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Quarter 2–Module 7
Writing an Exposition or Discussion on a Familiar Issue to
Include Key Structure Elements and Language Features
Introductory Message
For the Learner:

Welcome to the English Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on Writing an
Exposition or Discussion on a Familiar Issue to Include Key Structure Elements and Language

Writing exposition is a good exercise in formulating thoughts, generating ideas, and conveying
significant points to other people. Through writing, you are capable of analyzing what you read,
interpret, and think.

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided and
independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of
the learning resource while being an active learner.

What I Need to Know

This module will assist you in encouraging the learners to analyze and to
organize thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences through written composition. Your
aim as a facilitator is to explain and clarify facts, ideas or beliefs using various
techniques of exposition.
Please help the learners in sharing their ideas and knowledge from their experiences
so that there will be collaboration and learning will be easy.
Answers are written at the back of this module. Inculcate to the learners the value of
honesty while answering this module.
For the learner
Writing has been one of the first skills we have learned in school. In writing we can do
more. It is a significant tool in the delivery of ideas, impression, and concepts.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. identify types of expository writing;
2. arrange logically sentences using transitional signals; and, 3. write
specific types of expository essays based on current issue.

What I Know

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter on a separate sheet of

1. It is the act of explaining something?

A. discussion C. exposition
B. evaluation D. revision
2. Which is the best way in planning an organized expository essay?
A. using concept maps C. using outlines
B. using diagrams D. using Venn diagrams
3. What expository essay type discusses how an important issue happens and
what the ensuing result is?
A. Cause and Effect
B. Compare and Contrast

C. Problem and Solution

D. Process Essay

4. How do you conclude an essay or expository writing?

A. by narrating a story
B. by presenting the important idea
C. through a good reflection of the idea
D. by restating and summarizing the essay’s body and leaving with a final
5. Which connective is used to link contrasting ideas?
A. and C. next

Lesson Writing an Exposition or Discussion on a

Familiar Issue to Include Key Structural
7Elements and Language Features
B. however D. so

Written communication is an important element of expressing oneself

which provides an opportunity to impart knowledge in a significant and effective way.

What is It

Exposition is a type or kind of writing that defines, interprets, explains, and exposes. To
distinguish it from the other forms, exposition is all writing that does not tell a story of fiction and
poetry or maintain a position. Expository writings are writings from textbooks, news, magazines,
articles or any other type of publication. Writing an essay test is also an example of expository

There are 5 types of exposition:

1. Descriptive essay describes a person, place or some interesting, and unusual
Example: A person who has influenced me most is my grandmother. My
grandmother raised me to be sensitive, cheerful, and compassionate. She is
someone I deeply love and cherish.

2. Cause and Effect is about how the important issue happens and what the ensuing
result is.
Example: One of the most common reasons for a decreased feeling of self- worth as
an adult is bullying that occurred in the person’s past. When a child experienced a
wide range of negative physical and emotional influences it will lead to low

3. Compare and Contrast takes comparison between two subjects explaining their
similarities and differences.
Example: Computers can be used to communicate easily likewise with a mobile
phone. However, mobile phones can be operated from anywhere but in computer,
you can’t.

4. Problem and Solution talks about a relevant problem and analyzes the solution for it.
Example: There has been a surge in teen pregnancies these days. Teen
pregnancies make it hard for mothers to pursue their dreams. However, this can be
prevented through abstinence.

5. Sequence or Process answers the question “How to….?” It teaches and explains the
Example: To make a paper airplane, the first thing you need to do is to take out a
plain sheet of paper. Next fold the paper down the center. Then, fold the top corners
down to meet the center line…

An expository writing, regardless of its purpose, should have at least 5 paragraphs: the
first paragraph is the introduction; the next three paragraphs is the body; and the last paragraph
is the conclusion.
The introduction should state the topic of the essay. This is the substance of the entire
writing which points the main idea. It should give a brief sign posts of what the information the
essay will include.
The body section should focus on main points, supported by evidences. These
supporting evidences may include reasons, facts, statistics, quotations, examples or a mix of
these. Transitional markers or connectives are used in these paragraphs to connect one idea to
the next.
The concluding paragraph gives a concise summary of the body paragraph. It should
tie the ideas, transitions and examples together to give the reader something to think about.
Connectives are also used in essay. These are words or phrases that show the logical
relationship between the points. They help to achieve a smooth essay flow. They are carefully
assembled and creatively applied to ensure that sentences in the paragraph make sense.
Here are some connectives used in essay:
1. Connectives showing cause and effect; as a result, thus, hence, due to, consequently
2. Connectives adding information; also, for example, such as, besides, further, moreover
3. Connectives for succession; first, second, third, after that, finally
4. Connectives showing comparison and contrast; but, however, although, on the other
hand, instead
5. Connectives summarizing essay; to sum up, in conclusion, in short
6. Pronouns also act as connectives. (he, she, it, they, etc.)

Steps in writing an expository essay

1. Choose a topic: The topic should meet the writer’s level of interest. It should give an
ease in finding sources. The writer should have the ability to explain the issues to the
2. Do research: After choosing the topic, it’s time to do a research. Read broadly a variety
of articles about the topic. Take notes on the possible point that could be covered in the
3. Choose examples: The best way to choose examples is to mix the most common issues
discussed about the topic along with some rarely discussed.
4. Write an outline: It may start with an interesting introduction by telling a story or citing a
statistic. The succeeding paragraphs should cite examples based on the topic. The last
paragraph is the conclusion which drives home the significance of the topic.
5. Craft thesis statement: It should lean on what the writer is going to convey to the
6. Write the essay: After the outline, put the research into writing the essay. Use
transitional words to reinforce supporting facts.
7. Proofread and edit.
Check your work for any grammatical and spelling mistakes and check if the
information is presented in a proper logical sequence.

Writing several drafts and editing your essay as many times as possible and
as required to make sure that it is free from any lapses or errors is advisable.

What’s More

Independent Activity 1
Identify the type of expository essay being described. Write your answer in your answer
sheet. Choose from the pool of words below.

Sequence or Process Essay Descriptive Essay

Compare and Contrast Essay Cause and Effect Essay

Problem and Solution Essay

1. It talks about a relevant problem and analyzes the solution for it.
2. It is an essay that tackles on the similarities and differences between two
different ideas, subjects or issues.
3. It describes a person, an object, a situation, a place, or something interesting and
unusual experience.
4. It is an essay that teaches and explains a particular process.
5. It unfolds how an important issue happens and what the ensuing result is.

Independent Assessment 1

Identify what type of essay is used in each paragraph. Write your answers in your
answer sheet.

1. 'Chocolate chip cookies are one of the most popular desserts in the world. They
can either be crispy or soft and have a sweet smell to them reminiscent of a
bakery. They taste rich and melt in your mouth. When they bake, they 'wrinkle' up
in the oven, and the combination of the nooks and crannies in the dough with the
mouth-watering chocolate chips on top make them hard to resist.'

2. For other people, quitting smoking is a little bit hard to do or worse it is really
difficult to do. However, if one is really into quitting, then it may not be easy but it
is possible. To quit smoking, one must do the following. First, choose a date for
a quit day. Next, imagine a life without cigarettes and expect it. Then, have one
last cigarette as a ‘goodbye day cigarette’. Make sure, too, that you are among
people who support your decision to quit. Keep your goal in perspective and
never fall for any substitute. Last, make yourself accountable. Sooner or later,
you will note that eventually you are a smoke-quitter one day.

3. Both Washington, DC, and London offer a wide array of museums that harbor
many of the world’s most prized treasures. While Washington, DC, has the
National Gallery of Art and several other Smithsonian galleries, London’s art
scene and galleries have a definite edge in this category. From the Tate Modern
to the British National Gallery, London’s art ranks among the world’s best. These
difference and advantage have much to do with London and Britain’s historical
depth compared to that of the United States. London has a much richer past than
Washington, DC, and consequently has a lot more material to pull from when
arranging its collections. Both cities have thriving theater districts, but again,
London wins this comparison, too, both in quantity and quality of theater choices.
-Scott McLean in Writing for Success

What I Have Learned

Copy the sentences below in your answer sheet. Put a check mark ( ✔) before each
number if the sentence tells correct idea about expository writing, and cross mark ( ❌
) if it doesn’t.

1. Exposition is a writing which does not maintain a position.

2. Transitional devices are used in expository writing.
3. Problem- solution essay is an example of expository writing.
4. Expository writing conveys the writer’s significant story to other people.
5. The concluding part of an exposition or discourse states the substance of
the entire essay.
Answer Key

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