Centralisation and Decentralisation in N

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Anthony H. Dekker1
Abstract. In this paper, we examine the spectrum of choices between organisational centralisation and decentralisation
in the presence of emerging trends in communications, information-processing, and sensor technologies. These
technologies are important drivers in the current move towards Network Centric Warfare (NCW), and raise the
question: should the new networks being developed be used to enable greater centralisation, or greater
decentralisation? We reduce the choice to six basic questions (covering issues such as facilities, information availability,
communications, and time constraints), and examine how the answers to these questions are impacted by technological
change. Our analysis suggests that most new technologies can support both centralisation and decentralisation. As a
result, over coming decades, the choice will be increasingly determined by a purely theoretical question, namely the
possibility of a "global optimum." This in turn is based on characteristics of the air, maritime, and land environments,
with a global optimum more likely in the air and maritime environments, and less likely in the land environment.


Within the military sphere, as in business, a consensus has In order to select a balance between centralised and
developed over many decades regarding the relative benefits decentralised decision-making for a particular task in an
of centralisation and decentralisation [1]. Some decisions NCW environment, we pose six key questions (Table 1).
have proven best handled by a senior general in a central These questions cover the practical and theoretical reasons
headquarters. These decisions are typically those where a for making centralised or decentralised decisions, and the
global optimum is required, that is a “best possible” solution constraints on communicating those decisions to the tactical
based on the entire “big picture.” Making high-level units executing them.
centralised decisions is usually called “planning.” Other We now consider these (inter-related) questions in detail.
decisions have proven best handled by tactical warfighters:
pilots, soldiers, and naval personnel. These have generally
(I) Where are the Facilities for Decision-Making?
been short-term urgent decisions. Yet other decisions are
handled somewhere in between these extremes. However, A central headquarters is often well-equipped with facilities
this consensus must be re-evaluated in the light of the for decision-making. Located in a relatively safe rear
emerging trend towards Network Centric Warfare. position, staff are free from the distractions of ordnance
flying past their heads. Increased space allows more staff to
Network Centric Warfare (NCW) is the military equivalent of
deal with complex decisions, and allows better information
e-business. It involves taking advantage of a network linking
management, with maps on walls, TV screens, and computers
information sources (sensors), information users (shooters),
readily available.
and information transformers/planners (command-and-
control nodes). In the words of Alberts et al [2]: As an example, an AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control
System) aircraft is currently the best place to make decisions
“We define NCW as an information superiority-enabled
about overall deployment of a team of fighter aircraft (Figure
concept of operations that generates increased combat
1). Flying to the rear of the main battle, and protected by a
power by networking sensors, decision makers, and
fighter escort, the AWACS staff are free from the tactical
shooters to achieve shared awareness, increased speed
distractions suffered by fighter pilots. An AWACS aircraft
of command, higher tempo of operations, greater
such as the Boeing E-3C has room for 17 surveillance and
lethality, increased survivability, and a degree of self-
control staff, and a large number of computer displays. In
synchronization. In essence, NCW translates
contrast, an individual fighter pilot does not have the time or
information superiority into combat power by effectively
the facilities to deal with the “big picture” of air combat
linking knowledgeable entities in the battlespace.”
(there are additional reasons for using AWACS aircraft, and
we touch on these later in relation to questions II to VI).
I Where are the facilities for decision-making located? Threat Threat
II Is a global optimum necessary? AWACS
III Is a global optimum possible?
IV Where is the necessary information for decision-
making available?
V Within what timeframe must decisions being made?
VI What communications infrastructure is available? Threat
Table 1. Six key questions for choosing between
centralisation and decentralisation.

Figure 1. AWACS concept of operations.

Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) Fern Hill, Department of Defence, Canberra ACT 2600, Australia.

However, computer technology is slowly changing this centralised decision is no better than the local optimum
situation. Computers deployed in tactical units can manage obtained by decentralised decision-making. In other cases,
large amounts of information. In the future, intelligent the problem is too complex for a global optimum to be
software will automate many headquarters functions calculated.
traditionally performed by human personnel, such as To illustrate this, consider a collection of targets where the
updating information on maps, handling messages, checking global optimum requires selecting and prioritising the top ten
availability of resources, and so on. This will permit more threats, and the degree of threat depends on synergistic
decentralised decision-making, since the smaller the number effects, such as multiple threats to the same friendly platform.
of staff required, the closer to the tactical level we can move
In this case, the global optimum requires evaluation of each
decisions. combination of possible targets to engage. If each possible
Using computers to improve the management of information combination takes one nanosecond to evaluate (a blindingly
at the tactical level is partly dependent on improved user fast speed), the total decision times will be as per Table 2.
interfaces. Staff at the tactical level often have both their
hands and their eyes occupied with critical activities. This Number of Targets Decision Time
means that improvements in voice recognition, speech 1 1 nanosecond
synthesis, and natural language processing may be necessary 2 2 nanoseconds
for the effective use of computers at the tactical level. On the 5 0.1 microseconds
other hand, requiring people to process both visual and audio
10 4 milliseconds
information may risk information overload, unless computers
become more effective at automatically prioritising 20 11 minutes
information. 50 14 months
The availability of well-trained staff able to make decisions 100 2 000 years
in centralised or decentralised locations is also an important Table 2. Decision times for varying target numbers.
factor. For this reason, special-forces personnel, who are
required to make important decentralised decisions, receive The exponential growth illustrated in Table 2 indicates that,
extremely high levels of training [8]. even with much faster computers or more sophisticated
search strategies, a global optimum will always be impossible
(II) Is a Global Optimum Necessary? for more than 100 or so targets. The land environment, with
Some problems can be solved by allowing multiple tactical many targets, will therefore always require a substantial
units to individually optimise their “piece of the puzzle.” amount of decentralised decision-making about which targets
Other problems require a centralised decision that takes into to engage. The clutter of obstacles and terrain in the land
account the entire “big picture.” Experience with computer environment further restricts the possibility of a global
algorithms for difficult problems [6] indicates that solutions optimum, and reinforces the need for decentralised decision-
calculated in a distributed fashion, such as by genetic making.
algorithms or neural networks, can be quite good, but not as
good as a centrally calculated global optimum. For example, (IV) Where is the Necessary Information Available?
air defence of a naval task group requires the best possible In many situations, the best place to make a rapid high-
assignment of threats to weapons systems, and this must take quality decision is the place where sensor information is
into account the “big picture” of all target priorities and all collected. For example, an AWACS aircraft has a powerful
weapons systems capabilities. Failure to do so may result in radar on the same platform as the command-and-control staff,
serious loss of life. Similarly, centralised control of air and bandwidth constraints would make it difficult to transfer
engagements with an AWACS aircraft offers significantly the detailed real-time radar data to any other location.
better performance than individual action, and an AWACS Consequently, decisions are best made on the AWACS
aircraft is recognised as a “force multiplier” for this reason. aircraft.
However, it should be emphasised that to speak about a In a strict hierarchy, where information is passed “up the
global optimum implies the existence of a clearly formulated chain,” the first place that a fully integrated situation
problem, with extensive and accurate information about the awareness picture appears is the central headquarters, and this
elements of the problem. This can sometimes be achieved in supports centralised decision-making. However, a networked
the air and maritime environments, but is more difficult in the (peer-to-peer) organisational architecture makes it possible to
chaotic land environment. As Moltke once wrote [17]: build an integrated situation awareness picture in each
“In war with its enormous friction, even the mediocre is tactical unit before the central headquarters has the
quite an achievement.” information, and this supports decentralised decision-
making. This is because it is usually preferable to make a
The ability of platforms to continue functioning in the air and
decision in the place where the integrated situation awareness
maritime environments is also largely determined by the laws
picture first appears.
of physics. In contrast, the ability of an army unit to continue
functioning is much more heavily influenced by moral In other cases, information is only available at the tactical
factors, which are more difficult to measure [17]. level, and decentralised decision-making is the only option.
Units operating under radio silence, and special forces [8]
(III) Is a Global Optimum Possible? deployed in hostile territory are two examples.
Notwithstanding the desirability of a global optimum in many Information about staff morale is one category of information
cases, it may not always be possible. In some cases, a that is available at the tactical level, but is difficult to pass on

to a central headquarters. Morale and other human issues can prohibitive. This time delay is often due to a combination of
often not be understood unless the commander “looks in the bandwidth limitations (discussed in the next question) and
eyes” of his troops, and for this reason the best commanders human processes for verifying, collating, and otherwise
have made great efforts to gain such information at first hand. manipulating information. Because it reduces such delays,
General Fred Franks, the highly successful US VII Corps decentralisation is often appropriate for rapidly-changing
commander in the Gulf War, puts it this way [5]: situations. For example, when Heinz Guderian introduced the
“The main thing was that I wanted to get my subordinate military doctrine later known as Blitzkrieg (for its fast-
commanders’ sense of what was happening, and then give moving combination of motorised ground forces and Stuka
strike aircraft), he was forced to combine this with
them my own sense and tell them what I wanted them to
do in the next twelve to twenty-four hours. When I was Auftragstaktik (directive control), a policy of designating an
objective and point of main effort [7,10,11], while
there with them, I could look them in the eye and see if
they understood what I wanted. That way, there could be decentralising other decisions. Directive control, or mission-
no ambiguity in orders… By being up front, you gain oriented command, has become an important aspect of
immediacy. But you also gain something else: Soldiers doctrine for many military forces.
are getting hurt, wounded, killed in action. Commanders In contrast, the serious casualties suffered by US forces in
shouldn’t be staying in their command post. They should Mogadishu on 3 October 1993 [13] were partly due to
be out and around the soldiers, where they can be feeling centralised decisions on the route the US convoy should take
the pain and the pride, and where they can understand the through the city. These decisions were made on the basis of
whole human dimension of the battle. That way of high-quality overhead imagery, but the time delay in
operating has practical, tactical consequences. It will communicating instructions led to disaster.
better inform commanders’ intuition about what to do; it
In general, the time constraint is derived from the sensor
will suggest alternate courses of action that will range divided by speed of target engagement—that is, the
accomplish their mission at least cost of their troops.” time between seeing a target and being killed by it. This time
In contrast, Adolf Hitler in his bunker at Vinnitsa, guided constraint is therefore likely to be most stringent in
mostly by his memories of World War I trench warfare, was environments with poor visibility: forested, mountainous, and
completely unable to make appropriate decisions about the urban terrain. These environments are therefore likely to
conduct of his Russian campaign, approximately 1 000 km require a substantial degree of decentralisation.
away. In the words of historian John Keegan [9]:
“Radio did not bring to the Führer’s headquarters all the (VI) Communications Infrastructure
other information of an immaterial but much more We have already mentioned communications infrastructure in
important kind—the look of the battlefield, the degree of relation to previous questions. Communications infrastructure
heat and cold, the variation in intensity of enemy affects the availability of information in centralised or
pressure, the level of noise, the flow of wounded decentralised locations (question IV). It also affects the
backward, the flow of supply forward, the mood of the distribution of decisions to the tactical units which will
soldiers, to be judged by the expression of their faces and execute them. Orders are generally more compact than the
the tone of their answers to questions—which only a man information on which they are based [15], and so generally
on the spot would gather.” require less bandwidth. However, when communications
The improvement of communications technology permits links are absent or unusable (e.g. with operations under radio
some of this information to reach a central location, and one- silence), decentralisation is necessary. For much of history,
on-one videoconferencing with the troops may substitute for naval forces have operated in a highly decentralised fashion
the physical presence of the commander, but even with these for this reason, with each captain having considerable
tools it is difficult for a commander in the rear to get a true autonomy.
feel for what is happening at the front. Where communication permits, a greater degree of control
Another historical example is German air defence in World can be vested in a fleet or carrier group commander.
War II after Allied radar countermeasures became effective However, without appropriate communications, centralised
[12]. Where information on the target of Allied bombings control of a fleet is impossible. This was demonstrated by
was available, a centralised form of ground control Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto at the battle of Midway, where
codenamed Wilde Sau was moderately effective, even when centralised control of the 88-vessel Japanese fleet proved
using single-seat fighters, since they could engage visually ineffective, due to a combination of geographical separation
over the target, aided by searchlights. In the absence of such and an attempt to maintain radio silence [14].
information, a decentralised strategy called Zahme Sau was Improved communications technology can eliminate
more effective. This combined loose ground control with decentralisation where this has been forced by the inability to
two-seat fighters visually searching the night sky, and calling disseminate orders in time. However, by making information
in reinforcements when Allied bombers were found. In both available in a wide variety of locations (question IV),
cases, decisions were best made at the location where improving communications infrastructure can support both
information was available. centralisation and decentralisation.


In some circumstances, centralised decisions are ruled out by
time constraints. The time taken to pass a centralised decision We investigated some of these issues in a simulation
to the tactical units that will carry it out can sometimes be experiment (partially based on the SCUDHunt game of [4]).

The experiment involved a 4×4 grid containing four equally poor quality, and therefore decentralisation was
randomly-located missile launchers (see Figure 2). preferable because of its speed advantage. When tempo was
high, time constraints did not permit centralised decision-
making at all (question V).

Int Plan

HQ 1 HQ 2 HQ 3 HQ 4
Figure 2. SCUD-hunting experiment—centralised
Figure 3. SCUD-hunting experiment—decentralised
Four surveillance aircraft fly along the columns of the grid, in
an attempt to locate the missile launchers. When the missile
The experimental data confirmed this analysis (see Table 3,
launchers are located, four strike aircraft are dispatched to
or for a more detailed discussion, see [3]). The centralised
destroy them (each strike aircraft can destroy only one
architecture out-performed the distributed architectures only
when tempo was slow, and sensor quality was fair to good.
The experiment varied sensor quality (so that the surveillance
aircraft may provide more or less accurate information), and Sensor Quality
tempo (so that the launchers may avoid strike by moving Poor Fair Good
either rapidly or slowly to safe locations after detection). The Slow Centralised Arch. Best
experiment is described in more detail in [3]. Tempo Moderate
Decentralised Architectures Best
A variety of organisational architectures were examined. In Fast
the centralised architecture (Figure 2), information from the
surveillance aircraft was integrated in an intelligence Table 3. SCUD-hunting experiment—best-performing
headquarters, and then passed to a planning headquarters architectures under varying circumstances.
which assigned the strike aircraft to targets. This was
contrasted with several variations of decentralised THE IMPACT OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE
architectures, where four independent headquarters each
“owned” a column, with control of one surveillance aircraft If we consider the impact of new technology in the light of
and one strike aircraft dedicated to that column. our six key questions, some interesting patterns emerge.
Limited communication was possible between the Table 4 shows how improvements in communications,
independent headquarters (Figure 3). The performance of information-processing, and sensor technology can either
each architecture was examined under varying combinations support centralisation (C), or decentralisation (D), or both.
of sensor quality (ranging from poor to good) and tempo The numbers 1 to 5 in the table refer to the points below.
(ranging from fast to slow).
Question Comms IT Sensors
The decentralised architectures were assumed to respond I Facilities? D (1)
more quickly. However, where multiple targets occurred in
II Global Optimum Necessary?
the same column, the decentralised architectures left some
strike aircraft unused, and hence some targets untouched. In III Global Optimum Possible? C (2)
other words, the global optimum of using all four strike IV Information Availability? C, D (3) C, D (4)
aircraft effectively was only obtained with the centralised V Time Constraints? C (5) C (2)
architecture. VI Comms Infrastructure? C (5)
This experiment was thus designed so that a global optimum
was necessary (question II). However, where sensor quality Table 4. Impacts on the six key questions of Table 1 of
was poor, a global optimum was not possible (question III), improvements in communications, information-
because centralised and decentralised decisions were of processing, and sensor technologies.

1. As indicated in our discussion of question I above, Notice that all these technologies can support both
intelligent software can automate many decisions, as well centralisation and decentralisation, and that question II
as improving information management, and this supports (regarding the necessity of a global optimum) is the only
decentralised decision-making. Better cockpit avionics, question not impacted by technological change. This is
laptop computers in tanks, and fully automated precision because question II is essentially theoretical in nature.
guided weapons or unmanned combat air vehicles As technology improves, we would expect the technology-
(UCAVs) are possible examples. related constraints to become less binding, while the
2. Improvements in hardware speed and software theoretical constraints remain equally important. This means
intelligence can rapidly find global optima for more that over several decades, as technology improves, the
difficult problems. For example, improved computer theoretical constraints will increasingly dominate the issue of
technology will eventually make it possible to “fight” a centralisation and decentralisation. These theoretical
fleet as a unit in the way that a Combat Information constraints are question II (regarding the necessity of a global
Centre (CIC) currently “fights” an individual ship. In the optimum) and the theoretical component of question III
ultimate development of what is known as cooperative (regarding the possibility of a global optimum), and these
engagement [18], targets can be prioritised and assigned depend on the nature of the tactical situation.
to the weapons systems best capable of destroying them, In the air and maritime environments (in contrast to land),
in a way that globally optimises fleet protection (see global optima are often feasible and necessary for survival.
Figure 4). This may mean that two ships each engage More complete information is available, especially with
missiles aimed at the other, because the character of their
improved sensors, there are generally fewer targets (less than
weapons systems makes that the optimal choice. 100 or so), and there is no terrain for targets to hide behind.
3. Improved communications technology can make Consequently, improvements to technology will increasingly
information available in both central and decentralised drive a tendency toward centralisation in these environments.
locations. Technology such as global broadcast satellite On the other hand, global optima are not feasible in the land
systems can pass centrally collected information (such as
environment. To quote Storr [15]:
imagery) to tactical units, supporting decentralisation. On
the other hand, videoconferencing may allow National “Conceptually, the number of possible outcomes resulting
Command Authority or senior generals to talk directly to from enemy contact is huge, and probably beyond our
tactical personnel, even going so far as to personally capacity to comprehend. Every single interaction—of
authorise a private or corporal to fire the first bullet in infantryman, tank and gun—could have several results.
politically-charged circumstances. The possible permutations of all such interactions are
4. Similarly, improved sensor technologies can make
information available in a way that supports either Forested, mountainous, or urban terrain restricts the ability of
centralisation or decentralisation. This includes sensors sensors to acquire information [16], and creates tactical
themselves, such as improved infrared devices; sensor situations where rapid response is necessary, even if the
platforms, such as uninhabited aerial vehicles (UAVs); response is not perfect [15]. Together with the infeasibility of
and sensor data analysis, such as multi-spectral image global optima, this suggests that a high degree of
processing. decentralisation (i.e. directive control, or mission-oriented
command) will continue to be appropriate for the land
5. Improved communications technology facilitates fast environment, in spite of technological change.
transfer of centrally produced orders to tactical units, and
allows execution to be monitored using e.g.
videoconferencing and handheld digital cameras. This can
make centralisation possible where time constraints We have posed six key questions (Table 1) for selecting a
(question V) or the absence of communications links balance between centralised and decentralised decision-
(question VI) have previously ruled it out. making, and discussed several examples where one or the
other is preferable. We have also looked at the impact of
advances in communications, information-processing, and
sensor technologies, and showed that these can support both
centralisation and decentralisation, depending on the
However, as technology improves, we can expect that the
choice will be increasingly dominated by our question II
(necessity of a global optimum) and by the theoretical
component of question III (possibility of a global optimum).
For optimal engagement of less than 100 or so targets in the
relatively uncluttered air and maritime environments,
centralisation will increasingly give the “knowledge edge,”
and improvements in technology will increasingly facilitate
centralisation. This trend includes improvements in air
battlespace management, and cooperative engagement of
threats in the maritime environment.
Figure 4. Future cooperative-engagement concept of

On the other hand, in the more complex and cluttered land [16] D. Bowley and S. Brewer, “Australia’s Regional Environment
environment, where global optima are not (and never will be) Blunting the Knowledge Edge?” Australian Defence Force
possible, technological change will support better and faster Journal, 150, September/October 2001.
decentralised decisions. The degree of decentralisation will [17] M. van Creveld, Command in War, Harvard University Press,
depend on the details of terrain, with flat open desert terrain [18] W. Perry, R. Button, J. Bracken, T. Sullivan, and J. Mitchell,
permitting some centralisation, and forested, mountainous, or Measures of Effectiveness for the Information-Age Navy: The
urban terrain forcing more decentralisation. Equipped with Effects of Network-Centric Operations on Combat Outcomes,
improved sensors, laptop and palmtop computers, and RAND, 2002.
sophisticated software, future ground troops will engage in a
Anthony Dekker obtained his PhD from the University of Tasmania
dramatic improvement on Blitzkrieg. Fast, high-quality
in 1991. Following a number of years as a lecturer in Computer
decentralised decisions will give a speed advantage over Science at Griffith University and the National University of
opposing forces, defeating them before they are able to plan a Singapore, he joined the Defence Science and Technology
response. Organisation (DSTO) in Canberra. He can be contacted by email at
As improvements in technology gradually eliminate dekker@ACM.org.
technological constraints, the choice between centralisation
and decentralisation will therefore eventually be determined
by the nature of tactical problems in the air, maritime, and
land environments themselves.

The author is indebted to Ed Kruzins and Elizabeth Newton
Smith for discussions on NCW; to Julia Loughran and Marcy
Stahl for discussions on SCUDHunt; and to Carlo Kopp for
bringing Wilde Sau / Zahme Sau to the author’s attention.
Carlo Kopp, Clive Walmsley, Bernard Colbert, Martine
Dekker, Jon Bell, John O’Neill, Bill Blair, the editor-in-chief,
and an anonymous referee also provided helpful comments
on the paper.

[1] C. Handy, Understanding Organizations, Penguin, 1993.
[2] D. Alberts, J. Garstka and F. Stein, Network Centric Warfare:
Developing and Leveraging Information Superiority, (US)
Department of Defense C4ISR Cooperative Research Program
Publications Series, 1999. Available online at http://www.
[3] A. Dekker, C4ISR Architectures, Social Network Analysis and
the FINC Methodology: an Experiment in Military
Organisational Structure, DSTO Report DSTO-GD-0313, Jan
2002. Available online at http://www.dsto.defence.gov.au/
[4] P. Perla, M. Markowitz, A. Nofi, C. Weuve, J. Loughran, and
M. Stahl, Gaming and Shared Situation Awareness, Center for
Naval Analyses Report CRM D0002722.A2, Nov 2000. See
also http://www.scudhunt.com/.
[5] F. Franks Jr and T. Clancy, Into the Storm: A Study in
Command, Sedgwick and Jackson, 1999.
[6] T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, and R. Rivest, Introduction to
Algorithms, MIT Press, 1990.
[7] R. Leonhard, The Art of Maneuvre: Maneuvre-Warfare
Theory and AirLand Battle, Presidio, 1991.
[8] R. Neillands, In the Combat Zone: Special Forces Since 1945,
Orion, 1998.
[9] J. Keegan, The Mask of Command: A Study of Generalship,
Pimlico, 1999.
[10] H. Guderian, Panzer Leader, Penguin, 2000 (English
translation first published 1952).
[11] H. Guderian, Achtung – Panzer!, Cassell, 1999 (German
original first published 1937).
[12] A. Price, Instruments of Darkness: the History of Electronic
Warfare, MacDonald and Jane’s, 1977.
[13] M. Bowden, Black Hawk Down, Bantam Press, 1999.
[14] G. Prange, Miracle at Midway, Penguin, 1983.
[15] J. Storr, “Command and Control Within the Land
Component,” Journal of Battlefield Technology, 3 (1), 2000.

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