for integration with Building Management /
Automation system with adequate potential free contacts etc.--1 Set
(c) Automatic water level controller with necessary length of cable up to control
panel, complete as required a) Flow rate : 20m3/hr. Head : 15 Mts Solid Handling :
15-20 MM Location : Collection chamber to STP
MOC : CI body; SS Impeller & Shaft

17.005 b) Flow rate 30m3/hr. Head 15 M 1.00 Set 218358.83 218358.83

Submersible Centrifugal pump - Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
continuous duty
submersible centrifugal non-clogging drainage pumps complete with 3 phase
motor with all necessary protection and mechanical seal etc. complete with all
ancillaries including float type level controllers, electrical control panels fabricated
from 14 gauge CRCA sheet volt meter ammeter with selector switch, TPMPCB, 5 VA
CL : CTs, phase indicating lamps protected by 2 amp SP MCB, DOL starter,
17.006 necessary wiring, cable alleys, earthling, interlocking, starter with Automatic float 1.00 Set 218858.93 218858.93
type level controller, provision of high level alarm, sequence timer, potential free
contact to starter for connection to BAS, both pumps may run simultaneously at pre
determined level. (1 Working + 1 Standby) - Flushing water Transfer from
polishing pond
a) Flow rate : 20m3/hr. Head : 15 Mts Solid Handling : 15-20 MM Location :
Polishing Pond to transfer sewage to STP collection tank : MOC : CI body; SS
Impeller & Shaft
17.007 b) Flow rate 30m3/hr. Head 15 M 1.00 Set 218358.83 218358.83
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning vertical, inline multistage centrifugal
pumping set with
stainless steel SS-304 stage casing and SS-304 impellers with stainless steel shaft
and suction & discharge casing as per IEC standards , connected to TEFC ventilated
induction motor of 2 pole, 2900 RPM, suitable for 400/440 Volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz
A.C. supply with pressure gauge and with gunmetal isolation cocks, vibration
17.008 2.00 Set 266949.76 533899.52
elimination pads etc. complete with base and frame, nuts and bolts and necessary
RCC foundations as per requirement as per instructions and pump shall have
following duty: No. of Pumps: 2(1Working + 1Stand by)
Capacity : 25 m3/Hour each
Head : 30Meters

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Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
SUMP PUMPS FOR BALANCING PONDS - Supply, installation , testing &
commissioning compact
monoblock dry motor submersible pumps for suitable rating, with non-clog free
flow open impeller, suitable for operation on 415 volts + 5% -15%, 50 C/s , speed
960/1440R&M including oil chamber, guide wire for lifting
& lowering of pump, M.S. galvanized lifting chain, duck foot bend with following
(a) Total 2 nos. of Pumps (Both operating in cyclic operation) with minimum solid
handling capacity of 46mm. (b) Necessary cables from pump set to control panel
including termination as required (position of panel marked on enclosed
17.009 drawings).-- 1 Set 1.00 Set 869797.05 869797.05
(c) Electrical switch panel having all necessary accessories & safety devices of
standard specifications. (Panels with sump pumps near each sump as per site
conditions). Panel shall be compatible for integration with Building Management /
Automation system with adequate potential free contacts etc. --1 Set.
(d) Automatic built-up water level controller with necessary length of cable up to
control panel. Discharge - 20 cum/hr. Each
Total head - 35 Meters
Solid handling - 20-25mm
including all items as above)
Submersible Centrifugal pump - Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of
continuous duty
submersible centrifugal non-clogging drainage pumps complete with 3 phase
motor with all necessary protection and mechanical seal etc. complete with all
ancillaries including float type level controllers, electrical control panels fabricated
from 14 gauge CRCA sheet volt meter ammeter with selector switch, TPMPCB, 5 VA
CL : CTs, phase indicating lamps protected by 2 amp SP MCB, DOL starter,
17.010 1.00 Set 148670.30 148670.30
necessary wiring, cable alleys, earthling, interlocking, starter with Automatic float
type level controller, provision of high level alarm, sequence timer, potential free
contact to starter for connection to BAS, both pumps may run simultaneously at pre
determined level. (2 Working + 1 Standby) -
a) Flow rate : 10m3/hr. Head : 15 Mts Solid Handling : 15-20 MM Location :
Amphitheatre : MOC : CI body; SS Impeller & Shaft

Submersible Centrifugal pump - Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of

continuous duty
submersible centrifugal non-clogging sewage pumps complete with 3 phase motor
with all necessary protection and mechanical seal etc. complete with all ancillaries
including float type level controllers, electrical control panels fabricated from 14
gauge CRCA sheet volt meter ammeter with selector switch, TPMPCB, 5 VA CL : CTs,
phase indicating lamps protected by 2 amp SP MCB, DOL starter, necessary wiring,
17.011 1.00 Set 156476.83 156476.83
cable alleys, earthling, interlocking, starter with Automatic float type level
controller, provision of high level alarm, sequence timer, potential free contact to
starter for connection to BAS, both pumps may run simultaneously at pre
determined level. (1 Working + 1 Standby) -
a) Flow rate : 40 LPM. Head : 15 Mts Solid Handling : 15-20 MM Location :
Amphitheatre: MOC : CI body; SS Impeller & Shaft

Supply, installation , testing & commissioning M.S. puddle flanges fabricated of 750
mm long pipe pieces to
R.C.C. water tanks wall / slab. The entire fitting shall be hot dipped galvanised
17.012 (Flanges shall confirm to BS10 310.00 each 2204.68 683450.93
Table E) .
a) 32 mm dia (Screwed ends MS plate 6 mm thick; 100 mm x 100 mm plus dia of
b) 40 mm dia (Screwed ends MS plate 6 mm thick; 100 mm x 100 mm plus dia of
17.013 310.00 each 2845.84 882210.05
c) 50 mm dia (Screwed ends MS plate 6 mm thick; 250 mm x 250 mm plus dia of
17.014 6.00 each 3487.00 20921.98
d) 80 mm dia (Flanged ends MS plate 6 mm thick; 250 mm x 250 mm plus dia of
17.015 10.00 each 4769.31 47693.14
e) 100 mm dia (Flanged ends MS plate 6 mm thick; 300 mm x 300 mm plus dia of
17.016 10.00 each 5410.47 54104.73
f) 150 mm dia(Flanged ends MS plate 6 mm thick; 300 mm x 300 mm plus dia of
17.017 10.00 each 6692.79 66927.89

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Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
g) 200 mm dia(Flanged ends MS plate 6 mm thick; 300 mm x 300 mm plus dia of
17.018 4.00 each 8616.26 34465.06
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning dial type (100 mm) pressure gauge (
glycerine filled) with
17.019 isolation ball valve suitable for working pressure of 250 PSI. Cost shall be inclusive 11.00 each 2204.68 24251.48
of providing any short pieces, nipples, elbows etc. as per approved specifications.

Supply, installation , testing & commissioning dial type (100 mm) pressure gauge (
glycerine filled) working
17.020 range 0 to 5 kg/cm2 with isolation ball valve suitable for working pressure up to 20.00 each 2204.68 44093.61
80 PSI. Cost shall be inclusive of providing any short pieces, nipples, elbows etc. as
per approved specifications.
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of brass Y strainer confirming to IS
17.021 778 , including cutting of 4.00 each 1779.49 7117.97
pipe, jointing, complete as per approved specifications a) 25mm nominal dia
17.022 b) 40mm nominal dia 4.00 each 2475.04 9900.14
17.023 c) 50mm nominal dia 4.00 each 3545.38 14181.53
Fire Pump & Equipment
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of electrically driven high pressure
centrifugal fire hydrant pump, suitable for automatic operation consisting of the
(a). Horizontal, split casing centrifugal pump, suitable for operation on 415 volts ±
6%, 3 phase, 50 HZ AC supply. The installation shall be complete with flexible
coupling and coupling guard as required. Fire pump shall have CI casing, CS
diffusers, bronze impeller (hard finished and dynamically balanced) and SS (304)
18.001 1.00 each 353059.78 353059.78
shaft with mechanical seal, capable for delivering 2280 LPM at outlet head of 80
mts to ensure a minimum pressure of 3.5 Kg/Sqcm at the farthest or topmost
hydrant / sprinkler. The installation shall be complete with necessary pressure
gauge with gun metal shut off cock on delivery side (The pump should be tested for
bench make at factory and shall be gotten approved by the Local fire
Authority).Pump shall be capable of furnishing not less than 150% of rated
capacity at a head of not less than 65% of the rated head. The shut off head shall
not exceed 120% of rated head.
(b). Squirrel cage induction motor, TEFC type suitable for operation on 415 volts, 3
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of electrically driven high pressure
centrifugal fire hydrant
pump, suitable for automatic operation consisting of the following:
(a). Horizontal, end suction/split casing centrifugal pump, suitable for operation on
415 volts ± 6%, 3 phase,
50 HZ AC supply. The installation shall be complete with flexible coupling and
coupling guard as required. Fire pump shall have CI casing, CS diffusers, bronze
impeller (hard finished and dynamically balanced) and SS (304) shaft with
18.002 mechanical seal, capable for delivering 1620 LPM at outlet head of 55 mts to 1.00 each 341811.40 341811.40
ensure a minimum pressure of 3.5 Kg/Sqcm at the farthest or topmost hydrant /
sprinkler. The installation shall be complete with necessary pressure gauge with
gun metal shut off cock on delivery side (The pump should be tested for bench
make at factory and shall be gotten approved by the Local fire Authority).Pump
shall be capable of furnishing not less than 150% of rated capacity at a head of not
less than 65% of the rated head. The shut off head shall not exceed 120% of rated
head. (b).Squirrel cage induction motor, TEFC type suitable for operation on 415
volts, 3 phase 50 HZ A.C supply, for the above pump with synchronous speed of

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Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Diesel Engine driven fire pump
suitable for automatic
operation comprising of the following and conforming to BS 649/IS 10002 all
amended up to date.
(a). Horizontal, split casing centrifugal pump, suitable for operation on 415 volts ±
6%, 3 phase, 50 HZ AC supply. The installation shall be complete with flexible
coupling and coupling guard as required. Fire pump shall have CI casing, CS
diffusers, bronze impeller (hard finished and dynamically balanced) and SS (304)
18.003 shaft with mechanical seal, capable for delivering 2280 LPM at outlet head of 80 1.00 each 596884.26 596884.26
mts to ensure a minimum pressure of 3.5 Kg/Sqcm at the farthest or topmost
hydrant / sprinkler. The installation shall be complete with necessary pressure
gauge with gun metal shut off cock on delivery side (The pump should be tested for
bench make at factory and shall be gotten approved by the Local fire
Authority).Pump shall be capable of furnishing not less than 150% of rated
capacity at a head of not less than 65% of the rated head. The shut off head shall
not exceed 120% of rated head.
(b). Heat exchanger cooled (secondary cooling) diesel engine of speed 1500 RPM
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Diesel Engine driven fire pump
suitable for automatic
operation comprising of the following and conforming to BS 649/IS 10002 all
amended up to date.
(a). Horizontal , split casing/end suction centrifugal pump, suitable for operation on
415 volts ± 6%, 3 phase,
50 HZ AC supply. The installation shall be complete with flexible coupling and
coupling guard as required. Fire pump shall have CI casing, CS diffusers, bronze
impeller (hard finished and dynamically balanced) and SS (304) shaft with
18.004 1.00 each 690020.87 690020.87
mechanical seal, capable for delivering 1620 LPM at outlet head of 55 mts to ensure
a minimum pressure of 3.5 Kg/Sqcm at the farthest or topmost hydrant / sprinkler.
The installation shall be complete with necessary pressure gauge with gun metal
shut off cock on delivery side (The pump should be tested for bench make at
factory and shall be gotten approved by the Local fire Authority).Pump shall be
capable of furnishing not less than 150% of rated capacity at a head of not less than
65% of the rated head. The shut off head shall not exceed 120% of rated head.
(b). Heat exchanger cooled (secondary cooling) diesel engine of speed 1500 RPM
suitable for the above pump with automatic starting mechanism and other
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of jockey pump (pressurisation
pump) comprising of the
following: (a). Vertical centrifugal pump, suitable for operation on 415 volts ± 6%,
3 phase, 50 HZ A.C supply. The installation shall be complete with Flexible coupling
and coupling guard, complete as required. The pump casing shall be CI, shaft shall
be SS & impeller/ shaft sleeve/casing wearing ring shall be bronze. The pump shall
be provided with mechanical seal The system shall be complete with necessary
pressure gauge with
18.005 gun metal shut off cock on delivery side. (The pump should meet the condition and 1.00 each 82334.80 82334.80
shall be gotten approved by the Local fire Authority).
(b). Squirrel cage induction motor TEFC type for operation on 415 V, 3 phase 50 Hz
AC supply for the above pump with a synchronous speed of 2900 RPM with flexible
coupling and coupling guard etc. as required.
(c). Common base plate for (a) and (b) from M.S. channel as required sized.
Common base plate for (a) and (b) from M.S. channel of required sized. Suitable
cement concrete foundation with plaster, (design and drawing to be provided by
the Contractor while the foundation will be done by others) complete with

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Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of jockey pump (pressurisation
pump) comprising of the
following: (a). Vertical centrifugal pump, suitable for operation on 415 volts ± 6%,
3 phase, 50 HZ A.C supply. The installation shall be complete with Flexible coupling
and coupling guard, complete as required. The pump casing shall be CI, shaft shall
be SS & impeller/ shaft sleeve/casing wearing ring shall be bronze. The pump shall
be provided with mechanical seal The system shall be complete with necessary
pressure gauge with
18.006 gun metal shut off cock on delivery side. (The pump should meet the condition and 1.00 each 82334.80 82334.80
shall be gotten approved by the Local fire Authority).
(b). Squirrel cage induction motor TEFC type for operation on 415 V, 3 phase 50 Hz
AC supply for the above pump with a synchronous speed of 2900 RPM with flexible
coupling and coupling guard etc. as required.
(c). Common base plate for (a) and (b) from M.S. channel as required sized.
Common base plate for (a) and (b) from M.S. channel of required sized. Suitable
cement concrete foundation with plaster, (design and drawing to be provided by
the Contractor while the foundation will be done by others) complete with
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of booster pump comprising of the
(a). Horizontal mono-block centrifugal pump, suitable for operation on 415 volts ±
6%, 3 phase, 50 HZ A.C supply. The pump casing shall be CI, shaft shall be CS &
impeller /shaft sleeve / casing wearing ring shall be bronze. The system shall be
complete with necessary pressure gauge with gun metal shut off cock on delivery
side. (The pump should meet the condition and shall be gotten approved by the
Local fire Authority).
(b). Squirrel cage induction motor TEFC type for operation on 415 V, 3 phase 50 HZ
18.007 5.00 each 51832.55 259162.75
AC supply for the above pump with a synchronous speed of 2900 R.P.M. with
flexible coupling and coupling guard etc. as required.
(c). Common base plate for (a) and (b) from M.S. channel as required sized.
Common base plate for (a) and (b) from M.S. channel of required sized. Suitable
cement concrete foundation with plaster, (design and drawing to be provided by
the Contractor while the foundation will be done by others) complete with
antivibration arrangement of cushy foot mountings.
For pump defined above & of duty as follows :
a) Flow :900 LPM Head : 30 mts
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of pressure switch for auto cut in &
cut out of pump. The
pressure switch shall decide maximum pressure at which the switch has to
18.008 changeover , On-OFF differential, maximum/minimum changeover pressure . 11.00 each 5440.28 59843.07
Pressure switch shall be mounted on pipe with electrical contact , connection from
fire panel, Cost shall be inclusive of providing any short pieces, nipples, elbows etc.
as per approved specifications.
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning dial type (100 mm) pressure gauge (
glycerine filled) with
18.009 isolation ball valve suitable for working pressure of 250 PSI. Cost shall be inclusive 58.00 each 2204.68 127871.46
of providing any short pieces, nipples, elbows etc. as per approved specifications.

Providing, laying, jointing, testing and commissioning of following sizes of pipes

conforming to IS-1239 with all
accessories like all fittings (standard MS fitting with welded joint shall be used on
the pipes) including tees, elbows, reducers, union, flanges, rubber gaskets, GI nuts
bolts, washer including supporting/fixing the pipe on floor / wall /ceiling with
clamps, hangers (using anchor fasteners) as per specification. G.I. pipe sleeve of
suitable higher size shall be provided and fixed wherever the pipes are crossing the
walls/floors and sealing the sleeves with glass wool in between & fire sealant
18.010 compound at either end all as directed by Engineer - in - Charge / mandatory 155.65 metre 348.78 54287.67
requirements including cutting holes and chases in brick, RCC work and making
the same to original conditions complete in all respects. All hangers, clamps,
brackets etc. shall be of galvanized iron unless specified otherwise and the supply
of the same shall also be included in the quoted rates under this head. (Welding of
any kind on the galvanized support / hanger shall not be permitted.) Synthetic
enamel paint of approved shade over a coat of zinc primer will be applied as
required by Engineer - in - Charge/mandatory requirement, without extra cost..
18.011 b) 65 mm nominal dia 372.90 metre 841.36 313741.53
18.012 c) 80 mm nominal dia 993.30 metre 1035.75 1028811.73

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Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
18.013 d) 100 mm nominal dia 125.00 metre 1433.76 179220.07
18.014 e) 150 mm nominal dia 61.00 metre 2036.49 124225.67
18.015 f) 32 mm nominal dia 9.50 metre 551.64 5240.59
18.016 g) 40 mm nominal dia 9.50 metre 615.42 5846.52
18.017 h) 50 mm nominal dia 15.00 metre 692.40 10386.07
Providing, laying, jointing and testing in trenches the following sizes of MS class `C'
(heavy class) pipes
conforming to IS:1239 with accessories like fittings including tees, elbows,
reducers, flanges, rubber gaskets, GI nuts, bolts and washers including excavation
in all kind of soil, refilling, ramming, shoring, removing the excavated surplus
material, providing adequate support to the pipe and making good the same
complete as per approved specifications. Rate shall include for dewatering, if
required, while excavation, laying of pipes and the wrapping coating operations are
18.018 being executed. The pipe shall not be less than 1.0 m below ground level at any 15.00 metre 886.88 13303.22
point. Pipes shall be embedded all around 150mm thick compacted silver sand.
embedded MS pipes and fittings will be provided anti corrosion protection by
applying pyp kote primer (@ 100 gm/sqm) and thereafter wrapping 4 mm thick
pyp kote (AW 4 mm) protection coating by thermo fusion process.
Overlap shall be maintained at 15 mm. The application process shall be strictly
according to manufacturer’s specification.
a) 65mm nominal dia'

18.019 b) 80mm nominal dia 20.00 metre 1208.55 24170.91

18.020 c) 100mm nominal dia 50.00 metre 1456.20 72809.80
18.021 d) 150mm nominal dia 1240.00 metre 2058.92 2553063.08
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning forged brass ball valve with forged
brass ball suitable for test
18.022 78.00 each 1139.35 88869.07
pressure of not less than 15 kg / of the 25mm nominal dia (Cost shall be
inclusive of providing necessary union / flange connection).
18.023 b) 40 mm nominal dia 2.00 each 1780.51 3561.01
18.024 c) 50 mm nominal dia 2.00 each 2293.43 4586.85
Supplying Installation Testing and Commissioning of Butterfly Valve ( Manual )
with CI body, SS Disc , Nitrile
18.025 9.00 each 3678.36 33105.26
Rubber seal & O Ring , flanges, PN 16 pressure rating complete as required a)
65mm nominal dia
18.026 b) 80mm nominal dia 9.00 each 4093.57 36842.13
18.027 c) 100mm nominal dia 4.00 each 5856.80 23427.18
18.028 c) 150mm nominal dia 8.00 each 7312.84 58502.72
18.029 d) 200mm nominal dia 6.00 each 12357.23 74143.35
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning CI `Y' strainer with Stainless steel
strainer including rubber
18.030 11.00 each 5567.62 61243.81
gasket, flanges, nuts, bolts and washers, complete as per approved specifications. a)
80 mm nominal dia.
18.031 b)65mm nominal dia 6.00 each 5340.32 32041.94
18.032 c)100mm nominal dia 6.00 each 7658.28 45949.71
18.033 c) 150mm nominal dia 8.00 each 11722.60 93780.83
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning dual plate CI wafer type check valve
tested to a pressure of 15
18.034 Kg/sqcm. Including rubber gasket, flanges, union, nuts, bolts, washers & painting 10.00 each 2656.66 26566.62
complete as per approved specifications.
a) 65mm nominal dia
18.035 80 mm dia 4.00 each 3069.62 12278.48
18.036 100 mm dia 4.00 each 4203.85 16815.38
18.037 150 mm dia 4.00 each 7149.69 28598.74
Providing and fixing inspectors test assembly complete with test valve, sight glass
sectional drain valve, union
18.038 1.00 each 2870.47 2870.47
with corrosion resistant orifice all complete strictly as per drawing.
50 mm dia
Providing & fixing brass quartzoid sprinklers (UL approved) of 15 mm dia size,
suitable for sustaining the
18.039 33.00 each 754.64 24903.28
pressure on the seat & water hammer effect. Spray recessed (adjustable) rossette
(68 deg.C) sprinkler quick response (Pendant / Upright Type)

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Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning swinging type First Aid hose reel in
red colour drum with 36 mts
long and 20 mm dia heavy duty rubber water hose, 20 mm dia globe valve stop
cock, terminating with G.M. coupling & nozzle of 6mm outlet with shut off valve
18.040 113.00 each 10395.44 1174685.07
confirming to IS 8090 - 1976 complete with MS socket for tap-off, drum and
brackets (including painting) for fixing on wall with anchor fastener, bolts & nuts
conforming to IS:884-1969 complete as per approved specifications.

Supply, installation , testing & commissioning standard fireman's axe with heavy
18.041 113.00 each 1378.07 155721.51
rubber handle.
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of bronze gate valves of 25mm dia
with high tensile brass rising
18.042 113.00 each 482.55 54528.17
stem confirming to IS 778 suitable for the system pressure, complete as per
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning GM fire hydrant single landing valve
with 80 mm N.B. flanged
inlet, brass spindle controlled 63 mm dia female instantaneous outlet type. GM
18.043 coupling, blank cap, chain, twist release type lug & all accessories Conforming to IS 41.00 each 10814.39 443390.00
standards. Including fixing with anchor fastener and flanged tapping from wet riser
and providing pressure gauge with gun metal ball valve complete as required.

Supply, installation , testing & commissioning GM 63 mm dia instantaneous pattern

branch short pipe, 20 mm
18.044 41.00 each 3300.65 135326.45
dia nozzle conforming to IS 903, suitable for inter connection to hose pipe
coupling complete as required.
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning non-percolating rubber reinforced
lined fire hose pipe (as per IS
: 8423) of 63 mm dia and length as described below. The hose shall be rated for
18.045 burst pressure of 35.7 82.00 each 6979.29 572301.38
Kg/sqcm. Hose shall be complete with ISI marked brass male & female coupling
(IS:903) bound & riveted to hose pipe with copper rivets & 1.5 mm copper wire
(Location : Internal fire hydrant) 15 m length
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning GM fire brigade connection (suction
collecting head) consisting
of 4 Nos. 63 mm dia instantaneous type male couplings with built-in check valves, 1
18.046 No. 150 mm dia butterfly, (1 No. 150 mm dia non-return valve) and 150 mm dia 2.00 each 54427.85 108855.70
flanged outlet complete with bolts, nuts and rubber insertions as required and as
per IS standards ( cost of butterfly valve and check valve shall be paid separately
under relevant head)
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning MS cabinet (to enclose above FB
connection) fabricated from
16g MS sheet with full front glass door and locking arrangement duly painted with
18.047 2.00 each 7060.07 14120.14
one coat of primer and two or more coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved
make and shade and suitably mounted on a raised masonry platform as required
(Approx. 0.6m x 0.6m x 0.45m)
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning GM fire brigade suction hose
coupling (draw-out connection)
with nut for female coupling as per IS standards complete with 100 mm dia GI
suction pipe and 100 mm dia foot valve (to be connected to static tank). Provision
18.048 2.00 each 27731.09 55462.19
of GI drop pipe and foot valve shall be made in all the fire water static storage
tanks (1 Nos) (GI pipe to be paid separately through appropriate item while cost of
foot valve to be included).

Supply, installation , testing & commissioning MS cabinet (to enclose draw-out

connection as per Item above)
fabricated from 16 g MS sheet with full front glass door and locking arrangement
18.049 37.00 each 7228.80 267465.63
duly painted with one coat of primer and two or more coats of synthetic enamel
paint of approved make and shade and suitably mounted on a raised masonry
platform as required (Approx. 0.6 m x 0.6 m x 0.45 m)
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning of spring loaded relief commissioning
of spring loaded relief
18.050 valve suitable for pressure of 15 Kg / sqcm including flanges nuts bolt and washer 5.00 each 3191.05 15955.25
etc. complete as required.
25 mm dia

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Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Fire duct Shutter fabricated out of M.S.sheet of 16swg and frame, door shall be
900mm x 1200 mm min. &
fixed with 4 mm thick Glass, suitable Rubber beading and Locking arrangement.
18.051 78.00 each 7228.80 563846.47
Quoted rate shall include all fasteners etc., and complete shutter shall be powder
coated of approved colour both inside and out side etc., complete.

Providing, fixing, testing and commissioning of precharged air vessel (size 450 mm
dia & 2000 mm height) for
pressurization of hydrant system complete with adequate pressure switches (as
18.052 per design/requirement) with valves to operate as per operating sequences 2.00 each 83350.52 166701.05
including 25 mm dia drain valve, air release valve with stop cock on the top, 25 mm
dia inlet with isolating valve duly painted from inside and outside complete as
Mechanical Foam type Fire Extinguisher. In HP Mild Steel Cylinders ISI marked TAC
approved fitted with
pressure indicating gauge, internal tube, squeeze lever type valve fully charged
18.053 10.00 each 20950.50 209504.99
complete in all respects including wall suspension bracket / trolley mounted and
conforming to IS:910
a) 50 Litres (trolley mounted)
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of following types of extinguisher
with provision of wall bracket
(fixed with anchor fastener).ISI marked (IS:940) portable chemical fire
18.054 139.00 each 5941.85 825916.88
extinguisher, water (gas pressure) type capacity 9 litres with gun metal cap and
nozzle and complete in all respects including initial fill and wall suspension
brackets ( As approved by IS 15683)
ISI marked (IS:15683) ABC Dry Powder fire of clean agent Fire extinguisher, flat
18.055 base including valve, 262.00 each 26552.94 6956869.48
discharge hose and wall suspension bracket. - 6 Kgs
ISI marked (IS:15683) ABC (Powder Type) Fire Extinguisher. In HP Mild Steel
Cylinders ISI marked TAC
approved fitted with pressure indicating gauge, internal tube, squeeze lever type
18.056 18.00 each 3471.25 62482.52
valve fully charged with ABC powder (Mono Ammonium Phosphate) pressured by
Nitrogen complete in all respects including wall suspension bracket and
conforming to IS:1349-1993 6 Kgs
ISI marked (IS:2878) Fire Extinguisher, Carbon-di-oxide type capacity 4.5 Kg. Flat
base including valve,
18.057 discharge hose of not less than 10 mm dia, 1M long and complete in all respects 12.00 each 11518.34 138220.14
including initial fill with CO2 gas conforming to IS:307-1966 filled to a filling rate of
not more than 0.667 and wall suspension bracket.
Supplying and installing at approved location approved make fire buckets of 24
gauge galvanized steel sheet,
standard 9 litre capacity and of round bottom shape, painted white inside and red
18.058 60.00 set 4922.29 295337.47
outside and black on the bottom, inscribed with letters “FIRE” in black and gold.
Cost shall be inclusive of providing MS stand duly painted over a coat of primer- Set
of 6 Buckets/Stand.
Supply, installation , testing & commissioning pre fabricated indoor type lockable
hose cabinet - frames
fabricated from 40 x 40 x 5 angle iron sections and 16 gauge MS sheet with full
front glass door and locking arrangement, suitable to accommodate landing valves,
18.059 15 m long hoses, first-aid hose reel and branch pipe nozzle & fire mans’ axe. The 6.00 each 7717.43 46304.58
cabinet frame shall be painted with one coat of primer and two or more coats of
synthetic enamel paint of approved make and shade of as required (Approx. 2.1 m
(high) x 0.9 m (wide) x 0.6 m (deep) ). The item shall be complete of SS housing
with front door.
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following armoured cables from
main panel to sub panels and from sub panels to final DBs. All the below mentioned
cables shall be 1.1kV grade, XLPE insulated, FRLS type armoured cables of Al / Cu,
18.060 40.00 metre 1049.72 41988.87
whichever applicable with inner and outer PVC sheath. The said cables shall
confirm IS 7098-1, BS 5467, IEC 60502-1, BS 7889 all supplymentary. The rate
shall include complete Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning rates
including cost of fire retardant sealant all tools and accessories required to
Complete the job in full respect.
4C X 16 2XWY

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Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
18.061 3C X 6 2XWY 40.00 metre 377.38 15095.05
18.062 4C X 25 Cu. 2XWY 100.00 metre 2684.00 268400.24
18.063 3.5C X 50 Cu. 2XWY 50.00 metre 3635.48 181774.09
18.064 2C X 2.5 2XY for instrumentation 200.00 metre 156.55 31310.97
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of end terminations of following
armoured cables. All the
lugs shall be of Cu/Al lugs and glands shall be double compression brass glands as
18.065 per the technical specifications. The cost shall include the cost of crimping and all 12.00 each 470.17 5642.00
tools and accessorised required to complete the job in full respect.
4C X 16 Sq. mm Cu2XY

18.066 3C X 6 2XWY 4.00 each 424.83 1699.32

18.067 4C X 25 Sq. mm 2XY 30.00 each 279.05 8371.59
18.068 3.5C X 50 Sq. mm 2XY 10.00 each 384.83 3848.28
18.069 2C X 2.5 2XY 90.00 each 309.89 27890.15
Providing and Fixing of 25 x 3 mm G.I. strip on surface or in recess for connections
18.070 213.00 metre 159.78 34033.77
etc. as required
Providing and Fixing of 6 SWG dia G.I. wire on surface or in recess for loop earthing
18.071 185.50 metre 39.38 7305.56
as required
Design, fabrication, assembling, wiring, supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of motor control centre
fabricated out of 14 gauge CRCA sheet steel in form in 3b formation with
reinforcement of suitable size angle iron, channel ‘T’ sections irons and /or flats
wherever necessary.
MCC-1 for Fire Fighting equipment
63 amps TPN MCCB with the following accessories:
a.) 0-500 volts 96 x 96 mm square voltmeter with selector switch protected by 2
amps TP MCB. 1 Set b). Phase indicating lamps protected by 2 amp SP MCB 3 Sets
18.072 4.00 each 97141.83 388567.33
a.) 1 Nos. 32 amps TPN MPCB, 5.5 KW DOL starter, replay range 13.5 - 20.0 A with
single phase preventer and outgoing feeder to terrace pump motor. The
compartment shall contain CT operated ammeter of 0-63 amps and indicating
lamps with MCBs for `ON'/OFF`TRIP' status of pump motors.
b.) Necessary cable alleys, internal wiring, and interlocking, earthling for all
equipment shall also included. c). Necessary cable alleys space for spare switches,
internal wiring and copper earthling of all equipment shall also be included. All
switch gears/control gears shall be motor duty rating.
d) Complete Auto Start and stop of pumps at set pressure as per specifications
Provision shall be made for providing potential free contacts to all pumps starters
for connection to building automation system.
Design, fabrication, assembling, wiring, supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of motor control centre
fabricated out of 14 gauge CRCA sheet steel in form in 3b formation with
reinforcement of suitable size angle iron, channel ‘T’ sections irons and /or flats
wherever necessary.
MCC-1A for Fire Fighting equipment
63 amps TPN MCCB with the following accessories:
a.) 0-500 volts 96 x 96 mm square voltmeter with selector switch protected by 2
amps TP MCB. 1 Set b). Phase indicating lamps protected by 2 amp SP MCB 3 Sets
18.073 a.) 1 Nos. 63 amps TPN MPCB, 25 KW DOL starter, relay range 28-40 A with single 1.00 each 390881.35 390881.35
phase preventer and outgoing feeder to terrace pump motor. The compartment
shall contain CT operated ammeter of 0-63 amps and indicating lamps with MCBs
for `ON'/OFF`TRIP' status of pump motors.
b.) 1 Nos. 5 amps TPN MPCB, 3 KW DOL starter, suitable relay range with single
phase preventer and outgoing feeder to terrace pump motor. The compartment
shall contain CT operated ammeter of 0-63 amps and indicating lamps with MCBs
for `ON'/OFF`TRIP' status of pump motors.
d.) Necessary cable alleys, internal wiring, and interlocking, earthling for all
equipment shall also included. e). Necessary cable alleys space for spare switches,
internal wiring and copper earthling of all equipment shall also be included. All
switch gears/control gears shall be motor duty rating.

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Design, fabrication, assembling, wiring, supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of motor control centre
fabricated out of 14 gauge CRCA sheet steel in form in 3b formation with
reinforcement of suitable size angle iron, channel ‘T’ sections irons and/or flats
wherever necessary. Cable gland plates shall be provided on top
as well as at the bottom of the panels. Panels shall be treated with all anticorrosive
process before painting as per specifications with 2 coats of red oxide primer and
final approved shade of powder coated paint. 2 Nos. earthling terminals shall be
provided for 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz supply system. Lifting hooks shall also be
provided in case of large panels. Approval shall be taken for each panel before
fabrication. Cadmium Plated hardware shall be used in fabrication of panels.
Quoted rates shall inclusive of cables (in accordance to specification) with earthling
18.074 from panel to each motor / equipment. 1.00 each 378328.15 378328.15
MCC-2 for fire fighting Incoming
a. 2 Nos. 125 amps 4 pole mechanical interlocked incoming MCCB complete with
the following
i. 0-500 volts 96 x 96mm square voltmeter with selector switch shall be protected
by 2 amps TP MCB
1 Set
ii. 0-125 amps 96 x 96 mm square ammeter and selector switch 1 Set
iii. Phase indicating lamps shall be protected by 2 amps SP MCB
6 Sets
b. Aluminium bus bar sleeves type, rated at 800 amps for three phase & neutral
phase bus bar shall have maximum current density of 1 amps per and the
neutral bus bar of not less than 50% capacity.
Electrical Work: General Notes :
Chapter-1 Wiring (As per CPWD DSR 2014 E & M)
1. This section covers Items of Sub mains and point wiring for all internal
2. Switchboards, power plugs, switches for power plugs, GI Modular boxes
and cover plates and its accessories are included in this chapter.
3 GI box, soclets, cover plates for TV and telephone are included in this
4. Point wiring for light/bell/fan/exhaust fan - wiring including termination
from switch boxes to the point outlet including Concealed/surface conduits,
the GI box, modular cover plate and switches are included in the rates of
point wiring.
5. Sub mains wiring includes wiring including termination from distribution
19 boards to respective switchboards and power outlets for all internal areas.
wiring for DB controlled light points are also considered in sub mains wiring.
6. All tools and accessories required to complete the job in full respect and as
per engineer in charge shall be included.
Chapter-2 MCCBs, MCBs & DBs:
1. Items under this section covers Distribution boards considered for all
internal and common areas.
2. Switchgears used inside the distribution boards and its accessories are
covered under this chapter.
3. All internal wirings including neutral and earthing connections inside DB
has to be fully completed.
4. External earthing for DB is considered under earthing section and shall be
paid under relevant items.
5. Minimum Breaking capacity for all switchgears inside DB shall be 10kA
with Ics=Icu
Wiring of circuit / submain wiring along with earth wire with the following sizes of
19.001 48370.33 Metre 147.41 7130197.98
FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor, single core cable in surface / recessed
medium class PVC conduit as required.
(a)2 x 2.5 + 1 x 2.5 earth wire.
19.002 (b)2 x 4 + 1 x 4 earth wire 21227.85 Metre 182.29 3869627.82
19.003 (c)2 x 6 + 1 x 6 earth wire 2368.00 Metre 248.67 588857.29
Wiring of circuit / submain wiring along with earth wire with the following sizes of
FRLS PVC insulated copper
19.004 29871.51 Metre 84.17 2514381.45
conductor, single core cable inside existing metallic adaptable raceways as
required. (a)2 x 2.5 + 1 x 2.5 earth wire
19.005 (b)2 x 4 + 1 x 4 earth wire 19184.10 Metre 123.22 2363779.37
19.006 (c)2 x 6 + 1 x 6 earth wire 1356.00 Metre 180.17 244315.85

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Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
m to different distribution boards and HVAC Panels
Supplying and fixing of following sizes of medium class PVC conduit along with
accessories in surface/recess
19.007 11270.38 Metre 73.14 824358.27
including cutting the wall and making good the same in case of recessed conduit as
required. (a) : 25 mm
19.008 (b) : 32 mm 4005.19 Metre 95.64 383064.28
19.009 (c) : 40 mm 510.00 Metre 123.77 63123.47
19.010 (d) : 50 mm 135.00 Metre 162.03 21874.55
Supplying and fixing of following sizes of steel conduit along with accessories in
surface/recess including
19.011 painting in case of surface conduit, or cutting the wall and making good the same in 1385.00 Metre 159.78 221299.42
case of recessed conduit as required.
(a) : 25 mm
19.012 (b) : 32 mm 900.00 Metre 217.17 195454.60
19.013 (c) : 40 mm 310.00 Metre 322.94 100110.64
19.014 (d) : 50 mm 120.00 Metre 435.46 52255.73
Supplying and drawing Co-axial TV cable RG-6 grade,0.7mm solid copper
conductor PE insulated, shielded
19.015 with fine tinned copper braid and protected with PVC sheath in the existing 2550.00 Metre 31.51 80350.60
surface/recessed steel/PVC
conduit as required.
Supplying and drawing of UTP 4 pair CAT6 LAN cable in the existing surface /
19.016 recessed steel/PVC conduit as 33111.00 Metre 37.13 1229489.14
Supplying and fixing shuttered type, UTP CAT6 compatible, RJ-45 data connectors
19.017 suitable for fixing in 1426.00 Each 632.42 901824.66
existing 1M (75 mm x 75 mm) modular plate and complete as required.
Supplying and fixing following size / modules, GI box along with modular base and
19.018 cover plate for modular 2579.00 Each 186.79 481735.48
switches in recess etc. as required. (a) : 1 or 2 Module (75mm x 75mm)
19.019 (b) : 3 Module (100mm x 75mm) 3939.00 Each 196.92 775649.45
19.020 (c) : 4 Module (125mm x 75mm) 236.00 Each 219.42 51783.71
19.021 (d) : 6 Module (200mm x 75mm) 1762.00 Each 279.05 491691.46
19.022 (e) : 8 Module (125mm x 125mm) 489.00 Each 322.94 157916.46
19.023 (f) : 12 Module (200mm x 150mm) 14.00 Each 375.82 5261.55
Supplying and fixing following modular switch / socket on existing modular plate
and switch box including
19.024 5161.00 Each 88.89 458760.62
connections but excluding modular plate etc. as required. (a) : 3 pin 5/6 amp
socket outlet
19.025 (b) : 6 pin 15/16 amp socket outlet 462.00 Each 168.79 77979.06
19.026 (c) : Universal 6/16 amp switch & socket outlet 1247.00 Each 370.00 461385.45
19.027 (d) : 5/6 amps switch 4228.00 Each 91.14 385342.41
19.028 (e) : 15/16 amp switch 1235.00 Each 124.90 154253.16
19.029 (f) : Telephone socket outlet 1121.00 Each 106.90 119829.98
19.030 (g): TV antenna socket outlet 255.00 Each 105.77 26972.56
19.031 (h): Bell Push 74.00 Each 124.90 9242.70
19.032 (i): 25A switch & socket 59.00 Each 541.53 31950.04
19.033 (i): 32A switch 14.00 Each 371.35 5198.91
(i): Supplying and fixing call bell / buzzer suitable for single phase, 230 volts,
19.034 74.00 Each 68.64 5079.54
complete as required.
(j) Supplying and fixing modular blanking plate on the existing modular plate &
19.035 switch box excluding modular 1046.00 Each 25.88 27069.19
plate as required.
(k) Supplying and fixing stepped type electronic fan regulator on the existing
19.036 modular plate switch box 1207.00 Each 319.57 385716.10
including connections but excluding modular plate etc. as required.
(l) Supplying and fixing 20 amp, 240 Volts, SPN industrial type, socket outlet with 2
pole and earth, metal
19.037 enclosed plug top along with 20 amps "C curve", SP , MCB, in sheet steel enclosure, 52.00 Each 1073.47 55820.26
on surface or in recess, with chained metal cover for socket outlet and complete
with connections , testing commissioning etc. as required.
(m) Supplying and fixing 30 amp, 415 Volts, TPN industrial type, socket outlet with
4 pole and earth, metal
19.038 enclosed plug top along with 30 amps "C curve", TP , MCB, in sheet steel enclosure, 59.00 Each 2782.68 164178.37
on surface or in recess, with chained metal cover for socket outlet and complete
with connections , testing commissioning etc. as required.

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Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
(n) : Supplying and fixing 32 amp, 240 Volts, SPN industrial type, splash proof , IP-
67 for kitchen socket outlet
with 2 pole and earth, metal enclosed plug top along with 32 amps "C curve", SP ,
19.039 46.00 Each 2712.86 124791.48
MCB, in sheet steel enclosure, on surface or in recess, with chained metal cover for
socket outlet and complete with connections , testing commissioning etc. as
(o) : Supplying and fixing 63 amp, 240 Volts, SPN industrial type, splashproof , IP-
67 for kitchen socket outlet
with 2 pole and earth, metal enclosed plug top along with 63 amps "C curve", SP ,
19.040 34.00 Each 5423.82 184409.73
MCB, in sheet steel enclosure, on surface or in recess, with chained metal cover for
socket outlet and complete with connections , testing commissioning etc. as
Supplying and fixing TP sheet steel enclosure on surface/ recess along with
16/25/32amps 415 volts "C"
19.041 19.00 Each 976.69 18557.20
curve TP MCB complete with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as
Supplying and fixing 40 amp, 415 Volts, TPN industrial type, IP 44 for kitchen
socket outlet with 4 pole and
earth, metal enclosed plug top along with 40 amps "C curve", TP , MCB, in sheet
19.042 8.00 Each 5916.44 47331.56
steel enclosure, on surface or in recess, with chained metal cover for socket outlet
and complete with connections , testing commissioning etc. as required.

Supplying and fixing 63 amp, 415 Volts, waterproof TPN industrial type, IP 67 for
kitchen socket outlet with 4
pole and earth, metal enclosed plug top along with 63 amps "C curve", TP , MCB, in
19.043 9.00 Each 7060.46 63544.17
sheet steel enclosure, on surface or in recess, with chained metal cover for socket
outlet and complete with connections , testing commissioning etc. as required.

Supplying and fixing IP 66 rated adaptor with transparent flap suitable for any 3
modules switch/socket
19.044 50.00 Each 3940.55 197027.41
assembly complete with fixing, making drills , concealing etc. as required but
excluding the cost of switch/socket.
Supply and installation of 3 Module pop-up type flush mounting boxes complete as
19.045 required, but excluding 43.00 Each 2583.10 111073.16
switch, sockets.
Supply and installation of 4 Module pop-up type flush mounting boxes complete as
19.046 required, but excluding 109.00 Each 3063.06 333874.02
switch, sockets.
Supply and installation of 8 Module pop-up type flush mounting boxes complete as
19.047 required , but excluding 343.00 Each 6545.63 2245151.78
switch, sockets.
Supply and installation of floor mounted Ega box for housing 2 x 6A switch socket,
1 x 6/16A switch socket, 1
19.048 x data & 1 TV / Telephone point boxes complete as required. The cost of switch 95.00 Each 7449.98 707748.18
socket and data and TV / Telephone point and their receptacles shall be paid
separately under relevant items.
Wiring for light point / fan point / exhaust fan point / call bell point with 1.5 FRLS PVC insulated
copper conductor, single core cable in surface / recessed medium class PVC
19.049 conduit, with modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point 13115.00 Each 807.91 10595723.47
with 1.5 sqmm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cable etc. as
(a) Group C
Wiring for twin controlled light point with 1.5 FRLS PVC insulated copper
conductor, single core cable
19.050 in surface / recessed medium class PVC conduit, 2 way modular switch, modular 211.00 Each 866.43 182816.18
plate, suitable GI box and earthing the point with 1.5 sqmm FRLS PVC insulated
copper conductor single core cable etc. as required. (a) Group C
Supplying and fixing of brass batten / angle holder / connectors including
19.051 12957.00 Each 83.27 1078897.80
connections etc. as required.
Installation, testing and commissioning of ceiling fan, including wiring, the down
rods of standard length (up to
19.052 1219.00 Each 106.90 130305.74
30 cm) with 1.5 sqmm FRLS PVC insulated copper conductor single core cables etc.
as required.

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Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Installation of exhaust fan in the existing opening , including making good the
19.053 damage, connection, testing 251.00 Each 229.55 57616.10
commissioning etc. as required. (a): Up to 450mm sweep
19.054 (b): 510 mm sweep 17.00 Each 324.07 5509.15
Extra for fixing the louvers / shutters complete with frame for a exhaust fan of all
19.055 268.00 Each 101.27 27141.24
(i): Installation of Wall fan suitable for single phase, 230 volts including wiring with
19.056 1.5 sqmm FRLS PVC 93.00 Each 106.90 9941.29
insulated copper conductor single core cables etc., complete as required.
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following three phase and
neutral (TPN), MS powder
coated with thickness 1.6 mm, horizontal , double door (IP 43), recessed mounting
type, MCB distribution boards complying to IS 8623:1977, IS 2675: 1983, IEC 439-
3 and BS EN 60439-3 including all supplements. The distribution boards shall have
protection against mechanical impact index of minimum IK08. Supplier should
provide the testing certificate for Ingress protection and mechanical impact tested
at third party location. outer door shall be hinged type, inner door shall be fixed up
with screws with cut-outs for MCB operation, copper bus bar of 100 Amp rating,
19.057 11.00 Each 2563.76 28201.40
along with din bars, neutral bars, earth bars, lockable door arrangement including
all internal connections as required. The board shall have adequate space for
termination of incoming and outgoing cables, and also a separate space with proper
partition of same
material or better material and thickness as specified for distribution board , to
accommodate a TV splitter and a 5 pair telephone terminal block, removable un
drilled top & bottom gland plates, should be suitable for wall, column mounting
type B.
(a) 4 Way TPN DB with 12 modules for SP MCBs in outgoing ,2 modules per phase
(b) 6 Way TPN DB with 18 modules for SP MCBs in outgoing , 2 modules per phase
for RCCB, min 4
19.058 modules for placing incoming MCB/RCDs, space to accommodate a TV splitter and 70.00 Each 3790.74 265351.55
a 5 pair telephone terminal block complete with earth bar, neutral bars, din rails,
connections but excluding the cost of
(c) 8 Way TPN DB with 24 modules for SP MCBs in outgoing , 2 modules per phase
for RCCB, min 4
modules for placing incoming MCB/RCDs, space to accommodate a TV splitter and
19.059 73.00 Each 4649.48 339411.98
a 5 pair telephone terminal block complete with earth bar, neutral bars, din rails,
connections but excluding the cost of MCCB/MCB/RCDs.

(d) 12 Way TPN DB with 36 modules for SP MCBs in outgoing , 2 modules per
phase for RCCB, min 4
modules for placing incoming MCB/RCDs, space to accommodate a TV splitter and
19.060 66.00 Each 6488.46 428238.26
a 5 pair telephone terminal block complete with earth bar, neutral bars, din rails,
connections but excluding the cost of MCCB/MCB/RCDs.

Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of MCB distribution boards

complying to IS 8623:1977, IS
2675: 1983, IEC 439-3 and BS EN 60439-3 including all supplements, MS powder
coated with thickness 1.6 mm, horizontal , double door (IP 43), recessed mounting
type, for following single phase and neutral (SPN) DB. The distribution boards shall
have protection against mechanical impact index of minimum IK08. Supplier
should provide the testing certificate for Ingress protection and mechanical impact
tested at third party location. outer door shall be hinged type, inner door shall be
fixed up with screws with cut-outs for MCB operation, copper bus bar of 100 Amp,
19.061 173.00 Each 1681.38 290877.92
along with din bars, neutral bars, earth bars, lockable door arrangement including
all internal connections as required. The board shall have adequate space for
termination of incoming and outgoing cables, and also a separate space with proper
partition of same
material specification as distribution board or better to accommodate a TV splitter
and a 5 pair krone connector, removable un drilled top & bottom gland plates,
should be suitable for wall, column mounting type B.
(a) 6 Way SPN DB with 6 modules for SP MCBs in outgoing , 2 modules for placing
incoming MCB/RCDs, space to accommodate a TV splitter and a 5 pair telephone

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Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
(b) 8 Way SPN DB with 8 modules for SP MCBs in outgoing , 2 modules for placing
19.062 MCCB/MCB/RCDs, space to accommodate a TV splitter and a 5 pair telephone 60.00 Each 1942.24 116534.59
terminal block complete with earth bar, neutral bars, din rails, connections but
excluding the cost of MCCB/MCB/RCDs.
(c) 12 Way SPN DB with 12 modules for SP MCBs in outgoing , 2 modules for
placing incoming
19.063 MCCB/MCB/RCDs, space to accommodate a TV splitter and a 5 pair telephone 96.00 Each 2189.08 210151.47
terminal block complete with earth bar, neutral bars, din rails, connections but
excluding the cost of MCCB/MCB/RCDs.
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of MCB distribution boards
complying to IS 8623:1977, IS
2675: 1983, IEC 439-3 and BS EN 60439-3 including all supplements , MS powder
coated with thickness minimum 1.6 mm, horizontal , double door (IP 43), recessed
mounting type, for following configuration vertical three phase and neutral (VTPN)
DB . The vertical TPN DB shall be recessed mounted vertically with modules
suitable to draw out both single phase and three phase outgoings. The distribution
boards shall have protection against mechanical impact index of minimum IK08.
Supplier should provide the testing certificate
19.064 24.00 Each 8640.95 207382.82
for Ingress protection and mechanical impact tested at third party location. outer
door shall be hinged type, inner door shall be fixed up with screws with cut-outs for
MCB operation, copper bus bar of 200 Amp. along with din bars, neutral bars, earth
bars including all internal connections as required. The board shall have adequate
space for termination of incoming and outgoing cables, and also a separate space
with proper partition of same material specification as distribution board or better
to accommodate a TV splitter and a 5 pair krone connector, removable un drilled
top & bottom gland plates, should be suitable for wall, column mounting type B.
(a) 6 Way VTPN DB with 18 modules suitable for both SP and TP MCBs in outgoing ,
(b) 8 Way VTPN DB with 24 modules suitable for both SP and TP MCBs in outgoing
, (min 4 modules for
placing incoming MCB/RCDs, or required modules for MCCB) along with space to
19.065 15.00 Each 10716.09 160741.28
accommodate a TV splitter and a 5 pair telephone terminal block complete with
earth bar, neutral bars, din rails, connections but
excluding the cost of MCCB/MCB/RCDs.
(c) 12 Way VTPN DB with 36 modules suitable for both SP and TP MCBs in
outgoing , (min 4 modules for
placing incoming MCB/RCDs, or required modules for MCCB) along with space to
19.066 3.00 Each 13458.76 40376.28
accommodate a TV splitter and a 5 pair telephone terminal block complete with
earth bar, neutral bars, din rails, connections but excluding the cost of
Supplying and fixing 5 amps to 32 amps rating, 240/415 volts, "C" curve, miniature
circuit breaker suitable for
19.067 inductive load of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with 7683.00 Each 190.16 1461023.63
connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required.
(a) Single pole
19.068 (b) Double pole 306.00 Each 516.48 158043.27
19.069 (c) Triple pole 96.00 Each 783.16 75183.35
Supplying and fixing 40 amps rating, 240/415 volts, "C" curve, miniature circuit
breaker suitable for inductive
19.070 load of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing 25.00 Each 857.68 21442.11
and commissioning etc. as required.
(a) Double pole
19.071 (b) Triple pole 71.00 Each 1329.84 94418.78
19.072 (c) Four pole 103.00 Each 1657.16 170687.93
Supplying and fixing 63 amps rating, 240/415 volts, "C" curve, miniature circuit
breaker suitable for inductive
19.073 load of following poles in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing 4.00 Each 857.68 3430.74
and commissioning etc. as required.
(a) Double pole
19.074 (b) Four pole 92.00 Each 1657.16 152459.12
Supplying and fixing 32 amps rating, 415 volts, four pole ,"C" curve, miniature
circuit breaker suitable for
19.075 139.00 Each 1092.22 151818.09
inductive load in the existing MCB DB complete with connections, testing and
commissioning etc. as required.

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Supplying and fixing following rating, 240 volts, double pole ,"C" curve, residual
current break over (RCBO)
19.076 suitable for inductive load of following capacities in the existing MCB DB complete 169.00 Each 2007.31 339235.02
with connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required.
(a) 25A, 30mA, 10 kA DP RCBO
19.077 (b) 40A, 30mA, 10 kA DP RCBO 119.00 Each 3029.11 360463.66
Supplying and fixing following rating, double pole, (single phase and neutral), 240
volts, residual current
19.078 circuit breaker (RCCB) having sensitivity up to 30milliampere in the existing MCB 91.00 Each 1851.00 168440.55
DB complete with connections, testing commissioning etc. as required
(a) 25 amps
19.079 (b) 40 amps 449.00 Each 1928.64 865959.49
19.080 (c) 63 amps 108.00 Each 2517.13 271849.67
Providing and fixing following rating and breaking capacity and pole MCCB in
existing cubicle panel board
19.081 14.00 Each 6016.58 84232.11
including drilling holes in the cubical panel, making connections etc. as required.
(a) 100 A, 30kA, FP MCCB
19.082 (b) 125 A, 36kA, FP MCCB 8.00 Each 6114.48 48915.85
19.083 (c) 200 A, 36kA, FP MCCB 3.00 Each 14760.71 44282.14
Supplying and fixing single pole blanking plate in the existing MCB DB complete etc.
19.084 606.00 Each 7.87 4771.05
as required.
Supplying and fixing following rating, four pole, 415 volts, isolator in the existing
19.085 MCB DB complete with 11.00 Each 741.53 8156.79
connections, testing and commissioning etc. as required. (a) 32 Amp
19.086 (b) 40 Amp 6.00 Each 741.53 4449.16
19.087 (c) 63 Amp 7.00 Each 753.90 5277.30
Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of following armoured / flexible /
unarmoured cables. All the below mentioned cables shall be 1.1kV grade, XLPE
insulated, FRLS type armoured cables of Al / Cu, with inner and outer PVC sheath.
The said cables shall confirm IS 7098-1, BS 5467, IEC 60502-1, BS 7889 with all
19.088 5333.00 Metre 1885.20 10053745.89
supplementary. The rate shall include complete cost of Supply, laying/installation,
testing and commissioning including cost of conduits (wherever specified for
flexible cables only), fire retardant sealant and all tools and accessories required to
Complete the job in full respect.
(a) 3.5C X 300 Sqmm A2XFY.
19.089 (b) 3.5C X 240 Sqmm A2XFY. 3879.00 Metre 1747.65 6779135.77
19.090 (c) 3.5C X 185 Sqmm A2XFY. 1074.00 Metre 1399.75 1503330.10
19.091 (d) 3.5C X 150 Sqmm A2XFY. 918.00 Metre 1112.06 1020871.48
19.092 (e) 3.5C X 120 Sqmm A2XFY. 2055.00 Metre 943.78 1939461.22
19.093 (f) 3.5C X 95 Sqmm A2XFY. 1803.00 Metre 754.83 1360964.07
19.094 (g) 3.5C X 70 Sqmm A2XFY. 1153.00 Metre 613.24 707070.52
19.095 (h) 3.5C X 50 Sqmm A2XFY. 684.00 Metre 460.33 314865.66
19.096 (i) 3.5C X 35 Sqmm A2XFY. 741.00 Metre 355.53 263449.64
19.097 (j) 4C X 25 Sqmm A2XFY. 29476.00 Metre 312.65 9215741.82
19.098 (k) 4C X 16 Sqmm 2XWY. 1408.00 Metre 1049.72 1478008.37
19.099 (l) 4C X 10 Sqmm 2XWY. 1945.00 Metre 734.99 1429553.84
19.100 (m) 4C X 6 Sqmm 2XWY. 1629.00 Metre 479.32 780815.57
19.101 (n) 4C X 4 Sqmm 2XWY. 904.00 Metre 349.87 316286.46
(o) 4C X 16 Sqmm Cu. YY (PVC flexible cable) in a 32 mm dia medium duty PVC
19.102 1523.00 Metre 620.96 945729.31
(p) 4C X 10 Sqmm Cu. YY (PVC flexible cable)in a 32 mm dia medium duty PVC
19.103 2520.00 Metre 441.35 1112193.87
(q)4C X 6 Sqmm Cu. YY (PVC flexible cable) in a 32 mm dia medium duty PVC
19.104 2312.00 Metre 310.28 717358.42
(r)4C X 4 Sqmm Cu. YY (PVC flexible cable) in a 32 mm dia medium duty PVC
19.105 1928.00 Metre 249.60 481221.95
19.106 (s) 3C X 10 Sqmm 2XWY 5117.00 Metre 574.79 2941219.19
19.107 (t) 3C X 6 Sqmm 2XWY 1079.00 Metre 377.38 407188.91
19.108 (u) 3C X 4 Sqmm 2XWY 1049.00 Metre 279.48 293178.15
(v) 3C X 6 Sqmm Cu. YY (PVC flexible cable) in a 25 mm dia medium duty PVC
19.109 1280.00 Metre 241.05 308545.14
(w) 3C X 4 Sqmm Cu. YY (PVC flexible cable) in a 25 mm dia medium duty PVC
19.110 11125.00 Metre 196.56 2186692.62
(x) 3C X 2.5 Sqmm Cu. YY (PVC flexible cable) in a 25 mm dia dia medium duty PVC
19.111 120.00 Metre 163.36 19603.30

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
19.112 (y) 1C X 70 Sqmm 2XY 1090.00 Metre 1027.49 1119967.00
19.113 (z) 1C X 120 Sqmm 2XY 66.00 Metre 1725.35 113873.06
19.114 (aa) 1C X 35 Sqmm 2XY 1729.00 Metre 532.72 921073.75
Control Cables :
19.115 573.00 Metre 156.55 89705.93
(bb)2C x 2.5 sqmm cu. control cables
19.116 (cc)4C x 2.5 sqmm cu. control cables 310.00 Metre 236.75 73391.49
19.117 (dd) 6C x 2.5 sqmm cu. control cables 3225.00 Metre 320.54 1033752.30
Supplying and making and termination with double compression brass gland and
aluminium lugs for following
19.118 size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed /XLPE aluminium conductor cable of 1.1 70.00 Each 3002.20 210153.75
KV grade of the following sizes as required
(a)3.5 X 300 Sq mm (70mm)
19.119 (b) 3.5C X 240 Sqmm (62mm). 40.00 Each 2366.94 94677.53
19.120 (c) 3.5C X 185 Sqmm (57mm). 12.00 Each 2505.85 30070.15
19.121 (d) 3.5C X 150 Sqmm (50mm). 6.00 Each 1896.70 11380.20
19.122 (e) 3.5C X 120 Sqmm (45mm). 38.00 Each 1183.03 44954.96
19.123 (f) 3.5C X 95 Sqmm (45mm). 26.00 Each 1162.87 30234.55
19.124 (g) 3.5C X 70 Sqmm (38mm). 32.00 Each 1078.27 34504.73
19.125 (h) 3.5C X 50 Sqmm (35mm). 20.00 Each 879.76 17595.23
19.126 (i) 3.5C X 35 Sqmm (32mm). 30.00 Each 782.79 23483.77
19.127 (j) 4C X 25 Sqmm (28mm). 127.00 Each 729.69 92670.58
Supplying and making and termination with double compression brass gland and
copper lugs for following
19.128 size of PVC insulated and PVC sheathed /XLPE copper conductor cable of 1.1 KV 50.00 Each 470.17 23508.34
grade of the following sizes are required.
(k) 4C X 16 Sqmm 2XWY.
19.129 (l) 4C X 10 Sqmm 2XWY. 88.00 Each 460.68 40539.81
19.130 (m) 4C X 6 Sqmm 2XWY. 92.00 Each 430.80 39633.75
19.131 (n) 4C X 4 Sqmm 2XWY. 38.00 Each 422.66 16061.06
(o) 4C X 16 Sqmm Cu. YY (PVC flexible cable) in a 32 mm dia medium duty PVC
19.132 82.00 Each 470.17 38553.67
(p) 4C X 10 Sqmm Cu. YY (PVC flexible cable)in a 32 mm dia medium duty PVC
19.133 128.00 Each 460.68 58966.99
(q)4C X 6 Sqmm Cu. YY (PVC flexible cable) in a 32 mm dia medium duty PVC
19.134 126.00 Each 430.80 54281.00
(r)4C X 4 Sqmm Cu. YY (PVC flexible cable) in a 32 mm dia medium duty PVC
19.135 94.00 Each 422.66 39730.00
19.136 (s) 3C X 10 Sqmm 2XWY 124.00 Each 453.14 56189.16
19.137 (t) 3C X 6 Sqmm 2XWY 56.00 Each 424.83 23790.46
19.138 (u) 3C X 4 Sqmm 2XWY 68.00 Each 418.72 28473.17
(v) 3C X 6 Sqmm Cu. YY (PVC flexible cable) in a 25 mm dia medium duty PVC
19.139 238.00 Each 424.83 101109.44
(w) 3C X 4 Sqmm Cu. YY (PVC flexible cable) in a 25 mm dia medium duty PVC
19.140 546.00 Each 418.72 228622.78
(x) 3C X 2.5 Sqmm Cu. YY (PVC flexible cable) in a 25 mm dia dia medium duty PVC
19.141 12.00 Each 418.72 5024.68
19.142 (y) 1C X 70 Sqmm 2XY 62.00 Each 467.80 29003.56
19.143 (z) 1C X 120 Sqmm 2XY 12.00 Each 538.66 6463.88
19.144 (aa) 1C X 35 Sqmm 2XY 150.00 Each 376.60 56489.41
Control Cables :
19.145 36.00 Each 367.22 13219.80
(bb)2C x 2.5 sqmm cu. control cables
19.146 (cc)4C x 2.5 sqmm cu. control cables 28.00 Each 317.76 8897.38
19.147 (dd) 6C x 2.5 sqmm cu. control cables 54.00 Each 325.64 17584.38
Supplying and installing following size of perforated hot dip galvanized G.I cable
tray, with galvanizing thickness of 65 micron with perforations not more than
19.148 530.00 Metre 334.05 177045.26
17.5%, in convenient sections, joined with connectors, suspended from ceiling with
G.I suspenders including bolts and nuts, etc. as required.
(a)100 mm width x 50 mm depth x 1.6 mm thickness
19.149 (b)150 mm width x 50 mm depth x 1.6 mm thickness 853.50 Metre 372.49 317919.52
19.150 (C)300 mm width x 50 mm depth x 1.6 mm thickness 694.00 Metre 522.83 362843.95
19.151 (d)600 mm width x 50 mm depth x 2 mm thickness 267.50 Metre 990.17 264871.01
19.152 (e)900 mm width x 62.5 mm depth x 2 mm thickness 58.00 Metre 1392.13 80743.35

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Supply and fixing of factory fabricated GI ladder type hot dip galvanised G.I cable
trays, with radial bends,
19.153 85.00 Metre 501.39 42618.13
suspenders and supports as per specification and of the following sizes. (a) : 450
mm width X 50 mm depth X 2 mm thickness
Supply, Installation testing and commissioning of metallic adaptable raceway
system, compartmentalised into
two sections of required sizes as per drawing. of below mentioned sizes suitable for
passing through walls and floors as per the layout ,suitable for FRLS wires
confirming to IS:694 and extra low voltage cables for data /AV/telephone. The
raceway shall be MS powder coated, have Z- section, hole with thread for cover
19.154 2557.00 Metre 197.12 504039.83
screw, coupler plate, cover, junction box, fly cover , inspection box flushed to the
finished floor at suitable distances etc. as required. The screw for cover fixing shall
be counter sunk type. The cover shall have a thickness of 2mm.The cost shall also
include the cost of bends couplers and any other supporting accessories.
(a) : 50 mm x 40 mm x 1.6 mm

19.155 (b) : 75 mm x 40 mm x 1.6 mm 818.00 Metre 239.45 195866.67

19.156 (c) : 100 mm x 40 mm x 1.6 mm 4842.50 Metre 361.40 1750064.98
19.157 (d) : 150 mm x 40 mm x 1.6 mm 1292.70 Metre 451.61 583789.81
19.158 (e) : 200 mm x 40 mm x 1.6 mm 1412.20 Metre 544.05 768301.51
19.159 (f) : 300 mm x 40 mm x 2 mm 2330.40 Metre 747.85 1742784.51
Supply, installation, connections, testing & commissioning of 17.2 mm dia. rod of 3
meter length having copper bonding of 250 micron, along with 5 kg of
19.160 211.00 Each 7962.97 1680185.62
maintenance free ground enhancing compound & shall comply as per IEEE 80:2000
Clause 14.5d with fused rod to tape clamp for interconnection of strip from earth
pit to equipment.
Supplying and laying 6 SWG GI wire at 0.50 metre below ground level for
19.161 conductor earth electrode including 11960.00 Metre 30.38 363347.14
connections / termination with GI thimble etc. as required.
Supplying and laying 25mm x 5mm GI strip at at 0.50 metre below ground as strip
earth electrode including
19.162 connections / terminating with GI nut, bolts, spring, washer etc. as required 6497.00 Metre 122.65 796861.12
(Jointing shall be done by overlapping and with 2 set of G.I nut bolt and spring
washer spaced at 50mm).
Supplying and laying 32mm x 6 mm GI strip at at 0.50 metre below ground as strip
earth electrode including
19.163 connections / terminating with GI nut, bolts, spring, washer etc. as required 1640.00 Metre 140.57 230529.37
(Jointing shall be done by overlapping and with 2 set of G.I nut bolt and spring
washer spaced at 50mm).
Providing and fixing of lightning conductor finial , made of 25mm dia 300mm long
Copper tube, having single
19.164 68.00 Each 859.68 58457.92
prong at top, with 85mm dia 3mm thick Copper base plate including holes etc.
complete as required.
Providing and fixing Copper tape 20mm x 3mm thick on parapet or surface of wall
19.165 for lightning conductor 2753.00 Metre 423.08 1164741.98
complete as required.(for horizontal run)
Providing and fixing copper tape 20mm x 3mm thick on parapet or surface of wall
19.166 for lightning conductor 1077.00 Metre 456.84 492018.56
complete as required.(for vertical run)
Providing and fixing testing joint , made of 20mm x 3mm thick copper strip, 125
mm long, with 4 Nos. of
19.167 68.00 Each 219.42 14920.73
tinned brass bolts, nuts, check nuts and spring washers etc. complete as required.

Design, supply, Installation testing and commissioning of following size and
configuration IGBT based UPS system as per the said specifications with inbuilt
19.168 6.00 Set 374905.30 2249431.81
isolation transformer as per kVA rating with a battery backup of 30 minutes. (12
volt battery comprising of 2 V cells)
(a) 7.5kVA three phase input three phase output
19.169 (b) 10kVA three phase input three phase output 1.00 Set 400904.66 400904.66
19.170 (c) 20kVA three phase input three phase output 5.00 Set 548330.88 2741654.42
19.171 (d) 60kVA three phase input three phase output 3.00 Set 1236932.46 3710797.38
19.172 (f) 5kVA single phase input single phase output 2.00 Set 194507.95 389015.90
19.173 (g) 5kVA Three phase input three phase output 2.00 Set 340475.22 680950.45

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing all materials and constructing required clear sized cable trench as per
detailed drawings including necessary excavation, 230 mm thick rubble soling, 100
19.174 mm thick PCC 1:4:8, RCC M25 base slab and Walls and precsat RCC cover 100 mm 135.00 Rmt. 19315.00 2607524.82
mm thick as per drawing, inclusive of necessary Formwork and Reinforcement
complete as directed by Engineer - in Charge.
(a) 1.5 M Wide x 1 M Depth
19.175 (b) 1.2 M Wide x 1 M Depth 450.00 Rmt. 17534.47 7890509.86
19.176 (c) 1.0 M Wide x 1 M Depth 1193.00 Rmt. 16347.45 19502508.75
19.177 (d) 0.8M Wide x 1 M Depth 290.00 Rmt. 15160.43 4396523.60
19.178 (e) 0.6 M Wide x 1 M Depth 120.00 Rmt. 13973.41 1676809.27
Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse
sand ) with R.C.C. top slab
with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size), foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded
stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with floating coat of neat cement
and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded
19.179 135.75 Nos. 13295.01 1804797.91
stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per
standard design : Inside size 90x90 cm and 90 cm deep including C.I. cover with
frame (medium duty) 500 mm internal diameter, total weight of cover and frame to
be not less than 116 kg (weight of cover 58 kg and weight of frame 58 kg) : With
common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class
designation 7.5
Extra for depth for manholes for above item : Size 90x90 cm With common burnt
19.180 clay F.P.S. (non modular) 34.78 Metre 6344.25 220621.33
bricks of class designation 7.5
Constructing brick masonry manhole in cement mortar 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 coarse
sand ) with R.C.C. top slab
with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm
nominal size), foundation concrete 1:4:8 mix (1 cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded
stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size), inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement
mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with floating coat of neat cement
and making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded
19.181 84.00 Nos. 20596.64 1730118.02
stone aggregate
20 mm nominal size) finished with a floating coat of neat cement complete as per
standard design : Inside size 120x90 cm and 90 cm deep including C.I. cover with
frame (medium duty) 500 mm internal diameter, total weight of cover and frame to
be not less than 116 kg (weight of cover 58 kg and weight of frame 58 kg) : With
common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 7.5

Extra for depth for manholes for above item : Size 120x90 cm With common burnt
19.182 clay F.P.S. (non modular) 8.40 Metre 7599.38 63834.79
bricks of class designation 7.5
Providing and laying Non Pressure NP-2 class (Medium duty) R.C.C. pipes including
collars/spigot jointed
19.183 with stiff mixture of cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand) 1470.80 Metre 794.30 1168251.82
including testing of joints etc. complete
(a) 450 mm dia RCC pipe
Supplying and laying of following size flexible high density polyethene (HDPE)
corrugated pipes along with
water tight joints at a depth of 450 mm from ground level. 100mm thick PCC all
19.184 6310.00 Metre 299.21 1888020.50
around the pipes , excavation, refilling of the trenches shall be paid separately
under relevant items.
(a) 100 mm diameter
19.185 (b) 300 mm diameter 580.00 Metre 446.04 258701.18
Providing & laying of following 100mm dia PVC pipe (medium duty Sleeve)
including chasing, coupler /
19.186 socket, and sealing of both ends in an approved manner complete as required. 115.00 Metre 661.27 76046.21
100mm thick PCC all around the pipes , excavation, refilling of the trenches shall be
paid separately under relevant items.

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Supply & Erection of metallic pole of following length over existing foundation with
required foundation bolts
along with loop in loop out fibre boxes made up of 1.6 mm thick fibre (300mm x
300mm) suitable for Al armoured cable complete with 50A aluminium bus bar
inside the box. The box shall have lockable doors
made up of fibre. The poles shall be octagonal made up of 3mm thick MS complete
with base plates, nut and bolts and bracket arm suitable for mounting the selected
19.187 277.00 Each 8066.10 2234310.65
fixture etc. complete as required. Cost of foundation and foundation bolts will be
paid separately under relevant items.
(a) Above 4.5 metre and up to 6.5 metre Base plate size : 200mm x 200mm x 12mm
Top dia :70mm
Bottom dia : 130mm
single sided bracket arm suitable for fixture to be mounted.

(b) Above 6.5 metre and up to 8 metre. Base plate size : 225mm x 225mm x 16mm
Top dia :70mm
19.188 Bottom dia : 135mm 784.00 Each 15160.18 11885584.32
single sided bracket arm suitable for fixture to be mounted.

(c) Above 8 metre and up to 10 metre.

Base plate size : 275mm x 275mm x 16mm
19.189 Top dia :70mm 8.00 Each 19357.69 154861.52
Bottom dia : 175mm
single sided bracket arm suitable for fixture to be mounted.
Providing & fixing in position 1000 mm wide , Electrical Insulating Rubber Mats as
per IS 15652:2006, 2 mm
19.190 thick, suitable up to 1.1 KV , fire retardant, no effect of acids, alkalis and 217.00 Each 1452.65 315225.92
transformer oils, moisture proof, high tensile strength and texture finish / cloth
impression (Anti slip , marking on top)
Supply & fixing in position approved shock treatment chart written in English Hindi
19.191 and Local language. 45.00 Each 119.16 5362.31
These charts shall be framed in wooden frame & covered with clear glass
providing and fixing of MV danger notice plate 200mm x 150mm, made of mild
steel at least 2mm thick and
19.192 49.00 Each 158.65 7774.00
vitreous enamelled white on both side and with inscription in single red colour on
front side as required.
Supply of Tool & First Aid Box with all necessary tools for maintenance of electrical
19.193 23.00 Each 557.06 12812.31
installation & First aid.
Installation of following fixtures in all internal and common areas complete in all
19.194 respect including fixing and connection from nearby terminal to fixture as required. 2354.00 Each 58.51 137731.77
Supply of fixture not included in this item.
(a) 1 x LED 12W-300x300
19.195 (b) 1 x LED 33W-300x300 1684.00 Each 58.51 98530.29
19.196 (c) 15W LED Down lighter 3562.00 Each 58.51 208411.46
19.197 (d) 1x12W LED down lighter 880.00 Each 58.51 51488.51
19.198 (e) 1x33 W LED Down lighter 158.00 Each 58.51 9244.53
19.199 (f) 1x20.8W LED Tube light 512.00 Each 58.51 29956.95
19.200 (g) 1x49W LED Tube light 143.00 Each 58.51 8366.88
19.201 (h) 1x10W LED Bulb 250.00 Each 58.51 14627.42
19.202 (i) 50W LED Wall Washer 82.00 Each 58.51 4797.79
19.203 (k) 18W Bulk Head Light 219.00 Each 58.51 12813.62
19.204 (l) 1 x 4W LED Mirror Light 337.00 Each 58.51 19717.76
19.205 (m) 1 x 27 W LED Down lighter 481.00 Each 58.51 28143.15
19.206 (n) LED Focus Light 31.00 Each 58.51 1813.80
19.207 (o) 13W LED Recessed Wall Light 110.00 Each 58.51 6436.06
19.208 (p) 17W LED Spot Light 20.00 Each 58.51 1170.19
19.209 (q) 18W LED Down lighter 100.00 Each 58.51 5850.97
19.210 (r) 18W LED Down lighter (Battery Operated) 20.00 Each 58.51 1170.19
19.211 (s) 20.8 W LED Tube Light-IP-65 Type 37.00 Each 58.51 2164.86
19.212 (t) 20.8 W LED Tube Light -IP-65 Type(Battery Operated) 4.00 Each 58.51 234.04
19.213 (u) 1 x 27 W LED Down lighter (Battery Operated) 50.00 Each 58.51 2925.48
19.214 (v) 1x12W LED down lighter (Battery Operated) 33.00 Each 58.51 1930.82
19.215 (w) 1x3W LED Ground Burial 50.00 Each 58.51 2925.48
19.216 (x) 1x18 W LED Wall washer 10.00 Each 58.51 585.10
19.217 (y) 1x 5 W LED strip 800.00 Rmt 58.51 46807.74

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
19.218 (z) 1x33 W LED pole Light 341.00 Each 58.51 19951.80
19.219 (a1) 1x12W Underwater Light 25.00 Each 117.02 2925.48
19.220 (b1) 1x12 W Bollard Lights 15.00 Each 58.51 877.65
19.221 (c1) 1x15 W LED Down lighter (Battery Operated) 15.00 Each 58.51 877.65
19.222 (d1) 65W LED Pole Mounted Light (IP65) (12M Pole) 733.00 Each 146.28 107222.27
19.223 (e1) 45W LED Post Top Light (IP65) 824.00 Each 131.65 108482.48
19.224 (e1) Foot light 3.00 Each 58.51 175.53
19.225 (e1) 24 W Pass Light 158.00 Each 58.51 9244.53
(n) Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of Passive Infrared (PIR)
technology based occupancy
sensor with day light dimming (lighting level shall be regulated as per availability
of natural day light in an area along with occupancy detection.) having high
19.226 386.00 Each 5003.88 1931498.42
performance, regulating programmable type, suitable for connected load up to 10
Amp , for mounting height up to 2.8 mtr and for 5 m diameter coverage area along
with necessary fixing arrangements i/c programming at site etc. complete as
(o) Supplying Ceiling Fan 1200mm sweep complete with capacitor starting
assembly, stiff pendent for
19.227 1207.00 Each 1805.25 2178931.21
hanging and wiring from connector / ceiling rose to fan complete with good finish
and well painted from factory.
(o) Supplying Wall Fan complete with all accessories suitable for wall hanging and
19.228 wiring from connector / 93.00 Each 1731.90 161066.27
ceiling rose to fan complete with good finish and well painted from factory.
(p) Supplying installation testing and commissioning of hotel key card switch
complete with its 230V single
pole and latching realy. The relay and switch shall be 230V,50HZ, ac actuated to be
19.229 connected before Main incomer to control the power supply of the room through 110.00 Each 9034.30 993772.71
key card complete with a bypass arrangement to by- pass the supply in case the key
tag fails. The switch shall be compatible with any key fobe. The cost of key fobe is
(q) Supplying installation testing and commissioning of 2 Gang Full-Flat Switch
with Illuminated “Do not
19.230 110.00 Each 3106.88 341756.49
Disturb” & “Please Clean Up” Symbols complete with wiring , fixing and
connections as required.
Type Tested Assembly -
TTA Panels.
Design , fabrication, wiring, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of
following Wall mounted / Floor mounted(including base stand), 415V,3PH, 50Hz
extensible and fully compartmentalized panels complying to IS 8623/93. The
indoor panels shall be IP 42 and outdoor panels shall be IP 66 type. The Panel shall
have proper space with required clearance for cables, incoming / outgoing
switchgear, CTs, PTs, Ammeter, Voltmeter, selector switches, Phase wise indicating
lamps, and shall be Insulated and properly supported compartmentalized bus bars
19.231 with heat shrinkable sleeves along with the other control circuit accessories within 2.00 Set 189035.22 378070.44
the panel and any other electrical component mentioned in the Panel SLD. The
panel shall be fabricated out of CRCA sheet not less than 2.0 mm thick for load
bearing members and 1.6mm for the doors
of LT panel. The Panel shall undergo seven tank pre treatment process comprising
of degreasing, rinsing, de- rusting, rinsing, phosphatising, rinsing and passivation
followed by powder coat painting having a paint thickness of 60 microns or as
specified. The Panel shall be Dust/Vermin poof with earth studs as per the SLD and
Feeder Pillar - 01 (Outdoor Type) Incomer : 1 Nos. x 63A, 16kA, FP MCCB
1 Nos Astronomical switch

Page 54 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
MLTP ACAD (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
2500 Amp, FP, 36kA, EDO type ACB along with 1 No. ACB trolley
4 x 2500/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
3 x 2500/5A, CL-5P10, 15VA CTs
Relay module with overvoltage and over/under frequency protection available.
Load Manager with RS-485 and two DI/DO ports.
19.232 1.00 Set 2103559.20 2103559.20
Bus bar: 3000A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings : 1 x ( 1000 Amp, FP, 36kA, EDO type ACB with 4Nos. 1000/5A, CL-1
3 x ( 800 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 800/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-800A,500V
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
1 x ( 630 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 600/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-600A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x ( 400 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 400/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-400A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
3 x ( 200 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 200/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-200A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
3 x ( 160 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 160/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-160A,500V,
PHE Panel ACAD Zone (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
400 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
3 x 400/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs.
0-400A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch. Bus bar: 600A, FP,
19.233 1.00 Set 367521.46 367521.46
36kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings :
2 x ( 200 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 200/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-200A,500V
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x ( 100 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-100A,500V
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
4 x ( 63 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 60/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-60A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
1 x 400 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
L&P Panel-1-ACAD (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
800 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
3 x 800/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
19.234 0-800A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch 1.00 Set 757094.21 757094.21
Bus bar: 1000A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings : 2 x ( 400 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 400/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-
400A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x ( 250 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 200/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-200A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x ( 100 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
1 x 800 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB

Page 55 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
L&P Panel-2-ACAD (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
1000 Amp, 36kA, FP, EDO Type ACB
1 x ( 1000 Amp, FP, 36kA, EDO type ACB with 4Nos. 1000/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs & 3
Nos. 1000/5A, CL-5P10,
15VA CTs
19.235 1.00 Set 808769.96 808769.96
Relay module with overvoltage and over/under frequency protection available.
0-1000A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
Bus bar: 1200A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings : 2 x ( 630 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 600/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-
600A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
3 x ( 320 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 320/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-320A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
4 x ( 100 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).

Sub Distribution Panel-1A-00-ACAD (Indoor Type)

Incomer :
R,Y,B LED indication lamp with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
250 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB
3 x 250/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-250A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
19.236 Bus bar: 300A, FP, 25kA, Al bus bar. 1.00 Set 367855.57 367855.57
Outgoings : 2 x ( 160 Amp, 25kA, TPN, MCCB with 3 x 125/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and
0-125A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x 63A, 10kA,"C Curve" TPN MCB.
7 x 40A, 10kA,"C Curve" TPN MCB.
9 x 16-25A , 10kA,"C Curve" DP MCB.
1 x 16 A , 10kA,"C Curve" TPN MCB.
1 x 250 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB
Sub Distribution Panel-1B-00-ACAD (Indoor Type)
Incomer :
R,Y,B LED indication lamp with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
400 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB
3 x 400/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
19.237 0-200A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch 1.00 Set 181464.28 181464.28
Bus bar: 600A, FP, 25kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
6 x 63A , 10kA,"C Curve" TPN MCB.
2 x 40A , 10kA,"C Curve" TPN MCB.
3 x 25A , 10kA,"C Curve" TPN MCB.
3 x 16A , 10kA,"C Curve" TPN MCB.
1 x 400 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB
Sub Distribution Panel-1D-00-ACAD (Indoor Type)
Incomer :
R,Y,B LED indication lamp with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
400 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB
3 x 400/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-200A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
19.238 1.00 Set 178269.07 178269.07
Bus bar: 600A, FP, 25kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings : 5 x ( 125Amp, 25kA, TPN, MCCB with 3 x 125/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-
125A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
4 x 63A , 10kA,"C Curve" TPN MCB.
2 x 40A , 10kA,"C Curve" TPN MCB.
4 x 25A , 10kA,"C Curve" TPN MCB.
1 x 400 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB

Page 56 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Sub Distribution Panel-1E-00-ACAD (Indoor Type)
Incomer :
R,Y,B LED indication lamp with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
320 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB
3 x 320/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-320A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
19.239 Bus bar: 500A, FP, 25kA, Al bus bar. 1.00 Set 402603.06 402603.06
Outgoings: 1 x ( 200 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 200/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-
200A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x ( 100 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
9 x 40A , 10kA,"C Curve" TPN MCB.
9 x 25A , 10kA,"C Curve" DP MCB.
1 x 320 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB
UPS output panel-1-ACAD (Indoor Type)
Incomer :
3 x R,Y,B LED indication lamp with 2A control MCB.
3 x 0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
3 x 250 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
9 x 250/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
19.240 3 x (0-250A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch) Bus bar: 500A, 1.00 Set 369325.66 369325.66
FP, 36kA, Cu. bus bar.
Outgoings: 2 x ( 200 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 200/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-
200A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x 63A , 10kA,"D Curve" TPN MCB.
3 x 16A , 10kA,"D Curve" TPN MCB.
10 x 25A , 10kA,"D Curve" TPN MCB.
UPS output panel-2-ACAD (Indoor Type)
Incomer :
1 x R,Y,B LED indication lamp with 2A control MCB.
1 x 0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
1 x 200 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
19.241 3 x 200/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs 1.00 Set 118497.83 118497.83
3 x (0-200A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch) Bus bar: 400A,
FP, 36kA, Cu. bus bar.
Outgoings : 3 x ( 100 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-
100A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
6 x 63A , 10kA,"D Curve" TPN MCB.
APFC-ACAD (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
630 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB
3 x 600/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-600A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
19.242 12 Stage APFC relay 1.00 Set 1352701.72 1352701.72
Bus bar: 1000A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
5 x (125 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor
+ 50kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 63.78 kVAr @ 480V)
4 x (63 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
25kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 31.89 kVAr @ 480V)
3 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
10kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 12.76 kVAr @ 480V)
1 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
5kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 6.38 kVAr @ 480V)

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
MLTP - CC (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
250 Amp, FP, 36kA,MCCB
4 x 250/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
3 x 250/5A, CL-5P10, 15VA CTs
Relay module with overvoltage and over/under frequency protection available.
19.243 Load Manager with RS-485 and two DI/DO ports. 1.00 Set 871943.56 871943.56
Bus bar: 400A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings : 1 x ( 160 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB with 3 x 800/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-
800A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x ( 63 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 60/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-60A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x ( 125 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 125/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-125A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
5 x ( 100 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
250 Amp, FP, 36kA,MCCB
UPS output panel-CC (Indoor Type)
Incomer :
2 x R,Y,B LED indication lamp with 2A control MCB.
2 x 0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
2 x 100 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
19.244 6 x 100/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs 1.00 Set 168045.29 168045.29
2 x (0-100A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch) Bus bar: 150A,
FP, 36kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings :
3 x 63A , 10kA,"D Curve" FP MCB.
3 x 32A , 10kA,"D Curve" DP MCB.
APFC-CC (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
160 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB
3 x 160/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
19.245 0-160A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch 1.00 Set 424877.08 424877.08
6 Stage APFC relay
Bus bar: 300A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
2 x (63 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
15kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 19.13 kVAr @ 480V)
2 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
10kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 12.76 kVAr @ 480V)
1 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
5kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 6.38 kVAr @ 480V)

Page 58 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
MLTP ADMIN (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
800 Amp, FP, 36kA, EDO type ACB
4 x 800/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
3 x 800/5A, CL-5P10, 15VA CTs
Relay module with overvoltage and over/under frequency protection available.
19.246 Load Manager with RS-485 and two DI/DO ports. 1.00 Set 1374753.01 1374753.01
Bus bar: 1200A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings : 1 x ( 400 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 400/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-
400A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
4 x ( 250 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 250/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-250A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
4 x ( 125 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 125/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-125A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
3 x ( 100 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
1 x 800 Amp, FP, 36kA, MCCB
APFC-ADMIN (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
400 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB
3 x 400/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-400A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
19.247 8 Stage APFC relay 1.00 Set 1007677.03 1007677.03
Bus bar: 600A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
4 x (125 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor
+ 50kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 63.78 kVAr @ 480V)
2 x (63 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
25kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 31.89 kVAr @ 480V)
2 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
10kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 12.76 kVAr @ 480V)
1 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
5kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 6.38 kVAr @ 480V)
L&P Panel-1-ADMIN (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
125 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
19.248 3 x 125/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs 1.00 Set 544934.10 544934.10
0-125A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
Bus bar: 250A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
2 x ( 100 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
5 x ( 63 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 60/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-60A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
1 x 125 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB

Page 59 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
L&P Panel-2-ADMIN (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
250 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
19.249 3 x 250/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs 1.00 Set 762328.61 762328.61
0-250A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
Bus bar: 400A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
3 x ( 100 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
7 x ( 63 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 60/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-60A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
1 x 250 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
UPS output panel-Admin (Indoor Type)
Incomer :
3 x R,Y,B LED indication lamp with 2A control MCB.
3 x 0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
3 x 100 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
19.250 9 x 100/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs 2.00 Set 232687.86 465375.71
3 x (0-100A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch) Bus bar: 150A,
FP, 36kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings :
2 x 63A , 10kA,"D Curve" FP MCB.
8 x 40A , 10kA,"D Curve" FP MCB.
MLTP-IC (Indoor Types)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
630 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB
4 x 630/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
3 x 600/5A, CL-5P10, 15VA CTs
Relay module with overvoltage and over/under frequency protection available.
Load Manager with RS-485 and two DI/DO ports.
19.251 2.00 Set 1130733.24 2261466.48
Bus bar: 800A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings : 2 x ( 400 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 400/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-
400A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
1 x ( 200 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 200/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-
6200A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
6 x ( 100 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
3 x ( 63 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 60/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-60A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch )
2 x ( 40 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 40/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-40A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).

Page 60 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
6A3P0FCA-IC (2In5dkoAorFTPypMe)CCB
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
200 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB
3 x 200/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-600A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
19.252 6 Stage APFC relay 1.00 Set 512748.12 512748.12
Bus bar: 300A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
1 x (125 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor
+ 50kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 63.78 kVAr @ 480V)
1 x (63 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
25kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 31.89 kVAr @ 480V)
2 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
10kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 12.76 kVAr @ 480V)
1 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
5kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 6.38 kVAr @ 480V)
Room Panel-IC (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
19.253 1.00 Set 213051.08 213051.08
100 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB
3 x 100/5A, CL-1, 10VA CTs
0-100A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
Bus bar: 200A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
9 x 63A , 10kA,"C Curve" 4P MCB.
100 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB
UPS output panel-IC (Indoor Type)
Incomer :
2 x R,Y,B LED indication lamp with 2A control MCB.
2 x 0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
2 x 40 Amp, 10kA, FP, MCCB
19.254 1.00 Set 160377.46 160377.46
6 x 40/5A, CL-1, 10VA CTs
2 x (0-100A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch) Bus bar: 150A,
FP, 36kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings :
10 x 40A , 10kA,"D Curve" DP MCB.
Common Area Panel-I.C (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
100 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
19.255 1.00 Set 183873.21 183873.21
3 x 100/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-100A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
Bus bar: 200A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
4 x 63A , 10kA,"C Curve" 4P MCB.
7 x 40A , 10kA,"C Curve" 4P MCB.
12 x 32A , 10kA,"C Curve" 4P MCB.
4 x 16A , 10kA,"C Curve" DP MCB.

Page 61 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
MLTP-C.I. (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
630 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
3 x 600/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-600A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
Bus bar: 800A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar.
19.256 Outgoings : 2 x 400 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 400/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0- 1.00 Set 1088531.75 1088531.75
400A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
3 x ( 200 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 250/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-200A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
3 x ( 125 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 125/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-125A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
3 x ( 63 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 60/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-60A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
3 x ( 40 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 60/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-40A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
630 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
Room Panel-C.I (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
19.257 1.00 Set 218524.92 218524.92
200 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
3 x 200/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-200A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
Bus bar: 300A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
12 x 63A , 10kA,"C Curve" 4P MCB.
200 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
Common Area Panel-C.I (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
125 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
3 x 125/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
19.258 1.00 Set 221697.86 221697.86
0-125A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
Bus bar: 200A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
4 x 63A , 10kA,"C Curve" 4P MCB.
2 x 40A , 10kA,"C Curve" 4P MCB.
12 x 32A , 10kA,"C Curve" 4P MCB.
3 x 32A , 10kA,"C Curve" DP MCB.
5 x 16A , 10kA,"C Curve" DP MCB.
125 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
UPS output panel-C.I (Indoor Type)
Incomer :
1 x R,Y,B LED indication lamp with 2A control MCB.
1 x 0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
2 x 40 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB
19.259 1.00 Set 123051.76 123051.76
1 x 40/5A, CL-1, 10VA CTs
3 (0-40A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch) Bus bar: 100 A,
FP, 36kA, Cu. bus bar.
Outgoings :
15 x 32A , 10kA,"D Curve" TPN MCB.

Page 62 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
APFC-CI (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
200 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB
3 x 200/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-600A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
6 Stage APFC relay
19.260 Bus bar: 300A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings : 1.00 Set 518539.37 518539.37
1 x (125 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor
+ 50kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 63.78 kVAr @ 480V)
1 x (63 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
25kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 31.89 kVAr @ 480V)
1 x (63 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
15kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 19.13 kVAr @ 480V)
1 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
10kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 12.76 kVAr @ 480V)
1 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
5kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 6.38 kVAr @480V)
KITCHEN Panel-I.C & C.I. (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
400 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
3 x 400/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-400A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
19.261 3.00 Set 272573.96 817721.88
Bus bar: 600A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings : 4 x ( 100 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-
100A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
4 x 63A , 10kA,"C Curve" 4P MCB.
3 x 40A , 10kA,"C Curve" 4P MCB.
4 x 32A , 10kA,"C Curve" 4P MCB.
3 x 25A , 10kA,"C Curve" 4P MCB.
16 x 32A , 10kA,"C Curve" DP MCB.
400 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
MLTP-SCH (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
250 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
3 x 250/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-250A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
Bus bar: 400A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar.
19.262 Outgoings : 3 x 160 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 160/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0- 1.00 Set 836501.12 836501.12
160A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x ( 125 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 125/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-125A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
3 x ( 125 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 125/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-125A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
1 x ( 63 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 60/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-60A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x ( 40 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 60/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-40A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
250 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB

Page 63 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
APFC-SCH (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
125 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB
3 x 125/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-125A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
19.263 6 Stage APFC relay 2.00 Set 490028.62 980057.23
Bus bar: 200A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
1 x (63 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
25kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 31.89 kVAr @ 480V)
2 x (63 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
15kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 19.13 kVAr @ 480V)
1 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
10kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 12.76 kVAr @ 480V)
1 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
5kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 6.38 kVAr @ 480V)
L&P Panel-SCH (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
160 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
19.264 2.00 Set 438130.13 876260.26
3 x 160/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-160A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
Bus bar: 200A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
5 x ( 100 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
4 x 63A , 10kA,"C Curve" 4P MCB.
1 x 160 Amp, 36kA, FP, MCCB
UPS output panel-SCH (Indoor Type)
Incomer :
1 x R,Y,B LED indication lamp with 2A control MCB.
1 x 0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
2 x 40 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB
1 x 40/5A, CL-1, 10VA CTs
19.265 1.00 Set 179282.54 179282.54
3 x (0-40A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch) Bus bar: 100 A,
FP, 36kA, Cu. bus bar.
Outgoings :
3 x 40A , 10kA,"D Curve" DP MCB.
6 x 63A , 10kA,"D Curve" DP MCB.
3 x 40A , 10kA,"D Curve" 4P MCB.
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
630 Amp, FP, 16kA, MCCB
3 x 630/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
Relay module with overvoltage and over/under frequency protection available.
Load Manager with RS-485 and two DI/DO ports.
19.266 1.00 No 725353.72 725353.72
Bus bar: 700A, FP, 16kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings : 1 x ( 250 Amp, 16kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 250/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-
250A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x ( 200 Amp, 16kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 200/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-200A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
1 x ( 160 Amp, 16kA, TP, MCCB with 3 x 160/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-160A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x ( 100 Amp, 16kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
3 x ( 40 Amp, 16kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 40/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-40A,500V,

Page 64 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Incomer :
3 x R,Y,B LED indication lamp with 2A control MCB.
3 x 0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
3 x 40 Amp, 10kA, DP, MCB
19.267 3 x 40/5A, CL-1, 5VA CTs 1.00 No 132901.33 132901.33
3 x (0-0A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch) Bus bar: 100A,
FP, 10kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings : 8 x ( 40 Amp, 10kA, DP, MCB, D-CURVE).
9 x 16A , 10kA,"D Curve" TPN MCB.
2 x 25A , 10kA,"D Curve" TPN MCB.
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
160 Amp, 16kA, TP, MCCB
3 x 160/5A, CL-1, 10VA CTs
19.268 0-160A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch 1.00 No 463522.52 463522.52
6 Stage APFC relay
Bus bar: 200A, FP, 16kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
2 (63 mp, 16kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
15kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 19.13 kVAr @ 480V)
2 x (32 Amp, 16kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
10kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 12.76 kVAr @ 480V)
2x (32 Amp, 16kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
5kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 6.38 kVAr @ 480V)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
200 Amp, FP, 16kA,MCCB
19.269 3 x 200/5A, CL-1, 10VA CTs 1.00 No 440021.20 440021.20
Relay module with overvoltage and over/under frequency protection available.
Load Manager with RS-485 and two DI/DO ports.
Bus bar: 200A, FP, 10kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings : 10 x ( 63 Amp, 10kA, FP, MCB with 3 x 60/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-
60A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch )
2 x ( 40 Amp, 10kA, FP, MCB with 3 x 40/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-40A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch )
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
250 Amp, FP, 16kA, MCCB
3 x 250/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
Relay module with overvoltage and over/under frequency protection available.
19.270 Load Manager with RS-485 and two DI/DO ports. 1.00 No 559969.06 559969.06
Bus bar: 250A, FP, 16kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings : 1 x ( 160 Amp, 16kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 160/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-
160A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
1 x ( 100 Amp, 16kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
1 x ( 100 Amp, 16kA, TP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
3 x ( 63 Amp, 16kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 60/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-60A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).

Page 65 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
100 Amp, 16kA, TP, MCCB
3 x 100/5A, CL-1, 10VA CTs
19.271 0-100A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch 1.00 No 401600.72 401600.72
5 Stage APFC relay
Bus bar: 100A, FP, 16kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
1 x (63 Amp, 16kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
15kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 19.13 kVAr @ 480V)
2 x (32 Amp, 16kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
10kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 12.76 kVAr @ 480V)
2x (32 Amp, 16kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
5kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 6.38 kVAr @ 480V)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
19.272 160 Amp, FP, 16kA,MCCB 1.00 No 390149.65 390149.65
3 x 160/5A, CL-1, 10VA CTs
Relay module with overvoltage and over/under frequency protection available.
Load Manager with RS-485 and two DI/DO ports.
Bus bar: 200A, FP, 10kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings : 10 x ( 63 Amp, 10kA, FP, MCB with 3 x 60/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-
60A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch )
MLTP - DINNING (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
800 Amp, FP, 36kA, MCCB
3 x 800/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
Relay module with overvoltage and over/under frequency protection available.
Load Manager with RS-485 and two DI/DO ports.
19.273 1.00 No 946705.22 946705.22
Bus bar: 1000A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings : 3 x ( 400 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 400/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-
400A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x ( 250 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 250/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-250A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
3 x ( 100 Amp, 25kA, TP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x ( 40 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 60/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-60A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
1x630 Amp, FP, 36kA, MCCB

Page 66 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
APFC-DINNING (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
250 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB
3 x 250/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-250A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
6 Stage APFC relay
19.274 1.00 No 616210.98 616210.98
Bus bar: 300A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
1 x (125 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor
+ 50kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 63.78 kVAr @ 480V)
1 x (63 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
25kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 31.89 kVAr @ 480V)
2 x (63 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
15kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 19.13 kVAr @ 480V)
1 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
10kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 12.76 kVAr @ 480V)
1 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
19.275 125 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB 1.00 No 184020.23 184020.23
3 x 125/5A, CL-1, 10VA CTs
0-125A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
Bus bar: 125A, FP, 25kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
20 x 40A , 10kA,"C Curve" DP MCB.
10 x 63A , 10kA,"C Curve" FP MCB.
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
19.276 125 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB 1.00 No 182741.69 182741.69
3 x 125/5A, CL-1, 10VA CTs
0-125A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
Bus bar: 125A, FP, 25kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
22 x 40A , 10kA,"C Curve" DP MCB.
8 x 63A , 10kA,"C Curve" FP MCB.
Supply, installation & wiring single phase electronic dual source meter suitable for
240 Volts, 50 Hz, 2 to
19.277 5KW connection with display of LCD backlite, Measurements of kWh / kW and 40.00 No 11137.01 445480.56
Time of Day feature for two sources. (The rate shall also include the item required
for fixing meter ie. wooden ply, nuts, bolts and all other accessories required to
complete the job in full respect.)
Supply, installation & wiring Three phase electronic dual source meter suitable for
415 Volts, 50 Hz, 6 to 13
19.278 KW connection with display of LCD backlite, Measurements of kWh / kW and Time 3.00 No 14478.12 43434.35
of Day feature. (The rate shall also include the item required for fixing meter i.e..
wooden ply, nuts, bolts and all other accessories required to complete the job in full
Supply, installation & wiring Three phase electronic CT Operated dual source meter
suitable for 415 Volts, 50
19.279 Hz, up to 150 KW connection with display of LCD backlite, Measurements of kWh / 2.00 No 26060.61 52121.23
kW and Time of Day feature. (The rate shall also include the item required for fixing
meter i.e.. wooden ply, nuts, bolts and all other accessories required to complete
the job in full respect.)

Page 67 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
MLTP - SPORTS (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
320 Amp, FP, 36kA, MCCB
3 x 320/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
Relay module with overvoltage and over/under frequency protection available.
Load Manager with RS-485 and two DI/DO ports.
19.280 1.00 No 719125.91 719125.91
Bus bar: 500A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar.
Outgoings : 2 x ( 200 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 200/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-
200A,500V Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x ( 160 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 160/5A,CL-1, 15VA CTs and 0-160A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
1 x ( 100 Amp, 25kA, TP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x ( 63 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 60/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-60A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
1 x ( 40 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 40/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-40A,500V,
APFC-SPORTS (Indoor Type)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
250 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB
3 x 250/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
0-250A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
19.281 1.00 No 461406.49 461406.49
6 Stage APFC relay
Bus bar: 300A, FP, 36kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
1 x (63 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
15kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 19.13 kVAr @ 480V)
2 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
10kVAr capacitor) (rated at 480V with min 12.76 kVAr @ 480V)
2 x (32 Amp, 36kA, TP, MCCB +Thyristor switching module+ 7% detuned reactor +
5kVAr capacitor) (rated at
480V with min 6.38 kVAr @480V)
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
160 Amp, 25kA, FP, MCCB
3 x 160/5A, CL-1, 15VA CTs
19.282 0-160A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch 1.00 No 518762.11 518762.11
Bus bar: 250A, FP, 25kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
4 x ( 100 Amp, 25kA, TP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
4 x ( 63 Amp, 25kA, TP, MCCB with 3 x 60/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-60A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
3 x 40A , 10kA,"C Curve" FP MCB.
1 x 63A , 10kA,"C Curve" DP MCB.
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
19.283 125 Amp, 16kA, FP, MCCB 1.00 No 221960.69 221960.69
3 x 125/5A, CL-1, 10VA CTs
0-125A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
Bus bar: 125A, FP, 10kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
2 x ( 100 Amp, 16kA, FP, MCCB with 3 x 100/5A,CL-1, 10VA CTs and 0-100A,500V,
Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch ).
2 x 63A , 10kA,"C Curve" FP MCB.

Page 68 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Incomer : Surge arrester 1.6kVp, 75kA with both lightning and switching surge
protection protected by MCCB
of suitable rating and response with a surge counter. R,Y,B LED indication lamp
with 2A control MCB.
0-500V Analogue type voltmeter with selector switch.
19.284 1.00 No 157821.51 157821.51
100 Amp, 16kA, FP, MCCB
3 x 100/5A, CL-1, 10VA CTs
0-100A,500V, Multifunction meter with inbuilt selector switch
Bus bar: 100A, FP, 10kA, Al bus bar. Outgoings :
12 x 40A , 10kA,"C Curve" DP MCB.
4 x 63A , 10kA,"C Curve" FP MCB.
Incomer : 1 Nos. x 4kVp, 75kA, Surge arrestor
Incomer : 1 Nos. x 400 A, Four pole , MCCB, 25kA, Microprocessor based
Incomer : 1 set. x R,Y,B indication lamp with 2A control MCB
Incomer : 1 Nos. x Digital Voltmeter, 0-500V, with inbuilt selector switch and 2A
control MCB Incomer : 1 Nos. x Load manager with RS-485 port
Incomer : 7 Nos. x CT 400/5A, CL:1, 15VA, Ring type
Incomer : 1 Nos. x Digital Ammeter, 0-160A, with inbuilt selector switch. Bus bar : 1
19.285 set. x 415V, 50HZ, 500 A, Four pole , 25kA aluminium bus bar Outgoing : 1 Nos. x 1.00 No 798635.27 798635.27
250 A, Four pole , MCCB, 25kA, Microprocessor based Outgoing : 3 Nos x125 A Four
pole , MCCB 25kA, Microprocessor based Outgoing : 5 Nos. x 63 A, Four pole , MCCB,
25kA, Microprocessor based Outgoing : 3 Nos. x 32 A, Four pole , MCCB, 25kA,
Microprocessor based Outgoing : 12 Nos. x Multi functioning meter
Outgoing : 3 Nos. x CT 250/5A, CL:1, 15VA, Ring type Outgoing : 9 Nos. x CT
125/5A, CL:1, 15VA, Ring type Outgoing : 15 Nos. x CT 63/5A, CL:1, 10VA, Ring
type Outgoing : 9 Nos. x CT 32/5A, CL:1, 5VA, Ring type

APFC Panel (Outreach Centre) --OUTREACH CENTRE (Indoor Type)

Incomer : 1 Nos. x 2kVp, 50kA, Surge arrestor
Incomer : 1 Nos. x 250 A, Three pole , MCCB, 25kA, Microprocessor based
Incomer : 1 set. x R,Y,B indication lamp with 2A control MCB
Incomer : 1 Nos. x Digital Voltmeter, 0-500V, with inbuilt selector switch and 2A
control MCB Incomer : 3 Nos. x CT 250/5A, CL:1, 15VA, Ring type
Incomer : 1 Nos. x Digital Ammeter, 0-250A, with inbuilt selector switch. Incomer :
1 Nos. x 240V, actuated APFC relay (numeric type)
19.286 Bus bar : 1 set. x 415V, 50HZ, 300 A, Four pole , 25kA aluminium bus bar 1.00 No 583134.05 583134.05
Outgoing : 6 set. x R,Y,B indication lamp with 2A control MCB Outgoing : 6 Nos. x
100 A, High speed semiconductor fuse Outgoing : 6 Nos. x 63 A, High speed
semiconductor fuse Outgoing : 6 Nos. x 32 A, High speed semiconductor fuse
Outgoing : 6 Nos. x Thyristor switching module
Outgoing : 6 Nos. x 7% Reactors
Outgoing : 2 Nos. x Delta connected , 480V rated capacitor bank , 25kVAr Outgoing :
2 Nos. x Delta connected , 480V rated capacitor bank , 15kVAr Outgoing : 2 Nos. x
Delta connected , 480V rated capacitor bank , 10kVAr
LDP (Lighting Distribution Panel) -OUTREACH CENTRE (Indoor Type)
Incomer :
1 Nos. x 2kVp, 50kA, Surge arrestor
Incomer : 1 Nos. x 63 A, Four pole , MCCB, 25kA, Microprocessor based
Incomer : 1 set. x R,Y,B indication lamp with 2A control MCB
Incomer : 1 Nos. x Digital Voltmeter, 0-500V, with inbuilt selector switch and 2A
19.287 1.00 No 260698.57 260698.57
control MCB Incomer : 3 Nos. x CT 60/5A, CL:1, 10VA, Ring type
Incomer : 1 Nos. x Digital Ammeter, 0-60A, with inbuilt selector switch. Incomer : 1
Nos. x Dual source meter
Bus bar : 1 set. x 415V, 50HZ, 200 A, Four pole , 25kA aluminium bus bar
Outgoing : 1 set. x R,Y,B indication lamp with 2A control MCB
Outgoing : 6 Nos. x 32 A, Four pole , MCCB, 25kA, Microprocessor based

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
PDP (Power Distribution Panel)-OUTREACH CENTRE (Indoor Type)
Incomer : 1 Nos. x 2kVp, 50kA, Surge arrestor
Incomer : 1 Nos. x 125 A, Four pole , MCCB, 25kA, Microprocessor based
Incomer :1 set. x R,Y,B indication lamp with 2A control MCB
Incomer : 1 Nos. x Digital Voltmeter, 0-500V, with inbuilt selector switch and 2A
control MCB Incomer : 3 Nos. x CT 125/5A, CL:1, 15VA, Ring type
19.288 1.00 No 351038.68 351038.68
Incomer : 1 Nos. x Digital Ammeter, 0-125A, with inbuilt selector switch. Incomer :1
Nos. x Dual source meter
Bus bar : 1 set. x 415V, 50HZ, 200 A, Four pole , 25kA aluminium bus bar
Outgoing : 1 set. x R,Y,B indication lamp with 2A control MCB
Outgoing : 4 Nos x 63 A, Four pole MCCB, 25kA Microprocessor based
Outgoing : 2 Nos. x 40 A, Four pole , MCCB, 25kA, Microprocessor based
UDP (UPS Distribution Panel)-OUTREACH CENTRE (Indoor Type)
1 Nos. x 2kVp, 50kA, Surge arrestor
Incomer : 1 Nos. x 63 A, Four pole , MCCB, 25kA, Microprocessor based
Incomer : 1 set. x R,Y,B indication lamp with 2A control MCB
Incomer : 1 Nos. x Digital Voltmeter, 0-500V, with inbuilt selector switch and 2A
19.289 control MCB Incomer : 3 Nos. x CT 60/5A, CL:1, 10VA, Ring type 1.00 No 346695.25 346695.25
Incomer : 1 Nos. x Digital Ammeter, 0-60A, with inbuilt selector switch. Incomer : 1
Nos. x Dual source meter
Bus bar : 1 set. x 415V, 50HZ, 200 A, Four pole , 25kA aluminium bus bar
Outgoing : 1 set. x R,Y,B indication lamp with 2A control MCB
Outgoing : 6 Nos. x 32 A, Four pole , MCCB, 25kA, Microprocessor based
Incomer : 1 Nos. x 2kVp, 50kA, Surge arrestor
Incomer : 1 Nos. x 63 A, Four pole , MCCB, 25kA, Microprocessor based
Incomer : 1 Set. x R,Y,B indication lamp with 2A control MCB
Incomer : 1 Set. X Digital Voltmeter, 0-500V, with inbuilt selector switch and 2A
control MCB Incomer : 6 Nos. X CT 60/5A, CL:1, 10VA, Ring type
19.290 2.00 No 315066.13 630132.25
Incomer : 1 Nos. x Digital Ammeter, 0-60A, with inbuilt selector switch. Incomer : 1
Nos x Dual source meter
Bus bar : 1 set. x 415V, 50HZ, 100 A, Four pole , 25kA aluminium bus bar
Outgoing : 1 set. x R,Y,B indication lamp with 2A control MCB
Outgoing : 5 Nos. x 32 A, Four pole , MCCB, 25kA, Microprocessor based. Outgoing :
3 Nos. x 16 A, Dual pole , MCB, 10kA, B type
Incomer : 1 Nos. x 2kVp, 50kA, Surge arrestor
Incomer : 1 Nos. x 125 A, Four pole , MCCB, 25kA, Microprocessor based
Incomer : 1 Set. x R,Y,B indication lamp with 2A control MCB
Incomer : 1 Nos. x Digital Voltmeter, 0-500V, with inbuilt selector switch and 2A
control MCB Incomer : 6 Nos. x CT 125/5A, CL:1, 15VA, Ring type
19.291 1.00 No 477555.16 477555.16
Incomer : 1 Nos. x Digital Ammeter, 0-125A, with inbuilt selector switch. Incomer :
1 Nos. x Dual source meter
Bus bar : 1 Set. x 415V, 50HZ, 200 A, Four pole , 25kA aluminium bus bar
Outgoing : 6 Set. x R,Y,B indication lamp with 2A control MCB
Outgoing : 4 Nos. x 63 A, Four pole , MCCB, 25kA, Microprocessor based
Outgoing : 5 Nos. x 40 A, Four pole , MCCB, 25kA, Microprocessor based
Design, Supply, Installation, Testing , internal wiring and Commissioning of
following Feeder pillars suitable for outdoor application IP66 made up of CRCA
sheet 1.6mm thickness with following accessories :
M.2.1 Supplying, installation, testing and commissioning of Astronomical time
switch of following configuration to be mounted in feeder pillars / Lighting DBs for
automatic switching On & OFF of street lights at sun set & sun rise or twilight(Auto
19.292 ON, Auto OFF, Auto modes) with manual override facility with 12/24 hour display 1.00 No 105801.05 105801.05
format with suitable battery and indication for relay status i/c programming at site
complete as required. 3 output (1 output per phase) and suitable for three phase
1 set x 100A, FP, Al bus bar
1 set x Phase indication lamp
8 Nos x Outgoing switchgear 20A FP, MCB 10kA
6 Nos. x Outgoing switchgear 40A, FP, MCB, 10kA

Page 70 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Feeder Pillar - 02 (Outdoor Type)
Incomer : 1 Nos. x 63A, 16kA, FP MCCB
19.293 1 Nos Astronomical switch 3.00 No 105801.05 317403.15
Bus bar : 150A Al bus bar
Outgoing : 11 Nos x 16A , 10 kA, FP, MCB
Feeder Pillar - 03 (Outdoor Type)
Incomer : 1 Nos. x 63A, 16kA, FP MCCB
19.294 1 Nos Astronomical switch 7.00 No 105566.06 738962.43
Bus bar : 150A Al bus bar
Outgoing : 10 Nos x 16A , 10 kA, FP, MCB
Feeder Pillar - 04 (Outdoor Type)
Incomer : 1 Nos. x 63A, 16kA, FP MCCB
19.295 1 Nos Astronomical switch 1.00 No 108030.69 108030.69
Bus bar : 150A Al bus bar
Outgoing : 14Nos x 16A , 10 kA, FP, MCB
Supplying and fixing IP-55 rated, CRCA enclosure 2mm thick for load bearing
members and 1.6 mm thick for
doors, suitable for fixing MCCBs of following frame size and Isolators, complete
19.296 with making cut outs and holes in the enclosure, fixing with nut, bolts, TNC switch 10.00 Set 4566.18 45661.76
for breaker operation, making enclosure air tight, fixing supports etc. as required
but excluding the cost of MCCB and Isolator
(a) 125 Amp Frame size Microprocessor based MCCB
Supplying and fixing 400mm x 400mm x 150 mm IP-55 rated, CRCA enclosure
2mm thick, for load bearing
members and 1.6 mm thick for doors, suitable for fixing earth bus bars of size 32 x
19.297 40.00 Set 6330.28 253211.22
6 mm GI, complete with making cut outs and holes in the enclosure, fixing with nut,
bolts, making enclosure air tight, fixing supports etc. as required.

Supplying and fixing 100mm x 100mm x 50 mm GI adapter box, with cover plate
made up of same finish to
19.298 be used as a junction between raceways and conduits, bus bars and cables, conduits 943.00 Set 5457.14 5146080.06
and conduits complete with making cut outs and holes in the box, fixing with nut,
bolts, fixing supports etc. as required.
20 Elevators:
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of vertical transportation system
(Passenger Lift, refer technical specs) with machine of capacity as mentioned in
technical specifications (13 passengers / persons) Duplex and at a speed of a 1.0
20.001 mp, including all necessary ancillaries and accessories as specified in the tender 8.00 Nos 2376921.57 19015372.57
documents. It shall complying with all Statutory requirements of the local
competent Authorities and IS-
14665. The lift / elevator shall be suitable for landing at total 3 stops and 3 opening
.(approximate travel distance 5.4 Mt.) Academic Building
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of vertical transportation system
(Passenger Lift, refer
technical specs) with machine of capacity as mentioned in technical specifications
(13 passengers / persons) Duplex and at a speed of a 1.0 mp, including all
20.002 necessary ancillaries and accessories as specified in the tender documents. It shall 8.00 Nos 2558404.54 20467236.32
complying with all Statutory requirements of the local competent Authorities and
14665. The lift / elevator shall be suitable for landing at total 3 stops and 3 opening
.(approximate travel distance 10.8 Mt.) Academic Building
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of vertical transportation system
(Passenger Lift, refer
technical specs) with machine of capacity as mentioned in technical specifications
(13 passengers / persons) Duplex and at a speed of a 1.0 mp, including all
20.003 necessary ancillaries and accessories as specified in the tender documents. It shall 2.00 Nos 2386502.31 4773004.62
complying with all Statutory requirements of the local competent Authorities and
14665. The lift / elevator shall be suitable for landing at total 3 stops and 3 opening
.(approximate travel distance 7.2Mt.) Admin. Building

Page 71 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of vertical transportation system
(Passenger Lift, refer
technical specs) with machine of capacity as mentioned in technical specifications
(13 passengers / persons) Duplex and at a speed of a 1.0 mp, including all
20.004 necessary ancillaries and accessories as specified in the tender documents. It shall 2.00 Nos 2263231.06 4526462.12
complying with all Statutory requirements of the local competent Authorities and
14665. The lift / elevator shall be suitable for landing at total 2 stops and 2 opening
.(approximate travel distance 3.6Mt.) Admin Building
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of vertical transportation system
(Passenger Lift, refer
technical specs) with machine of capacity as mentioned in technical specifications
(13 passengers / persons) Simplex and at a speed of a 1.0 mp, including all
20.005 necessary ancillaries and accessories as specified in the tender documents. It shall 1.00 Nos 2394042.55 2394042.55
complying with all Statutory requirements of the local competent Authorities and
14665. The lift / elevator shall be suitable for landing at total 3 stops and 3 opening
.(approximate travel distance 6.0Mt.) International Center
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of vertical transportation system
(Passenger Lift, refer
technical specs) with machine of capacity as mentioned in technical specifications
(8 passengers / persons) Duplex and at a speed of a 1.0 mp, including all necessary
20.006 ancillaries and accessories as specified in the tender documents. It shall complying 2.00 Nos 2055853.08 4111706.16
with all Statutory requirements of the local competent Authorities and IS-
14665. The lift / elevator shall be suitable for landing at total 3 stops and 3 opening
.(approximate travel distance 6.0Mt.) International Center

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of vertical transportation system

(Passenger Lift, refer
technical specs) with machine of capacity as mentioned in technical specifications
(13 passengers / persons) Simplex and at a speed of a 1.0 mp, including all
20.007 necessary ancillaries and accessories as specified in the tender documents. It shall 1.00 Nos 2529023.16 2529023.16
complying with all Statutory requirements of the local competent Authorities and
14665. The lift / elevator shall be suitable for landing at total 4 stops and 4 opening
.(approximate travel distance 9.0Mt.) Campus Inn
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of vertical transportation system
(Passenger Lift, refer
technical specs) with machine of capacity as mentioned in technical specifications
(8 passengers / persons) Duplex and at a speed of a 1.0 mp, including all necessary
20.008 ancillaries and accessories as specified in the tender documents. It shall complying 2.00 Nos 2132734.31 4265468.61
with all Statutory requirements of the local competent Authorities and IS-
14665. The lift / elevator shall be suitable for landing at total 4 stops and 4 opening
.(approximate travel distance 9.0Mt.) Campus Inn

Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of vertical transportation system

(Passenger Lift, refer
technical specs) with machine of capacity as mentioned in technical specifications
(13 passengers / persons) Simplex and at a speed of a 1.0 mp, including all
20.009 necessary ancillaries and accessories as specified in the tender documents. It shall 2.00 Nos 2324867.17 4649734.33
complying with all Statutory requirements of the local competent Authorities and
14665. The lift / elevator shall be suitable for landing at total 2 stops and 2 opening
.(approximate travel distance 5.4 Mt.) Dining Hall
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of vertical transportation system
(Passenger Lift, refer
technical specs) with machine of capacity as mentioned in technical specifications
(8 passengers / persons) Simplex and at a speed of a 1.0 mp, including all
20.010 necessary ancillaries and accessories as specified in the tender documents. It shall 2.00 Nos 1939346.35 3878692.71
complying with all Statutory requirements of the local competent Authorities and
14665. The lift / elevator shall be suitable for landing at total 2 stops and 2 opening
.(approximate travel distance 3.6Mt.) Faculty Club & Infirmary

Page 72 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of vertical transportation system
(Goods Lift 500 kgs, refer
technical specs) with machine of capacity as mentioned in technical specifications
and at a speed of a
20.011 1m/sec. Including all necessary ancillaries and accessories as specified in the 1.00 Nos 2055853.08 2055853.08
tender documents. It shall complying with all Statutory requirements of the local
competent Authorities and IS-14665. The lift / elevator shall be suitable for landing
at total 2 stops and 2 opening.(approximate travel distance 5.4 Mt.) Dinning Hall

Preparation of necessary Drawings, getting approval from the statutory authorities

before taking up work and
to furnish Completion Report arranging for Inspection, giving trial run on with load,
20.012 obtaining approval for commissioning the sets by paying necessary fee for 1.00 Nos 1012354.57 1012354.57
inspection, etc., complete for all passengers and goods lifts. (Necessary statutory
fees will be re-imbursed to the Contractor after producing the receipts).

21 Horticulture & Landscaping:

Horticulture & Landscaping
Providing and laying non-pressure NP2 class (light duty) R.C.C. pipes vertically in
21.001 1215.00 Rmt 1966.85 2389721.15
tree-pits complete as directed by EIC including supply of all material, labour and
equipment up to any lead and lift, 900mm dia RCC pipe
Supply & application of bentonite clay lining with average thickness of 75mm to
bottom & sides surfaces of
water bodies, clearing and levelling the surface before application of bentonite
using a 500kg roller such that no part of the surface extends out from surroundings
21.002 by more than 100mm, rolling & compacting after application with 500kg roller, 14612.00 Cum 4332.65 63308654.90
checking for leaks by local filling of water and sealing the same with bentonite
complete, including supply of all material, labour and equipment as required, up to
any lead and lift; as directed by Engineer-in-Charge

Supply & spreading of graded murrum up to 300 mm for play areas, in layers not
exceeding 100mm thick and
21.003 3076.00 Cum 254.79 783728.93
compacting with 8 tonne roller, complete including supply of all material, labour
and equipment, up to any lead and lift as directed by EIC
Supply & application of minimum 2mm thick PU surface on minimum 8mm thick
SBR sub-base for sports
21.004 surfaces as per manufacturer's specifications including supply of necessary labour, 4153.78 Sqm 3138.30 13035803.92
material and equipment complete with carting, loading, storage, stacking of debris
and casting up to any lead and lift
Supply, fabrication and installation of play structure comprising of SS 304 slide for
children, wooden deck,
ladders, Nylon rope climbing net, Pergola house and the supporting structure of all
21.005 the components as per final detailed drawing. The rate to include necessary 3.00 nos 289987.85 869963.54
painting of MS structures with approved colour Epoxy paint and all wooden
members to be applied with PU coating etc. complete including all labour,
equipment, material, up to any lead and lift as directed by EIC
Preparation of mounds of various size and shape by available excavated / supplied
earth in layers not
21.006 exceeding 20 cm in depth, breaking clods, watering of each layer, dressing etc., lead 95716.15 Cum 310.77 29745643.06
up to 50 meter and lift up to 1.5 m complete as per direction of Officer-in-charge.

Road Work Preparation and compaction of sub grade with power road roller of 8 to
12 tonne capacity after
excavating earth to an average of 22.5 cm depth, dressing to camber and
21.007 681317.00 Sqm 106.28 72408247.78
compacting with road roller including making good the undulations etc. and re-
rolling the sub grade and disposal of surplus earth with lead up to 50 metres.

Dry stone pitching 22.5 cm thick including supply of stones and preparing surface
21.008 31788.00 Sqm 552.77 17571475.49
Dry brick pitching half brick thick in drains including supply of bricks and
21.009 preparing the surface complete : 46191.00 Sqm 573.17 26475325.03
With common burnt clay F.P.S. (non modular) bricks of class designation 5

Page 73 of 75
BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Providing and laying tactile tile (for vision impaired persons as per standards) of
size 300x300x9.8mm having
with water absorption less than 0.5% and conforming to IS: 15622 of approved
make in all colours and shades in for outdoor floors such as footpath, court yard,
21.010 1138.00 Sqm 1881.81 2141494.83
multi modals location etc., laid on 20mm thick base of cement mortar 1:4 (1cement
: 4 coarse sand) in all shapes & patterns including grouting the joints with white
cement mixed with matching pigments etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-
22 Road Work:
Road Work
22.001 Carriage of Materials 7497320.33 7.76 58152627.76
Cost of Haulage/Carriage of Materials by tipper excluding Cost of loading,
unloading and stacking through
Surface Road
Cost of Haulage/Carriage of Materials by tipper excluding Cost of loading,
22.002 unloading and stacking through 473118.22 9.42 4458816.10
Unsurfaced Gravelled Road
Cost of Haulage/Carriage of Materials by tipper excluding Cost of loading,
22.003 unloading and stacking through 473118.22 18.85 8917632.21
Katcha Track and Track in Riverbed/Nallah Bed and Choe Bed
Construction of Subgrade and Earthen Shoulders. (Construction of embankment for
subgrade and earthen shoulders with approved material obtained from borrow pits
22.004 42319.48 Cum 319.66 13527659.45
with all lifts and lead up to 1000 m, transporting to site, spreading, grading to
required slope and compacting to meet requirement of MoRTH table 300-2)

Excavation for Structures (Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures as

per drawing and technical
specification, including setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of
22.005 175.73 Cum 106.97 18797.37
stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling
with approved material.) Ordinary Soil (up to
3.0 m. Depth)
Concrete work
PCC 1:3:6 in Foundation including form work (Plain cement concrete 1:3:6 nominal
22.006 mix in foundation with crushed stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size mechanically 175.73 Cum 4710.19 827722.52
mixed, placed in foundation and compacted by vibration including curing for 14
Construction of cement concrete kerb 150 mm thick, 400 mm high in M 20 grade
PCC on M-10 grade
foundation 100 mm thick, foundation having 50 mm projection beyond kerb stone,
22.007 43843.80 Rmt 329.69 14454848.79
kerb stone laid with kerb laying machine, foundation concrete laid manually, all
complete as per MoRTH clause 408 (B) Using Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant

Construction of cement concrete kerb 150 mm thick, 400 mm high in M 20 grade,

kerb stone laid with kerb
22.008 laying machine, foundation concrete laid manually, all complete as per MoRTH 28858.20 Rmt 264.43 7630912.16
clause 408 (B) Using
Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant
Road work
Dismantling of Flexible Pavements (Dismantling of flexible pavements and disposal
22.009 5049.92 Cum 339.82 1716075.93
of dismantled materials up to a lead of 1000 metres, stacking serviceable and
unserviceable materials separately)
Wet Mix Macadam : Providing laying, spreading and compacting graded stone
aggregate to wet mix
macadam specifications including premixing the materials with water at OMC, in
22.010 mechanical mix plant carriage of mix material by tipper to site, laying in uniform 5904.05 Cum 1364.90 8058455.19
layers of 100/125 mm thick compacted macadam with paver in sub base/base
course on well prepared surface and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve
desired density as per relevant MoRTH clause 406

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BOQ-Nalanda University Project
Description Rate
Sl.No Quantity Unit Amount
WITH -9.46%
Construction of dry lean cement concrete sub base over a prepared sub-grade with
coarse and fine
aggregate conforming to IS:383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm,
aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be
as per specifications, cement content not to be less than 150 Kg/cum, optimum
22.011 8827.80 Cum 2783.81 24574875.10
moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete
strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant,
transported to site, for all leads & lifts, laid with a mechanical paver, compacting
with 8-10 tonne vibratory roller, finishing and curing etc. complete as per direction
of Engineer-in charge.
Construction of 225 mm thick un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete
pavement over a prepared
sub base with cement @ 425 kg per cum, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to
IS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a
batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site and laid
22.012 with fixed form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation 17013.78 Cum 6734.48 114578910.83
including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints,
joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip,
dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and
grades as per drawing as per MoRTH clause 602

Providing and laying 60mm thick factory made cement concrete interlocking paver
block of M -30 grade made
by block making machine with strong vibratory compaction, of approved size,
22.013 28871.33 Sqm 787.32 22730990.96
design & shape, laid in required colour and pattern over and including 50mm thick
compacted bed of coarse sand, filling the joints with fine sand etc. all complete as
per the direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Providing and laying factory made chamfered edge Cement Concrete paver blocks
of required strength,
thickness & size/shape, made by table vibratory method, to attain superior smooth
finish using PU or equivalent moulds, laid in required Grey colour & pattern over
50mm thick compacted bed of coarse sand, compacting and proper embedding /
laying of inter locking paver blocks into the sand bedding layer through vibratory
22.014 12420.45 Sqm 964.47 11979183.53
compaction by using plate vibrator, filling the joints with jamuna sand and cutting
of paver blocks as per required size and pattern, finishing and sweeping extra sand
in footpath, parks, lawns, drive ways or light traffic parking etc. all complete as per
manufacturer’s specifications & direction of Engineer -in-Charge: (a) 80 mm thick
c.c. paver block of M-30 grade with approved colour design and pattern.

Road Marking with Hot Applied Thermoplastic Compound with Reflectorising Glass
Beads on Bituminous
Surface (Providing and laying of hot applied thermoplastic compound 2.5 mm thick
22.015 673.00 Sqm 890.06 599007.32
including reflectorising glass beads @ 250 gms per sqm area, thickness of 2.5 mm
is exclusive of surface applied glass beads as per IRC:35 .The finished surface to be
level, uniform and free from streaks and holes.)
Type - A, "W" : Metal Beam Crash Barrier (Providing and erecting a "W" metal beam
crash barrier comprising
of 3 mm thick corrugated sheet metal beam rail, 70 cm above road/ground level,
fixed on ISMC series channel vertical post, 150 x 75 x 5 mm spaced 2 m centre to
22.016 centre, 1.8 m high, 1.1 m below ground/road level, all steel parts and fitments to be 3000.00 Rmt 2430.49 7291462.25
galvanised by hot dip process, all fittings to conform to IS:1367 and IS:1364, metal
beam rail to be fixed on the vertical post with a spacer of channel section 150 x 75 x
5 mm,
330 mm long complete as per clause 810)
Carriage of Lime, Murrum, Building rubbish By Mechanical Transport- Disposal up
22.017 to 5 Km. lead outside 5049.92 Cum 282.41 1426131.23
campus premises
Total 4,35,07,18,418

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