Towards Unification of Modern Science and Indian Ancient Science

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D. N. Srivastava
Control Instrumentation Division

available, raises question of authenticity.

Introduction Sanskrit grammar, though systematic, is
found difficult by novices, the conceptual
meaning of many words have changed over
Science is a secular discipline. Here the the millennia, and many times the authors
term secular has to be taken in its broadest have deliberately written in a style such that
sense. This means that the scientific study the apparent meaning of the text is different
of the nature is not dependent upon any from the hidden scientific meaning. Sage
particular nation, race, colour of the people, Veda Vyas says in the beginning of
geography, religion, social customs, ways of st
Mahabharat (Adi-Parva, 1 Chapter, 80-81,
living, language, and the era. Thus the published by Gita Press, Gorakhpur) that in
scientific exploration of nature may be this book 8,800 Shlokas are such that their
expressed in different languages, in different real meaning was known to him and
terminology, in different systems of Sukdeo, and it was doubtful whether Sanjay
measurements. But internally the laws knew them or not.
pertaining to a given aspect of nature have
to be equivalent. From this point of view,
really one cannot classify Western science In Mahabharat this point has been clearly
or Indian science, modern science or stated but in respect of many other books it
ancient science. But because of long is implied. Commentators and translators
separations of time and distance between have added more confusion than
the two groups of humanity exploring nature enlightenment. Students studying ancient
and expressing in different ways, a literature in Gurukul through Sanskrit
distinction of modern science and Indian medium do not understand modern science,
ancient science is appropriate. When we talk and students studying modern science in
of modern science, it means the science that colleges and universities are not familiar
evolved in the West after the renaissance. with ancient concepts and vocabulary. The
And when we talk of ancient science, it result is that these two noble fields of human
means the science evolved in India prior to endeavour have remained in water tight
the arrival of Britishers. compartments.

But, with all these limitations, now

The Problem of Communication enthusiasts need not be disappointed. There
are two guidelines in deciphering Indian
The initial writings of modern science were ancient science; first of all, a conviction that
mostly in Greek and Latin. But subsequently a view of nature from one point always
English language picked up the field of compliments the view from another point,
scientific writing. And now, although and secondly, the description of any
scientific articles and books are written in scientific principle involves some patterns of
Russian, French, German, Japanese, and concepts, symbols, and logic. If we try to
Chinese, the bulk of the scientific literature is penetrate deeper, then the intended
in English, and reliable translations of meaning of the author becomes apparent.
important works from other languages into For example, Panini while defining vowels
English are readily available. short (Hraswa), long (Deergha), and very
long (Plut) says, "According to the time
But Indian ancient science was written taken in ‘oo’, any vowel is short, long or very
mostly in Sanskrit. Works of Buddhists were long" (Astadhyayi 1.2.27). But what is this
written in Pali. A great deal of books were sound ‘oo’ and what is the measure of time,
burnt in the mediaeval period. Whatever is is not described throughout the Astadhyayi.
In fact this refers to the Cock-a-doodle-doo On this route evolved the art of achieving
(Kuk-roo-koo). Here the three vowel sounds harmony in one's life with times of day and
are– short ‘u’ in ‘ku-’, long in ‘-roo-’, and very night, and seasons, development of systems
long in the last ‘-koo’. of vocal and instrumental music, detailed
study of sound or phonetics, research on
Empowered with these two techniques, it is sound patterns and finer study of mind
possible to decipher many secrets of Indian through Yoga. The basic concepts of the two
ancient science of relevance to the present routes are quite different. Even if the same
age. Some concepts of the Indian ancient language is used to describe them, the
sciences pertaining to different branches of descriptions that will emerge will not have
knowledge are interpreted in accordance many common points. This difference has
with modern concepts in the following been the basic cause of wide gap between
sections. the two sciences.

The Different Routes of Modern However, in spite of these major differences,

one should not forget that the apparently
Science and Indian Ancient sophisticated structure of any branch of
Science knowledge is built upon small number of
basic principles. And one basic principle of
There is one very fundamental difference nature is related to another basic principle in
between the routes adopted by modern some subtle way, due to the inner harmony
science for the exploration of nature, and of nature. This is an article of scientific faith,
that adopted in ancient India. These routes about which Einstein says, "Without the
have evolved due to different climatic belief in the inner harmony of our world,
conditions in the West and India. The main there could be no science. This belief is and
feature of the Western climate is that their always will remain the fundamental motive
environmental temperature is much lower for all scientific creation."
than the human body temperature. This
made life difficult there and needed plenty of So the path of unification of the two sciences
food, strong house, many layers of clothing can be found through the fundamental
and other warming material. In such a principles. We have to sort out the
situation, arises a basic question: given fundamental principles of the modern
difficult conditions, how to make survival science on one side and comprehend what
easier. This drew their attention to study order or regularity of nature they describe.
space, light and matter. Modern science Similarly the fundamental principles of the
starts from geometry from the time of Indian ancient science have to be sorted
Pythagoras to Euclid; then study of light by out, and they have to be put up into precise
Newton, Huygen, and others; then comes axiomatic language, and the order of nature
atomic theory. This space-light-matter route they point to, has to be found. By the
can be called horizontal route. correlation of these orders, one can hope to
bridge the gap between the two.
The main feature of the Indian climate had
been environmental temperature close to Logic
the human body temperature. So here
necessities of life were much less. Here the
question was not how to make the survival Modern logic, as founded by Aristotle, is
easier because it was already easy. Here based on three laws of thought: principle of
the question was: given easy survival, how identity (A is A), principle of contradiction (A
to make life happier for longer and longer cannot both be B and not B), and the
times. Happiness is a mental phenomena. principle of excluded middle (A either is, or
And the state of happiness or unhappiness is not, B). Although these three principles
of the mind is most affected by sound out of are like statements of facts of common
the five senses. Hence the Indian study of experience, they have exceptions according
nature took the route of time-sound-mind. to Indian philosophies and logic. They are
This may be called vertical route. not universally true. When applied to the
ultimate reality of Vedanta, only the first
principle holds, the other two breakdown. Similar to these two concepts, there is a
This is because the properties of that reality very fundamental concept of infinity. In
are stated as conjunction of two modern mathematics, infinity has been
contradictory statements such as smaller taken as an infinite extension of large
than the smallest and bigger than the numbers. The symbol ¥ for infinity was
biggest. introduced by John Wallis (1616-1703) in
seventeenth century, in connection with the
Here it may be added that, though modern summation of non-ending series. The logical
logic or mathematics do not accept definition of infinity was given by Cantor
contradictions, Physics does accept some (1845-1918) in the nineteenth century in
apparent contradictions specially in non- connection with his theory of transfinite
classical mechanics. This is well illustrated numbers. Now the mathematical definition of
by the dual (wave-particle) nature of infinity is that it is a set which has one to one
quantum particles. Accepting the necessity correspondence with a proper subset of
of coexistence of certain contradictions, itself.
Niels Bohr states, "If you have a correct
statement, then the opposite of a correct In India, the concept of infinity was given
statement is, of course, an incorrect deep attention in ancient times. It was found
statement, a wrong statement. But when you that infinity is not just a number but it is as
have a deep truth, then the opposite of a tangible as any reality of general
deep truth may again be a deep truth". experience, and many of its properties were
enumerated. In mathematical language, it
Now in this respect, modern logic and can be defined as a universal set which is a
Vedanta can be reconciled with a general proper subset of its every proper subset.
statement, "If X is true under a set of Modern mathematics may enrich itself by
specifications Y, then there has to be working out the implications of such a
another set of specifications Y’ under which definition of infinity.
-X is true. The difference between Y and Y’
goes on decreasing as we approach the Phonetics
fundamental; and in respect of the limit of
the ultimate reality, the difference between Y Very extensive work was done in the
and Y’ vanishes so that X and –X are true science of phonetics in ancient India, and
under the same specifications." finer shades of sounds produced in the
pronunciation were standardized. The entire
Mathematics Panini’s Shiksha and most of his grammar is
phonetics only. However, in the West, the
The science of mathematics starts from science of phonetics came up only recently.
counting of numbers. The present versatile The application of sound recording systems
system of decimal numbers needed two and techniques of observing vocal organs in
fundamental discoveries: the concept of action through X-rays, have given a good
zero and the principle of place value in deal of clarity to its concepts. The Indian
powers of the radix. And both of these were ancient phonetics can benefit significantly if
discovered in India. The place value system it employs some modern concepts and
made the sexagesimal numbers of terminology. For example, many ancient
Babylonians obsolete (its only remains are 1 Acharyas struggle with words to define what
hour=60 minutes, and 1 minute=60 is Udatta vowel, and Un-Udatta vowel. Their
seconds). And now the Roman numbers are round- about definitions do not accurately
also getting gradually replaced by Arabic communicate what they intend. Following
numerals on the place value pattern. The modern terminology, we can define simply
present numerals are called Arabic not that Udatta is high frequency vowel sound
because they were invented in Arab but and Un-Udatta is low frequency vowel
because Indian things had to go via Arabian sound.
countries to Europe.
Similarly in Shastriya Sangeet, the relations
of Saptak and the change of sound from sa
to ni can be more clearly explained as grasped in a finite life-span. It is like the
ascending frequency in geometric asymptote to an open curve which is tangent
progression; and the various Tals can be to the curve at infinity but remains at a finite
described as chrono-patterns of sound distance from the origin.
pulses with partial symmetry. Such
applications of modern scientific Much of the confusion in Vedanta,
terminology, instead of the vague and employing mostly contradictory statements,
round-about old descriptions, can simplify can be removed by developing it as an
the comprehension of this valuable Indian axiomatic theory starting from a single
ancient art which also has scientific postulate. In respect of its relation with the
foundations. empirical world, Vedanta is supported by
Sankhya. It represents the practical limit of
The unification of Indian ancient science of unification in terms of two basic elements:
Phonetics with modern information theory Consciousness (Chetan) and Inertness
and the binary computer logic has led this (Jada). These two concepts make it possible
author to evolve the Phonetic Number to design binary computerizable models of
System of radix 128 with mono-sound basic physical or metaphysical entities.
numerals and word-like numbers. Based on
this system, a merely six digit self-checking The interrelationship of these concepts has
Phonetic Code, pronounced though six soft a good deal of analogy with the modern field
sound characters, can identify about 6000 theory. There is one basic abstract field of
crore population, uniquely and perpetually. the ultimate entity which has two states,
consciousness and inertness. These
Metaphysics and Philosophy different states behave as two
distinguishable entities. Their interplay has
In modern times, the subject of philosophy is dispersed as well as localized aspect. Its
considered to be speculation into the dispersed aspect is mind, and the localized
unseen and mostly unknown or unknowable. aspect is body-consciousness. The system
It has very little concern with tangible things is incessantly dynamic and is represented
of relevance. But in ancient India, by repetitions of many processes.
philosophy (Darshan) was treated at par Analogous to this is the electromagnetic field
with science. Its study was supposed to give which has two kinds of forces: electrical and
clear vision of life and nature as a whole, magnetic. Its dispersed aspect is
leading to a more coherent theoretical undulations of wave and localized aspect is
knowledge and harmonious practical living. photon which is always dynamic. Now arises
The culmination of Indian philosophy is said a question, whether photons have
to be Vedanta. Its sources are Brahma consciousness? However, experiments
Sutras, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, and the done in the University of Denver, Colorado,
voluminous book Yoga Vasishtha. Vedanta to test this have remained inconclusive.
claims to have reached such a high state of
unification of nature beyond which no further Life Sciences
unification is possible.
The evolution of life from inorganic matter,
In physics, unified theories, with tremendous as conjectured by modern science, is that in
efforts, have got only partial success in the primordial earth, the lightening
unifying some forces of nature. In this discharges in the atmosphere consisting of
background, it may be asked if the ideal of nitrogen, water vapour, and carbon-dioxide,
Vedanta, the highest state of unification, is produced organic molecules such as amino
ever achievable. Such an objection can be acids and nucleotides. Peptides (proteins)
circumvented by redefining Vedanta, that it were formed from the amino acids which
is Asymptote to Knowledge. It describes that had catalytic properties and could perform
most fundamental concept towards which all several synthetic functions. From the
the basic concepts of various branches of nucleotides, Ribonucleic acids (RNA) were
knowledge approach and meet at infinity. first formed. Even today some living systems
But that state of unification can be intuitively like HIV, have RNA as their genetic material.
Later on Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) which of large number of people, a broad standard
constitutes the genetic material in all cellular can be made. Ailments are associated with
forms of life, was formed. Deoxyribose sugar departure from these standards, and they
in the nucleic acid gave a greater stability to can be corrected by appropriate physical
the living system. This was an important and/or chemical means.
milestone in the evolutionary process. From
the primordial soup consisting of nucleic According to Indian medical science, called
acids and proteins, unicellular organisms Ayurveda, life is a dynamical system in
were evolved. They acted like seed for multi- which in the healthy state, there is a
cellular organisms and higher species. But harmony of many chemical and physical
what is that inner force which ultimately processes. The number of these processes
designs the life pattern of childhood, have been broadly classified into three
adolescence, old age and death, called Dosh: Kaph, Pitta, and Vata. Every
reproduction, metabolism, urge for survival, food and eatable can be classified into many
love for beauty etc, remains a mystery. categories depending upon which Dosh or
combination of Doshas, it decreases or
According to the Indian ancient science, in increases or maintains in balance. The
the field of consciousness, there are many symptoms of disease indicate which of the
levels. Every material system, whether Doshas have increased or decreased. The
apparently living or non-living, is at some administration of the compensating remedy
level of consciousness. The so- called gives the cure. Ayurveda claims to have
inanimate matter occupies the lowest level discovered the basic principles of many
at which there is a very small zero-point other systems of treatment like allopathy,
consciousness. The direction of evolution is homeopathy, acupuncture, etc. But these
towards higher and higher freedom. Its systems were not developed to higher levels
manifestation starts from freedom of in ancient India.
movement, and culminates in the freedom of
selection of one’s own destiny. The surgery described by Dhanvantari and
Sushrut has become obsolete with the
The ancient and modern views can be advent of sophisticated tools and equipment
reconciled if the randomness in physical in modern surgery. But the basic principles
systems arising due to energy-time of Ayurveda hold. They are like
uncertainty relation of quantum mechanics, phenomenological theory of matter. For
is interpreted as expression of inner example, the mechanical and thermal
freedom. In fact, such ideas were discussed properties like elasticity, density, specific
in the early days of quantum mechanics. heat, etc of gold are determined by the
However, they remained undeveloped. atomic structure of gold atoms. But a
goldsmith need not go into all these details.
The most important thing in this respect is For him the bulk properties are sufficient to
that to explain higher freedom of living make a beautiful ornament. In the same
systems, a multiplier freedom factor has to way, simplifying all the chemical process of
be introduced with the Planck’s constant in the body in terms of increase, decrease, or
the energy-time uncertainty relation such balance of three Doshas suffices to restore
that its value is unity for physical systems, health in a large number of cases. That is
and very high for biological systems. why the medical formulations of Charak
Investigation of dynamics of such a system Samhita still have relevance. But, in the light
may explain the basic features of life. of changed environment, many of the
ancient formulations need verification and
standardization. However, Ayurvedic thumb
Medical Sciences rules for longevity and good health have
withstood the test of time.
Modern traditional medical science studies
the physical and chemical patterns in a large
number of people and makes a broad
standard for healthy people. For example,
after the measurement of the blood pressure
Cosmology externally like a perpetual flow in which
beings take birth and die but there is never
Modern theoretical cosmology begins with birth or death for this. The creation of gods
the application of general relativity to the is briefly indicated as thirty-three thousand,
universe as a whole by Einstein in 1917. thirty-three hundred, and thirty- three."
The experimental cosmology begins with
observation of red shift, proportional to Again in Mahabharat itself, Bhagwad Gita
distance, in the light of galaxies by Hubble in describes a cyclic universe as (VIII-18): "All
1929. The red shift has been explained in embodied beings emanate from the
terms of Doppler’s shift of receding galaxies. Unmanifest at the commencement of
This explanation means that the universe is Brahma’s day; at the commencement of his
expanding isotropically. It implies that if we night, they merge in the same subtle body of
go backwards in time, then the universe was Brahma, known as the Unmanifest."
smaller, and at a certain time, the entire
mass energy was concentrated at a point. These and many other statements imply that
G. Gamow in 1946 postulated that the the Indian ancient view is that the universe
universe was not only smaller but also hotter is eternal as well as of finite age. The
in the past. In the point like state, the inference depends upon the point of view of
temperature was infinite. With a sudden big the observer. If one observes the universe
bang, the energy was thrown out which as a contemporary observer, then on the
subsequently led to the formation of stars whole the universe is found to be like this
and galaxies. What was prior to big bang, only. But, if it is explored archaeologically,
cannot be answered by physics. then it will be found to have a beginning at a
point of time. Hence a unified cosmology,
To eliminate the big bang singularity, a integrating the essential elements of steady
steady state cosmology was put forward by state and big bang cosmologies, conforms
Bondi and Gold in 1948, in which it was better with the Indian view.
postulated that the universe has been like
this all the time. But to maintain a constant In ancient India, this integration was
density of matter in spite of the expansion, achieved by the concept two extra time-like
creation of matter as hydrogen atom into dimensions. Thus the universe is a six
free space was postulated. A dimensional continuum of three space, one
comprehensive C-field cosmology and a time, and two time-like dimensions. This
new theory of gravitation was developed by concept gives a logical symbol for the
Fred Hoyle and J. V. Narlikar. universe: that is two interpenetrating
triangles. This figure has been verbally
However, the steady state cosmology, indicated in the above statement of
though intellectually satisfying, did not Mahabharat that the creation is briefly
satisfactorily explain the cosmic background indicated as thirty-three thousand, thirty-
radiation, predicted earlier by G. Gamow, three hundred, thirty-three. Six times
and experimentally detected by Penzias and repetitions of three is the indirect technique
Wilson in 1965. Since then the steady state of communication of Ved Vyas. The 5 and
cosmology has gone into oblivion. The 6 dimensions have been called Chittakash
present standard cosmology is that of the and Chidakash in Yogavasishtha. The six
hot big bang. It explains three main dimensional universe represents higher
cosmological observations: receding symmetry in the two basic extensions of
galaxies, thermal background radiation, and nature, space and time.
nucleosynthesis of light elements. But
suffers from the problem of singularity and Physics
many other inconsistencies.
The physical world, consisting of matter in
Turning to the Indian ancient view on this solid, liquid, and gaseous forms, moving in
subject, Mahabharat says (Adi-Parva, 1st space and time, is the most tangible of all
Chapter, 40-41): "This beginningless and objective realities. For the present
endless time cycle (Kal-Chakra) moves discussion, it suffices to take only two
aspects of the physical world: constituents of vertical route (time-sound-mind) come very
matter and motion of matter. The ultimate close to each other. Some experimental
constituents of matter are elementary investigation into the interrelation of
particles whose motion is described by consciousness, mind, matter and light have
quantum mechanics. For the motion of been reported from Princeton University,
matter in larger scale, classical mechanics is Standford University (California), and
quite sufficient. The essential differences University of Denver (Colorado).
between them is that whereas classical
mechanics is deterministic, quantum Chemistry
mechanics is probabilistic.
The science of chemistry in India has been a
In classical mechanics, there is a concept of great sufferer due to the destruction of the
thing in itself. A classical particle moves in Indian ancient literature. The long heavy iron
its own strictly determined path, whether pillar near the Kutub Minar at Delhi, standing
observed or not. The behaviour of a in the sunshine and rain for more than about
quantum particle is dependent on the 2000 years without getting rusted, is ample
observer and method of observation. For the proof that chemistry and metallurgy were
classical particle, velocity of light is the limit sufficiently advanced in ancient India.
for action at a distance. Quantum particle, Similarly, the long and heavy statue of
under some conditions, can interact with Buddha in the lying pose at Kushinagar near
another particle instantly. A classical particle Gorakhpur, which still shines like gold in
is always localised, has well defined position spite of remaining buried for many centuries,
and velocity. Quantum particle has dual is a challenge to metallurgy. Similarly, many
nature of particle and wave. There is a other monuments also hide great chemical
probability that the quantum particle before secrets.
observation existed anywhere in the
universe, and actualises at a point just at the
moment of observation. If a quantum system Much of the chemical knowledge is empirical
has multiple states, then one observed state rather then deductive. This is true of modern
is realised in our world, others are realised chemistry as well. Hence simply knowing a
in many other worlds. few basic principles is not enough to arrive
at the process of producing the desired
material. The actual method has to be either
The Indian ancient view classifies the visible rediscovered, or may possibly be found in
world into five elements: space, light or fire, some hidden literature after extensive and
and three states of matter (solid, liquid, and minute survey.
gas) represented by earth, water, and air.
They are related to five senses and their five
subtle forms called Tanmatra through a Military Science
process called Panchikaran. Everything,
irrespective of size and shape, has besides The biggest loss of ancient skills have been
its physical body, a subtle body which is a in the field of military science. The main
bundle of abstract qualities and exists reason for this loss was perhaps the
conceptually in the non-physical space Mahabharat war. There was so much loss of
called Chittakash. The subtle body in the life in that war that people became allergic to
Chittakash behaves like mind, and is free things related to war. A large number of
from many limitations of the physical space. warriors were killed. Those who survived
were demoralized. Almost the entire war
It is obvious to see many conceptual skills, which needed regular practice and
analogies in the two views of matter at the refinement, died out. Now we can get only
fundamental level. In quantum mechanics, very superficial descriptions of those
the dynamics of a system is conceived in the weapons from Ramayan and Mahabharat
abstract Hilbert space; in ancient India, it which are basically literary works, and not
was conceived in the abstract Chittakash. scientific.
Near the limit of fineness, inferences of the
horizontal route (space-light-matter) and the
The weapons of ancient India can be put up transmitting only states of photon. But even
into three broad categories. First is that of that has generated much excitement among
conventional weapons like swords, spears, physicists and has become a hot topic of
bows and arrows, etc. Being simple, they research. It is anticipated to have
survive to this age. The second were applications in developing extremely fast
explosive based, delivered either through computers, and communication of secured
some projective system, or other means. information making eaves dropping almost
They were called Agniban. The third were impossible.
super weapons called Brahmastra, etc.
Brahmastra was a sure hit weapon from In ancient India, some similar process
which there was no escape. It had to be seems to have been realised to the level of
used in the rarest of the rare circumstances. transmitting bigger masses through the
phenomena of matter coherence. Just as
Brahma means creator of the universe. In coherence of electromagnetic waves
the context of the war, it indicates a weapon produces very powerful laser light with
designed through the knowledge of the unusual properties, in the same way
creation of matter. According to coherence of matter can produce objects
Yogashashtra and some other writings, with unusual properties.
every particle of a block of matter is being
incessantly created and dissolved. In Conclusions
between two occasions of creation, it
remains momentarily in Chittakash in its
subtle form. There its properties are more This brief comparative survey of the
mind-like. Hence it can be acted upon by the fundamental principles of modern science
mind of an aspirant provided it can go to that and Indian ancient science shows that the
subtle state at which the matter particle has two are neither contradictory nor
reached. incompatible. The difference lies mainly in
their vocabulary, interpretation, methods of
approach, and levels of development. Much
In any lump of inorganic matter, the creation of the confusion and inconsistencies of the
and annihilation of particles is random. By Indian ancient science can be removed by
mental command, they can be brought into introducing more appropriate modern terms
coherence. The coherent lump can behave with precise definitions. Modern science can
as a single quantum particle. With the also hasten its progress by accepting some
coherence, all the constituent particles of the of the concepts of Indian ancient science.
lump are created or annihilated Such a unified science can eliminate many
simultaneously. They go to the Chittakash, tortuous rediscoveries of facts already
and appear in the physical space, known in some form or the other. In this
collectively. When they are in the mental context, the words of Werner Heisenberg
form in Chittakash, they can be induced to are quite assuring: "It is probably true quite
have their next appearance in the physical generally that, in the history of human
space at the desired location, may be the thinking, the most fruitful developments
body of an enemy. This travelling of the frequently take place at those points where
lump of matter is through non-physical two different lines of thought meet. These
space, so physical obstructions of walls and lines may have their roots in quite different
bunkers or long distances are no protection parts of human culture, in different times or
against this weapon. different cultural environments or different
religious traditions; hence if they actually
Quantum teleportation recently reported by meet, that is, if they are at least so much
some physicists, is the nearest analogue to related to each other that a real interaction
the working of Brahmastra. It is speculated can take place, then one may hope that new
by physicists that perhaps quantum and interesting developments will follow".
teleportation may be the ultimate process in
the control of dynamics of matter. However,
so far the technique of quantum
teleportation has reached the level of

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