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18/2/2021 /pol/ - /OUR CUTIE/ HAS SPOKEN- REVIVAL EDITION - Politically Incorrect - 4chan

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File: smol fuhrer.webm (2.2 MB, 1280x692)

Anonymous (ID: +6Mq0Sr3 ) 02/18/21(Thu)22:53:07 No.308723026 ▶
>>308723260 >>308724520 >>308724747 >>308724817 >>308725011 >>308725308
>>308725635 >>308725677 >>308725798 >>308725999 >>308726210 >>308726480
>>308726658 >>308726738 >>308727236 >>308727817

Kek has reincarnated Hitler as 18 y/o mestiza.

>The Madrid Prosecutor's Office has opened proceedings and is

already investigating you for an alleged hate crime. Are you afraid of the possible repercussions?
"No, fear is a bourgeois prejudice. What I say, I do because I believe in it. Obviously, I didn't have the intuition
that it was going to go viral so much. The normal thing is that I receive four criticisms and four compliments.
However, when I speak, I speak truthfully. It may seem bad or good, but I believe in it and I assume the
consequences. I'm not going to apologize because I really believe in my words."

>You know that your ideology is going to close many doors in your life.
"It's going to take me to jail."

>I see you have it assumed ...


>What is your life's project?

"Stay true to my ideals, which is the only thing I have and which I keep with honor. It is the only thing that is
worthwhile in this world, in this century that I have lived. I will always remain faithful to my values, to the pillars
that govern me morally. Without my ideals, I would be nobody. If they take me to jail, providence will have
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18/2/2021 /pol/ - /OUR CUTIE/ HAS SPOKEN- REVIVAL EDITION - Politically Incorrect - 4chan
wanted it."

>And what will you do in jail?

"I will write a book."

>About what?
"About my ideology."


>> Anonymous (ID: +6Mq0Sr3 ) 02/18/21(Thu)22:53:39 No.308723092 ▶

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Cutie speech(english)




>> Anonymous (ID: jCRZuC5o ) 02/18/21(Thu)22:55:09 No.308723260 ▶

>>308723026 (OP)
The shills are scared af of this gt3.14. Look at all the lefty low iq d&c shills. Muh simping lmfao. Fascism is
still rising and they cant do shit

>> Anonymous (ID: QtgpPWkX ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:05:11 No.308724520 ▶

>>308723026 (OP)
k.. keep me posted

>> Anonymous (ID: ZkotscQP ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:06:55 No.308724747 ▶

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>>308723026 (OP)
This flies in the face of left ideology that all
minorities are oppressed.

>> Anonymous (ID: PevBWeYZ ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:07:31 No.308724817 ▶ >>308726402

>>308723026 (OP)
No one cares you stupid simps. It's a trashy hole that went all conspiracy crazy after her black boyfriend left
her for a white girl.
You weak cucks lose your marbles the moment a hole regurgitates pol memes...

>> Anonymous (ID: t5ibsMT8 ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:08:12 No.308724901 ▶

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>> Anonymous (ID: yfS5bGcQ ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:09:03 No.308725011 ▶ >>308725319 >>308725911

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>>308723026 (OP)
Jews mad

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>> Anonymous (ID: u91qw+o6 ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:09:52 No.308725119 ▶

Fascism is back. It is time to strike off our chains and drive the Jew out, this time forever.

>> Anonymous (ID: EbpI0tC4 ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:11:02 No.308725308 ▶ >>308726020

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>>308723026 (OP)
The term that God uses for woman in Genesis, help meet, is actually a mistranslation of the
term used in Hebrew. The term used in Hebrew is Ezer Kenegdo. Ezer has originally two
meanings in Hebrew, depending on the pronunciation: to rescue/to save and to be strong. In
the Bible each use of the word Ezer consistently is in relation to military.

Kenegdo itself means "to be opposite to him" or "corresponding to him". Essentially, what
God was actually calling women to be to men is warriors by our side. Eve failed to do this,
and women continue to fail to do this, and society has suffered horribly for it.

However, a woman that uses her power and voice to shit on Jews, isn't a feminist, and doesn't cuck out, is
fulfilling God's role for women, which is a loyal warrior by man's side. Jews seek to destroy the patriarchy
replace it with the matriarchy. Jewish society itself is very matriarchal in nature. All the awful systems Jews
push are matriarchal. The Patriarchy is what God called for in Genesis due to Eve failing her role as a

>16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring
forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. Genesis 3

Jews and Feminists are directly rebelling against God in this manner. Here's an excerpt from the NT that
backs up the OT.

>11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

>12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

>13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

>14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 1 Timothy

This woman is obeying God by calling out Jews while also not being a Feminist herself, who are the greatest
ally to Jews. She's a Valkyrie that guides men into battle and aides the Patriarchy. Such women deserve to
be listened to and respected; they know their place.

>> Anonymous (ID: xSxFMya4 ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:11:07 No.308725319 ▶ >>308726668

So let me get this straight
The new nazis are brown and look like mizrahi jews

>> Anonymous (ID: PKCZAqYf ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:13:32 No.308725635 ▶

>>308723026 (OP)
Something about this doesn't feel right, I bet she has Jewish grandparents or she's some kind of honeypot.

>> Anonymous (ID: stNxdnrj ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:13:52 No.308725677 ▶ >>308726196

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>>308723026 (OP)
I don't Think you know what that means, goblin.

>> Anonymous (ID: /LsHv3I/ ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:14:49 No.308725798 ▶ >>308726331

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>>308723026 (OP)
Its good if women can be openly racist and be the public spokespeople for whites.
Jews would then have to attack women which is supposed to be an "oppressed group"
Women are normally enforcers of the status quo like (((diversity))). Her parents or
boyfriend must have redpilled her hard. Doubt she's coming up with these ideas on her

>> Anonymous (ID: 2P/2Y9l5 ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:15:42 No.308725911 ▶ >>308726088 >>308726196

Its the same bitch
Literally a controlled opposition plant

>> Anonymous (ID: dns6UCBS ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:16:20 No.308725999 ▶

>>308723026 (OP)
Is she a Mexican living in Spain or something?

>> Anonymous (ID: +6Mq0Sr3 ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:16:30 No.308726020 ▶

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>"Bad days end when good men come forward."

>> Anonymous (ID: LSblZS1Y ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:17:00 No.308726088 ▶

You’re a retard, photo on right has been around for years, show flag kike

>> Anonymous (ID: +6Mq0Sr3 ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:17:42 No.308726196 ▶

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Memeflaggots think their opinion matters.

>> Anonymous (ID: 2YXhG+cA ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:17:47 No.308726210 ▶

>>308723026 (OP)
This is unironically based. This girl has more courage and bravery than 100% of /pol/. NONE of you fucks
would risk jail for your beliefs.

>> Anonymous (ID: LSblZS1Y ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:18:33 No.308726331 ▶

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I mean she is going to college and majoring in history, I’m sure she does a lot of reading on
her own and could have stumbled on all this on her own idk

>> Anonymous (ID: nP3twQpz ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:18:43 No.308726354 ▶ >>308726685

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Didn't Hitler predict a person like her? I remember reading

something about the prediction.

>> Anonymous (ID: V069BPnJ ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:19:06 No.308726402 ▶ >>308727533

Kek! Whatever the JIDF is paying you, it's way too much.
Seriously, going thread to thread trying to decelerate and it won't work.

>> Anonymous (ID: et4iU9zJ ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:19:42 No.308726480 ▶ >>308726843 >>308726855

>>308723026 (OP)
she is too perfect of a caricature
she is a sephardic jew
you all are simps
kill yourselves tonight

>> Anonymous (ID: gxH+3sUS ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:21:02 No.308726658 ▶

>>308723026 (OP)
Is this another psyop?

>> Anonymous (ID: V069BPnJ ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:21:06 No.308726668 ▶

Don't worry, Moshe; the Zyklon hasn't changed a bit.

>> Anonymous (ID: t5ibsMT8 ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:21:12 No.308726685 ▶

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You're thinking about Raskolnikovs
prediction while hes in Siberia.

>> Anonymous (ID: 6T46A+6t ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:21:34 No.308726738 ▶

>>308723026 (OP)
Show queen of spades tattoo

>> Anonymous (ID: 2YXhG+cA ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:21:54 No.308726783 ▶

>Say negative words about jews, be sent to prison for "hate crime"
>meanwhile, jews can write thousands of articles calling for the wholesale extermination of European
peoples with no penalty
The "freedom" in the West is a total illusion. There is no freedom. There is only the zoo.

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>> Anonymous (ID: LSblZS1Y ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:22:22 No.308726843 ▶ >>308728295
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>name drops the Jew
>gets called Jewish by shills
every time, same thing happened with Hitler

>> Anonymous (ID: 2YXhG+cA ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:22:26 No.308726855 ▶

Die of an overdose already moarpheus

>> Anonymous (ID: V069BPnJ ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:22:28 No.308726858 ▶ >>308727735

She's better than Taylor Swift.

>> Anonymous (ID: Vi3QiK2u ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:25:14 No.308727236 ▶ >>308727750

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>>308723026 (OP)

>> Anonymous (ID: PevBWeYZ ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:27:24 No.308727533 ▶ >>308727811

Whoa it's a dirty old slam pig reciting memes irl, cool

>> Anonymous (ID: PevBWeYZ ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:28:58 No.308727735 ▶

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Lmao pol btfo yet again. Both taylor and this hole love getting filled with
Monster BBC ™

>> Anonymous (ID: +6Mq0Sr3 ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:29:08 No.308727750 ▶


>> Anonymous (ID: LSblZS1Y ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:29:35 No.308727811 ▶

post physique

>> Anonymous (ID: 65EpHGte ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:29:37 No.308727817 ▶

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>>308723026 (OP)
Has anyone claimed her yet? If not dibs

>> Anonymous (ID: et4iU9zJ ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:33:07 No.308728295 ▶

>"d-don't say mean things about my internet girlfriend"
nice False Equivalence, sport. but you're a fucking simp. you're no different than all the other groups you
fuck this fake bitch, e-celeb whatever. she's jewish as fuck but you mongs just won't see it.

>> Anonymous (ID: 20gDmw9G ) 02/18/21(Thu)23:33:38 No.308728377 ▶

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The never ending cycle of /pol/cels simping over some tradthot has
come to haunt me again

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