Plaster Mold Making For Ceramic Industry: Name of Investigator

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Name of Investigator:
July Louie C. Carba

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Plaster mold casting is a widely known manufacturing technique which utilizes
the mixture of gypsum, strengthening compounds, and water to create a mold.
fabricates products with a smooth surface finish and allows for the casting of complex
shapes with thin walls and with less expense than other processes-- mainly the reason
why plaster mold casting is maximized to make gears, lock components, valves,
ornaments, and fittings. This investigative report discusses the procedures and
analyzes the results produced by plaster mold casting based on the video provided in
order to eventually appreciate the technique and to ascertain its significance in the
ceramics industry.

Many of the materials seen around us and the objects individuals extensively use
have been made through various mold making processes in the ceramic industry, from
common sculptures to the complex structural components found in infrastructures and
in the household. In this evolving world of art, the techniques of mold making and
casting have served as tools by sculptors and other artists: in both studies that lead to
the final form of an artwork, or as a means of reproducing an artwork (Smart Box,
2017). More so, these processes provide individuals with opportunities for art
expression and appreciation of manufacturing techniques that impart great significance
to people’s way of living.
A widely known manufacturing technique which utilizes the mixture of gypsum,
strengthening compounds, and water to create a mold is plaster mold casting.
According to Thomas Publishing Company (2013), plaster mold casting is a type of
expendable mold process, meaning the molds are not generally reused. It often allows
for the fabrication of more complicated parts. Since plaster has a low thermal
conductivity and heat capacity, the metal in the molds cools slower than in a sand mold,
which lets the metal to fill even thin cross-sections. Furthermore, this process fabricates
products with a very smooth surface finish and allows for the casting of complex shapes
with thin walls and with less expense than other processes-- mainly the reason why
plaster mold casting is maximized to make gears, lock components, valves, ornaments,
and fittings.
This paper investigates the process of plaster mold making as employed in the video
as well as the procedures applied in order to assess the components of plaster mold
casting and how is it a very dynamic and useful technique in the ceramics industry.
The main method integrated in this investigation is plaster mold casting. Plaster
mold casting is a manufacturing process that falls under the casting process. It is
distinguished from all other types of casting since it uses plaster as the molding
aggregate instead of sand. Plasters are usually composed of gypsum, lime or cement

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with water and sand. Unlike sand, the water inside the plaster leads more fluidity and
contact with the pattern which means, intricate sections and exceptionally good surface
finish can be obtained. This process also works much like other castings processes
where a heated liquid material is poured into a mold that contains a hollow cavity of the
desired shape and then it is solidified. The solidified part is known as a casting (Precise
Cast Engineering, 2015).
Generally, this investigation intends to document the details and methods applied in
plaster mold casting that will eventually ascertain its importance in the ceramics industry
and to conduct a thorough investigative report applying the different concepts learned
on how to make a plaster mold based on the video provided.

The process investigating the study started by viewing the video about plaster
mold making which is the main content of this study. While watching the video,
important notes were written down to easily remember the flow or process.
Consequently, resource gathering was done through browsing and researching
in the internet to find evidences and information about 1) the process of making an
investigative report by which an outline was made initially guided by the format given,
and 2) claims and arguments that support the objectives and methods of plaster mold
making as well as its benefits in the ceramic industry. Resources gathered are cited in
this study using the APA citation.

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Process in Making a Two-Part Mold on a Glass Bottle
1. To start the entire process,
a line of division was marked in the
glass bottle using the felt pencil.
Then a small clay was used to let
the glass bottle sit on it.

Figure 1. Marking of the division line

2. Using the L-Square ruler,

the prototype was placed and
measured squarely to avoid

Figure 2. Measuring the prototype squarely

3. Next, pieces of clay were

placed around the bottle to surround
it until it reached the dividing line and
the right height. These layers serve
as the foundation. Consequently, the
layers of clay were softened and
refined in texture using wooden
modelling tools.

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4. An ample amount of clay was
placed at the neck of the bottle to ensure Figure 3. Establishing the foundation of the mold
that the plaster cap will not go inside by surrounding it with layers of clay
which might create an undercut. For the
dimensions of the mold, a 1-inch mark
was made on the sides, upper and
bottom parts of the bottle with the use of
a sharp tool.

Figure 4. Securing the plaster cap

5. Next, estimation was made to
get the length and width of the
embellishment box. The boards were put
right around the clay. The belt was
utilized to get the boards in holding the
form and re-verification was done inside
the trim box to conclude the activity. On
the off chance, if there are holes inside,
utilize the wooden tools to seal the holes
between the clay and the wooden box.

Figure 5. Boards surrounding the clay

6. After which is the arrangement

of the plaster. Weigh the amount of water
and then multiply by 1.5 the amount of
plaster. The plaster was blended for
around three minutes. Then, the plaster
was poured in the box making sure that
the plaster was equally at the level of the
wooden box. The belt was taken off and
supplanted with flexible bond.

Figure 6. Water and plaster mixture

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7. After the form was taken off, the
outside of the shape was smoothened
up. A scratching plane was utilized to
make a chamfer of the form. After the
activity, the clay was taken out.
Measuring instrument was utilized to
keep an eye on the line division of the

Figure 7. Making a chamfer using scratching plane

8. For the final touch, sandpaper

was used to smoothen the parts of the
plaster mold . Sandpaper number 220
was used to remove a little defect of the

Figure 8. Smoothen the texture through a sand paper

9. Make holes using a drill presser

to secure the other part of the mold

Figure 9. Putting holes

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10. Lastly, the outcome or result of the molding process is achieved as expected.

Figure 10. Sample result of a two-part plaster master mold

After such activity was done, rehash a similar interaction from the top to
reproduce another form again and again.

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 Casting- the act of pouring liquid material into the cavity of a mold
 Chamfer- a balanced inclining surface at an edge or corner
 Division line- it is a line that parts the center and cavity parts of a formed part
 Master Model- is normally an external, unbending shell that bolsters the
adaptable elastic form assisting it with holding its shape during the packaging
 Plaster- a delicate combination of lime with sand or concrete and water
 Scratching Plane- used for chamfering to put an edge to the mold


Precise Cast Engineering (2015). What is plaster mold casting. Retrieved from
Smart Box (2017). History of mold making and casting. Retrieved from
Thomas Publishing Company (2013). All about plaster mold casting - what it is and how
it works. Retrieved from

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