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FluQuadri - influenza vaccine

What is in FluQuadri vaccine?

FluQuadri vaccine is a quadrivalent vaccine that contains fragments of 4 different types of killed
influenza virus strains. These are A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)-like strain, A/Hong Kong/4801/2014
(H3N2)–like strain, B/Phuket/3073/2013-like strain and B/Brisbane/60/2008-like strain. These vaccines
do not contain live virus and therefore cannot give you influenza illness.

FluQuadri vaccine works by stimulating your body to protect itself against infection by the influenza
viruses by making substances called antibodies. Antibodies fight the influenza virus. Influenza vaccine is
usually 70-90% effective in healthy people under 65 years of age.

Who should have the vaccine?

Influenza vaccine is recommended for anyone who wishes to reduce their chance of becoming ill with
influenza, especially persons with underlying medical conditions.

Points to discuss with your vaccination nurse:

1. Have you ever had a severe allergic reaction following a previous dose of influenza vaccine?
2. Have you ever had a severe neurologic condition called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS)?
3. Any allergy to eggs or the antibiotics neomycin or polymixin B sulfate.

What are the side effects of the influenza vaccine?

Most side effects to FluQuadri vaccine are mild and short-lived. Common side effects may include pain,
redness and swelling at the injection site. Fever, tiredness and muscle aches and pains may also occur.
These side effects can start several hours after vaccination and may last one to two days. Post vaccination
symptoms may seem like influenza infection, but the injectable vaccine does not contain any live virus and
therefore cannot give you ‘the flu’. Serious reactions following influenza vaccination are rare.

What to do in the event of side effects?

Paracetamol can be beneficial for mild fever or pain and a cool damp cloth can also reduce pain at the
injection site. Contact your Doctor if you have any other concerns.

Health Direct is also available on 1800 022 222 should you need any further advice.
For any severe reaction, call an ambulance or go to your closest emergency department.

Use in pregnancy

Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with FluQuadri. It is also not known whether
FluQuadri can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction
capacity. Data from worldwide use of inactivated influenza vaccines in pregnant women and experience of
use of TIV in countries where inactivated influenza vaccines are recommended in all stages of pregnancy
do not indicate any adverse fetal and maternal outcomes attributable to the vaccine.

Ph: 61 8 9204 1999 | Fax: 61 8 9204 1666 | |

FluQuadri should be given to a pregnant woman following an assessment of the risks and benefits. Health
authorities recommend vaccination of pregnant women. Healthcare providers are encouraged to enrol
women who receive FluQuadri during pregnancy in Sanofi Pasteur’s vaccination pregnancy registry by
calling 1800 829 468 (in Australia). Sanofi Pasteur is maintaining a prospective pregnancy exposure registry
to collect data on pregnancy outcomes and newborn health status following vaccination with FluQuadri
during pregnancy.

Post Vaccination Waiting Period

As per medical protocols, as a precaution, you will be asked to wait in the supervised vicinity of the
immunisation clinic for 15 minutes after your vaccination.

If you have any other questions, you can discuss these with your nurse on the day of vaccination or contact
Corporate Health Professionals on (08) 9204 1999.

Please notify CHP if you have any significant adverse events in the few days after your vaccination.

Ph: 61 8 9204 1999 | Fax: 61 8 9204 1666 | |

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