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Reference Point System

Well, I'll measure the

hole from edge a. I think it's more
convenient to measure
from c.

Service Information

1 Contents
1 Contents......................................................................... 1-2
2 Introduction ................................................................... 2-3
3 The 3-2-1 rule ................................................................. 3-4
3.1 Location.....................................................................................3-4
3.2 Exceptions ................................................................................3-5
3.3 Naming ......................................................................................3-6
4 Grid Parallelism ............................................................. 4-7
4.1 Secure Fastening......................................................................4-7
4.2 Two Axes Affected....................................................................4-7
5 Dimensioning of Components ..................................... 5-9
5.1 Component-orientated Reference System .............................5-9
5.2 Designation of RPS Points: ...................................................5-10

1-2 SI_RPS_e.doc 21.04.05


2 Introduction
When parts in different situations and with different measurement strategies can
be measured at other positions, we talk about changing the reference. This can
lead to different results arising in the quality assurance process.
Processing with a reference change (red arrow)

Step 1 Plate will be picked up at A.

Holes B and D will be drilled.

AB = ± 0.1

AD = ± 0.1

Step 2 Plate will be picked up at D

(reference change)
Hole will be drilled at C
DC = ± 0.1

BC tolerance result:
AB = ± 0.1

AD = ± 0.1

DC = ± 0.1

BC = ± 0.3

The example shows: If the reference change (pick up also in second step at A)
does not occur (blue arrow), only the tolerances AB and AC have to be added for
tolerance BC.
BC tolerance result = ± 0.2

A comparable unsatisfactory situation arises, if various tolerances sum up as a

result of the reference change. A solution to overcome this problem shows the
reference point system (RPS). The basic concept behind this RPS is to determine
the same positioning and same dimension reference data for the parts that have
to be measured. This means that the tolerances will be minimised and reliability
such as the workpiece fitting accuracy will be guaranteed.
Consequently, RPS-points create the basis for uniform pick-up situations for
measurement. The system is operated in compliance with the consistent VW
Standard 01055.

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The 3-2-1 rule

3 The 3-2-1 rule

3.1 Location
In order to clearly position a rigid body you have to define six possible movement
directions. These 6 movement directions can be determined by:
 three translational movements along the axes and
 three rotational movements around the axes.
The location is ensured the 3-2-1 rule by the following pick-up situations:
 3 pick ups in Z-direction
 2 pick ups in Y-direction
 1 pick up in X-direction

3 rotational
degrees of freedom

3 translational
degrees of

Pick ups

These pick ups are the reference points. The reference points have to be clearly
named (see details given in Chapter 2.3 as well with regard to this).
The 6 pick ups can also be selected differently. You will be able to realise the
best possible location if you also take the function of the part into consideration
and not just the shape. You will find them in the picture below:
 3 pick ups in Y-direction,
 2 pick ups in Z-direction and
 1 pick up in X-direction.

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The 3-2-1 rule

The most important point regarding this is that this distribution always follows the
3-2-1 rule, only then is the absolute location of the part ensured. The reference
points should lie as far apart from each other as possible in order to achieve the
greatest possible stability.
In principle, the rule applies - with just a few exceptions - to any part.

3.2 Exceptions
The exceptions are:
‰ A ball (three main pick ups suffice),

‰ Symmetrically rotating body (five main pick ups suffice)

‰ Part with articulated joint, which requires more than six main pick

main pick up

Naturally, intentional function related reference changes are possible
here. The additional tolerances that arise should be taken into
consideration already at the design phase.

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The 3-2-1 rule

3.3 Naming
The reference points are numbered consecutively as follows:
RPS 1, RPS 2, ... RPS n.
The main pick ups contain additional upper case letters which correspond to the
type of pick up:
 H for pick up hole / pin
 F for surface / edge / ball or tip
 T for theoretical point (determined from two support points;
additional support points are indicated by lower case letters [e.g. t or
Lower case letters are also added to the location direction for each type of
 x, y and z for a parallel reference system
 a, b and c for a rotated reference system
Examples are shown in the picture below:

By the way: a round hole can locate two directions.

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Grid Parallelism

4 Grid Parallelism
4.1 Secure Fastening
The support structure of the reference points must be defined parallel to the co-
ordinate system of the component.
If the form of the component does not allow this procedure, construction should
seek to create this form. The component's geometry shall be changed in a way to
create surfaces that are parallel to the co-ordinate system of the component and
are thus ensuring that the position can be securely fixed.

support support

4.2 Two Axes Affected

If reference points are not parallel to the grid, this can lead to significant errors
that can hardly be traced back because a deviation affects two axes at a time.

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Grid Parallelism

If the component's dimensions change in just one dimension, this

incorrect support point results in a deviation of two dimensions.

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Dimensioning of Components

5 Dimensioning of Components
5.1 Component-orientated Reference System
The dimensioning of RPS uses a component-orientated reference system. Most
of the times, this reference system is a parallel shift of the global co-ordinate
system. In rare cases, also a turn of the global co-ordinate system may
additionally occur.

The reference point of the component is positioned in the grid and has no
tolerances. The technical drawing contains a table into which the dimensions of
the reference points are entered with the data for the global and part orientated
co-ordinate system.

If the part orientated co-ordinate system must be additionally turned, the table is
completed by the data of the turn angle(s).
The data for the axes to be defined change from "x-y-z" to "a-b-c".

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Dimensioning of Components

5.2 Designation of RPS Points:

Main pick-up points are designated with capital letters:

H = Hole
F = Surface
T = Theoretical point

Support points are designated with small letters:

h = Hole
f = Surface
t = Theoretical point

Possible pick-up types:

Holes/pins distinguishing mark= H,h
Surfaces/edges/spheres/tips distinguishing mark= F,f
Theoretical point distinguishing mark= T,t

The direction of fastening is identified with small letters:

x,y,z grid parallel, component-orientated reference systems
a,b,c turned, component-orientated reference systems

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Dimensioning of Components

Designation example for RPS 1Hxy Fz:

RPS 1 Designation for numbering

H Distinguishing mark for main seat point
xy Directions of fastening
F Distinguishing mark for main seat
z Direction of fastening

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