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Background of the Study

The penetration of videogames into the United States alone is enormous, with at

least ninety percent of homes having children that have played videogames. It is a record

that continues to increase fifty-five percent of console players, and sixty-six percent of

online players are over 18. The college demographic seems to be a significant group of

gamers simply because they have a lack of parental supervision, and they have more

addiction impacts academic achievement because the student is too involved in the game

to do homework or prepare academically (Wright, 2011).

As technological advancement takes its toll in a continually rich country like the

Philippines, citizens have witnessed its great advantage and potential benefits towards

their lifestyle, yet criticized for its potential harms. Such technology is worthy of

attention to humanity, especially towards millennials, and one of that is online video

gaming. Increasing numbers of individuals, especially students, are getting hooked on

this technology even to the point of getting addicted. In a study by Alcalde, Camacho,

and Cortes (2012), complaints were received from schools all over Manila regarding

more addiction to online computer gaming. Many teachers, parents, and other concerned

organizations continuously clamor for a tighter clamp over computer gaming. The said

protest mainly focused on how the trend is becoming a distraction towards their studies.

Some students spent playing at cafes as a hangout until late at night or worse, during

school hours, which makes students skip classes. Despite that, DepEd values how online
computer gaming also helps sharpen the young generation into highly proficient

individuals to cope up with the global trends.

According to the study of Bolo and Murcia (2015), almost half of the population

of each campus in Digos City was held to be gamers. Other play and sell their accounts

while others buy then play. Many computer café in the city were competing and are doing

their best to gain the patronage of the gamers; they will offer promos for the PC rental. In

contrast, others provide a café membership to the games for them to avail of different

benefits. With this, the researchers felt the need to determine if the selected Criminology

students lose their focus on their studies, knowing that they’ve engaged in online video

games. The researchers aim to find out the implications of on-line gaming on the

performance of the students.

The result of this study would be beneficial to students, parents, readers,

researchers and future researchers, the teachers and administration of Saint Michael

College of Caraga, and to the department of College of Criminal Justice Education in the

institution. Students, this study is significant to the students for them to aware that online

gaming may affect their academic performance in the school of Saint Michael College of

Caraga. Parents, this study would help the parents to monitor always and have enough

knowledge about the effects of online gaming among their children. Also, they will be

benefited by they will have more time and communication with their children. They

surely know how to limit their child from playing online games by guiding them wisely.

To readers, this study will help the readers to have an understanding of the effects of

online gaming on the academic performance of the students. The researchers and future

researchers may serve as a basis and contribute to our rich bulk of literature and
knowledge body. The teachers will be giving more attention to the students. Some

teachers tried and played online games too. They can help and let their students explore

great words, meanings, and thoughts that the students learned from different online

games. And most important, the school administration, for them to take a stepping stone

of creating plans and investigate those students who had been failed and had low grades

for them to have an intervention program.

Theoretical Framework
In Self-determination theory, Deci and Ryan proposed that an individual’s well-

being and their abilities to self-regulate are to be on the fulfillment of unspecified basic

psychological needs. These psychological needs include the need for competence,

relatedness, and the need for autonomy. When a person can meet these psychological

needs in their daily routine, they will experience a high quantity of welfare.

Individuals who find it hard to meet these needs daily may turn to video games to

satisfy them. The player may choose where and what they would like to do, and the

player is autonomous. Also, online games, in particular, allow players to interact with

each other, which enable them to satisfy their need for relatedness.

This study is also anchored on the Flow Theory by Wan and Chiou (2006) in

which, according to them, to achieve this “flow state,” there are several things that the

experience must provide. It must have clear and concise objectives, provide immediate

feedback on performance, be challenging but not so much as to overcome the individual

skills, immerse the individual, and, of course, be absorbed in general. The objectives of

the games are clear.

Schematic Diagram

Input Thru put Output

Students’ Profile

 income of

Academic Intervention
 time to play
Performance Program
 number of time

to play

 type of games to


 reasons to play

 a place where

you play
Figure 1. It shows the research paradigm of the study.

Statement of the Problem

This study discussed the effect of online gaming on the academic performance of

Criminology students of Saint Michael College of Caraga. Specifically, the study seeks to

answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of a student who is playing online gaming as to:

1.1. the income of parents;

1.2. time to play;

1.3. number of time/s to play;

1.4 type of games to play;

1.5 reasons to play; and

1.6 place where you play?

2. What is the level of Academic Performance of Criminology Student who play online


3. What are variable/s that significantly affect academic performance?

4. What intervention program can we offer after the study conducted?


There is no variable that significantly affects academic performance.

Scope and Limitations

The study was limited in finding out the effects of online gaming on the academic

performance of Criminology students enrolled in the school year 2019-2020 in Saint

Michael College of Caraga.

In this study, the researchers focused only on the student’s profile and their

relationship with their academic performance.

Definition of Terms

The following terms and words are operationally and conceptually defined as


Academic Performance. It is the numerical grade of the respondents in the second

semester that indicates the performance of the students, both written and oral tasks.

Intervention Programs. It is a series of activities that address issues that caused the

respondents to engage in online gaming; they may take an individual treatment program,

which may include counseling, skills training, and education.

GPA. Usually, on a GPA scale, 1.0 – Excellent, 1.1 – 1.5 – very superior, 1.6 – 2.0 –

superior, 2.1 – 2.5 – good, 2.6 – 3.0 – poor, and 5.0 – failed.
Online gaming. It is an electronic game played online over a computer network – a

massively multiplayer online game (MMOG); League of Legends, DOTA 2, Crossfire,

and Mobile Legends is the most grossing online game being played among the


A Place to play. It is a portion of space available or designated for the respondents

playing online games.

Reasons to play. Fact that explains respondents play online games.

The Income of Parents. It is definite to the profile earned by the descendants and

ascendants of the researcher’s respondents from their livelihood.

Number of time/s to play. It is the number of hours spent in which respondents

consumed in playing online games.

Time to play. The duration in which respondents play online games measure in minutes

and hours.

Type of games to play. It is a particular kind of online game respondents enjoyed


This study comprises the input, thru-put, and output. The process includes the

students’ profiling on online gaming while the thru put based on the academic


Online Gaming

One of the prominent and worrisome technology-related addictions is online

gaming addiction (Charlton & Danforth, 2010). Online game addiction as a state of a

maladaptive psychological dependence through the obsessive-compulsive pattern of

seeking and use behaviors that take place at the expense of other significant activities.

Online gaming is vastly popular with young people and children. It has shown

detrimental effects on excessive online gaming use rather than occasional or regular use.

According to Lan Ying Huang (2003), by playing the online game features, online

gamer participants may view the games as providing diversion and filling time. “The
biggest risk factor for pathological video game use seems to be playing games to escape

from daily life,” said Joe Hilgard, lead author of the study and a doctoral candidate in the

Department of Psychological Sciences at Missouri. “Individuals who play games to get

away from their lives or to pretend to be other people seem to be those most at-risk for

becoming part of a vicious cycle. These gamers avoid their problems by playing games,

which interferes with their lives because they’re so busy playing games (Peters 7 et al.


The Income of Parents

Parents are mostly aware that their children play video games, but their

engagement varies when it comes to knowledge of ratings, their steps to stop their

children from playing, and the act of playing games with their children. The game is one

of the technologies worthy of attention by industry. At the same time, it can be a concern

for parents and other stakeholders such as schools or other concerned institutions about

its effects on the academic performance of the students, whether teens or adults are

addicted to online gaming (Verecio, 2018). In a study conducted by Schneider, King, and

Delfabbro (2017), the intergenerational effects of problem gaming require further

attention of adult gamers raising their children in a gaming-centric environment.

Rothman (2003) states that children from low socioeconomic status do not have a

study condition at home, affecting their academic achievement at school. However,

Davis-Kean (2005) argues that the socioeconomic status of the family has an indirect

rather than direct effect on the academic achievement of the student. Checci (2005) states

the educational level of parents is also the major factor for the academic achievement of

the student. Davis-Kean (2005), however, the average time of study by parents is an
influential factor on students’ academic achievement. Moreover, Chevalier and Lanot

(2002) proposed that students’ academic achievement and family income are closely

related, but the mean factor is their educational level. Blanden and Gregg (2005) argue

that family income is influential on children’s instructional gains.

Time to play

According to Limelight Networks (2019), people who usually play video games

tend to spend an average of seven hours seven minutes each week playing. Gamers

usually play for an average of one hour and twenty-two minutes, with 18-24 years old

averaging from almost two hours for typical gaming. However, most of the younger

gamers spend even more time playing, with at age 25-30 playing eight hours and twelve

minutes each week. Most of the players are overwhelmingly favor downloading as their

primary means for cultivating video games. Fast performance is the most fulfilling

feeling and the most important consideration when playing a video game.

The study found at least one age bracket is playing online more frequently than

before 12-15-year-olds reported a surge of an hour and a half more each week, now

averaging 13 hours and 48 minutes.

The number of times to play in a day

In a study conducted by Wood, Griffiths, and Parke (2007), the accessibility of

mobile smartphones made it easy for everyone to download and play a game whenever

and wherever they want. This attainable access led to the growth of casual gaming.

Nonetheless, there is a significant difference between casual gamers and dedicated

gamers. Most gamers play for less than one hour each week, while almost several play

more than 20 hours a week. Older gamers spend less playing than younger games. In an
experiment by Williams (2012), after the participants dramatically decreased the time

consumed using all technology to 30 minutes, including video games, the school

performance increased. The gaming frequency and the amount of time spent playing

video games have been studied for years frequently in association with gaming addiction

(King, 2012) examined the relationship between gaming time, motives to play, and

negative consequences because of playing Massively multiplayer online role-playing

games (MMORPGs).

Types of computer games mostly play.

Conjoint video and computer games belong to the new multimedia culture. These

games have increasingly become like as the years pass, especially among young people.

Types of gamers are associated with the frequency and amount of time a player has spent

playing video games. However, the segmentation between gamers types has not been

significantly rigorously studied (Fromme, 2013).

According to Hongpaisanvivat (2016), massively multiplayer online role-playing

games (MMORPGs) provide game players with many game-play options. Players were

allowed to connect and interact with various possible activities with other players in

open-world virtual landscapes. In 3D graphical video environments, players can create

and control their avatars to play with others as allies or competitors (Steinkuehler &

Williams, 2010). These games attract lots of players of all ages, nationalities, and

occupations, and the average playing time for these games is usually more than 20 h per


Reasons to play online gaming.

Playing video games has numerous reasons to be played, such as a challenge and

competition, stress reliever, enjoyment, and mentally escaping from the real world. For

most teenagers, youngsters, and students, one of the best past time is online gaming.

During school hours, students tend to feel stressed due to loads of school works; it will

relieve their stress (Dumrique and Castillo, 2017). The 2013 State of Online Gaming

Report revealed that gaming is a form of entertainment. As escapism from life’s

challenges, people play games to pass the time, beat boredom to set and meet new

milestones and for entertainment (Richard, 2018).

According to Teach Thought Staff (2017), gamers often throw around the term

“escapism” when talking about their hobby. The word “escape” contains negative

implications – suggesting that those who play games feel a need to break free from the

mundane slavery of their reality. The real motivations for play are far more complex, and

games fulfill several real-world humans’ requirements in several positive ways.

The place to play online gaming

The online game is nothing but a video game. As its name suggests, people play

these games online, that is, through the internet. Some online games are partially

dependent on the internet, but some of them are linked to the internet entirely. People can

reach these games on any computer network. That means they are common on any

modern platform such as on computers, smartphones, and so on, which can easily access

at home and school. Online Internet Cafe Games since some men play them at internet

Cafes online. Today internet Cafe gaming is gaining popularity every day. Online

Internet Cafe Games can be any form, such as a text-based environment and virtual

places. After all, those who do not have access to it, at work or home, from here can lift
the veil into the mysterious world and decide how necessary the Internet is (Stiopu,


Academic Performance

Student’s academic performances have been the area of interest for higher

education institutions. A growing interest in higher education circles investigates factors

related to the academic performance of university students. Hanson (2010) reported that

Student performance is affected by different learning abilities, gender, and race. Simmons

et al. (2015) concluded that family income level, attending full time, receiving grant aid,

and completing advanced level classes in high school having statistically significant

effects on college persistence among first-generation college students (Ahmad, 2011).

Through a variety of methods, a large number of studies have investigated the factors that

determine academic performance. Vandamme et al. (2010) analyzed a broad range of

individual characteristics concerning personal history, behavior, and perception.

Garton et al. (2010) carried out a study to predict student academic performance

and retention with college students to evaluate the efficiency of student learning style and

other universities. Shao-I, Jie-Zhi, and Der-Hsing (2010) also studied addiction and noted

a decrease in school performance when they were addicted to gaming. Gaming addiction

impacts the academic achievement of students because they were too involved in the

game to do homework.

A study conducted by Rehbein et al. (2010) found that video dependency goes

with increased levels of psychological and social stress in the form of lower school

achievement, increased truancy, reduced sleep time, limited leisure activities, and
increased thoughts of committing suicide. It shows that individuals who have a

dependency on video games have more than just problems with their social lives.

Grade Point Average

Individual’s future earnings and standard of living improve when they have great

educational attainment, which their career prospects. Degree attainment in college is a

factor as to whether a graduate has a positive impact after college.

The researcher chose to conduct this study to determine the effects of online

gaming on the academic performance of Criminology students of Saint Michael College

of Caraga.



This chapter describes the research design, research locale, research respondents,

research instrument, ethical standard, gathering data procedure, and the statistical

treatment to be used.

Research Design
This study employed a correlational quantitative, which aims to understand and

accept the opinions or insights of the respondents in a definite or specific problem. It is

non-experimental research that the researchers collected data without changing or

introducing treatments (Gehle, 2013).

Correlational studies endeavor to identify the relationships between two

variables. Furthermore, correlation can be positive or negative, and it depends on the

responses or data from the respondents (Keegan, 2014). This research design to be

utilized in this study aims to determine the significant relationship between online

gaming and the academic performance of Criminology students of Saint Michael College

of Caraga.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Saint Michael College of Caraga (SMCC), which is a

Sectarian school that offers elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels of education. The

school started its operation on July 1, 1948, with its first director Fr. Francisco Van Dyke,

who was then succeeded by different Dutch priests. On Feb. 16, 2002, its old name Saint

Michael Institute was supplanted with Saint Michael College of Caraga as recommended

by Mrs. Vanica del Rosario during the First General Assembly. At present, SMMC is

now at its 71st, and it’s getting Bigger, Better, Stronger, and Holier.

Research Respondents

Table 1

Respondents of the Study



Male Femal Total Male Female Total

F % F % F %
Year Level e
Second Year 231 89 329 116 69.05 45 69.23 161 69.10

Third Year 66 23 89 33 19.64 12 18.46 45 19.31

Fourth Year 37 17 54 19 11.31 8 12.31 27 11.59

Total 334 129 463 168 100 65 100 233 100

Research Instrument

The researcher adopted and modified the questionnaire from the study of “Effects

of Playing Computer Games to SHS Academic Performance in PUP QC” (Quitaleg,


Part I - would seek information on Students’ Profile: parents’ income, time to play,

number of time to play, type of games to play, reasons to play, and place where to play

online games.

Part II – is about the Academic Performance of Criminology Students of Saint Michael

College Of Caraga for School Year 2019-2020.

Range of Means Description Level Interpretation

6 1.0 Excellent
5 1.1 - 1.5 Very Superior
4 1.6 - 2.0 Superior
3 2.1 - 2.5 Good
2 2.6 - 3.0 Poor
1 5.0 Failed

Ethical Standard

The respondent fully informed about the study on the effects of online gaming on

the academic performance of Criminology students.

The ethical guidelines put into place within the study period; the research data

abides confidentiality across the study, and the researchers obtained the students’

permission not to use their names, only the school I.D number and signatures in the

survey questionnaire and informed consent form with a photograph for documentation

because proof of a fact, record and for future references are one of the concerns on the

research study about effects of online gaming to the academic performance.

Data Gathering Procedure

At first, the researchers send a letter of consent to the head of the school registrar

to get the list of all students enrolled in semester school year 2019-2020 to know the full

names and profile of the respondents.

Next, the researchers have secured permission and send a letter to the Dean of the

College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE), Jun C. Villarmia, Ph.D., to conduct the


Then, the researchers will give the research study information sheet and informed

consent form to the respondents for them to be aware and discussed conducting a study
about the effects of online gaming on academic performance. The researchers must only

use the school I.D number and signatures to the informed consent form and

questionnaires undergone with a photograph for documentation because of proof of the

fact, record, and future within the gathering of data.

Statistical Treatment

The researchers use the following statistical tools, therefore, to get the

interpretation of the data gathered.

Frequency and Percentage –to determine the demographic respondents’ profile in terms

of gender, age, time spent playing online games.

Weighted Mean – this tool was used to determine the Academic Performance of

Criminology Students who play online gaming.

Stepwise Regression– to determine the variable/s that significantly affect academic



This chapter presents, analysis, and interprets data collected in this study. The

data pertain to the income of parents, time to play, number of time/s to play, type of

games to play, and reasons to play of the Second year to Fourth year Criminology

students of Saint Michael College of Caraga.

Problem 1. What is the profile of a student who is playing online gaming?

as to the Income of parents

Table 2

The Income of Respondents’ Parents


Parents’ Income F % Rank

10 thousand below 116 49.78 1
11 thousand – 20 thousand 79 33.91 2
21 thousand – 30 thousand 26 11.16 3
31 thousand above 12 5.15 4
Total 233 100

The table shows that the income of respondents’ parents ranges from 10 thousand

and below has a frequency of 116 with an equivalent of 49.78% in the overall percentage

ranked as 1. Whereas income of respondents’ parents ranges from 11 thousand to 20

thousand has a frequency of 79 with an equivalent of 33.91% ranked as 2; income of

respondents’ parents ranges from 21 thousand to 30 thousand has a frequency of 26 with

an equivalent of 11.16% ranked as 3, and; income of respondents’ parents ranges from 31

thousand and above has a frequency of 12 with an equivalent of 5.15% ranked as 4.

To sum up, the data gathered regarding the income of respondents’ parents; shows

that the majority of the respondents have parents’ income ranges from 10 thousand and


as to Time to play

Table 3

Respondents’ Time to Play Online Games


Time to Play F % Rank

6:00 am- 12:00 noon 26 11.16 3
1:00pm- 5:00pm 44 18.88 2
6:00 pm- 12 midnight 147 63.09 1
1:00 am- 5:00 am 16 6.87 4
Total 233 100

The table shows that respondents who are playing online games from 6:00 pm to

12 midnight have a frequency of 147 with an equivalent of 63.09% in the overall

percentage ranked as 1. Whereas respondents who are playing online games from 1:00

pm to 5:00 pm has a frequency of 44 with an equivalent of 18.88% ranked as 2;

respondents who are playing online games from 6:00 am to 12:00 noon has a frequency

of 26 with an equivalent of 11.16% ranked as 3; and respondents who are playing online

games from 1:00 am to 5:00 am has a frequency of 16 with an equivalent of 6.87%

ranked as 4.

To sum up, the data gathered regarding the respondents’ time to play online

games; shows that the majority of the respondents play online games from 6:00 pm to

as to the Number of time/s to play

Table 4

Number of Time/s to Play Online Games in a Day


Number of time/s to Play F % Rank

1 hour and below 116 49.79 1
2-5 hours a day 106 45.49 2
6-10 hours a day 10 4.29 3
11 hours and above 1 0.43 4
Total 233 100

The table shows that respondents who are playing online games for 1 hour and

below has a frequency of 116 with an equivalent of 49.79% in the overall percentage

ranked as 1. Whereas respondents who are playing online games for 2-5 hours a day has a

frequency of 106 with an equivalent of 45.49% ranked as 2; respondents who are playing

online games for 6-10 hours a day has a frequency of 10 with an equivalent of 4.29%

ranked as 3, and; respondents who are playing online games for 11 hours and above has a

frequency of 1 with an equivalent of 0.43% ranked as 4.

To sum up, the data gathered regarding the number of time/s the respondents play

online games; shows that most of the respondents are playing online games for 1 hour

and below.
as to the Type of games to play

Table 5

Type of Games to Play


Type of Online Games F % Rank

Mobile Legends 176 75.54 1
LOL (League of Legends) 23 9.87 2
DOTA 2 16 6.87 4
Crossfire 18 7.72 3
Total 233 100

The table shows that respondents who are playing Mobile Legends have a

frequency of 176 with an equivalent of 75.54% in the overall percentage ranked as 1.

Whereas respondents who are playing LOL (League of Legends) has a frequency of 23

with an equivalent of 9.87% ranked as 2; respondents who are playing Crossfire have a

frequency of 18 with an equivalent of 7.72% ranked as 3, and; respondents who are

playing DOTA 2 has a frequency of 16 with an equivalent of 6.87% ranked as 4.

To sum up, the data gathered regarding the type of games respondents’ played;

shows that most of the respondents are playing Mobile Legends.

as to Reasons to play

Table 6

Respondents’ Reasons to Play


Reasons to Play F % Rank

Entertainment 164 70.39 1
Part-Time 39 16.74 2
Education 5 2.14 4
Habit 25 10.73 3
Total 233 100

The table shows that respondents who are playing online games just for

entertainment have a frequency of 164 with an equivalent of 70.39% in the overall

percentage ranked as 1. Whereas respondents who are playing online games as their part-

time has a frequency of 39 with an equivalent of 16.74% ranked as 2; respondents who

are playing online games as their habit has a frequency of 25 equivalent of 10.73%

ranked as 3, and; respondents who are playing online games as education has a frequency

of 5 with an equivalent of 2.14% ranked as 4.

To sum up, the data gathered regarding the reasons why the respondents play

online games, shows that the majority of the respondents are playing online games just

for entertainment.
as to the Place where you play

Table 7

Place Where Respondents Play


Place Where to Play F % Rank

At Home 174 74.68 1
Internet Cafe 48 20.60 2
Malls 3 1.29 4
Classroom 8 3.43 3
Total 233 100

The table shows that respondents who are playing online games at home has a

frequency of 174 with an equivalent of 74.68% in the overall percentage ranked as 1.

Whereas respondents who are playing online games in the internet café has a frequency

of 48 with an equivalent of 20.60% ranked as 2; respondents who are playing online

games in the classroom has a frequency of 8 equivalent of 3.43% ranked as 3, and;

respondents who are playing online games in the malls has a frequency of 3 with an

equivalent of 1.29% ranked as 4.

To sum up, the data gathered regarding the place where the respondents play

online games, it is evident that the majority of the respondents are playing online games

at home.

Problem 2. What is the level of Academic Performance of Criminology Student who

play online gaming?

Table 8

Level of Academic Performance of Criminology Student Who Play Online Games


Performance Verbal Rank
F % Description
1.0 – 1.4 6 2.58 Excellent 4
1.5 – 1.9 71 30.47 Very Superior 2
2.0 – 2.4 135 57.94 Superior 1
2.5 – 2.9 14 6.01 Good 3
3.0 5 2.14 Poor 5
5.0 2 0.86 Failed 6
Total 233 100

The table shows that respondents with academic performance of 2.0-2.4 have a

frequency of 135, with 57.94% in the overall percentage ranked as 1. Whereas

respondents with academic performance of 1.5-1.9 have a frequency of 71 equivalent

of 30.47% ranked as 2, respondents with educational achievement of 2.5-2.9 have a

frequency of 14 that has an equivalent percentage of 6.01% ranked as 3, respondents

with 1.0-1.4 have a frequency of 6 that has a ratio of 2.58 % ranked as 4,

respondents with 3.00 has a frequency of 5 that has a rate of 2.14 % ranked as 5, and

respondents with 5.0 has a frequency of 2 that has a proportion of 0.86 % ranked as


To sum up, the data gathered regarding the respondents’ academic performance;

shows that the majority of the respondents with 2.0-2.4 with a verbal interpretation of


Problem 3. What variable/s that significantly affect academic performance?

Table 9

Determining What Variables/s That Significantly Affect Academic

Performance Using Regression Analysis


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.

1 (Constant) 2.926 .310 9.427 .000

Parent’s Income -.034 .085 -.027 -.397 .691

Time to Play .035 .067 .035 .522 .602

Number of Time/s -.139 .058 -.157 -2.379 .018

Type of Games -.048 .055 -.058 -.871 .385

Reasons to Play .068 .052 .086 1.301 .195

Place Where to Play .009 .078 .008 .116 .908

Model Summary
R = .205 Adjusted R2 = .016 F = 1.645 p = .136

The model statistically demonstrated the significance of the independent

variables, i.e. (A) parents’ income ( p=.691 ¿, which is greater than the significance
∝=0.05, (B) time to play online games ( p=.602 ¿ ; which is greater than the gravity
∝=0.05; (C) the number of time/s to play online games a day ( p=.018 ¿ which is lesser
than the signification ∝=0.05, (D) type of games played ( p=.385 ¿ which is greater than
the relevance ∝=0.05 , ( E ) Reasons to play online games ( p=.195 ¿, which is greater than
the implication ∝=0.05 ,∧( F ) place where to play online games( p=.908 ¿, which is
greater than the importance ∝=0.05 , It shows that the model statistically demonstrated
the predictive ability of only one of the independent variables which is the “ number of
time/s to play online games” with the p-value of .018.
Among the variables, the number of time/s to play online games is the only
variable associated with participants’ academic performance. The rest of the variables do
not significantly associate with their accomplishment.

Consequently, this is comparable to the statement of Gnambs (2020) that the

increasing amount of time spent on these games each day raised fears that this comes at

the expense of school and, over the long run, impairs academic achievement. Video
games do not affect educational accomplishment, but it does influence in loss of

education returns.

Problem 4. What intervention program can we offer after the study conducted?

This intervention program presents the research study design to prevent the

students from playing online games in the classroom.

I. Program Title: Effects of Online Gaming Towards The Academic

Performance of Criminology Students of SMCC.

II. Rationale: The intervention program is done on the study outcomes,

specifically in the Criminology students who are playing online games.

III. Program Description: The proposed intervention program focused on the

number of time/s to play online games, wherein it is the only variable that is

significantly associated with participants’ academic performance. The

program required the involvement of teachers, to lead activities, and of

parents to help maintain consistency during the program.

IV. Program Objective: The aim of this research study conducted to the effects

of online gaming on the academic performance of Criminology students of

Saint Michael College of Caraga to students aware of playing online games,

which can affect their studies.

Implementation Scheme:


Pre-Implementation Implementation Evaluation after

the Implementation

of Intervention


Evaluation after
Figure 2 Implementation Scheme of Intervention Program for Effects of Online Gaming

Towards the Academic Performance of Criminology Students of Saint Michael College

of Caraga.

In Pre-Implementation Program, this would be the Assessment, Presentation, and


On Implementation Program, this would be the application of the intervention


In Post-Implementation Program, this would be the evaluation of the intervention

program. The school administrator will conduct, evaluate, and take appropriate action for

the results.

This chapter deals with the conclusions and recommendations of the study.


The level of academic performance of respondents is evident that the majority of

the respondents’ Grade Point Average is 2.0-2.4 with a verbal interpretation of Superior.

It implies that despite their involvement in online gaming, they are still academically

performing in the class.

Most of the games were Mobile Legends. It consumes how many hours to play

per game, which does not coincide with the number of time/s to play online games to the

variables that significantly affect academic performance. Respondents’ involvement in

playing online games does not affect their academic performance. Thus, the said problem

does not affect the results of the study.

The results proved the Flow Theory by Wan and Chiou in which flow can occur

when workers are engaged in tasks where they can focus entirely on the projects at hand.

It must have clear and concise objectives, provide immediate feedback on performance,

be challenging but not so much as to overcome the individual skills, immerse the
individual, and, of course, be absorbed in general. Another critical concept in this theory

is the idea of slightly extending oneself beyond one’s current ability level.

Primary Recommendation.

The findings indicate that number of time/s to play online games made the

participants have a satisfactory academic performance despite their involvement in

playing online games. People’s average age is getting older to start to play online games

and engage in computer gaming.

As a result, Griffiths (2003) agreed the real-life problems need to be applied

solutions and alternatives. Until there is an established body of literature on the

psychological, sociological, and physiological effects of online gaming and online

gaming addiction, directions for education, prevention, intervention, treatment,

and legislative policy will remain limited in scope. More research is needed to help

inform educators and other stakeholders to make evidence-based policy decisions.

Secondary Recommendations

• To the students, play online games in their free time, especially for academic

purposes, to lessen the possibility of being addicted to Online Games and positive result

in their academic performance.

• To parents should pay attention to their children, especially in playing online

games, and they should also give their children a time limit in playing to avoid Online

Gaming addiction.
• To the teachers and educators, they shall guide and teach the student how to

control their number of time/s in Playing Online Games and help them engage in an

educational way to improve their academic performance.

Further, Parents-Teachers Association might consider being functional in all their

responsibilities. For example, the teacher might consider notifying the parents about the

academic performance and social behavior of the students inside the school facilities.

This association can strengthen the home and school partnership to supervise the

students' activities.

• To the future researchers, this research is worth repeating, with the following


 The researchers recommend the future researchers study the Effectiveness of

Online Class in Criminology Students of Saint Michael College of Caraga.

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