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side hustle, or a digital products/courses business or

FACEBOOK FOUNDATIONS In this lesson, we’re going to talk about some of the most
common Facebook Myths that are probably costing you
even SaaS, Nick’s system can be applied to every kind
of business. This course will teach you how to THINK
money, or causing you to leave money on the table.
and how to TAKE ACTION.
If you’ve found yourself thinking any of these statements
LESSON: and avoiding Facebook Ads for these reasons, we’re here
to debunk the myths and show you the path. MYTH #4:
My audience isn’t on Facebook.
THE 15 BS FACEBOOK MYTHS — TRUTH: Everybody’s audience is on Facebook.
THAT ARE COSTING YOU MONEY FACEBOOK MYTH-BUSTING Depending on how much time they spend there, you
CHECKLIST may have just not approached them in the right way
yet. We’re going to show you how to target the right
people and effectively reach them.
MYTH #1:
"I've tried this before, it doesn't work for me." MYTH #5:
— TRUTH: With a proven framework and the right tem- Facebook is not effective for B2B.
plates, resources and instructor, you CAN be a success — TRUTH: Again, no matter who you’re trying to
with Facebook Ads. Did you try a couple of tactics and lost reach, it’s likely they are on Facebook. This platform is
money? Did you attempt to do Lookalike Audiences and a one of the absolute best ways to get in front of your
few other things, and it just didn’t work? Facebook requires audience in a predictable manner.
a holistic strategy and a framework for decision-making,
which we’ll walk you through step-by-step in this course. MYTH #6:
My page/following isn’t big enough to run ads.
MYTH #2: — TRUTH: Facebook is NOT all about Page Likes or
"What works for the “big guys” won’t work for me." Followers. This is an incorrect assumption. Facebook
— TRUTH: Nick Shackelford has scaled businesses of all Ads can be effective even without a large existing
sizes using Facebook Ads… everything from mom-and-pop audience. Page Likes will come later… it’s not the core
shops, to fidget spinners, to apparel and electric trucks. focus.
And yes, he has also run ads for some of the “big guys”
(Apple and Pepsi included). And what the big brands and MYTH #7:
small brands alike are doing, is what you’re about to learn. Facebook ads are too expensive.
This framework works for every type of business, regard- — TRUTH: “Expensive” relative to what? Facebook
less of your industry. Ads, when done right, allow you to put $1 into the
machine, and return $2 or $3 (or more) out on the
MYTH #3: other side. Once you get these metrics dialed in, you’ll
My business/niche is different. be wanting to much as much money as you can into
— TRUTH: This in-depth course is NOT a get-rich-quick that machine! It’s an investment in finding the most
series of growth hacks or tips. It’s a proven framework, a qualified consumers to buy your product/service.
strategy, a step-by-step method of decision-making every
day and every week, and it works for any type of business
niche. Whether you run an online store, or a service-based


Boosting posts is the same as running ads. Turning your ads on and off helps performance.
— TRUTH: These are very different things. A “boosted — TRUTH: This is incorrect. Facebook needs as much
post” is a one-off tactic and doesn’t really have a strategy data as possible. The more data you have by keeping
LESSON: behind it. It’s not as targeted, and you don’t have as much your ads running, the more you will learn, and the
control as you do with Ad Campaigns. more you will be able to optimize and improve your
THE 15 BS FACEBOOK MYTHS performance at the Ad Level. We’re going to show you
exactly how to do this!
It's best to target a very narrow audience.

— TRUTH: Thanks to the Facebook Pixel (which we’re

MYTH #13:
Users will not convert on a Facebook ad the first time
going to learn all about in this course), we have very
they see it.
advanced ways of easily targeting the right consumers
— TRUTH: If the ad is targeted correctly, the copy is
for your product/service, for every part of the funnel
written well, and the way the ad is structured to speak
(from broad “prospecting” at the top, to more specific
genuinely to the consumer (all of which, we’re going
“re-engagement”, all the way down to the bottom of funnel
to teach you in this course), there’s no reason why you
with “remarketing”).
can’t get a conversion upon first glance.

MYTH #10:
Instagram is only advertising to young people. MYTH #14:
— TRUTH: Instagram boasts a diverse base of 1 billion Videos are always better than images.
monthly active users who represent all ages, genders and — TRUTH: As you’ll see throughout this course when
backgrounds. While about 30% of IG users are in fact ages we go through various examples, there are definitely
18-24, another 33% are ages 25-34, 16% ages 35-44, 8% cases when an image+text ad will convert just as well
ages 45-54, and another 5% ages 55 and up (data retrieved as a video. And don’t worry if you don’t have video
Oct 2020, Statistica). With Instagram Ads being part of editing resources or skills right now – we’re also going
Facebook Ads, it’s another very effective way to get in front to show you some quick ways to create Ads Creative
of the right audience. yourself later in the course!

MYTH #11: MYTH #15:

Facebook is changing so quickly... your info
Facebook is only valuable for "bottom of funnel"
is already outdated.
— TRUTH: The systematic framework we’re teaching
— TRUTH: As mentioned, Facebook can be used
in this course has been proven to work over the last 7
effectively as a “full funnel” tool, to reach your customers
years. We are NOT teaching quick hacks or one-off tac-
at every stage of the buyer’s journey. We’re going to walk
tics. We are teaching you how to think, and make good
you through in great detail throughout this course, all the
decisions, so that you can run Facebook Ads profitably
nuances of how to run ads for Top, Middle, and Bottom of
and keep building upon these learnings.
Funnel advertising.

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