Project Leadership Process

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Let us give thanks to Allah for His love and grace for the researcher, and also sholawat and
Salam let us give to The Prophet Muhammad SAW hopefully we will get his intercession someday. This
paper contain the project about leadership.

The researcher would like to say thank you to ma’am Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., SS., M.Hum. as the
researcher’s lecturer who always teaches patiently and gives much knowledge about leadership. Because of
that, the researcher can complete this paper as the researcher’s assignment at the right time.

The researcher realized that this paper is still has a lot of mistakes so critics and suggestions are
needed to make this paper be better. Thank you very much.

Medan, December 2020

Citra Nur Ikhsani


DAFTAR ISI.................................................................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I.......................................................................................................................................................1
A. Background.............................................................................................................................................1
B. The purpose.............................................................................................................................................2
C. The benefit...............................................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER II......................................................................................................................................................3
BIOGRAPHY OF EACH FIGURES.................................................................................................................3
A. Education Field.......................................................................................................................................3
B. Politic Field.............................................................................................................................................3
C. National Force Field................................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER III.....................................................................................................................................................5
A. The Strength and Weakness of Each Figures..........................................................................................5
CHAPTER IV....................................................................................................................................................7
A. CONCLUSION...........................................................................................................................................7


A. Background
To lead an organization whether it’s a big organization or not, there must be a different style of
leading. A famous quote by Douglas MacArthur cited in Anderson (2015) states that ‘A true leader has
the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the
needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader, but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the
integrity of his intent’ (Anderson, 2015)

Maxwell (2018) described leadership as influence. Thus, leadership must be earned and cannot be
mandated. This means, leadership is not the ability to achieve position, rank, or title, but leadership is the
ability to get the followers. Everyone has potential as a leader because everyone can influence other
people. Everyone can increase his/her influence and leadership potential by starting to communicate
effectively. Communication leads to recognition and recognition lead to influence. A transactional leader
influences their followers through incentives or punishments in accordance with their performance,
whereas transformational leader influence followers‟ values, beliefs and goals (Jandaghi et al., 2009).

There are four components of transformational leadership (Odumeru & Ifeanyi, 2013 and Jandaghi,
et al., 2009):

1. Charisma Charisma causes the leader to be a behavioral model for followers. Transformational
leader enlarges the morale and performance of the followers by being a role model for them. It is
a factor in receiving changes in the organization. A leader can lead others only when they are
ready to be led by him/her. Charisma shows the capability of trust building and understanding
leadership by followers. A leader with charisma is respected and trusted a person because such
person performs his/her duties well and has high human and moral behaviors.

2. Inspirational motivation Inspirational motivation is the capability of the leader to encourage the
followers to appropriate behaviors inspirationally. The leader can encourage the followers to
accept new idea and belief continuously because the leader behaves in a particular way and
excites his/her followers. The leader can inspire followers and challenge followers to take
ownership of their works.

3. Intellectual stimulation Intellectual stimulation is the capability of the leader to encourage the
followers to be creative and innovative. Therefore, they may use new and creative ideas the
resolve the problems.

4. Personal attention Followers are supported by the leader, and the leader cares about followers‟
personal feelings and needs. Paying attention to followers is one of the most important aspects of
transformational leadership. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the followers, the
leader can synchronize followers with a mission that enhances their performance.

In a team or an organization must have a goal to achieve, they need a good leader to lead with the
effective way to reach the goals. Every leader must understand the field or characteristics of each
member of the organization and understanding their skills so that the leader can give the right part of
jobs to do. The difference of a workplace needed a different way to lead, and the ways of leading an
organization sometime makes pro and contra and those pros and contras become the strength and
weakness of the leader.

Every field has its hardest part so that in this project, the researcher would like to mention three
leaders from three different field. Those fields are education, politic and national forces. The researcher
would like to choose three national figures and analyse them to find which one is the best based on the
way of leading. Basically, the leaders have different ways of thinking and leading according to their
environment, opponents, friends and goals. Then that is every lead style there is nothing that is not good
it all depends on their respective fields.

B. The purpose
1. To know which figure is the best depend on the leading ways.
2. To know the strength and weakness of each figures.
3. To qualify leadership course assignment.

C. The benefit
1. To increase the knowledge about leadership.
2. To understand the strength and weakness of each figures
3. To be a critical student.


A. Education Field
Nadiem Makarim, son of Nono Anwar Makarim and Atika Algadrie, was born in Singapore, on July
4, 1984. He earned his bachelor‟s degree in International Relations from Brown University and earned a
master degree in Business Administration from Harvard Business School. Previously, in 2016, he
worked as Management Consultant for McKinsey & Company for three years and then he established
online retailer Zalora Indonesia as Co-Founder and served as Managing Director at the company. He
served later as Chief Innovation Officer of Kartuku and learned about payments and pre-paid systems
(, 2018 and Wijanarko, 2015).

Nadiem Makarim become a minister of education in Jokowi era, the researcher chose him because
his era is the hardest, the pandemic suddenly forces him to think about online classes and the supportive
point to build a great education even in this pandemic era. At the next chapter, the researcher would like
to mention a few strengths and weakness of Nadiem Makarim depend on the researcher opinion and

B. Politic Field
Susi Pudjiastuti was born 15 January 1965, in Pangandaran, West Java, the daughter of Haji Ahmad
Karlan and Hajjah Suwuh Lasminah. She is Javanese, but her family are fifth-generation settlers of
Pangandaran, which is predominantly Sundanese. Her family business was engaged primarily in real
estate and livestock farming. Following junior high school, Pudjiastuti continued senior high school at
SMA Negeri 1 Yogyakarta, but did not complete her studies after she was expelled for political
activism promoting Golput (Golongan Putih, or blank ballot] in protest of the Golkar Party's dominance
making Indonesia a One-party state), a movement which was banned under then
President Suharto's New Order. (Wikipedia)
I choose her because Pudjiastuti was the first Indonesian minister to have never completed a high
school education, although after she became a government minister, she enrolled for a late high school
programme (Paket C), and she officially graduated in 2018. Susi Pudjiastuti has three children, Panji
Hilmansyah, Nadine Kaiser, and Alvy Xavier. Her first son, Panji Hilmansyah, died aged 31 at January
2016 in Florida due to heart failure. Susi is divorced, and is known to have tattoos and be a chain-
smoker. Susi is famous with her kindness and firmness, her famous motto is “TENGGELAMKAN!!!”
which means “SINK IT” for the foreign ships that steal Indonesian Sea Wealth.

C. National Force Field

Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo (born 17 October 1951) is an Indonesian politician,
businessman and former Army lieutenant General who is the currently-appointed Minister of Defense of
the Republic of IndonesiaTransformational Leadership. Prabowo enrolled in Indonesia's Military
Academy in Magelang in 1970. He graduated in 1974 with others who would gain senior leadership
positions such as Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. In 1976, Prabowo served in the Indonesia n National

Army Special Force Kopassus and was assigned as the commander of Group 1 Komando Pasukan
Sandhi Yudha (Kopassandha), which was one of the Indonesian Army's Nanggala commando units in
East Timor, the former Portuguese territory that Indonesia had invaded the previous year. Prabowo, then
26 years old, was the youngest Nanggala commander.[19] Prabowo led the mission to capture the vice
president of Fretilin, who was the first Prime Minister of East Timor, Nicolau dos Reis Lobato.
[19] Guiding Prabowo was Antonio Lobato – Nicolau's younger brother. On 31 December 1978,
Prabowo's company found and fatally shot Nicolau in the stomach as he was being escorted in Maubisse,
fifty kilometres south of Dili. In 1985 Prabowo attended the Advanced Infantry Officers Course at Fort
Benning, in the United States for commando training.[20] In the early 1990s, as the commander of
Kopassus Group 3, the now Major General Prabowo attempted to crush the East Timorese independence
movement by using irregular troops (hooded "ninja" gangs dressed in black and operating at night) and,
in main towns and villages, militias trained and directed by Kopassus commanders. Human rights abuses
rose. The Army's 1997 campaign was called Operation Eradicate.
In 1996, Prabowo led the Mapenduma Operation in the mountainous terrain of Papua, Indonesia. The
goal of the operation was the release of 11 scientific researchers, who had been taken hostage by
the Free Papua Movement (OPM). The researchers were five Indonesians, four Britons, one Dutchman
and his pregnant German wife. Two of the Indonesian male hostages were killed shortly before the
rescue operation. The mission involved covert support from British Military Attache and SAS veteran
Colonel Ivor Helberg.[22] Following the hostage transfer, Kopassus under Prabowo began a reprisal
campaign against villages perceived to support OPM, in one incident at Geselema village attacking the
villagers with a military helicopter disguised as a Red Cross helicopter. On 20 March 1998, Prabowo
was appointed head of the 27,000-strong Army Strategic Reserve Command (Kostrad), that Suharto had
commanded in 1965 (
I choose him because he had done the best for this country but a lot of people hate him for something
that is not true. Indonesian 4th president Gusdur said that “Prabowo is the most sincere person”.


A. The Strength and Weakness of Each Figures.

The researcher write about the strength and the weakness of each figures by the researcher own
opinion and perspective.
1. Education Field

Removing National Exam, by removing Teachers in Indonesian rural era is
national exam he success to build the skill of not educated well about the
every students that the main reason to strategies to teach in pandemic era.
graduate from school is having a good point Low quality of Internet and facility
of academic is not objective because every makes them hard to connect their
student has their own skill beside the students.

Provide internet quota for online class. This internet quota is not separated

Give every school (headmaster) the right to

choose curriculum for the students, the
teacher knows better about their student’s
ability and skill, the right curriculum will
increase the potency of the students.

2. Politic Field

Her courage to sink a foreign ship that She stuck in her old performance and there
won’t corporate well with her. are no new findings to increase her work

Her neutral character makes her being quality.

loved by her people, and she’s so
confident. She won’t feeling
embarrassed by smoking in public
while carrying her political role.

3. National Force field

He’s a hard worker, he dedicated
herself with sincere for this country
and hug his member warmly so that
his love to work together with him.
He applying his forces knowledge to
be ready in every security matter for

He’s brave and firm. His firmness

makes foreign country bashful to
make a trouble with Indonesia.


According to the researcher opinion, Prabowo is the best leader. National forces is the hardest field
than the two more field the researcher had analysed. Because he took care of a country, the whole people
and the wealth of Indonesia in air, sea, and land. I put no weakness for him because I’m proud of him, of
his sincere and kindness to everyone, and there is nothing seems weak on him by my private opinion and


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