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The premiere, unsanctioned, neo-alternative, unofficial, non-newspaper for the Clark

community, which is in no way affiliated with Clark University.

Volume 1, Issue 3 T h e S t a tu s Q u o J u st G ot a L it t l e S t a t u s e r September 27, 2005

T h e S c a r l e t R e l e a s e s Wo r s t I s s u e i n H i s t o r y
Reporter Finds 466 Errors in First Issue (This is Not a Joke)
Ryan Kelly — The Scarlet, as Clark’s offi-
cially-sanctioned student newspaper, has a
great responsibility not only in its role of
providing news about the Clark community,
but also as a forum, exhibition, and repre-
sentation of that community. It sits in the
University Center, ready to be picked up by
passers-by, be they friends, visitors, or po-
tential students. The deplorable quality of
this semester’s first issue is not only regret-
table and worrisome, it is an embarrass-
This point is not being exaggerated. I
casually read The Scarlet, pen in hand, and
found no fewer than 466 grammatical and
typographical errors. I am sure I could
find more. This is not a joke; I will be
happy to produce my marked-up copy to
anyone upon request. All but three or four
of the articles were written at a level of
quality unbecoming of a college student. Local seniors Fardeen Chowdhury (left) and Benjamin Jacobs (right) express moral outrage
The Scarlet is plagued by negligence on over the latest issue of The Scarlet. — Photo Courtesy of Emily Orgabisz
the part of its staff. Not only was there a
gross lack of copy editing, it is hard to be- To The Reader:
lieve that any fact-checking mechanisms are Thanks for checking us out. We’ll be publishing every Friday night from now on. Some of
(See SCARLET, page 3) what we write is true.

I n K a t r i n a ’s A f t e r m a t h , O i l E x e c u t i v e s S h e d Te a r s ( o f J o y )
Troy Hill — Exxon CEO and seen the news,” he said. “The to repair the oil platforms In This Week’s
Chairman Lee R. Raymond has devastation from Katrina has wouldn’t be so strained.” Caustic Polemic:
been glued to his television been horrible.” He continued,
over the past three weeks. But being the top man at Us? Anti- 2
his voice quivering slightly, “a
And not because of the ExxonMobil, Raymond has the
number of oil rigs and Semitic?
exceptional capabilities of the ability to see a gold lining on
platforms just couldn’t make it C’mahn!
local sports team. Raymond, any catastrophe. When this
through this one.”
along with other oil firm paper spoke with him, he would
Raymond’s concern went Dan Bowhers 3
executives, has been intensely occasionally have to wipe tears
far beyond oil platforms, examines Hip-
tracking Hurricane Katrina. from his plump cheeks. Asked
though. The levees that failed Hop in Bush’s
When TINTN showed up if his sadness was due to the
to keep water from inundating
at Raymond’s mansion to suffering and class disparities America
poor residents of New
speak with him on Monday, he the country was (almost) forced
Orleans incensed the CEO
was surprisingly jovial, in that to address, he seemed shocked. Gino Sorcinelli 4
since, as he put it, “if those
bitter, cut-throat, robber- (See OIL, page 5) Interviews DJ Neil
damn levees hadn’t burst, the
baron kind of way. “You’ve Armstrong
market for cheap labor needed
Page 2
An Open Letter to David Fialkov
Mr. Fialkov, you were unaware. As such, they warrant the inclusion of
evidence beyond hearsay and misrepresentations. Unfor-
In the rush to write the first edition of The Scar-
tunately, you fail to meet even this basic standard.
let, it seems your piece, Clash of The Student Council Titans,
I expect a published retraction of your statements,
escaped the elementary standards of factual accuracy and
with a written apology and acknowledgement of the er-
basic research that one would typically expect (though the
rors in your article. Though much of my personal writing
Scarlet is renowned for ignoring such superficialities).
is colored with humor and sarcasm, I assure you that on
What is surprising is the extent to which you have man-
this matter I am more than serious.
aged to leave behind all rudimentary journalistic standards.
The nature and timing of your comments demand immedi- Sincerely,
ate response, and though I take issue and offense to much
Troy Hill
of your article, I will focus here on your patently false
statements and attacks on my character.
Firstly, I am unaware that I served as a distributor for
“anti-Semitic propaganda.” Such bold statements, in any First-Years “Seriously Freaked
forum worth respecting, would find themselves accompa-
nied by supporting evidence. You, lacking any such evi- Out” by Ouija Séance
dence, confine yourself to simply repeating your baseless
claim and then moving on to build your case on its flawed
foundation. If you are indeed able to corroborate your What started as a light-hearted game during a Friday-
accusations, I demand that you do so. Your charges, night slumber party in Bullock Hall ended up scaring
though demonstrably the product of your own imagination, participants. “We were seriously freaked out by what
have quite real and serious consequences for me. happened,” slumberee Jill Davis explained. “We asked
Secondly, you say that Chris Caesar is the brainchild the spirits if anyone had ever died in our room, and it
behind the propaganda that I allegedly disseminated. I answered yes. When we asked how the person died, it
gather that you were (1) equating our publication, This Is slowly spelled out ‘brutal murder.’” Everyone partici-
Not The News, with “anti-Semitic propaganda,” and, from pating denied making the planchette move. The only
my experience as one of its co-editors, that you have (2) explanation, they contended, was that supernatural
failed to read our publication or do the investigative work forces were at work. They consulted their resident
your article implies (and so sorely needs). advisor, who confirmed that this was the only way to
If you had read our publication you would have char- explain it.
acterized it, accurately, as political satire, not hateful
propaganda. You would also have noted that a single arti-
cle in the first issue criticizes the Israeli Occupation. The
anti-Semitic sentiments you are so quick to highlight are
found nowhere in our publication; sorry to disappoint.
Another glaring error that could have been quickly
corrected (had you actually read the publication) regards
my purported “promise” to a mysterious “high ranking
Clark staff member” that I would apologize for any offen- Think Top Ten Lists About The
sive material. By your account, I quickly reneged on this
“promise” by issuing “a condescending non-apology in the “Best Ways to Seduce Freshman
[second] issue.”
Two points seem relevant: As there was no material in [sic]” Are Disgusting?
the first issue which warranted an apology, I made no such
“promise.” Secondly, I did not contribute a single article to
the second issue, exposing yet another gaping divide be-
So Do We. Join Us.
tween your writing and reality. How low can your stan-
dards seep, Mr. Fialkov?
Accusations of anti-Semitism are quite serious, in case
Page 3
The Positive By-Product of Blind Allegiance
Bowhers Franklin Daniel — Last fall, baby/so the election gets fixed/that’s why lions of people/but it’s all on US.”
as more and more states were painted we don’t be fuckin’ with politics.” As he What Sweatshop Union offers is a
red, all I could do was rationalize that at continues reflecting on American atroci- mixture of political critique as well
least the continued reign of the Bush ad- ties, Talib paints a picture of how lost as alternatives to our current way
ministration would result in more politi- people are in our current political system. of life. The Union is most at home
cally charged hip-hop. Nearly six years Kweli has continued his crusade with rapping about enjoying the simple
after he initially brought the far right to 2004’s The Beautiful Struggle. His brand of things. “Stolen Memories” is a laid
the White House, it is fitting to pay trib- reality rap is noteworthy in a society of back reflection on the niceties of
ute to some true heroes of free speech. ideological conformity. life. Emcee Kyprios drops; “def jam
was the label with the skill to test-
Initially, I was struck by the hard- Following my rebirth into hip-hop I
and the lady, give me silky sex how
hitting flows of Talib Kweli. I attribute my found myself surrounded by groups I had
I love making love in the wilder-
rejuvenated interest in hip-hop to this never heard of, including Battle Axe Re-
ness.” Sweatshop Union reflects
Brooklyn emcee. His 2002 LP Quality anni- cords’s own Sweatshop Union. I was par-
something that the far left is yet to
hilates any shred of political correctness ticularly struck by the mix of instruments,
do: contrast our dystopia to an
in favor of spitting serious truth. In his voices, and themes in their music. “US,” a
imagined utopia.
track “The Proud,” Talib documents re- track from their Natural Progression LP,
cent acts of terrorism in America without strikes out at US military policy. The omi- Unfortunately there are far
holding any punches: with lines such as nous beat leads to a chorus: “US were too many artists to be mentioned
“the presidents’ a bush/the vice president the ones that paid for the bombs/we built in this brief article. Emcees includ-
a dick/so a whole lot of fucking is/what the planes that there on/it’s insane all the ing, Run DMC, Common, Mos
you gonna get-they don’t wanna raise the ways we’ve been conned/into killing mil- Def, Dilated Peoples, Akrobatic,
Jedi Mind Tricks, and Kanye West
have continued the art that was in
The Scarlet’s Ground-Breakingly Bad Issue many ways initiated by the great
Grandmaster Flash. While the le-
(Continued) currently in place at The bottom of column two, where they give a gitimacy of this tradition of social
Scarlet. Quotes were misattributed and description of what Clark University is), commentary in rap is often com-
dates incorrectly named. Articles span- but they did not even write their own promised by catchy club remixes
ning more than one page misdirected the headlines. and rhymes about rims, it is none-
reader by referencing an incorrect page, The lack of a consistent style, or even theless a significant means of ex-
causing confusion. In a particularly offen- consistent conventions for things like pression.
sive oversight, an unwitting woman’s pri- commas and capitalization, exemplify the In a world where a simple
vate phone number was published twice overall carelessness of the editorial staff. independent student newspaper
on page 13 and listed as the number for Perhaps most startling is that the paper can cause such a moral outcry, it is
both Cinema De Lux at Blackstone Valley lists nine members of this editorial staff. It refreshing to see artists really
and West Boylston Cinema. (For those is mind-boggling to think that there were unleash their angst. The free ex-
of you interested in actually reaching nine people whose eyes allowed this mess change of ideas is a sign of a
these theaters, you can call Cinema De to be published. The Scarlet needs to get healthy democracy. One year after
Lux at 508-853-4000 and West Boylston serious about the task it is charged with, Bush took office, I am being
Cinema at 508-835-8888.) or else abandon the project altogether. warned by so-called Democrats
The staff of The Scarlet is willing to not to write for This Is Not the
As a Clark student, I am embarrassed
publish material not written by any of News. As we continue to step fur-
and ashamed to be associated with The
them, without even reading it. This cer- ther from liberty, we are walking
Scarlet. If The Scarlet cannot improve
tainly seems to be the case with the full- away from one of the core values
upon the quality of its first issue, then the
page What the Fuchs? “tribute,” which was that this nation was founded upon.
university would be better served without
recycled from years past and jam-packed Now, somehow questioning the
any newspaper at all.
with 83 errors. And it also appears to be president is un-American? Fuck.
the case in the Clark News Briefs on page
2; the briefs have been copied and pasted Bowhers Franklin Daniel is one of the
Ryan Kelly is a Senior Correspondent for
directly from the press releases issued by many media personalities of Daniel
This Is Not the News and a senior at Clark.
the Clark public affairs office. Not only William Bowhers. He can be reached
He can be reached at
did they fail to remove information super- at
fluous to its intended audience (see the
Page 4
Artist Profile: Neil Armstrong Blame Climate Change,
Gino Sorcinelli — Listening to a Neil Armstrong CD is Not Just Bush, for Tragedy
much like experiencing a sonic collage. He creates CD’s
where The Cranberries, Toto, Bob Marley, and Prince are in New Orleans
all seamlessly mixed into one another in a way that makes Jake Hess — New Orleans used to be a thriving city
sense. Neil’s sound is never forced or clichéd, he rear- known for its lively cultural scene. Last month it be-
ranges all the songs and movie dialogue on his CD’s with came America’s canary in the coal mine of climate
tireless effort and care to make the listener appreciate change. Hurricane Katrina was not so much a display of
them and to give them a fresh feel. The result is one of the Mother Nature’s raw power as the awesome destruc-
strongest collections of mix CD’s to come out in recent tive potential of mankind’s blind ignorance. The soggy
years. I was lucky enough to catch up with Neil recently to horror in the Big Easy is not really a result of a natural
talk about his new CD, Filthy. It is my honor to bring you disaster: it’s a predictable manifestation of man-made
an exclusive interview with the All Out King himself, DJ Neil climate change, a phenomenon that America has con-
Armstrong. tributed to more than any other nation on earth.
Gino: Your newest CD is called Filthy. Can you explain to Yet weeks after the catastrophe, America is
having a hard time understanding this. The nation’s
readers why you chose that title, and how it relates to the
music used to create the CD? political critics are so busy exposing Washington’s inept
preparation for Katrina that they’ve almost completely
DJ Neil Armstrong: Filthy is part of the All Out King obscured its real source. For years, the world’s most
(AOK) series, a series of mix tapes that revolves around authoritative scientific bodies, not to mention environ-
the phrase - "if you specialize in just one thing, you can't mental non-governmental organizations, have said that
call yourself an all out king." That is a quote from the global warming will create more destructive weather
movie Style Wars [a documentary on early hip-hop and patterns. America’s media, including the critical left,
graffiti culture in New York City]. Basically, what I was largely ignored their cries. American citizens also
trying to do is just show that you can spin all different turned the other cheek, choosing instead to carry on
kinds of good music. Not just hip-hop, not just rock, not with our disgustingly wasteful, fossil-fuel driven life-
just whatever. All Out King means you spin good music. So styles. Now the people of the Gulf Coast are paying
the first All Out King CD was Warmfuzzy, which was all the price. (See KATRINA, Page 5)
lovey-dovey and covered a bunch of musical genres. The
second AOK CD was Extraordinary, which was all rock. So I’m not one thing or the other. If someone had to say
the third CD was supposed to be opposite of the first what kind of music does Neil Armstrong spin, I wish
two…all hip hop, and all dirty, filthy type hip-hop. The "I they just said "good music." I still want to be able to go
got more guns and techs then you" type of hip-hop. The to some dank ass college house party, tear the roof
bravado, battle, I’m twice as nice type stuff. So the name down... and still impress the Stevie Wonder grown and
Filthy seemed to fit. sexy crowd.
Gino: Do you feel that because of your use of non- Gino: Ha ha, well said. Could you give our readers a
traditional music some people and critics have mislabeled preview of what CD's they can expect from you in the
you? future?
Armstrong: Ha ha, oh yeah. Armstrong: Synthetic - which will be all music that is
Gino: Could you elaborate? synthesizer driven, Guilty Pleasures, which will be songs
that you’d be grooving to when nobody is watching.
Armstrong: Not in a bad way though. I know a lot of And the last one, it’s a secret.
"neo-soul" type folk like me, because of the Sweeet series
[an earlier series of love themed mixes] and Warmfuzzy. I Gino: What are the expected dates of release?
think I have this reputation for putting out "left field" feel Armstrong: I am trying to wrap everything up before
good music, that hipsters and "forward-thinkers" are into. the end of the year, so I guess I better get crackin’.
People will compare me more to a DJ Z-Trip, Rich Medina,
Bobbito type DJ, as opposed to a Kay Slay or a Clue. But, I Gino Sorcinelli doesn’t require an introduction. He is colloqui-
don’t think you can really put me in a "category" at all. I’m ally known as the illustrious DJ-SORCE 1, and performs every
still a battle DJ, I do listen to some commercial music, I Saturday night at Moynihan’s Pub on Main Street. He can be
don’t only listen to Lauren Hill and go to poetry readings. reached at
Page 5
Oil Executives Speak with TINTN in an Exclusive Interview

(Continued) “Sadness? These are new tax bracket. Yeah, some poor
tears of joy!” He went on to point people died, but I didn’t! It’s like I
out that Exxon’s share price had have to pay more taxes just because
increased nearly 10% since the Friday I’m not poor and black and dead.”
before Katrina hit. Indeed, oil prices After requesting that we not reveal
shot up to record highs above $70 his identity, he added that he was
per barrel shortly after Katrina looking into off-shore accounts to
crippled critical refineries and help avoid paying more taxes.
infrastructure in the Gulf. “The When asked about his retirement
pinch on the oil market is the best plans following his 42-year stint with
going-away present I could have ExxonMobil, Raymond looked into
hoped for,” Raymond noted, the distance, where the sun was
referring to his retirement at the end setting. After a short pause, he
of the year. “Last year I was responded, “do you think there’s oil
only compensated with $38 million! Chairman Lee R. Raymond , seen here making under those hills over there?”
Well, $147 million if you include an uppity white man face.
stock options. But regardless, I aim Troy Hill is living testament to the danger
to improve on that this year, God billion in the second quarter. When posed by dirty bombs. He is also the
willing.” Right now, Exxon is Raymond talks about his mounting Senior Class Representative. Verbally
expecting to collect revenues of profits, he’s quick to point out that assault him at:
$10.2 billion for the third quarter, it’s not all fun and games. “I mean,
boosted by Katrina up from $7.64 seriously, this could move me into a

Hurricane Product of Global Warming

(Continued) That the environmen- gest that future warming may lead to it was a Category 1 storm – low on
talists have been vindicated in their an upward trend in tropical cyclone the scale used to measure the power
predictions is almost beyond dispute. destructive potential.” of hurricanes. Only a day after it
Man-made global warming has Arms of the United States gov- reached the warmer Gulf of Mexico,
elevated average ocean temperatures ernment are making similar analyses. the storm shot up to Category 5. It
by one degree over the last half- Shortly after Katrina struck, the Na- was a Category 4 when it reached
century. Meanwhile, the overall inten- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- New Orleans.
sity of tropical storms has doubled ministration (NOAA) announced that
Still not convinced? Here’s a final
since the 1970s, according to a recent as many as twelve more tropical
piece of evidence. The UN’s World
study by MIT scientist Kerry Emanuel. storms – including four major hurri-
Meteorological Organization (WMO)
In the Northwest Pacific Ocean, they canes - may batter the Atlantic before
sounded a famously loud alarm in a
are seventy-five percent more power- the season ends on November 30. If
press release two years ago: “Record
ful. Warmer oceans have injected correct, this would bring the season
extremes in weather and climate
tropical storms with extra energy, tally to twenty-one storms, double the
events continue to occur around the
thus increasing their power. It’s that average. Why the sudden upsurge?
world. Recent scientific assessments
simple. NOAA climatologists are blaming a
indicate that, as the global tempera-
warmed Atlantic ocean. “Warmer
But I’m not the only one who tures continue to warm due to cli-
ocean temperatures are more likely to
thinks so. Here’s Dr. Emanuel in the mate change, the number and intensity
produce stronger, more intense
journal Nature: “the record of net of extreme events might increase.”
storms,” NOAA climatologist David
hurricane power dissipation is highly Use of the term “might” may seem to
Easterling told the IPS News Service.
correlated with tropical sea surface belie the urgency of this statement;
The biography of Hurricane
t e mp er at ure, ref l e cti ng w e ll - remember that serious scientists use
Katrina illustrates the process per-
documented climate signals, includ- measured (See HURRICANE, Page 6)
fectly. When it first arrived in Florida,
ing…global warming...My results sug-
Page 6
Clark Students May Have Souls Climate Change and Katrina
Experts Called In (Continued) language as a matter of principle. The
only place you’re likely to find unequivocal statements
Ryan Kelly — In a shocking and unprecedented dis-
on climate science is in industry-funded propaganda
play of social awareness and concern, several Clark stu-
organs like the World Climate Report.
dents constructed an exhibition intended to highlight the
It’s nearly impossible, of course, to conclusively
economic disparities and racial neglect that were revealed
attribute any single instance of extreme weather to
by the devastating effects of the recent Hurricane Katrina.
climate change. But the scientific evidence, briefly sur-
The exhibition, located on the south side of Atwood
veyed above, overwhelmingly suggests that global
Hall facing the Green, spelled the word “RACISM” using
warming will make (and has made) weather patterns
pictures of the battered Gulf Coast. The pictures seem to
more destructive. Over the last century, the Earth
have been printed from an ordinary printer on 8.5”x11”
warmed an average of 1.4 degrees. Some 90% of this
warming was directly absorbed by the oceans. As we
Many members of the Clark community were shocked
can see, the results have proven ugly. Yet this may be
by the display. Several students and faculty members were
a mere shadow of things to come; an authoritative
confused, as rampant apathy has seemed to be the status
Oxford University study says the earth could be eight-
quo on campus.
een degrees warmer by 2100. It’s absolutely chilling to
“This is truly extraordinary,” Sociology professor Bob
think about what this could mean for our planet.
Ross exclaimed. “I might have expected something like this
At the end of the day, one thing is absolutely
forty years ago, even twenty. But these days? Truly ex-
clear: carrying on like normal is simply not an option.
Humanity’s addiction to fossil fuels, which cause the
“I have no idea what’s going on,” junior Terry Jenkins
greenhouse effect and warming, is wreaking havoc
across the world. It’s not an exaggeration to say cli-
Clark sophomores Whitney Tranchemontagne, Ben
mate change could wipe out our and every other spe-
Kunz, and Damian Boyar have claimed responsibility for
cies. The defining task of our generation is to resolve
the demonstration. The students stated their motives in a
the climate crisis, so we may as well get started.
note left at the scene. One part of the note read, “The
goal is not to be critiqued as a piece of art work, but [as] a Jake Hess, 20, is a student activist based in Boston. He
statement on the situation that has happened and [is] still can be reached at
The note went on, “We hope this piece will create a
campus-wide dialog about the terrible conditions we al-
lowed our fellow citizens to endure in the aftermath of one
of the most devastating disasters the United States has
ever faced.”
The administration called on Carl McMahon, a former
activist and expert in political demonstrations, to decode
the display. “Apparently, these students seem to be con-
cerned about the racial divide in both New Orleans and
the country at large,” McMahon explained to students and
faculty in an email distributed by Dean of Students Denise
McMahon continued, “They allude to the slow and
inadequate response of both the federal and local authori-
ties to a mostly black and poor population in need. They
also urge everyone to take note of this inequality and work
towards preventing such an abysmal display in the future.”
Provost David Angel said he and President Bassett are
eagerly waiting to see if this motivates others to take an
interest in the world around them.
Although not explicitly threatened in the note left by
This Is Not The News
the radicals, many consider them able and willing to carry
out such an act again. On Newstands Every Monday
Ryan Kelly can be reached at

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