Meeting Minutes 2-28-11

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CSI Meeting 2-28-11

Date: Saturday March 5
Location: CU, 320 E 4th St in Waterloo. Party room is downstairs next to bar.
Time: 6:00pm
 RSVP total: 31
 Jessica has contacted CU with RSVP info
 Speaker: Tracie Self will be our speaker (still need bio/info for introduction – she will email Jessica)
 Certificates/Pins: a few certificates have been received; the majority are not here yet – hopefully will be
delivered by Friday. Dr. Davis-Gage will bring the certificates to the ceremony (and will also bring some generic
ones for people who missed the signup deadline)
 Programs: Jaclyn will make the programs and will email to Dr. Davis-Gage to be printed. Dr. Davis-Gage will
bring them to the ceremony.
 Misc – Jessica will bring the banner, will double check new member discrepancies with headquarters to make
sure we have all the names in the program.

Local Dues
 Due. $5.
 Char and DG cannot collect w/o taking a money handling class – we will need to do it
 Collected some at orientation, Carrie will collect at initiation
 Members need to be responsible for getting their dues paid so we don’t have to police it
 Jessica will email Carrie current member spreadsheet to help her keep track of dues paid.

 Veridian Account – Dr. Davis-Gage is working on getting a Tax ID # so we can open the account.

Professional Development
Counselor Self Care –
 Jessica will contact Jim to try to reschedule for April 4 or 11 @ 6:30

Ethics –
 We will do an ethics workshop if we can’t reschedule with Jim.


 De-stress event planned for Monday April 25 @ 6:30ish at the Union. We will try to encourage the students in
the treatment class and other classes to come and talk about their worries about finals, etc, with students
further ahead in the program. More details to come.

 Future idea of starting a conversation partner program within our program. Will discuss at future meetings.

Food Drive
 Ended last Friday Feb 25
 Mental Health wins the Golden Can
 The donation total was only 23 items between both programs– perhaps will want to make some changes next
year to get people to participate
 Jessica will send out an email to the listserv announcing winner, and will bring Golden Can over to office in Sabin
to be displayed.

Is out, will only do 1 this year.
Misc –
 Carrie has signed up to attend the CSI business meeting at the ACA conference
 Jaclyn & Katrina suggested making participation requirements for CSI membership. They will come up with
some suggestions and bring to a future meeting. Our by-laws will need to be changed to reflect the new
membership requirements.

Next Meeting –
 Monday, March 28 @ 6:30 in SAB 301
 It will be an all member meeting, will be taking nomination for officers for next year.
 We will encourage active participation for those who choose to be CSI members, required for people who want
to be officers

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