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Regulation of 21 December 2009 No.

1738 concerning fees payable for

services provided by the Norwegian Maritime Authority (the Tariff of
Laid down by the Ministry of Trade and Industry on 21 December 2009 under the Act of 16 February 2007 No.9 relating to Ship Safety and Security
(the Ship Safety and Security Act) Sections 2, 3, 4, 6, 10 and 48, cf. Formal Delegation of 16 February 2007 No. 171, Act of 26 June 1998 No. 47
relating to Recreational and Small Craft Sections 20, 21 and 26a, cf. Formal Delegation of 27 November 1998 No. 1095 and the Norwegian Maritime
Code of 24 June 1994 No. 39 Section 198, cf. Regulations of 17 June 2008 No. 607 concerning insurance and other security for oil pollution liability
for ships pursuant to the Bunkers Convention 2001 and the 1992 Civil Liability Convention. Cf. the EEA Agreement, Annex XIII point 56b (Directive
95/21/EC). Amended by Regulations of 22 December 2010 No. 1796, 5 January 2012 No. 19, 11 January 2013 No. 38.

Scope of application
The fee rates and hourly rates in this Regulation apply to the initial fee, the annual fee and other fees which are
payable to the Treasury pursuant to Regulations of 2 February 1996 No. 115 concerning collection of fees to the
Treasury for surveys, issue of certificates, etc. carried out pursuant to the Act of 16 February 2007 No. 9 relating to
Ship Safety and Security (Ship Safety and Security Act). The definitions of the same regulations apply

1. Where fees pursuant to this Regulation, cf. Regulations of 2 February 1996 No. 115 concerning collection of fees
to the Treasury for surveys, issue of certificates, etc. are found to be unreasonable in particular cases, the
Norwegian Maritime Authority may determine the fee in each individual case.
2. For oil tankers with segregated ballast tanks, the owner himself/herself must apply for a reduction of the fee.

Initial fees for ships registered in the NOR, and for ships for which certificates are
required, but which are not subject to compulsory registration
1. Initial fees for passenger ships
Built in Built in Built outside of Purchased from
GRT Norway Europe Europe abroad
Less than 10 metres in overall length 8,380 10,471 12,561 4,181
From and including 10 metres in overall length, 27,342 34,165 40,989 13,663
but less than 15 metres
" 25 GRT 50 GRT 73,943 92,400 110,893 36,970
" 50 " 100 " 95,430 119,304 143,162 47,716
" 100 " 150 " 116,079 145,108 174,151 58,056
" 150 " 200 " 151,218 189,030 226,827 75,609
" 200 " 300 " 175,886 219,889 263,861 87,959
" 300 " 400 " 207,717 259,631 311,576 103,859
" 400 " 500 " 228,949 286,195 343,424 114,475
" 500 " 800 " 306,617 383,246 459,876 153,309
" 800 " 1.000 " 384,364 480,460 576,555 192,190
" 1,000 " 1,500 " 518,710 648,387 778,065 259,355
" 1,500 " 2,000 " 603,346 754,175 905,003 301,673
" 2,000 " 3,000 " 787,141 983,934 1,180,712 393,587
" 3,000 " 4,000 " 970,288 1,212,852 1,455,415 485,144
" 4,000 " 5,000 " 1,034,114 1,292,626 1,551,186 517,073
" 5,000 " 6,000 " 1,192,106 1,490,132 1,788,143 596,053
" 6,000 " 8,000 " 1,242,576 1,553,213 1,863,849 621,272
" 8,000 " 10,000 " 1,407,522 1,759,406 2,111,290 703,769
" 10,000 " 13,000 " 1,511,656 1,889,587 2,267,500 755,844
" 13,000 " 15,000 " 1,673,198 2,091,502 2,509,805 836,607
" 15,000 " 17,000 " 1,780,832 2,226,057 2,671,249 890,417
" 17,000 " 20,000 " 1,821,255 2,276,561 2,731,882 910,627
" 20,000 " 23,000 " 2,090,415 2,612,999 3,135,615 1,045,215
" 23,000 " 30,000 " 2,117,191 2,646,484 3,175,794 1,058,603
" 30,000 " 50,000 " 2,306,496 2,883,132 3,459,769 1,153,273
" 50,000 " and 2,562,852 3,203,558 3,844,279 1,281,426

2. Initial fee for classified cargo ships, except standby vessels

Built in Built in Built outside Purchased
GRT Norway Europe of Europe from abroad
From and 50 GRT, but less 100 GRT 36,500 45,608 54,734 18,234
including than
" 100 " 300 " 53,533 66,938 80,309 26,775
" 300 " 500 " 79,742 99,678 119,612 39,871
" 500 " 1,000 " 131,250 164,070 196,890 65,641
" 1,000 " 1,600 " 221,105 276,373 331,674 110,553
" 1,600 " 2,000 " 253,941 308,140 380,913 126,971
" 2,000 " 4,000 " 296,551 370,686 444,819 148,284
" 4,000 " 10,000 " 420,216 525,258 630,316 210,116
" 10,000 " 20,000 " 586,409 732,991 879,589 293,197
" 20,000 " 30,000 " 788,389 985,490 1,182,576 394,349
" 30,000 " 50,000 " 922,913 1,153,645 1,384,377 461,464
" 50,000 " 70,000 " 1,158,427 1,448,041 1,737,623 579,230
" 70,000 " 90,000 " 1,393,956 1,742,453 2,074,726 696,978
" 90,000 " 100,000 " 1,638,708 2,048,373 2,458,054 819,346
" 100,000 " 120,000 " 1,773,248 2,216,560 2,659,871 886,624
" 120,000 " 160,000 " 1,941,354 2,426,270 2,912,030 970,514
" 160,000 " 200,000 " 2,210,708 2,763,390 3,316,055 1,105,346
" 200,000 " 240,000 " 2,479,805 3,099,763 3,719,707 1,239,902
" 240,000 " and 2,748,884 3,436,122 4,123,342 1,374,459

3. Initial fee for unclassified cargo ships, except standby vessels

Built in Built in Built outside Purchased from
GRT Norway Europe of Europe abroad
From and 50 GRT, but less 100 GRT 94,150 117,814 141,218 47,083
including than
" 100 " 300 " 115,966 144,962 173,973 58,007
" 300 " 500 " 177,036 221,283 265,546 88,526
" 500 " and above 277,362 346,730 416,067 138,689

4. Initial fee for standby vessels

Initial fee as for cargo ships, with the addition of NOK 19,465.

5. Initial fee for classified fishing vessels.

Built in Built in Built outside of Purchased
GRT Norway Europe Europe from abroad
Less than 15 m, but with overall length of 10.67 m and above
From and 25 GRT, but less 50 GRT 26,630 33,290 39,952 13,323
including than
" 50 " 100 " 37,683 47,115 56,532 18,849
" 100 " 200 " 55,058 68,818 82,594 27,520
" 200 " 300 " 77,764 97,214 116,647 38,883
" 300 " 500 " 81,282 101,606 121,930 40,649
" 500 " 1,000 " 132,709 165,886 199,046 66,338
" 1,000 " 1,500 " 165,788 207,248 248,690 82,902
" 1,500 and above 198,657 248,317 297,978 99,336

6. Initial fee for unclassified fishing vessels.

Built in Built in Built outside Purchased from
GRT Norway Europe of Europe abroad
Less than 15 m, but with overall length of 10.67 m and above
From and 25 GRT, but less 50 GRT 26,630 33,290 39,952 13,323
including than
" 50 " 100 " 112,773 140,942 169,144 56,387
" 100 " 200 " 136,679 170,844 205,044 68,348
" 200 " 300 " 176,728 220,926 265,109 88,381
" 300 " 500 " 203,974 254,962 305,968 101,995
" 500 " 1,000 " 273,893 342,354 410,832 136,939
" 1,000 " and above 332,630 415,823 498,969 166,323

7. Initial fee for ships and barges for which certificates are not required, and ships for which certificates are required
which have been operating without a tonnage certificate/certificate of identity
Built in Built Built/imported
Norway in/imported from outside of
GRT from Europe Europe
Less than 10 metres in overall length 1,248 1,556 1,864
From and including 10 metres in overall length, but less than 2,220 2,788 3,338
15 metres
From and including 25 GRT, but less 50 GRT 7,131 8,915 10,681
" 50 " 200 " 8,007 10,016 12,026
" 200 " 500 " 10,648 13,323 15,981
" 500 " 1,000 " 21,248 26,581 31,897
" 1,000 " 1,500 " 34,149 42,691 51,232
" 1,500 " 2,000 " 47,115 58,899 70,682
" 2,000 " and above 65,657 82,059 101,877
Amended by Regulations of 22 December 2010 No. 1796, 5 January 2012 No. 19, 11 January 2013 No. 38.

Initial fee for ships registered in the NIS

1. Passenger ships
Basic amount of NOK 5,000 plus a tonnage addition of NOK 0.50 per net ton.
The amount thus calculated shall be multiplied by a factor of 1.2868. In addition a fee shall be paid according
to the same rates as specified in section 3 (1).
2. Cargo ships of less than 500 GRT, and standby vessels and supply vessels regardless of tonnage
NOK 5,000 to be paid as the initial fee, plus a tonnage addition of NOK 0.50 per net ton.
The amount thus calculated shall be multiplied by a factor of 1.2868.
In addition a fee shall be paid according to the same rates as specified in section 3 (2) or (3), and, where
relevant, (4).
3. Cargo ships of 500 GRT and upwards, except standby vessels and supply vessels
Basic amount NOK 12,000 plus the following tonnage additions:
for the first 5,000 net tons NOK 5 to be paid per net ton
for the next 5,000 net tons NOK 4 to be paid per net ton
for the next 20,000 net tons NOK 3 to be paid per net ton
for the next 40,000 net tons NOK 2 to be paid per net ton
For ships of more than 70,000 net tons an extra NOK 1 is payable per net ton in excess of 70.000 net tons.
The amount thus calculated shall be multiplied by a factor of 1.2868.
Amended by Regulations of 22 December 2010 No. 1796, 5 January 2012 No. 19, 11 January 2013 No. 38.

Annual fees for ships
The annual fee shall apply to ships registered in the NOR and ships registered in the NIS. This shall include cargo
ships, passenger ships, fishing vessels and barges.

A basic fee is payable in respect of ships for which certificates are required and of all other ships to which any
required document of approval has been issued pursuant to the Authority’s Acts or Regulations. An inspection fee is
payable in respect of ships which are subject to regular inspections under the authority of the Norwegian Maritime
Authority, where these are carried out by the Authority and not by classification societies or other recognized
Basic fee Inspection fee
Less than 10 metres 2,000 1,000
From and including 10 metres, but less
than 15 metres 3,000 3,000
From and including 15 metres, but less
than 100 GRT 5,000 5,000
From and including 100 GT, but less
than 500 GRT 10,000 10,000
From and including 500 GRT for the
first 30,000 NT for the 15,000 + 2.00 per NT 20,000 + 3.00 per NT
next 40,000 NT for 20,000 + 1.50 per NT 20,000 + 2.50 per NT
tonnage over 70,000 NT 20,000 + 1.00 per NT 20,000 + 2.00 per NT

The inspection fee for passenger ships shall be multiplied by a factor of 3.60.

The total amount of the basic fee and all inspection fees is multiplied by a factor of 1.4731.
Amended by Regulations of 22 December 2010 No. 1796, 5 January 2012 No. 19, 11 January 2013 No. 38.

Other fees for ships registered in the NOR or NIS1 and for ships for which certificates
are not required

1. Applications for exemption from the regulation concerning hours of work and rest and the manning regulations
GRT Initial processing Later applications
Less than 100 1,345 681
From and including 100 but less than 500 2,674 1,345
From and including 500 but less than 2,000 5,413 2,707
From and including 2,000 and above 10,875 5,429

2. Special certificates and permits not covered by initial fees and annual fees
2.1. Certificate of insurance or other financial security for civil liability for oil pollution damage (CLC) NOK 1,490.
2.2. Passenger certificate for trade on rivers NOK 1,101.
2.3. Certificate of insurance or other financial security in respect of oil pollution liability for ships pursuant to the
Bunkers Convention 2001 NOK 2,289.
Amended by Regulations of 22 December 2010 No. 1796, 5 January 2012 No. 19, 11 January 2013 No. 38.
1 With the exception of section 6 (2.3), section 6 is not applicable to cargo ships in the NIS of 500 GRT and above which are not standby
vessels or supply vessels, cf. section 19 (4) of the Regulations of 2 February 1996 No. 115 concerning collection of fees to the Treasury
for surveys, issue of certificates, etc.

Initial fee and annual fee for mobile offshore units and subsea vehicles
1. Initial fee
Mobile offshore units Subsea vehicles
Built in Norway Built abroad Built in Norway Built abroad
1,674,300 2,178,115 602,715 783,527
2. Annual fee
Mobile offshore units Subsea vehicles
710,010 122,757
Amended by Regulations of 22 December 2010 No. 1796, 5 January 2012 No. 19, 11 January 2013 No. 38.

Fees for tonnage measurements/measurement of register dimensions, etc.
1. For the initial measurement of mobile offshore units, ships belonging to the Norwegian Navy, and foreign ships, the
following shall be paid:
Less than 100 GRT 1,491
From and including 100 GRT but less than 300 GRT 3,744
" 300 " 500 " 8,265
" 500 " 1,000 " 12,934
" 1,000 " 1,600 " 23,517
" 1,600 " 2,000 " 34,118
" 2,000 " 3,000 " 49,450
" 3,000 " 4,000 " 69,855
" 4,000 " 6,000 " 90,568
" 6,000 " 8,000 " 132,773
" 8,000 " 10,000 " 164,168
" 10,000 " 20,000 " 205,351
" 20,000 " 50,000 " 324,510
" 50,000 " 80,000 " 491,530
" 80,000 " 100,000 " 647,837
" 100,000 " and above 725,958

2. For measurement1 of Norwegian ships and floating installations not deemed to be ships, the following shall be paid:
Less than 100 GRT 373 373
From and including 100 GRT but less than 300 GRT 924 924
" 300 " 500 " 2,058 2,058
" 500 " 1,000 " 3,242 3,242
" 1,000 " 1,600 " 5,883 5,883
" 1,600 " 2,000 " 8,525 8,525
" 2,000 " 3,000 " 12,366 12,366
" 3,000 " 4,000 " 17,455 12,366
" 4,000 " 6,000 " 22,513 12,366
" 6,000 " 8,000 " 33,193 12,366
" 8,000 " 10,000 " 41,038 12,366
" 10,000 " 20,000 " 51,345 12,366
" 20,000 " 50,000 " 81,135 12,366
" 50,000 " 80,000 " 122,886 12,366
" 80,000 " 100,000 " 161,964 12,366
" 100,000 " and above 181,493 12,366
3. For the issue of tonnage certificates2 for Norwegian and foreign ships and mobile offshore units, for ships belonging
to the Norwegian Navy and for foreign floating installations not deemed to be ships, the following shall be paid:
GRT International Panama Canal Suez Canal
Tonnage Certificate Tonnage Certificate Tonnage Certificate
Less than 25 GRT 713 924 924
From and 25 GRT but less than 100 GRT 1,296 2,577 2,577
" 100 " 200 " 2,561 4,376 4,376
" 200 " 500 " 3,906 5,883 5,883
" 500 " 1,600 " 6,580 8,995 8,995
" 1,600 " 3,000 " 9,077 12,286 12,286
" 3,000 " 4,000 " 11,685 15,462 15,462
" 4,000 " 8,000 " 12,901 17,051 17,051
" 8,000 " 10,000 " 16,791 21,799 21,799
" 10,000 " and above 18,104 23,372 23,372
1 The initial fee covers the initial tonnage measurement for Norwegian ships.
2 The initial fee covers the initial tonnage certificate for Norwegian ships.

4. For measurement of register dimensions and issue of certificates of identity, except initial measurement of register
dimensions, cf. section 3 (7), the following shall be paid:
For vessels of less than 10 m overall length: NOK 1,101.
For vessels from and including 10 m, but less than 15 m overall length: NOK 1,959.
Amended by Regulations of 22 December 2010 No. 1796, 5 January 2012 No. 19, 11 January 2013 No. 38.

Hourly rates for fees calculated according to time spent
For fees to be calculated according to time spent the following hourly rates shall apply:
For surveys, etc. carried out in Norway NOK 1,101.
For surveys, etc. carried out abroad NOK 1,959.
For overtime in Norway and abroad NOK 922.

The fee shall be collected in addition to the above-mentioned rates.

Amended by Regulations of 22 December 2010 No. 1796, 5 January 2012 No. 19, 11 January 2013 No. 38.

§ 10
Entry into force

This Regulation enters into force on 1 January 2010. From the same date, the Regulation of 13 January 2004 No.
252 concerning fees payable for services provided by the Norwegian Maritime Authority (the Tariff of Fees) laid down
by the Ministry of Trade and Industry is repealed.

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