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1. Justin: Next week We will have a long holiday.

So, on your holiday what are you going to

do Yoona?
A. I don’t know where I go
B. I’m sorry, I can’t tell you
C. This is not your business
D. I have nothing to do
E. I’m thinking of going to Jogja Sorry
Jawaban soal asking and giving opinion adalah E.

2. Liana: Film of Kartini it’s so inspiring. And what do you think about the inspiring film of
Bram: I think…
A. Thank you, Kartini
B. You forget Kartini’s day
C. I can’t hear you call Kartini
D. I love Kartini’s film its so inspiring me
E. Let’s go
Jawaban contoh soal asking giving opinion yaitu D

3. Jamilah: I think our city is saved from the virus, so we can go around.
Ellisa: But I don’t think so,… Our city is not saved. We must stay at home at least in lock
down time.
A. In my opinion
B. She forgets it
C. See you next time
D. You know it
E. I am thinking of the virus
Jawaban soal asking and giving opinion yakni A

4. Drue: May I know what do you think of my short story?

Julia: It’s a good story, but I suggest changing the title with an interesting title.
Drue: Nice opinion. Thanks, Julia.
Julia: Anytime, Drue!

From the dialogue above between Julia and Drue, Julia is…
A. Giving order
B. Asking for an opinion
C. Asking for attention
D. Giving an opinion
E. Giving hands
Jawaban soal asking and giving opinion adalah D

5. Bintang: After school Herman feels very tired and he gets dizzy.
Sonia: I think …. And if it’s not necessary he doesn’t leave the bed.
A. You must go to school
B. You have to take him to the hospital
C. He should lie down and have bed rest time
D. She would take rest
E. He can see the doctor now
Jawaban contoh soal asking giving opinion yaitu C

6. Damar: … our Biology class is so fun and very interesting.

Tania: Yes, you are right I think so too. The Biology teacher conveys the lesson interestingly
making the classroom atmosphere becomes pleasant.
A. The teacher disagree
B. Tania agree
C. I don’t like it
D. I think
E. I’m not sure one hundred percent
Jawaban soal asking and giving opinion yakni D

7. James: This day is Mother’s day and I want to give her my painting. When you look my
painting what do you think about my it?
Ron: It’s so beautiful and amazing, and I think you must develop your painting talent to a
professional level.
James: That’s opinion sounds great. Thanks full for your opinion, Ron.
Ron: It’s my pleasure.
From the conversation about painting, Ron is…
A. Asking a time
B. Giving an opinion
C. Asking for a gift
D. Giving a lot of hands
E. Asking for his help
Jawaban soal ini adalah B

8. Dahlia: Jennifer, would you like to give me an opinion about my poetry?

Jennifer: Of course! I think you should use attractive themes and titles. It would be great
Dahlia: Thank you very much, Jennifer.
Jennifer: It’s okay
The dialogue above tells us that Dahlia is…
A. Make a wish
B. Asking for sing a song
C. Waiting for help
D. Sharing an opinion
E. Asking for an opinion
Jawaban soal asking dan giving opini ialah E

9. Jake: Rose, what do you think of my chocolate cake?

Rose: It’s so delicious! I really love this cake!
Jake: I’m so pleased
In the dialogue, Jake is…
A. Giving advice
B. Asking for an opinion
C. Requesting for gift
D. Giving baker cake
E. Asking for help
Jawaban contoh soal asking giving opinion adalah B
10. …. children should be taught from an early age to be independent and responsible.
A. In my opinion
B. They want to learn
C. You can’t believe
D. He totally understands
E. Do you think that
Jawaban soal asking and giving opinion yaitu A

I will be late for dinner. My boss asks me to attend a meeting at 7 pm. I will catch the bus
right after the meeting is over. Love you.

11. Why is the writer late?

A. He is sick
B. He has a party to attend
C. He attends a meeting
D. He already ate dinner
Kunci jawaban: C

12. How will the writer go home?

A. He will walk
B. He will take a taxi
C. He will ride a car
D. He will take a bus
Kunci jawaban: D

13. When will the meeting begin?

A. At 7 pm
B. At 7 am
C. At 6.30 pm
D. At 8 am
Kunci jawaban: A

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 5!

To: Marry
Happy 17th birthday, my best friend. I wish you have many other years to celebrate. I hope
you like the gift. I know you like to read.
With love: Susan

14. How old is Marry?

A. 14
B. 15
C. 16
D. 17
Kunci jawaban: D

15. According to the text, what possible gift did Susan give to Marry?
A. Video game
B. Book
C. Toy car
D. Clothes
Kunci jawaban: B
Read the following text to answer questions number 6 to 8!
Dear Riana,
I heard you achieved the first position in swimming competition. Congratulations for your
achievement! I will come to your house on Sunday. I have something to celebrate your
victory. Please tell your mother to prepare my favorite food.

16. What competition did Riana win?

A. Running
B. Archery
C. Chess
D. Swimming
Kunci jawaban: D

17. When will Lisa come to Riana’s house?

A. On Sunday
B. On Monday
C. On Tuesday
D. On Saturday
Kunci jawaban: A

18. What does Lisa request to prepare?

A. Her clothes
B. Her favorite books
C. Her favorite food
D. Her toys
Kunci jawaban: C

Baca juga : ===> Penjelasan dan Contoh Short Message

Read the following text to answer questions number 9 to 10!

To all students,
Please note the examination will be held on 3rd September, 2018. All students shall bring
their own equipment. Dictionary and calculator are not allowed. Examination will start at 8
am until 12 pm. Students must be at school 30 minutes before examination starts. Shall
students have any questions, contact your teachers.
Thank you

19. According to the text, what are prohibited during the examination?
A. Book and pencil
B. Pencil case and calculator
C. Calculator and book
D. Dictionary and calculator

Kunci jawaban: D

20. From the text, which statement is true?

A. The examination will be held for 4 hours
B. Students may bring dictionary
C. School will provide equipment for examination
D. Students are permitted to be late.

Kunci jawaban: A

The following text is for number 21 to 25

To: All teachers

Would you please come to watch our students’ performance for Angklung festival on June
21st 2016 in Hall of Surya Dharma School at 08.00 a.m. until the end of the event.

Surya Permana

21. Who is the recipient of the text above?

a. Teachers.
b. Students.
c. Students and teachers.
d. Math teacher.
e. Headmaster.
Jawaban: a

22. When will the festival be held?

a. June 21st
b. June 22nd
c. June 23rd
d. June 24th
e. June 25th
Jawaban: a

23. Where will the festival be held?

a. The hall.
b. The yard.
c. The football court.
d. The tennis court.
e. The street.
Jawaban: a

24. When will the festival be begun?

a. 08.00.
b. 09.00.
c. 10.00.
d. 11.00.
e. 12.00.
Jawaban: a

25. What kind of the text is it?

a. Invitation
b. Report
c. Advertisement
d. Personal letter
e. Public letter
Jawaban: a

26. Ratna: “I’m hungry. How about you?”

Citra: “Me, too.”
Ratna: “….?”
Citra: “Sure.”
a. Shall we go to the library
b. Shall we go to the mosque
c. Shall we go to the canteen
d. Shall we go to the mosque
e. Shall we go to the bank
Jawaban: c

27. Harry: “Would you like to go camping with us next?”

Donny: “….,  but I have to take care my mom. She has been hospitalized for week.”
a. it’s sound interesting.
b. Thank you.
c. I don’t care about it.
d. I am sorry to hear that.
e. Don’t mention it.
Jawaban: a

The following letter for number 28 to 30.

28. When will the event be held?

a. March 6th.
b. March 7th.
c. March 8th.
d. March 9th.
e. March 10th.
Jawaban: c

29. What kind of letter is it?

a. Invitation letter.
b. Request letter.
c. Shipment letter.
d. Offering letter.
e. Complaint letter.
Jawaban: a

30. Who is the recipient of the text above?

a. Parents.
b. Four years old kide.
c. Everybody.
d. Elder people.
e. Head of state.
Jawaban: a

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