Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan College of Nursing

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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

NCM 117 RLE – Psychiatric Nursing Duty

Individual Duty Requirements

Submitted by:

Macapayad, Ashley Jane C.


Submitted to:

Sir Alan Elmer C. Celesios, RN, MAN

March 3, 2021
Learning Feedback Diary

For this week of our psychiatric duty, our main objective is to tackle all about
the topic of Pyschodynamic therapy. We were given beforehand an activity wherein
we were given a case scenario for each subgroup to analyze and in order for us to fill
out its tabular form with the emphasis of its predisposing factors, precipitating factors,
primary and secondary appraisal. We were then asked to report on the day of our
synchronous class.


For my part, I was assigned to fill out the data for the precipitating factors or
what triggered that led to the patient’s current problem or condition. Our case scenario
was all about a highschool girl experiencing lots of stressors such as not being able to
eat properly due to financial issues, have distant relationship with father, feelings of
guilt due to engaging with pre-marital sex with boyfriend and more that led her to feel
and act aggressively and had changed attitude.


I realized how important it is to understand the factors that led to her current
condition. Different defense mechanisms and maladaptive responses are also needed
to learn in order to anticipate the patient’s actions and have a good proper intervention.
This is also in order to provide proper information to the informants in order for them
to know what necessary interventions to do also.


I will make sure to conduct a thorough and proper interview towards the
informants in the near future in order to supply all the necessary and appropriate
intervention that needs to be done. I will also study more about the patient’s condition
in order for me to properly assess and conduct good intervention. This is also good in
order for me to broaden my knowledge. I will also continue to do all the requirements
ahead of time and prepare myself for the actual duty.


I think we all did a great job for this week’s activity of psychodynamic therapy.
We were all able to report and properly answer all the questions given to us. Although
there were some revisions that we had to do if given the chance, most especially for
the inputs in the developmental part.. We have truly understood and learned more
about Psychodynamic therapy through the activity and discussion with our clinical

Weekly Evaluation


For myself, I think I did a good job for this week of duty by submitting all
requirements assigned before the said deadline. I was also able to participate actively
by doing and reporting my assigned part of our topic in the activity Psychodynamic
therapy. I have learned a lot about the important parts that should be included in the
factors and appraisals.


My rle mates were very helpful to me. We all keep each other updated towards
all the necessary tasks that needs to be done. They are also very accommodating
most especially when I have a lot of questions or confusions that needs to be cleared.
We always do our best individually to achieve the best output.

Clinical Instructor:
Sir Celesios, our clinical instructor are very helpful and kind to us. We were able
to understand more about the topic through our online discussion.I am truly thankful
to have Sr. Celesios as our clinical instructor for this duty. Also, I was able to get a
glimpse of the actual scenario through all his shared experiences during our
discussions. He also gave some inputs on what should be done in the actual setting
and what scenarios to be expected.

Virtual duty:

I think I am already used with the idea of our online virtual duty. I am now able
to adjust and do it without any concerns since my groupmates were always there to
help me. The only problem still, is the poor internet connection. I had to turn off my
camera in order to listen to everyone’s discussion without any lag. Even then, I still
enjoy and had learned a lot in this duty.

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