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The Principles of 

The Principles
of Endodontics

Edited by

Shanon Patel
Justin J. Barnes

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© Oxford Unviersity Press 2020
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First Edition published in 2005
Second Edition published in 2013
Third Edition published in 2020
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This book is dedicated to:
Almas, Genie, and Zarina
Shanon Patel
Kathleen and Colm
Justin J. Barnes
Preface to the Third Edition
The aim of this third edition is to provide a contemporary comprehensive guide to endodontics. This edition
covers the many advances in endodontic knowledge, techniques, materials, and equipment since the second
edition was published.
The intended readership remains undergraduate dental students who wish to develop an understanding
of ‘why’ and ‘how’ safe, predictable, and effective endodontic treatment is carried out. The book will also
benefit recent graduates who want to refresh their knowledge and the established clinicians who are con-
tinuing their professional development.
The fantastic feedback we have had on the simple and user-​friendly style remains in this new edition.
Respected academics, as well as up-​and-​coming clinicians and academics, have kindly contributed to
the book.
There are several changes since the second edition. Existing chapters have been significantly revised
and updated with new figures and illustrations. New features include troubleshooting and self-​assessment
sections. There has been continued effort to ensure consistency of terminology throughout the book.
References are kept to a minimum, with readers being invited to explore an updated suggested further
reading at the end of each chapter.
We really hope that this third edition will continue to help your understanding of the principles of
endodontics so that you can achieve satisfying results and goals in your clinical practice.

Shanon Patel
Justin J. Barnes
The editors are grateful to Professors Michael Manogue and Richard Walker who were instrumental in
developing the first edition of this novel book.

We appreciate all of the contributors for their help in producing this third edition of the book; without them
this new edition would not have been possible.

We acknowledge our colleagues and other publishers who kindly gave permission to reproduce their
outstanding illustrative material. We thank the companies who kindly sent materials and equipment for

We express thanks to the staff at Oxford University Press, especially Geraldine Jeffers, Senior Commissioning
Editor, for their advice and patience, and their hard work in assembling the final product.

Finally, we are indebted to our families who have been pillars of support throughout the editing of the
third edition.

Figures 2.1 and 2.4  courtesy of Dr José Freitas Siqueira Jr.

Figure  4.5 adapted from Patel S and Vincer L (2017) Case report:  single visit indirect pulp cap using
biodentine. Dental Update 44, 141–​5. Printed with permission from Dental Update.

Figure 4.9  adapted from Patel S and Duncan H (2011) Pitt Ford’s Problem-​Based Learning in Endodontology.
Printed with permission from Wiley-​Blackwell.

Figure 5.38  courtesy of and printed with permission from Dr Bhavin Bhuva.

Figures  7.3 and 7.24 adapted from Patel S and Duncan H (2011) Pitt Ford’s Problem-​Based Learning in
Endodontology. Printed with permission from Wiley-​Blackwell.

Figures 7.14, 7.18, and 7.20  adapted from Mannocci F, Cavalli G, and Gagliani M (2008) Adhesive Restoration
of Endodontically Treated Teeth. Printed with permission from Quintessence Publishing.

Figure 7.21  courtesy of Dr Edward Sammut.

Figure 9.24  courtesy of Dr I. Zainal Abidin.

Table 10.1  adapted from patient information leaflet and consent form designed by Dr Melissa Good.

Figure 10.5  courtesy of Dr Steve Williams. Adapted from Patel S and Duncan H (2011) Pitt Ford’s Problem-​
Based Learning in Endodontology. Printed with permission from Wiley-​Blackwell.
About the editors xiii
About the contributors xv
Abbreviations xvii

1 Introduction 1
Shanon Patel and Justin J. Barnes

2 Life of a tooth 7
Federico Foschi, Sadia Ambreen Niazi, and Moya Meredith Smith

3 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management 21

Justin J. Barnes and Shanon Patel

4 Preserving pulp vitality 51

Avijit Banerjee and Shanon Patel

5 Root canal preparation 63

Edward Brady and Conor Durack

6 Root canal filling 99

Conor Durack and Edward Brady

7 Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth 121

Bhavin Bhuva, Francesco Mannocci, and Shanon Patel

8 Treatment outcomes 141

Justin J. Barnes and Shanon Patel

9 Dealing with post-​treatment disease 153

Shanon Patel and Shalini Kanagasingam

10 Dento-​legal aspects of endodontics 177

Len D’Cruz

Index 189
About the editors
Shanon Patel  BDS, MSc, MClinDent, MRD RCS(Edin), PhD, FDS RCS (Edin), FHEA
Shanon divides his time between working in multi-disciplinary specialist practice in central London, and
teaching future Specialists in Endodontics in the Postgraduate Unit at King’s College London Dental Institute.
His PhD thesis assessed the use of CBCT in the management of Endodontic problems, and he continues
to be actively involved in research and has (co-)supervised over 45 Masters and PhD students. Shanon has
published over 80 papers and has been lead author of 3 European guidelines in dental imaging and root
Shanon have co-edited/authored several textbooks: The Principles of Endodontics is considered essen-
tial reading for undergraduates in the UK and the commonwealth; Pitt Ford’s Problem Based Learning in
Endodontics was the first PBL book published in Endodontics; Endodontology at a Glance is a revision guide;
and CBCT in Endodontics is considered essential reading for Endodontists using CBCT and has been trans-
lated into Mandarin, Japanese and Portuguese.

Justin J. Barnes  BDS, BSc, MFDS RCPS(Glasg), MClinDent, MRD RCS(Edin)

Justin offers a specialist endodontic service in Northern Ireland. Justin has published several papers in
peer-​reviewed journals, co-​edited and contributed to The Principles of Endodontics, second edition, and
has contributed to Manual of Clinical Procedures in Dentistry. Justin regularly delivers endodontic educa-
tional courses.
About the contributors
Avijit Banerjee  BDS, MSc, PhD (Lond), FDS (Rest Dent), FDS RCS (Eng), FHEA
Specialist in Prosthodontics, Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry
Professor of Cariology & Operative Dentistry
Head of Department, Conservative & MI Dentistry
Honorary Consultant & Clinical Lead, Restorative Dentistry
Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences, King’s College London, UK

Bhavin Bhuva  BDS, MFDS RCS (Eng), MClinDent, MRD RCS (Edin), FHEA
Specialist in Endodontics, Hertfordshire and London, UK
Consultant in Endodontics, Endodontic Postgraduate Unit, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral &
Craniofacial Sciences, King’s College London, UK

Edward Brady  BChD, MJDF RCS (Eng), MClinDent, MEndo RCS (Edin)

Consultant in Endodontics
Department of Restorative Dentistry and Traumatology, King’s College Hospital, London, UK

Len D’Cruz  BDS, LDS RCS (Eng), Dip FOd, MFGDP (UK), LLM, PgCert Med Ed
General Dental Practitioner, London, UK
Senior Dento-legal Advisor, British Dental Association, London, UK

Conor Durack  BDS NUI, MFD RCSI, MClinDent, MEndo RCS (Edin)

Specialist in Endodontics, Riverpoint Specialist Dental Clinic, Limerick, Republic of Ireland

Federico Foschi  BDS, MSc, PhD, FHEA, FDS RCS (Eng)

Consultant in Endodontics/​Honorary Senior Lecturer, Programme Director MSc in Endodontics
Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences, King’s College London, UK

Shalini Kanagasingam  BDS (Mal), MClinDent, MFDS RCS (Eng), MRD RCS (Edin), MFDS
RCPS(Glasg), M (RestDent) RCPS(Glasg), FHEA
Senior Clinical Lecturer, Course Lead MSc Endodontology
School of Dentistry, Faculty of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences, University of Central Lancashire, UK

Francesco Mannocci  MD, DDS, PhD, FHEA

Specialist in Endodontics and Restorative Dentistry, Professor and Head of Endodontology/​Honorary
Consultant, Postgraduate Endodontic Unit, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences,
King’s College London, UK

Sadia Ambreen Niazi  BDS, MSc, PhD, FHEA

Academic Clinical Fellow in Endodontics, Postgraduate Endodontics Unit,
Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences, King’s College London, UK

Moya Meredith Smith  BSc, PhD, DSc

Professor of Evolutionary Dento-Skeletal Biology, Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences,
King’s College London, UK
Scientific Associate at the Natural History Museum London, UK
BC RRM bioceramic root repair material

BMPS bone morphogenic proteins

CAD computer-​aided  design

CAM computer-​aided manufacture

CBCT cone beam computed tomography

CCD charge-​coupled devices

CEJ cemento-​enamel junction

CMOS complementary metal oxide semiconductors

DPI Dental Practicality Index

DPO data protection officer

EAL electronic apex locator

EBV Epstein-​Barr  virus

EDJ enamel-​dentine junction

EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid

DGGE denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis

FRS file removal system

GDC General Dental Council

GDPR General Data Protection Regulation

GIC glass-ionomer cement

GP gutta-​percha

HCMV human cytomegalovirus

ICO Information Commissioners Office

IGF insulin-​like growth factor

IP Internet protocol

ISO International Organization for Standardization

LPS lipopolysaccharide

MALDI-​TOF MS matrix assisted laser desorption/​ionization-​time of flight mass spectrometry

MAF master apical file

MI minimally invasive

MMPS matrix-​metalloproteinases

MTA mineral trioxide aggregate

NICE National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence

NITI nickel titanium

xviii Abbreviations

NSAID non-​steroidal anti-​inflammatory  drugs

PDGF platelet-​derived growth factor

PMN polymorphonuclear neutrophils

PUI passive ultrasonic irrigation

RT-​PCR Real-​time Polymerase Chain Reaction

TGF-​β transforming growth factor beta

VZV varicella-​zoster  virus

Shanon Patel and Justin J. Barnes

Chapter contents
What is endodontics? 2
Which clinical conditions require endodontic
management? 2
What are the aims and scope of endodontics? 4
What does it take to be competent? 4
How has endodontics developed? 5
What is the purpose of this textbook? 5

Suggested further reading 6

2 Introduction

What is endodontics?
Endodontics means the science of the inside of the tooth. The term endodontics requires knowledge of the biological processes affecting
has its origins from the Greek ‘endo’ meaning ‘within’ and ‘odont’ teeth and their supporting tissue (Chapter 2), and knowledge of the
meaning ‘tooth’. The suffix ‘-​ics’ means ‘area of work and study’. related basic science subjects, including:
Teeth and their supporting tissues may become involved in dental
• Embryology, in particular, the development of teeth and their sup-
infections that are caused by microbes from the oral microflora. These
porting tissues.
microbes, primarily bacteria, may cause disease around teeth (peri-
odontal disease) and/​or inside teeth (endodontic disease). • Anatomy, in particular, the structures of teeth and their supporting
Endodontic disease affects the enamel, dentine, pulp, and periapical tissues.
tissues. It is characterized by loss of the integrity of the enamel and • Histology, in particular, the microscopic structures of enamel, den-
dentine; in advanced cases the pulp and the periapical tissues may tine, and pulp.
also become (in)directly involved. • Physiology, in particular, the normal functions of the pulp.
Endodontology is the branch of dental science concerned with the
• Pathology, in particular, the cause and effects of disease of the pulp
form, function, health, injuries to, and diseases of, the dentine, dental
and periapical tissues.
pulp, and periapical tissues.
Endodontics is the branch of clinical dentistry concerned with • Microbiology, in particular, oral microbes and infections.
the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of endodontic disease. • Pharmacology, in particular, drugs used in general dentistry and
Essentially, endodontics involves all procedures required for the main- endodontics.
tenance of healthy teeth and, where teeth have become diseased, • Dental materials science, in particular, the instruments and materials
treatments required to return teeth to a healthy status. Understanding used in endodontics.

Which clinical conditions require endodontic management?

Patients with endodontic disease may present in a variety of ways, ran- • Tooth surface loss (Figure 1.4).
ging from being completely symptom-​free, to presenting with severe • Cracked teeth (Figure 1.5).
orofacial pain and swelling. The clinical conditions that may require
• Pulpitis (Figure 1.6).
endodontic treatment are:
• Periapical periodontitis: acute, suppurative, and chronic (Figure 1.7).
• Dental caries (Figure 1.1).
It is only with a thorough understanding of the subject that the clin-
• Root resorption (Figure 1.2). ician will be able to effectively examine the patient and arrive at a
• Traumatized teeth (Figure 1.3). correct diagnosis (Chapter 3).

Figure 1.1  Dental caries in close proximity to the pulp chamber and an Figure 1.2  Internal root resorption associated with a maxillary central
emerging periapical radiolucency associated with a mandibular premolar. incisor.
Which clinical conditions require endodontic management? 3

Figure 1.3  Dental trauma: complicated crown fracture of a maxillary Figure 1.5  Cracked tooth: a crack is visible on the floor of the cavity of
central incisor. There has been a fracture involving enamel and dentine, this mandibular molar.
and the pulp has been exposed.

Figure 1.4  Tooth surface loss: erosion and attrition of the incisal Figure 1.6  Pulpitis: intraoperative bleeding from an inflamed pulp
edges, and cervical abrasion of the mandibular anterior teeth. associated with a mandibular first molar.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 1.7  Periapical periodontitis: (a) acute facial swelling associated with an acute periapical abscess; (b) labial sinus associated with suppurative
periapical periodontitis; (c) purulent intracanal discharge associated with suppurative periapical periodontitis; and (d) periapical radiolucency
associated with chronic periapical periodontitis.
4 Introduction

What are the aims and scope of endodontics?

The aim of endodontic treatment is to prevent or cure periapical peri- a much wider role in the general dental care of patients. The scope of
odontitis by controlling infection. Essential components to achieving this endodontics includes:
aim are:
• Diagnosis of orofacial pain (Chapter 3).
• Disinfection of teeth to reduce microbial load. This ranges from re- • Vital pulp therapies (Chapter 4).
moving caries-​affected dentine (Chapter 4) to a disinfection of the
• Root canal treatment (Chapters 5 and 6).
entire root canal system (Chapter 5).
• Dental whitening of endodontically treated teeth.
• Sealing of teeth to prevent reinfection. This ranges from placement
of a root canal filling (Chapter 6) to providing a well-​fitting definitive • Restoration of endodontically treated teeth (Chapter 7).
coronal restoration (Chapters 4 and 7). • Advanced endodontic procedures:  root canal retreatment and
surgical endodontics (Chapter 9).
It is important to appreciate that endodontics is not simply con-
cerned with root canals and root canal treatment. The discipline plays • Management of dental trauma.

What does it take to be competent?

All dentists should be able to carry out safe and effective endodontic and competence. This can be achieved through various learning,
treatment. As per guidance published by the General Dental Council training, and developmental activities, such as private study, reading
in the UK, you must only carry out a type of treatment if you are appro- journals, carrying out clinical audit, and attending lectures and
priately trained, competent, confident, and indemnified. Competence courses. Continuing professional development will allow you to keep
is attained through sound theoretical knowledge together with appro- up to date with advances in endodontics. It is also important that
priate clinical experience and skills. you continue to reflect on your work as a qualified clinician. You
During your undergraduate dental training, it is imperative that: need to be aware of your limitations and recognize when referral to
a specialist is necessary for more advanced endodontic procedures
• You attend teaching sessions and carry out self-​directed learning.
(Chapter 9). You also need to recognize when things go wrong, how
• You gain experience using simulated and extracted teeth before to manage these situations and prevent them from occurring again
embarking on treating patients. (Chapter 10).
• You reflect on your pre-​clinical laboratory and clinical performance, Competency in endodontics requires the use of rubber dam (Figure
and the feedback given by your supervisors. Reflection should be 1.8). It is of paramount importance that you continue to use rubber dam
documented in a logbook. throughout your professional career. Box 1.1 summarizes the benefits
of using rubber dam for all non-​surgical endodontic procedures.
After your undergraduate training, it is important that you con-
tinue to maintain and develop your professional knowledge, skills,

Box 1.1  Benefits of using rubber dam for non-​surgical

endodontic procedures
• Prevents contamination of root canal system by saliva and
• Controls moisture to ensure optimal conditions for restoration.
• Protects the patient’s oropharynx from instruments, debris,
and irrigants.
• Improves patient comfort.
• Encourages the clinician to use acceptable irrigants.
• Improves access and vision by retracting the soft tissues, for
example buccal mucosa and tongue, and preventing fogging
of the dental mirror by the patient’s breath.
• Increases clinician efficiency.

Figure 1.8  Rubber dam isolation during endodontic treatment.

What is the purpose of this textbook? 5

How has endodontics developed?

Endodontic disease and its management have been well chronicled. been advancements in materials, equipment, and techniques,
Ancient civilizations believed that toothache and dental disease was including: bioactive endodontic cements, cone beam computed tom-
caused by a tooth worm. Historical management of endodontic dis- ography (CBCT), improved design features of nickel titanium (NiTi)
ease has included primitive dental drills, herbal remedies, cauterizing files, and newer generations of electronic apex locators and magni-
the pulp, placement of arsenic into the root canal, and extraction. fication devices. These developments have improved the diagnosis,
It was not until the nineteenth century that microbes became consistency, safety, and efficiency in endodontics, as well as improving
associated with endodontic disease. Miller (1894) was the first to patient comfort. Bioactive pulp capping and root canal filling materials
demonstrate the presence of bacteria in samples retrieved from the as well as endodontic microsurgery have resulted in improved patient
pulp. Other developments in the 1800s included the invention of the outcomes.
reclining dental chair, introduction of the rubber dam, and discovery For teeth that are already missing or have a hopeless prognosis,
of X-​rays. dental implants can be an excellent replacement option. Indeed, until
The development of endodontics was hampered in the early twen- the early 2000s there was a belief with some of the dental profession
tieth century by the theory that dental infection was a source for that the need for endodontics was on the decline as dental implants
systemic disease (Focal Infection Theory). This led to extraction be- were considered to be a superior and predictable treatment option.
coming the treatment of choice for endodontic disease. Since the However, this belief has now changed, as studies show that the sur-
1950s, the Focal Infection Theory has largely been dispelled and vival rate of endodontically treated teeth is similar, if not better, than
there have been many developments in endodontics. Investigations that of dental implants. Therefore, if a tooth is deemed to be restorable
in the 1960s confirmed that infection within the tooth is essential for and treatable, the patient should be offered the option of endodontic
periapical periodontitis to occur. Kakehashi et al. (1965) revealed that treatment so that the tooth can be retained for as long as possible.
when pulps were exposed to oral microbes, endodontic disease devel- There are numerous advantages to preventing and treating endodontic
oped in normal rats; whilst, in germ-​free rats, the pulps and periapical disease so that teeth can be retained in a healthy state. These include:
tissues remained healthy. The 1970s and 1980s increased our under-
• Cost-​effective and predictable treatment.
standing of the microbiology of infected root canals and the ways in
which irrigants, agitation of irrigants, and medicaments can disinfect • Expedient treatment.
root canals. • Retention of the periodontal ligament.
Since the 1990s our knowledge of the nature of endodontic dis-
The future of endodontics is exciting, with prospects of
ease has significantly improved, including microbial biofilms, the
revascularization of root canals, regeneration of the diseased pulp and
causes of post-​treatment persistent disease, and the factors which
dentine, and predictable pulp protection procedures resulting in the
influence the outcome of endodontic treatment. There have also
maintenance of pulp vitality.

What is the purpose of this textbook?

The purpose of this textbook is to provide a contemporary comprehen- practicalities of ‘how’ endodontic treatment is performed. Apart
sive guide to endodontics. The intended readership is undergraduate from being an adjunct to undergraduate dental teaching, this book
dental students who wish to develop an understanding of ‘why’ and acts as a refresher to recently qualified dentists and as an update
‘how’ safe, predictable, and effective endodontics may be carried out. to the established clinician who is continuing their professional
This book covers the essential theory of ‘why’ endodontic treat- development.
ment is performed, and provides a step-​by-​step guide to the clinical

Summary points
• Endodontics is a branch of clinical dentistry concerned with of the endodontically treated tooth, and advanced
the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the endodontic procedures such as root canal retreatment and
dentine-pulp complex, and periapical tissues. There are a wide surgical endodontics.
range of clinical conditions which require endodontic manage- • You must be competent to carry out endodontic treatment.
ment. The aim of endodontics is to prevent or cure periapical It is of paramount importance that you use rubber dam for
periodontitis so that a tooth can be retained in a healthy state. all non-​surgical endodontic procedures.
• Endodontics involves the diagnosis of orofacial pain, pulp • Endodontics continues to develop, and it is important that
preservation procedures, root canal treatment, restoration you keep up to date with these developments.
6 Introduction

Suggested further reading

De Moor R, Hülsmann M, Kirkevang LL, Tanalp J, and Whitworth J (2013) General Dental Council (2017) Scope of Practice. London: GDC.
Undergraduate curriculum guidelines for endodontology. International General Dental Council (2017) Enhanced CPD Guidance for Dental
Endodontic Journal 46, 1105–​14. Professionals. London: GDC.
European Society of Endodontology (2006) Quality guidelines for Kakehashi S, Stanley HR, and Fitzgerald RJ (1965) The effects of surgical
endodontic treatment: consensus report of the European Society of exposures of dental pulps in germ-​free and conventional laboratory
Endodontology. International Endodontic Journal 39, 921–​30. rats. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, and Oral Pathology 20, 340–​49.
General Dental Council (2013) Standards for the Dental Team. Miller W (1894) An introduction in the study of the bacteriopathology of
London: GDC. the dental pulp. Dental Cosmos 36, 505.
Life of a tooth
Federico Foschi, Sadia Ambreen Niazi,
and Moya Meredith Smith

Chapter contents
Introduction 8
Tooth embryogenesis and dentine-pulp
complex formation 8
Dentine 9
Pulp 10
Dentine-pulp response to caries 12
Endodontic infections 15

Self-assessment 19
Suggested further reading 20
Self-assessment answers 20
8 Life of a tooth

The life of a tooth is dynamic, with several phases: presence of mesenchymal stem cells in the pulp allows a dynamic
response to external insults.
• Firstly, during embryogenesis the main components of the tooth are
formed (i.e. enamel, cementum, pulp, and dentine). • If the integrity of enamel or cementum is breached or absent, the
dentine-pulp complex represents an ideal environment for coloniza-
• Eruption of the tooth leads to the development of root(s) and root
tion by specific pathogens. The endodontic microbiota differs sig-
canal systems (i.e. main root canal(s), lateral root canals, branches,
nificantly between primary and persistent infections, and also with
and deltas).
or without presence of oral communication (i.e. sinus tracts).
• After eruption, the tooth is still a dynamic entity with physiological
changes:  a continuous secondary dentine formation leads to pro- Understanding the life of a tooth and its associated biological pro-
gressive dentinal sclerosis. cesses allows a deeper understanding of the clinical signs associated
with the development and progression of endodontic disease from
• In the event of pathological processes, such as caries and tooth
the early stages of reversible pulpitis through to irreversible pulpitis,
surface loss, or operative procedures, (self-)defensive mechanisms
pulpal necrosis, periapical periodontitis, and possibly post-treatment
arise. The dentine-pulp complex mounts an immune response and
persistent endodontic infections.
increases dentine deposition in the form of tertiary dentine. The

Tooth embryogenesis and dentine-pulp complex formation

Teeth have two main embryological contributors: the ectoderm, which invagination and will lead to the formation of the dentine-pulp com-
forms the enamel, and the neural crest-derived ectomesenchyme, plex. The two cell layers facing each other have different fates: the
which forms the dentine-pulp complex. Development begins in the cells of the inner layer of the enamel organ will differentiate into
sixth week of embryonic life, from a thickening of the oral ectoderm ameloblasts, whereas the cells of the outer layer of the dental pa-
that creates the dental lamina. Teeth in the primary and permanent pilla will differentiate into odontoblasts and initiate the dentine
dentition form in essentially the same way at different times. The three deposition.
main stages of the tooth development are:
Subsequently the cells of the inner and outer enamel epithelium
• Bud stage. The developing tooth assumes the shape of a ‘bud’, from
merge to form the cervical loop, with a toroid/donut shape, and the
the invagination of the epithelium from the dental lamina prolifer-
root starts to form at the cemento-enamel junction. This process is in-
ating into the ectomesenchyme (Figure 2.1a).
duced and controlled by the Hertwig’s epithelial sheath, which guides
• Cap stage. The developing tooth assumes the shape of a ‘cap’, and initiates root formation by providing signals for the differentiation
where further epithelial proliferation gives rise to the enamel organ of odontoblasts and cementoblasts. Further differentiation leads to the
(Figure 2.1b). formation of the periodontal support structure, with the cementum at-
• Bell stage. The developing tooth assumes the shape of a ‘bell’, where tached through the Sharpey’s fibres, and the outer layer of the dental
the invagination deepens. The dental papilla is contained within this sac allowing the bone to be anchored to the periodontal fibres.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.1  Initial stages of tooth development: (a) bud stage and (b) cap stage.
Courtesy of Dr José Freitas Siqueira Jr.
Dentine 9

Composition between the odontoblast layer and the mineralized dentine,
moving centripetally during the secondary dentine deposition.
Dentine, together with the pulp, can be considered embryologically
2. Secondary dentine is deposited by odontoblasts after root forma-
and functionally as a single entity, known as the dentine-pulp complex.
tion is complete and throughout the life of a tooth at a lower rate
Structurally they are very different, with dentine consisting of 70%, by
of less than 0.4 μm per day. This leads to the progressive reduction
weight, of mineralized (hydroxyapatite). The non-mineralized compo-
of the root canal space.
nents are 20% organic matrix (mostly collagen) and 10% water. The
major organic component is type I collagen, with type V being a minor 3. Tertiary dentine is formed in reaction to external stimuli (e.g. bac-
component. Several growth factors and enzymes are also present; terial toxins, trauma, attrition, dental operative procedures). It is
transforming growth factor (TGF)-β, platelet-derived growth factor deposited in proximity to the site of injury. Tertiary dentine can be
(PDGF), insulin-like growth factor (IGF), bone morphogenic proteins sub-categorized as:
(BMPs), and matrix-metalloproteinases (MMPs). These growth factors (a) Reactionary dentine is formed when the insult to the odonto-
and enzymes are embedded in the dentine during the dentinogenesis, blast is not severe and the odontoblastic layer survives.
but can be released during demineralizing processes (e.g. caries, ero- Morphologically tertiary reactionary dentine is similar to the
sion, and etching). The releasing of these factors triggers dentinal rep- primary and secondary dentine, with the dentinal tubule
arative events, including stimulation of tertiary dentine formation. structure remaining continuous.
(b) Reparative dentine is formed when the insult is more severe,
Types of dentine with excessive damage to the odontoblastic layer. Pulpal stem
There are three main types of dentine (Figure 2.2): cells are recruited and differentiate into odontoblast-like cells.
Dentinal tubules are usually not present or not continuous
1. Primary dentine is deposited by odontoblasts at a rate of 4 μm per with those from secondary or reactionary dentine.
day. Primary dentine constitutes the largest part of the tooth struc-
ture. Primary dentine can be sub-categorized into: Sclerotic dentine may also occur as a physiological process or in response
to external insult. It is characterized by an enhanced mineralization of the
(a) Mantle dentine is the first layer of dentine to be formed. It is
intratubular (or peritubular) dentine. Both sclerotic and tertiary dentine
located closest to enamel or cementum.
are important to protect the pulp from external potentially harmful stimuli.
(b) Predentine is a 10–40 μm layer of dentine undergoing com-
pletion of its mineralization. This dynamic region is located
Dentinal tubules
During primary and secondary dentinogenesis, the odontoblast min-
Cementum eralization front moves in a centripetal direction. The odontoblast is
a columnar cell with a polarized process that leaves an imprint in the
newly formed dentine (Figure 2.3). The odontoblast processes may ex-
Predentine tend up to half way into the dentine.

Secondary dentine

Primary dentine

Mantle dentine


Tertiary dentine
Carious lesion

Enamel Figure 2.3  Photomicrograph showing the surface of the root canal

wall, devoided of the organic component, with the dentinal tubules
and the globular structure of the calcospherites at the front of
Figure 2.2  Types of dentine. mineralization.
10 Life of a tooth

The inner part of the dentinal tubules is intratubular (peritubular) Cold

dentine. The dentine located between the intratubular dentine is Sweets
Air blasts Heat
intertubular dentine, and makes up most of the dentinal structure.
Intratubular dentine is more calcified compared with intertubular.
During the sclerosis process the intratubular dentine is calcified fur-
ther within the tubules cavity.
Dentinal tubule has a diameter of 2.5 μm nearest the pulp and
narrows to 1 μm at the enamel or cementum. The tubular density is
higher (65,000 tubules/mm2) nearer the pulp, compared with the ce-
mentum or enamel junction (15,000 tubules/mm2). Dentinal tubules
contain dentinal fluid, the odontoblastic processes, nerve fibres, type
I collagen, and the ground substance (glycosaminoglycans, proteogly-
cans, glycoproteins).

Dentinal permeability and sensitivity

The tubular structure provides dentine with two important prop-
erties:  permeability and sensitivity. Dentinal permeability has been
studied in depth; there is good evidence to confirm that operative Figure 2.4  Hydrodynamic theory for dentine sensitivity. External
stimuli can cause movement of the dentinal fluid, leading to distortion
procedures localized on the outer surface of dentine can still affect
of the odontoblastic process and the coupled nerve fibres will feedback
the pulp. Similarly, pathological processes, such as caries and tubular the potentially nociceptive signals to the central nervous system.
infection, can lead to pulpal damage. The dentine permeability varies Printed with permission from Dr José Freitas Siqueira Jr.
in different areas, increasing progressively towards the pulp chamber.
Dentinal sclerosis reduces the permeability of the dentinal tubules. of the dentinal fluid within the dentinal tubules induces deformation
Furthermore, operative procedures can create a smear layer that of the odontoblastic processes and activates the A-δ fibres, leading to
occludes the tubules. the transmission of the nociceptive signal. Many factors can trigger this
The pathophysiological mechanism of dentinal sensitivity and hyper- dentinal fluid movement: temperature (e.g. cold and hot substances),
sensitivity has been extensively studied. The ‘hydrodynamic theory’ is osmolarity (e.g. sweet substances), and mechanical pressure (e.g.
considered the main mechanism (Figure 2.4). The rapid displacement chewing and probing).

Functions Composition
The main functions of the pulp are: The pulp is a connective tissue composed of different type of cells,
extracellular connective matrix (fibres and ground substance), blood
• Formative: the pulp produces dentine, forming the coronal and ra-
vessels, and nerves. The main cell lineages present in the pulp are
dicular structure during the odontogenesis.
odontoblasts, mesenchymal stem cells, fibroblasts, Schwann cells, and
• Sensitivity and proprioception:  the pulp can sense potentially defence cells (antigen presenting cells, macrophages, lymphocytes).
harmful stimuli (nociception) and to a certain extent it can Odontoblasts are post-mitotic cells with a columnar shape within the
sense its own position (proprioception) related to pressure, crown and more cuboid within the root. They are organized into a
thus providing a warning mechanism signalling potential tissue single layer of cells (odontoblastic layer) facing the predentine. The
damage. odontoblast is polarized: the nuclei are localized towards the pulp; a
• Defence:  the pulp is immunocompetent and can induce sclerotic mitochondria-rich area is closer to the predentine and localized at the
and tertiary dentine formation. It is now known that periapical formative end before the cytoplasmic projection (odontoblastic pro-
periodontitis can still develop in the presence of a vital pulp. The cess), which is contained within the dentinal tubules. The pulpal stem
inflammatory cascade elicited during the pulp defence can trigger cells are interspersed in the pulp, but mostly localized in the cell-rich
the cytokine cascade that leads to apical bone resorption. The pulp area. The fibroblasts are the most abundant cell lineage. The fibro-
defence prevents systemic dissemination of dental infection by blast produces the extracellular matrix (glycosaminoglycan, proteo-
inducing a foreign body reaction. glycans, and glycoprotein), representing the medium for the diffusion
Pulp 11

(a) (b)

Figure 2.5  (a) Histological zones of the pulp (haematoxylin and eosin stain). The odontoblast layer is the outermost zone in the pulp, lining the
predentine and forming it. The cell free zone called the zone of Weil contains the blood capillaries and network of nerve fibres (Rashkow’s nervous
Plexus). The cell rich zone (sub-odontoblasts) is formed of fibroblasts, undifferentiated stem cells, and immune cells. The pulp proper is the central
mass of the pulp tissue and contains the larger blood vessels, nerves, fibroblasts, and other cells. (b) Dentine (D); calcospherites (CS), mineralizing
front; predentine (PD); odontoblastic layer (OL); cell free zone (CFZ); cell rich zone (CRZ); blood vessels (BV).

of signals and nutritive substance. Collagen types I and III are the most off towards the odontoblastic layer, which represents the vascular
diffuse type of fibres. Different histological zones are present within zone adjacent to the cell-rich zone (Figure 2.6). Venules are present
the pulp (Figure 2.5). towards the centre of the pulp. Arteriovenous and venous-venous
shunts are also present, and these control the microcirculation.
The pulpal blood flow (20–60 ml/min × 100 g tissue) is relatively
Pulp vascularization
high compared to other cranial tissues. This characteristic may fa-
The pulp blood supply is provided by vessels entering from the main vour a washout effect of irritants. The presence of a hard encasing
apical foramen and the lateral canals. The arterioles entering the surrounding the pulp led to the formulation of a self-strangulation
root canal follow the long axis of the root, with capillaries branching theory, where the low compliance, in case of inflammation, can
promptly lead to pulpal hypoxia.

The pulp is innervated from the mandibular and maxillary branches
of the trigeminal nerve. An autonomic component is also present.
Among the nerve fibres reaching the pulp, 80% are unmyelinated
C fibres, and the remaining 20% consist of myelinated A fibres. The
nerves are in close proximity to the blood vessels. The nerve fibres
create a rich network (Rashkow’s nervous plexus).
The three types of sensory nerve fibres present in the pulp (A-β, A-δ,
and C fibres) evoke different responses due to their difference in con-
ductivity. A-β fibres are myelinated with a very fast conduction speed
(30–37 m/sec). A-δ are also myelinated with a fast conduction (6–30 m/
sec). The A fibres induce the sharp, short pain associated with dentinal
hypersensitivity. After leaving the Rashkow’s nervous plexus the A fibres
lose their outer Schwann cells layer and enter the dentinal tubules for the
first 100 μm, in close conjunction with the odontoblastic processes. The C
fibres have a slower conduction speed of the signal, being unmyelinated.
Figure 2.6  Blood vessel in the pulp: blood capillary (BC), fibroblast (F),
stacked erythrocytes (*). (Haematoxylin and eosin stain.) The nociceptive signal conducted by these fibres is typically of a dull
12 Life of a tooth

non-localized pain associated with the advanced stages of irreversible

Autonomic sympathetic fibres are also present in the pulp and
closely associated with the pulp vessels; these fibres are involved
in the homeostasis of the pulpal circulation. Vasodilation of the
of the blood vessels is directly elicited in presence of pain stimuli,
increasing the blood flow in situations of reversible/irreversible

Dentine-pulp response to caries

The most common cause of pulpal inflammation is caries. Loss of
enamel results in exposure of the underlying dentine. The perme-
ability of the dentine is dependent on the location of the dentinal
tubules and their proximity to the pulp chamber. The pulp has sev-
eral self-defence mechanisms including reduction of the dentine per-
meability by progressive sclerosis, formation of tertiary dentine, and
pulpal immune response. Depending on the intensity and extension
of the caries, the self-defence processes can have a rapid or slower
Figure 2.7  Ground section of the tooth showing dead tract.
Reduction in dentine permeability
In healthy dentine, an outward movement of dentinal fluid and the
presence of the odontoblastic processes reduce bacterial infection. is atubular (Figure 2.10), and is formed from mesenchymal stem cells
The intrapulpal pressure increases in the presence of prolonged and/ which differentiate into odontoblast-like cells.
or strong irritating stimulus, which increases the outward movement The balance between reactionary and reparative dentine formation
of dentinal fluid. Host defence system, including antibodies and cyto- is determined by the presence of a low-grade progressive stimulus
kines are present in the dentinal fluid of vital teeth and protect it from (e.g. slow attrition) versus a strong and rapid one (e.g. deep decay),
bacterial invasion of the pulp. In the presence of constant low-grade respectively (Figure 2.11).
irritation, the dentinal permeability is reduced by progressive min-
eralization of the intratubular dentine. The dentinal tubules lumen Pulp immunity
is restricted in the event of dentinal sclerosis. The progression of the
endotoxins and bacteria within sclerosed dentine is greatly hindered. The pulp is an immunocompetent connective tissue that is able
Dentine sclerosis reduces permeability and it is localized underneath to respond to the bacterial insult by activating the usual host im-
carious lesions. In cases of rapid insults there is no host response and mune system cascades. The inflammatory process is triggered at
adaptation of the pulp, the dentinal sclerosis process is interrupted the early stages of caries, that is, once the enamel or cementum is
and the odontoblast process coagulates within the tubules forming the breached. The permeability of the dentinal tubules can allow the
dead tracts (Figure 2.7). Pulp stones may also form in the presence passage of bacterial by-products before an actual dentinal infec-
caries (Figure 2.8a–b). tion occurs.
The decay process results in the release of enzymes and other prote-
ases interspersed within the collage matrix of the dentine. In addition,
The tertiary dentine self-defence mechanism the passage of bacterial by-products in the dentinal tubules can trigger
Tertiary dentine is formed to further protect the pulp from an on- the odontoblasts to release pro-inflammatory cytokines.
going potential bacterial infection. Tertiary dentine may be sub- The A-fibres associated with odontoblastic processes within the
classified as reactionary or reparative. Tertiary dentine is formed in dentinal tubules can trigger a nociceptive signal, which feeds back
response to external stimuli (i.e. dental caries). Reactionary dentine to the autonomous system, increasing the pulpal blood flow; this
is characterized by persistence of the tubular structure and by an in- mechanism will increase the dentinal fluid extravasation. Once the
creased speed of deposition of the dentine, still with a more irregular inflammatory cytokine cascade is triggered, the defence cells are
structure (Figure 2.9). Reparative dentine is formed beneath the area recruited (e.g. dendritic cells, polymorph nucleates, and macro-
of irritation and is characterized by dead tracts where the odonto- phages). Tubular invasion by bacteria can also trigger the release
blastic layer has been eradicated. The structure of reparative dentine of pro-inflammatory molecules directly by the odontoblasts, which
Dentine-pulp response to caries 13


Figure 2.9  Decalcified section of dentine showing odontoblastic

(b) processes with the lateral branches in the dentine proper and irregular
structure of the tertiary dentine. (Picrothionin stain.)

Figure 2.8  (a) Tertiary reactionary dentine (RD) in the ageing pulp

and pulp stones (arrows). (Haematoxylin and eosin stain.) (b) Pulp
stones (PS) atubular in nature. (Haematoxylin and eosin stain.)

are affected by the tubular content through their odontoblastic

Caries progression leading to demineralization of dentine structure
and increase in dentinal permeability can enhance the pulpal inflam- Figure 2.10  A carious lesion (CL) has stimulated formation
of reparative dentine (RD) which has protected the pulp (P).
matory response, leading to clinical symptoms.
(Hematoxylin and eosin stain.)
Pulp innervation plays an important role in the regulation of blood
flow. Vasodilation is triggered to improve the clearance of bacterial
by-products and increase the immune response. The clinical signs of
reversible/irreversible pulpitis can be vague and undefined, leading With the progression of the inflammation the diagnosis may become
to an unclear diagnosis in the early stages of inflammation. Dentinal clearer with the specific symptoms of irreversible pulpitis (i.e. lingering
hypersensitivity is not dissimilar to the signs of early stages of pulpitis. and spontaneous pain).
14 Life of a tooth

Strong Dentine stimulus

Reparative Reactionary
dentine dentine

Mesenchymal Pulp Odontoblasts

stem cells

Figure 2.11  The two faces of the tertiary dentine coin: reparative and reactionary dentine formation are the two ways the pulp protects itself from
external stimuli. A strong stimulus causes death of odontoblasts and stimulates reparative dentine formation by mesenchymal stem cells. A mild
stimulus stimulates reactionary dentine formation by odontoblasts.

Irreversible pulpitis, pulpal necrosis, of the infection may be delayed by the pulp’s immune response.
For this reason, partial or complete pulpotomy may be successful
and periapical periodontitis
in preserving the vitality of the remaining pulp tissue (Chapter  4).
If the aetiological factor(s) are not adequately managed pulpal inflam- Nevertheless, further tertiary dentine deposition may occur in the
mation increases, reaching a level defined as irreversible. Beyond this presence of bioactive endodontic cement, leading to calcification of
point, the pulp is unable to recover spontaneously and will result in the root canal.
cellular apoptosis and the development of micro-abscesses. The periapical lesion is the endpoint of the endodontic disease.
The borderline between reversible and irreversible pulpitis is less The development of external inflammatory resorption adjacent to the
clear than historically thought, and several misconceptions may affect main portal(s) of exit of the root canal system (lateral canals and main
endodontic diagnosis. In particular, the presence of periapical radio- apical foramina) is the manifestation of the ongoing infection of the
lucency has been incorrectly associated with complete pulpal necrosis. root canal system. Occasionally occlusal trauma can mimic the forma-
It is now apparent that the cytokines cascade can trigger periapical tion of periapical lesion; however, the presence of a vital pulp tissue is
breakdown in the early stages of the pulp inflammation. Studies using the main discriminating factor.
cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) have revealed the pres- Ultimately, the presence of a necrotic pulp associated with a
ence of small periapical radiolucencies in cases diagnosed with revers- periapical lesion is pathognomonic of endodontic infection. Biologically
ible pulpitis. the periapical lesion is an immune response following the pattern of a
If bacterial invasion (e.g. caries, dental trauma) of the dentinal tu- foreign body reaction, where the host response is attempting to pre-
bules and pulp chamber carry on, the pulpitis will progress from the vent the infection spreading systemically. Several hypotheses have
reversible to the irreversible stage. This may then advance to pulp ne- been formulated regarding the kinetics of periapical lesion progres-
crosis. Within a tooth the infection front moves apically. The symptoms sion. In particular, the direct effect of bacterial proteolytic enzymes on
associated with irreversible pulpitis usually cease when pulpal necrosis the initiation of the periapical breakdown.
develops. Extensive research with knockout genes murine models clarified the
In response to the bacterial ingress in the pulp chamber, an acute in- immunological pathways of protective and destructive cytokines. The
flammation occurs. The typical characteristics of inflammation follow, bacterial by-products (i.e. lipopolysaccharides (LPS) and endotoxins)
in particular vasodilation with increased pulpal blood flow and extrava- trigger the cytokine cascades that signal via RANK-ligand the differen-
sation due to increased vascular permeability. tiation of osteoclasts that induce an enhanced periapical bone resorp-
The intrapulpal pressure is a controversial topic, as many authors tion. Within the periapical resorption an immunologic response will
attribute this phenomenon to the self-strangulation of the pulp due actively limit bacterial dissemination via polymorphonuclear neutro-
to the low compliance of the surrounding tissue (i.e. dentine). Pulpal phils (PMNs) and macrophage activity.
oedema leads to blood stasis and reduces the clearance of waste prod- Acute periapical periodontitis may be an early stage of apical in-
ucts. This leads to an increased nociceptive signalling of cellular apop- flammation with associated acute symptoms; however, a subclinical
tosis and tissue necrosis. immune response may develop into a chronic periapical periodontitis
Cellular apoptosis and bacterial by-products result in micro-abscess that may be often diagnosed as an incidental radiological finding. An
formation within the affected area of the pulp. The progression acute exacerbation of chronic periapical periodontitis can occur, with
Endodontic infections 15

development of an abscess with associated symptoms. A  dynamic

interplay between the host immune system and the bacteria colonizing
the root canal system can tip the balance of the clinical presentation.
Effective endodontic treatment reduces the bacterial load and
therefore interrupts the immune reaction and osteoclast activation, ul-
timately leading to healing of the periapical lesion.

(a) (b)
Leaking Deep
restoration caries
Tooth surface loss
or Tooth surface loss
enamel-dentime fracture or
enamel-dentine- Deep
Operative dental pulp fracture crack

Naturally absent
External cervical

Loss of
cementum Periodontal disease
following (subgingival biofilm)
root planing

Figure 2.12  Routes that microorganisms may take to invade the pulp (a) via dentinal tubules and (b) directly into pulp.
16 Life of a tooth

Figure 2.13  Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy images of an in vitro

Propionibacterium acnes biofilm.

Figure 2.14  Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy image of an in vitro

stressed multi-species biofilm grown on the root, half stained with the
LIVE/DEAD stain: live bacteria (green); dead bacteria (red).
Endodontic infections 17

(a) (b)

Figure 2.15  Scanning electron microscope image of an in vivo biofilm in the root canal acquired at: (a) magnification ×300 and (b) ×1.5k.

Endodontic infections
Routes of pulpal invasion (Chapter 4). If left untreated, bacteria will reach the pulp via the den-
tinal tubules.
More than 700 bacterial species are known to inhabit the healthy
human mouth. Enamel and cementum help to isolate the dentine-
Direct pulp exposure
pulp complex from the oral microbiota, keeping the dentine-pulp
complex sterile under normal conditions. Bacteria can take several Bacteria may enter the pulp through a direct pulp exposure caused
pathways to invade and infect the dentine and pulp. The major routes by caries, restorative procedures, or traumatic injury that fractures,
of pulpal invasion are exposed dentinal tubules, direct pulp exposure cracks, or displaces the tooth. There is clinical evidence that bacteria
and periodontium (Figure 2.12). may enter the pulp in cases of cracked-tooth syndrome and even
minor cracks in enamel and dentine following trauma. However, the
Dentinal tubules susceptibility to bacterial invasion depends on the virulence of the
If enamel or cementum is missing due to hereditary/developmental bacteria, pulp status (i.e. its health) and host resistance. A vital pulp is
absence, caries, tooth surface loss, trauma, root resorption, or iatro-
genic removal, bacteria may invade the dentine and, eventually, the
pulp through exposed dentinal tubules. Dentinal tubules extend from
the pulp to the enamo-dentinal and cemento-dentinal junctions. They
are approximately 2.5 μm in diameter near the pulp, and 1 μm near the
enamel and cementum. Large numbers of these dentinal tubules (ap-
proximately 15,000 per square millimetre) are present near the enamel
and cementum. Therefore, due to the size and numbers of dentinal
tubules, bacteria can enter, multiply, and invade numerous exposed
Although, a number of studies have demonstrated bacteria within
the exposed dentinal tubules of vital teeth, bacterial penetration into
dentinal tubules has been shown to be greater in non-vital teeth.
This might be due to the presence of natural resistance factors in the
dentine-pulp complex, reduced tubule permeability by the presence
of dentinal fluid, the living odontoblastic processes, and the formation
of sclerotic and/or tertiary dentin.
Bacterial metabolites and toxic products diffuse along the dentinal
tubules, cause breakdown of the odontoblasts, and usually result in
inflammatory responses in pulp. Removal of these advancing bacteria Figure 2.16  Scanning electron microscope image of an in vitro biofilm
through biological selective carious tissue removal can result in healing model grown on the sectional root canal using Enterococcus faecalis
strain OMGS 3202 (acquired at ×1.5k). The bacteria can be seen
growing with in the dentinal tubules.
18 Life of a tooth

or necrotic tissue during bacteraemia, where they establish infection.

Table 2.1  Representatives species of bacterial phyla Transient bacteraemia is a quite well-established phenomenon in hu-
in endodontic infections mans. Bacteria from dental plaque or infected root canals have been
retrieved from venous blood after dental extraction, endodontic treat-
Phyla Common representative species/
ment, non-surgical and surgical periodontal treatment, tooth brushing,
and even chewing. Bacteraemia can attract either oral or non-oral circu-
Firmicutes Dialister spp., Filifactor alocis, Parvimonas lating bacteria to localize in inflamed pulp or necrotic root canal systems.
micra, Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus,
Enterococcus faecalis, Eubacterium spp.,
Mogibacterium spp., Streptococcus spp., Endodontic biofilm
Lachnospiraceae spp., Veillonella parvula,
Lactobacillus spp., Catonella morbi, Bacteria within the root canal system exist in the form of a biofilm.
Gemella morbillorum, Selenomonas spp., Biofilms are sessile microbial communities composed of cells attached
Peptostreptococcus spp. to a substratum or interface or to each other, embedded in a matrix of
Actinobacteria Olsenella uli, Actinomyces spp.,
extracellular polymeric substances that they have produced, and ex-
Propionibacterium acnes, Propionibacterium hibit an altered phenotype with respect to growth rate and gene tran-
propionicum, Slackia exigua scription. Biofilms form mushroom-shaped sessile micro-colonies with
interspersed open water channels that provide an effective means of
Synergistes Clone BA121, clone W090
exchanging nutrients and metabolites with the bulk aqueous phase of
Spirochaetes Treponema denticola, Treponema socranskii, the root canal system (Figures 2.13 and 2.14).
Treponema maltophilum, Treponema parvum
The nature of biofilm structure and the physiological attributes of its
Fusobacteria Fusobacterium nucleatum microorganisms confer an inherent resistance to antimicrobial agents.
Biofilms are capable of persisting in the presence of 1000-fold higher
Proteobacteria Eikenella corrodens, Campylobacter rectus,
Campylobacter gracilis concentration of antimicrobials than those necessary to eradicate a
planktonic population. Various survival strategies could be responsible
TM7 Clone I025
for biofilm tolerance and resistance including:
SR1 Clone X112
• Delayed penetration of the antimicrobial agent through the biofilm
Bacteroidetes Tannerella forsythia, Porphyromonas matrix acting as a physical barrier.
endodontalis, Porphyromonas gingivalis,
Prevotella spp., clone X083
• Nutritional starvation and slower growth rate of biofilm organisms
than their planktonic counterparts, making them less vulnerable to
antimicrobial agents.

quite resistant to bacterial invasion. Based on these factors, the pulp • Physiological changes due to the biofilm mode of growth altering
tissue may stay inflamed for an extended period or it may rather rap- the environment and making it less favourable for antimicrobial
idly undergo necrosis. agents to exert their desired effects.

Therefore, the endodontic biofilm constitutes a protected mode

of growth that allows bacterial survival in the hostile environment of
Loss of periodontal attachment, resulting in increased probing depths, the root canal, and may result in the subsequent development of per-
can provide possible routes of invasion into the dentine-pulp com- sistent endodontic infections.
plex by the subgingival microflora and their by-products. Subgingival Environmental factors such as oxygen and nutrient availability, pH,
periodontal pockets comprise predominantly of anaerobic microflora, and residual antibacterial effects of endodontic medications create
including different Gram-negative rods, spirochetes, and various Gram- a selective habitat for the establishment of the biofilm. Survival of
positive rods and cocci, which are also well suited for growth in a nec- bacteria in their respective niches depends on how well the biofilm
rotic root canal system. This similarity in endodontic and periodontal adapts for growth to these restricted environmental factors. Root
microflora suggests bacteria from periodontal pockets can invade non- canal walls represent an ideal substratum for the adherence of bio-
vital non-carious teeth. Routes of entry from periodontal pockets in- films (Figure 2.15), together with the honeycomb structures repre-
clude accessory, lateral, and furcation root canals, the apical foramen, sented by the dentinal tubules (Figure 2.16).
and dentinal tubules exposed due to root caries, root resorption, gaps
in cementum formation in the cervical area, or by removal of the ce- Methods for identification of bacteria
mentum during root planning. If the pulp is vital, the bacteria will be
eliminated, followed by healing of the dentine-pulp complex. Therefore,
in endodontic infections
impaired status of the pulp is a prerequisite for such infections. Understanding the composition and diversity of pathogenic microflora
associated with different forms of endodontic disease is pivotal in the
Anachoresis development of strategies for effective endodontics.
Another possible source of pulpal infection is anachoresis. This is a Traditionally, endodontic infections have been studied using culture
phenomenon by which blood-borne bacteria are attracted to inflamed techniques. Since 50% of oral microflora may be uncultivable, culture
Endodontic infections 19

techniques can cause underestimation of the bacterial diversity within individual harbours a unique endodontic microbiota, indicating that
the root canal system. Further advances in microbiological research primary periapical periodontitis has a varied aetiology. Therefore, no
led to the introduction of molecular approaches, such as: single bacteria can be considered as the main endodontic pathogen,
and combination of bacterial taxa play a role in causing the disease.
• Species or genus specific polymerase chain reaction on cultivable
• Polymerase chain reaction amplification of 16S rRNA gene, followed
Microbiota of persistent endodontic infections
by cloning and sequencing of polymerase chain reaction product. Microorganisms that were either members of primary infections or were
• Genetic finger printing using denaturing gradient gel electrophor- introduced into the root canal afterwards cause persistent endodontic
esis (DGGE). infections. These organisms somehow resisted intracanal antimicrobial
procedures and endured periods of nutrient stress in root-filled canals.
• DNA hybridization assay and real-time polymerase chain reaction
Persistent endodontic infections are one of the major challenges faced
by the dentists. According to some studies the microbiota of persistent
• Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight mass spec-
lesions is composed of few bacterial species, generally Gram-positive
trometry (MALDI-TOF MS).
bacteria. Gram-negative bacteria which are normally found in primary
• Next-generation sequencing. lesions are mostly eliminated after root canal treatment procedure. The
prevalent microbiota of persistent lesions include Propionibacterium
Uncultivated phylotypes that were previously unrecognized and
species (P. acnes and P. propionicum), streptococci (S. mitis, S. gordonii,
overlooked bacteria have been revealed with these molecular ap-
S. anginosus, S. sanguinis, and S. oralis), P. micra, Actinomyces species,
proaches. They may play a role in the pathogenesis of different forms
lactobacilli (L. paracasei and L. acidophilus), E. faecalis, Olsenella spe-
of periapical periodontitis.
cies, Bifidobacterium species, and staphylococci.

Representative of bacterial phyla commonly

Microbiota of endodontic infections
found in endodontic infections
with periapical abscesses
Bacterial taxa recovered from endodontic infections have been found
Periapical abscesses are caused by the microbial invasion of the
to belong to nine phyla:  Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria,
periapical tissues that eventually leads to purulent inflammation.
Proteobacteria, Fusobacteria, Spirochaetes, Synergistes, TM7, and
Formation of periapical abscess is dictated by interaction between the
SR1. Culture-dependent and culture-independent molecular studies
endodontic microbial community and the host defences. The patho-
have revealed a range of microbiota from endodontic infections. The
genic microbiota is mixed and dominated by anaerobic bacteria.
common representative species detected are shown in Table 2.1. It is
The persistent endodontic lesions with periapical abscesses have a
important to understand that inter-individual variation in the bacterial
higher bacterial load and are more diverse microbiota as compared
community profile exists and not all of them are present in the same
to persistent endodontic lesions without periapical abscesses. Niazi
individual at the same time.
et  al. (2010) found that the mean number of taxa from lesions with
periapical abscesses was significantly higher, almost double compared
Microbiota of endodontic infections to the ones without periapical abscesses. Therefore, the root canals of
teeth without abscesses exhibit a decreased diversity compared with
The microflora of endodontic infections is extremely diverse. The com-
those with abscesses. There is existence of mutual interactive pro-
position of the microbiota in primary (untreated) lesions is significantly
cesses between the habitat and its microbiota in different endodontic
different from that of persistent endodontic infections. Periapical ab-
diseases. As abscesses are enclosed lesions within the alveolar bone at
scesses are caused by the microbial invasion of the periapical tissues
the tip of root apex containing pus, the availability of various nutrients
that eventually leads to purulent inflammation.
such as the influx of the serum proteins and tissue constituents help
support the proliferation of the Gram-negative proteolytic anaerobic
Microbiota of primary endodontic infections bacteria within such lesions.
Primary intraradicular infections are caused by bacteria that initially
invaded and colonized the necrotic root canal system as a result of Other microorganisms in endodontic infections
caries, trauma, or periodontal disease. The infection is caused by a
Bacteria are the most common microorganisms detected in endodontic
mixed microbiota conspicuously dominated by Gram-negative anaer-
infections. Several studies have confirmed the presence of other micro-
obic rods. An infected root canal can harbour about 10–20 bacterial
organisms, including fungi, viruses, and archaea, in endodontic in-
species, reaching a density of about 103–108 bacteria. Teeth with either
fections. Bacteria are the essential cause of periapical periodontitis;
sinus tract or large periapical radiolucency can be heavily infected, con-
further studies are necessary to confirm whether other microorganisms
taining over 50 species. Although collectively culture and molecular
have a functional role in the pathogenesis of periapical periodontitis.
methods have identified a vast variety of bacteria, including fungi and
Fungi are occasionally identified in primary endodontic infections, but
viruses, the microbial communities vary from person to person. Each
they are more frequently detected in persistent endodontic infections.
20 Life of a tooth

Detection frequencies for Candida species range from 3% to 18% of or confirmed infection status. Ways to prevent transmission of infec-
cases. Candida albicans is the most commonly isolated Candida spe- tious agents include, but are not limited to:
cies from persistent endodontic infections. Among the viruses, human
• Hand hygiene, that is, use soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.
cytomegalovirus (HCMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and varicella-
zoster virus (VZV) have been detected in periapical periodontitis • Use of personal protective equipment. Examples include safety
where viable host cells remain. glasses, face shields, masks, gowns, gloves. It is strongly advisable
that gloves are changed frequently throughout endodontic proced-
ures i.e. after taking intra-operative radiographs.
Iatrogenic endodontic infections
• Sterilization and disinfection of instruments, devices, and equip-
Skin commensals, such as Propionibacterium acnes and Staphylococcus ment. Examples include the use of pre-sterilized and packaged
epidermidis, are opportunistic pathogens that have been identified endodontic files and paper points, and disinfection of gutta-percha
in endodontic infections. They may be introduced into root canals (GP) points.
intraoperatively and may cause iatrogenic or nosocomial endodontic
• Clean and disinfected environmental surfaces. It is advisable that
infections. Possible transmission routes may be via unsterilized ma-
once a rubber dam has been placed, the tooth surface and sur-
terials (e.g. gutta-percha points and certain paper points), some
rounding rubber dam sheet are disinfected using sodium hypo-
endodontic instruments, and contaminated gloves.
chlorite or other suitable disinfectant.
The practice of dentistry, including endodontics, requires that
Standard Precautions apply to all patient care regardless of suspected • Use of high-speed vacuums/suction to minimize droplets and splatter.

Summary points
• Understanding the life of a tooth and its associated biological • The dentine-pulp complex is usually sterile; however, there
processes allows a deeper understanding of the progression and are several potential routes by which bacteria, and other
management of endodontic disease. microorganisms, can invade.
• There are several types of dentine. Primary dentine is deposited • Endodontic infection initially results in pulpitis and can
by odontoblasts and forms the bulk of the tooth. Secondary den- progress to pulpal necrosis and finally periapical periodon-
tine is continuously laid down after root formation is complete titis. Periapical periodontitis can develop at early stages of
and throughout the life of a tooth. Tertiary dentine is formed in pulpitis, following activation of the cytokine cascade.
response to external stimuli and may be reactionary (laid down • Endodontic infections are primarily caused by bacteria which
by odontoblast) or reparative (formed by newly recruited mes- grow as a biofilm. Endodontic infections may be primary,
enchymal stem cells). persistent with or without periapical abscess, or iatrogenic.
• The pulp is a connective tissue composed of different cells, an • Itis important to prevent iatrogenic or nosocomial endo­
extracellular matrix, blood vessels, and nerves. The main func- dontic infections by using Standard Precautions.   

tions of the pulp are dentine formation, sensitivity, nociception,

and defence.
Diagnosis, treatment
planning, and patient
Justin J. Barnes and
Shanon Patel
Chapter contents
What is diagnosis? 22
What are the aims of history taking? 23
What are the aims of the extraoral examination? 24
What are the aims of the intraoral examination? 24
What are the aims of special investigations? 24
How do you arrive at a diagnosis? 28
How do you take a history? 29
How do you carry out an extraoral examination? 30
How do you carry out an intraoral examination? 31
How do you carry out special investigations? 35
What are the common errors in diagnosis? 39
Treatment planning 41
Patient management 44

Self-​assessment 49
Suggested further reading 50
Self-​assessment answers 50
22 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management

What is diagnosis?
This section will introduce the rationale for diagnosis. It is important • Is the complaint related to a dental cause?
that you read the whole chapter to appreciate how the theory and • Are the symptoms pulpal and/​or periodontal in origin?
practice of diagnosis are related.
• Is the presentation suggestive of a healthy pulp or not?
Diagnosis is the process in which a disease, abnormality, or com-
plaint is identified by collecting and analysing information on the • Is it possible to manage and treat this patient successfully?
presenting symptoms, clinical signs, and the results of specific in- If a complaint of pain does not appear to be associated with
vestigations or tests. An accurate diagnosis is the key to successful teeth, that is, non-​odontogenic, it is necessary to consider other
treatment. The importance of the process cannot be overempha- causes of orofacial pain (Table 3.1). If a definitive diagnosis cannot
sized. A  correct diagnosis serves not only to confirm but also ex- be established, or if the patient’s complaint is not dental in origin,
clude other causative factors. The treatment options available and referral to an appropriate specialist may be indicated. Irreversible
the planned management of the patient are dependent on a correct treatment should be avoided until a definitive diagnosis can be
diagnosis. reached.
It is not uncommon for a patient to have self-​ diagnosed their A sound diagnosis can only be reached when information is col-
problem as being of dental origin and to expect immediate and ef- lected from the patient in a systematic and meticulous manner
fective treatment. However, the clinician should always maintain an (Table 3.2). The information can then be interpreted and acted upon
open mind when considering a patient’s complaint. The possibility of accordingly. Each step of the diagnostic process is aimed at:
other (including non-​dental) causes, should always be borne in mind
(Table 3.1). The question: ‘Is this a dental problem or not?’ should al- • Gaining the relevant and the maximum information regarding the
ways be asked when making a diagnosis. complaint.
In general, endodontic diagnosis involves identifying the state of • Providing help and guidance towards additional tests or further
pulpal and periapical health, in order to arrive at a suitable treat- investigations.
ment plan. It should always take into account the patient as an indi- • Corroborating the information collected as to the likely cause(s) of
vidual, the potential technical difficulties associated with treatment the complaint.
that may be encountered, and the clinician’s competence. Some
of the initial questions that the clinician should ask themselves When the information from one aspect of the diagnostic pro-
include: cedure does not tally with the results from another aspect of the
diagnostic procedure(s), it may mean that further investigations are
required, and/​or the information collected so far maybe incorrect
and/​or insufficient. Diagnostic errors usually arise when the process
is not performed in a systematic and methodical manner or some of
Table 3.1  Examples of non-​dental causes the steps have been missed. For example, if the clinical examination
of orofacial pain is only cursory, this may lead to the clinician choosing the wrong
investigations and, more crucially, the formulation of an incorrect
Source Examples
treatment plan.
Extraoral • Salivary gland disease
• Angioedema
• Lymphadenitis

Musculoskeletal • Temporomandibular joint dysfunction

Table 3.2  The stages involved in reaching a diagnosis
• Masticatory muscle disorders
• Myocardial infarction (referred pain) Patient history • Presenting complaint
Neuropathic • Trigeminal neuralgia • History of the presenting complaint
• Atypical odontalgia • Dental history
• Post-​herpetic neuralgia • Medical history
• Personal history
Neurovascular • Tension-​type headaches
• Migraine Examination of • Extraoral
the patient
• Cluster headaches • Intraoral

Psychogenic • Major depressive disorders Special • Sensibility testing

• Anxiety disorders • Radiographic examination
What are the aims of history taking? 23

What are the aims of history taking?

The primary aim of history taking is to gain as much relevant informa- Oral hygiene and dietary habits
tion as possible from the patient to arrive at an initial provisional diag- The patient’s oral hygiene and dietary habits should be noted. The
nosis. It is, therefore, important to ask appropriate questions and listen level of sugar consumption and the acidic components in their diet
carefully to what the patient has to say. History taking also aims to: should also be determined. Key questions may help in elucidating
• Guide the clinician in deciding what to concentrate on during exam- causal factors related to the patient’s complaint. For example, a pa-
ination and what special investigations will be necessary to confirm tient with a ‘sweet tooth’ will be more susceptible to caries, which may,
a diagnosis. eventually, lead to pulpal involvement.

• Establish a rapport and trust with the patient. Previous trauma

• Gain insight into the patient’s motivation and assess the patient’s It may be pertinent to ask the patient if there is a history of dental
expectations from dental treatment. trauma related to the tooth in question. Dental trauma more fre-
• Reveal any potential complications that may dictate the need to quently involves anterior rather than posterior teeth. For example,
modify the treatment plan. pulpal necrosis or discolouration of an unrestored anterior tooth may
have been caused by previous traumatic injury such as a sports-​related
The amount of useful information gleaned from the patient will vary
accident or alleged assault.
and is dependent on several factors. These include the patient’s ability
to convey or describe the symptoms experienced and its accuracy;
Recent dental treatment
the severity of the distress, discomfort, or pain; and the impact of the
symptoms on the patient. At times, a patient may present with more In some cases, the patient’s presenting symptoms may be associated
than one complaint. In these situations, it is prudent to concentrate on with recent dental treatment. For example, tenderness to biting (and
each complaint separately according to their seriousness or urgency. percussion) associated with a recently restored tooth may be due to a
Other factors include the clinician’s experience, chairside manner, and high spot on the restoration. A poorly contoured restoration with no
rapport with the patient. or a poor contact may result in gingival irritation due to food packing,
This section will focus on aspects of history taking that are of direct which may present as a toothache.
relevance to endodontics.
Medical history
Presenting complaint The aim of the medical history is to ascertain if there are any medical
The diagnostic process starts with asking the patient why they are conditions that may directly or indirectly influence patient manage-
seeking dental care. The opening question should be simple and ment. It is, therefore, essential that the medical history is thorough and
to the point, for example: ‘How can I help you?’ The patient’s pre- up to date. If there are any uncertainties or queries about the general
senting complaint should be in their own words. Endodontic prob- health of the patient, or if it is likely to have an impact on treatment, it
lems commonly include pain/​discomfort, swelling, discharge, bad is advisable to liaise with the patient’s general medical practitioner or
taste, and/​or tooth discolouration. The history of the presenting their medical consultant.
complaint should then be explored to find out how long the pa- Although there are no medical conditions which strictly contra-
tient has been suffering, and if or how the symptoms have changed indicate endodontic treatment, there are some conditions that may
with time. modify the endodontic management. Common medical problems that
may influence or require modification of the treatment plan include:

Dental history • Blood dyscrasias or anticoagulation therapy.

The aim of the dental history is to gain an insight into what previous • Recent history of myocardial infarction.
dental treatment has been carried out, as well as the patient’s attitude • Immunocompromised patients.
towards dental treatment and their own teeth. • Steroid treatment or recent history of steroid treatment.

Attendance • Bisphosphonate treatment or history of bisphosphonate treatment.

It is useful to know about the past dental history to establish whether • Poorly controlled diabetes.
the patient is a regular attender or only attends when in pain. A pa- • History of depression or psychiatric illness.
tient in the latter category may be less motivated. If pain is the reason • Pregnancy.
for seeking a second opinion, it is worthwhile establishing whether the
• Allergies.
presenting complaint may be related to recent dental treatment with
another dentist. The patient should be asked for details about any re- Often, the patient’s medical history may only be an issue
cent dental treatment. depending on the type of treatment required. For example,
24 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management

non-​surgical endodontic treatment of a patient on anticoagulant little evidence to support this empirical practice. Antibiotic prophy-
therapy rarely presents problems. However, if the patient requires laxis has not been proven to be effective and there is no clear asso-
surgical endodontics then the anticoagulant therapy may have to be ciation between episodes of infective endocarditis and interventional
altered. A patient who is on or has been on bisphosphonates is an- procedures. In addition, any benefits from prophylaxis need to be
other example; in these cases, extraction, even of a very comprom- weighed against the risks of adverse effects for the patient and of anti-
ised tooth, may be inadvisable and endodontic treatment may be the biotic resistance developing. Following newer guidelines issued by the
treatment of choice. National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE), antibiotic
Before prescribing any type of medication as part of dental treat- prophylaxis should no longer be routinely offered for defined inter-
ment, it is essential that checks are made on possible interactions ventional procedures. It is advisable to liaise with the patient’s general
with any medication the patient may be taking. A  note should medical practitioner or their cardiologist if clarification on the need for
also be made of any antibiotics (including dosage, frequency, antibiotic prophylaxis is required.
and duration) the patient may have taken recently, as this may in-
fluence the prescription of further antibiotics that may become
necessary. Specific questions regarding allergy to latex, household
Personal history
bleach, and iodine compounds, for example, should be asked as It is useful to obtain an insight into the patient’s personal and pro-
these materials and chemicals are commonly used in endodontic fessional lifestyles as there may be clues to possible contributory or
treatment. aetiological factors that may have a bearing on the presenting com-
Previously, patients considered at risk of infective endocarditis plaint. A classic example is pain from temporomandibular dysfunction,
undergoing interventional procedures were given antibiotic prophy- initiated or aggravated by episodes of stress in a patient’s personal or
laxis. As a result, patients with a wide range of cardiac conditions, professional life, which may be mistaken for an endodontic problem.
including a history of rheumatic fever, were prescribed this preventa- Patients should also be asked if they think or know that they clench
tive measure. However, the current medical consensus is that there is their teeth during the day and/​or while they sleep.

What are the aims of the extraoral examination?

In the dental/​endodontic context, the aims of the extraoral examin- facial swelling. The muscles of mastication, lymph glands, and tem-
ation are to assess the head and neck region whilst looking for signs poromandibular joints may also be assessed.
that may be related to pulpal or periapical diseases, for example a

What are the aims of the intraoral examination?

The aims of the intraoral examination are to gain a general view of the signs of non-​endodontic and endodontic disease. It is also important
mouth, and then a specific view of the area(s) of the main complaint. to assess the patient’s tolerance of dentistry.
The intraoral examination should be sufficiently detailed to detect

What are the aims of special investigations?

Special investigations or tests are needed to corroborate or exclude testing assumes that the status of the nerve supply of the tooth is a
initial findings and to obtain further information of relevance. They reflection of the status of the blood supply. It is important to be aware
may also be used to identify or confirm the provisional diagnosis by that sensibility testing may provide false positive, as well as false nega-
reproducing the reported symptoms, for example cold sensibility tive results.
testing. The commonest special investigations carried out are sens- A positive response is usually due to stimulation of Aδ nerve fibres
ibility testing and radiographic examination. by the electric stimulus or contraction/​expansion of the fluid within
the dentinal tubules by thermal stimulus. If the sensation disappears
quickly following removal of the stimulus, this is considered to indicate
Sensibility testing
that the pulp-​dentine complex is healthy. When a lingering dull ache
The aim of sensibility testing (traditionally referred to as vitality persists following the removal of the stimulus, suggesting that there
testing), is to attempt to assess the health of the pulp. As it is reliant on has been stimulation of the C fibres, this is considered indicative of
the responsiveness of the nerve supply to the applied stimulus (elec- irreversible pulpal inflammation. No response from pulp testing indi-
tric or thermal), sensibility testing equipment can only provide an in- cates that the tooth is non-​vital, that is, the pulp is necrotic, or the
dication but not an absolute confirmation of pulpal health. Sensibility tooth has already been endodontically treated.
What are the aims of special investigations? 25

Radiographic examination alter when the angle, either horizontal or vertical, of the X-​ray tube,
and therefore, the X-​ray beam is changed. The more buccally located
Preoperative periapical radiographs should always be taken as part object will move in the opposite direction to which the X-​ray tube is
of the diagnostic process. Periapical radiographs are usually the moved. Lingually or palatally located objects will move in the same dir-
most valuable radiographic views of the teeth and their surrounding ection as that of the X-​ray tube. This is useful when roots overlie each
periapical structures. other in the radiographic plane: for example, maxillary first premolars,
Periapical radiographs may reveal clues about the status of the pulp. or to distinguish between the mesial roots of a mandibular first molar.
There may be obvious signs of pulpal involvement:  for example, a Bitewing radiographs are a useful adjunct in those cases where the
periapical radiolucency (Figure 3.1), evidence of caries (Figure 3.2), or presence of proximal caries in relation to the pulp chamber anatomy
resorption (Figure 3.3). However, more subtle signs of pulpal involve- needs to be confirmed. In some cases, a dental panoramic radiograph
ment include the presence of tertiary dentine (Figure 3.4), calcified root may also be indicated. Occlusal radiographs should be avoided as the
canals (Figure 3.5), and widening of the periodontal ligament space. image produced is distorted and therefore does not convey the true
Periapical radiographs may also reveal signs indicative of a vertical root nature of the underlying hard tissue problem.
fracture such as the unique circumferential pattern of bone loss (Figure One of the very few indications for the use of bisecting angled
3.6) or visible separation of the fractured fragments (Figure 3.7). radiographs is the detection of a possible horizontal root fracture.
It must be remembered that the absence of a periapical radio- The fracture line will only be revealed if the X-​ ray beam passes
lucency does not rule out the possibility of a chronic inflammatory pro- within 15º of the plane of the fracture. Therefore, if there is a possibility
cess occurring apically. Bone loss as a consequence of an infected root of a horizontal root fracture, bisecting radiographs should be taken at
canal system is detected on a radiograph only after there has been two or three different horizontal angles in the same vertical plane.
significant demineralization of the alveolar bone, usually perforation Digital radiography is now becoming more common in dentistry.
of the cortical plate, adjacent to the apices of the affected tooth. A Two types of direct digital image receptors are available: solid state
periapical radiopacity may also be indicative of an underlying patho- or photostimulable phosphor storage plates. The photostimulable
logical process. Low-​grade chronic inflammation due to an endodontic phosphor storage plates are placed in a special processor and
problem may cause condensing osteitis, that is, the formation of dense, scanned by a laser, resulting in a digital image. The solid state sensors
sclerotic bone around the tooth apex. may be charge-​coupled devices (CCD) or complementary metal
It may be necessary to take additional ‘angled’ views by changing oxide semiconductors (CMOS); the X-​ray energy is detected, and
the horizontal plane of the X-​ray tube head by 10–​15º in a distal direc- when transferred to a computer, it is processed into a digital image.
tion to separate otherwise superimposed roots, thus allowing them to Conventional radiographic images captured on X-​ ray films or
be assessed more accurately. The ‘parallax principle’ or ‘buccal object via digital sensors are two-​ dimensional ‘shadowgraphs’ with in-
rule’ may be used to locate the relative positions, in the bucco-​lingual herent problems of geometric distortions and anatomical noise.
plane, of two objects to each other, which may appear superimposed Over the past two decades, cone beam computed tomography
on one another. The radiographic position of the two objects will (CBCT) has been introduced into dentistry. Cone beam computed

(a) (b)

Figure 3.1  Periapical radiographs showing periapical radiolucencies associated with (a) a mandibular incisor and (b) a mandibular molar.
26 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management

Figure 3.2  Periapical radiograph showing caries associated with a Figure 3.3  Periapical radiograph showing external cervical resorption
mandibular premolar. associated with a mandibular second molar.

Figure 3.4  Periapical radiograph showing partial calcification of the Figure 3.5  Periapical radiograph showing partial calcification of the
pulp chamber associated with the mandibular first molar. root canal associated with the maxillary central incisor.

Figure 3.6  Periapical radiograph showing circumferential radiolucency, Figure 3.7  Periapical radiograph showing a visible vertical root
in keeping with a vertical root fracture, associated with the mesial root fracture associated with the distal root of an endodontically treated
of an endodontically treated mandibular first molar. mandibular first molar.
What are the aims of special investigations? 27

Box 3.1  Benefits of cone beam computed tomography

over conventional radiography
• Three-​dimensional images are produced.
• Accurate reproduction of structures with no geometric
• Elimination of anatomical noise which may mask the area
of interest.

tomography is an extraoral imaging system, which can produce three-​

dimensional scans of the maxillofacial skeleton with an effective
dose, which is comparable to conventional radiographs. It offers
many benefits over, and can be used as an adjunct to, conventional
radiography (Box 3.1). The volumetric data set obtained from the
CBCT scanner (Figure 3.8) is reconstructed using sophisticated com-
puter software to allow viewing of the image in three orthogonal
planes: axial, sagittal, and coronal simultaneously (Figures 3.9 and
3.10). An area can be assessed by selecting and moving the cursor on
a chosen image, which simultaneously alters the other reconstructed
In endodontics, CBCT with limited field of view is suitable as it cap-
tures small volumes of data that can include just 3–​4 individual teeth,
and thus limits the area being irradiated to the area of interest. The
radiation dose is equivalent to 2–​4 periapical radiographs. For ex-
ample, the 3D Accuitomo (J Morita Corporation, Osaka, Japan) cap-
tures a 40 mm (height) by 40 mm (diameter) volume of data, which is
similar in overall height and width to a periapical radiograph. Due to
its increased sensitivity, CBCT can detect endodontic lesions which
are not visible on conventional radiographs. Box 3.2 gives the situ-
Figure 3.8  Cone beam computer tomography scanner (3D Accuitomo
ations where CBCT with limited field of view may be considered. 170 CBCT scanner, [Morita, Japan] at the Dawood & Tanner specialist
It should be emphasized that the use of CBCT should be limited to dental practice).
complex cases that should be assessed and treated by a specialist in

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 3.9  Dens-​in-​dente: (a) conventional radiograph, and cone beam computed tomography images; (b) axial; (c) sagittal; and (d) coronal planes.
28 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 3.10  External cervical resorption: (a) conventional radiograph, and cone beam computed tomography images; (b) axial; (c) sagittal; and
(d) coronal planes.

Box 3.2  Cone beam computed tomography with limited field of view may be considered in the following situations
in endodontics
• Diagnosis of radiographic signs of periapical pathosis when there are contradictory (non-​specific) signs and/​or symptoms.
• Assessment and/​ or management of complex dento-​
alveolar trauma, which may not be readily evaluated with conventional
radiographic views.
• Appreciation of extremely complex root canal systems prior to endodontic management (e.g. class III & IV dens invaginatus).
• Assessment of extremely complex root canal anatomy in teeth treatment planned for nonsurgical endodontic re-​treatment.
• Assessment of endodontic treatment complications (e.g. perforations) for treatment planning purposes when existing conventional
radiographic views have yielded insufficient information.
• Assessment and/​or management of root resorption, which clinically appears to be potentially amenable to treatment.
• Pre-​surgical assessment prior to complex periradicular surgery (e.g. posterior teeth).

Adapted from the European Society of Endodontology position statement: the use of CBCT in endodontics (2014).

How do you arrive at a diagnosis?

This section covers some of the basics on how to arrive at a diagnosis Unfortunately, these relationships are not easy to elucidate; they
and the common errors in diagnosis. The process involves collecting, are not always clearly defined or reproducible. The differential
assessing, and processing the information in order to arrive at a diag- diagnosis of the pulpal and periapical conditions is dependent
nosis. It is not a skill that can be learned just by reading textbooks; it on the presenting symptoms, and clinical and radiographic signs
requires practice, experience, and reflection. There are many, often (Table 3.3).
conflicting, pieces of information that must be assessed and prioritized. As it is impossible to accurately diagnose the status of the pulp
The synthesis of clinical data, higher-​order thinking, critical reasoning, from clinical signs and symptoms, it has been suggested that the
and problem-​solving will lead to decision-​making and a diagnosis, all terms:  ‘acute’ or ‘chronic’ may not be appropriate. Instead, the
of which takes time to learn. terms ‘symptomatic’ and ‘asymptomatic’ may be preferable. The
Crucial to endodontic diagnosis is the relationship between terms ‘apical’, ‘periapical’, and ‘periradicular’ have also been used
symptoms, signs, and the histopathological state of the pulp. interchangeably.
How do you take a history? 29

Table 3.3  Pulpal and periapical conditions

Condition Characteristics
Healthy pulp • Symptom-​free
• Positive response to sensibility testing

Reversible pulpitis • Sharp, transient pain

• Does not linger when stimulus removed
• Often poorly localized
• No tenderness to percussion
• No obvious radiographic changes

Irreversible pulpitis • Dull, throbbing pain, may be spontaneous

• Lingers when stimulus removed
• May be kept awake at nights
• Usually no tenderness to percussion

Pulp necrosis • May or may not be painful

• No response from sensibility testing or partial response in
multi-​rooted  tooth
• Usually no obvious radiographic changes

Healthy periapical tissues • No tenderness to percussion or palpation

• Lamina dura intact and uniform periodontal ligament space

Acute periapical periodontitis • Pain on biting and percussion or palpation

• Slightly widened periodontal ligament space
• Thinning of the lamina dura
• Periapical radiolucency may be present

Acute periapical abscess • Rapid onset, spontaneous pain

• Tooth tender to any pressure and may be mobile
• Swelling present

Chronic periapical periodontitis • Often symptom-​free or only very mild symptoms

• Widened periodontal ligament space
• Periapical radiolucency present

Chronic periapical abscess • Usually symptom-​free

• Sinus tract present
• Periapical radiolucency present

Condensing osteitis • Usually symptom-​free

• No radiolucency, instead a periapical radiopacity

How do you take a history?

It is essential that the clinician is attentive, sympathetic, and inter- in their own words. If necessary, further questions for the purpose of
ested in the patient’s presenting complaint. This will result in the pa- clarification should be asked.
tient being more inclined to provide a full and accurate account of
their complaint. It is advisable to always ask open-​ended, non-​leading
Presenting complaint
questions instead of those that only require a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. The
questions asked should also be easy to understand and unbiased. By It is useful to have a mental checklist of the type of questions that
doing this, it allows the patient to explain and describe their complaint should be asked that will cover the various aspects of the presenting
30 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management

complaint. As many endodontic complaints are related to pain, the Dental history
questions asked are often directed at obtaining a pain history and
covering the following features: Examples of questions that should be asked during dental history
taking include:
• Character
• Are you anxious about having dental treatment?
• Duration or onset
• Have you had any previous bad dental experiences?
• Frequency
• When was your last visit to a dentist or dental professional?
• Severity
• How often do you attend your dentist?
• Site
• How often do you clean your teeth?
• Radiation
• What dental cleaning products do you use?
• Provoking or relieving factors
• Do you have a sweet tooth?
• Associated factors
• Do you recall any trauma or knocks to your teeth?
Therefore, the following are examples of questions that may be
• Have you had orthodontic treatment?
asked as part of endodontic history taking:
• Have you had recent dental treatment? (if so, what, where, when,
• How may I help? What is the problem? and from whom?)
• When did you first notice the problem? How long have you had pain?
• What does the pain feel like? How would you describe the pain? Medical history
• Has the pain coincided with any recent dental treatment? A medical history questionnaire should be used to provide a com-
• What brings on the pain? prehensive record so that no items of importance are missed.
• Where is the pain located? There are many examples of pro forma questionnaires, which are
available from commercial sources, dental associations, or specialist
• How long does the pain last?
societies. It is useful to ask the patient to complete the medical his-
• When does it hurt most? tory questionnaire in advance; this can then be discussed during the
• What makes the pain better? consultation. Questions should include current and previous medica-
• What makes the pain worse? tions, allergies, serious illnesses, and, when appropriate, pregnancy
• Is there anything else associated with the pain?
• Is the pain sharp or dull in nature?

How do you carry out an extraoral examination?

An extraoral examination commences as soon as you meet the pa-
tient. It should be carried out by viewing the patient from the front
and above while they are in a reclined position in the dental chair. The
extraoral examination should include assessment of:

• Patient anxiety.
• Patient cooperation: can the patient tolerate treatment in a supine
• Facial asymmetry.
• Extraoral swelling, including size, location, consistency.
• Extraoral sinus tracts (Figure 3.11).
• Trauma to the orofacial region.
• Head and neck lymph nodes for lymphadenopathy.
• Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, for example tenderness to
palpation of the muscles of mastication, clicking or crepitus of the
temporomandibular joint. Figure 3.11  Extraoral sinus tract.
How do you carry out an intraoral examination? 31

How do you carry out an intraoral examination?

Magnification devices, for example dental loupes or dental oper- It may be challenging or impossible to perform endodontic treatment
ating microscope (Figure 3.12), with co-​axial illumination are helpful if the patient has restricted mouth opening or a pronounced gag reflex.
for carrying out an intraoral examination. The intraoral examination
should include assessment of: General examination of the mouth
• Patient’s tolerance of dentistry. The general state of the oral cavity should be surveyed before
• General examination of the mouth. homing in on the area of interest related to the main complaint.
• Specific examination of the area(s) of main complaint. The general examination should include checking for the following:

• Abnormal appearance of the oral mucosa, for example sinus tract,

Patient’s tolerance of dentistry ulceration or erythema.

Patient’s tolerance of dentistry should be assessed, including: • Frictional keratosis (Figure 3.13) or scalloping of the tongue
(common signs of parafunction).
• Mouth opening. Does the patient have adequate mouth opening
• Presence, location, tenderness, consistency, and size of any soft
to access the tooth? Can the patient open their mouth adequately
tissue abnormalities and swellings.
and comfortably for a long period of time?
• Missing or unopposed teeth.
• Gag reflex. Can the patient tolerate radiographs and rubber 
dam? • Oral hygiene status (Figure 3.14) and basic periodontal examination.
• Food traps and plaque retentive factors.
• Tooth discolouration (Figure 3.15).
• Tooth surface loss (Figure 3.16).
• Caries (Figure 3.17).
• Quality and quantity of the existing dental treatment or restor-
ations (Figure 3.18).
• Signs of marginal leakage.
• Fractured teeth or restorations (Figure 3.19).

All of this information should then be correlated to the patient’s

past dental history.

Specific examination of the area(s)

of main complaint
The area(s) in question should be assessed visually in the first instance.
Figure 3.12  Dental operating microscope (Global Surgical, St Louis,
The location, size, and consistency, for example rubbery, firm, or

Figure 3.13  Buccal linear keratosis. Figure 3.14  Poor oral hygiene: plaque accumulation and gingivitis of a
10 year old who has traumatised their maxillary anterior teeth.
32 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management

(a) (b)

Figure 3.15  Discolouration: (a) dark discolouration of a maxillary central incisor, (b) pink discolouration (white arrow) at gingival margin of a
maxillary central incisor, also note the translucency and wear of the incisal edges-this patient also had acid reflux and parafunctional habits.

fluctuant, and localized or diffused, of any soft or hard tissue swellings

should be noted (Figure 3.20). Similarly, any abnormal appearance of
the mucosa overlying the area in question, for example the presence of
a sinus tract should be noted. Where appropriate, diagrams and photo-
graphs of the relevant findings may be used to supplement note taking.

The mucosa on either side of the area related to the main com-
plaint should be palpated gently using finger pressure (Figure 3.21).
A note should be made of any tenderness, the extent and severity;
the contralateral and adjacent quadrant should also be palpated for
comparison. Tenderness or swelling of the overlying mucosa usually
indicates that infection or inflammation has extended beyond the
apex and into the overlying soft tissues.

Figure 3.16  Marked tooth surface loss may affect the integrity of the pulp.

Figure 3.17  Caries: distal cavitation Figure 3.18  Unsatisfactory restoration Figure 3.19  Fractured teeth and
and occlusal staining. with no contact point, resulting in food restorations.
packing and gingival irritation.
How do you carry out an intraoral examination? 33

Tooth mobility should be noted and graded according to the extent.
Excessive mobility may be due to loss of attachment as a result of chronic
periodontal disease or an acutely inflamed periodontal ligament resulting
from pulpitis or occlusal trauma. Other common causes of excessive mo-
bility include a vertical or horizontal root fracture or a decemented post.
With fingers or the end of two mirror handles placed on opposing
sides of the tooth, pressure is applied in both vertical and horizontal
directions. The extent of any mobility is graded accordingly:

• Grade I: just perceptible, slightly more than normal movement.

• Grade II: >1 mm in any horizontal direction.
• Grade III: >1 mm in any horizontal or vertical directions.

Periodontal probing
A detailed periodontal examination should be carried out on the tooth
under investigation. Attachment loss may be due to periodontal dis-
ease, vertical root fracture, or iatrogenically-​induced perforation. When
carrying out periodontal probing (Figure 3.23a), the periodontal probe
should be ‘walked’ around the whole circumference of the tooth.
Otherwise, it is not uncommon to miss an isolated, deep periodontal
pocket, which may be indicative of a vertical root fracture (Figure 3.23b).
Figure 3.20  Intraoral swelling (yellow arrow) related to a maxillary
posterior tooth. Occlusal examination
Occlusal examination comprises:
Percussion • Assessing for signs of excess occlusal loading and/​or parafunctional
The tooth or teeth should, initially, be gently pressed with a finger habits (clenching and/​or grinding), for example loss of canine guid-
to see if there is any tenderness. If necessary, greater force may be ance, faceting, chipped incisal edges (Figures 3.21, 3.24).
applied using the end of a mirror handle (Figure 3.22). However, • Assessing the occlusion in retruded contact and intercuspal posi-
the end of a mirror handle should never be used with unneces- tions, and then lateral excursions. Articulating paper may be used
sary force when carrying out this test. With a posterior tooth, it is to identify points of premature contact.
important to tap each cusp and therefore, each root, as only one
• Occlusal factors may cause:
root may be tender to percussion. Tenderness to percussion indi-
cates that infection or inflammation has involved the periodontal • Temporomandibular joint or related muscle pain, which may
present as symptoms similar to pulpal or periapical disease.
ligament. However, a common non-​endodontic cause is occlusal
trauma from bruxism, and/​ or occlusal interferences (e.g. high • Propagation of cracks in teeth, which may then give rise to
endodontic problems, such as ‘cracked tooth syndrome’ or, by
acting as an entry route for microbes leading to pulpal inflamma-
tion, necrosis and infection.

Figure 3.21  Tenderness to palpation assessed by gently pressing the Figure 3.22  Gentle percussion of a tooth with a mirror handle.
mucosa, also note the wear of the incisal edges/tips of the maxillary
left lateral incisor and canine teeth.
34 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management

Assessment of teeth • Exposed dentine may give rise to thermal hypersensitivity or pulpal
The strategic nature of the tooth or teeth under investigation should changes.
be assessed as this may well have a bearing on the final treatment • Exposed pulpal tissues, for example a complete crown fracture fol-
plan. For example, an unopposed and non-​functional tooth may be lowing trauma, or gross caries.
better extracted. A note should be made of any breach of tooth struc-
An assessment should be made as to the likely amount of sound coronal
ture, as this may initiate and perpetuate pulpal and periapical diseases.
tooth tissue that would remain after removal of caries and the previous
Magnification in the form of dental loupes or operating microscope is
restorations as this will provide guidance as to the restorability of the tooth.
of tremendous help. It is important to look out for:
Endodontic treatment is futile when carried out on a tooth that is clearly
• Infractions, crazing, and fracture lines in the enamel (Figure 3.25). unrestorable. It is also pertinent to consider the type of post-​endodontic
Detection may be aided by transillumination, special dyes, or a restoration the tooth may require as part of treatment planning.
tooth sleuth (Figure 3.26). Any colour differences should be noted (Figure 3.15) as these may be
• Primary and recurrent secondary caries (Figure 3.17). a sign of pulpal haemorrhage, pulpal necrosis, microleakage, or staining
from the root canal filling material. The following should be recorded:
• Restorations with signs of microleakage or macroleakage
(Figures 3.18 and 3.19), for example ditching, poorly adapted • Intrinsic or extrinsic discolouration.
restorations, and discoloured margins, which causes plaque re-
• Degree of discolouration.
tention, may lead to pulpal involvement, or food packing, which
• Uniformity of the discolouration.
may mimic pulpal symptoms.
• Extent of the discolouration (partial or total).

(a) (b)

Figure 3.23  Vertical root fracture of a maxillary central incisor restored with a post-​retained crown. (a) ‘Walking’ the periodontal probe around the
gingival sulcus reveals a deep, isolated, and narrow periodontal pocket adjacent to the fracture line. (b) Fractured tooth fragments following extraction.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.24  (a) and (b) Chipped and worn incisal edges.

How do you carry out special investigations? 35

Figure 3.25  Enamel infraction lines associated with maxillary Figure 3.26  A ‘tooth sleuth’ over a selected cusp and then asking the
incisor teeth. patient to close down firmly. If a crack is present, then the wedging
forces will provoke a painful response.

How do you carry out special investigations?

Sensibility testing • Repeat the test if necessary.
• Be aware of false positive or false negative test results.
The following are essential for predictable and accurate sensibility
testing: • Record all the findings.

• Explain the nature of the test to the patient. Electric testing

• Request that the patient indicates, for example by raising a hand, An electric current from a battery-​ operated device (Figure 3.27)
when the stimulus is felt. is used as the stimulus in this test. A  small clip is hooked onto the
• Dry the tooth to be tested with gauze or cotton wool pledgets. patient’s lip and the probe is placed on the coronal half, usually the la-
bial/​buccal surface (Figure 3.28), of the tooth in question to complete
• Isolate the tooth with cotton wool rolls.
the circuit. Alternatively, the patient is allowed to hold the handle of
• As a control, test a healthy tooth first. the test probe, which is in contact with the tooth, and this completes
• Test the questionable tooth next. the circuit. A  conducting medium such as toothpaste or prophylaxis
• Test an adjacent and a contralateral tooth to gain a more objective paste is essential to improve the conduction of the electrical current
comparison. from the probe to the tooth. The patient is asked to indicate by, for
example raising a hand, or letting go if they are holding the handle of
• Test both the buccal and lingual/​palatal aspects of multirooted  teeth.

Figure 3.27  An electric pulp tester: Digitest (Parkell, Edgewood, Figure 3.28  An electric pulp tester in use. The probe of the electric
NY, USA). pulp tester is placed on the buccal surface of the tooth. Prophylaxis
paste has been used as a conducting medium.
36 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management

the test probe, when they feel warmth or tingling on the tooth being It is generally accepted that the colder the stimulus, the more reliable
tested. With some electric pulp testers on the market, the electric cur- the test. Ice and ethyl chloride are not cold enough to be sufficiently
rent passing through the tooth will increase automatically the longer discriminatory and may give rise to false negative results; the authors do
the probe is in contact with the tooth; the rate at which the current not recommend either of these. Refrigerant spray is recommended as it
increases may also be adjusted. If a tooth has a full coronal coverage is easy to use and readily available (Figure 3.29). This is applied to a foam
restoration, for example a crown, there is no natural tooth surface for pellet or cotton wool pledget. Sufficient time should be allowed for ice
probe placement to carry out electric pulp testing. With some elec- crystals to form prior to application on the tooth surface (Figure 3.30).
tric pulp testers, a finer probe is available, and it may just be possible
Heat testing
to place this fine probe on uncovered tooth tissue near the crown
margins. Heat tests can be performed using a variety of materials and equipment:
• Warm gutta-​percha (GP) point/​pellet/​stick (Figure 3.31). The point
Cold testing of application on the tooth should first be coated with a separating
Cold tests can be performed using a variety of materials and equipment: medium, such as petroleum jelly, to prevent the warm GP from
sticking to the tooth.
• Ice.
• Warm, not hot or boiling, water while the tooth is isolated under
• Ice cold water while the tooth is isolated under rubber dam.
rubber dam (Figure 3.32).
• Ice crystals formed on foam pellets or cotton wool pledgets using
• Heated probe, for example Elements Obturation Unit (Kerr
refrigerant sprays.
Endodontics, Orange, CA, USA).
• Dry ice sticks (CO2 snow). • A rotating prophy cup to create frictional heat.

Figure 3.29  Examples of refrigerant sprays: (left) Endo Cold Spray Figure 3.30  Cold testing being carried out; ice crystals have formed on
(Henry Schein UK Holdings Ltd, Gillingham, UK), (right) Endo-​Frost the foam pellet following application of a refrigerant spray.
(Coltene/​Whaledent AG, Alstatten, Switzerland).

Figure 3.31  Heat testing being carried out using a warm GP point. Figure 3.32  Heat testing being carried out by syringing warm water on
to a tooth isolated with rubber dam.
How do you carry out special investigations? 37

(a) (b)

Figure 3.33  Beam-​aiming paralleling devices: (a) for anterior teeth and (b) for posterior teeth.

Test cavity preparation images (Figure 3.33). These devices are designed for use with both
As a last resort, a small test cavity may be prepared in the tooth but anterior and posterior teeth. The radiograph should show the
without local anaesthetic. The patient is advised to signal if any pain is whole tooth together with at least 3–​4  mm of surrounding bone
felt. It is prudent to be aware that with some patients, especially if they (Figure 3.34). When examining a periapical radiograph, start ini-
are nervous, a false positive result may be obtained. It must be empha- tially with an overview of the teeth and structures visible. Next,
sized that indiscriminate test cavity preparation purely for the purpose focus on the area of interest and then the tooth or teeth concerned.
of ascertaining pulpal health is inadvisable. The features to note and to assess when viewing a periapical radio-
graph are covered in Table 3.4. If there is an intraoral or extraoral
sinus, the source of the infection may be traced by inserting a GP
Radiographic examination point into the sinus tract(s) and taking a periapical radiograph
Every aspect of endodontics is heavily reliant upon information gained (Figure 3.35).
from radiography. Radiographs are usually needed preoperatively,
intraoperatively, postoperatively, and at reviews. Parallax
This involves taking two periapical radiographs at slightly different
Periapical radiographs horizontal angles of about 10–​15º. A horizontal shift of the X-​ray tube
Radiographs (film-​based or digital) should be taken using a beam-​ may produce more relevant information about the tooth under inves-
aiming, paralleling device to ensure undistorted and reproducible tigation (Figure 3.36).

(a) (b)

Figure 3.34  Periapical radiographs taken using a beam-​aiming paralleling device showing (a) anterior teeth and (b) posterior teeth.
38 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management

Table 3.4  The features to note and assess when interpreting a periapical radiograph

General overview • Caries status • Quality of any root canal fillings

• Periodontal health • Abnormalities/​pathosis
• Quality of existing restorations • Relationship to vital structures, e.g. maxillary sinus, inferior dental

Tooth and area of interest Crown of tooth • Caries

• Quality of existing restoration: overhangs, marginal fit, contact points
• Amount of tooth structure

Periodontal and periapical tissues • Level and quality of crestal bone

• Vertical/​horizontal/​furcation bone  loss
• Continuity and width of the periodontal ligament space
• Integrity and thickness of the lamina dura
• Presence of any radiolucent or radiopaque areas
• Relationship to adjacent anatomy (e.g. inferior dental nerve)

Roots and root canal system • Number, length, form, and shape of roots
• Outline and curvature of the root canal(s)
• Calcifications of the root canal or pulp chamber
• Root resorption
• Root fracture
• Quality and type of any root canal fillings present
• Iatrogenic problems, for example separated file, root perforation

(a) (b)

Figure 3.35  Two GP points have been used to ‘track’ the sinus tracts: (a) clinical view and (b) periapical radiograph.
What are the common errors in diagnosis? 39

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 3.36  Parallax radiography: two periapical radiographs are taken (a) straight on and (b) with a horizontal shift of 10º to the distal. Parallax
views of an endodontically treated mandibular molar provide a better appreciation of the quality of the root canal fillings in both the mesial and
distal roots: (c) normal view and (d) distal view.

What are the common errors in diagnosis?

Endodontic diseases usually manifest clinically in the form of pain, Limitations of radiographs
swelling, and/​or a periapical radiolucency. However, the clinician
should always be aware that there are also non-​endodontic causes, In certain situations, an incidental radiographic finding of a periapical
which may mimic endodontic problems; detailed explanations on the radiolucency may be the only sign of endodontic disease in an other-
subject are provided in standard texts on oral medicine and oral path- wise symptom-​free tooth (Figure 3.37). However, it must be remem-
ology and they should be consulted. bered that not all radiolucencies are indicative of pathosis. It is well
established that in some cases, conventional radiographs reveal
40 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management

Figure 3.37  Large periapical radiolucency associated with Figure 3.38  Radiographic appearance of the mental foramen (yellow
symptom-​free  teeth. arrow) may be mistaken for the presence of periapical pathosis.

limited information of the dento-​alveolar anatomy because of their will help confirm that these ‘radiolucencies’ are anatomical landmarks.
two-​dimensional nature, geometic distortion, and anatomic noise. Additional existing radiographs, for example panoramic views, showing
An example of ‘noise’ is the radiographic appearance of the mental the contralateral side may also help confirm the position of the mental
foramen or incisive foramen which may be mistaken for a lesion foramen, which should be in a symmetrically similar location. Widening
(Figure 3.38). The dental anatomy can only be assessed in the mesio-​ of the periodontal ligament space and apparent radiolucencies may
distal plane; the bucco-​lingual plane is compressed and cannot be
assessed. Finally, geometric distortion in the radiographic image is in-
evitable as it is impossible to align the image sensor parallel to the long Box 3.3  Differential diagnosis of radiolucent lesions
axis of the tooth and perfectly perpendicular to the X-​ray beam; this
Normal anatomy
distortion is worse in the maxilla than in the mandible.
• Mandible, for example mental foramen, inferior dental canal.
Alternatively, radiographic examination may reveal signs of
endodontic or periodontal disease which are not related to the • Maxilla, for example maxillary sinus, incisive foramen.
patient’s perceived problems but in the region of the reported problem Artefact
area; this may be attributed wrongly to the symptoms or clinical find- • Processing errors.
ings. It may result in misdiagnosis and, possibly, incorrect treatment
being carried out.
• Infection, for example periapical periodontitis.
A differential diagnosis of radiographic lesions is dependent on the
location, size, shape, radiodensity, outline, and effect on neighbouring • Trauma, for example extrusion injury, alveolar fracture.
structures. A summary is shown in Box 3.3. and revision on the subject • Odontogenic cysts, for example radicular cyst, dentigerous
by consulting the relevant books is recommended. Examples of errors cyst, odontogenic keratocyst, nasopalatine duct cyst.
that occur when over-​reliance is placed on radiographic findings alone • Odontogenic tumours, for example odontoma, ameloblastoma,
include the following: ameloblastic carcinoma.
• Bone tumours and related lesions, for example giant cell lesion,
Anatomical landmarks fibro-​cemento-​osseous dysplasia.

The radiolucent shadows of the mental and incisive foramina may be mis-
Adapted from WHO Classification of Head and Neck Tumours, 4th edition (2017).
taken for lesions associated with periapical diseases. Sensibility testing
Treatment planning 41

also be due to superimposition of root apices over the maxillary sinuses follow-​up radiographs will help confirm that there is no pathosis and
and the inferior dental canal. Sparse bony trabeculation and varying therefore no treatment is required.
bone density may also be mistaken for pathosis.
Non-​inflammatory swellings
Periapical osseous dysplasia
Although non-​ inflammatory swellings have unique presenting fea-
This condition, also known as periapical fibro-​cemento-​osseous dys-
tures, in reality the range of presenting features do not preclude their
plasia, is where bone is replaced by fibrous tissue, which is then re-
occasional and passing resemblance to those of periapical origin. It is
placed with bone or mineralized tissue to varying degrees. The lesions
important to be familiar with the characteristics and able to differen-
are usually associated with the apices of mandibular incisor teeth and
tiate between them. Details of such diseases are covered comprehen-
may be mistaken for periapical lesions. Sensibility testing and even
sively in more appropriate texts.

Treatment planning
Once a diagnosis has been reached, the patient should be informed be indicated, and it would be necessary to discuss other treatment
of the various treatment options available. For each treatment option, options for the resultant space.
the patient should be informed of the following:
• Advantages and disadvantages. Where does endodontic treatment fit
• Prognosis of each treatment outcome. in treatment planning?
• Duration and number of appointments needed. Initial phase
• Cost implications (if applicable). The initial phase is usually to relieve pain by, for example, pulp extirpa-
• Risks and possible complications. tion or incision and drainage. These are discussed later in this chapter.

The patient can only make an informed decision on the most suitable Definitive phase
treatment once each option has been discussed (Chapter 10). The prin-
The definitive phase is disease stabilization. The aim is to treat existing
ciple of informed consent requires that the patient is advised on the most
dental disease and prevent its recurrence, for example caries removal
appropriate treatment option after all options have been explained.
(Chapter 4) or root canal treatment (Chapters 5 and 6) and replace-
ment of deficient restorations with well-​adapted definitive restoration
What is a treatment plan? (Chapter 7).
A treatment plan is a list of procedures, a timetable, individually
tailored for each patient, based on their unique dental problem(s) and
needs. The treatment plan aims to address patient care in an ordered,
systematic, and logical fashion. It can be broken down into different

• Pain relief.
• Disease stabilization, including oral hygiene instruction and dietary
• Maintaining or restoring function.
• Maintaining or restoring aesthetics.
• Review or maintenance.

A treatment plan may be relatively simple if there is only a single,

solitary problem in need of attention. In other cases, it may be more
complicated, requiring a multidisciplinary approach that needs to
be broken down into phases of implementation such as those men-
tioned above. The initial treatment plan may also have to be modified,
to allow for unplanned or unforeseen circumstances. An example of
this is where root canal treatment has been planned, but upon ac-
cessing the tooth or removing the existing restoration, a vertical frac-
ture is detected (Figure 3.39). If the fracture runs through the pulp
chamber, mesiodistally, the tooth is split and untreatable. The treat- Figure 3.39  Fracture running mesio-​distally through a maxillary
ment plan would obviously need to be modified, as extraction would first molar.
42 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management

Maintenance and review • Importance and strategic nature of the tooth.

It is important to assess the outcome of endodontic treatment • Restorability.
(Chapter  8). Follow-​up may reveal that treatment has an unfavour-
In terms of dental anatomy, endodontic management may be influ-
able outcome and this may mean that further endodontic treatment
enced by:
(Chapter 9) or extraction may be indicated.
• Size of the pulp chamber and presence of any calcifications.
Record keeping • Number of root canals and their relative size and degree of any cal-
It is imperative to keep contemporaneous and comprehensive records, cification (Figure 3.40).
including noting down all discussions about treatment options and • Complexity of root canal contour and curvature (Figure 3.41).
plans. Dentolegally, it should be remembered that ‘no records equals • If a tooth has already been endodontically treated, the quality of the
no defence’ should there be any potential misunderstanding or future root canal filling (Figure 3.42), and the presence of foreign objects
litigation (Chapter 10). In addition, before starting any treatment, con- such as a separated instrument.
sent must be obtained and this must be recorded.
Clinician-​related factors
What are the factors that influence Knowledge, experience, and the skill of the clinician are all important
treatment planning? considerations in treatment planning. These factors will influence the
treatment options the clinician is able to offer to the patient and will
Patient-​related factors impact on the decision-​making process. Access to equipment (e.g.
These factors include the patient’s medical and dental history, expect- dental operating microscope) and secondary dental care (e.g. specialist
ations, motivation, attitude, and compliance with treatment. Occasionally, in endodontics) may also influence the treatment approach adopted.
a patient’s expectations may be unrealistic; unless the patient is coopera- Complex problems and challenging cases are often best managed by
tive it would be challenging to carry out the treatment plan. specialists in endodontics. Regulatory bodies and dentolegal defence or-
ganizations have also advised that, where necessary, patients should be
Dental-​related factors referred for further advice or treatment, or if requested by the patient.
As mentioned previously, the dental factors that may influence treat-
ment planning include:
What does decision-​making involve?
• Access.
Decision-​ making involves analysis of all the elicited information,
• Oral hygiene standard. prioritizing, and ‘weighing up’ all the pieces of information, and giving
• Periodontal support. balanced consideration to the various factors involved. Clinicians

Figure 3.40  Calcified root canal associated Figure 3.41  Acute curvature associated with Figure 3.42  An underextended and poorly
with a maxillary left central incisor. a maxillary central incisor. compacted root canal filling associated with a
maxillary central incisor.
Treatment planning 43

are challenged by the need for accountability. Fundamental to ac- and therefore will vary between clinicians depending upon their own
countability are the concepts of risk assessment and evidence-​based skillset, training, and experience. The context of treatment is also
practice. Risk assessment is the formal procedure of evaluating the sig- considered and scored in relation to the local and general factors.
nificance of risks in order to facilitate the decision-​making process. An overall score >6 suggest that treatment would not be practical to
Several case assessment forms are available to aid assessing carry out.
restorability. The Dental Practicality Index (DPI; Table 3.5) is intended Evidence-​based practice requires the conscientious, explicit, and
to assist clinicians with treatment planning. The DPI assesses the judicious use of current best evidence for the care of individual pa-
tooth’s periodontal, endodontic, and overall restorative status, as well tients. With growing knowledge, confidence, and experience, the
as the context, that is, the practicality of restoring the tooth in con- process of decision-​making and the formulation of treatment plans
text of the ‘bigger picture’. Each of the restorative categories:  struc- will gradually become easier and more routine. Whilst a novice may
tural integrity, periodontal state, and endodontic state are assessed find the decision-​ making process slow and frustrating, a step-​ by-​
and weighted according to their current state and the complexity of step approach is essential to the development of competence and,
potential treatment. These levels are inevitably somewhat arbitrary ultimately, expertise.

Table 3.5  The categories that the tooth should be assessed in; Endodontic (treatment need), Periodontal (treatment
need), (structural) Integrity as well as Context (EPIC) are summarised in the grey shaded coumns. Each row shows examples
of different levels (0,1,2,6) of complexity for each category. An overall DPI score of >6 indicates that treatment may be
impractical, this is reduced to 4 if the tooth to be treated is to be used as a bridge abutment

Weighting Endodontic Periodontal Integrity Context

0 Vital pulp Probing <3.5 mm Unrestored or Local:
No Previously successfully (BPE  0–​2) existing well-​adapted Isolated dental problems where adjacent
treatment treated endodontic Previously successfully restoration teeth are healthy
required disease treated periodontal
disease General:
Replacing of a strategic tooth may
be excessively complex histroy of IV
bisphosphonates, head & neck radiotherapy

1 Simple root canal system Probing 3.5–​5.5 mm Simple (in)direct Local:

Simple with endodontic disease (BPE 3) restoration Prosthodontic treatment planned of
treatment (e.g. radiographically easily Root surface neighbouring teeth which may influence
required identifiable root canal(s), debridement indicated treatment plan for tooth being assessed
easily retrievable root canal Tooth to be used as a bridge abutment
filling material)
Radiotherapy of head and neck region
planned Immunocrompromised patient

2 Complex root canal system Probing >5.5 mm Minimal residual Local:

Complex with endodontic disease (BPE 4) sound tooth Prosthodontic treatment planned of
treatment (e.g. calcified root canal, Compromised support structure (e.g. subgingival multiple, including adjacent teeth
required acute curvatures) (e.g. short root, crown margins, post-​core
Complex re-root canal lengthening required, restoration required etc.) General:
retreatment (e.g. separated grade 2 mobility) High caries rate
instrument, perforation) Grade 2–​3 furcation Poor oral hygiene
Difficulty in obtaining involvement Parafunctional habits, extensive tooth
effective anaesthesia surface loss
Active periodontal disease

6 Untreatable root canal Untreatable periodontal Inadequate structure Local:

Impractical system disease for ferrule Retention of the tooth being assessed
to treat would constrain and/or compromise an
otherwise simple and predicable treatment
plan (for example extensive bridge work)
Potentially life threatening medical
conditions which should be managed in
tertiary care

Adapted from Dawood A and Patel S (2017) The Dental Practicality Index—​assessing the restorability of teeth. British Dental Journal 222, 755–​8. Printed with
permission from Springer Nature.
44 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management

Patient management
The remainder of this chapter is a summary of the issues that may be methods of administration; there are also factors that may modulate
pertinent to patient management if endodontic treatment is provided. their effectiveness. Reasons for ineffective anaesthesia may include:
It is not meant to be comprehensive but based on commonly encoun- • Poor technique.
tered clinical scenarios.
• Inadequate amounts of local anaesthetic administered.
Local anaesthesia and analgesics • Variation in patient’s anatomy.
Effective pulpal and periapical anaesthesia is essential for endodontic treat- • Very inflamed pulpal and periapical tissues.
ment, to ensure the patient is comfortable, and to maintain the patient’s • Variation in absorption, metabolism, and excretion of local anaes-
confidence and trust. A significant number of patients are very nervous of thetic drug.
dental treatment due to previous painful treatment experiences in the past
• Psychological factors.
or may already be in considerable pain. The fear of pain itself may often be
the reason why some patients defer or do not seek treatment. In rare circumstances, it may not be possible to achieve effective
The following points will help to ensure effective anaesthesia is anaesthesia. In some cases, oral, inhalation or intravenous sedation
achieved: may have to be considered. For further information, textbooks on local
anaesthesia and sedation in dentistry should be consulted.
• Decide on the appropriate local anaesthetic technique using a
Patients may still be in some discomfort after treatment has been
sound knowledge of the associated anatomy.
completed, especially if they have been experiencing pain beforehand.
• Decide on the appropriate type of local anaesthetic solution. They should be given reassurance and advised that it is normal to be
• Inform the patient what you are going to do and how the anaesthe- in some discomfort for several days after treatment. Patients should be
tized area will feel. given pain relief advice, including continuing with any analgesics they
may have been taking. A courtesy telephone call one or two days later
• Apply topical anaesthetic to the injection site and allow time for this
to enquire about a patient’s wellbeing is also recommended, as it is of
to anaesthetize the surface of the mucosa.
tremendous psychological benefit.
• Administer injections slowly using a self-​aspirating syringe.
Non-​steroidal anti-​inflammatory drugs (NSAID), such as ibuprofen,
• Ensure that an adequate volume of local anaesthetic is administered. are the first choice for postoperative pain. These may be supple-
• Before starting treatment, confirm effective soft tissue anaesthesia has mented with paracetamol (acetoaminophen) or codeine phosphate/​
been achieved by, for example, gently probing the mucosa in the area. paracetamol preparations. Whichever analgesic is chosen, it is impera-
tive to ensure that it is tolerated by the patient and does not interfere
• Before starting treatment, confirm effective pulpal anaesthesia has
with any medication the patient may be taking. Very rarely, a stronger
been achieved by, for example, carrying out a sensibility test.
opioid-​based analgesic may have to be prescribed if pain relief from
• Advise patient to indicate, for example raising a hand, if they feel
over-​the-​counter analgesics is insufficient or ineffective.
any pain or discomfort.
• Inform the patient that it is normal to feel some pressure and vibration. Vital pulp extirpation
For maxillary posterior teeth, effective anaesthesia is usually Extirpation is indicated when the pulp is irreversibly inflamed. Effective
achieved by administering an infiltration technique into the buccal pulpal anaesthesia is required for successful extirpation. Unfortunately,
mucosa adjacent to the roots of the tooth to be treated. In some cases, it can be difficult to achieve effective pulpal anaesthesia with a ‘hot
it is advisable to consider supplementing the customary buccal infiltra- tooth’ due to the extent of the inflammation. Supplemental anaes-
tion with a palatal infiltration. thetic techniques may be required and it is essential to inform patients,
For mandibular posterior teeth, effective anaesthesia is rarely especially if they are nervous, that they may feel some discomfort or
achieved by infiltration techniques on their own, due to the thick- pain during the procedure.
ness of the cortical bone. It is advisable to use an inferior dental nerve
block, which may be supplemented with a long buccal infiltration. Incision and drainage
If effective anaesthesia has not been achieved, additional or supple-
A localized swelling, either intraoral or extraoral, must be treated as
mentary anaesthetic techniques may be required including:
a matter of urgency. In extreme cases the swelling may result in life-​
• Regional nerve blocks, for example for maxillary teeth. threatening conditions, for example Ludwig’s angina or septicaemia.
• Intraligamental. An attempt must be made to incise and drain the swelling, especially
• Intraosseous. if it is fluctuant. Adequate drainage will result in immediate pain relief
and a reduction in the size of the swelling.
• Intrapulpal.
Administration of local anaesthetic directly into the affected area
• Alternative techniques, for example Gow-​Gates or Akinosi for the is often contraindicated in these situations as it may help spread the
inferior dental nerve. infection along the fascial planes and the anaesthetic solution may
Many factors may influence the effectiveness of local anaesthesia, not be very effective because of the acute inflammation. Where pos-
including the choice of anaesthetic drug, its mechanism of action, the sible, regional or nerve block type anaesthetics are more appropriate.
Patient management 45

Otherwise, limited surface anaesthesia may be achieved using a top- Leaving a tooth on open drainage is not advisable. If left opened, over
ical anaesthetic or ethyl chloride. time it will allow the entry of oral microbes, foreign objects, and food
The practical steps required to incise and drain an intraoral swelling debris into the root canal system further complicating endodontic
include: management.
• Explain the nature of the incision and drainage procedure to the
patient. Antibiotics
• Palpate the swelling gently to confirm that it is fluctuant. Antibiotics should not be prescribed as the first line of treatment for
• Lance the area, in one quick stroke, with the tip of scalpel blade. dento-​alveolar abscesses. If prescribed, antibiotics are only an adjunct
to treatment. They do not actually treat abscesses or their cause(s);
• Gently massage either side of swelling with fingers to express as
they are used to limit swelling and to prevent spread of the infection.
much pus as possible.
The overzealous use of antibiotics as a ‘quick fix’ is to be discouraged
• Aspirate the discharge and wait for the exudation to cease.
as it is not a long-​term solution and it may also result in microbes
• Prescribe antibiotics if there are signs of systemic involvement. developing increased resistance to antibiotics.
• Give supportive care advice, for example analgesics, plenty of fluids, The majority of dento-​alveolar abscesses can be treated without
and a soft diet. antibiotics but there are situations where they are indicated:

In addition to incision and drainage of any intraoral fluctuant • If a patient presents with a diffused swelling that cannot be adequately
swelling, drainage via the root canal system (Figure 3.43) should also drained via the root canal system or by incision and drainage.
be attempted. The practical steps required to achieve drainage via the • If the infection is spreading, invading the fascial spaces below the
root canal system include: mandible or the orbital area.
• Explain the nature of the proposed procedure to the patient. • If there is cervical lymphadenopathy and a raised temperature, usu-
• Support the tooth with, for example, a finger to reduce the vibration ally in association with malaise, which are indications of systemic
from the handpiece. spread of infection.

• Gain access into the root canal(s). When prescribing a course of antibiotics, the following should be
• If necessary, explore the root canal(s) with a fine file to facilitate considered:
drainage. • Signs of systemic involvement.
• Gently massage the associated swelling with fingers to express as • Antibiotics would not interfere with other medications or existing
much pus/​tissue fluid/​blood as possible though the root canal(s). medical conditions.
• Once drainage from the root canal(s) has stopped, irrigate the pulp • The most suitable antibiotic, an adequate dose, duration, and suit-
space copiously. able route of administration.
• Medicate the tooth and place a temporary filling. • The patient is informed of any possible interactions or side effects.
• If extruded from the socket, adjust the tooth so that it is out of
Commonly suggested antibiotics and regimes are shown in
Table 3.6.
• Prescribe antibiotics if there are signs of systemic involvement.
• Give supportive care advice, for example analgesics, plenty of fluids,
and soft diet. Table 3.6  Type, dosages, and duration of antibiotics
prescribed in endodontics

Drug of choice Loading Maintenance Duration

dose dose

Penicillin VKa 1000mg 500mg q4–​6h 3–​7 days

Amoxicillin or 1000mg 500 mg q8h or 3–​7 days

co-​amoxiclav 875 mg q12h

Clindamycinb 600mg 300mg q6h 3–​7 days

Metronidazole 1000mg 500mg q6h 3–​7 days

If penicillin VK alone is not effective after 48–​72 hours, metronidazole can
be used in combination with penicillin VK, or penicillin VK is switched to
amoxicillin or co-​amoxiclav or clindamycin.
If the patient is allergic to penicillin. Alternatives to clindamycin may include
clarithromycin or azithromycin.

Adapted from the European Society of Endodontology position

Figure 3.43  Drainage of pus obtained through the root canal. statement: the use of antibiotics in endodontics (2017).
A caulking agent was necessary to seal the margins of the rubber dam.
46 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management




Figure 3.44  Rubber dam kit: (a) a selection of rubber dam clamps; (b) punch, forceps, frame, and dental floss; (c) selection of rubber dam sheets.
Patient management 47

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 3.45  One-​step rubber dam technique: (a) open the clamp and rubber dam assembly using forceps; (b) rubber dam and clamp in place;
(c) flick the rubber dam off the clamp wings using a flat plastic instrument; (d) rubber dam secured in position.

Preparatory treatment of an extensively Rubber dam

restored and/​or carious tooth prior Rubber or dental dam isolation is mandatory for endodontic treat-
to endodontic treatment ment. The main reasons and benefits for using rubber dam are listed
in Table 1.1. The essential components to a rubber dam kit are shown
It may be challenging to achieve effective rubber dam isolation for
in Figure 3.44.
an extensively restored or grossly carious tooth. The disassembly of a
Rubber dam may be used to isolate a single tooth or multiple teeth.
complex defective restoration may also mean that there is limited cor-
The rubber dam sheet is usually secured in place using a rubber dam
onal tooth structure to provide rubber dam retention. In these cases,
clamp. Alternatively, it may be secured by wedging the proximal contact
it is advisable to build up a provisional core or temporary restoration
points with tiny strips of rubber dam, rubber or silicone cords, or wooden
prior to starting endodontic treatment. The practical steps required to
wedges. If there are any signs of suboptimal seal (e.g. saliva leakage)
prepare an extensively restored and/​or carious tooth include:
once the rubber dam is in place, then a caulking/​sealing agent may be
• Remove all the existing restorative material and caries. used (Figure 3.43). To improve patient comfort, a paper napkin or tissue
• Place a well-​adapted matrix band. may be placed between the rubber dam sheet and patient’s skin.

• Place PTFE tape or a cotton pledget directly over the entrances of Isolation of a single tooth using the one-​step technique
the root canals to prevent their blockage with restorative material. The practical steps required to isolate a single tooth using the one-​step
• Place a provisional restoration. technique (Figure 3.45) include:
• Prepare the access cavity through the newly provided provisional • Punch a clean hole through the centre of the rubber dam sheet.
restoration and remove the PTFE tape or cotton pledget.
• Floss through adjacent contact points.
48 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3.46  Two-​step rubber dam technique: (a) secure the wingless clamp to the tooth using forceps and ensuring a good four-​point contact;
(b) stretch the rubber dam over the clamp; (c) rubber dam secured in position.

• Select and try in a winged clamp to ensure four-​point contact Isolation of a single tooth using
around the cervical region of the tooth (floss may be tied around the two-​step technique
the clamp, as a precaution, to aid retrieval of the clamp should it The practical steps required to isolate a single tooth using the two-​step
fracture). technique (Figure 3.46) include:
• Apply gentle pressure with a forefinger on the bow of the clamp to
• Punch a clean hole through the centre of the rubber dam sheet.
confirm stability.
• Floss through adjacent contact points.
• Remove the clamp.
• Select and try in a winged or wingless clamp to ensure four-​point
• Place the clamp on top of the rubber dam sheet and push the wings
contact around the base of the tooth (floss may be tied around
underneath the punched hole.
the clamp, as a precaution, to aid retrieval of the clamp should it
• Apply the rubber dam and clamp assembly with the forceps onto fracture).
the tooth.
• Apply gentle pressure with a forefinger on the bow of the clamp to
• Slip the rubber dam sheet under the wings of the clamp with an confirm stability.
instrument, for example a flat plastic.
• Stretch the rubber dam sheet over the clamp and the tooth.
• Attach the frame (or this can be attached before applying to the tooth).
• Attach the frame (or this can be attached before applying to the tooth).

(a) (b)

Figure 3.47  (a) Isolation of a broken down maxillary lateral incisor using the split dam technique. (b) Isolation of multiple teeth using two rubber
dam clamps.
Patient management 49

Isolation of multiple teeth • Floss through adjacent contact points.

The practical steps required to isolate multiple teeth include • Select and try in a winged or wingless clamp(s) that gives four-​point
(Figure 3.47): contact around the gingival margins of the neighbouring tooth/​
teeth (floss may be tied around the clamp, as a precaution, to aid
• Punch multiple clean holes through the rubber dam sheet 5–​7 mm
retrieval of the clamp should it fracture).
apart, depending on the number and the size of the teeth to be
isolated. • Apply gentle pressure with a forefinger on the bow of the clamp(s)
to confirm stability.
• Link the two punched holes by cutting the sheet with scissors if
using a ‘split dam’ technique. • Stretch the rubber dam over the clamp and the teeth.
• Apply the frame.

Summary points
• An accurate diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. The heat tests; the latter may include conventional radiographs
diagnostic process involves history taking, examination, and and CBCT.
special investigations. Endodontic diagnosis involves identifying • Once a diagnosis has been reached, a treatment plan can be
the status of pulpal and periapical tissues. formulated. This is a list of timetabled procedures individu-
• History taking should involve open-​ended, non-​leading ques- ally tailored for the patient. It may be necessary to modify
tions in order to obtain a full and accurate account of the the treatment plan as treatment progresses.
patient’s complaint; give an insight into the patient’s motivation • Common errors in endodontic diagnosis include misin-
for, and expectation of, treatment; and identify any conditions terpretation of signs and symptoms which may appear to
which may dictate the need to modify treatment. be endodontic in origin. It is important to rule out non-​
• The examination comprises extraoral and intraoral assessment. endodontic and even non-​odontogenic causes.
It should be thorough and systematic in order to identify any • Ifa diagnosis cannot be reached, treatment should be
non-​endodontic and endodontic disease. delayed, and consideration should be given to referring the
• Special investigations may involve sensibility testing or patient to a specialist.
radiographs. The former may include electric, cold, and


Select the single best answer (SBA). Answers are provided after SBA 3.2  The most appropriate initial management of a pa-
tient with an acute apical abscess associated with a carious
suggested further reading.
mandibular molar with fluctuant extra-​oral swelling and signs
SBA 3.1  A patient is complaining of a lingering throbbing of systemic involvement is:
pain aggravated by cold substances which they feel is coming a. Prescribe a course of antibiotics and review in 2–​3 days.
from the maxillary right posterior teeth. To localize the
source tooth, the following is advisable: b. Provision of a temporary filling.
a. Tap each tooth with the end of a mirror handle. c. Draining via the root canal system leaving the tooth on open drainage
for a week.
b. Test the teeth using compressed air from the 3-​in-​1.
d. Draining via incision and/​or the root canal system in conjunction with
c. Carry out cold sensibility testing using ethyl chlorite. a course of antibiotics and analgesics.
d. Carry out cold sensibility testing using a refrigerant spray and e. Extraction.
consider also using an electric pulp tester.
e. Take and assess a conventional intraoral periapical radiograph.
50 Diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient management

Suggested further reading

Barnes JJ and Patel S (2011) Contemporary endodontics—​part 1. European Society of Endodontology, Patel S, Durack C, Abella F, Roig
British Dental Journal 211, 463–​68. M, Shemesh H, Lambrechts P, et al. (2014) European Society of
Endodontology position statement: the use of CBCT in endodontics.
Bhuva B, Chong BS, and Patel S (2008) Rubber dam in clinical practice.
International Endodontic Journal 47, 502–​04.
Endodontic Practice Today 2, 131–​41.
Pitt Ford TR and Patel S (2004) Technical equipment for assessment of
Dawood A and Patel S (2017) The Dental Practicality Index-​assessing
dental pulp status. Endodontic Topics 7,  2–​13.
the restorability of teeth. British Dental Journal 222, 755–​58.
Segura-​Egea JJ, Gould K, Şen BH, Jonasson P, Cotti E, Mazzoni A, et al.
European Society of Endodontology (2006) Quality guidelines
(2018) European Society of Endodontology position statement: the
for endodontic treatment: consensus report of the European
use of antibiotics in endodontics. International Endodontic Journal
Society of Endodontology. International Endodontic Journal 39,
51,  20–​25.

Self-​assessment answers

SBA 3.1  Answer is d. The presenting complaint is aggravated by cold SBA 3.2  Answer is d. It is not sufficient to solely prescribe antibiotics or
substances, and so it is appropriate to carry out cold sensibility testing provide a temporary filling. Open draining is no longer advisable due to re-​
to localize the source tooth. The colder the test, the more accurate infection of the root canal system. Extraction could be considered as definitive
the result. management once the acute phase of the disease process has been managed.
Preserving pulp vitality
Avijit Banerjee and Shanon Patel

Chapter contents
Introduction 52
Why is vital pulp preservation important? 52
Minimally invasive dentistry 52
What procedures are available to preserve
pulp vitality? 53
Foundations of clinical practice 56
How do you carry out biological selective
(minimally invasive) carious tissue removal? 56
How do you carry out direct pulp protection
(capping)? 57
How do you carry out a pulpotomy? 58
How do you monitor the outcome of vital pulp
therapies? 59
Prognosis 60
Summary 60

Self-​assessment 61
Suggested further reading 61
Self-​assessment answers 62
52 Preserving pulp vitality

This chapter will introduce the underlying theory of preserving pulp important that you read the whole chapter to understand how the
vitality, before exploring how this transfers to clinical practice. It is theory and practice of preserving pulp vitality are related.

Why is vital pulp preservation important?

Endodontics includes the study and clinical practice of preserving the vi-
tality of the pulp; it is not just limited to root canal treatment. The preser- Box 4.1  Benefits of preserving the pulp
vation of pulp vitality underpins the successful practice of endodontics. • To allow root development to continue in immature teeth
The benefits of preserving pulp vitality are described in Chapter 2 and (primary dentine formation).
summarized in Box 4.1. The vitality of the pulp may be challenged by
• To maintain lifelong tooth development (secondary dentine
microbes which may enter via caries, dental trauma, operative proced-
ures, stress cracks in teeth, and/​or periodontal disease. There are steps
a clinician can take to conservatively manage these situations with the • To preserve tooth structure.
aim of preserving a healthy pulp and avoiding the need for root canal • To maintain sensory function-​nociception.
treatment. If it is not possible to preserve pulp vitality (e.g. irrevers- • To maintain a defensive/​protective role against caries, trauma,
ible pulpitis) or the pulp has already become infected-​necrotic (e.g. tooth surface loss.
periapical periodontitis), then root canal treatment is indicated.

Minimally invasive dentistry

Minimally invasive (MI) dentistry is a term used to describe the man- operative procedures. It is essential that, wherever clinically pos-
agement philosophy for carious lesions, based upon the selective, bio- sible, a peripheral border of sound enamel and/​or sound or, in some
logical approach to caries removal as opposed to a purely mechanistic, cases, caries-​affected dentine, can be achieved. This, coupled with
surgical approach taught for many years when dental amalgam was suitable operative parameters (i.e. rubber dam isolation, magnifica-
the material of choice for the majority of resulting restorations. tion, competent clinician skills, appropriate instruments/​materials),
The improved understanding of the progressive histopathology of will result in the sealed-​in residual caries-​affected dentine arresting as
the caries process (Table 4.1) along with the development of adhe- the dentine-​pulp complex defends against the disease process and is
sive materials with the ability to form a clinically acceptable sealed able to repair/​remineralize the retained tooth structure. The methods
restoration, means that some residual caries-​affected (demineralized) by which the dentine-​pulp complex can achieve this are outlined in
dentine may be retained within the depths of a deep cavity during Chapter 2.

Table 4.1  Summary of the histological features of the zones of carious dentine

Caries-​infected (contaminated) dentine* Caries-​affected (demineralized) dentine*

Location Subjacent to enamel dentine junction Deeper, towards the pulp

Consistency to a sharp probe Soft, wet, sticky Slightly sticky

Bacterial load Highly infected, necrotic bacterial biomass Reduced compared to infected dentine

Demineralization Gross Progressively less than infected dentine

Collagen Denatured Partially damaged due to proteolysis, but

potentially repairable

Dentine tubular structure Lost More evident as lesion progresses towards

sound dentine

Quality of substrate to bond/​seal/​ Poor More potential

support the final restoration
* Note that these zones are separated for description only and that they blend histologically in continuity from one to another without distinct, definable boundaries.
What procedures are available to preserve pulp vitality? 53

When the active carious lesion is in close proximity to the vital pulp Achieving a favourable outcome following vital pulp therapies is de-
(the shadow of the pulp may be seen through the remaining thin den- pendent upon:
tine cavity floor after caries removal) or may have breached the pulp
• Gross removal of noxious stimuli.
(an exposure), vital pulp therapies can be considered in an attempt to
protect the remaining pulp tissue from further histological damage and • Stimulation of specific dentinogenic responses.
encourage healing, thus preserving the vitality of the pulp. However, for • Deposition of translucent dentine at the advancing front of the
these measures to be effective certain important criteria must be met: lesion.

• There are no pre-​existing symptoms in keeping with irreversible • Deposition of reactionary or reparative tertiary dentine at the pulp-​
pulpitis. dentine interface.

• There is a positive response to sensibility testing (Chapter 3). • Release of immunoglobulins and cytokines in dentine fluid.

• There are no signs of periapical periodontitis (e.g. widening of the • Prevention of future microleakage using an overlying sealed adhe-
periodontal ligament or periapical radiolucency). sive restoration which is maintained by the patient.

What procedures are available to preserve pulp vitality?

Biological selective (minimally invasive) • To estimate the histological depth of the lesion (i.e. to assess the
depth of infected and affected dentine).
carious tissue removal
• To reveal suitable dental substrate on which to achieve a peripheral
Minimally invasive operative caries management dictates the com- adhesive seal.
plete removal of the soft, wet, necrotic caries-​infected (contaminated)
dentine where possible without detriment to a vital pulp (Table 4.2).
Once the peripheral caries has been removed, the caries overlying
Caries-​infected dentine has a high bacterial load and is not a suit-
the pulp can be carefully removed, again leaving caries-​affected den-
able substrate for achieving a seal to or for physically supporting a
tine only when the above listed criteria regarding the pathological
restoration under masticatory load. Removal of caries-​infected den-
signs/​symptoms have been fulfilled. Finally, assuming suitable condi-
tine can be accomplished using hand excavators, rotary burs, and/​
tions exist for instrument access and moisture control, a sealed adhe-
or chemomechanical gel systems, for example Carisolv System (RLS
sive restoration must be placed and reviewed for any symptoms within
Global AB, Mölndal, Sweden; Figure 4.1). The tactile quality rather
4–​6 weeks. It is essential that rubber dam and a magnification device
than the colour (usually dark brown) determines the amount of caries
are used (Figure 4.2). Evidence exists that if there are no adverse signs
which should be removed. Caries-​infected dentine is soft and sticky
or symptoms during this period, it can be assumed that the dentine-​
whereas the deeper caries-​ affected (demineralized) dentine has a
pulp complex is winning its battle against the caries process, lesion
scratchy-​tacky texture to a sharp dental explorer/​probe. Removal of
progress has arrested, and the remineralization process may have
the caries should start at the periphery of the cavity in order to:
begun. No radiographic changes will be evident at this stage.
• Delineate the extent of the lesion and to allow the clinical assess- The procedure known as stepwise excavation (where the caries-​in-
ment of the remaining extent of viable tooth structure (thus ascer- fected dentine is removed superficially and a therapeutic lining plus
taining the overall restorability of the tooth). provisional restoration are placed and then removed approximately

Table 4.2  Summary of procedures to preserve pulp vitality

Procedure Pulp exposed Amount of pulp Material used to protect the pulp
Biological selective carious No None Adhesive restoration (glass-ionomer cement or resin composite)
tissue removal or bioactive endodontic cement
If amalgam is chosen as the definitive restoration, then consider
the placing a thin layer of glass-ionomer cement

Indirect pulp protection No, but close to None Same as for biological selective carious tissue removal
an exposure

Direct pulp protection Yes None Bioactive endodontic cement followed by an adhesive restoration

Partial coronal pulpotomy Yes Part of coronal pulp Bioactive endodontic cement followed by an adhesive restoration

Coronal pulpotomy Yes All of coronal pulp Bioactive endodontic cement followed by an adhesive restoration
54 Preserving pulp vitality

surface may be veneered with resin composite, as and when it is clinic-

ally necessary, so including it as part of the definitive restoration.

Cavity lining or pulp protection

The concept of placing a separate therapeutic cavity lining material to
protect the pulp originated because dental amalgam, the restorative
material of choice for many years, does not seal or interact chemically
with the remaining cavity walls. Setting calcium hydroxide and zinc
oxide-​eugenol based cements have been used for many years as sep-
arate cavity liners; however, neither of these types of materials fulfil
many of the ideal properties required in contemporary MI operative
dentistry. The ideal properties of a dental material used to protect the
pulp are listed in Box 4.2. Modern adhesive restorative materials, along
with the procedural steps used to achieve their adherent seal, often
Figure 4.1  Carisolv gel (RLS Global AB, Mölndal, Sweden). negate the need for a separate therapeutic lining material as they in-
trinsically exhibit many of the ideal properties listed in Box 4.2. This
assumes that the adhesive materials are handled optimally and placed
4–​6 months later so that further removal of arrested caries and defini-
with the appropriate, rigorous clinical technique. Therefore, the term
tive restoration can be provided) has now become superfluous. Clinical
‘cavity lining’ should now be considered historical and the term ‘pulp
research has shown that if the original restoration has sealed the re-
protection’ better used when required.
sidual caries, with adequate patient maintenance there is no benefit
gained by re-​entering for further cavity preparation. If a glass-ionomer
cement has been used for this initial, provisional restoration, its occlusal
Box 4.2  Ideal properties of a dental material used
to protect the pulp
Protects the underlying pulp from:
• Bacterial invasion (bacteriocidal).
• Thermal/​
electrical stimuli (only relevant for overlying
amalgam/​metal-​based restorations).
Stimulates the underlying pulp to produce:
• Tertiary (reparative) dentine.
• Tertiary (reactionary) dentine to form a dentine bridge over an
• Anti-​inflammatory chemical mediators.
Prevents further long-​term pulpal assault by:
• Creating an adherent seal over the pulp, so preventing
• Reinforcing the remaining dentine by physico-​
• Providing a physical support and barrier between the over-
lying restoration and the pulp.
Other ideal properties:
• Biocompatible.
• Non-​toxic and non-​mutagenic.
• Inexpensive.
• Long shelf-​life.
• Easy to prepare and place.
• Radiopaque.
• Dimensionally stable on setting.
Figure 4.2  The use of magnification devices, for example, dental • Non-​staining of tooth substance.

loupes is essential when carrying out minimally invasive dentistry.

What procedures are available to preserve pulp vitality? 55

Indirect pulp protection (capping) dentine bridge formation to repair the exposure and to stimulate the
Indirect pulp protection is a procedure when residual caries-​affected regenerative potential of the dentine-​pulp complex. Causes of pulp
dentine in close proximity to the vital pulp is retained, therefore exposure include:
preventing the pulp from being exposed. The entire cavity is then • Caries process (leading to an infected pulp).
definitively restored with an adhesive restoration (resin composite
• Dental trauma (pulp may or may not be infected).
or glass-ionomer cement), or bioactive endodontic cement, for ex-
ample Biodentine (Septodont, Saint-​Maurdes Fosses, France). If non-​ • Iatrogenic (caused inadvertently by the clinician during cavity
adherent amalgam is used as the definitive restoration, a thin layer preparation—​pulp often not infected).
of glass-ionomer cement can be placed as the ‘indirect pulp-​capping’ The factors to be considered when deciding whether direct pulp
material of choice over the cavity floor closest to the pulp. The pulp protection would have a good prognosis include:
status can be assessed at review appointments via symptoms, clinical
signs, and sensibility testing. If an irreversible pulpitis develops, then • The level of microbial infection the pulp has sustained.
root canal treatment will be indicated. The patient must be advised of • The length of time the pulp has been affected.
the possibility of root canal treatment before commencing treatment. • The histological status of the pulp (extrapolated from sensibility
The advantage of indirect pulp protection is that it gives the dentine-​ testing and dependent on the above two bullet points).
pulp complex a chance to recover from the caries process, heal, and
• The size of the breach (if greater than 2–​3 mm, the prognosis is likely
remineralize the remaining dentine, whilst preserving the medium-​to
to deteriorate in a carious exposure).
long-​term vitality of the pulp and retaining as much sound tooth structure
as possible. Clinical evidence shows that in the majority of cases managed • Achievable haemostasis (persistent haemorrhage is a clinical indi-
in this minimally invasive way, pulps and the tooth-​restoration complexes cator of an irreversibly damaged pulp).
survive long-term. Those cases that fail in the short-term are usually due There are several materials available for direct pulp protection.
to inaccurate diagnosis of the original pulp status, where root canal treat- Historically, setting calcium hydroxide cements have been the material
ment should, in hindsight, have been the original treatment of choice. of choice. These have now been superseded by mineral trioxide aggre-
gate (MTA) and other bioactive endodontic cements (Figure 4.3). In
Direct pulp protection (capping) the past it was thought that pulp-​capping materials mildly irritated and
Direct pulp protection involves managing the exposed surface of the inflamed the exposed pulp surface, so stimulating the differentiation of
still vital pulp using a suitable ‘direct pulp-​capping’ material to stimulate mesenchymal cells into odontoblasts, resulting in the rapid production

Figure 4.3  Examples of mineral trioxide aggregate and other bioactive endodontic cements: (left to right) ProRoot Mineral Trioxide Aggregate
(MTA) (Dentsply Sirona, Tulsa, OK, USA); MTA-​Angelus (Angelus, Londrina-​PR, Brazil); Biodentine (Septodont, Saint-​Maurdes Fossés, France).
56 Preserving pulp vitality

of reparative tertiary dentine. However, there is now evidence that in- coronal portion of the pulp until more healthy pulp tissue is exposed
dicates that bioactive molecules, including transforming growth factors and haemostasis is readily achieved. A suitable direct pulp-​capping ma-
and bone morphogenic proteins, released from the dentine organic terial is placed over the exposed pulp, and the tooth is restored with a
matrix by the action of the pulp-​capping materials, are responsible for well-​adapted adhesive restoration. There are different pulpotomy pro-
the differentiation and upregulation of the odontoblasts. cedures, dependent upon the amount of pulp tissue removed:

• A partial coronal (Cvek) pulpotomy is removal of part of the coronal

Pulpotomy pulp.
Pulpotomy is a relatively more invasive procedure with similar aims to • A coronal pulpotomy is removal of all of the coronal pulp.
direct pulp protection. It involves removal of part or all of the inflamed

Foundations of clinical practice

The remainder of this chapter will cover the clinical MI operative
aspects to carrying out vital pulp therapies. It will also discuss how to
monitor the outcome of vital pulp therapies.

How do you carry out biological selective (minimally invasive)

carious tissue removal?
The practical steps required to carry out biological selective carious when, if significant amounts of sound enamel are present, some
tissue removal (Figures 4.4 and 4.5) include: caries-​affected dentine might even be retained even at the periphery
(e.g. in occlusal cavities).
• Check the occlusion preoperatively with articulating paper in inter­
cuspal position and excursions. • Move towards the caries overlying the pulp and carefully remove
this with hand excavators. Chemomechanical gels may be used to
• Obtain a suitable shade match for the final tooth-​coloured restoration.
selectively remove the infected, rather than affected, dentine.
• Administer local anaesthetic.
• Gently wash and dry the final cavity.
• Isolate the tooth with rubber dam.
• Restore the cavity with a suitable restorative material (e.g. resin
• Gain access to the carious dentine through the enamel. composite).
• Commence caries removal at the enamel-​ dentine junction (EDJ) • If Biodentine is the restorative material of choice, restore its surface
using rose-​head burs in a slow speed handpiece or hand excavators. with resin composite. This may be done after the initial setting time
Carious, demineralized, unsupported enamel should be removed, (twelve minutes) or within six months after placement of Biodentine.
along with the soft, wet, and sticky caries-​infected dentine. Ideally,
• If amalgam is the restorative material of choice, place a thin layer of
sound dentine should be exposed at the periphery of the lesion,
glass-ionomer cement over the cavity floor closest to the pulp.
along with sound enamel borders where possible. There are instances

Caries-infected dentine Adhesive restoration

to be removed

Caries-affected dentine Caries-affected dentine

to be retained retained

Pulp Pulp

Figure 4.4  Biological selective carious tissue removal. Caries-​infected dentine is removed. Caries-​affected dentine overlying the pulp is not
removed. An adhesive restoration is placed over the caries-​affected dentine without the need for a lining material.
How do you carry out direct pulp protection (capping)? 57

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 4.5  Biological selective carious tissue removal with indirect pulp protection: (a) periapical radiograph of mandibular molar tooth with
caries; (b) access is gained to caries-​infected dentine; (c) caries-​infected dentine is removed and caries-​affected dentine in close proximity to pulp is
retained; (d) Biodentine is placed and allowed to set; (e) adhesive restoration is placed; (f) one-​year review periapical radiograph.
Adapted from Patel S and Vincer L (2017) Case report: single visit indirect pulp cap using biodentine. Dental Update 44, 141–​5. Printed with permission from Dental Update.

How do you carry out direct pulp protection (capping)?

The practical steps required to carry out direct pulp protection • Isolate the tooth with rubber dam.
(Figures 4.6 and 4.7) include: • If required, commence biological selective carious tissue removal
• Check the occlusion preoperatively with articulating paper in as described in the previous section. Clear all caries-​infected and
intercuspal position and excursions. caries-​affected dentine over the pulp, whilst trying to keep the size
of the carious pulpal exposure as small as possible. This step is not
• Obtain a suitable shade match for the final tooth-​coloured restoration.
applicable in the case of dental trauma.
• Administer local anaesthesia.

Adhesive restoration
Carious pulp exposure Direct pulp cap

Pulp Pulp

Figure 4.6  Direct pulp protection. Carious exposure of pulp. A bioactive endodontic cemented is placed over pulpal exposure following removal of
caries. The tooth is restored with an adhesive restoration.
58 Preserving pulp vitality

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 4.7  Direct pulp protection: (a) periapical radiograph of mandibular molar showing extent of carious lesion; (b) access is gained to caries-​
infected dentine; (c) pulpal exposure following caries removal; (d) direct pulp cap using bioactive endodontic cement; (e) review periapical
radiograph at 12 months; (f) review periapical radiograph at 36 months showing healthy periapical tissues.

• Rinse the exposed pulp with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution and • If using Biodentine as the direct pulp cap, restore its surface with
then rinse with sterile, isotonic saline. resin composite. This may be done after the initial setting time
• Pulp haemorrhage should stop after 2–​3 minutes. It may be neces- (twelve minutes) or within six months after placement of Biodentine.
sary to blot the pulp gently with a moist sterile cotton wool pledget Persistent or extremes of bleeding (too much or too little) are usu-
to achieve haemostasis. Remove the blood clot. ally a sign that the pulp is irreversibly damaged. In these cases, a
• Place a direct pulp-​capping material over the pulpal exposure. pulpotomy or root canal treatment will be indicated. The prognosis
• If using MTA as the direct pulp cap, place a thin layer of glass-ionomer of this procedure is affected adversely if the blood clot is not removed
cement over the MTA, and restore the cavity with resin composite. prior to application of the direct pulp-​capping material.

How do you carry out a pulpotomy?

(a) (b)
The practical steps required to carry out a pulpotomy (Figures 4.8
and 4.9) include:

• Check the occlusion preoperatively with articulating paper in

intercuspal position and excursions.
• Obtain a suitable shade match for the final tooth-​coloured restoration.
• Administer local anaesthesia.
• Isolate the tooth with rubber dam.
• If required, commence biological selective carious tissue removal as
Direct pulp cap
described in the previous section. Clear all the caries-​infected and
caries-​affected dentine over the pulp. This step is not applicable in
the case of dental trauma.
• Rinse the exposed pulp with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution and restoration
then rinse with sterile, isotonic saline.
Figure 4.8  Pulpotomy. (a) Pulpal exposure. A bioactive endodontic
• Remove the pulp in 1–​2  mm increments using a diamond bur in cement is placed after removal of pulp tissue within pulp chamber.
a high-​speed rotary handpiece with copious sterile water coolant (b) The tooth is restored with an adhesive restoration.
How do you monitor the outcome of vital pulp therapies? 59

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Figure 4.9  Pulpotomy of a previously traumatized maxillary incisor tooth: (a) preoperative radiograph; (b) immediately post-​treatment;
(c) 6 months; (d) 12 months; (e) 24 months.
Adapted from Patel Sand Duncan H (2011) Pitt Ford’s Problem-​Based Learning in Endodontology. Printed with permission from Wiley-​Blackwell.

until excessive bleeding stops. Blood is removed with gentle irriga- • If using Biodentine as the direct pulp cap, restore its surface with
tion with sterile saline and haemostasis achieved by blotting the resin composite. This may be done after the initial setting time
pulp surface with moist sterile cotton wool pledgets. (twelve minutes) or within six months after placement of Biodentine.
• Place a suitable direct pulp-​capping material.
To prevent tearing and additional trauma to the already distressed
• If using MTA as the direct pulp cap, place a thin layer of glass- pulp tissues, manual excavation or the use of steel burs in a slow-​speed
ionomer cement over the MTA, and restore the cavity with handpiece are contraindicated. For the same reason, dry cotton wool
resin composite. pledgets must never be used.

How do you monitor the outcome of vital pulp therapies?

It is important to review the vital pulp therapy within 6–​12 months of treat- Radiographic examination
ment, and then annually thereafter for three years. The review should in-
• Immature teeth should show signs of further root development
clude patient’s symptoms (if any), assessment of the pulpal and periapical
(compare to adjacent and contralateral teeth).
status of the tooth, and the coronal seal of the overlying restoration. If a
provisional restoration has been placed, this must be replaced with a de- • The presence of a dentine bridge between the pulp and capping
finitive adhesive restoration as soon as possible to minimize the chances of material (the absence of a bridge does not necessarily indicate an
marginal microleakage. Adhesive systems must be used carefully, always unfavourable outcome).
appreciating the vital interplay between the tooth substrate, the chem- • Healthy periapical tissues, that is, intact lamina dura and peri-
istry of the material, and the clinical handling procedures of both. Marginal odontal ligament.
integrity can be examined carefully using dental explorers, ensuring no
deficiencies develop and that the patient’s oral hygiene procedures are ad- Criteria for an unfavourable outcome
equate at removing the plaque biofilm from the restoration-​tooth surface.
following vital pulp therapy
Clinical examination
Criteria for a favourable outcome following
• No improvement, or worsening symptoms.
vital pulp therapy
• Coronal discolouration.
Clinical examination
• Negative response to sensibility testing.
• The patient should not suffer ongoing symptoms of pulpitis or • Further periapical involvement may be indicated by tenderness
periapical periodontitis. to palpation on the alveolar mucosa overlying the root apex,
• The tooth and surrounding tissues should appear healthy. tenderness to percussion, presence of a sinus, or tooth mobility
• Within a few weeks, there should be a positive response to sens- (periodontal alveolar bone levels should have been assessed
ibility testing. preoperatively).
60 Preserving pulp vitality

Radiographic examination • Loss of lamina dura.

• Further widening of the periodontal ligament space. • A developing periapical radiolucency.

Ultimately, the critical factors to be considered for a favourable prog- • Controlling pulp haemorrhage. Once haemostasis is achieved the
nosis of all vital pulp therapies include: blood clot must be removed carefully to permit the biochemical
interaction between the pulp-​capping material and the vital pulp
• Using an aseptic technique. Rubber dam isolation and sterile
solutions ensure the exposed pulp is not contaminated with
microbes. • Achieving a coronal seal. This is imperative to prevent microleakage.

The preservation of pulp vitality is dependent upon numerous factors. Failure to achieve haemostasis is a clinical sign that the pulp may
If dental disease (caries) is prevented or controlled, the dentine-​pulp be irreversibly inflamed and/​or infected, as indeed is very little or
complex will not be significantly affected, and it will remain healthy. no haemorrhage. In these cases, complete extirpation of the pulp
However, it is also important to note that most invasive operative (pulpectomy) will be necessary.
procedures (including cavity or crown preparation) can render the It is always wise to monitor the outcome of pulp preservation pro-
dentine-​pulp complex at risk of irreversible damage from microbial cedures on a periodic basis. In addition to checking signs/​symptoms,
microleakage along freshly exposed dentine tubules and/​or heat con- sensibility testing should be carried out and an annual radiographic
duction from the operative procedure. It is therefore necessary for the periapical examination may show signs of dentine bridge formation as
clinician to appreciate the histology and materials being used to re- well as no periapical changes.
duce the overall risk to the pulp. In immature teeth, the vitality of the pulp should be preserved,
Regular insults to the pulp reduce its recuperative powers and may when possible, to allow for further root development. In fully mature
lead to irreversible damage. Therefore, full consideration should be teeth, root canal treatment is usually the treatment of choice if there
given to the removal of causative factors, whilst bearing in mind the is any doubt of the vitality of the pulp and/​or there has been a large
possible consequences of the operative procedures that may lead to carious pulpal exposure. This is especially relevant when the tooth
future complications as a result of microleakage and the reduced re- is to be restored with an extensive restoration (e.g. a multi-​surface
maining dentine thickness overlying the pulp. After pulp therapy is class 2 composite restoration or a cuspal coverage restoration). There
complete, a coronal seal must be achieved with an adhesive restor- is evidence to suggest that the incidence of loss of vitality is higher
ation, so preventing subsequent infection, which could go undetected in these teeth when compared to teeth restored with less extensive
until the pulp status is irreversibly compromised. restorations.

Summary points
• Clinicians should take a biological approach to caries removal • Procedures available to preserve pulp vitality include:  bio-
and pulp protection. logical selective carious tissue removal, direct pulp protection,
• Clinicians should consider vital pulp therapies when possible, espe- and pulpotomy.
cially in vital immature teeth, to allow for further root development. • Contemporary pulp protection materials include bioactive
• Vital pulp therapies are contraindicated in teeth with irrevers- endodontic cements and adhesive restorative materials.
ible pulpitis or teeth with large carious pulpal exposures.
Summary 61


Select the single best answer (SBA). Answers are provided after sug- b. Progressively less demineralization than caries-​infected dentine.
gested further reading. c. Collagen partially damaged due to proteolysis, but potentially
SBA 4.1  Which of the following is the best way to minimize
the risk of microbial contamination of the pulp when treating d. Tubular structure becoming more evident as lesion progresses towards
a mandibular first molar which has a deep carious lesion and deeper sound dentine.
a clinically healthy pulp? e. The potential to seal and support an overlying adhesive restoration.
a. Carrying out a direct pulp protection procedure.
SBA 4.4 The factors to be considered when deciding whether direct
b. Carrying out biological selective carious tissue removal utilizing rubber pulp protection would have a good prognosis would not include:
dam isolation.
a. The level of bacterial infection the pulp has sustained.
c. Getting the patient to preoperatively rinse with chlorhexidine solution.
b. The length of time the pulp has been affected.
d. Applying of ozone therapy to the affected tooth.
c. The histological status of the pulp.
e. Prescribing a course of antibiotics.
d. The size of the pulpal exposure.
SBA 4.2 Which of the following characteristics is not found in e. The size of the cavity created after caries removal.
caries-​infected (contaminated) dentine?
a. Highly infected, necrotic bacterial biomass. SBA 4.5 Which of the following criteria describe a favourable outcome
following vital pulp therapy?
b. Soft, wet, sticky consistency due to gross demineralization.
a. Developing tenderness to palpation on the alveolar mucosa overlying
c. Denatured collagen. the root apex of the affected tooth.
d. A regular dentine tubular structure. b. Coronal discolouration and/​or a negative response to sensibility testing.
e. Poor quality substrate to bond, seal, and support the final restoration. c. Developing tenderness to percussion, presence of a sinus, or tooth mobility.
SBA 4.3 Which of the following characteristics is not found in d. Reduced widening of the periodontal ligament space radiographically.
caries-​affected (demineralized) dentine?
e. A developing periapical radiolucency.
a. The bacterial load is the same as that in caries-​infected dentine.

Suggested further reading

Ainehchi M, Eslami B, Ghanbariha M, and Saffar AS (2003) Cox CF, Bergenholtz G, Heys DR, Syed SA, Fitzgerald M, and Heys RJ
Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and calcium hydroxide (1985) Pulp capping of dental pulp mechanically exposed to oral
as pulp-​capping agents in human teeth: a preliminary microflora: a 1–​2 year observation of wound healing in the monkey.
report. International Endodontic Journal 36, 225–​31. Journal of Oral Pathology 14, 156–​68.

Banerjee A and Watson TF (2015) Pickard’s Guide to Minimally Invasive Hashem D, Mannocci F, Patel S, Andiappan M, Brown JE, Watson
Operative Dentistry, 10th edn. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. TF, et al. (2015) Efficacy of calcium silicate indirect pulp capping;
a randomized controlled clinical trial. Journal of Dental Research
Banerjee A, Frencken JE, Schwendicke F, and Innes NPT (2017)
94,  562–​8.
Contemporary operative caries management: consensus
recommendations on minimally invasive caries removal. Nair PN, Duncan HF, Pitt Ford TR, and Luder HU (2008) Histological,
British Dental Journal 223, 215–​22. ultrastructural, and quantitative investigations on the response of
healthy human pulps to experimental capping with mineral trioxide
Bjørndal L, Reit C, Bruun G, Markvart M, Kjaeldgaard M, Nasman P, et al.
aggregate: a randomized controlled trial. International Endodontic
(2010) Treatment of deep carious lesions in adults: randomized clinical
Journal 41, 128–​50.
trials comparing stepwise vs. direct complete excavation, and direct vs.
partial pulpotomy. European Journal of Oral Sciences 118, 290–​97. Smith AJ, Murray PE and Lumley PJ (2002) Preserving the vital pulp in
operative dentistry: 1. A biological approach. Dental Update 29,  64–​9.
Cox CF, Bergenholtz G, Fitzgerald M, Heys DR, Heys RJ, Avery JK, and
Baker JA (1982) Capping of the dental pulp mechanically exposed to Swift EJ, Trope M, and Ritter AV (2003) Vital pulp therapy for the mature
the oral microflora—​a 5 week observation of wound healing in the tooth—​can it work? Endodontic Topics 5,  49–​56.
monkey. Journal of Oral Pathology 11, 327–​39.
62 Preserving pulp vitality

Self-​assessment answers

SBA 4.1  Answer is b. This is the recommended operative procedure that will bacterial contaminants, but to ensure they are sealed from nutrients, to
minimize contamination of the pulp. Contemporary understanding of the arrest the caries process.
caries process now appreciates that complete removal of bacteria in carious
tissues is unachievable and unnecessary to halt caries progression. SBA 4.4  Answer is e. The size of the cavity after caries tissue removal has no
relevance to the success of direct pulp protection. Using the selective bio-
SBA 4.2  Answer is d. The regular tubular structure of dentine is deranged logical carious tissue removal approach, deeper layers of carious tissue do not
in the carious lesion. In caries-​infected (contaminated) dentine, the tissue need to be removed and as such the incidence of pulp exposure will reduce.
destruction is extensive, with denaturation of collagen and demineraliza-
tion leading to disruption of the regular dentine structure. SBA 4.5  Answer is d. The other responses all indicate progressive
pathosis leading to full pulp tissue necrosis. Reduced widening of the
SBA 4.3  Answer is a. Towards the advancing front of the progressing periodontal ligament seen on radiographs taken annually after the
lesion, the bacterial load will diminish. It is not necessary to remove these procedure, indicates a healing of the periapical tissues.
Root canal preparation
Edward Brady and Conor Durack

Chapter contents
Introduction 64
What is root canal treatment and why do it? 64
What are the aims of root canal preparation? 64
What challenges are encountered during root
canal preparation? 65
What are the stages in mechanical preparation? 67
What equipment and instruments are used for
root canal preparation? 70
What does chemical preparation involve? 77
Why is a good temporary restoration required? 81
Foundations of clinical practice 81
How do you carry out preparation of the tooth
for root canal treatment? 81
How do you prepare an access cavity? 83
How do you locate the entrances to root canals? 84
How do you create straight-​line access? 85
How do you carry out initial negotiation? 85
How do you use hand files? 85
How do you carry out coronal flaring? 86
How do you carry out apical negotiation? 87
How do you determine working length? 87
How do you carry out apical preparation? 89
How do you prevent procedural errors? 91
How do you carry out chemical preparation? 93
How do you temporarily restore the tooth? 95

Self-​assessment 96
Suggested further reading 96
Self-​assessment answers 97
64 Root canal preparation

This chapter will introduce the rationale for root canal preparation that you read the whole chapter to understand how the theory and
before exploring how this translates to clinical practice. It is essential practice of root canal preparation are related.

What is root canal treatment and why do it?

Root canal treatment is carried out to remove inflamed and/​or in- Root canal treatment is contraindicated in the following situations:
fected pulpal tissue, and control infection within the root canal system.
• Tooth is unrestorable (e.g. extensive caries extending into the
The disinfected root canal system is then filled to prevent subsequent
furcal region, subgingival fracture with no ferrule of dentine).
(re-​)entry and proliferation of microbes. The ultimate objective is to
restore and maintain periapical health, enabling the tooth to be pre- • Tooth cannot be made functional.
served as a healthy, functional unit within the dental arch. • Tooth with insufficient periodontal support.
The indications for root canal treatment are: • Tooth with poor prognosis.
• Irreversible inflammation of the pulp. • Patients who are uncooperative or who have poor oral condition
• Pulpal necrosis (e.g. after a traumatic injury to the tooth). that cannot be improved.

• Pulpal necrosis and infection (usually with evidence of periapical Root canal treatment is carried out in two stages:
periodontitis or abscess).
• Root canal preparation (this chapter).
• Elective root canal treatment is sometimes indicated as part of a
• Root canal filling (Chapter 6).
restorative treatment plan, usually where the root canal space is
required for the retention of a coronal restoration, for example a
post-​retained  crown.

What are the aims of root canal preparation?

Root canal preparation involves simultaneous mechanical and chem- Chemical preparation
ical (chemo-​ mechanical) preparation, sometimes referred to as
‘shaping’ and ‘cleaning’. Effective root canal treatment is dependent upon the elimin-
ation (as far as possible) of infection from the root canal system.
This is achieved by chemical preparation using antimicrobial
Mechanical preparation
Mechanical preparation is carried out using a variety of instru-
ments to primarily shape the root canal system, and second, to
create access for irrigants (irrigating solutions) and medicaments.
The ideal prepared shape should be a smooth and continuously
tapering cone, which is narrowest apically and widest at the root
canal entrance. The taper should ideally be centred along the
original axis of the root canal and maintain the original contour
(Figure 5.1).
The aims of mechanical preparation are to:

• Remove pulpal debris and microbes.

• Facilitate chemical preparation.
• Create the optimal shape and resistance form for root canal

Mechanical preparation is generally carried out using a ‘crown-​

down’ approach:  the coronal portion of the root canal is initially in-
strumented and enlarged before instrumenting the apical portion of Figure 5.1  An endodontically treated maxillary molar: note the uniform
the root canal. taper of the root canal fillings and how they follow the root outline.
What challenges are encountered during root canal preparation? 65

irrigants and, in certain situations, also using interappointment • Act as a lubricant to facilitate instrumentation.
• Remove the smear layer.
The aims of chemical preparation are to:
The root canal system should be frequently and copiously irrigated
• Flush out remnants of pulpal tissue and debris created during
with antimicrobial solutions during and after mechanical prepar-
mechanical instrumentation.
ation. This is essential if adequate cleaning and disinfection are to be
• Dissolve residual pulpal tissue. achieved. Medicaments are used to dress the root canal system be-
• Kill microbes and remove biofilm. tween visits to further reduce the levels of microbes. Although modern
• Disinfect parts of the root canal system which are inaccessible to preparation techniques may enable mechanical preparation to be car-
mechanical preparation. ried out quickly and efficiently, the importance of effective chemical
preparation must not be overlooked.

What challenges are encountered during root canal

The anatomy of the root canal system is frequently very complex. • Teeth often have a greater number of root canals than anticipated,
Several factors may present a challenge to safe and effective mechan- for example the mesio-​buccal roots of maxillary molars usually have
ical preparation: two root canals (Figure 5.5).

• In addition to the main root canal(s), there are often accessory • Deposition of secondary and tertiary dentine can result in partially
canals, lateral canals, fins, anastomoses, isthmi (Figure 5.2), or completely calcified root canals. Pulp stones and dystrophic cal-
and apical deltas, all of which are inaccessible to mechanical cifications may also be encountered (Figure 5.6).
instrumentation. • Patient factors, such as restricted mouth opening, may preclude
• Root canals may have severe or double (S-​shaped) curvatures, endodontic treatment of posterior teeth. A  pronounced gag re-
which may not be readily detectable on radiographs. These pre- flex can complicate the placement and positioning of radiograph
sent a challenge to instrumentation, as most instruments used holders.
for root canal preparation are straight and can be inflexible • The position and angulation of the tooth may affect the feasibility of
(Figure 5.3). endodontic treatment.
• The cross section of root canals is frequently oval or ribbon shaped; • Existing restorations may mask the true orientation of the tooth
some molar teeth have C-​shaped canals (Figure 5.4). and lead to procedural errors when attempting to locate the root
• Most instruments are uniform in cross-​section and are unable to canals.
fully contact all surfaces of the root canals.

Figure 5.2  An endodontically treated mandibular molar: note that the Figure 5.3  An endodontically treated maxillary molar: note the severe
isthmus between the root canals has been filled. curvature of mesio-​buccal root canals.
66 Root canal preparation

(a) (b)

Figure 5.4  C-​shaped root canal in a mandibular molar: (a) intraoperative clinical appearance, (b) postoperative radiographic appearance.

(a) (b)

Figure 5.5  Second mesio-​buccal root canal in a maxillary molar: (a) initial instrumentation of root canal; (b) clinical appearance after root canal

(a) (b)

Figure 5.6  Calcifications: (a) partially calcified root canals, (b) pulp stones.

What are the stages in mechanical preparation? 67

What are the stages in mechanical preparation?

Mechanical preparation can be divided into several stages (Figure 5.7): Once the entrances to the root canals have been located, straight-​
line access (Figure 5.9) to the root canals must be established. It is
Preparation of the tooth for root canal important to achieve straight-​line access for the following reasons:

treatment • It provides a clear path of insertion for instruments.

Before embarking on treatment, a thorough clinical and radiographic • It helps to reduce the incidence of procedural errors.
assessment needs to be made to determine the restorability and • It reduces stress on instruments, thereby reducing the probability of
treatability of the tooth, and to predict any difficulties that may be instrument separation.
encountered during treatment. Caries and defective restorations must
be removed, and if there is any doubt regarding the restorability of Initial negotiation and coronal flaring
the tooth, all restorative material should be removed to allow a full
assessment to be made. It is frequently necessary to place a provi- The coronal half to two-​thirds of the root canal is initially negotiated
sional restoration or to provide support for undermined cusps prior to and then enlarged to achieve a tapered preparation, which is widest
embarking on treatment. Time spent on this stage of the procedure at the root canal entrances (Figure 5.10). In some cases, minimal or no
will save much time and stress later on. coronal flaring is required as the coronal portion of the root canals are
already wide. Coronal flaring has the following benefits:

Access cavity preparation, location of root • Removal of obstructions and straightening of the coronal section of
canals, and creating straight-​line access the root canal to enable unrestricted access to the apical portion of
the root canal.
This stage is often the most difficult aspect of root canal treatment
• Improved tactile feedback for apical preparation.
but if carried out proficiently, it will allow the subsequent procedure
to progress much more smoothly. It is important to be familiar with • Removal of the bulk of infected pulpal tissue and debris to avoid it
usual tooth morphology (Figure 5.8). Awareness of the usual position being pushed apically.
of the pulp chamber, the number of root canals, and the location of • Provides a reservoir for irrigant coronally.
root canal entrances will help to reduce the risk of excessive removal of
• Minimizes the risk of creating apical blockages.
tooth substance and the possibility that any root canals will be missed.
• Maintenance of working length during subsequent preparation.

Apical negotiation and working length

Preparation of the tooth for root canal treatment determination
After coronal flaring has been completed, the apical portion of the
Access cavity preparation root canal is negotiated and the working length is determined.

What is the working length and how is it determined?

Location of root canal entrances
The working length is the length of the root canal preparation,
measured from a suitable coronal reference point (e.g. cusp tip or
Creating straight-line access incisal edge), to the estimated position of the apical constriction.
Straightening of the coronal portion of the root canal during coronal
Initial negotitaion flaring often causes a slight reduction in the working length, therefore
it should be determined after coronal flaring.
There are two main techniques for working length determination:
Coronal flaring
• Radiograph technique. The working length is first estimated from a
preoperative radiograph. A file is placed into the root canal at the
Apical negotiation
estimated length, and a periapical radiograph using a beam aiming
device is taken to estimate the distance of the file tip from the
Working length determination radiographic apex.
• Electronic apex locator (EAL) technique. The EAL is attached to a
Apical preparation file inserted into the root canal, which is gradually moved apically
until the file reaches the apical foramen. This is indicated visually
Figure 5.7  Stages of mechanical preparation of the root canal. and audially on the EAL and is referred to as the ‘zero reading’.
68 Root canal preparation


Number of canals
Maxillary teeth

Access cavity
Root length

Distal Mesial

1 23 1 • Access starting at cingulum and extend towards incisal edge 1 2 3
2 22 1 • Triangular shape to encompass pulp horns
• Lateral insisor-apical 3–4 mm has palatal curvature which should
always be borne in mind when instrumenting
3 26 1 • Canine-rounder access cavity then incisors-no need to flare access
cavity as there is only 1 pulp horn
4 21 1–5% • Initial point of access should be centre of occlusal central groove
2–90% (B, P) • Widen access bucco-palatally to locate root canal entrance under 4 5
3–5% (MB, DB, P) respective cusp tips (P and B)
• Second premolars if only one root canal then should be centred and
5 21 1–75% oval in shape (bucco-palatally) to encompass pulp horns
2–25% (B, P) • Second premolars root canal entrance more centred, if not centred
look for second entrance under other cusp tip
• Separate root canals join apically commonly
6 22 P longer than MB and DB • Rhomboid access cavity outline
• Distal apect of access cavity is on the mesial aspect of transverse 6
3–40% (MB, DB, P) ridge
4–60% (MB1, MB2, DB, P) • Palatal root canal entrance is usually the largest and therefore
easiest to locate
• Disto-buccal and palatal root canal entrances usually rounder
• Mesio-buccal root canal entrance usually more ovoid, reflecting
ribbon shape of the mesio-buccal root
• MB2 located between MB1 and palatal root canal 7
• Troughing this area with fine burs or ultrasonic tips should
7 20 P longer than MB and DB eventually reveal an opening of a root canal entrance

3–60% (MB, DB, P) • Lower incidence of MB2 in second molars

4–40% (MB1, MB2, DB, P) • DB root canal closer to centre of tooth in second and third molars
• Increased likelihood of fusion of root canals in second and third
molars (1 buccal and 1 palatal)
Mandibular teeth

Number of canals

Access cavity
Root length

Distal Mesial


1 21 1–60% • Starts at the base of the cingulum 1 2 3

2 21 2–40% (B, L) • Access cavity should be extented nearly to incisal edge to confirm
the presence/absence of the second (lingual) root canal
3 24 1–90% • Starts at the base of the cingulum
2–10% (B, L)
4 22 1–75% • Starts in central occlusal groove 4 5
2–25% (B, L) • Access is oval bucco-lingually in shape
5 22 1–90%
2–10% (B, L)
6 21 3–65% (ML, MB, D) • Mesial root canal entrances are found below respective cusp tips
• Larger distal root canal entrance is more centred
6 7
4–35% (ML, MB, DL, DB)
• If distal root canal entrance is not centred then there is an
7 20 3–90% (MB, ML, D)
increased likelihood of a second root canal
2–10% (M, D)
• Increased incidence of fused root canals with second and third
B, buccal; P, palatal; MB, mesio-buccal; DB, disto-buccal; MB1, first mesio-buccal; MB2, second mesio-buccal; L, ligual; ML, mesio-ligual;
D, distal; DL, distol-lingual.

Figure 5.8  Root canal features, average lengths, and access cavities in various teeth.
What are the stages in mechanical preparation? 69

Apical constriction

Apical foramen

Radiographic apex

Figure 5.11  Relationship between the apical constriction, apical

foramen, and radiographic apex of the root.
Figure 5.9  Refinement of access cavity to obtain straight-​line access
to mesial root canals of a mandibular molar. Overhanging dentine (red
arrow) prevents straight-​line access into the root canal. (Figure 5.11). Once the distance to the apical foramen has been deter-
mined (i.e. the zero reading given by an EAL), 0.5–​1.0 mm is subtracted
to give a working length that should terminate close to the apical con-
Electronic apex locators are exceptionally useful for quick deter- striction. The apical foramen is not always located at the radiographic
mination of the working length and are reliable and accurate, but a apex of the root and may in some instances be located up to 3 mm
working length radiograph provides additional information, such as from the radiographic apex.
root canal curvature, that cannot be obtained using an EAL alone.
For optimal accuracy, it is recommended that a combination of both Apical preparation
methods be employed.
Other techniques for working length determination include the use After working length determination, apical preparation may be
of tactile feedback to feel for the apical constriction, and the inser- completed. The aim is to enlarge and shape the apical portion of
tion of a paper point into the root canal beyond the apex to pick up the root canal so that it tapers smoothly into the coronal section
moisture/​blood. The length of the dry section of the paper point gives (Figure 5.12). This creates an optimal shape for effective irrigation
some indication of the working length. These techniques are insuffi- and root canal filling.
ciently reliable to be used exclusively, but can be useful in conjunction When using stainless steel hand files, apical preparation involves
with the other methods. two stages:

• Apical enlargement.
What is the terminus for the root canal preparation?
• Creation of apical taper.
The root canal preparation and filling should end at the apical con-
striction (the narrowest part of the root canal). On average, the apical When using nickel-​titanium (NiTi) files the apical size and taper are
constriction is approximately 0.5–​1.0 mm short of the apical foramen created by the finishing file specific to the chosen system.

Figure 5.10  Diagram showing coronal flaring. Figure 5.12  Diagram showing transition from coronally flared root
canal to apically prepared root canal.
70 Root canal preparation

What should the size of the apical preparation be? What is patency filing?

The size of the apical preparation is determined by the initial (pretreat- Patency filing refers to the passive placement of a small K-​type file (ISO
ment) size of the root canal. Stainless steel files are sequentially in- size 10 or smaller) 0.5–​1.0 mm through the apical constriction during
serted passively into the root canal to the working length to determine root canal preparation. The file should not be inserted any further
the apical diameter of the root canal. This process is known as ‘gauging’. through the constriction than 0.5–​1.0  mm to avoid pushing infected
In situations where the root canal is initially very narrow, a decision debris into the periapical tissues or potentially damaging any nearby
has to be made regarding how large the apical preparation should be. important anatomical structures.
Generally, the accepted minimum size of apical preparation is ISO Patency filing has the following benefits:
(International Organization for Standardization) size 25, but larger sizes
• Ensures negotiation of the root canal is smooth, reproducible, and
are often advocated. Root canal curvature often dictates the maximum
acceptable size, especially if more rigid stainless steel files are used.
The proposed advantages of larger sized apical preparations are: • Allows accurate determination of working length, in particular
when using an EAL.
• Greater removal of infected dentine in the apical portion of the
• Ensures sequentially larger sized files will ‘glide’ to the working
root canal.
length (i.e. ‘glide path’ is established and maintained).
• Improved irrigant exchange and access for medicaments.
• Prevents procedural errors occurring.
• Easier insertion of gutta-​percha (GP) points to the working length,
• Disrupts biofilm within the apical portion of the root canal.
and creation of an apical ‘stop’.
• Disrupts dentine debris created during instrumentation.
The potential disadvantages of larger sized apical preparations are:
A potential disadvantage of patency filing is the extrusion of in-
• Increased risk of procedural errors especially in severely curved root fected debris into the periapical tissues, which may result in a post-
canals. operative flare-​up. Great care should be taken if the apex of the
• Extrusion of irrigant or root canal filling materials. root(s) appears to be in close proximity to important anatomical
• Increased risk of vertical root fracture. structures, for example the inferior dental or mental nerves.

What equipment and instruments are used for root canal preparation?

General equipment and instruments
Rubber dam
The use of rubber dam during root canal treatment is mandatory.
The benefits and application of rubber dam are covered in detail in
Chapters 1 and 3.

Magnification and illumination

Good visibility is essential when carrying out root canal treatment. The
use of dental loupes equipped with a light (Figure 5.13) or a dental
operating microscope (Figure 5.14) greatly assists in the location of
the entrances of root canals, and in the visualization of cracks and

Electric motor and speed reducing handpiece

Endodontic electric motors and speed reducing handpieces
(Figure 5.15) are used in conjunction with rotary or reciprocating
Figure 5.13  Dental loupes (SurgiTel, Ann Arbor, MI, USA).
NiTi files. Rotary electric motors are usually operated at 150–​500
rpm and allow the torque to be controlled to reduce the risk of
file separation. Some motors also have an auto-​reverse setting that Ultrasonic units and tips
reverses the file out of the root canal if the pre-​set torque setting Piezo-​electric ultrasonic units (Figure 5.16) may be used in conjunction
is reached. Speed reducing handpieces that operate on a standard with dedicated endodontic tips (Figure 5.17) for the removal of con-
slow-​speed motor are also available but generally do not allow trolled amounts of dentine, usually when locating the entrances to root
such precise control over speed and torque and therefore are not canals. They may also be used with an ultrasonic file attached (Figure
recommended. 5.18) to agitate irrigant in the root canal (passive ultrasonic irrigation).
What equipment and instruments are used for root canal preparation? 71

Figure 5.14  Dental operating microscope with observer scope for

dental assistant (Global Surgical, St Louis, MO, USA).

Electronic apex locator

Electronic apex locators are used to determine working length (Figure
5.19). They work by setting up a local electric current between the
patient’s oral mucosa and the periodontal ligament at the end of the root
canal. It is assumed that the electrical resistance of the periodontal liga-
ment is the same as the oral mucosa. The EAL has two terminals: a hook,
which rests on the patient’s lip, and a clip or probe, which connects to the
file in the root canal. The EAL measures the resistance between the file
in the root canal and the oral mucosa. When the file makes initial contact
with the periodontal ligament, the display will give a ‘zero’ reading, which Figure 5.16  Ultrasonic device: P5 Newtron XS (SATELEC ACTEON,
Merignac, France).
is used to decide where the apical preparation will end.

Endodontic radiograph holders

Taking radiographs during endodontic treatment with rubber dam in
place can be challenging. Specialized film or sensor holders (Figure 5.20)

Figure 5.15  Endodontic motor: X-​smart Plus (Dentsply Sirona, Figure 5.17  Start-​X ultrasonic tips (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues,
Ballaigues, Switzerland). Switzerland).
72 Root canal preparation

have a beam-​aiming device and a basket to accommodate instruments,

GP cones, and rubber dam clamps.

Front-​surface  mirror
Standard mirrors produce a double image (Figure 5.21a). Front-​surface
mirrors (Figure 5.21b) produce a clearer image than standard mirrors,
as the reflective surface is at the front of the glass.

Endodontic explorer
The endodontic explorer is a double-​ended probe with long, sharp tips
(Figure 5.22). It is invaluable when exploring for root canal entrances.

Locking tweezers
Locking tweezers are ideal for gripping paper and GP points, and for
passing these between the dental nurse and clinician.

Long shank excavator

Figure 5.18  Ultrasonic file for passive ultrasonic irrigation.
A long shank excavator is used to remove pulp stones and debris from
the floor of the pulp chamber.

Measuring device
Various measuring devices are available for measurement of files,
irrigating needles, and GP points (Figure 5.23). Some devices can be
worn on the finger and hold a sponge to clean debris from the flutes
of instruments.

Burs for access cavity preparation

Tungsten carbide or diamond burs may be used for initial access
cavity preparation. Tungsten carbide burs are more efficient for cutting
through metallic restorations, but diamond burs should be used for
cutting through ceramic. Safe-​ended burs (e.g. Endo-​Z bur; Dentsply
Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland) allow lateral extension of the access
cavity outline after initial penetration without damaging the floor of
the pulp chamber. Long shank burs may be used to remove tertiary
dentine when attempting to locate root canal entrances (Figure 5.24).

Figure 5.19  Electronic apex locator: Root ZX Mini (J. Morita, Osaka,

Instruments used for mechanical
Gates Glidden drills
Gates Glidden drills are side cutting stainless steel instruments with non-​
cutting tips, which may be used to flare the coronal portion of the root
canal (Figure 5.25 and Table 5.1). They are manufactured in six sizes, in-
dicated by the number of bands on the shank of the instrument. Due to
their inflexibility, they must only be used in the straight part of the root
canal. They have a long shank that is designed to separate at the neck, so
that if they break they are usually retrievable (although this is not always
the case). Gates Glidden drills have a very aggressive cutting action and if
not used judiciously, are liable to remove excessive amounts of dentine,
especially sizes four and above. This can result in strip perforations, es-
pecially in narrow roots, such as the mesial roots of mandibular molars.

Stainless steel files
Traditionally, endodontic files have been manufactured from stain-
less steel (Figure 5.26). Stainless steel is flexible at smaller sizes (ISO
Figure 5.20  Endodontic film holder: EndoRay (Dentsply RinnSirona, size <20), but at larger sizes, stiffness markedly increases. This can
Elgin, IL, USA). result in procedural errors. With smaller sizes, stainless steel files
What equipment and instruments are used for root canal preparation? 73

(a) (b)

Figure 5.21  (a) Front surface mirror (recommended) and (b) Standard dental mirror, note the double image.

can be pre-​curved to facilitate the negotiation of sharp curvatures The K-​Flex file has a rhomboid-​shaped cross section and is more flexible
(Figure 5.27). Their rigidity is also invaluable in the initial negoti- than traditional K-​files. It has a cutting tip and is useful for negotiation of
ation of calcified root canals. fine, calcified root canals. The K-​Flexofile has a triangular cross section
Stainless steel files (e.g. K-​Flexofile, K-​Flex, Hedström) are manu- and is very flexible, especially at smaller sizes. It has a non-​cutting tip, de-
factured to a tip size and taper standardized by the ISO. The number signed to reduce the risk of ledging and perforation.
associated with an ISO sized file refers to its tip diameter in one-​
hundredths of a millimetre, for example an ISO sized 35 file will have a Stainless steel files: Hedström files
tip diameter of 35 hundredths of a millimetre or 0.35 mm. All ISO sized Hedström files are manufactured by machining a round stainless steel
files are manufactured with a uniform ‘0.02’ or 2% taper. This means blank to produce a continuous sequence of cones with sharp cutting
that the diameter of the file increases by 0.02 mm per millimetre incre- edges and a cutting tip. Hedström files are used in a push-​pull filing mo-
ment away from the tip. ISO sized files are colour coded in a standard tion and have an aggressive cutting action on withdrawal from the root
sequence (Table 5.2). Stainless steel hand files are generally manufac- canal. Rotational movements of greater than 30° should be avoided as
tured in lengths of 21 mm, 25 mm, and 31 mm, although the cutting they have a narrow core and are more susceptible to breakage than
blades are 16 mm in length, regardless of the length of the files. K-​type files. They are particularly useful for removing root canal filling
materials in retreatment cases.
Stainless steel files: K-​type files
Traditional K-​files are manufactured by twisting a square blank of stain-
less steel alloy to produce sharp cutting flutes along the length of the file.
K-​files tend to be stiff, especially as the size increases. Many variations on
the K-​file design are available, including the K-​Flex file (Kerr Endodontics,
Scafati, Italy) and the K-​Flexofile (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland).

Figure 5.23  Selection of measuring devices (left to right): EndoRing

(Kerr Endodontics, Orange, CA, USA), Endo Block (Dentsply Sirona,
Figure 5.22  Endodontic explorer: Ash DG16 (Dentsply Sirona Limited, Ballaigues, Switzerland). The EndoRing is a useful device because it has
Weybridge, UK). an incorporated sponge to hold files and clean debris from the flutes.
74 Root canal preparation

Figure 5.24  Cavity access set (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues,


Figure 5.26  Selection of stainless steel files (from left to right):

Readysteel, Hedström (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland),
K-Flex (Kerr Endodontics, Scafati, Italy), and K-Flexofile (Dentsply
Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland).

Files for the negotiation of calcified root canals

Several files are available for initial negotiation of fine, calcified root ca-
nals (Figure 5.28). These are manufactured from a hardened stainless
steel alloy and have cutting tips.

Nickel-​titanium  files
Nickel-​titanium files have revolutionized root canal preparation.
Nickel-​titanium is a super-​elastic alloy, with a modulus of elasticity
approximately one-​fifth that of stainless steel. This allows the alloy

Figure 5.25  Selection of Gates Glidden drills.

Table 5.1  Gates Glidden drills and their corresponding

ISO file sizes

Size ISO size equivalent Diameter (mm)

1 50 0.5

2 70 0.7

3 90 0.9

4 110 1.1

5 130 1.3

6 150 1.5
Figure 5.27  Pre-​curved stainless steel file.
What equipment and instruments are used for root canal preparation? 75

NiTi alloy make it possible to manufacture endodontic files that are

Table 5.2  ISO standard sized files and colour coding larger in cross section than stainless steel but have exceptional flexi-
bility. This has led to the development of files, with a greater taper
Nominal size Tip diameter (mm) Colour
(typically 4–​8%) than that of stainless steel files (which have a 2%
 6 0.06 Pink taper). With NiTi files a tapered root canal preparation can usually
 8 0.08 Grey be produced more quickly and with fewer files than with stainless
steel files.
10 0.1 Purple Many NiTi file systems are available. The majority of NiTi files
15 0.15 White are operated with a dedicated endodontic electric motor driven
handpiece in a continuous rotation (Figure 5.29) or reciprocating
20 0.2 Yellow
motion (Figure 5.30). Many NiTi systems include a specialized file
25 0.25 Red to expand the glide path (Figure 5.31). Nickel-​titanium hand files
30 0.3 Blue (Figure 5.32) are also available and these may be used when a motor is
not available or when increased manual control is desired.
35 0.35 Green
Newer generations of NiTi systems are being developed which
40 0.4 Black have undergone innovative heat treatment. These files have the pro-
posed benefits of being able to mechanically prepare root canals more
45 0.45 White
quickly, and with fewer files, than older generations of NiTi systems, as
50 0.5 Yellow the heat treated NiTi has a greater resistance to cyclic fatigue and an
55 0.55 Red increased flexibility.
No NiTi system is necessarily superior to another. All NiTi files must
60 0.6 Blue
be used with care and only after practice on training simulated root
70 0.7 Green canals. As with stainless steel files, if correct procedures are not fol-
lowed, they are liable to separate and/​or create procedural errors.
80 0.8 Black

Separated instruments
to undergo greater stresses than stainless steel, without breakage. Endodontic files and instruments may separate (fracture) due to:
Nickel-​ titanium also exhibits ‘shape memory’ and as a result, re-
sists permanent deformation. Nickel-​titanium files are able to with- • Torsional stresses: excessive torsional stresses are created when the tip
stand repeated cycles of compression and tension, which occur as of a file binds too tightly with the walls of the root canal while the file
a file is rotated in a curved root canal. The unique characteristics of continues to rotate, leading to fracture. Nickel-​titanium files frequently

(a) (b)

Figure 5.28  (a) Partially calcified root canal; (b) files used for initial negotiation of calcified root canals (from left to right): Pathfinder CS (Kerr
Endodontics, Orange, CA, USA) and C+ Files (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland).
76 Root canal preparation

Figure 5.29  Examples of continuous rotation nickel-​titanium machine driven files (from left to right): One Curve (MICRO- MEGA, Besancon,
France), 2shape (MICRO- MEGA, Besancon, France), Race 123 (Schottlander, Letchworth Garden City, UK), TF (Kerr Endodontics, Scafati, Italy),
HyFlex EDM (Coltene/ Whaledent AG, Alstatten, Switzerland), ProTaper Next (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland), ProTaper Gold (Dentsply
Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland).

have a tendency to ‘screw in’ to the root canal, which can lead to tor- fatigue of the alloy and file fracture. Files with a larger cross-​sec-
sional fracture, especially if excessive speed or torque are applied. Files tional area are more likely to fracture by cyclic fatigue. This is be-
with a smaller cross-​sectional area are more likely to fracture in this way. cause they are stiffer and undergo greater stresses when rotated in
• Cyclic fatigue: as a file rotates in a curved root canal, it undergoes a curved root canal.
repeated cycles of compression-​tension, which eventually lead to

Figure 5.30  Examples of reciprocating nickel-​titanium machine Figure 5.31  Examples of nickel-​titanium machine driven files dedicated
drive files (from left to right): WaveOne Gold Primary (Dentsply to expanding the glide path (left to right): WaveOne Gold Glide Path
Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland), RECIPROC blue R25 (VDW GmbH, File (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland), R- PILOT (VDW GmbH,
Munich, Germany). Munich, Germany), One G (MICRO- MEGA, Besancon, France),
ProGlider (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland), HyFlex EDM
Glidepath File (Coltene/Whaledent AG, Alstatten, Switzerland).
What does chemical preparation involve? 77

Figure 5.32  Examples of nickel-​titanium hand files: ProTaper Universal

Hand Files (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland).

Figure 5.34  Selection of spiral fillers.

used to ensure that the needle does not become detached during

Figure 5.33  Examples of side venting needles. Spiral fillers

Spiral fillers may be used to place intracanal medicaments or sealers
into the root canal (Figure 5.34). They are available in a variety of
Instruments used for chemical preparation sizes and are operated in a slow-​speed handpiece. Care must be
taken to ensure that the handpiece is rotating in a clockwise dir-
Irrigation syringes and needles ection and that they are inserted passively into the root canal to
Irrigant must be delivered into the root canals using side-​vented avoid breakage. Caution must also be exercised to prevent forced
needles (Figure 5.33). These increase the flow of irrigant out of the extrusion of the medicament into the periapical tissues by ensuring
side of the needle and reduce the risk of irrigant extrusion into the the active instrument is not rotated in the root canal for prolonged
periapical tissues. Luer-​lock design syringes and needles should be periods.

What does chemical preparation involve?

Chemical preparation of the root canal system is the most important The ideal properties of an irrigant and medicament are:
stage of root canal treatment, and it is primarily achieved using • Antimicrobial.
irrigants. The irrigant must be frequently agitated and replenished for
• Cheap.
effective cleaning and disinfection to be achieved. If treatment is car-
ried out over multiple visits (Chapter 6), chemical preparation can also • Able to dissolve pulp tissue.
be achieved by using an interappointment medicament. • Able to remove the smear layer.
78 Root canal preparation

• Easy to apply.
• Easy to remove.
• Have a long shelf-​life.
• Have low surface tension.
• Non-​staining.
• Non-​cytotoxic/​non-​mutagenic.
• Compatible with dentine.
• Substantive (remain in the root canal for a sustained period).
• Tissue-​friendly.
• Non-​corrosive to dental instruments.

Sodium hypochlorite
Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) fulfils most of the functions of an ideal
irrigant (Figure 5.35). It is a highly effective antimicrobial agent and Figure 5.36  Examples of ethylenediaminetetracetic (EDTA) acid
it is able to dissolve residual pulp tissue and organic matter. Its anti- solutions (left to right): Schottlander 17% EDTA (Schottlander,
microbial properties are due to the action of free chlorine ions, which Letchworth, UK), CanalPro EDTA 17% (Coltene/​Whaledent AG,
break down bacterial component proteins into constituent amino Alstatten, Switzerland), and Largal Ultra (Septodont, Saint-​Maur-​des-​
Fossés, France).
acids. A  concentration of 0.5–​3% is generally recommended, al-
though solutions of up to 5.25% concentration are available. Studies
have shown that lower concentrations are generally as bactericidal
as higher concentrations. Higher concentrations have the benefit of Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
increased tissue dissolving capacity, but are also more irritant if any
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a chelating agent, which
should be inadvertently extruded into the periapical tissues (known
removes the mineralized inorganic component of the dentine. It is
as a ‘hypochlorite accident’). Regular replenishment is necessary to
used to remove the smear layer and aids the negotiation of calcified
maintain an effective level of free chlorine ions and agitation is re-
root canals. Although it will flush out debris, EDTA does not dissolve
commended to maximize the dissolution of organic debris. A disad-
organic matter, so it should be used in conjunction with NaOCl. EDTA
vantage of NaOCl is that it does not remove the smear layer.
is usually used at a concentration of 17% and is available as a solution
(Figure 5.36) or a paste (Figure 5.37).

Figure 5.35  Examples of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solutions (left Figure 5.37  Examples of ethylenediaminetetracetic (EDTA) acid
to right): Schottlander Sodium Hypochlorite Solution 3% (Schottlander, pastes (top to bottom): MM-​EDTA Cream (MICRO-​MEGA, Besancon,
Letchworth, UK), CanalPro NaOCl 3% (Coltene/​Whaledent AG, Alstatten, France), Glyde (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland), and Canal +
Switzerland), and Parcan (Septodont, Saint-​Maur-​des-​Fossés, France). (Septodont, Saint-​Maur-​des-​Fossés, France).
What does chemical preparation involve? 79

gluconate solution are its inability to dissolve organic or inorganic

tissue, it is not anti-​biofilm, and it forms a toxic precipitate when com-
bined with NaOCl.
Iodine potassium iodide is an effective antimicrobial agent and is
sometimes used as a final irrigant in retreatment cases. However, it
has the potential to induce an allergic reaction in some patients and
causes staining of dentine.

Irrigant agitation
Irrigants should be agitated during and after completion of mechanical
preparation of the root canal. Agitation may be achieved manually,
sonically, or ultrasonically. The aims of agitation are to:

• Promote irrigant exchange apically.

• Circulate the irrigant to the uninstrumented portions of the root
canal system (Figure 5.39).
Figure 5.38  Scanning electron micrograph of the root canal wall • Stir up debris, therefore reducing blockages.
following smear layer removal. Note the ‘clean’ surface and patent
dentine tubules. • Dislodge microbial biofilm from the root canal walls.
• Encourage dissolution of organic matter.
What is the smear layer and what is its relevance • Aid smear layer removal.
to endodontic treatment?
The smear layer is an amorphous film of organic and inorganic ma- Passive ultrasonic irrigation
terial generated from instruments contacting the root canal walls. It Endodontic files can be ultrasonically activated to vibrate at high
is composed of a superficial layer on the root canal wall (1–​2 μm) and frequencies (2–​30 kHz) using an ultrasonic unit (Figures 5.16 and
plugs penetrating up to 40 μm into the dentinal tubules. It is generally 5.18). When files are ultrasonically activated in the root canal,
recommended that the smear layer should be removed (Figure 5.38 the irrigant immediately surrounding the file becomes turbulent
and Box 5.1). (acoustic microstreaming) and the temperature of the irrigant in-
creases, resulting in enhanced debridement and disinfection of the
Alternative irrigants root canal. In order for acoustic microstreaming to take place, the
root canal has to be wide enough to allow unrestricted movement
Chlorhexidine gluconate solution has a high degree of antimicrobial
of the ultrasonic file; otherwise it will become dampened against
activity and has been suggested as an irrigant in root canal retreatment.
the root canal wall and may lead to the creation of aberrations.
This is because some ex vivo studies have demonstrated that it is ef-
For example, an activated size 15 file will only be effective in a root
fective against certain microbes (e.g. Enterococcus faecalis) that are
canal that has been prepared up to a size 40. Passive ultrasonic ir-
implicated in post-​treatment disease. It may be useful in situations
rigation should only be used after root canal preparation has been
where NaOCl is unsuitable to use, such as in patients who have an al-
lergy to household bleach; however, chlorhexidine also has the poten-
tial to cause allergic reactions. Other disadvantages of chlorhexidine

Box 5.1  Benefits of smear layer removal from the root


• Harbours microbes and may also act as nutriment for microbes.

• May act as a barrier to irrigant and medicament penetration.
• Influences the quality of the bond obtainable with root canal
• Subsequent disintegration of the smear layer after the root
filling has been completed will affect the seal of the root canal Figure 5.39  Micro-​CT showing isthmus between mesial root canals of
filling material. a mandibular molar. It is important to agitate irrigant to ensure areas
inaccessible to mechanical preparation are cleaned.
80 Root canal preparation

What is the purpose of intracanal medicament?

In cases where treatment is carried out over multiple appointments, a
medicament is usually placed into root canals. Intracanal medicaments
have the following benefits:

• Inhibit the proliferation of microbes between visits.

• Further reduce the numbers of microbes in the root canal system,
especially within fins, isthmuses, and ramifications.
• Degrade residual necrotic tissue.
• Control apical serous exudate.
• Allow pain, swelling, or a discharging sinus to resolve prior to root
canal filling and restoration.

Figure 5.41  Examples of steroid-​antibiotic preparations: Odontopaste

(Australian Dental Manufacturing, Brisbane, Australia) and Ledermix
paste (Henry Schein UK Holdings Ltd, Gillingham, UK).

Calcium hydroxide
Calcium hydroxide is the intracanal medicament of choice (Figure 5.40
and Box 5.2). It is available commercially as ready mixed pastes or as
pure powder, which can be mixed with water or saline to produce a
paste of the desired consistency.

Steroid-​antibiotic preparations
Steroid-​antibiotic preparations (Figure 5.41) may be useful in the
treatment of the pulpitic teeth as the steroid is thought to be of value
Figure 5.40  Examples of calcium hydroxide medicament: ApexCal in reducing pulpal inflammation and pain. They are not generally re-
(Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Liechtenstein) and calcium hydroxide powder commended as an interappointment medicament in non-​vital teeth
(Pulpdent, Watertown, MA, USA).
as they have limited antimicrobial activity.

Box 5.2  Calcium hydroxide Iodine compounds

Properties Iodine compounds have been demonstrated in ex vivo studies to
• Limited solubility. be effective against some strains of bacteria that are resistant to
• High pH (12). calcium hydroxide. As an intracanal medicament, they are com-
mercially available as Vitapex (Neo Dental, Federal Way, WA, USA)
• Broad spectrum antimicrobial agent.
and Metapex (Meta Dental, Glendale, NY, USA), which are pastes
• Antimicrobial action sustained over a long duration. containing calcium hydroxide and iodoform. These are inappro-
Actions priate for use in patients who are allergic to iodine-​containing
• Reduced microbial growth. compounds.
• Degrades residual pulpal tissue (synergistic action with so-
dium hypochlorite). Phenolic preparations
Disadvantages Phenolic compounds, for example paramonochlorophenol,
• Some bacteria, notably Enterococcus faecalis, have been found used to be widely used medicaments. Their use has fallen out
to be resistant. of favour, as their antibacterial effects are short-​lived. They are
• Any residual calcium hydroxide left in the root canal may result volatile compounds, which are able to diffuse through the tem-
in a suboptimal root canal filling. porary filling material, and are irritant to the periapical tissues.
Their use has been superseded by calcium hydroxide, which
• Calcium hydroxide weakens dentine if left in the root canal for
has been demonstrated to be a more effective and long-​lasting
extended periods.
antimicrobial agent.
How do you carry out preparation of the tooth for root canal treatment? 81

Why is a good temporary restoration required?

A well-​adapted and durable temporary restoration must be placed in
the access cavity to provide a good coronal seal and to support the
remaining tooth structure during the inter-​appointment period. An
inadequate temporary restoration will result in contamination of the
root canals by microbes from the oral environment. The access cavity
should have suitable resistance form to prevent the displacement of
the temporary restoration. Reinforced zinc oxide eugenol material
or glass-ionomer cement are both acceptable temporary restorative
materials (Figure 5.42). Premixed temporary filling materials are not
recommended, as they are prone to wear away or wash out of the
access cavity.

Figure 5.42  Materials that may be used as temporary

restorations: IRM (Dentsply Sirona, Konstanz, Germany) and Fuji IX
(GC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan).

Foundations of clinical practice

The remainder of this chapter covers the practical aspects of root canal
preparation. Although individual methods of preparation may vary, the
principles remain the same.

How do you carry out preparation of the tooth for root canal

Before starting root canal treatment, a thorough clinical and radio-
graphic assessment of the tooth needs to be made.

Clinical assessment
Clinically, an assessment needs to be made of:

• Existing restoration(s).
• Restorability of the tooth.
• Tooth angulation and rotation.
• Positions of the cemento-​enamel junction and furcation.

Prior to access cavity preparation, existing restorations must be

carefully assessed. Teeth requiring endodontic treatment are fre-
quently heavily restored and may have recurrent caries. Deficient
leaking restorations (Figure 5.43) and caries must be removed to
avoid the introduction of carious dentine and microbes into the root
Full coverage restorations may have defective margins or be under-
mined by caries, which may not be easily detected clinically or radio-
graphically. Furthermore, they will often obscure anatomical landmarks
and mask the true orientation of the tooth, which may result in removal
Figure 5.43  Clinical evidence of leakage around restoration margin,
of excessive amounts of sound dentine (Figure 5.44) when attempting
this crown should be removed to allow the restorability of the tooth to
be assessed before embarking on endodontic treatment.
82 Root canal preparation

In specific circumstances when a tooth has a cuspal coverage,

restoration that was provided recently, or the clinician is confident
that the margins are sound, access may be made through the res-
toration. When access is made through a ceramic restoration, frac-
ture may occur. Additionally, caries may be identified under any
existing restoration. The patient must be informed before treat-
ment commences that it may be necessary to dismantle a restor-
ation intraoperatively, and that a new restoration may be required
Before commencing root canal treatment, unsupported/​ cracked
cusps should be reduced in height to reduce the chances of the tooth
fracturing. It may be necessary to provide a provisional restoration to
facilitate rubber dam placement and to provide a reservoir for irrigants.
Root canal treatment should not be commenced unless adequate iso-
lation can be achieved.

Figure 5.44  Radiographic evidence of excessive removal of dentine Radiographic assessment

when attempting to locate the root canals. More sound tooth tissue
A clear, undistorted periapical radiograph of the tooth to be treated
may have been retained had the existing restoration been removed
before embarking on endodontic treatment. should always be available prior to commencing treatment. The cri-
teria for achieving good quality radiographs are:

• Use a paralleling technique (use a film or digital sensor holder and

to locate the root canals; this can result in iatrogenic perforation and
beam aiming device).
may even cause the tooth to be unrestorable. Cuspal-​coverage restor-
ations can also limit visibility in the access cavity, causing difficulties in • Create minimal geometric distortion (elongation or foreshortening)
locating root canal entrances. by ensuring the film does not bend in the mouth, and correct posi-
It is desirable that existing restorations should be removed tioning of the patient and/​or X-​ray tube.
from the tooth under investigation prior to embarking on root • The entire tooth should be visible, including at least 3 mm of the
canal treatment. This enables a full assessment of the structure periapical bone.
and integrity of the tooth, and may reveal the presence of cracks • Employ the correct procedures for exposure, developing, mounting,
(Figure 5.45), which could influence the prognosis of the tooth and labelling of radiographs.
and the design of the subsequent restoration. The patient must be
fully aware of the procedure and have given their consent to the An assessment of the periapical radiograph along with any relevant
exploratory work. bitewing radiographs should be made to assess:

(a) (b)

Figure 5.45  Removal of the existing restoration (a) revealed a catastrophic crack rendering the tooth unrestorable (b).
How do you prepare an access cavity? 83

(a) (b)


Figure 5.46  (a) Estimating the length of the root canal. (b) Estimating the depth of the pulp chamber using computer software. Note the
calcifications in the pulp chamber.

• The position, size, and shape of the pulp chamber and the presence If digital radiographs are utilized, the software that is used to view
or absence of pulp horns. the images must be calibrated to enable the lengths of the root canals
and the depth of the pulp chamber to be estimated (Figure 5.46). If
• The degree of calcification of the pulp chamber and the root canals.
film-​based radiographs are utilized, a bur mounted in a handpiece
• The position of the root canal entrances. may be held up against the preoperative radiograph to estimate the
• The morphology and curvature of the root canals. depth of the floor of the pulp chamber. If the floor of the pulp chamber
• The estimated working length of root canals. is obscured by a metallic restoration, the furcation may be used as a
reference point to estimate the position of the pulp chamber.

How do you prepare an access cavity?

The practical steps required to carry out access cavity preparation in- • If accessing through a metal-​ceramic or all-​ceramic restoration, use
clude (Figure 5.47): a diamond bur to efficiently cut through the ceramic.

• Design the access cavity based on the anticipated number and loca- • Penetrate into the pulp chamber at a point where the floor and roof
tion of the root canals (Figure 5.8) and the radiographic assessment. of the pulp chamber are at their furthest distance apart, which is
Care should be taken to be as conservative of tooth substance as usually over the pulp horns. The bur will frequently be felt to drop
possible and avoid perforating the cervical region of anterior teeth, into the pulp chamber. In cases where extensive calcification of the
and damaging or perforating the floor of the pulp chamber in pulp chamber has occurred, a drop into the pulp chamber will not
posterior teeth. be felt. In these cases, great care must be taken during access cavity
preparation not to create a perforation.
• Consider preparing the access cavity prior to placement of
rubber dam, especially in cases where the tooth may be rotated, • When initial penetration is made, use a non-​end cutting bur (e.g.
inclined, or heavily restored. Rubber dam may mask the true Endo-​Z bur; Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland) to com-
angulation. pletely remove the roof of the pulp chamber and to refine the
sides of the access cavity without damaging the floor of the pulp
• Drill through the palatal/​lingual surface for anterior teeth and the
occlusal surface of posterior teeth.
• Remove pulp stones, if present, and refine the access cavity using
• If accessing through a metallic restoration, use a tungsten carbide,
specialized ultrasonic tips.
cross-​cut fissure bur.
84 Root canal preparation



Figure 5.47  Access cavity preparation (a) maxillary incisor (b) mandibular molar: bur penetrates the roof of the pulp chamber; non-​end cutting bur
removes remainder of the roof of the pulp chamber; ideal access cavity preparation with overhanging and lips of dentine removed.

The objectives of access cavity preparation are to: • Allow visualization of the floor of the pulp chamber (in posterior
• Remove the entire roof of the pulp chamber so that all coronal pulp teeth) the entrance(s) to the root canal(s) (Figure 5.48).
tissue may be removed (note: anterior teeth do not have a pulpal • Produce a smooth-​walled preparation with no overhangs of dentine.
floor—​the pulp chamber merges into the root canal). • Allow unimpeded access of instruments into the coronal portion of
the root canal(s).

How do you locate the entrances to root canals?

The practical steps required to locate the entrances to root canals • Use an endodontic explorer to probe the floor of the pulp chamber
include: to locate the root canal entrances.

• Use a magnification device with coaxial lighting to visualize the pulp • If a single root canal is found, but it is situated towards the buccal or
chamber. In posterior teeth, the floor of the pulp chamber is darker lingual side of the tooth, another root canal is likely to be present. In
in colour than the walls (Figure 5.48). Developmental lines may be general root canals tend to be symmetrically placed.
seen running across the floor of the pulp chamber ‘mapping out’ the • If tertiary dentine (white and opaque) is present, judiciously re-
location of the entrance of root canal(s). move this using long neck burs, gooseneck burs, or specialized
How do you use hand files? 85

ultrasonic tips. Take care to avoid indiscriminate and excessive

dentine removal as this may lead to perforations laterally or into
the furcation.
• If difficulty is encountered when attempting to locate the entrances
to root canals, a radiograph should be taken to check the location
of the root canals in relation to the access cavity already prepared.
In especially difficult cases, referral to a specialist in endodontics
should be considered.

Figure 5.48  Access cavity allowing visualization of the root canals;

note the ‘road map’ (darker lines) leading to each of the root canals.

How do you create straight-​line access?

Once the root canal entrances have been identified, it is often neces- variety of instruments, including Gates Glidden drills, non-​end cutting
sary to modify the access cavity to allow unimpeded access for files burs, specialized ultrasonic tips, and NiTi files.
into the root canals (straight-​line access). This may be achieved using a

How do you carry out initial negotiation?

The practical steps required to carry out initial negotiation of the root for the initial negotiation of calcified root canals (Figure 5.28);
canal(s) include: these should be used with care to prevent procedural errors
• Flood the pulp chamber with NaOCl to facilitate negotiation and
to avoid the creation of blockages. EDTA paste or solution can also • Use tactile feedback to sense the presence of curvatures (which
be used. may not be visible radiographically, i.e. in the bucco-​lingual plane),
and the joining or bifurcating of root canals.
• Use an ISO size 10 K-​type file in a gentle watch-​winding motion to
ensure that the coronal portion of the root canal is negotiable. The • Examine the file(s) upon removal from the root canal for the pres-
file should fit fairly passively in the root canal and should never be ence of bends, which give an indication of the root canal shape and
forced apically as this can result in procedural errors. At this stage, it curvature.
is not necessary to negotiate the root canal to the apex. • Use sequentially larger hands files, up to at least an ISO size 10, to
• If the root canal is partially calcified or tortuous, use an ISO size 06 create a smooth, reproducible, and predictable ‘glide path’ in the
or 08 K-​type file, or stiffer specialized files designed specifically coronal portion of the root canal.

How do you use hand files?

Hand files may be manipulated using several different techniques to 30°, whilst maintaining gentle apical pressure. When progression
negotiate and shape the root canal system. Instrumentation should al- becomes difficult, the file should be withdrawn to remove debris.
ways be carried out in the presence of copious irrigant to lubricate the
root canal and facilitate the progression of files apically. Balanced-​force
The balanced-​ force technique allows controlled manipulation of
Watch-​winding hand files whilst maintaining a centred preparation and reducing the
A gentle watch-​winding technique is useful for initial negotiation incidence of procedural errors (Figure 5.49). The technique is useful
of the root canal. The technique involves gently rotating a small during initial root canal negotiation, coronal flaring, and apical prep-
hand file alternately clockwise and anticlockwise, approximately aration. It works well with stainless steel K-​Flexofiles and hand NiTi
86 Root canal preparation

• Rotate the file a quarter turn clockwise to engage dentine in the

• Rotate the file a half turn anticlockwise whilst maintaining apical
pressure (to prevent the file from reversing out of the root canal) to
cut dentine from the walls of the root canal. A characteristic ‘click’
(a) Engage dentine: (b) Cut dentine: (c) Remove dentine: may be heard and felt.
Rotate a quarter turn Rotate a half turn Rotate a quarter
• Rotate the file a quarter turn clockwise to collect debris on the
clockwise anticlockwise with turn clockwise
firm apical pressure flutes of the file.
• Withdraw the file the from the root canal, ensure all debris is re-
Figure 5.49  Balanced-​force technique: (a) quarter turn clockwise;
moved, and check for signs of deformation before reinsertion.
(b) half turn anticlockwise whilst maintaining apical pressure;
(c) quarter turn clockwise and withdraw. • Files should not be pre-​curved when the balanced force technique
is used.

ProTaper files. If hand GT (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland)

files are used, a reverse balanced-​force technique is used (i.e. the Push-​pull  filing
files are rotated in an anticlockwise direction first). This technique The push-​pull filing technique is used to plane the walls of the root
must not be carried out with Hedström files as it can easily result in canal. It is useful for smoothing ledges once they have been suc-
file separation. cessfully bypassed. The technique involves moving the file apic-
The practical steps required to carry out the balanced-​force tech- ally and coronally in small increments (1–​3 mm). This technique is
nique involve: ideal for use with Hedström files, but it may also be carried out with
• Insert the file into the root canal until resistance is felt. K-​type  files.

How do you carry out coronal flaring?

Coronal flaring may be achieved using a combination of stainless steel • After removal of each file or Gates Glidden drill from the root canal,
hand files, Gates Glidden drills and/​or NiTi files: the flutes should be cleaned of debris using a sponge. The root
canal should be irrigated frequently and recapitulated with an
• Sequentially smaller instruments are used as progress is made from
ISO size 10 K-​type file to ensure the root canal does not become
the coronal to the apical third of the root canal—​each instrument
creates space for smaller sized instruments to advance further down
the root canal.
• Gates Glidden drills must be used with great care. A safe and
effective method of use is a brushing action in a coronal dir-
ection. In multi-​rooted teeth, the brushing action should be
against outer wall of the root canal, and never against the inner
furcal wall. Gates Glidden drills are inflexible and must only be
used in the straight part of the root canal. Sizes 2 and 3 Gates
Glidden drills are appropriate for use in most root canals. Size
1 Gates Glidden drills are very prone to breakage; sizes 4 and
above are only suitable for use in larger root canals, as they
are liable to cause strip perforations if used inappropriately
(Figure 5.50).
• Nickel-​titanium files are more flexible and can be used beyond
the root canal curvature; they also allow more rapid instrumen-
tation of the root canal than Gates Glidden drills. Some systems
have specific files, for example ProTaper Gold SX or ProTaper
Next XA (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland) which are
designed for coronal flaring, whilst in other systems, files of
decreasing taper or diameter are employed in a crown-​down
Figure 5.50  Strip perforation of the mesial root of a mandibular
approach. first molar.
How do you determine working length? 87

How do you carry out apical negotiation?

The practical steps to carry out apical negotiation are similar to those negotiating curved, ledged, narrow/​calcified, and blocked root canals.
for initial negotiation. Files should never be forced as this may lead to procedural errors. The
The apical portions of root canals frequently have sharp curva- location and severity of such curvatures should be noted, as they influ-
tures, which are challenging to negotiate. Table 5.3 provides tips on ence apical preparation.

Table 5.3  Troubleshooting tips on negotiating curved, ledged, narrow/​calcified, and blocked root canals

Possible cause Solution

Curved or ledged • Ensure straight-​line access and coronal flare to minimize coronal stress on the instruments.
root canal
• Precurve small sized hand files to negotiate past the curvature or ledge (Figure 5.27).
• Instrument using a push-​pull motion in small increments to gently enlarge the root canal around the curvature or ledge.
• Use sequentially larger stainless steel files to enlarge the root canal sufficiently (usually size 20–​30) before instrumenting
with NiTi files. Hand NiTi files are often preferable to machine drive files in these circumstances.
• Preferentially file away from the furcation wall (anti-​curvature filing).

Narrow/​calcified • Ensure there is straight-​line access and adequate coronal flare before attempting apical negotiation.
root canal
• Use flexible size (ISO size 06–​10) K-​type files for initial negotiation.
• Use 21 mm length hand files where possible for initial negotiation; this should allow better tactile feedback.
• Use EDTA (solution or paste) to facilitate negotiation.
• Advance the files gently using a ‘watch-​winding’ motion.
• Consider using stiffer specialized stainless steel files (Figure 5.28b).

Dentine debris • Use copious irrigant to loosen and flush out compacted debris and avoid further blockages.
• Use EDTA (solution or paste) to soften the blockage.
• Consider using stiffer specialized stainless steel files (Figure 5.28b).
• Maintain patency and glide path using a small sized K-​type file.

How do you determine working length?

The working length may be determined by taking a working length • Identify a reproducible coronal reference point (e.g. a cusp tip
(diagnostic) radiograph and/​or by using an EAL. or incisal edge) and ensure that the silicone stop on the file
is contacting the reference point before and after taking the
Radiograph technique radiograph.
• Take a radiograph using a paralleling technique using an endodontic
The practicable steps to determine working length using the radio-
radiograph holder (Figure 5.51b).
graph technique include:
• The complete tooth should be visible and ideally at least 3 mm of
• Estimate the root canal length from an accurate preoperative the surrounding periapical tissues (Figure 5.51c).
• If the radiograph reveals that the file is within 2 mm of the radio-
• Place a file into the root canal to the estimated working length graphic apex, any necessary adjustments to the length of the file
(Figure 5.51a). A minimum file size of ISO size 10 or 15 should be can be made and instrumentation may be continued. If the file
used, as smaller files may not be clearly visible radiographically. In a is more than 2 mm from the correct length, the length should be
large root canal, use the first size that binds in the apical region. This adjusted and another radiograph taken to confirm the correct
is known as the diagnostic file. working length.
88 Root canal preparation

(a) (a)

(b) (b)

(c) (c)

Figure 5.51  Working length determination using the radiograph Figure 5.52  Working length determination using the electronic apex
technique: (a) files in the root canals at estimated working length; locator (EAL) technique: (a) lip hook resting on patient’s lip; (b) probe
(b) endo holder in use; (c) working length radiograph. in contact with file; (c) ‘zero reading’ on display.
How do you carry out apical preparation? 89

• If two root canals are in the same plane, for example two mesial • Ensure that the silicone stop on the file is contacting a reproducible
root canals in a mandibular molar, they may be distinguished radio- coronal reference point before removing the file.
graphically by using a Hedström file in one of the root canals and a • On removing the file, measure the recorded length.
K-​type file in the other. The buccal object rule may be used to ‘sep-
• Determine the working length by subtracting 0.5–​1.0 mm from the
arate’ the root canals radiographically; the tube is angulated mesi-
recorded ‘zero reading’.
ally or distally by approximately 10°.
Care must be taken when using EALs to ensure that the reading is
Electronic apex locator technique as accurate as possible. The following factors may cause unreliable
The practicable steps to determine working length using an EAL include:
• Metallic restorations: ensure that the file does not contact metallic
• Estimate the root canal length from an accurate preoperative
restorations or a short circuit will occur.
• Pulp remnants, especially at the root canal apices.
• Ensure there is no excess fluid (irrigant, blood, or pus) in the pulp
chamber or coronal half of the root canal. • Low batteries.

• Place the lip hook on the patient’s lip (Figure 5.52a). • Leaking rubber dam.

• Place a small file (e.g. ISO size 10 or 15) into the root canal and at- • Wide apical foramen: in teeth with large apices, a larger file may be
tach the file clip (Figure 5.52b). required to obtain an accurate reading.

• ‘Watch-​wind’ the file gently apically until the display on the EAL in- • Excessive fluid in root canal.
dicates that the file tip is at the apical foramen (known as the ‘zero
reading’) (Figure 5.52c).

How do you carry out apical preparation?

After the working length has been determined, apical preparation of Crown-​down technique
the root canal is completed using stainless steel hand files alone, or
in combination with NiTi (machine-​driven or hand) files. Regardless After coronal flaring and working length determination, the remainder
of the technique used for preparation, it is important to irrigate fre- of the root canal is prepared, and a taper achieved by using files in
quently, recapitulate, and patency file to maintain glide path and ap- a sequence of larger to smaller sizes, progressing apically. Once the
ical patency. working length is reached, the sequence is repeated using larger files

Figure 5.53  Crown-​down technique using NiTi files for preparation.

90 Root canal preparation

(a) (b)

15 20 25

#30 (–3 mm)
#15 #20 #25 (–2 mm)

Figure 5.54  Modified double flare technique: (a) apical enlargement and (b) apical taper.

until a file of the desired size for the apical preparation reaches the of the root canal. For example, a maxillary central incisor in a young
working length. This technique was originally described for use with patient may have an ISO size 50 MAF or larger, whilst a curved, par-
stainless steel hand files but is now routinely carried out using NiTi tially calcified mesio-​buccal root canal of a maxillary molar may have
files (Figure 5.53). an ISO size 25 MAF.

Modified double flare technique Apical taper (or deep shaping)

The modified double flare technique refers to the preparation of the The following practical steps are carried out to achieve apical taper
coronal portion of the root canal to a taper, as already described, fol- (Figure 5.54b):
lowed by apical preparation using stainless steel hand files. Apical
• Taper the apical portion of the root canal by using files in sequen-
preparation is carried out in two stages:
tially increasing size in an apical to coronal approach, stepping back
• Apical enlargement. in 1 mm increments. This creates an apical taper and blends the
apical preparation with the coronal flare.
• Creation of apical taper (or deep shaping).
• Frequent irrigation of the root canal and recapitulation with the MAF
Apical enlargement is necessary to ensure the root canal does not become blocked.
The following practical steps are carried out to enlarge the apical
After the apical taper has been created, the root canal should taper
section of the root canal (Figure 5.54a):
smoothly from the entrance of the root canal coronally to the apical
• Gauge the diameter of the apical portion of the root canal by inserting terminus of the preparation.
ISO hand files passively until a file binds at the working length.
• Enlarge the apical portion of the root canal by using files in sequen- Apical preparation with nickel-​titanium files
tially increasing sizes at the working length. The smallest acceptable
Some NiTi systems are used in a crown-​down approach, either using
apical preparation is usually equivalent to an ISO size 25 file.
files of the same taper with decreasing tip size or using files of the
The largest file used to the full working length is called the master ap- same tip size with decreasing taper. Some systems use a combination
ical file (MAF). This size is dependent on the original size and curvature of the two. In other NiTi systems, files of varying taper and tip size are
How do you prevent procedural errors? 91

sequentially taken to the full working length. It is essential that the apical patency should be established. The glide path may be enlarged
manufacturer’s protocol is followed. using specialized machined-​driven files (Figure 5.31).
Regardless of the NiTi file system chosen, the principles of root After NiTi preparation is complete, the apical portion of the
canal preparation remain the same. Straight-​line access must be root canal should be gauged using hand files to determine the
achieved and, in most cases, it is necessary to carry out some coronal diameter of the root canal at the full working length and to allow
flaring prior to progressing files apically for apical negotiation and selection of a suitable GP cone (or other material) for filling of the
preparation. root canal.
Before using NiTi files in the apical portion of the root canal, a glide
path should be created to at least a ISO size 10 or 15 K-​type file, and

How do you prevent procedural errors?

Root canal preparation is often very challenging; the following pro- • Apical blockage.
cedural errors (Figure 5.55) may occur: • Strip perforation.
• Perforation of the pulp chamber floor. • File separation.
• Ledge formation. Table 5.4 covers common procedural errors and how they can
• Zip and elbow formation. be avoided.

Perforation of pulp
chamber floor

Original end
point of canal


Zip (transportation Dentine

of apical preparation) mud

Figure 5.55  Examples of procedural errors.

92 Root canal preparation

Table 5.4  Troubleshooting tips on preventing procedural errors during root canal preparation

General • Position the patient so that the tooth to be treated can be clearly visualized at all times.
• Ensure the patient’s mouth opening is adequate. Consider using a mouth prop.
• Utilize good lighting and magnification.
• Where possible, completely remove any restoration that restrict visibility to the floor of the pulp chamber and access to
the root canals. If accessing through an existing restoration, ensure the access cavity is sufficiently wide to uncover all
root canal entrances.
• Ensure good straight-​line access and coronal flaring. This will reduce coronal stresses on the instruments and allow
better control of the tip of the instrument.
• Flood the pulp chamber and root canals with irrigant to reduce friction and prevent blockages and file separation.
• Irrigate and recapitulate with a small size hand file after removing each instrument.
• Inspect and clean the flutes of each instrument with a sponge after removal from the root canal.

Perforations of • Be familiar with tooth morphology, in particular the usual location of root canal entrances.
the floor of the
• A preoperative assessment of the angulation and any rotation of the tooth must be made to predict the likely location of
pulp chamber
root canal entrances.
• Careful preoperative radiographic assessment of the depth and size of the pulp chamber is essential. An estimate
should be made of the positions of the canal entrances and degree of calcification.
• If a root canal entrance is not located after searching in its predicted position, take a radiograph to check the progress of
dentine removal. This should help to indicate where the root canal is in relation to the existing access cavity.
• Where a perforation is suspected, insert a small file into the site, attached to an EAL. An immediate ‘zero’ reading
usually confirms the presence of a perforation. At this stage, it may be wise to consider referral of the patient to a
specialist in endodontics.

Ledges and • Use flexible K-​type files, with a non-​cutting tip, for example K-Flexofiles. Rigid files are much more likely to create a
perforations of ledge when a curvature in the canal is reached. Specialized rigid canal negotiation files must be used judiciously, as they
the root canal are more likely to create ledges or perforations than flexible files.
• Apply only very light apical pressure and allow instruments to follow the pathway of least resistance in the root canal.
• If a ‘stop’ is felt, pre-​curve the file tip to negotiate around a possible severe curvature.
• Never force an instrument as this will usually result in a ledge, or worse, a perforation.

Zipping (apical • In curved root canals, flexible files should be used to avoid excessive straightening of the apical portion of the root canal.
transportation) Avoid larger file sizes in root canals with severe curvature as rigidity increases with file size.
• Do not over-prepare the apical portion of the root canal. Machine driven NiTi files will tend to straighten the root canal
the longer time they are running, therefore preparation should be ceased as soon as the working length is reached.

Blockage of • Ensure that you achieve adequate straight-​line access and coronal flaring.
root canal with
• Irrigate and recapitulate as described above.
dentine debris
• Regularly inspect and clean the flutes of the instruments.

Strip perforations • When instrumenting the root canal, apply slight pressure away from the inside curvature, to preferentially instrument
of the inside the outer wall of the root canal (anti-​curvature filing).
curvature of
• Use flexible stainless steel or NiTi files to respect the original curvature of the root canal.
the root
• Gates Glidden drills must be used judiciously. The use of sizes 4 or larger must be restricted to wide canals.
• Avoid over-​preparing the root canal, particularly when using machine drive files.

Separation of • Instrument with sequentially larger files, starting with small sizes. Where necessary, start with ISO size 06 or 08.
hand files
• Apply gentle apical pressure, never apply excessive force, otherwise the file will engage the dentine and fracture on
• Do not excessively wind files clockwise into the root canal. Use a ‘watch-​winding’ or ‘balanced force’ technique to
progress files apically.
• Use Hedström files with great care; avoid rotating a Hedström file within a root canal.
• Inspect files upon removal from the root canal. Discard files with signs of deformation.
How do you carry out chemical preparation? 93

Table 5.4 Continued

Separation of • Practice on endodontic training simulated root canals.

NiTi files
• Use a dedicated endodontic electric motor and speed reducing handpiece with torque control according to the
manufacturer’s protocol.
• Ensure that a glide path is achieved with at least a size 10–​15 K-​type file prior to the introduction of NiTi files.
• Use a light touch (a similar level of pressure as applied when writing with a lead pencil).
• Use a pecking motion or brushing action as per the manufacturer’s protocol.
• Never force a file apically or keep it at the same point within a root canal.
• Inspect the files upon removal from the root canal. Discard files with signs of deformation.
• Exercise great care when instrumenting root canals with severe curvatures.

How do you carry out chemical preparation?

The root canal system should be irrigated at every stage of the prep-
aration with an antimicrobial solution. The irrigant of choice is a
0.5–​3.0% solution of NaOCl; in addition, EDTA solution may also be
used to remove the smear layer. Frequent irrigation is essential for
the removal of microbes and debris. If insufficiently irrigated, the root
canal can easily become blocked with pulpal/​dentine debris, which
will make further instrumentation difficult, time consuming, and po-
tentially result in procedural errors.
The criteria for safe and effective irrigation are as follows:

• Ensure that the rubber dam seals the working area.

• Ensure the working length has been determined accurately.
• Use a side-​vented needle (Figure 5.33).
• Use a syringe with threads (Luer-​lock) so that needle can be se-
curely screwed on (Figure 5.34).
• Apply a bend or a silicone stop to the needle to measure the Figure 5.56  Root canal being irrigated. Note the forefinger, not thumb,
is being used to apply gentle pressure to the plunger.
depth of penetration, which should be at least 1–​2 mm short of the
working length.
• Apply gentle pressure to the plunger of the syringe, using a fore- Irrigant agitation
finger rather than a thumb (Figure 5.56).
During mechanical preparation, the irrigant should be agitated by:
• Do not force or bind the needle within the root canal.
• Irrigate frequently, ideally after each file is withdrawn from the root • Recapitulation using a small size file (ISO size 10 or 15) each time
canal, and always ensure that there is a reservoir of irrigant in the fresh irrigant is introduced during instrumentation.
pulp chamber. • Gently moving the irrigating needle up and down in the root canal
taking great care not to bind the needle.
Great care must be taken to prevent inadvertent extrusion of
irrigant into the periapical tissues. Table 5.5 lists the symptoms that When mechanical preparation has been completed, the root canals
may ensue, and actions required to be taken should an extrusion of should be flooded with irrigant (Figure 5.57) and this should be agi-
NaOCl (‘hypochlorite accident’) occur. tated using any of the following methods:
94 Root canal preparation

Table 5.5  Symptoms and management of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) accident

Symptoms Management
Acute severe pain and swelling • Be calm.
• Reassure the patient and advise them of what has happened.
• Advise the patient that the swelling may take up to a week to reduce fully.
• Prescribe analgesics and antibiotics.

Profuse bleeding from root canal • Irrigate the root canal with saline, dry and apply a temporary restoration.

Taste of chlorine and throat irritation (if NaOCl is extruded into • Ask the patient to drink water or milk.
the maxillary sinus)

Bruising or ecchymosis of the skin or mucosa • Advise the patient to apply a cold compress.
• Advise the patient that bruising may take up to a week to reduce fully.

Longer term paraesthesia or anaesthesia • Refer to hospital and inform patient.

Symptoms starting to resolve • Recall after 1–​3 days to review symptoms.

• Determine why the accident occurred.
• Once the patient is symptom-​free, complete the root canal treatment or
refer to a specialist in endodontics.

Figure 5.57  Sodium hypochlorite in root canals, note three mesial root Figure 5.58  Example of a cordless device for automated sonic
canals associated with this mandibular molar. agitation of irrigants: EndoActivator system (Dentsply Sirona, Tulsa,

• Gutta-​percha ‘pumping’. This involves inserting a well-​fitting GP

point (premeasured 1–​2 mm short of the working length) into the Placement of intracanal medicaments
root canal, and gently moving the point up and down in the root The root canals should be dried with paper points to remove irrigant
canal with 3–​4 mm push-​pull strokes. before placing an intracanal medicament. Paper points of increased
• Sonic agitation. This involves inserting a sonically activated, single-​ taper are useful as fewer are required to dry the root canal (Figure 5.59).
use polymer tip into the root canal (Figure 5.58). A medicament may be placed into the root canal using a premeasured
• Passive ultrasonic irrigation (PUI). This involves inserting an ultra- sterile file, but ideally a premeasured spiral filler or a proprietary med-
sonically activated, small (usually ISO size 10–​ 15) file into the icament in syringe with fine tip (Figure 5.60) is used to ensure that
root canal. The file should be placed passively into the root canal the root canal is completely filled. Great care should be taken not to
without touching the root canal walls. extrude medicament into the periapical tissues.
How do you temporarily restore the tooth? 95

Figure 5.59  Selection of paper points: standard sized (left) and Figure 5.60  Calcium hydroxide paste being placed using a Navtitip tip
tapered (right). (Ultradent Products GmbH, Cologne, Germany).

How do you temporarily restore the tooth?

Before removing rubber dam, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tape or the pulp chamber, and the cotton wool is sufficiently thin to prevent
sterile cotton wool should be compacted into the base of the pulp displacement of the temporary restorative material by occlusal forces.
chamber, and then a well-​adapted and durable temporary restora- If necessary, the restorative material should be placed in a way that
tive material (Figure 5.42) should be provided. If using cotton wool, it provides interim cuspal protection during the inter-​appointment
care must be taken to ensure that there are no exposed cotton fibres period. The occlusion should be checked, and any necessary adjust-
which may allow wicking of saliva and microbes from the mouth into ments made, in intercuspal position and lateral excursions.

Summary points
• Root canal preparation involves simultaneous mechanical • The majority of endodontic files are made of either stainless
and chemical preparation of the root canal system (chemo-​ steel or NiTi. There are many advantages to NiTi files; greater
mechanical debridement). flexibility, greater resistance to fracture, and built-​in taper.
• The aims of chemo-​mechanical debridement are to remove mi- However, they are not a panacea and should be used in con-
crobes, pulpal remnants, and organic debris from the root canal junction with stainless steel files.
system, and create an optimal shape to allow a well-​compacted • Chemical preparation of the root canal system is primarily
root canal filling to be placed into the root canal system. achieved using irrigants. Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl)
• Mechanical preparation involves several stages, which should meets many of the ideal properties of an irrigant:  princi-
be carried out methodically. The coronal portion of the root pally, it is antimicrobial and has an organic tissue dissolving
canal should be prepared before progressing apically. capacity. EDTA solution may also be used to remove the
smear layer. Irrigants should be agitated to increase their ef-
• The working length can be reliably and predictably deter- ficacy. Chemical preparation may also be achieved using a
mined using an EAL and/​or a working length radiograph. For
optimal accuracy, it is recommended that a combination of
the two methods is utilized.
96 Root canal preparation


Select the single best answer (SBA). Answers are provided after e. Regularly cleaning the flutes of the instruments and checking for
signs of distortion.
suggested further reading.
SBA 5.1 What is the primary aim of root canal preparation? SBA 5.3 Which is the most appropriate irrigant to use
during root canal preparation?
a. To remove inflamed pulp tissue in order to reduce pain.
a. Chlorhexidine.
b. To allow root filling material to be inserted into the root canal.
b. Local anaesthetic.
c. To enable the root canals to be used to retain a post and core for a crown.
c. EDTA.
d. To remove microbes and their substrates from the root canal system.
d. Saline.
e. To allow a medicament to be placed into the root canal.
e. Sodium hypochlorite.
SBA 5.2 During root canal preparation, procedural
errors such as ledges, blockages, and instrument SBA 5.4 Which instrument would be the most
separation in the middle or apical portion of the root appropriate choice to commence canal negotiation and
canal may occur. What is the most important factor to preparation of a mandibular molar tooth?
consider if such errors are to be avoided? a. An ISO size 08–​15 K-​file.
a. Good patient positioning and use of a mouth prop where necessary. b. A reciprocating NiTi file.
b. Straight-​line access and coronal flaring. c. An ISO size 08–​15 Hedström file.
c. Use of a lubricant to facilitate root canal preparation. d. A size 2–​3 Gates Glidden drill.
d. Familiarity with the usual morphology of the pulp chamber and
e. A rotary NiTi file.
root canals.

Suggested further reading

Aminoshariae A and Kulild J (2015) Master apical file Gutmann JL and Fan B (2015) Tooth morphology, isolation and access.
size—​smaller or larger: a systematic review of microbial In: Hargreaves KM and Berman LH (eds) Pathways of the Pulp, 11th
reduction. Internal Journal of Endodontics 48, 1007–​22. edn, pp. 130–​208. Missouri: Mosby Elsevier.

Darcey J, Jawad S, Taylor C, Roudsari RV, and Hunter M (2016) Modern Peters OA and Peters CI (2011) Cleaning and shaping of the root canal
endodontic principles part 4: irrigation. Dental Update 43,  20–​33. system. In: Hargreaves KM and Berman LH (eds) Pathways of the Pulp,
11th edn, pp. 209–​79. Missouri: Mosby Elsevier.
European Society of Endodontology (2006) Quality guidelines for
endodontic treatment: consensus report of the European Society of Schafer E (2011) Instrumentation of the root canal system (Section 4. 
Endodontology. International Endodontic Journal 39, 921–​30. Case 4.2). In: Patel S and Duncan HF (eds) Pitt Ford’s Problem-​
Based Learning in Endodontology, 1st edn, pp. 110–​17. Chichester:
Farook SA, Shah V, Lenouvel D, Sheikh O, Sadiq Z, Cascarini L, and Webb
R (2014) Guidelines for management of sodium hypochlorite extrusion
injuries. British Dental Journal 217, 679–​84. Tsesis I, Blazer T, Ben-​Izhack G, Taschieri S, Del Fabbro M, Corbella S,
et al. (2015) The precision of electronic apex locators in working length
Guivarc’h M, Ordioni U, Ahmed HM, Cohen S, Catherine JH, and Bukiet
determination: a systematic review and meta-​analysis of the literature.
F (2017) Sodium hypochlorite accident: a systematic review. Journal of
Journal of Endodontics 41, 1818–​23.
Endodontics 43,  16–​24.
How do you temporarily restore the tooth? 97

Self-​assessment answers

SBA 5.1  The correct answer is d. The aim of root canal preparation is pulpal tissue. Chlorhexidine is an effective antibacterial agent but does
to eliminate (as far as possible) microbes from the root canal system. not dissolve tissue. EDTA is used as an adjunct to sodium hypochlorite
Organic debris must also be removed, as it provides a substrate for any to remove the smear layer but is ineffective as an antibacterial agent.
remaining microbes. Saline and local anaesthetic are unsuitable irrigants, as they do not have
significant antibacterial properties.
SBA 5.2  The correct answer is b. Although all of the listed factors will
help to reduce the incidence of procedural errors, good straight-​line SBA 5.4  The correct answer is a. Initial negotiation should always
access and coronal flaring are vital if errors in the middle or apical portion be carried out using stainless steel hand files to establish patency in
of the canal are to be avoided. the coronal portion of the canal prior to the introduction of rotary/​
reciprocating instruments. K-​files are more appropriate than Hedström
SBA 5.3  The correct answer is e. Sodium hypochlorite is an effective files as they can be used in a watch-​winding motion and are less liable to
antibacterial agent and has an added benefit of dissolving residual separate.
Root canal filling
Conor Durack and Edward Brady

Chapter contents
Introduction 100
Why is it necessary to fill root canals? 100
When should root canals be filled? 100
Which materials are used to fill root canals? 103
What is the apical extent of an ideal root
canal filling? 107
Foundations of clinical practice 108
Which size gutta-​percha point should be used? 108
How do you create a customized master
gutta-percha point? 108
How do you place root canal sealer? 109
How do you carry out cold lateral compaction? 109
How do you carry out warm compaction? 112
How do you overcome problems when
placing a master gutta-percha point? 116
How do you fill root canals with open apices? 118
How do you maintain sterility of the root canal
system during root canal filling? 118
Criteria for successful root canal filling 119

Self-​assessment 119
Suggested further reading 119
Self-​assessment answers 120
100 Root canal filling

This chapter will introduce the underlying theory of root canal filling known as obturation, is a term used to describe the placement of
before exploring how this transfers to clinical practice. It is important an appropriate material in the chemo-​mechanically prepared (disin-
that you read the whole chapter to understand how the theory and fected) root canal system.
practice of root canal filling are related. Root canal filling, traditionally

Why is it necessary to fill root canals?

The complexity of the root canal system is such that even the most
advanced and contemporary preparation and irrigation techniques are
unable to consistently eliminate all microbes. The objectives of root
canal filling are to:

• Entomb (completely surround with the filling material) any mi-

crobes remaining within the root canal system following prepar-
ation, thereby denying them access to the periapical tissues and any
intracanal nutritional sources.
• Completely seal all anatomical portals of entry/​exit to the root canal
system and prevent access of nutritional sources (e.g. periapical
tissue fluid, saliva) into the root canal system.
• Prevent reinfection of the root canal system by denying access to
oral microbes (i.e. coronal leakage from saliva contamination).

A satisfactory root canal filling should be homogenous, oc-

cupy the entire prepared root canal system, and not contain voids
(Figure 6.1). Figure 6.1  Periapical radiograph of a satisfactory root canal filling in a
maxillary first molar.

When should root canals be filled?

Background an inter-​appointment antimicrobial medicament, placed in the root
canals after preparation, in order to further reduce the number of mi-
Root canals should only be filled once chemo-​mechanical preparation crobes in the root canal system.
is complete. Theoretically, the most appropriate time to fill is when Despite these simplistic guidelines there are very few biological
there are fewest microbes in the root canal system. Historically, in- contraindications to preparing and filling the root canals in one visit
fected teeth were subjected to microbiological sampling techniques and often clinician preference and opinion plays a role in the decision-​
to identify the presence of microbes prior to root canal filling. When making. In addition, there are other factors, which should be taken
the results were negative it was deemed time to fill. Unfortunately, the into consideration before a definitive decision is made on when to fill
tests performed were time-​consuming and impracticable, and have the root canals (see section ‘Factors influencing the most appropriate
now been largely abandoned. time to fill’).
Today, decisions on the timing of root canal filling may be influ-
enced by pulp vitality and the microbiological status of the pulp
Single and multiple visit root canal treatment
space (based largely on preoperative radiographic information) be-
fore the root canal is accessed. Information on pulp vitality may be Single visit root canal treatment is a term used to describe the com-
obtained from sensibility testing and clinical symptoms (e.g. symp- plete preparation and filling of the root canal system in one appoint-
toms of pulpitis), while the presence of a periapical radiolucency as- ment. Multiple visit root canal treatment involves the preparation
sociated with a non-​vital tooth is an indication that the root canal and filling of the root canal system over two or more appointments—​
space is infected. The root canal system of a tooth with an irreversibly generally the preparation is completed at the first appointment and
inflamed, but still vital (non-​infected) pulp may be more appropri- the root canals are filled at the next appointment. When root canal
ately prepared and filled at the same appointment. This will reduce treatment is carried out in multiple visits, the root canals should be
the period of time the tooth is restored with a temporary restoration, medicated with an antimicrobial medicament between appointments
thereby limiting the risk of coronal leakage. On the other hand, a (inter-​
appointment medicament). Calcium hydroxide is the inter-​
tooth with an infected necrotic pulp theoretically may benefit from appointment medicament of choice.
When should root canals be filled? 101

Box 6.1  Simple guidelines on when to fill root canals

Single visit:
• Vital (uninfected) teeth, time permitting.
Single or multi-​visit:
• Infected or necrotic teeth which are not acutely symptomatic.
• Teeth with large open apices.
• Reasons specific to patient management.
• Teeth in which the root canals cannot be dried.
• Acutely symptomatic teeth associated with infected, necrotic
root canals, and/​or periapical abscess.
• Procedurally difficult cases where there has been inadequate
time for chemomechanical preparation.

Figure 6.3  Periapical radiograph of a maxillary molar with an

associated periapical radiolucency. The diagnosis was chronic
What are the factors influencing the most periapical periodontitis associated with an infected and necrotic root
appropriate time to fill the root canal system? canal system. Root canal treatment was carried out over two visits.

The following factors should be considered before deciding on the

timing of root canal filling (Box 6.1): especially difficult to eradicate. Scientific evidence has shown that an
appointment calcium hydroxide medicament significantly re-
Status of the pulp and periapical tissues duces the microbial load of the root canal system when compared to
For the reasons discussed above, it is generally accepted that a single root canal preparation and irrigation with sodium hypochlorite alone.
visit treatment is appropriate for teeth with vital pulps (e.g. teeth under- Logically one might therefore expect better endodontic outcome for
going elective root canal treatment, teeth with irreversible pulpitis, multiple visit root canal treatment. However, research has not shown
etc.), time and patient/​procedural factors permitting (Figure 6.2). any significant difference in the outcome of root canal treatment
Root canal systems which are infected (i.e. radiographic signs of whether it is carried out in a single visit or in multiple visits using cal-
periapical periodontitis) are more challenging to disinfect (Figure 6.3). cium hydroxide as an inter-​appointment medicament.
This is particularly true in teeth which require root canal retreatment Therefore, a decision on the most appropriate time to fill, based on
as they tend to be infected with very persistent microbes, which are the status of the pulp and periapical tissues alone, is ultimately at the
discretion of the clinician.

Patient’s signs and symptoms

When a patient presents for treatment with acute symptoms, such as
pain and swelling associated with pulp necrosis and acute periapical
abscess, it may be prudent to prepare the root canals at the first
visit and fill the root canals at a subsequent appointment when the
patient’s symptoms have resolved. This is to allow easier management
if the symptoms persist or worsen following the initial visit.

A flare-​up can be defined as a postoperative episode of pain and/​or
swelling following root canal treatment, severe enough to require un-
scheduled dental treatment to manage the symptoms. There is con-
flicting scientific evidence relating to the occurrence of flare-​ups when
root canal treatment is carried out in single or multiple visits. Some
research reports a higher incidence of flare-​ups with single visit treat-
ment, while other research suggests a higher incidence with multiple
visit treatment. What is clear, however, is that postoperative pain and/​
Figure 6.2  Periapical radiograph of a mandibular molar without an
associated periapical radiolucency. The diagnosis was irreversible
or swelling is more likely to occur when the patient presents with pre-
pulpitis associated with gross caries underneath an existing restoration. operative acute symptoms. In such cases it may be more prudent to
Root canal treatment was carried out in a single visit. carry out root canal treatment over more than one visit.
102 Root canal filling

Procedural difficulty On occasion, following root canal preparation, blood or inflam-

Some teeth may be more difficult to treat than others and the com- matory exudate may continue to seep into the root canal system
plexity of the case may result in the need for multiple visits due to time (‘weeping’ root canals) such that the root canal system cannot be
constraints. Examples of cases which may be more time-​consuming adequately dried. In these situations, root canal filling should be
include those involving teeth with challenging anatomy (Figure 6.4), deferred, and the root canals should be medicated with calcium
cases in which there is difficulty achieving effective anaesthesia, and hydroxide until such time as they can be made completely dry.
retreatment cases in which the existing root canal filling material is Incorporating blood or inflammatory exudate into the root canal
challenging to remove (Figure 6.5). filling compromises the seal and provides microbes with nutrient
sources and space to multiply.
Filling root canals of teeth with open apices can be challenging, as
the natural resistance form (i.e. root canal taper) to compaction of
the root canal filling is no longer present (Figure 6.6). The traditional
method for creating an apical barrier in these cases (‘apexification’)
involves long-​term medicament of the root canal system with calcium
hydroxide, in order to stimulate calcific barrier formation at the root-​
end prior to root canal filling. This is carried out over multiple visits, is
time-​consuming, potentially weakens the tooth, and has been largely
superseded by apexification using bioactive endodontic cements (see
section ‘Filling root canals with open apices’). Apexification with bio-
active endodontic cements is advantageous as it can be carried out
over fewer visits and therefore does not further weaken the tooth.

Patient management
Patient preference, circumstances, and/​or medical conditions may
have a bearing on the timing of root canal filling. For example, a pa-
tient with an endodontic problem associated with a mandibular molar
Figure 6.4  Periapical radiograph of a maxillary first molar with a who has severe haemophilia may require clotting factor cover prior to
complex root morphology. the administration of an inferior alveolar nerve block. In this case it

Figure 6.5  Periapical radiograph of symptomatic maxillary central Figure 6.6  Periapical radiograph of a maxillary central incisor
incisor, lateral incisor, and canine teeth which have been filled with a hard with incomplete root development and an associated periapical
setting paste which proved challenging and time-​consuming to remove. radiolucency.
Which materials are used to fill root canals? 103

would be pragmatic to carry out root canal treatment of a mandibular dental chair for extended periods. Reasons specific to patient manage-
molar in a single visit, if at all possible. ment may therefore dictate whether a tooth is treated in single or mul-
Some patients may find it difficult to attend several appointments tiple visits. Exceptions to this are cases in which the root canals cannot
due to work/​personal commitments and may request that the treat- be dried following preparation and cases where acute symptoms are
ment is carried out in one visit. Patients with neck/back complaints caused by necrotic, infected pulps or periapical abscess. In these cases,
may prefer multiple shorter appointments rather than a single pro- treatment should be carried out in multiple visits regardless of patient
longed appointment in order to avoid the discomfort of lying in a circumstances.

Which materials are used to fill root canals?

There are various endodontic materials available for filling root canals. ceramic as a constituent component. Bioceramics are fabricated to
Regardless of the specific materials used, a root canal filling should interact with biological systems and can be broadly sub-​classified as
consist of a core material and a sealer. being:  bioinert, bioactive, or bioresorbable. Bioactive materials have
osteogenic and osteo-​ conductive properties. Most brands of bio-
ceramic root canal sealers are marketed as ‘bioactive’. Some manufac-
Root canal sealers
turers refer to their specific endodontic sealer as being bioactive (not
The main function of a root canal sealer is to fill the space between bioceramic) as the product may not contain a ceramic. The major ad-
the core filling material and the root canal wall. Sealers also fill acces- vantages of bioceramic/​bioactive sealers are their biocompatibility and
sory and lateral root canals and the space between individual root canal superior bond to dentine. These properties relate to the high pH (pH
filling points when cold lateral compaction is used. Root canal sealers of 12 or more on full set) that these materials reach during the setting
can be classified according to their base material (Table 6.1). Commonly process. Calcium hydroxide is formed during this setting process and
used conventional sealers are shown in Figure 6.7. Other groups of subsequently dissociates into calcium and hydroxyl ions. The calcium
sealers, such as glass-ionomer ​based and silicone-​based sealers, are hydroxide imparts antibacterial properties during the early stages of the
also available but are not commonly used. In recent years, bioceramic or set and, with time, calcium ions react with calcium phosphate in tissue
bioactive endodontic cement-​based sealers have gained popularity fluids (in dentine and in bone at the apical foramen) to form hydroxyapa-
(Figure 6.8). Bioceramics are a category of biomaterials which contain tite. Hydroxyapatite is the primary inorganic component of teeth and

Table 6.1  Examples of root canal sealers

Sealer base-​material Properties Examples

Zinc oxide eugenol • Successfully used over many years • Tubli-​Seal (Kerr Endodontics, Scafati, Italy)
• Demonstrates antimicrobial properties • Pulp Canal Sealer (Kerr Endodontics, Scafati, Italy)

Calcium hydroxide • Releases calcium hydroxide over long periods providing • Apexit Plus (Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan,
antimicrobial benefits and claimed to be osteogenic Liechtenstein)
(bone-​forming) • Sealapex (Kerr Endodontics, Scafati, Italy)
• The sealer needs to be soluble in order to release calcium
hydroxide, which may result in the formation of voids in
the root canal filling
• Poor cohesive strength

Resin • Long working times • AH Plus (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland)

• Adheres well to dentine initially but contracts away from
the root canal wall on setting
• Flows well
• Easy to remove

Bioactive endodontic • Biocompatible • MTA-​FILLAPEX (Angelus, Londrina, PR, Brazil)

• Osteogenic • BioRoot RCS (Septodont Saint-​Maur-​de-​Fossés,
• Improved bond to dentine over other sealers France)

• Antimicrobial • TotalFill BC sealer (FKG Dentaire SA, La Chaux-​

de-​Fonds, Switzerland)
• Difficult to remove in retreatment cases
104 Root canal filling

Figure 6.7  Examples of conventional root canal sealers: (top left) Sealapex (Kerr Endodontics, Scafati, Italy), (top right) AH Plus (Dentsply
Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland), (bottom left) Tubli-​Seal EWT (Kerr Endodontics, Scafati, Italy), and (bottom right) Pulp Canal Sealer EWT (Kerr
Endodontics, Scafati, Italy).

(a) (b)


Figure 6.8  Examples of bioactive endodontic cement-​based root canal sealers: (a) MTA-​FILLAPEX (Angelus, Londrina-​PR, Brazil); (b) BioRoot RCS
(Septodont, Saint-​Maur-​des-​Fossés, France); (c) TotalFill BC sealer (FKG Dentaire SA, La Chaux-​de-​Fonds, Switzerland).
Which materials are used to fill root canals? 105

bone and its production promotes the bond between dentine/​sealer/​ • Be safe to use.
periapical hard tissue interfaces. Indeed, bone regeneration around
• Be inexpensive.
unintentionally extruded bioceramic/​ bioactive sealers has been
reported. • Have a long shelf-​life.
An ideal root canal sealer will: • Be easy to handle and have a long working time.

• Be biocompatible. • Be bactericidal or at least bacteriostatic.

• Be non-​toxic and non-​mutagenic. • Be sterile.

• Be safe to use. • Be easy to introduce into the root canal.

• Be inexpensive. • Conform and adapt to the irregular shape of the root canals.

• Have a long shelf-​life. • Be radiopaque.

• Be easy to handle and have an adequate working time. • Be dimensionally stable on setting.

• Be bactericidal or at least bacteriostatic. • Be insoluble in tissue fluids.

• Be radiopaque. • Not stain the tooth.

• Be dimensionally stable on setting. • Be easily removed should root canal treatment need to be revised.

• Be insoluble in tissue fluids. No currently available core material demonstrates all these proper-
• Not stain the tooth. ties. All core materials leak to some extent and it is essential that the
root canals are properly cleaned and shaped prior to root canal filling.
• Be easily removed should root canal treatment need to be revised.
Inadequately cleaned and shaped root canals are difficult to fill properly.
No currently available sealer demonstrates all of these proper-
ties. All sealers are slightly toxic to the periapical tissues when ini- Gutta-​percha
tially mixed, but the toxicity reduces greatly when they are set. All The most commonly used root canal filling material is gutta-​percha
sealers are resorbed by tissue fluids to varying degrees. Healing of the (GP). It remains the root canal filling material of choice, as it has many
periapical tissues may be delayed (but not prevented) in the presence of the properties of an ideal root canal filling material. Gutta-​percha is
of extruded root canal sealer (known as a ‘sealer puff’). a polymer derived from the taban tree and is an isomer of rubber. It
is modified for use in endodontics; the final root canal filling material
Root canal core filling materials is composed of zinc oxide (60–​75%), unrefined GP (19–​22%), opaci-
fiers (barium sulphate (1–​17%)), and waxes and resins (1–​4%). Gutta-​
At present gutta-​percha (GP) is the most suitable core material to percha can be used at room temperature, with heat, or with solvents.
predictably and simply fill the root canal system. The ideal root canal It is used in conjunction with a sealer to produce a homogenous dense
filling material should: mass to seal the prepared root canal space. Gutta-​percha points are
• Be biocompatible. manufactured in International Organization of Standardization (ISO)

• Be non-​toxic and non-​mutagenic.

(a) (b)

Figure 6.9  Gutta-​percha points: (a) International Organization of Standardization (ISO) standard sized GP points with a uniform taper of 0.02, sizes
15–​80 (left to right), (b) non-​standard tapered GP points with respective tapers 1 mm from tip of 0.07, 0.06, 0.07, 0.06 and 0.06, and tip diameters
equivalent to that of an ISO size 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50, ProTaper F1, X2, X3, X4 and X5 (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland).
106 Root canal filling

standard sizes with a uniform taper of 0.02, and various non-​standard Mineral trioxide aggregate is also used in endodontics as a pulp-​cap-
sizes and tapers (Figure 6.9). ping agent and a material to repair root perforations, and most recently
as the active component in root canal sealers. It has been the subject
Bioactive endodontic cements of extensive research since the 1990s and has been used widely in clin-
Bioactive endodontic cements are a group of contemporary endodontic ical endodontic practice for three decades with unparalleled success.
filling materials which include traditional mineral trioxide aggregate However, traditional MTA preparations do have some disadvantages.
(MTA) preparations, for example ProRoot MTA (Dentsply Sirona, Tulsa, These include its consistency, which makes handling relatively difficult,
OK, USA) and MTA Angelus (Angelus, Londrina-​PR, Brazil), and other and its propensity to cause a grey or black discolouration of the crown of
bioactive cements, for example Biodentine (Septodont, Saint-​Maur-​des-​ tooth when it is used as a root canal filling material, apexification material,
Fossés, France) (Figure 6.10). Their potential uses in endodontics are or pulp-​capping material. Mineral trioxide aggregate was originally devel-
diverse. Mineral trioxide aggregate was the first calcium silicate cement oped as a grey powder. Attempts to overcome the issues of discolouration
developed for use in endodontics. It was initially developed as a root-​ saw the development of a white MTA powder. However, it is known that
end filling material, but due to its biocompatibility and its ability to set the discolouration occurs when bismuth oxide, the radiopacifier used in
in the presence of moisture it has also become the ideal material used original preparations, reacts with sodium hypochlorite, regardless of the
for apexification of teeth with open apices. Following the creation of an colour of the powder. More recently, other bioactive endodontic cements
apical barrier of MTA the material can then be used to fill the remainder have been developed to overcome the handling difficulties and staining
of the root canal, if desired. Mineral trioxide aggregate is the only dental problems associated with traditional MTA preparations. Examples include:
material which is known to promote the deposition of cementum im-
• Biodentine (Septodont, Saint-​Maur-​des-​Fossés, France). Its poten-
mediately adjacent to it when it is exposed to the periradicular tissues.
tial uses in endodontics are similar to those of MTA. It also has an

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 6.10  Examples of bioactive endodontic cements: (a) ProRoot MTA (Dentsply Sirona, Tulsa, OK, USA); (b) MTA-​Angelus (Angelus, Londrina-​
PR, Brazil); (c) Biodentine (Septodont, Saint-​Maur-​des-​Fossés, France); (d) MTA Repair HP (Angelus, Londrina-​PR, Brazil).
What is the apical extent of an ideal root canal filling? 107

improved setting time and handling properties which some clin- The physiological properties of the bioactive endodontic cement
icians may find more favourable than those of MTA. Although not products are similar and are related to the setting reaction which re-
as extensively researched as MTA, recent evidence has suggested leases calcium and hydroxyl ions as part of the process (see section on
that it compares favourably with MTA. As zirconium is used as the ‘Root canal sealers’ for more information).
radiopacifier in this preparation tooth staining does not occur. Its
radiodensity, which is similar to that of dentine, is a concern as it is Historical materials
not always easily identifiable on radiographs. Silver points were popular during a period when it was generally ac-
• Endosequence Bioceramic BC RRM (Bioceramic Root Repair Material) cepted that root canal treatment was very difficult to carry out. Silver
(Brasseler, Savannah, GA, USA) or TotalFill BC RRM (FKG Dentaire SA, points were easily introduced into the root canals and were stiff
La Chaux-​de-​Fonds, Switzerland) is a pre-​mixed bioceramic material, enough to reach the working length, but did not result in complete
with its potential uses being similar to those of the other bioactive filling of the root canal space. Due to their rigidity and ease of place-
endodontic cements. The manufacturers report superior handling ment, adequate preparation and shaping of the root canals was often
properties as the material comes in three preparations: a syringeable neglected. In addition, silver points corrode in contact with saliva and
paste, a slow-​setting putty, and a fast-​setting putty. The product con- tissue fluids, resulting in the production of potentially cytotoxic break-​
tains zirconia as a radiopacifier and it therefore does not stain teeth. down products. As a consequence, treatment failures associated with
• NeoMTA Plus (Avalon Biomed Inc, Bradenton, FL, USA) is an MTA silver point root canal fillings were common.
preparation which boasts handling properties similar to IRM or Acrylic points were historically used in a manner similar to silver points,
Super EBA. In addition, tantulum oxide has replaced bismuth oxide but they displayed many of the disadvantages of their silver counter-
as the radiopacifier, eliminating the potential for staining. parts. Pastes, including formaldehyde pastes (e.g. N2, Endomethasone,
SPAD), were also once used to fill root canals. Due to their toxicity and
unpredictable flow properties they are no longer used.

What is the apical extent of an ideal root canal filling?

The root canal filling should extend through the full length of the an electronic apex locator (EAL), tactile feedback, and, if necessary,
root canal, from the root canal entrance to the apical constriction working length radiographs to accurately confirm the position of the
(Figure 6.11). This will help prevent reinfection of the root canal apical constriction. A master cone radiograph is also advisable prior
system by microbes. The apical constriction can be up to 2.5  mm to filling the root canals.
coronal to the radiographic apex of the tooth so a root canal filling There are several root canal filling techniques currently in vogue and
which appears flush with the apex on a radiograph may actually they all aim to produce a dense, homogenously filled root canal system
have extruded through the apical constriction. It is essential to use without voids. The use of cold compaction techniques should ensure
control, in particular, of the length of the root canal filling. The root
canal filling material should reach a predetermined length and be well
adapted to the root canal walls.
Selection of the master point is a crucial step in root canal filling.
The master point should fit snugly at the appropriate position in the
apical portion of the root canal. The term ‘tug-​back’ has been used
to describe the snug fit and slight resistance to withdrawal that the
master cone should exhibit when tried in and removed (Figure 6.12).
It is assumed that this tug-​back is always at the full working length
but it may in fact be at a more coronal point in the root canal, due to
the complexities of the root canal system and curvatures in planes not
shown on the radiographs.

‘Tugback’ should occur in the

Figure 6.11  Periapical radiograph of a mandibular first molar with apical 2–3mm of the root canal
a well extended and compacted root canal filling. Note that the root
canal filling in the distal root terminates approximately 1.5 mm from
the radiographic apex. This is the position of the apical constriction in
that root canal, as determined using an electronic apex locator (EAL).
The apical constriction in the mesial root canals is approximately
0.5 mm from the radiographic apex of the mesial root. Figure 6.12  Diagram illustrating the concept of ‘tugback’.
108 Root canal filling

Care should be taken to avoid the use of small sized GP points, forced into the periapical tissues, may induce an inflammatory or for-
which may inadvertently extend beyond the working length and, if eign body reaction.

Foundations of clinical practice

The remainder of this chapter provides criteria for successful root canal that the quality of the root canal filling can only be as good as the
filling using the most common techniques. It should be remembered preparation will allow.

Figure 6.13  Example of matching ProTaper NEXT size X2 file, paper

point, and GP point (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland).

Which size gutta-​percha point should be used?

The ISO first established international standards for endodontic
instruments in 1974. Traditional stainless steel files used today (e.g.
K-​Flexofile, K-​Flex, Hedström) are manufactured to a tip size and
taper standardized by the ISO (Chapter 5).
The majority of nickel-​titanium (NiTi) hand and machine-​driven
(rotary and reciprocating) files are manufactured with varying tapers
(depending on the manufacturer and specific instrument type),
which do not conform to the ISO specifications. However, most
manufacturers will produce GP points, paper points, and finger
spreaders to match the corresponding sizes and tapers of these files
(Figure 6.13).
In simple terms, when filling a root canal, the master GP point
should be matched to the size of the master apical file. If root canal
preparation has been carried out with files that have an increased or
varying taper (i.e. with NiTi files), a master GP point that matches the
apical size and taper of the preparation should be chosen as a starting
point. An ISO standard sized GP point should be used if the root canal
is to be filled using lateral compaction.

Figure 6.14  Customized master GP point; note the impression of the

apical 3 mm of the root canal.
How do you carry out cold lateral compaction? 109

How do you create a customized master gutta-percha point?

Customized GP points are created (Figure 6.14) to fit the exact
dimensions of the apical portion of the root canal when the di-
mensions of the master GP point do not match the dimensions
of the prepared root canal apically. This occurs in situations
such as when the root apex has undergone resorption, or in
situations where the apical portion of the root canal is irregular
in shape.
The following practical steps are required to create a customized
GP point:

• Choose a master GP point, which binds in the root canal 1–​2 mm

short of the working length.
• Soften the apical 3 mm of the GP point in a solvent.
• Introduce the softened GP point into the root canal and manipulate
it apically until the working length is reached.
Figure 6.15  Root canal sealer applied evenly to the apical third of the
• Leave the softened GP point in situ until it hardens (20–​30 seconds) master GP point.
and then remove from the root canal with a locking tweezer. A note
must be made of the exact orientation of the GP point in the root
canal before it is removed, as once the sealer is applied, the GP
Wider root canals may require the chairside fabrication of a large
point must go back into the root canal in the same position, so that
master cone before it is customized as outlined above. This is achieved
it fits the root canal exactly. To this end, the point must not be re-
by heating several GP points and rolling them into a large single cone
leased from the locking tweezers until the sealer has been applied
using a spatula and a glass slab.
and the point has been fitted.

How do you place root canal sealer?

There are a variety of methods of root canal sealer placement. this is then removed and the master GP point is placed to the
These include sealer application with paper points, the master GP full working length. Where the master GP point itself is used as
point, hand files, ultrasonic files, or spiral fillers. The following are basic the carrier, it is fully seated to the working length after sealer
practical steps in sealer placement using the various techniques: placement.

• When using paper points or the master GP point as the sealer • When a file is used as the sealer carrier, it is important to choose
carrier, the apical 5–​6 mm of the point is evenly and lightly coated a sterile file with a tip diameter which can be accommodated at
with sealer (Figure 6.15). The point is then introduced into the
root canal to the working length and moved very gently up and
down (1–​2  mm) with additional lateral movement against the
root canal walls. Where the paper point is used as the carrier,

Second accessary
First accessary
GP point

Figure 6.16  Summary of sequence to carry out cold lateral Figure 6.17  Examples of finger spreaders and matching GP points
compaction. (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland).
110 Root canal filling

Figure 6.18  Master GP point seated in the root canal, prior to filling

using cold lateral compaction. Figure 6.19  Master GP point periapical radiograph.

Figure 6.20  The appropriate sized finger spreader is inserted into the Figure 6.21  The finger spreader is seated in the root canal with the
root canal beside the master GP point and extends to within 1 mm of master GP point and accessory points. The finger spreader compacts
the apical extent of the master GP point. the GP in the root canal to create space for accessory points.

Figure 6.22  The root canal has been filled with GP points and cannot
accommodate any more. Figure 6.23  A mid-fill periapical radiograph gives the clinician an
indication as to how well the root canal filling is compacted. Alterations
can then be made to the filling as necessary.
How do you carry out cold lateral compaction? 111

Figure 6.24  Example of endodontic pluggers: Machtou endodontic

pluggers (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland): sizes 1 and 2 (red
handle) and sizes 3 and 4 (grey handle).

the full working length—​the master apical file or a size smaller

will generally suffice. The apical 5–​6 mm of the file is coated in the
sealer, as before. The file is inserted into the root canal to the full Figure 6.25  A periapical radiograph taken at the completion of root
working length and rotated anticlockwise with additional circum- canal filling. The purpose of the radiograph is to assess the quality
ferential movement. The file is then withdrawn as it is continually of the filling, prior to the provision of the core. This particular post-​
rotated. fill radiograph was taken after searing off the excess GP and then
compacting the GP in the root canal. The radiograph can be taken prior
to this. Note the level of the coronal extent of the filling, below the
cemento-​enamel junction.

How do you carry out cold lateral compaction?

The technique described here is widely taught and understood. It provides lubrication), using locking tweezers (Figure 6.18). Feel for
is simple, predictable, and can be performed with the minimum ‘tug-​back’. A  successful master point should bind within 1  mm of
of gadgetry. Lateral compaction is still the reference standard to the full working length with tug-​back—​it is assumed that the pres-
which other root canal filling techniques are compared. Many sure of lateral compaction will allow up to 1 mm of further apical
of the newer techniques of root canal filling that have been de- movement.
veloped (and may come to attract you) are often dependent on • Take a master point radiograph to confirm the length of the master
expensive pieces of equipment and the acquisition of particular GP point (Figure 6.19).
skills. They do not necessarily produce better clinical results,
• Dry the root canal with sterile paper points.
though they may be quicker and, in experienced hands, less tiring
to use. The principal of lateral compaction is that lateral pressure • Mix the sealer and apply it to the root canal wall (see section ‘Root
applied with a spreader to a GP point will compact the point and canal sealer placement’), and/​or apply sealer to the apical third
create space for the placement of accessory GP points. The pro- of the GP point and introduce it gently but firmly to the working
cess is repeated until the root canal filling is well compacted and length.
fills the entire root canal. • Insert the finger spreader alongside the GP point (Figure 6.20). If the
The following practical steps are required to carry out root canal root canal is curved, the finger spreader should be inserted along the
filling using lateral compaction (Figure 6.16): outermost side of the root canal—​this is less likely to result in the
• Select a finger spreader that fits comfortably to within 1 mm of the sharp tip of the finger spreader engaging the GP point and leading
working length. Finger spreaders come in various sizes depending to the inadvertent removal of the point when the finger spreader is
on the brand selected (Figure 6.17). Use a silicone stop to gauge its withdrawn. Maintaining firm apical pressure on the finger spreader
length, then remove the spreader and confirm its length. for 15 seconds will laterally and apically compact the GP.

• Choose an ISO standard sized master GP point that corresponds

to the size of the master apical file. Try this in a wet root canal (this
112 Root canal filling

• Rotate the finger spreader clockwise and anticlockwise through 40º • Take a post-​fill radiograph (Figure 6.25). This should show a dense,
(or so), for several seconds whilst maintaining apical pressure, be- uniformly radiopaque mass within the root canal system, terminating
fore removing it. at the apical extent of the preparation. There should be no obvious
• Insert a corresponding sized accessory GP point in the space voids in the apical-​and mid-​thirds of the root canal filling.
created by the finger spreader. This accessory point should Where two root canals fuse, the root canal which has been prepared
have a small amount of sealer on its apical 3–​4  mm prior to to the full working length should be filled first, after which the second
insertion. root canal may be filled.
• Remove residual sealer from the finger spreader and insert it again Time permitting, a definitive direct restoration should be used to
into the root canal as before, followed by an accessory GP point restore the access cavity and a postoperative radiograph should be
(Figure 6.21) until the root canal is fully filled (Figure 6.22). taken. If there is inadequate time to definitively restore the access
• A mid-​fill radiograph may also be of use to assess the filling before cavity then a well-​adapted provisional restoration, for example IRM
the root canal is completely filled (Figure 6.23). In this way neces- (Dentsply Sirona, Milford, DE, USA), should be used to provisionally
sary adjustments can be made to the filling prior to completion of restore the access cavity. The antimicrobial nature of this material
the task. will help to prevent penetration of microbes into the filled root ca-
nals, should the integrity of the coronal restoration be breached. An
• Sear off the excess GP at the base of the pulp chamber with a
appointment should be arranged as soon as possible to definitively
heated instrument and compact the coronal GP mass to below
restore the tooth.
the level of the cemento-​enamel junction using an endodontic
plugger (Figure 6.24).

Table 6.2  Summary of the advantages and disadvantages of the various root canal filling techniques

Technique Advantages Disadvantages

Cold lateral • The gold standard • Time-​consuming
• Predictable • Does not produce a homogenous mass of GP
• Allows good control of the length of the filling • In large root canals numerous accessory points can impair
• The filling can be revised easily if necessary vision and accurate location of the finger spreader and
subsequent points
• Inexpensive
• Wedging forces produced by overzealous finger spreading insertion
• Easy to master may lead to vertical root fractures

Warm lateral • Allows good control of length • Time-​consuming  method

• The application of heat provides a more • In large root canals numerous accessory points can impair vision and
homogenous mass of GP accurate location of the finger spreader and subsequent points
• The filling can be revised easily if necessary • Wedging forces during compaction may lead to vertical root fractures

Warm vertical • Produces a homogenous mass of GP • The initial cost of the equipment is expensive
• More likely to fill lateral and accessory anatomy • The length of the root canal filling cannot be controlled as well as
• Quick method with cold lateral compaction

• The filling can be revised easily if necessary • Sealer extrusion is a common occurrence

Carrier-​based • Fills lateral and accessory anatomy • The initial cost of the equipment is expensive
• Quick method • The length of the root canal filling cannot be controlled as well as
with cold lateral compaction
• Sealer extrusion is a common occurrence
• Failure to heat the GP adequately may result in the obturator not
seating fully
• Under-​prepared root canals or the incorrect angle of insertion can
strip the GP from the carrier, resulting in a poorly sealed canal
• The filling cannot be revised without removing the carrier and GP
and starting again
• Removal of the carrier for revision or retreatment can be difficult
• Post-​preparation is more complicated than for non-​carrier-​based
How do you carry out warm compaction? 113

(a) (b)

Figure 6.26  Example of heated pluggers: Figure 6.27  Examples of heat sources/​devices: (a) System B device on left side of Elements
System B pluggers (Kerr Endodontics, obturation unit (Kerr Endodontics, Orange, CA, USA); (b) SuperEndo Alpha II (B&L BioTech,
Orange, CA, USA). Fairfax, VA, USA).

(a) (b)


Figure 6.28  Examples of thermoplastic GP guns/​extruders: (a) thermoplasticized GP ‘Extruder’ on the right side of Elements obturation unit (Kerr
Endodontics, Orange, CA, USA); (b) SuperEndo Alpha and Super Endo Beta II (B&L BioTech, Fairfax, VA, USA); (c) Obtura III Max system (Obtura
Spartan Endodontics, Algonquin, IL, USA).
114 Root canal filling

How do you carry out warm compaction?

Heat can be used when filling the root canal system to produce a varying sizes and tapers designed to match the tapers of the prepared
more homogenous and dense root canal filling. There are a variety of root canal, and they heat instantly from the tip when activated and cool
techniques, which involve the use of heat, and these are collectively immediately when deactivated.
referred to as ‘thermoplastic compaction’. These techniques rely on The following practical steps are required to carry out root canal
either warming the GP prior to inserting it into the prepared root canal filling using the continuous wave technique of warm vertical compac-
(carrier-​based systems), or warming the GP once it has been inserted tion (Figure 6.29):
into the root canal (e.g. warm vertical compaction). Table 6.2 summar-
• Choose a master GP point, try it in the root canal, check for tug-​
izes the advantages and disadvantages of warm and cold root canal
back, and take a master point radiograph.
filling techniques.
• Select a heated plugger which extends into the prepared root canal
(Figure 6.30) and binds against the walls approximately 5 mm from
the working length. Use a silicone stop to mark this length on the
Warm lateral compaction plugger. The pluggers are malleable and will bend to the curvature
The steps involved are essentially the same as for cold lateral of the root canal.
compaction, but instead of using an unheated finger spreader • Place sealer in the root canal and seat the master GP point 0.5–​
to compact the GP, a heated equivalent is inserted into the root 1.0  mm from the working length (Figure 6.31). Sear off the GP
canal and then removed, an accessory point is then inserted, and point at the entrance to the root canal using the heated plugger
the procedure is repeated until the root canal is filled. This may (Figure 6.32).
include using: • Set the plugger temperature to 200°C on the heat source/​device
• A finger spreader heated using an electrical induction heater. (Figure 6.27). Activate the plugger before introducing it into the root
canal and plunge it to within 2–​3 mm of the binding point, with firm
• Specially designed tips, which come in a variety of sizes, electronic-
digital pressure and in one fluid movement lasting two seconds.
ally heated on command.
• Once this depth has been reached, deactivate the plugger and
Warm vertical compaction maintain firm apical pressure for ten seconds until the GP has
The aim of the warm vertical compaction technique is to produce
a homogenous mass of GP, which has the potential to flow into and • Activate the plugger again for one second and immediately remove
occupy the accessory anatomy of the root canal system. The ori- it from the root canal in one swift movement. The short burst of heat
ginal ‘multiple wave’ technique involved a repeated series of heating applied in this activation releases the plugger tip from the cooled
and compaction of GP. This has been simplified and superseded by apical plug of GP. This apical plug of GP remains in the root canal
the ‘continuous wave’ technique using electrically heated pluggers and fills the apical portion of the root canal (Figure 6.34). The GP
(Figure 6.26) activated by a heat source/​device (Figure 6.27), and then coronal to the plugger tip will be attached to the instrument and
a thermoplastic GP gun or extruder (Figure 6.28). The pluggers have removed in this motion (Figure 6.34).

Figure 6.29  Summary of sequence to carry out continuous wave technique of warm vertical compaction.
How do you carry out warm compaction? 115

Figure 6.30  Prepared root canals in a maxillary second molar, which Figure 6.33  Completion of the ‘downpack’. The coronal portions of
are to be filled with GP using the continuous wave technique of warm the root canals are empty. The apical portions of the root canals are
vertical compaction. filled with GP, which cannot be seen in the photograph.

Figure 6.31  Tapered master GP points matching the taper and apical Figure 6.34  The portion of the master GP point which was occupying
size of the prepared root canals have been chosen and are seated the coronal portion of the root canal prior to the insertion of the
0.5–​1.0 mm from the working length. endodontic plugger has been removed, attached to the plugger.

Figure 6.32  The master GP points have been seared off at the entrance Figure 6.35  The coronal GP in the buccal root canals has been
to the root canals and the excess coronal GP has been removed. compacted to below the level of the cemento-​enamel junction using
endodontic pluggers.
116 Root canal filling

(a) (b)

Figure 6.36  Example of carrier-​based obturator system: (a) Verifier and the equivalent sized GuttaCore obturator (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues,
Switzerland); (b) Thermaprep2 oven (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland).

• Compact the apical plug of GP with an appropriately sized restore the access cavity, and an appointment should be arranged as
endodontic plugger (Figure 6.24). The process of filling the apical soon as possible to definitively restore the tooth.
portion of the root canal in this manner is termed ‘downpack’. The Electrically heated pluggers should never be heated to over 200°C
term is also used as a noun to describe the apical portion of GP cre- and should never be activated in the root canal for longer than two
ated using this technique. seconds as this may result in thermal damage to the periodontal liga-
ment. If the plugger fails to reach the desired length in the two-​second
• ‘Backfill’ (fill of the remainder of the root canal, coronal to the
interval during the downpack, the plugger should be deactivated and
downpack) using either the injection of thermoplasticized GP or in-
apical pressure should be maintained for ten seconds at the length
cremental heating and packing of segments of GP.
obtained. Following this, the plugger can be reactivated and the de-
• Set the chosen thermoplastic GP gun or extruder to heat pellets or sired length should be reached easily.
cartridges of GP to 200°C.
• Insert the heated needle of the chosen thermoplastic GP gun or Carrier-​based systems
extruder into the root canal so that it contacts the apical portion of
GP. Hold the heated needle in contact with the apical GP for five Carrier-​based systems, for example Thermafil or GuttaCore (Dentsply
seconds to soften the downpack prior to filling the mid and coronal Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland), are designed to provide a quick and
portion of the root canal. convenient method of filling the root canal system. They consist of an
‘obturator’, which is a solid but flexible plastic or cross-​linked GP core,
• Inject the thermoplasticized GP by depressing a handle or button
which is coated with GP. The function of the core is to carry the GP to
(depending on the device being used) until the needle is pushed
the desired length. The GP coating is heated prior to placement in the
back out of the root canal by the plasticized GP.
root canal.
• Compact the plasticized GP using an appropriately sized endodontic The following practical steps are required to carry out root canal
plugger (Figure 6.24) to below the level of the cemento-​enamel filling using the carrier-based system:
junction (Figure 6.35).
• Prepare the root canal to the desired length and apical diameter.
Time permitting, a definitive direct restoration should be used to
• Choose a verifier which is the same size and taper as the corres-
restore the access cavity and a postoperative radiograph should be
ponding master apical file. The verifier is introduced into the root
taken. If there is inadequate time to definitively restore the access
canal to gauge the most appropriate obturator to use. The ap-
cavity then a well-​adapted provisional restoration, for example IRM
propriate verifier should fit passively at the working length. The
(Dentsply Sirona, Milford, DE, USA), should be used to provisionally
How do you overcome problems when placing a master gutta-percha point? 117

Table 6.3  Master gutta-​percha (GP) point placement troubleshooting

Problem Possible causes Solution

The master GP point will • The master GP point has a tip diameter larger • Choose a master GP point with a tip diameter that
not reach the full working than that of the prepared apical portion of the corresponds to the prepared apical portion of the root
length root canal. canal. This can sometimes be achieved by choosing a GP
point with a tip diameter smaller than the master apical
file (MAF) diameter, and removing 0.5 mm increments
from the tip until the tip diameter corresponds to the
size of the apical preparation (recognized when tugback
is achieved at the working length).
• The master GP point has a taper greater than that • This may happen when the root canal is prepared
of the prepared root canal. with stainless steel hand files and a GP point with a
larger taper (designed for use with nickel titanium
(NiTi) files) is chosen as the master GP point. In
these situations, the tip diameter of the GP point may
correspond to the prepared apical portion of the root
canal but will be wider along its length and will bind
coronally in the root canal before it reaches the full
working length.
• The apical portion of the root canal is not prepared • Reintroduce the MAF and ensure it reaches the full
adequately to accommodate the master GP point. working length easily. If it does not and a file with a
smaller tip does, then re-​prepare the apical portion of
the root canal to the desired size.
• Dentinal chips may have blocked up the apical • Use copious irrigation and small files (sizes 06, 08, 10,
portion of the root canal and this may not have 15) to re-​establish patency.
been noticed until now.

• Remnants from the coronal restoration (amalgam • This is unlikely to happen unless the access cavity
or composite debris) may have entered the root is refined following preparation of the root canals.
canal following late access cavity refinement. This should be avoided. The access cavity should be
complete, at the latest, before the apical portion of the
root canals are instrumented.
• If this is suspected, take a periapical radiograph of the
tooth to confirm the presence of the filling material in
the root canal and attempt to remove or bypass the
dislodged material.

I cannot achieve tugback • The tip diameter of the master GP point is too • Choose a larger master GP point or trim the tip of the
at the working length small (this can happen even when the GP point existing point by 0. 5 mm increments with a scalpel
corresponds to the MAF size). until tugback is achieved.
• If this fails the apical portion of the GP point can be
customized to fit the apical portion of the prepared root
canal (see ‘Creation of a customized master GP point’).
• NB Tugback occurring at a length short of the working
length may indicate inappropriate master point
selection (too large) or that further preparation of the
root canal is required.

When I insert the master • The tip diameter of the master point is too small • See solutions for ‘I cannot achieve tugback at the
GP point to the working and it is folding against the apical wall of the root working length’.
length and remove it, it canal instead of binding against the lateral walls.
has buckled

When I insert the master • The master point is being introduced into the root • Align the GP point with the long axis of the root canal
GP point to the working canal at the incorrect angle and is bending when before introducing it into the root canal.
length and remove it, the it contacts the wall of the root canal. As the point
tip has bent back on itself is passed further into the root canal the tip bends
back on itself further.
118 Root canal filling

obturator corresponding to this verifier is chosen to fill the root • Specifically designed post-​preparation burs are available for use
canal (Figure 6.36a). with this system.
• Dry the root canal and apply the sealer. (a) (b)
• Set the silicone stop on the chosen obturator to the working length.
• Place the obturator in a specially designed oven, for example
Thermaprep 2 oven (Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland)
(Figure 6.36b), to heat the outer coating of GP.
• Insert the obturator in the root canal. Insertion should occur
smoothly and without excessive force until the working length is
• Maintain firm apical pressure on the obturator handle for 1–​2 min-
utes until the GP has cooled in order to counteract shrinkage of the
• Resect the obturator handle using a hot instrument or a specially
designed, long-​shanked, round bur with a non-​cutting surface. The
friction created by this bur, used without water, sears off the handle.
With certain obturators, for example GuttaCore, the handle may be
removed by gently rocking the handle side to side.
Figure 6.37  (a, b) Preoperative and postoperative radiographs of a
bioactive endodontic cement apical plug in an immature permanent

How do you overcome problems when placing a master

gutta-percha point?
The clinician may encounter several problems when placing a master
GP point. Table 6.3 summarizes the possible causes and various solu-
tions to manage these problems.

How do you fill root canals with open apices?

It may be necessary to carry out root canal treatment on teeth with aim to provide a stop against which the root canal filling material can
open apices in the following situations: be packed.
Historically, the root canal would be repeatedly medicated with cal-
• During normal tooth development the root of an immature tooth
cium hydroxide over an extended period to stimulate the creation of
fails to form when the pulp of the affected tooth becomes necrotic,
an apical calcific barrier—​this process is termed ‘apexification’. The
resulting in a blunderbuss apex (Figure 6.37).
use of bioactive endodontic cements, has largely superseded trad-
• Extensive apical external inflammatory resorption, for example as a itional apexification techniques as a method of creating an apical
result of long-​standing periapical periodontitis or pressure caused barrier in teeth with open apices. Bioactive endodontic cements are
by an impacted tooth or a cyst. biocompatible, with superior sealing qualities when used as a root
• Overzealous mechanical preparation of the apical foramen may canal filling material. It is advisable that these cases are referred on
lead to loss of the natural apical constriction. to an appropriate specialist as bioactive endodontic cements can be
difficult to handle, and it is usually necessary to utilize an operating
Regardless of the cause, it is challenging to fill these root canals.
microscope for placement. The following provides a brief outline of
There may be no, or minimal, resistance to apical movement of GP
the practical steps required to fill root canals with open apices using a
points due the absence of an apical taper associated with the root
bioactive endodontic cement:
canal. The risk of extruding the root canal filling is therefore high and
it can be difficult to achieve a well-​sealing root canal filling. Several • Dry the prepared root canal using sterile paper points.
treatment options are available to overcome this problem, all of which • Apply the bioactive endodontic cement into the root canal using a
carrier gun or applicator.
Criteria for successful root canal filling 119

• Compact the cement into the apical portion of the root canal using • Backfill the remainder of the root canal with heated GP and sealer
premeasured endodontic pluggers and/​or large sized sterile paper to the cemento-​enamel junction and then place a definitive coronal
points. Ultrasonic tips may be used to gently vibrate the material restoration. It is no longer considered necessary to wait and check
into position. Place sufficient material to provide an apical plug of that the material has set prior to back-​filling the root canal with GP.
3–​5 mm. It may be necessary to take several control radiographs to
verify accurate placement of the material.

How do you maintain sterility of the root canal system during root
canal filling?
Recent research in the Endodontic Postgraduate Unit at King’s A recent study has demonstrated that non-​sterile and unwrapped
College London Dental Institute using cone beam computed tech- materials, and instruments that are stored in drawers may become con-
nology (CBCT) has shown that the outcome of endodontic treatment taminated with microbes and may provide a source of infection of the
is lower than originally reported when outcome was assessed using root canal system. Mixing pads, paper points, and GP points should be
conventional radiography alone. Of note is the fact that specific CBCT disinfected just before use, if this has not already been carried out by the
data has demonstrated a higher proportion of unfavourable outcomes manufacturer. GP points should be soaked in sodium hypochlorite for five
in vital cases as well as cases with no pre-​treatment radiographic signs minutes, and dried prior to being placed in the root canals. Endodontic
of periapical pathology. It has been hypothesized that the potential instruments used to prepare the root canals should not be re-​introduced
cause is that the disinfected root canal system is inadvertently con- into the root canals once they have been prepared. Clinicians should
taminated with materials and/​or instruments, which are introduced change their gloves regularly throughout the procedure and, as a rule,
into the root canal system after it has been chemo-​mechanically gloves should be changed after every intraoperative radiograph and
debrided. prior to drying and filling the root canal system.

Criteria for successful root canal filling

Regardless of the root canal filling technique used, the end result should • There should be no overextension of the root canal filling into the
be the same. The criteria for successful root canal filling are as follows: periapical tissues.

• The entire working length should be filled. It should be remembered that success in these factors is dependent
• There should be no voids within the root canal filling. on the efficacy of the root canal preparation stage.

Summary points
• The objectives of root canal filling are to entomb any microbes canal sealer should be used in conjunction with the root
remaining within the root canal system following preparation, canal core filling material.
and to seal all anatomical routes into the root canal system, thus • Various root canal filling techniques are available. These are
preventing entry of nutritional sources and/​or reinfection. broadly categorized into cold or warm compaction.
• There are many factors which may influence the time to fill • Regardless of the material or technique used, the ideal root
the root canal. These include the preoperative status of the canal filling should extend from the root canal entrance to
pulp, preoperative symptoms, the ability to disinfect and dry the apical constriction, and contain no voids.
the root canal system, the procedural difficulty of a case, and
patient related factors. Each tooth should be treated on a
• Gutta-percha points should be disinfected before being
inserted into the root canal.
case-​by-​case  basis.
• Gloves should be changed after each radiograph has been
• Various root canal filling materials are available. The most taken to avoid saliva contamination of the root canal(s)
commonly used core material is GP. An appropriate root
and/or instruments.


Select the single best answer (SBA). Answers are provided after SBA 6.1 What is the primary objective of root canal filling?
suggested further reading. a. To provide a radiopaque filling so the fact that root canal treatment
has been carried out can be identified radiographically.
120 Root canal filling

b. To provide a barrier within the root canals against which core filling d. A case in which there is continued suppuration into the root canals
materials can be placed. from the periapical tissues after root canal preparation.
c. To provide a visual guide for post-​space preparation. e. Treatment of a tooth in a patient with chronic back and neck pain,
where treatment is likely to take two hours.
d. To prevent re-​infection of the root canal system and limit the
proliferation of, and nutrient sources to, entombed microbes.
SBA 6.3 How is an apical seal best created in a tooth
e. To minimize the risk of root fracture. with an open apex (apexification)?
a. The tooth is repeatedly medicated with calcium hydroxide until a
SBA 6.2 Which of the following clinical scenarios would
calcific barrier is induced.
be most suited to a single visit root canal treatment?
b. The open apex is sealed by placing an appropriate dental cement
a. Extremely difficult and time-​consuming case in a patient with limited
using a surgical, retrograde approach.
mouth opening.
c. A bioactive endodontic cement is placed at the apical foramen in an
b. Elective root canal treatment of symptom-​free and vital tooth in a
orthograde fashion.
compliant patient.
d. A custom fabricated GP point is used.
c. Treatment of a patient who attends with acute pain and extra-​oral
swelling. e. A dental post of the appropriate size is cemented to the required

Suggested further reading

Restoration of
the endodontically
treated tooth
Bhavin Bhuva, Francesco Mannocci,
and Shanon Patel
Chapter contents
Introduction 122
Considerations when restoring endodontically
treated teeth 122
Foundations of clinical practice 128
How should teeth undergoing endodontic
treatment be temporized between appointments? 128
When should endodontically treated teeth
be definitively restored? 128
How are endodontically treated teeth prepared
for restoration? 129
What are the practical considerations when
using composite to restore the endodontically
treated tooth? 129
What are the differences in restoring anterior
and posterior teeth? 130
When is a post required? 134

Self-​assessment 139
Suggested further reading 140
Self-​assessment answers 140
122 Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth

Microbes from the oral cavity challenge the endodontically treated
tooth. The coronal restoration (or seal) provides the first line of de- Box 7.1  The main objectives of treatment when
fence in preventing these microbes from potentially infecting the filled restoring the endodontically treated tooth
root canal system and causing inflammatory changes in the periapical • Provision of adequate coronal seal.
• Protection of remaining tooth structure from fracture.
Aside from providing an optimum coronal seal, the definitive restor-
ation should fulfil a number of further objectives (Box 7.1). Invariably, • Re-​establishing form (contact points) and integrity of the
teeth requiring endodontic treatment are structurally compromised; arch.
therefore, the definitive restoration will also need to restore form, func- • Restoring occlusal function.
tion, and aesthetic appearance. By establishing balanced occlusal con- • Restoring aesthetics.
tacts, over-​eruption and tilting of the adjacent and opposing teeth can
be prevented; whilst well-​executed restoration of the contact areas
will reduce interproximal food impaction, thereby permitting optimal
health to be maintained in the periodontal tissues.

Considerations when restoring endodontically treated teeth

How do endodontically treated teeth differ secondly, inappropriate restoration after endodontic treatment
are the most relevant threats to the survival of an endodontically
from vital teeth?
treated tooth.
There is clear evidence that endodontically treated teeth are more suscep- When assessing a tooth that requires root canal treatment, the first
tible to fracture than untreated teeth. It has been suggested that this may consideration must be to determine whether it is possible to pre-
due to the biochemical and mechanical effects of endodontic treatment dictably restore the tooth following the completion of endodontic
procedures on dentine. The use of irrigants (e.g. sodium hypochlorite) treatment, that is, is the tooth restorable? This decision will be
and medicaments (e.g. calcium hydroxide) have been shown to alter the dictated by a number of factors, the most important being the ex-
collagen structure and adversely affect the flexural strength and modulus tent of coronal tooth substance loss. In addition, the effect of the
of elasticity of dentine, making the tooth more susceptible to fracture. endodontic access cavity must also be considered. To evaluate the
Evidence would suggest that the loss of pulpal neurovascular supply tooth, it is necessary to remove the existing restoration and any as-
does not appear to have a clinically significant effect on the mechanical sociated caries, to determine the amount, position, and quality of
properties of the remaining tooth structure. The most important factor remaining coronal dentine (Figure 7.1). By dismantling the tooth in
that reduces the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth is its entirety, it is also possible to exclude the presence of any cracks
the volume loss of dentine caused by access cavity and root canal prep- (Figure 7.2). In a recent clinical trial, it was also shown that at
aration procedures. Overzealous access cavity/​post preparation and/​or
over-​instrumentation of the root canal must be avoided. The effects of
loss of vitality and endodontic treatment procedures are listed in Box 7.2.

Which factors will dictate whether a tooth

is restorable?
Several retrospective and prospective studies have highlighted that
firstly, secondary caries which render a tooth unrestorable, and

Box 7.2  The effects of loss of vitality and endodontic

treatment on a tooth
• Loss of tooth structure.
• Dehydration of dentine.
Figure 7.1  All the caries must be removed from this symptomatic
• Collagen alteration. tooth, then prior to endodontic treatment, the clinician must ask
• Loss of proprioception. themselves if the tooth can be restored with a well-fitting cuspal
coverage restoration. Can an impression be taken of this tooth?
Considerations when restoring endodontically treated teeth 123

(a) (b)


Ferrule of dentine

Post and core


Figure 7.3  The ferrule effect (a) a post-​retained crown with no ferrule

(b) the same restoration but this time with a collar of dentine coronal
to the restorative margins. The presence of an adequate ferrule helps
to prevent the transmission of undesirable forces through the post into
the root.
Adapted from Patel S and Duncan H (2011) Pitt Ford’s Problem-​Based Learning in
Endodontology. Printed with permission from Wiley-​Blackwell.
Figure 7.2  The secondary caries must be removed and fracture lines
assessed to determine if this heavily restored maxillary molar tooth is
restorable. whether the tooth is to be used as an abutment for a fixed or re-
movable prosthesis.

one-​year recall, teeth retaining less than 30% of their original tooth
structure volume had a significantly higher proportion of unfavour-
What is the ferrule effect?
able endodontic outcomes. The ferrule effect is the collar of an extra-​coronal restoration (e.g. a
crown or onlay) which encircles a circumferential ring of dentine
Which factors will influence the survival of (ideally of at least 2 mm in height) coronal to the preparation margins
(Figure 7.3). The presence of an adequate ferrule is critical to the pre-
the endodontically treated tooth?
dictable definitive restoration of a tooth. Without an adequate ferrule,
There are very few robust studies assessing the longevity of undue stress is exerted on the core and/​or post, leading to failure of
endodontically treated teeth. One study has suggested that the prob- the core or residual tooth substance (Figure 7.4).
ability of an endodontically treated tooth lasting 20 years is about 80%.
The survival of an endodontically treated tooth will be influenced Deciding how to restore the endodontically
by several factors. These include the periodontal and restorative status
of the tooth. A good coronal seal is an integral factor in ensuring the
treated tooth
best possible lifespan for the endodontically treated tooth. There is un- There are a number of factors that must be considered when deciding
equivocal evidence demonstrating that the survival of endodontically how an endodontically treated tooth is best restored (Box 7.3). First
treated molar teeth is greatly enhanced by the placement of a cuspal and foremost, the amount of remaining tooth structure will be the most
coverage restoration. How well this restoration will last will be primarily important consideration. When substantial amounts of tooth structure
dictated by the amount of remaining sound coronal tooth structure are to be replaced, the use of an adhesive material will permit the pres-
and, in particular, the ability to obtain an adequate ferrule effect. Teeth ervation of as much residual tooth tissue as possible.
which lack sufficient dentine to obtain an adequate ferrule effect (see There is good evidence to show that the type of post-​endodontic
the next section ‘What is the ferrule effect?’), particularly those restored restoration indicated is dependent on the the tooth type. This is due
with post-​retained crowns, will be less likely to survive in the long term. to differences in both crown and root anatomy, as well as differences in
Assuming the endodontically treated tooth has good peri- the functional and non-​functional forces encountered in distinct parts
odontal health and sufficient remaining sound tooth structure, the of the mouth.
principal factor dictating tooth longevity will be the endodontic
prognosis. Effective cleaning and shaping of all root canals to full Occlusion
length, followed by good quality root canal filling will ensure the The patient’s occlusion may have an impact on the type of restoration
best chance of a favourable outcome. Other factors which may required. For example, for a patient with canine guidance (disclusion)
influence tooth survival will include occlusal considerations and in lateral excursive movements, it may not be necessary to protect
124 Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7.4  (a, b, c) Labial, palatal and occlusal views of broken down maxillary lateral incisor. At first glance this tooth may appear to have an
adequate ferrule of dentine; however, the tooth is deemed unrestorable once the secondary caries have been removed.

the premolar units with cuspal coverage restorations. Conversely, in

a patient with group function, the guiding units may require cuspal
protection, even though the size of the restoration in itself does not
outwardly warrant this.
Box 7.3  Factors influencing the choice of definitive
restoration for an endodontically treated tooth Cracks
• Amount of residual tooth structure. The presence of cracks observed at the time of endodontic treat-
• Presence of cracks at the time of endodontic treatment. ment will usually necessitate cuspal coverage restorations. An
endodontically treated tooth with a pre-​existing crack extending be-
• Crown and root anatomy.
yond the cemento-​enamel junction (CEJ) has significantly greater risk
• Location of tooth in arch. of vertical root fracture development. The prognosis of a cracked tooth
• Parafunction and other excessive occlusal factors. can be difficult to predict.
• Bonding surface availability. Patients may present with a clenching or grinding habit; this is termed
parafunction. The forces generated during parafunctional events are sig-
• Moisture control.
nificantly greater, and more prolonged than those encountered during
• Aesthetic considerations. mastication. Patients who parafunction may often report the fracture of
• Patient preference. restorations or teeth (Figure 7.5). Careful examination may reveal loss
• Cost. of canine guidance, cracked cusps or restorations, wear facets, or soft
tissue signs of parafunction such as tongue ridging or linea alba at the
level of the occlusal plane. Endodontically treated teeth in patients who
parafunction should be considered for cuspal coverage restoration.

(a) (b)

Figure 7.5  (a) Tooth grinding has resulted in faceting, loss of canine guidance, and undue stress on posterior teeth. (b) Periradiular bone loss
indicating vertical root fracture of the mesial root of this endodontically treated mandibular molar tooth. (Inset) Extracted tooth.
Considerations when restoring endodontically treated teeth 125

Aesthetic considerations Onlays (or partial coverage crowns) allow preservation of the axial
Patients are becoming increasingly dentally aware, and may have spe- walls of the tooth, and therefore unnecessary tooth tissue removal.
cific requests. This may be based on attitudes towards certain mater- The preparation of the buccal and/​or lingual walls of a tooth for a full
ials (e.g. amalgam) or purely due to aesthetic considerations (e.g. resin coverage preparation, may compromise the tooth structure such that
composite restorations or all-​ceramic crowns). there is little more than the core retaining the crown. This may lead to
early failure of the restoration. In these situations, an onlay may serve
the purpose of protecting the residual tooth structure, but without
What is the best material to use for a core in an weakening the tooth significantly.
endodontically treated tooth? Onlay restorations may be fabricated in composite, ceramic, or gold.
The materials traditionally used for core placement in endodontically A further advantage of onlay restorations is that the margins are usu-
treated teeth are composite and amalgam. In addition to their aes- ally supragingival, facilitating easier maintenance.
thetic advantages, composite materials have the added benefit of
Anterior teeth
being adhesive and permit a more conservative cavity preparation
than that required for amalgam restorations. Glass-ionomer cement There appears to be little benefit in crowning endodontically treated in-
may also be used in certain situations. However, its use should be re- cisors or canines unless there has been a considerable loss of tooth struc-
stricted to eliminating undercuts or space filling, as the material has ture (e.g. both proximal surfaces in addition to the palatal access). The
poor compressive strength. These materials have different attributes proportionate effect of tooth volume reduction during crown preparation
which must be evaluated so that the most appropriate material can be is more significant in anterior teeth, particularly in the mandibular arch.
chosen for each specific clinical situation. Crowns may occasionally be indicated for anterior teeth, usually
for aesthetic reasons. This may be the case when more conservative
measures, such as internal bleaching, have not achieved the desired
Do all endodontically treated teeth
result (Figure 7.7).
require crowns?
Premolar teeth
As discussed previously, endodontically treated teeth are more sus-
ceptible to fracture than untreated teeth (Figure 7.6). Endodontically Following root canal treatment, premolars may require an indirect
treated molar teeth usually require cuspal coverage protection. cuspal coverage if there is more than one marginal ridge involved in
Wherever possible, conservative cuspal coverage restorations, for ex- the restoration. However, premolar teeth also have relatively small
ample onlays should be provided rather than full coverage crowns. crowns, and the proportionate effect of crown preparation is again sig-
nificant. Where appropriate, and when the occlusion permits, all-​cer-
amic or composite partial crowns may be a more desirable option to
preserve the maximum amount of coronal tooth structure.

Molar teeth
Endodontically treated molar teeth are the most susceptible to frac-
ture, so cuspal protection with an indirect restoration is necessary,
in particular, when one or both of the marginal ridges are not intact.

Figure 7.6  The lingual cusps of this endodontically treated mandibular Figure 7.7  This endodontically treated maxillary central incisor
molar have fractured off as the tooth was inappropriately restored; this did not respond satisfactorily to internal bleaching. The tooth was
could have been avoided with a cuspal coverage restoration. subsequently crowned.
126 Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth

There are several studies that have demonstrated the higher survival
rate of molar teeth when an indirect cuspal coverage restoration has Table 7.1  Factors influencing post performance
been placed after the endodontic treatment (Figure 7.8).
Factors Effect Relevance to
In summary, although endodontically treated posterior teeth will usually
post system
require cuspal coverage protection, whenever possible, these restorations
should be limited to onlays rather than full coverage crown preparation. Ferrule of Predictability and longevity Any

What is the purpose of a post when restoring Length More retention Metal

an endodontically treated tooth? Width Little influence—​adaptation more Any

A post is required when there is insufficient remaining tooth structure
to support a core. This situation will occur fairly frequently in com- Taper Higher risk of root fracture—​ Metal
parallel-​sided posts perform better
promised teeth. When deciding whether a post has to be placed, it is
necessary to consider a number of factors (Box 7.4). Surface Serrated posts Metal
As a tooth requiring a post will almost always require a cuspal coverage Material Root fracture Metal
restoration, it is important to consider what support the residual tooth Decementation Any
structure will give for the core, as well as how much retention there will be
Water Failure of bonding Fibre
for the restoration. Posts are more likely to be indicated in anterior teeth
due to the relatively small crown size when compared with molar teeth. In
fact, in molar teeth, even if the amount of residual coronal tooth structure
is limited, the pulp chamber often offers sufficient retention for the core.
the root of the tooth; these undesirable forces can be reduced by the
It is important to appreciate that posts do not reinforce teeth and
presence of an adequate ferrule of dentine which will protect the root
therefore should not be used for this purpose. Posts transfer stresses into
from being exposed to excessive lateral loading. Therefore, as with in-
direct cuspal coverage restorations, the longevity of teeth restored with
posts appears to be dictated by the presence of an adequate ferrule.
It has been suggested that post length should be equal to or greater
than the crown height. However, although optimizing post length is
desirable, it is also important to preserve an adequate length of apical
root canal filling material to prevent the persistence or development of
apical periodontitis. At least 5 mm of apical root canal filling material
should be preserved in order to maintain an adequate seal.
Post width does not appear to be as critical as post length, but it is im-
portant that the post is well-​adapted to the root canal space, as the ce-
ment is the weakest link in the tooth-​restoration complex. Furthermore,
the resistance of the post to lateral stresses will be reduced with narrower
posts. This is particularly important in the peri-​cervical area. A number
of characteristics have been studied in relation to the performance of
posts. However, these attributes are particularly relevant to metal post
systems and less so for adhesive fibre post systems (Table 7.1).
Figure 7.8  After removal of the coronal restoration and access into
the pulp chamber it is apparent, utilizing magnification, that there is a What types of post are available?
complex fracture in this endodontically treated molar.
There are many different types of post systems available; these can
broadly be divided into direct or indirect post systems. A number of
different designs and materials have been used for post fabrication
Box 7.4  Factors that must be considered when a post
(Table 7.2).
is to be placed
• Amount of residual tooth structure—​ferrule effect. What is the best type of post?
• Suitable retention for core.
Traditionally, indirect cast metal posts have been the most popular
• Root canal length. post technique when restoring compromised endodontically treated
• Root canal curvature. teeth. However, fibre posts have gained popularity as they appear to
• Root canal dentine thickness. have several additional advantages when compared with the cast post
technique. Most fibre post systems are made of quartz or glass fibres
• Occlusal factors.
and are bonded adhesively within the root canal (Figure 7.9).
Considerations when restoring endodontically treated teeth 127

Table 7.2  Posts according to material and type

Direct metal • Stainless steel

• Titanium
• Gold

Indirect metal • Cast gold

• Cast precious metal alloy
• Cast non-​precious metal alloy

Direct non-​metal • Quartz

• Glass
• Silica
• Carbon

Figure 7.9  A selection of different sized fibre posts (RelyX Fiber Post,

3M ESPE, Neuss, Germany). Note that the posts have a tapered shape
Several disadvantages have been reported for metal post systems. The in the apical portion.
post space preparation for the cast post technique involves the removal of
all undercuts, thus potentially resulting in unnecessary removal of sound
dentine. The most fundamental problem, however, is the lack of flexi- restorations most commonly fail due to post decementation, sec-
bility of metal posts. This applies to both direct and indirect post systems. ondary caries, or chipping of the overlying composite restoration. The
Studies have demonstrated that root fractures are a recognized mode of main cause for failure of fibre post systems is the ingress of moisture
failure that is more frequently associated with metal posts (Figure 7.10). into the resin-​dentine bonding interface during clinical function or
Failure is often terminal, necessitating extraction of the tooth. thermocycling.
Fibre posts seldom cause root fracture as they have a modulus of elas- The performance of fibre posts has been shown to be equivalent to
ticity which is much closer to that of dentine. The failures associated that of cast metal posts. Overall, the failure rate of fibre posts has been
with fibre post systems tend to be more retrievable. Fibre post-​retained shown to be 7–​11% after 7–​11 years of clinical service.

(a) (b)

Figure 7.10  Examination reveals a vertical root fracture associated with the maxillary first premolar which has been restored with an indirect cast
metal post crown. (a) There is an isolated increased probing depth associated with the fracture line. (b) Closer examination reveals separation of
the fractured segments.
128 Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth

As for indirect cuspal coverage restorations, the survival of post-​ The use of light polymerized materials within the root canal space
retained crowns appears to be most significantly influenced by the is a further problem, as the curing light may not be able to transmit
presence of an adequate ferrule irrespective of the type of post used. light adequately to all surfaces of the bonding substrate. The place-
Therefore, although each post system has different advantages and ment of a glass-ionomer base may help to overcome the above
disadvantages, ultimately, the survival of the restored tooth will be dic- problems, and/​or the use of bulk-​filled flowable or dual-​curing com-
tated by the amount of remaining coronal tooth structure. posites is also indicated (Figure 7.11).

Are there any problems associated

with bonding in the root canal?
The use of adhesive materials within the root canal space presents
a number of challenges. First, following root canal treatment, there
will often be remnants of gutta-​percha (GP) and root canal sealer on
the dentinal walls of the access cavity walls and/​or post space. The
physical presence of these materials will interfere with bonding non-​
specifically, whilst the use of certain materials, for example eugenol-​
containing sealers, will chemically inhibit the polymerization of resin
composite. Therefore, great care must be taken to ensure the surface
is adequately prepared for bonding.
A further problem with bonding is the anatomy of the root canal
space itself. As there is a high ratio of bonded surface relative to un-
bounded surface, the stresses created by polymerization shrinkage
are unfavourable; this may lead to failure at the dentine-​bonding Figure 7.11  A bulk-flow resin composite has been used to restore the
interface. access cavity.

Foundations of clinical practice

The remainder of this chapter is concerned with the clinical provide practical advice to help achieve the necessary treatment
aspects of restoring the endodontically treated tooth, and aims to objectives.

How should teeth undergoing endodontic treatment

be temporized between appointments?
As discussed previously, teeth requiring root canal treatment should apically and make the tooth susceptible to fracture. This ‘wedging’ is
be fully disassembled prior to root canal treatment to ensure that the more likely when cotton wool pellets have been placed in the pulp
restorative status of the tooth is accurately determined. This ensures chamber, offering little resistance to occlusal forces directed onto the
that any caries or cracks can be visualized. Pre-​endodontic build up temporary restoration.
should then be carried out to permit optimal isolation and to main- Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tape or Cavit G (3M ESPE, Neuss,
tain the coronal seal whilst the root canal treatment is performed. The Germany) are good alternatives to cotton wool. These can be placed
most appropriate material for the pre-​endodontic build-​up is resin in the pulp chamber and gently compacted into place. The material
composite, which should be placed with the use of an appropriate acts as a ‘sub-​seal’ and the temporization can then be completed with
matrix system. Temporary filling materials and glass-ionomer should a more resilient material such as IRM (Dentsply Sirona, York, PA, USA).
not be used for restoring the axial walls as they are likely to leak and/​ This method also provides a superior bacterial seal. At the follow-​up
or fracture. appointment, the base material can be easily removed with the use of
Once the axial walls have been restored appropriately, inter-​ap- an ultrasonic tip under copious water spray.
pointment temporization is then straightforward. When the remaining In teeth where there is an increased risk of fracture between ap-
walls of tooth tissue are thin, it is important that the access cavity is not pointments one should consider a temporary onlay/​crown to prevent
too divergent as occlusal forces will ‘wedge’ the temporary restoration fracture propagation.

When should endodontically treated teeth be definitively restored?

The objectives of restoration following endodontic treatment were dis- provision of a good coronal seal, protection of the remaining tooth
cussed earlier in the chapter. Included in these objectives were the structure, and restoration of satisfactory aesthetics. It would therefore
What are the practical considerations to restore the endodontically treated tooth? 129

seem logical to satisfy these aims as soon as possible after the comple- coverage whilst outcome is assessed should be carefully considered.
tion of the endodontic treatment. Leaving the tooth with an interim Where there may be a delay in the placement of the final indirect
restoration for an extended period will leave it susceptible to fracture cuspal coverage restoration it is important that the intermediate restor-
or microbial leakage. Molar teeth will be particularly susceptible to ation provides adequate protection. For molar teeth, a cuspal coverage
fracture. The risk increases further in teeth that are severely comprom- composite restoration or provisional acrylic onlay/​crown may be ap-
ised or those which have existing fracture lines. In situations where the propriate. Premolar teeth should be assessed on an individual case
guidance in lateral or protrusive excursions involves the treated tooth basis, but when extensively restored, and if involved in lateral excur-
there may be further indication for expedient protection. sive movements then they may require similar management to molar
If possible, the definitive core should be placed at the same appoint- teeth. In most instances, 3–​6  months may be an appropriate period
ment as the completion of endodontic treatment. Although there is no to assess clinical healing (e.g. signs of improvement after a complex
specific timescale for provision of definitive cuspal coverage, it would ap- root canal retreatment). Guidelines suggest that radiographic healing
pear appropriate for this to be provided within a few weeks of comple- can only be assessed after a minimum period of one year (Chapter 8).
tion of endodontic treatment, subject to the tooth being symptom-​free. When anterior teeth require crowns, there is no urgency to provide this
In situations where there are concerns as to whether the endodontic as the restoration will not reduce the risk of fracture. Anterior teeth are
treatment has been successful, it may be necessary to assess healing usually crowned for aesthetic reasons following endodontic treatment. This
prior to the provision of the definitive cuspal coverage restoration. In option should only be employed after more conservative methods have
these cases, the risk and benefit of leaving the tooth without cuspal been exhausted (e.g. dental whitening and composite reconstruction).

How are endodontically treated teeth prepared for restoration?

Following the completion of satisfactory endodontic treatment, the Cavity and root canal preparation will create a smear layer on the ac-
definitive restorative procedure must be planned. cess cavity and root canal walls, which will negatively affect the bonding
When using adhesive materials, it is essential to ensure the complete of adhesive materials. Irrigation with ethylenediaminetetracetic acid
removal of remnants of temporary and/​or root canal filling materials from (EDTA) solution subsequent to the completion of root canal prepar-
the access cavity. The use of magnification, for example loupes or a dental ation will assist in the removal of this. However, if, for example, post
operating microscope, will greatly improve the visualization of remnants preparation is then carried out, a new smear layer will be created. For
of root canal filling material in the access cavity. Removal may be carried removal of the smear layer, acid etching of dentine surfaces should be
out using a number of techniques, but the use of a dedicated endodontic carried out with phosphoric acid. Acid etching may also help to get rid
ultrasonic tip, with copious water spray, is particularly effective. Specific of persistent tags of GP or root canal sealer.
ultrasonic tips designed for endodontic use allow unimpeded access to As mentioned previously, eugenol-​ containing endodontic and
the pulp chamber and the root canal space itself, which is particularly restorative materials may inhibit the polymerization of resin based
useful when posts are to be adhesively bonded. The careful use of an materials. To overcome this, the root canal and access cavity can be
ultrasonically activated tip will also minimize dentine removal when com- rinsed with isopropyl alcohol to sequester any free eugenol that may
pared with a bur or post drill. Specifically designed microbrushes are also be present.
available to help in the cleaning of the root canal walls.

What are the practical considerations when using composite

to restore the endodontically treated tooth?
It may be necessary to replace a significant volume of missing tooth tissue the restorative and root canal filling materials. Light-​curing can then be
following endodontic treatment, particularly in molar teeth. Technical carried out. There may be an issue with light transmission, especially
considerations may make the placement of an extensive composite restor- where the root canals are divergent or when the pulp chamber is deep.
ation or core particularly demanding. In particular, it may be challenging It is important to ensure the bonding agent is cured on all surfaces prior
to appropriately reconstruct the anatomical form of the tooth, particularly to placement of the composite. Alternatively, the use of a chemical-​or
the contact areas, with direct adhesive materials. The following steps will dual-​cured bonding agent may be more appropriate.
assist in carrying out the procedure as predictably as possible. For the reasons stated previously, it may occasionally be difficult to
First, it is important to etch all available dentine surfaces, including obtain complete curing of the resin composite placed into the root
the entrances to the root canals. It is desirable to use a fine microbrush canals or deep into the pulp chamber. Initially, only a thin increment
for this to ensure the etching agent is placed fully within the root canal should be placed to ensure complete curing. Some bulk-​fill composite
entrance. Equally, the bonding agent should also be applied with a fine materials are more translucent than conventional light-​cured com-
microbrush which is sufficiently small to place within the entrance of the posite materials, therefore permitting better light transmission through
root canal. Pooling of the bonding agent should be avoided, and a paper the entire thickness of the material.
point may be useful to soak up any excess. Pooling of bonding agent When using a conventional hybrid composite it may be challen-
may lead to incomplete curing or to the development of voids between ging to adapt the restorative material flush with the root canal filling,
130 Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth

resulting in voids between the core and root canal filling (Figure 7.12).
Occasionally, the material may be difficult to pack into the entrance
of the root canal; instead it may stick to the plugger. One possible
cause for this is incomplete curing of the bonding resin. A large clean
endodontic plugger may assist with the placement of the first few in-
crements of composite. Extraneous light from adjunctive light sources
(loupes or dental operating microscope) should be excluded during
placement, using an appropriate filter, to avoid premature curing of
light-​cure materials.
Specific bulk-​fill flowable composite materials are available which
are designed to allow the quick build-​up of large restorations and
cores. Bulk-​fill composites can be placed more easily and with much
less contraction shrinkage than conventional composite materials.
Also, bulk-​fill materials are more translucent than conventional com-
posites, facilitating more effective light-​curing.
Figure 7.12  This composite core has not been placed satisfactorily.
Voids can be seen between the root canal filling material and core.

What are the differences in restoring anterior and posterior teeth?

In general, endodontically treated teeth will either be definitively restored also preferable for core build-​up when an all-​ceramic or indirect com-
with a direct plastic or indirect restoration. As discussed earlier in the posite restoration is planned.
chapter, a plastic restoration (e.g. resin composite restoration) may often Restorative procedures should ideally be carried out under rubber
be appropriate for anterior teeth, whilst indirect restorations will usually dam isolation. When restoration of the proximal areas of the tooth is
be the restoration of choice for endodontically treated posterior teeth. necessary the neighbouring teeth should also be isolated. A  shade
should be taken prior to rubber dam isolation, that is, before the den-
tine becomes dehydrated. If internal bleaching has been carried out
Anterior teeth it has been suggested that subsequent bonding may be affected tem-
Direct restorations for anterior teeth porarily by oxidizing products produced by the bleaching agent. It has
Composite restorations and core materials therefore been recommended that definitive restoration with an adhe-
sive material should be deferred for at least two weeks after bleaching.
When an endodontically treated anterior tooth has only undergone
It is important to ensure that the coronal level of the root canal filling
moderate tooth tissue loss, definitive restoration with resin composite
material is kept below the CEJ in order to avoid compromising the ap-
will invariably be the treatment of choice.
pearance of the definitively restored tooth. This is also the case when
Modern resin-​bonding and composite materials will provide satisfac-
internal bleaching procedures are to be carried out.
tory aesthetics in most situations (Figure 7.13). The use of composite is
Indirect restorations for anterior teeth
As endodontically treated anterior teeth will invariably have been ac-
cessed from the palatal surface, the justification for providing a cer-
amic veneer rather than a full-​coverage crown for conservation reasons
would appear invalid. From the perspective of tooth preservation, the
advantages of a veneer may be even less relevant due to the develop-
ment of newer materials for all-​ceramic crowns; these require less axial
reduction but perform well under clinical function.
A direct composite veneer may be a pragmatic approach when the
result obtained from internal bleaching is unsatisfactory and a conserva-
tive solution is required. Minimal tooth reduction should be performed.

Metal-​ceramic  crowns
A crown may be required for the restoration of an endodontically treated
anterior tooth when there has been significant loss of tooth structure or
where conservative aesthetic treatment measures (e.g. internal bleaching)
Figure 7.13  Resin composite restoration; note the minimal preparation. have been unsuccessful in achieving a satisfactory aesthetic result.
What are the differences in restoring anterior and posterior teeth? 131

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7.14  (a) Following endodontic treatment this discoloured maxillary lateral incisor cannot be satisfactorily restored with a plastic
restoration. (b) The tooth is prepared for an all-​ceramic crown. (c) The crown is definitively cemented with an adhesive material.
Adapted from Mannocci F, Cavalli G, and Gagliani M (2008) Adhesive Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth. Printed with permission from Quintessence Publishing.

Metal-​ceramic crowns are the usual choice when an indirect restor- cusps may not be necessary, particularly if there are no deflective
ation is indicated for an anterior tooth. However, it must be acknow- contacts in lateral excursive movements. When restoring mandibular
ledged that the preparation for a metal-​ceramic restoration requires molars, all cusps should be protected.
significant reduction of the buccal (and other) surfaces of the tooth Amalgam is still commonly used as a core material prior to the cuspal
(approximately 1.8–​2 mm). The amount of axial reduction may there- coverage of posterior teeth. The Nayyar core technique has been sug-
fore significantly compromise the strength of the remaining tooth gested when using amalgam as a core material in endodontically treated
structure. With this in mind, consideration of the effect of crown prep- teeth. The technique involves the removal of 2–​4 mm of coronal GP from
aration on the residual tooth tissue must be made. each root canal; it would appear desirable to remove the root canal filling
Metal-​ceramic crowns may be indicated in those situations where material with a heated instrument rather than by mechanical means. If
the tooth to be restored has a metallic core or post that precludes rotary instruments are used to remove the coronal portion of root canal
the use of a translucent all-​ceramic restoration. These restorations may filling (e.g. Gates Glidden drills) then great care must be taken to avoid the
also be useful when the residual tooth structure has discoloured sig- unnecessary removal of dentine, particularly in the furcal region of molar
nificantly and needs to be masked. teeth. Excessive dentine removal may lead to strip perforation of the root.
Following compaction of the coronal portion of root canal filling ma-
All-​ceramic  crowns terial at the appropriate level, the amalgam is then packed into the en-
All-​ceramic crowns are increasingly being recommended as viable res- trance to the root canals; an endodontic plugger is the most appropriate
torations for both anterior and posterior teeth and are gradually re- instrument to carry this out. The natural divergence of the root canals
placing metal-​ ceramic crowns. Modern all-​ ceramic materials have and undercuts found in the pulp chamber provide retention for the cor-
sufficient strength in thin section to withstand the forces imparted onal-​radicular dowel and core. The amalgam in the pulp chamber offers
during normal clinical function. When used in conjunction with tooth-​ resistance to both horizontal and vertical forces (Figure 7.15).
coloured post and core materials, their aesthetics are far superior to
those achievable with conventional metal-​ceramic units. The aesthetic
advantage of these restorations is most evident in the marginal areas
closest to the soft tissues, and at the incisal edge, where some translu-
cency may often be desirable. As discussed previously, the benefit of re-
duced axial tooth reduction is greatest for anterior teeth (Figure 7.14).

Posterior teeth
Direct restorations and core materials for posterior teeth
Amalgam restorations and cores
Conventional amalgam restorations that include an interproximal
extension, but which do not provide cuspal coverage cannot be con-
sidered as long-​term definitive restorations for endodontically treated
molar teeth, due to the high risk of crown or root fracture. Therefore,
where possible, amalgam restorations should include at least 2  mm
cuspal coverage. Cuspal coverage amalgam restorations may be suit-
able as interim restorations for molar teeth.
When restoring endodontically treated maxillary molars, the func- Figure 7.15  An amalgam Nayyar core has been placed following the
tional palatal cusp should always be protected; coverage of the buccal completion of endodontic treatment of this mandibular first molar.
132 Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth

Resin composite restorations and cores

In general, resin composite restorations cannot be regarded as long-​
term definitive restorations in functional endodontically treated pos-
terior teeth. The exception to this may be when there has only been
a minimal loss of tooth structure and both marginal ridges remain
When restoring endodontically treated teeth, the loss of tooth struc-
ture caused by caries and the access cavity preparation may make the
placement of extensive direct resin composite restorations more chal-
lenging. When tooth substance loss is considerable, it may be difficult
to satisfactorily reconstruct the anatomical form of the tooth, in par-
ticular the contact areas of molar teeth. The provision of large direct
composite restorations may be further complicated if cuspal coverage
needs to be incorporated into the restoration. There is no consensus
on the minimum thickness of resin composite that is required to pro-
Figure 7.16  An endodontically treated maxillary molar tooth restored
tect the cusps of endodontically treated teeth from fracture, but a min- with a cuspal coverage direct resin composite restoration.
imum of 2–​3 mm would seem sensible (Figure 7.16).
It is always desirable to place composite restorations under rubber
dam isolation. It may be necessary to isolate several teeth when res- that tooth survival is significantly enhanced following the placement
toration of the proximal areas of a tooth is required. Floss ligatures of cuspal coverage restorations. It is the author’s opinion that inlays or
may be useful in securing the dam so that it does not impinge on the partial cuspal coverage restorations are not, in general, appropriate for
contact areas of the tooth being restored. It is imperative to use an endodontically treated posterior teeth. Onlay restorations are prefer-
appropriate matrix to allow proper adaptation of the restorative ma- able to full coverage restorations as they preserve more tooth structure
terial in the contact areas. Ideally, where a metal band is to be used, and therefore increase tooth longevity. Crown restorations are usually
the contact areas should be wedged and then burnished to provide indicated when the endodontically treated tooth has as existing crown
optimal approximation. which requires replacement.
The placement of resin composite into the entrance of the root ca-
Gold onlays
nals may be greatly enhanced by using an endodontic plugger, assisted
with the use of an operating microscope or loupes. The use of a chem- Endodontically treated posterior teeth are often severely comprom-
ical-​or dual-​cured composite material may overcome the problem of ised and therefore gold onlays may offer the most conservative treat-
inadequate light transmission within divergent pulp chambers and ment as the preparation may be customized to permit the optimal
root canals. preservation of residual tooth structure (Figure 7.17).
The reduction required for indirect gold restorations may be as
Indirect restorations for posterior teeth little as 0.7 mm, on non-​functional surfaces, whilst as much as 1.5 mm
The importance of placing a full-​coverage indirect restoration on an may be required for the functional cusps. Gold onlays may be particu-
endodontically treated molar tooth is based on studies demonstrating larly useful when there is limited interocclusal space. If a gold onlay

(a) (b)

Figure 7.17  (a) radiograph and (b) clinical photo of an endodontically treated mandibular second molar restored with a composite core and gold
What are the differences in restoring anterior and posterior teeth? 133

restoration is planned, full coverage of all of the cusps is usually advis- In keeping with the increasing awareness of tooth structure con-
able, and is especially indicated in patients who parafunction, as por- servation, together with advances in adhesive dentistry, there is a
celain is more abrasive when the restoration is opposed by a natural drive to extend the preservation of tooth structure when planning the
tooth and prone to fracturing. cuspal coverage restoration. Several techniques and principles have
become more evident in recent years, particularly ceramic and com-
Gold crowns posite onlays and crowns. Indirect composite restorations are usually
Like gold onlays, gold crowns are only appropriate in teeth where made using light-​curable micro-​ceramic resin composite. These ma-
aesthetics are not a concern. Full-​coverage indirect gold restorations terials generally have higher fracture resistance than direct conven-
permit the preservation of a greater amount of sound tooth structure tional or hybrid composites. However, they are not more resistant to
when compared to metal-​ceramic crowns, as substantially less tooth fracture than all-​ceramic units. Variations in the survival of direct and
reduction is required. The amount of reduction required during prep- indirect composites have been attributed to the difference in adhesive
aration is like that described for gold onlays. strengths achieved with direct bonding when compared with those
obtained with the use of a cement lute.
Metal-​ceramic  crowns The onlay preparation for indirect resin composite restoration
Metal-​ ceramic units are still used for the indirect restoration of requires a minimum tooth reduction of 1.5–​2  mm. The margins re-
endodontically treated posterior teeth. As previously discussed, a dis- commended for these preparations are normally a 90° shoulder
advantage of metal-​ceramic restorations is that they require substan- finish, whilst the internal line angles of the cavity should be rounded.
tially greater tooth reduction in order to create sufficient space for both Proximal boxes must be extended apical to the contact points and in-
metal and porcelain materials (Figure 7.18). The aesthetic result may ternal walls should be divergent to avoid undercuts in the preparation.
also not be as optimal as that achieved with all-​ceramic restorations. Coverage of all cusps with a thickness of approximately 2.5–​3 mm is
usually recommended.
Indirect resin composite onlays and crowns Glass-ionomer cement or flowable resin composite may be placed
A direct, self-​or dual-​cure resin composite core is usually placed prior over the root canal filling material in order to achieve the required
to the provision of a resin composite onlay or crown. Ideally, the shade thickness and internal cavity form for the preparation. Indirect com-
of the core should be different to that of the surrounding dentine so posite and ceramic restorations are usually cemented with adhesive
that it is possible to differentiate it from the restorative material. The resin cements; cementation should be carried out under rubber dam
core acts as a guide during preparation of the indirect restoration. isolation (Figure 7.19).

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7.18  (a) This compromised maxillary first molar requires reconstruction following root canal treatment. (b) A fibre post and composite core
have been placed. (c) The final metal-​ceramic crown is cemented.
Adapted from Mannocci F, Cavalli G, and Gagliani M (2008) Adhesive Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth. Printed with permission from Quintessence Publishing.
134 Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 7.19  This endodontically treated maxillary molar requires cuspal protection. (a, b) Onlay preparation. (c, d) Completed onlay cemented with
a resin luting cement.

All-​ceramic crowns and onlays that the survival of posterior all-​ceramic crowns is equivalent to that of
There are now numerous systems available for the manufacture of all-​cer- metal-​ceramic units; this applies to both conventional and CAD/​CAM all-​
amic restorations. These restorations have become increasingly popular. ceramic restorations. However, all-​ceramic restorations may not be the
Of these techniques, the most commonly employed materials used have ideal choice for restoring endodontically treated posterior teeth in pa-
been lithium disilicate and zirconia. The development of digital scanning tients who parafunction. There is also evidence suggesting that partial
has also facilitated the use of computer-​aided design and computer-​ coverage CAD/​ CAM restorations placed on endodontically treated
aided manufacturing (CAD/​CAM) techniques for the fabrication of cer- teeth were found to be more prone to fracture in non-​vital teeth when
amic restorations. Over a five-​year observation period, it would appear compared to vital teeth.

When is a post required?

The factors that must be considered when deciding on whether at least a 2 mm circumferential ring of dentine coronal to the margin
a post is required are listed in an earlier part of this chapter (Box of the crown preparation, the effect of these forces is somewhat pro-
7.4). As discussed previously, post placement is indicated if the tected from being transmitted unfavourably to the root.
amount of residual tooth structure is insufficient to retain a core. In situations where it is not possible to obtain an adequate ferrule,
However, irrespective of whether a post is to be used or not, the it may be necessary to consider crown lengthening or orthodontic ex-
presence of an adequate ferrule is the most crucial factor in deter- trusion of the tooth. These treatment measures will also allow the re-
mining the performance of indirect cuspal coverage restorations storative margins to be placed at a cleansable level and without them
(Figure 7.20). impinging on the biological width (Figure 7.21).
Under dynamic functional loading, posts will exert stresses along Wherever possible, post preparation and cementation should be car-
the root, which can potentially lead to root fracture. Where there is ried out under rubber dam isolation. A split dam technique may be useful

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7.20  (a, b, c) Even in this significantly compromised maxillary lateral incisor it has been possible to obtain a ferrule of 3 mm of dentine.
Ideally, the ferrule of dentine should be available on all surfaces of the tooth.
Adapted from Mannocci F, Cavalli G, and Gagliani M (2008) Adhesive Restoration of Endodontically Treated Teeth. Printed with permission from Quintessence Publishing.
When is a post required? 135

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 7.21  Crown lengthening has been used to obtain an adequate ferrule effect. (a) Prior to treatment, there is insufficient tooth structure
to retain an indirect restoration. (b) Following, reflection of a flap, the bone level has been moved apically and recontoured. (c) The completed
procedure has provided a further 2–​3 mm of dentine for the placement of the final restoration.
Courtesy of Dr Edward Sammut.

in these circumstances. Furthermore, where an indirect post is being con- When using a fibre post system, post preparation and cementation
structed, it is important to provide a good coronal seal in the interim. may be carried out at the same time as the endodontic treatment.
There are several advantages to this:
Indirect posts • The orientation and anatomy of the root canal is clearly known, and
Posts may be either direct or indirect. Indirect posts are usually fabri- therefore the risk of an iatrogenic accident during post preparation
cated cast metal posts which can either be constructed from an acrylic is minimized.
pattern which is built up directly in the mouth, or more usually con- • Placing the post immediately after the completion of endodontic
structed from an impression of the completed post space and crown treatment reduces microleakage into the root canal space by
preparation. sealing the root canal coronally, and also by preventing the
When preparing a tooth for an indirect cast metal post it is impera- need for a temporary post crown, which may either leak and/​or
tive to ensure that all undercuts have been removed and that any thin decement.
sections of unsupported dentine have been eliminated. Preparation is • Reduces the number of visits and overall treatment time, by al-
usually carried out using a dedicated post preparation kit which offers lowing crown preparation to be carried out at the same visit as the
standardized sizes of drill and corresponding impression and tem- endodontic treatment.
porary posts (Figure 7.22). It is important to ensure that the post space
preparation is clear of unwanted root canal filling material and debris Caution must be exercised when using rubber dam during post
at the time of impression taking and post cementation. preparation, as it may be difficult to orientate the tooth correctly,
potentially leading to the misdirected use of rotary instruments
within the root canal. This may be of particular relevance with teeth
Direct (pre-​fabricated) posts which are severely rotated or tilted. Other problems may occur
during preparation and placement of a fibre post; these problems
Metal posts
and their management are detailed in Table 7.3.
Most contemporary direct metal post systems are of a serrated or The clinical sequence for the placement of a fibre post-​retained
threaded parallel-​sided design. Commonly, these posts are con- composite core (Figure 7.24) is as follows:
structed from titanium or stainless-​steel alloys. Parallel-​sided serrated
posts have been shown to be more retentive, yet less likely to cause 1. Post space preparation: ideally, preparation of the root canal should
root fracture than tapered smooth posts. Metal posts may be adhe- be minimal. The unnecessary removal of dentine associated with
sively cemented, after which a direct composite core can then be built the use of post drills will result in thinning of the root canal walls,
up. The principles for the use of direct metal posts are the same as weakening the tooth considerably.
those indicated for fibre posts. 2. Preparation of root canal dentine: rotary instruments such as Gates
Glidden drills may be useful for removing GP; ultrasonic instru-
Fibre posts ments used with magnification may also be used for this purpose.
There are several complete fibre post systems available in the market- The root canal can be rinsed with isopropyl alcohol if a eugenol-​
place (Figure 7.23). The survival rate of teeth restored with indirect based sealer has been used during the root canal treatment.
metal posts appears to be similar to those restored with pre-​fabricated 3. Bonding to root canal dentine: the chosen fibre post should be ce-
fibre posts, composite cores, and crowns. mented with either a chemical-​or dual-​cured resin cement; usually
136 Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth

(a) (a)

(b) (b)

Figure 7.22  (a) An example of a post preparation system (ParaPost

XP, Coltène Whaledent XP, Altstätten, Switzerland). (b) The drills are
provided with corresponding temporary and impression posts.

Figure 7.23  Examples of fibre post systems: (a) ParaPost Fiber White

(Coltène Whaledent XP, Altstätten, Switzerland) and (b) RelyX Fiber
Post (3M ESPE, Neuss, Germany).
When is a post required? 137

Table 7.3  The causes and management of problems during fibre post preparation and placement

Problem Management
Difficulties • Utilize a magnification device.
removing gutta-​
• Confirm root filling material is GP using DG 16 probe (this is to ensure the root filling material is not a resin-​based
percha (GP)
material or paste).
• Use a size 2 Gates Glidden drill to gently remove GP (only gentle pressure should be required).
• Leave a minimum of 5 mm apical seal of GP (a rubber/​silicone stop can be placed on the shank of the Gates Glidden
drill to help with depth control).
• If the Gates Glidden drill does not engage in the GP then orientation may be wrong (you should not need to push

Problems • Evaluate the pre-​operative radiograph to assess the root length, thickness and the location of any curvatures (the
determining post preparation should respect these).
correct post
• Establish the length of the post space using an endodontic plugger or file with a rubber/​silicone stop (ensure 5 mm
preparation size
of apical root filling is maintained).
• Manually use the post drills sequentially to ‘gauge’ the correct post size (excessive preparation should be avoided).
• The post should occupy as much of the root canal space as possible (the cement should be minimized).

Problems with post • Utilize a magnification device.

• Always use Gates Glidden drills prior to using post drills so that the orientation of the root canal is established with a
non-​end cutting instrument.
• Pre-​measure post drill and place rubber/​silicone stop after allowing for 5 mm of apical GP to remain.
• Always use the full sequence of post drills.
• Ensure the post space is not overprepared.

Difficulty obtaining • Utilize a magnification device.

clean bonding
• Use ultrasonic tip with water spray or carefully use a small gooseneck bur to remove any remnants of GP and sealer.
• Use isopropyl alcohol with a thin microbrush to remove remnants of GP and sealer.
• Use 37% phosphoric acid with a thin microbrush, interdental brush or paper point to clean the root canal space and
prepare the dentine for the bonding process.

Post not reaching • Manually check with the pre-​measured post drill that it reaches the correct length.
prepared length
• Verify the matching post seats at the same length (a rubber/​silicone stop can also be placed on the post).
• Consider taking a radiograph to ensure that the post is seating adequately.
• The post space may sometimes be compacted with dentine debris created by the post preparation. The root canal
may need to be rinsed to ensure it is free of debris.

Inability to etch and • Use small microbrushes to etch, dry and bond the post preparation.
bond entire post
• If these do not reach all the way down the post space, then a paper point can be used.
• Excess moisture or bonding agent can also be soaked up with a paper point.
• As light transmission down the post space will be limited chemical or dual-​cure materials should be used (bonding
agent and resin cement).

Voids in post luting • Fill the post space with cement rather than coating the post with cement.
• Utilize specific delivery tips designed for post cementation.
• Ensure the tip reaches the base of the post space.
• Slowly withdraw the tip ensuring material is being extruded at all times. Ideally, the material should ‘back the tip out’
of the post space. This will prevent void formation.
• Place the post into the post space slowly and smoothly. Do not ‘pump’ the post in and out.

Post exposed after • The coronal part of the post should be ‘buried’ in composite, and so, should be cut 2 mm below the final level of the
completion of core core. This is to avoid water absorption into the bonding complex.
• Ensure the post is adequately sectioned by evaluating the available height and taking into account the crown
preparation itself.
• Always section the post with a sharp rotary instrument (ideally diamond disc) with copious water cooling.
138 Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 7.24  (a) Following removal of the existing crown and caries, the restorability of the residual tooth structure was assessed, and it was
apparent that an adequate ferrule effect could be achieved. Root canal retreatment of the tooth was completed. (b) After choosing the appropriate
post, (c) the root canal space was etched, washed, and dried. (d) The cement was light cured, after which a composite core was built up. (e) The
crown preparation was completed and (f) subsequently restored with an all-​ceramic crown.
Adapted from Patel S and Duncan H (2011) Pitt Ford’s Problem-​Based Learning in Endodontology. Printed with permission from Wiley-​Blackwell.

prior etching of the root canal dentine is required. Paper points It is important to ensure that the entire post is covered in com-
may be used to ensure that the root canal space is adequately posite to prevent moisture absorption into the post-​core com-
dried. Dentine bonding agents should be used with a composite plex. If the post needs to be reduced in length this should be
cement to lute the post into place. A long thin microbrush can be done with a diamond disc under copious water spray prior to
used to aid application. Paper points can be used to avoid pooling core build-​up.
of the bonding agent. Light-​curing can then be completed. Today, 7. Crown preparation: may be carried out at the same visit.
many self-​etching adhesive cements are available for the cementa-
tion of fibre posts.
4. Preparation of post for bonding: if the post has been checked in the
root canal prior to cementation, the surface of the post should be
cleaned with alcohol, after which bonding agent can be applied to
the surface and lightly air dried. Silanization of the post has also
been advocated.
5. Post cementation: the chosen cement can be injected into the root
canal using a specially designed tip that facilitates delivery to the
base of the post space (Figure 7.25). The use of a specific delivery
tip ensures that the post cement fills the entire space, preventing
air void formation. The selected post should then be inserted into
the root canal to the desired length. Agitation of the post should be
avoided to minimize air inclusion. If necessary, the material should
then be light-​cured, ensuring that the post is held in situ during the
curing process.
Figure 7.25  An example of a resin cement which can be used
6. Core build-​up:  the remainder of the core can then be built up
to adhesively bond fibre posts. Rely-​X Unicem (3M ESPE, Neuss,
with the same dual-​cure composite used to cement the post, or Germany) is provided with a delivery tip which aids in the delivery
alternatively a conventional light-​cure composite may be used. of the cement into the post space.
When is a post required? 139

Summary points
• There are several objectives which must be fulfilled when • The predictability of any indirect cuspal coverage restoration
restoring the endodontically treated tooth. These include: appears to be related to the ability to achieve an adequate
—​ Providing an adequate coronal seal. ferrule effect. The ferrule can be defined as the collar of
—​ Protection of remaining tooth structure from fracturing. sound dentine (of adequate height and thickness) coronal to
—​ Re-​establishing form, in particular the contact areas. the preparation margins.
—​ Restoring occlusal function. • A  post is required when there is not enough tooth struc-
—​ Restoring aesthetics. ture to support a core. This situation will occur fairly fre-
• The assessment of the endodontically treated tooth can only quently in compromised teeth. When deciding whether a
be made once the tooth has been fully disassembled, that is, post has to be placed, it is necessary to make a number
all restorative materials and caries have been removed. The of considerations. Posts are more commonly indicated in
effect of the endodontic access cavity must be considered, as anterior teeth.
must the location and extent of any cracks. • The use of modern adhesive materials facilitates the place-
• The restorative requirements for the endodontically treated ment of both cores and posts in endodontically treated
tooth are influenced by several factors, which include location teeth in such a way that the remaining tooth structure can
in the mouth, remaining coronal tooth structure, occlusion, and be optimally conserved, and the tooth can be restored as
aesthetic requirements. aesthetically as possible.
• Numerous studies have demonstrated a higher survival of molar • There is increasing evidence to support the use of fibre
teeth when an indirect cuspal coverage restoration has been posts when restoring very compromised endodontically
placed after the completion of endodontic treatment. Evidence treated teeth. Fibre posts would appear to perform as well
has also demonstrated that there does not appear to be any as both direct and indirect metal posts, yet the modes of
advantage in restoring endodontically treated anterior teeth failure appear to be more retrievable.
with crowns.


Select the single best answer (SBA). Answers are provided after b. Does not need to provide a good seal as the medicament within the
root canal(s) will provide sufficient antibacterial seal.
suggested further reading.
c. Must be planned so that the risk of fracture of the treated tooth is
SBA 7.1  The restorative factor which most influences the survival of an minimized.
endodontically treated molar tooth is:
d. Should be matched to the shade of the tooth.
a. The core material used.
e. Is ideally carried out with glass-ionomer cement.
b. Whether a post was placed or not.
c. The size of the endodontic access cavity. SBA 7.4  Indirect composite cuspal coverage restorations are:
d. The provision of a cuspal coverage restoration which encompasses a a. Less resistant to fracture than direct composite restorations.
circumferential ferrule of dentine. b. Suitable for molar teeth in patients who parafunction.
e. The use of rubber dam during core placement. c. Never indicated for the restoration of endodontically treated teeth.
SBA 7.2  Bonding in the root canal space is negatively affected by: d. Less resistant to fracture than all-​ceramic restorations.
a. Ensuring that the bonding surface is cleaned and prepared prior to the e. Require only 1 mm of occlusal reduction.
restoration being placed.
SBA 7.5  The primary cause of failure of a post retained restoration is:
b. Using chemically-​or dual-​cured materials.
a. Inadequate post length.
c. The use of magnification.
b. The use of a metal post.
d. Eugenol-​based sealers.
c. The use of a tapered post.
e. Using appropriate microbrushes and delivery tips to place the materials.
d. Inadequate ferrule effect.
SBA 7.3  The inter-​appointment temporary restoration: e. The use of a non-​adhesive cement.
a. Should be placed above a cotton wool pledget within the pulp chamber.
140 Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth

Suggested further reading

Al-​Nuaimi N, Patel S, Austin RS, and Mannocci F (2017) A prospective Nejatidanesh F, Amjadi M, Akouchekian M, and Savabi O (2015) Clinical
study assessing the effect of coronal tooth structure loss on the performance of CEREC AC Bluecam conservative ceramic restorations
outcome of root canal retreatment. International Endodontic Journal after five years—​a retrospective study. Journal of Dentistry 43, 1076–​82.
50, 1143–​57. Schillingburg HT, Jacobi R, and Brackett SE (1987) Fundamentals
Chen S-​C, Chueh L-​H, Hsiao CK, Wu H-​P, and Chiang C-​P (2008) First of Tooth Preparations for Cast Metal and Porcelain Restorations.
untoward events and reasons for tooth extraction after nonsurgical Chicago: Quintessence.
endodontic treatment in Taiwan. Journal of Endodontics 34,  671–​4. Sorensen JA and Engelman MJ (1990) Ferrule design and fracture
Ferrari M, Cagidiaco MC, Goracci C, Vichi A, Mason PN, Radovic I, et al. resistance of endodontically treated teeth. Journal of Prosthetic
(2007) Long-​term retrospective study of the clinical performance of Dentistry 63, 529–​36.
fiber posts. American Journal of Dentistry 20, 287–​91. Sorensen JA and Martinoff JT (1984) Intracoronal reinforcement and
Mannocci F and Cavalli G (2008) Fibre posts. In: Mannocci F, Cavalli G, coronal coverage: a study of endodontically treated teeth. Journal of
and Gagliani M (eds) Adhesive Restoration of Endodontically Treated Prosthetic Dentistry 51, 780–​84.
Teeth. pp. 73–​78. London: Quintessence. Stankiewicz NR and Wilson PR (2002) The ferrule effect: a literature
Nayyar A, Walton RE, and Leonard LA (1980) An amalgam coronal-​ review. International Endodontic Journal 35, 575–​81.
radicular dowel and core technique for endodontically treated
posterior teeth. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 43, 511–​15.

Self-​assessment answers

SBA 7.1  Answer is d. There are a number of studies which show the restoration and potential fracture of the tooth. This is particularly relevant
survival of endodontically treated molar teeth is enhanced by cuspal when the axial walls are thin. An orthodontic band, copper band, or
protection. These demonstrate that structural failure is the main cause temporary crown should be considered in specific cases.
of loss of endodontically treated teeth. Whilst the size of the access
cavity should be kept as small as practicable, the overall tooth volume SBA 7.4  Answer is a. Evidence has been demonstrated that indirect
loss due to the existing restoration appears to be more relevant. The composite restorations have superior fracture resistance to direct resin
only exception to this may be in specific situations where all of the axial restorations. The additional advantage of indirect restorations is that
walls of the treated molar tooth are intact and of good thickness; cuspal it is easier to obtain the necessary occlusal morphology and contact
protection may not be indicated in these cases. areas. However, composite restorations (direct and indirect) have
inferior survival to all-​ceramic, metal-​ceramic, and gold restorations.
SBA 7.2  Answer is d. Studies have shown composite bond strengths are Each case should be considered carefully to ensure that there are
reduced when dentine has been infiltrated by eugenol. The other answers no increased risk factors (e.g. a parafunctional habit) which may
are all useful ways to assist in obtaining a clean bonding surface prior precipitate fracture.
to adhesive restoration. As well as ensuring the surface is mechanically
cleaned, the bonding surface can be cleaned with isopropyl alcohol to SBA 7.5  Answer is d. Whilst much has been published on the ideal
sequester any free eugenol. features of a post when restoring an endodontically treated tooth, it is
clear that the survival of these teeth is primarily related to the presence
SBA 7.3  Answer is c. As the endodontically accessed tooth is more or absence of an adequate ferrule effect. A minimum circumferential ring
susceptible to fracture, every effort should be made to minimize this of dentine (of at least 2 mm height and adequate thickness) is required
risk between appointments. Ideally, large amounts of cotton wool in the to retain the cuspal coverage restoration without imparting undesirable
pulp chamber should be avoided to prevent vertical displacement of the forces on the core and post complex. Whilst the other factors listed are
temporary restoration by occlusal forces. This can lead to ‘wedging’ of the relevant, they appear less important when a fibre posts used.
Treatment outcomes
Justin J. Barnes and Shanon Patel

Chapter contents
Introduction 142
What is meant by the outcome of endodontic
treatment? 142
Which factors influence the outcome of root
canal treatment and retreatment? 143
Which factors influence the outcome of surgical
endodontics? 146
Foundations of clinical practice 146
How do you assess the outcome of endodontic
treatment? 146
How do you classify the outcome of endodontic
treatment? 148
Conclusion 149

Self-​assessment 150
Suggested further reading 150
Self-​assessment answers 151
142 Treatment outcomes

This chapter will introduce the underlying theory of treatment out- important that you read the whole chapter to understand how the
comes, before exploring how this transfers to clinical practice. It is theory and practice of treatment outcomes are related.

What is meant by the outcome of endodontic treatment?

The aim of endodontic treatment is to prevent or cure periapical peri- assessing the survival of an endodontically treated tooth. This may
odontitis. When assessing the outcome of endodontic treatment, we be defined as the patient being symptom-​free and able to use the
are essentially assessing whether we have been able to meet this aim. endodontically treated tooth (known as an ‘asymptomatic functional
The ideal outcome is, therefore, the absence, or in cases where there tooth’); this is similar to the criteria used to assess dental implants. It
were signs of preoperative periapical periodontitis, the resolution of does not take into account whether periapical periodontitis has been
periapical periodontitis after endodontic treatment. In some cases, prevented or cured following endodontic treatment. Assessing survival
there will be emergence, persistence, or recurrence of periapical peri- is useful for comparing the outcome of endodontic treatment with that
odontitis after endodontic treatment. of dental implants.
There are several ways to measure and categorize the outcome of Patients cannot make an informed decision on which treatment option
endodontic treatment. These can be broadly categorized into: to embark upon unless they are given knowledge of the expected treat-
ment outcome of endodontic treatment, and how this compares with
• Strict/​stringent criteria. This requires no symptoms, no clinical signs
the outcome of other treatment options (e.g. implant retained crown or
of disease, and no periapical radiolucencies for endodontic treat-
a bridge). If the clinician thinks that the treatment is beyond their com-
ment to be deemed a success or healed (Figure 8.1). This is the ideal;
fort zone and skill sets, and/​or that a better outcome may be achieved
however, it may be unrealistic to achieve in all cases.
by another clinician, then this should be discussed with the patient. It is
• Loose/​lenient criteria. This requires no symptoms, no clinical signs also important for the clinician to explain this to patients from the outset.
of disease, and a decrease (or at least no increase) in the size of the The terms ‘success’ or ‘failure’ used for categorizing treatment outcome
preoperative periapical radiolucency for endodontic treatment to are subjective terms; one person may define success/​failure completely
be deemed a success or healing (Figure 8.2). This is a more realistic differently from another person. Take, for example, an endodontically
approach, especially as it is currently not possible to sterilize the treated tooth which is symptom-​free and functional; however, there is
entire root canal system so that it is microbe-​free. an associated sinus tract and periapical radiolucency which is increasing
Over the last two decades, a more pragmatic approach to categor- in size. A patient may perceive the endodontic treatment to have been
izing the outcome of endodontic treatment has been suggested by a ‘success’ as they are not experiencing symptoms and can use their

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 8.1  Favourable outcome according to strict criteria: (a) preoperative radiograph showing periapical radiolucency associated with a
mandibular incisor; (b) radiograph taken one year after completion of root canal treatment showing full resolution of the periapical radiolucency.
(c) preoperative radiograph showing periapical radiolucency associated with a mandibular premolar; (d) radiograph taken one year after completion
of root canal treatment showing full resolution of the periapical radiolucency.
Which factors influence the outcome of root canal treatment and retreatment? 143

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 8.2  Favourable outcome according to loose criteria: (a) preoperative radiograph showing a relatively large size periapical radiolucency
associated with a maxillary incisor; (b) radiograph taken one year after completion of root canal treatment showing a reduction in size of the
periapical radiolucency; (c) preoperative radiograph showing periapical radiolucencies associated with a mandibular molar; (d) radiograph taken one
year after completion of root canal treatment showing resolution of the distal periapical radiolucency but only a reduction in the size of the mesial
periapical radiolucency possibly due to a sealer “puff”. In both cases, the patients were symptom-​free and able to use the endodontically treated
teeth. According to strict criteria, these cases would not be considered a ‘success’ as there has not been full resolution of the periapical radiolucency.

tooth. The patient may not even realize that there is a sinus tract present. clinician define clearly their meanings to the patient in relation to the
From a clinician’s point of view, this endodontic treatment has clearly aim of endodontic treatment. Many other terms have been suggested for
not been a ‘success’. The clinician may then inform the patient that the categorizing the outcome of endodontic treatment, for example ‘healed/​
endodontic treatment has ‘failed’. The patient may interpret this to mean healing/​diseased’ or ‘effective/​ineffective’. To comply with the current
the clinician has failed in their abilities to carry out the procedure ra- guidelines published by the European Society of Endodontology, the
ther than there being persistent disease. For this reason, the authors sug- terms ‘favourable’, ‘uncertain’, and ‘unfavourable’ are used to categorize
gest that the terms ‘success’ and ‘failure’ are avoided, or at least that the the outcome of endodontic treatment in this book.

Which factors influence the outcome of root canal treatment

and retreatment?
The outcome of root canal treatment and retreatment is very favour- • Teeth with inflamed pulps (e.g. irreversible pulpitis).
able; the probability of achieving a favourable outcome can be as high • Teeth with necrotic uninfected pulps (e.g. in the initial stages after
as 95%. There are several prognostic factors which may influence the dental trauma).
outcome of treatment (Box 8.1). The literature is replete with studies
that have assessed the influence of these factors on the outcome of Radiographically, these teeth would not have signs of a preopera-
root canal treatment and retreatment. Systematic reviews have found tive periapical radiolucency. The probability of achieving a favourable
it difficult to compare the results of these studies as there is so much outcome (i.e. maintaining a healthy periapical status) after endodontic
variation in treatment protocols and the detail of the recorded data. treatment is in the region of 95%.
Despite this heterogeneity, there is good evidence to support three In teeth with signs of periapical periodontitis (i.e. an existing periapical
principle prognostic factors which influence the outcome of root canal radiolucency) the probability of achieving a favourable outcome (i.e.
treatment and retreatment. These are: the preoperative status of the curing an existing periapical periodontitis) after endodontic treatment
periapical tissues, the quality and length of the root canal filling, and is in the region of 85%. This is likely to be due to teeth affected by
the quality of the coronal restoration. periapical periodontitis having a more established infection in the root
canal system, in particular in the apical region, when compared to teeth
Preoperative status of the periapical tissues unaffected by periapical periodontitis.
The literature has conflicting conclusions on the influence of the
The outcome of endodontic treatment is more likely to be favourable in:
size of the preoperative periapical lesion on outcome of treatment.
• Teeth with vital pulps (e.g. gross caries, elective endodontic treat- The likelihood of a favourable outcome appears to be higher when the
ment for post placement). size of the preoperative periapical lesion is small (<5 mm).
144 Treatment outcomes

radiographic quality of the root canal filling is an indicator of how well

Box 8.1  Factors that influence the outcome of root mechanical and chemical preparation of the root canal(s) were carried
canal treatment and retreatment out to control infection, and how well the root canal filling prevents
Factors that influence outcome: reinfection. The likelihood of a favourable outcome is reduced when:
• Preoperative status of the periapical tissues. • The root canal filling is overextended (long) (Figure 8.3). This is be-
• Quality of the root canal filling. cause microbes and infected debris may have been extruded into
• Quality of the coronal restoration. the periapical tissues. It is not necessarily due to the overextended
root canal filling material itself.
Factors that may influence outcome:
• The root canal filling is underextended (short) (Figure 8.4). This is
• Medical status of the patient.
because the apical portion of the root canal which does not contain
• Preoperative sinus tract status.
any filling material is likely to contain residual microbes due to inad-
• Experience of the clinician. equate mechanical and chemical preparation.
• Use of rubber dam. • The root canal filling contains voids (Figure 8.5). This is because
• Type of files used for preparation. space(s) within the root canal filling may allow: (1) periapical tissue
fluid to enter the root canal and provide a nutrient source of any
• Type of irrigant used.
residual microbes, (2) a place for any residual microbes to multiply,
• Number of visits to complete treatment.
and (3)  passage of microbes and their toxins from the root canal
• Type of medicaments used. space into the periapical tissues.
• Type of root canal filling used.
In certain retreatment cases, it may not be possible to improve the
• Technique used to fill the root canal. quality of the existing root canal filling. This may be due to existing iat-
• Type of tooth, for example molar versus non-​molar. rogenic errors (e.g. ledges, transportation, perforations) that occurred
during the primary root canal treatment. If the quality of the existing
Factors that have no influence over outcome:
root canal filling cannot be improved and there are signs of periapical
• Gender of patient.
periodontitis, the outcome of root canal retreatment will be signifi-
• Age of patient.
   cantly reduced.

Quality of the coronal restoration

Quality of the root canal filling The outcome of endodontic treatment is more likely to be favour-
able when the quality of the coronal restoration is satisfactory. A sat-
The outcome of endodontic treatment is more likely to be favourable isfactory coronal restoration has no marginal deficiencies, defects,
when the quality of the root canal filling is satisfactory. A satisfactory or recurrent caries. Deficiencies or defects associated with a coronal
root canal filling (as assessed radiographically) should extend to within restoration present routes for reinfection of the root canal space from
2  mm of the radiographic apex and should be well compacted. The the mouth.

(a) (b) (a) (b)

Figure 8.3  (a, b) Overextended root canal fillings and associated Figure 8.4  (a, b) Underextended root canal fillings with visible patent
periapical radiolucencies. root canal space apically and associated periapical radiolucencies.
Which factors influence the outcome of root canal treatment and retreatment? 145

(a) (b) (a) (b)

Figure 8.5  (a, b) Voids within root canal fillings and associated Figure 8.6  (a, b) Unsatisfactory quality root canal fillings and coronal
periapical radiolucencies. restorations, and associated periapical radiolucencies.

There has been much debate as to whether the quality of the root • Type of files used for preparation, for example stainless steel versus
canal filling or the quality of the coronal restoration is more important. nickel titanium (NiTi). There are many benefits to using NiTi file
The probability of achieving a favourable outcome is reduced further systems to prepare root canals (e.g. reduced mechanical prepar-
when both the quality of the root canal filling and the quality of the ation time, less clinician fatigue, reduced probability of iatrogenic
coronal restoration are poor (Figure 8.6). errors occurring); however, there is insufficient data to show that a
particular type of file will achieve a higher outcome of endodontic
Other prognostic factors treatment.

Other factors may affect the outcome of endodontic treatment; how- • Type of irrigant used. The probability of achieving a favourable out-
ever, there are either conflicting data or a paucity of evidence to con- come is, of course, higher with irrigants which are antimicrobial and
firm this. These include: can dissolve organic material. Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is the
gold standard irrigant, and there is no strong evidence to suggest
• Medical status of the patient. The body’s ability to heal periapical that any other irrigant on the market is superior.
periodontitis may be impaired in certain medical conditions, for
• Number of visits to complete treatment. Traditionally, non-​surgical
example patients with poorly controlled diabetes, patients on im-
endodontic treatment of teeth with infected necrotic root canal
munosuppressant medication.
systems was carried out over multiple visits with an inter-​appoint-
• Preoperative absence/​presence of a sinus tract. A sinus tract may in- ment antimicrobial medicament. Newer research has challenged
dicate a higher number and/​or virulence of endodontic microbes. this and suggests that there is no significant difference in outcome
There is some evidence to suggest that the probability of achieving between single and multiple visit treatment. There are many bene-
a favourable outcome is higher with no preoperative sinus tract. fits to the clinician and patient in completing endodontic treatment
• Experience of the clinician, for example general dental practitioner in a single visit; however, this should not take precedence over
versus a specialist in endodontics. There are no studies that com- planning or having sufficient time to thoroughly prepare the root
pare directly the effect on outcome of the clinician’s experience. The canal system.
majority of cases in outcome studies are performed or supervised by • Type of inter-​appointment medicament. There is no evidence to sup-
endodontists. It may be inferred from assessing the results of epi- port that one type of medicament is more effective than another
demiological studies that the probability of achieving a favourable in terms of increasing the probability of achieving a favourable
outcome is higher when treatment is carried out by an endodontist. outcome.
• Use of rubber dam. There is no strong evidence to suggest that the • Type of root canal filling material used, for example gutta-​percha
probability of achieving a favourable outcome will be higher with (GP) versus polymer-​ based materials versus calcium silicate ce-
use of rubber dam. Ethically, it would not be possible to carry out ments. In the 1990s there was a flurry of literature purporting that
a randomized controlled trial to test this. Despite the lack of evi- GP ‘leaked’, and polymer-​based materials were more likely to seal
dence, there is a good clinical rationale for using rubber dam, in the root canal system. The methodology and clinical relevance of
particular for infection control, and it remains a prerequisite for non-​ these mainly laboratory-​based studies has been criticized. Presently,
surgical endodontic treatment. there is insufficient data to suggest that one type of root canal filling
146 Treatment outcomes

material significantly increases the probability of achieving a favour- favourable outcome is lower in molar teeth compared to incisor,
able outcome. canine, and premolar teeth. This may be because the anatomy of
• Technique used to fill the root canal, for example cold compaction molar teeth is more complex and therefore more challenging to pre-
versus warm compaction. There are many pros and cons to the pare and fill.
various root canal filling techniques (Chapter 6); however, there is There is no strong evidence to suggest that the following factors in-
no evidence to suggest that one technique increases the probability fluence the outcome of endodontic treatment or retreatment:
of achieving a favourable outcome. The important factor is carrying
out a satisfactory root canal filling. • Age of the patient.

• Type of tooth, for example incisor versus molar. There is emerging • Gender of the patient.
evidence that appears to indicate the probability of achieving a • Number of treatment appointments: single-​visit versus multiple-​visit.

Which factors influence the outcome of surgical endodontics?

The probability of achieving a favourable outcome following surgical (a) (b)
endodontics can be over 95% (Figure 8.7). The outcome of surgical
endodontics is more likely to be favourable when using:

• Contemporary surgical equipment (e.g. microsurgical instruments,

operating microscope/​endoscope).
• Contemporary techniques (e.g. resecting the root end with minimal
bevel, using ultrasonics to prepare the root-​end cavity).
• Contemporary materials (e.g. filling the root end with a calcium sili-
cate cement).

Figure 8.7  Radiographic evidence of a favourable outcome following

surgical endodontics: (a) preoperative radiograph; (b) radiograph taken
one year later shows bony infill.

Foundations of clinical practice

The remainder of this chapter covers the practical aspects of assessing
and classifying the outcome of endodontic treatment.

How do you assess the outcome of endodontic treatment?

Assessing the outcome of endodontic treatment is essentially as- • Assessment of the patient’s symptoms.
sessing whether the aim of endodontic treatment has been fulfilled, • Clinical examination.
that is, to prevent or cure periapical periodontitis. The most accurate
• Radiographic examination.
way to ensure there is no periapical periodontitis following endodontic
treatment would be to carry out block dissection and serial histological Endodontically treated teeth should be reviewed after treatment
sections of the tooth and surrounding jaw bone. Obviously, this is ex- has been completed. Enough time should be given before arriving at
treme, unethical, and not recommended. As clinicians, we instead a decision on the outcome of endodontic treatment; conventionally,
rely on a clinical and radiographic review to assess outcome. A deci- this has been at least one year after treatment has been completed.
sion on the outcome of endodontic treatment can be reached once A review at a few months after treatment may be too early to defini-
an objective comparison has been made between the findings of the tively determine outcome. If patients are experiencing persistent or
preoperative/​intraoperative (baseline) and review appointments. The recurring symptoms, then review appointments should be scheduled
review appointment(s) should include: as soon as possible. Further review appointments may be necessary
How do you assess the outcome of endodontic treatment? 147

Review appointment

Favourable outcome Uncertain outcome Unfavourable outcome

No further review Annual reviews Further treatment

appointments for up to 4 years recommended

Figure 8.8  Diagram summarizing the review process (Adapted from guidelines published by the European Society of Endodontology).

depending on if the outcome is deemed to be favourable, uncertain, or examination should be carried out at the review appointment and
unfavourable (Figure 8.8). Patients should be informed of the import- then compared to the preoperative clinical findings:
ance of review appointments from the outset.
• Presence/​absence of a sinus tract or swelling in the associated soft
Patient symptoms • Tenderness to palpation of the associated soft tissues.
Sometimes a patient may complain of pain, swelling, and/​or loss of • Tenderness to percussion of the endodontically treated tooth.
function at the review appointment. It is not wise to rely solely on
• Quality of the coronal restoration, for example deficient margins.
patient symptoms to determine the outcome of endodontic treat-
• Presence of tooth fractures, including number, depth, and extent.
ment. Symptoms can be subjective and the perception of pain can
vary widely. Clinicians should avoid jumping to conclusions by as- • Presence of dental caries.
suming the endodontic treatment has been unfavourable or ‘failed’ • Periodontal status, that is, probing depths, mobility.
because there are symptoms associated with an endodontically
• Favourable functional (occlusal) loading, with no non-​working side
treated tooth. It is important to determine the cause(s) of the
symptoms, in particular, is it odontogenic or non-​odontogenic, and
if odontogenic, is it endodontic or non-​endodontic? For example,
food trapping associated with a recently placed coronal restoration Radiographic examination
with poor contacts on an endodontically treated tooth may result
The endodontically treated tooth as a whole (not individual roots)
in an inflamed gingival margin, the symptoms of which may mimic
should be assessed as the unit for outcome. To ensure a reliable
periapical periodontitis.
comparison between preoperative/​ i ntraoperative and review
If symptoms do appear to be endodontic in origin, then they should
radiographs, a paralleling technique, film holder, and aiming de-
be compared to pre-​treatment symptoms to determine if the symptoms
vice should be utilized. Film-​based radiographs should be viewed
are actually improving—​but at a slow (and steady) rate. Symptoms
in optimal conditions, for example on a light box. Digital radio-
may take several months to completely resolve where there has been
graphic images should be adjusted to have suitable contrasts using
a long history of chronic pain before treatment; patients should be ad-
computer software. The radiographic examination should include
vised of this before and after treatment is completed.
a report of:
If a patient is symptom-​free at the review appointment, this does
not necessarily represent a favourable outcome. It should be remem- • Quality of the root canal filling, that is, extension (‘length’) and com-
bered that chronic periapical periodontitis is usually symptom-​free. It paction (voids/​no voids).
is therefore important for the clinician to carry out an objective assess- • Presence/​absence of a periapical radiolucency.
ment, that is, a clinical and radiographic examination.
• Size of the review periapical radiolucency, if present, and com-
parison of this to the size of the preoperative/​ intraoperative
Clinical examination periapical status (increase, decrease, no change in size).
• Quality of the coronal restoration.
Illumination and, ideally, magnification are required when examining
an endodontically treated tooth and the associated tissues. After • Presence of dental caries.
carrying out a general examination, the following specific clinical • Periodontal status.
148 Treatment outcomes

(a) (b) Conventional radiographs may be unable to detect periapical le-

sions due to superimposition of anatomical structures or geometric
distortion. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is more ac-
curate in detecting periapical lesions when compared to conventional
radiographs. In certain cases, CBCT may be indicated to give a more
objective and accurate determination of outcome of endodontic
treatment (Figure 8.9). For example, CBCT may be indicated when
a patient is complaining of symptoms, but the conventional radio-
graph shows no periapical radiolucency. It would be recommended
that these cases be referred to a specialist in endodontics for further

(c) (d) (e)

Figure 8.9  (a) Postoperative radiograph of maxillary first molar, and

(b) radiograph taken one year after root canal treatment showing no
periapical radiolucencies. (c–​e) Reformatted cone beam computed
tomography (CBCT) images taken one year after root canal treatment
reveal incomplete healing, that is, the periapical radiolucencies are getting
smaller, but have not completely resolved (as indicated by the arrows).

How do you classify the outcome of endodontic treatment?

The outcome of endodontic treatment may be deemed to be favour- • The patient is symptom-​free.
able, uncertain, or unfavourable (Table 8.1). • The endodontically treated tooth is functional.
• Clinically, the associated tissues are healthy (Figure 8.10).
Criteria for a favourable outcome
• Radiographically, the associated periapical tissues appear healthy
For the outcome of endodontic treatment to be deemed favourable, or there is evidence of healing by scar tissue formation.
all the following criteria should be observed:

Table 8.1  Classifying the outcome of endodontic treatment

Favourable outcome Uncertain outcome Unfavourable outcome

Symptoms No Yes/​No Yes

Tooth functional Yes Yes/​No No

Clinical findings Tooth and associated tissues Variable Signs of infection, for example sinus tract,
appear healthy swelling, tenderness to palpation

Radiographic findings Healthy periapical tissues Same or reduced periapical Increased periapical radiolucency
radiolucency (within 4 years) Same or reduced periapical radiolucency
(at or after 4 years)
Conclusion 149

(a) (b) (a) (b)

Figure 8.10  Clinical evidence of a favourable outcome associated with

a mandibular molar: (a) preoperative sinus tract; (b) the sinus tract has
healed within two weeks of initiating treatment.

(a) (b)
Figure 8.12  Radiographic evidence of an unfavourable outcome
associated with a mandibular first molar: (a) preoperative radiograph;
(b) radiograph taken one year later shows an emerging periapical
radiolucency associated with the mesial root.

• Radiographically, the periapical radiolucency has persisted (re-

mained the same size or only reduced in size) within the four-​
year assessment period (Figure 8.11a, b).

Criteria for an unfavourable outcome

For the outcome of endodontic treatment to be deemed unfavour-
able, some of the following criteria may be observed:

• The patient is complaining of symptoms, for example pain, swelling;

• The endodontically treated tooth is not functional, for example the
Figure 8.11  Radiographic evidence of an uncertain outcome
associated with a mandibular molar: (a) immediate postoperative
patient avoids eating on the tooth due to aggravation of symptoms;
radiograph; (b) radiograph taken one year later shows no change in the and/​or
size of the periapical radiolucency. • Clinically, there are signs of infection, for example sinus tract,
swelling; and/​or

Criteria for an uncertain outcome • Radiographically:

In certain cases, the clinician may not be able to clearly classify the –​ A new periapical radiolucency has developed post-​treatment;
outcome of treatment as favourable or unfavourable: –​ The periapical radiolucency has increased in size post-​treatment
(Figure 8.12a, b); or
• The patient may be complaining of symptoms or may be symptom-​free; –​ The periapical radiolucency has persisted (remained the same
• Clinically, there may be low-​grade tenderness to palpation and/​or size or only reduced in size) at or after a four-​year assessment
percussion;  and/​or period.

The key to achieving a favourable outcome after endodontic treat- striving to achieve higher treatment outcomes by taking a biological
ment is related to controlling infection of the root canal system (i.e. approach to endodontic treatment and not simply concentrating on
eliminating infection, and preventing reinfection). Clinicians should be achieving a radiopaque line (i.e. root canal filling) in a root canal.
150 Treatment outcomes

Summary points
• When assessing the outcome of endodontic treatment, we • The probability of achieving a favourable outcome following
are essentially assessing whether we have been able to pre- endodontic treatment, that is, the tooth is symptom-​free and
vent or cure periapical periodontitis. functional, and the associated tissues appear clinically and
• Endodontically treated teeth should be reviewed to assess radiographically healthy, can be over 95%.
outcome; conventionally, this is done at least one year after • Three main prognostic factors influence the outcome of root
the completion of endodontic treatment. canal treatment and retreatment: the preoperative status of
• The outcome of endodontic treatment may be deemed to the periapical tissues, the quality of the root canal filling, and
be favourable, uncertain, or unfavourable. It is advisable to the quality of the coronal restoration.
avoid using the terms ‘success’ and ‘failure’.


Select the single best answer (SBA). Answers are provided after b. Inform the patient that the clinician who carried out the root canal
treatment did a bad job.
suggested further reading.
c. Inform the patient that the root canal treatment appears to have
SBA 8.1  Which of the following is the more appropriate way to manage been ineffective at controlling infection, there is evidence of persisting
a newly registered patient to your practice who is symptom-​free, has a infection, and the quality of the root canal filling does not appear to
history of root canal treatment being carried out to a maxillary central be ideal.
incisor three months previously, clinical examination is unremarkable,
and there is an associated large periapical radiolucency? d. Inform the patient that an antibiotic is indicated.
a. Commence root canal retreatment at the next available appointment. e. Inform the patient that extraction is the only way to deal with a failed
root canal treatment.
b. Take another radiograph at another angle.
c. Refer to an endodontist for apical surgery. SBA 8.3  What is the best way to manage a patient who is complaining
of pain associated with an endodontically treated maxillary molar where
d. Keep the tooth monitored, and request copies of previous radio-
clinical examination is unremarkable, the root canal filling appears to be
graphs if they are available.
satisfactory, and there may be an associated periapical radiolucency?
e. No further treatment.
a. Commence root canal retreatment.
SBA 8.2  What is the best way to describe an unfavourable b. Prescribe an antibiotic.
endodontic outcome to a patient who is experiencing pain asso- c. Adjust the occlusion and monitor the tooth.
ciated with an endodontically treated tooth where the periapical
radiolucency is increasing in size and the root canal filling is d. Refer to an endodontist with a view to a CBCT scan being taken.
e. Extract the tooth.
a. Inform the patient that the root canal treatment has failed.

Suggested further reading

Al-​Nuaimi N, Patel S, Davies A, Bakhsh A, Foschi F, and Mannocci F Society of Endodontology. International Endodontic Journal 39,
(2018) Pooled analysis of 1-​year recall data from three root canal 921–​30.
treatment outcome studies undertaken using cone beam computed Manfredi M, Figini L, Gagliani M, and Lodi G (2016) Single versus multiple
tomography. International Endodontic Journal 51, issue S3, e216–​26. visits for endodontic treatment of permanent teeth. The Cochrane
Aminoshariae A, Kulild JC, Mickel A, and Fouad AF (2017) Association Database Systematic Reviews 1;12:CD005296.
between systemic diseases and endodontic outcome: a systematic NgY L, Mann V, and Gulabivala K (2008) Outcome of secondary root
review. Journal of Endodontics 43, 514–​19. canal treatment: a systematic review of the literature. International
European Society of Endodontology (2006) Quality guidelines Endodontic Journal 41, 1026–​46.
for endodontic treatment: consensus report of the European
Conclusion 151

NgY L, Mann V, Rahbaran S, Lewsey J, and Gulabivala K (2008) Outcome of Torbinejad M, Lozada J, Puterman I, and White SN (2008) Endodontic
primary root canal treatment: systematic review of the literature—​Part 2. therapy or single tooth implant? A systematic review. Journal of the
Influence of clinical factors. International Endodontic Journal 41,  6–​31. California Dental Association 36, 429–​37.

Self-​assessment answers

SBA 8.1  Answer is d. Yes, a large periapical radiolucency may initially ap- SBA 8.2  Answer is c. It important to inform the patient of the unfavourable
pear to be alarming; however, the radiolucency may not necessarily rep- outcome and the apparent technical inadequacies of the root canal filling;
resent active disease. As the root canal treatment was recently carried out however, it would be advisable to avoid the subjective term ‘failed’, and it
by another clinician, the lesion may be in the process of healing. In this would be unfair and unprofessional to use injudicious comments.
case, it would be advisable to monitor the tooth and reassess outcome at
least one year following completion of the root canal treatment, or sooner SBA 8.3  Answer is d. As per guidelines published by the European Society
should symptoms arise. of Endodontology, CBCT with a limited field of view is indicated.
Dealing with
Shanon Patel and
Shalini Kanagasingam
Chapter contents
Introduction 154
Understanding post-​treatment disease 154
How is post-​treatment disease diagnosed? 155
Differential diagnosis for post-​treatment disease 157
What are the options for managing
post-​treatment disease? 159
Case difficulty assessment and referral 163
Foundations of clinical practice 164
How are crowns/​bridges removed? 164
How are core filling materials removed? 166
How are posts removed? 166
How are root canal filling materials removed? 167
How are intracanal blockages managed? 169
Surgical endodontics 170

Problem-​solving section 174

Self-​assessment 175
Suggested further reading 175
Self-​assessment answers 176
154 Dealing with post-treatment disease

There can be large variations in clinical diagnosis and management of disease and select suitable treatment modalities. The clinician should
endodontically treated teeth with persistent symptoms. This chapter be able to describe the benefits of and risks associated with root canal
will introduce the underlying theory and clinical practice associated retreatment and surgical endodontics, and decide when it is appro-
with post-​treatment disease. At the end of this chapter, the reader priate to refer.
should be able to identify the potential causes of post-​ treatment

Understanding post-​treatment disease

Root canal treatment utilizing contemporary techniques can result treatment planning as it presents an opportunity for the clinician
in favourable endodontic outcomes and long-​ term retention (sur- to improve on previous treatment as well as prevent further recur-
vival) of teeth. However, a small number of patients may experience rence of disease. Care should be taken to identify non-​endodontic
post-​treatment disease. Whilst the majority of post-​treatment disease causes which will clearly not benefit from further endodontic
can be associated with inaccurate diagnosis and/​or poor technical intervention.
quality of treatment, it may on occasion also occur with well-​executed The causes of post-​treatment endodontic disease can be classified
endodontic treatment. Therefore, it is important to inform patients of into the following categories (Figure 9.1):
the expected prognosis of treatment, the risk of post-​treatment dis-
ease, and the relevant factors which could affect the long-​term prog- • Persistent or secondary (intraradicular) infection.
nosis of a specific case (Chapter 8). • Extraradicular infection.
When managing a case of post-​ treatment endodontic dis- • Foreign body reaction.
ease, it is important to identify the cause(s) for post-​treatment
• True cysts.
disease. This is an essential step in clinical decision-​making and

Foreign body reaction

Inflamatory reaction and True Cyst
delayed healing due to presence True cysts are self-sustaining
of materials in the periapical and independent of the presence
tissues, e.g. extruded gutta- or absence of root canal
percha (GP) and cellulose fibres infection.
from paper points.

Intraradicular persistent
infection Extraradicular infection
Microbes left within inadequately Microbial infection of abscessed
treated and/or untreated areas periapical periodontitis
of the root canal system survive with(out) sinus tract(s).
and proliferate.
GP Infected root dentine debris
RF inadvertently extruded into the
periapical tissues.

Intraradicular secondary
Periapical actinomycosis,
cohesive colonies are formed
Microbes re-enter the root which enable them to escape
canal system after completion of CL the host defence system.
endodonic treatment. Entry
routes include root fracture (RF)
and coronal leakage (CL).

Figure 9.1  Causes of post-​treatment endodontic disease.

How is post-treatment disease diagnosed? 155

The presence of microbes within the root canal system is the most acidophilus), E. faecalis. Fungi and viruses have also been implicated in
common cause of post-​treatment disease (Chapter 2). This is usually post-​treatment disease.
due to inadequate preparation (disinfection) and/​or filling of the root The periapical tissues can be invaded by microbes from periodontal
canal system. Iatrogenic errors, such as missed untreated root canals, pockets which could provide a direct pathway of communication to the
ledges, separated instruments and perforations, can hamper effective periapical tissues. Overextended instrumentation and/​or root canal fill-
root canal disinfection. Microbes can also recontaminate root canal ings may push infected root canal debris beyond the apical foramen.
systems if the following occurs: If these microbes are able to evade host immune defences, then an
extraradicular infection may develop. As the infection is located outside
• Loss of existing temporary or definitive restoration.
the root canal, root canal retreatment will not fully resolve the problem.
• Unsatisfactory adaptation of temporary or definitive restor- The presence of foreign material (e.g. gutta-​percha (GP), fragments
ation (e.g. deficient margins or existing decay has not been fully of paper points, food debris) in the periapical tissues can cause pro-
removed). longed inflammation, delayed healing, and may decrease the prob-
• Delay in definitive restoration. ability of achieving a favourable endodontic outcome.
• Undiagnosed or post-​treatment occurrence of tooth cracks or Some 15% of periapical lesions are cysts (9% were shown to be true
fractures. cysts and 6% were pocket cysts). Inflammatory cytokines and growth
factors associated with periapical periodontitis can stimulate epithe-
Primary endodontic disease is associated with mixed anaerobic lial cell rests of Malassez (from remnants of Hertswig’s epithelial root
microbiota (see chapter 2), whereas post-​treatment persistent disease sheath) to proliferate and form a cyst. The epithelial lining of true cysts
may be due to fewer microbial species. Post-treatment (secondary) in- is continuous, surrounding a contained lumen, whereas the lumen of
fection consists of fewer bacterial species; the most prevalant micro- pocket cysts is open into the infected root canal. Therefore, the true
biota include Propionibacterium species (P. acnes and P. propionicum), cyst will not resolve without surgical intervention. It should be noted
streptococci (S. mitis, S. gordonii, S. anginosus, S. sanguinis, and S. that cysts cannot be diagnosed from radiographical investigations
oralis), P. micra, Actinomyces species, lactobacilli (L. paracasei and L. alone; diagnosis requires biopsy and histopathological analysis.

How is post-​treatment disease diagnosed?

The assessment of previous endodontic treatment should be based specialist practice. It is worthwhile establishing the name and
upon sound history and symptoms reported by patients, together with whereabouts of the clinician as this will allow, when relevant, direct
a thorough clinical and radiographic examination (Chapters 3 and 8). communication with the clinician who may offer more accurate de-
In general, post-​treatment disease is present when there are signs and tails regarding the previous treatment.
symptoms of infection, a periapical radiolucency has emerged or en- • When was the treatment performed? The timing of the previous
larged, and/​or root resorption has emerged or progressed. endodontic treatment could help to differentiate between a
When post-​treatment disease is diagnosed, the cause needs to periapical radiolucency that is healing or is persisting due to disease.
be established before deciding on the appropriate management. Endodontic treatment carried out recently could be associated with
treatment disease may be endodontic, periodontal, and/​ or the former, whereas endodontic treatment carried out many years
prosthodontic in origin. The clinician should not automatically as- previously would most likely be associated with the latter.
sume that the cause is endodontic simply because a tooth has been
• What was the original diagnosis? The patient and/​or previous clin-
endodontically treated.
ician may be able to provide information regarding the reason for
the previous treatment. It may be possible to distinguish between a
Relevant history
pulpal or periapical problem.
The patient’s presenting complaint may be of typical signs of periapical • Was there any discomfort before, during, or immediately after treat-
periodontitis, for example, tenderness to chew or swellings localized ment? The patient may recall the timing, the nature of any pain
to the region associated with the endodontically treated tooth. It is experienced, and/​or advice given by the clinician about the prog-
important to remember that the patient may be symptom-​free; the nosis at the time of initial treatment. The likelihood of complications
absence of symptoms is not necessarily an indicator of the absence during treatment may be identified (e.g. separated instruments or
of disease. Knowledge of the previous endodontic treatment is invalu- perforations).
able and every effort should be made to glean as much information
• What techniques were used during the treatment? Patients may re-
as possible. This information may influence the possible treatments of
member the use of rubber dam and the taking of radiographs. They
the patient’s specific endodontic problem. In addition to the routine
may not remember the names of irrigants or medicaments; however,
questions asked during history taking, the following questions may be
they are likely to recall the odours (e.g. ‘smelt like bleach’) associ-
ated with their use. It should be possible to determine if the treat-
• Where was the treatment performed? Endodontic treatment may ment was carried out in single or multiple appointments, including
have been carried out in a dental hospital/​university, general, or time devoted to each procedure. If the initial endodontic treatment
156 Dealing with post-treatment disease

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 9.2  (a) This mandibular second premolar had been endodontically treated and crowned more than ten years ago. (b) The crown fractured
recently, exposing the root canal filling to the oral environment. The patient maintained that the tooth had remained symptom-​free. (c) A periapical
radiograph revealed no periapical pathosis, although the initial root canal filling was underextended. The decision to retreat will be based on the
perceived risk of reinfection and ultimately, the restorability of the tooth.

was carried out without rubber dam or without the use of sodium not reveal a great deal about the biological status of the root canal
hypochlorite, a clinician will almost certainly recommend root canal system. An apparently well-​filled root canal does not guarantee the
retreatment as it can be deduced that the root canal system would absence of infection; the root canal may be heavily infected. When
be contaminated even in a case which appears radiographically to available, previous radiographs should be examined to identify pos-
have a satisfactory root canal filling. sible changes in radiographic appearance of the periapical tissues.
• Was there a history of the restoration debonding? The patient
would be able to provide information as to whether the tooth in
question had a loose restoration after completion of root canal (a) (b)
treatment. It is important to note that the deterioration of a res-
toration margin and subsequent coronal leakage would have oc-
curred for a significant duration prior to its decementation. This
will inform the clinician’s decision-​making on whether or not to
undertake root canal retreatment in cases where there are no
symptoms (Figure 9.2).

Clinical and radiographic examination

Extraoral and intraoral examination will elucidate the origin of post-​
treatment disease. The clinical signs of swelling, a sinus tract, and/​or
tenderness to percussion or palpation may indicate post-​treatment
disease. Sensibility tests may identify referred pain from an adja-
cent or opposing pulpitic tooth. Sinus tracts should always be traced
with a GP point and radiographed to localize the source of infection
(Figure 9.3).
Radiographs are essential for detecting signs of periapical pathosis Figure 9.3  (a) A GP point tracing of the sinus tract and (b) subsequent
as well as evaluation of the quality of existing root canal filling (Box 9.1). periapical radiograph confirming the sinus was associated with the
It must be noted that radiographs of endodontically treated teeth do endodontically treated maxillary first molar.
Differential diagnosis for post-treatment disease 157

A decrease in the size of a periapical lesion suggests a favourable out-

Box 9.1  Criteria for assessing radiographic technical
come, whereas an emerging lesion or increase in its size would indi-
quality of endodontically treated teeth
cate post-​treatment disease.
• All apparent root canals have been endodontically treated. The limitations of two-​ dimensional conventional radiographic
• Apical extension of root canal filling. views are well documented. Accuracy of detection of periapical peri-
odontitis may be improved with the use of multiple angled periapical
• Presence and position of voids within root canal filling and/​or
radiographs, especially in multi-​rooted teeth. In cases where clinicians
between root canal filling and root canal wall.
are faced with contradictory symptoms and/​or signs, a three-​dimen-
• Root canal filling conforms to original root canal anatomy. sional cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scan may be helpful
• Presence of iatrogenic errors:  ledges, apical transportation, in confirming the presence of periapical lesions as well as the pres-
perforation, separated instruments. ence of unidentified root canals (Figure 9.4). A CBCT, when indicated,
• Presence of post and type, if applicable. can provide essential information to determine the cause, location,
and extent of the post-​treatment disease.
• Adaptation of coronal restoration.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 9.4  (a) Periapical radiograph of a symptomatic endodontically treated maxillary first molar: the root canal fillings appear to be well
compacted, but there has been an overextension associated with the mesio-​buccal root. Reconstructed sagittal CBCT images reveal periapical
radiolucencies associated with the (b) mesio-​buccal root and (c) disto-​buccal root. (d) A reconstructed coronal CBCT image reveals voids within the
palatal root canal filling.

Differential diagnosis for post-​treatment disease

Alternative diagnoses should be considered for cases of post-​treat- and can progress apico-​coronally. Vertical root fractures are more
ment disease in endodontically treated teeth where the technical commonly associated with endodontically treated teeth, with high
quality of treatment is deemed satisfactory, with strict adherence to susceptibility reported in maxillary and mandibular premolars,
aseptic treatment protocols (use of rubber dam and sodium hypo- mesial roots of mandibular molars, mesiobuccal roots of maxillary
chlorite). Some periapical radiolucencies may mimic features of molars, and mandibular incisors. The early signs and symptoms of
periapical periodontitis, these include vertical root fracture and mar- vertical root fracture may include dull pain on chewing, swelling,
ginal periodontitis. and sinus tract, which mimics post-​treatment endodontic disease.
A vertical root fracture is a longitudinally oriented complete or Radiographically, an advanced vertical root fracture will exhibit
incomplete fracture which can be initiated at any level of the root a ‘halo’ or ‘J-​shaped’ radiolucency. Bone loss lateral to the root
158 Dealing with post-treatment disease

differentiates it from the typical spherical periapical radiolucency

associated with post-​treatment endodontic disease (Figure 9.5).
A deep, narrow, isolated periodontal pocket may be detected ad-
jacent to the fracture site. Due to the challenges in diagnosis of
vertical root fracture, these teeth may undergo, and not respond
favourably to, multiple non-​surgical and even surgical interven-
tions, which should alert the clinician to suspect vertical root
fracture. Teeth diagnosed with a vertical root fracture should be
extracted as soon as possible to prevent extensive damage to the
alveolar bone (Figure 9.6) as this may compromise provision of a
dental implant.
Chronic marginal periodontitis can progress apically along the
root surface, and present as a periodontal defect which may there-
fore be confused with periapical periodontitis. Clinicians should
consider this as a differential diagnosis, especially if there are
generalized signs of marginal periodontitis. The prognosis of an
endodontically treated tooth with chronic marginal periodon-
titis will depend on the success of the periodontal treatment
(Figure 9.7).
Clinicians should also keep in mind pain arising from other
conditions such as occlusal trauma and non-​odontogenic pain.
Premature contacts can be confirmed with articulating paper.
Patients usually report immediate relief upon adjusting the oc-
clusion, thereby confirming the source was occlusal. Occasionally, Figure 9.5  This patient complained of a swelling associated with
patients may experience non-​odontogenic pain, for example trigem- the maxillary central incisor, which was tender to biting. A periapical
inal neuralgia, atypical facial pain, and temporomandiular joint radiograph revealed a J-​shaped radiolucent lesion (yellow dashed line)
which was associated with vertical root fracture.

(a) (b)

Figure 9.6  (a) A periapical radiolucency associated with an endodontically treated and post crowned maxillary central incisor. The patient rejected
root canal retreatment in favour of apical surgery. (b) After the mucoperiosteal flap was raised, a vertical root fracture was noted on the labial root
surface (yellow arrow) with a bony dehiscence (blue arrow) which coincided with the apical extent of the metal post. Previous post preparation and
placement may have initiated a vertical root fracture, which then propagated coronally. The tooth had to be extracted.
What are the options for managing post-treatment disease? 159

Figure 9.7  Radiographically, the quality of this root canal filling is satisfactory; however, the prognosis of the tooth is influenced by the extensive
bone loss associated with the mesial roots and furcation region due to localized severe chronic periodontitis.

What are the options for managing post-​treatment disease?

There are several options available to manage post-​treatment disease. remained symptom-​free. Radiographic examination may reveal an ex-
These include: isting periapical radiolucency which has remained the same size since
endodontic treatment was completed to a good standard (Figure 9.10).
• No treatment and monitoring.
Interventive treatment may carry certain risks and complications
• Root canal retreatment. that are best avoided until there are symptoms or signs of active dis-
• Surgical endodontics. ease. An example of such a scenario is a symptom-​free endodontically
• Extraction. treated tooth which has been restored with a well-​fitting post-​retained
crown which was treated several years previously; however, a periapical
The decision of which option to proceed with is based upon sev- radiolucency is detected as an incidental finding. This tooth would be
eral factors, for example presence/​absence of symptoms, the stra- a candidate for root canal retreatment; however, treatment may be
tegic importance of the tooth, the quality of the existing treatment, deferred until symptoms arise. The patient must be informed that they
procedural complexities, clinician’s competence, and patient’s prefer- will require regular reviews to confirm that the existing radiolucency
ence. Figures 9.8 and 9.9 map out some factors which may influence is not increasing in size, and that they should return immediately if
clinical-​decision-​making for management of post-​treatment disease symptoms arise. The patient must also be warned of the possibility of
associated with a symptomatic and a symptom-​free endodontically an unexpected acute flare-​up.
treated tooth. All information, including the various risks and bene-
fits, nature of the procedures, cost and likely outcomes of each treat-
ment option must be discussed with the patient in order for them to Root canal retreatment
make an informed decision. Complex procedures, such as root canal Root canal retreatment is the treatment of choice when there is
retreatment and surgical endodontics, are better dealt with by a spe- post-​treatment endodontic disease associated with an unsatisfactory
cialist in endodontics, and a referral should be offered to the patient. root canal filling. Technically unsatisfactory root canal fillings may in-
If the cause of post-​treatment disease is unclear, a second opinion dicate inadequate preparation of the root canal system. Root canal
should be sought, prior to commencing any further treatment. retreatment should also be considered if there is evidence of coronal
leakage. The biological rationale for root canal retreatment is the same
No treatment and monitoring as that for root canal treatment; namely to reduce the microbial load
in the root canal system, and provide a good apical and coronal seal to
There are cases where the outcome may not have been favourable
prevent reinfection.
according to strict criteria (i.e. complete resolution of a preoperative
Prior to initiating retreatment, patients must be advised that:
periapical radiolucency), but the tooth is stable enough to warrant
review rather than intervention. This can often be the case in teeth • Root canal retreatment can only be carried out if the tooth is
that were endodontically treated many years previously and have deemed restorable. Initial investigation, including removal of the
160 Dealing with post-treatment disease

Determine causes of post-treatment disease

Vertical Root Fracture Extraradicular infection Unsatisfactory root canal treatment Cause uncertain
or or (intraradicular infection) or
Periodontal disease Foreign body reaction Satisfactory root canal treatment
True cyst Satisfactory coronal restoration Unsatisfactory coronal restoration

Post present: Absence of post Post present: Absence of post Post present:
removal is impracticable removal is removal is impracticable
and/or unsafe practicable and safe and/or unsafe

Access through Remove restoration Remove restoration

restoration and post

Assess restorability and presence of cracks/caries

Restorable Unrestorable

Resection of fractured Surgical endodontics Root canal retreatment Extraction Surgical endodontics Consider referral
or periodontally and replace coronal
compromised root restoration

Figure 9.8  Clinical decision-​making for management of post-​treatment disease associated with a symptomatic endodontically treated tooth.

root canal filling

Yes No

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
coronal restoration coronal restoration

Absence of Presence of Presence of Absence of

periapical radiolucency periapical radiolucency periapical radiolucency periapical radiolucency

Compare to previous Provide interim restoration and

periapical radiograph monitor (review after 6 months)

Periapical radiolucency Periapical radiolucency Periapical radiolucency Absence of

has decreased in size has increased in size emerges periapical radiolucency

Consider root canal retreatment

or surgical endodontics

No further treatment Provide definitive coronal restoration Consider root canal retreatment
necessary and continue to monitor or surgical endodontics

Figure 9.9  Clinical decision-​making for management of post-​treatment disease associated with a symptom-​free endodontically treated tooth.
What are the options for managing post-treatment disease? 161

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 9.10  An endodontically treated mandibular molar that has remained symptom-​free with a stable periapical radiolucency: (a) preoperative
radiograph; (b) review radiograph at one year; (c) review radiograph at five years.

coronal restoration, may reveal underlying gross caries and/​or frac- • History of decementation (a post-​retained crown that has repeat-
tures. The patient should be made aware of this risk and the possi- edly decemented will be relatively easier to remove).
bility of extraction from the outset.
If a post removal is determined to be unfeasible or too risky to re-
• Referral to a specialist in endodontics may be indicated as root canal
move, the patient should be informed and offered alternative treat-
retreatment is considered an advanced/​complex procedure and
ment options, for example surgical endodontics.
there are potential risks involved.
• The probability of achieving a favourable outcome will be reduced if Removal of root canal filling materials
it is not possible to fully retreat the entire root canal system. Gutta-​percha is the most commonly used material for root canal filling.
With the right technique, GP is relatively easy to remove. Other types
Management of existing coronal restorations of root canal filling materials may be more challenging to remove:
It is preferable to remove the entire coronal restoration to assess
• Carrier-​based systems (e.g. Thermafil; Dentsply Sirona, Ballaigues,
underlying tooth structure and confirm restorability. Removal of the
coronal restoration also improves access, which facilitates location of
and improves access to retreat all the root canals. In cases of restor- • Hard-​setting pastes and resins (Figure 9.12).
ations with deficient margins, the choice is usually clear to dismantle • Silver points, especially those that are tightly wedged into the apical
them as part of the overall treatment plan. In cases of satisfactory cor- portion of the root canal.
onal restorations, it may be possible to access through the restoration;
however, the patient must be informed from the outset that the res- (a) (b)
toration may have to be removed if there is difficulty locating and re-
treating all of the root canals, or caries, or a fracture is detected within
the access cavity.

Removal of posts
Posts should be removed to facilitate provision of root canal (re)treat-
ment (Figure 9.11). The removal of posts can be a challenging and a
potentially hazardous process as there is a risk of root fracture and/​or
thermal injury of the periodontium. Cases should be assessed based
on the following factors:

• Length and width of the post (longer and thicker posts may be more
difficult to remove).
• Post design (parallel-​sided posts may be more difficult to remove
than tapered or threaded posts).
• Post material (fibre posts may be more difficult to remove than
metal posts). Figure 9.11  Endodontic treatment involving post removal: (a)
preoperative radiograph showing a periapical radiolucency with no
• Type of cement (adhesive luting cements may be more difficult to evidence of a root canal filling, (b) post-​fill radiograph showing post has
remove). been removed.
162 Dealing with post-treatment disease

endodontic disease. With extraction of the tooth, the microbes are

eradicated and no longer have an effect on the host defence mechan-
isms. Indications for extraction are:

• Teeth which are unrestorable or considered to have questionable

• Teeth which are non-​functional.
• Teeth with no strategic value.
• Teeth with untreatable disease:  vertical root fracture, severe mar-
ginal periodontitis, or gross caries.

Clinicians should also be aware of absolute and relative contraindi-

cations for dental extraction, for example patients with a history of ra-
diation therapy, bisphosphonate therapy or other anti-​resorptive drugs
which may put them at risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw. In these cases,
it is advisable to seek the opinion of a consultant/​specialist in oral
and maxillofacial surgery, and selected compromised teeth may be re-
Figure 9.12  A maxillary first molar that has been endodontically tained through retreatment.
treated with ‘Russian Red’ resin.
If extraction is the treatment of choice, the clinician should inform
the patient of the various replacement options, including a denture,
It is essential to remove all the existing root canal filling material to bridge, or dental implant.
ensure thorough disinfection of the root canal system. Remnants of
materials may harbour microbes, which could compromise the out-
come. Removal of root canal filling material often entails removal of
dentine from the coronal portion of the root canal. Care should be
taken to conserve as much sound tooth substance as possible. Box 9.2  Indications and contraindications for surgical
Surgical endodontics Indications:
Periapical periodontitis is usually treated by root canal treatment or • Root canal retreatment deemed to have an unfavourable
retreatment. Surgical endodontics may be considered in cases with outcome.
periapical periodontitis where non-​surgical means are impractical, im- • Intracanal obstructions or materials (e.g. irretrievable sep-
practicable, or inappropriate. The indications and contraindications arated instruments, impassable ledge, calcified root canals,
for surgical endodontics are listed in Box 9.2. The biological rationale insoluble endodontic materials, extruded filling material),
of surgical endodontics is similar to root canal treatment/​retreatment, which cannot be overcome, retrieved, or bypassed by non-​
that is, to reduce the microbial load in the apical portion of the root surgical means.
canal system, and provide a good apical seal.
• Accessing through the coronal restoration may compromise
Root-​end filling materials must be biocompatible, readily adapted
the underlying core.
to the root surface, antimicrobial, non-​ resorbable, and exhibit re-
• Teeth with posts which pose a high risk of root fracture if re-
generative ability. A  variety of root-​end filling materials are available
trieval was attempted via root canal retreatment.
(Table 9.1). The material of choice is a bioactive endodontic cement,
such as mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). There is emerging evidence • Perforations which require surgical repair.
to support the use of premixed bioceramic materials. • Investigative procedures (e.g. biopsies or confirmation of sus-
Effective surgical endodontics relies on meticulous patient as- pected vertical root fractures).
sessment, diagnosis, and appropriate treatment planning. Three-​
• Extraradicular infections and true cysts.
dimensional CBCT scans, provide the clinician with the necessary
information for optimal assessment of the surgical site. The use of
an operating microscope and endoscope, micro-​surgical equipment • Patient’s medical history (e.g. bisphosphonates).
and techniques, and biocompatible/​bioactive filling materials have • Anatomical factors (e.g. sites which lack surgical access).
directly contributed to an increased probability of achieving a favour- • Close proximity of adjacent vital anatomy (e.g. maxillary sinus,
able outcome. inferior dental nerve).
• Lack of expertise and equipment.
Extraction • Unrestorable tooth.
There are situations where extraction may be in the patient’s best • Compromised periodontal support.
interest. Extraction remains the most expedient method of treating
Case difficulty assessment and referral 163

Table 9.1  Root-​end filling materials

Material category Advantages Disadvantages

Zinc oxide eugenol cements • Seal better than amalgam and well • No tissue regenerative ability
IRM (Densply Sirona, Konstanz, Germany), Super EBA tolerated by periapical tissues • Super-​EBA may disintegrate over time
(Keystone Industries, Singen, Germany)
• Relatively inexpensive
• Relatively easy to prepare and place

Resin composite • Useful in cases where there is • Sensitive to moisture contamination in

Geristore (DenMat, Lompoc, CA, USA) limited or no root-​end cavity present surgical sites, precludes the predictable

Mineral trioxide aggregate • Biocompatible • Relatively expensive

ProRoot MTA (Dentsply Sirona, Tulsa, OK, USA), MTA
• Superior sealing ability • Relatively difficult to prepare and place
Angelus (Angelus, Londrina-​PR, Brazil)
• Favourable regenerative ability

Bioactive endodontic cements • Similar to mineral trioxide aggregate • Relatively expensive

TotalFill BC RRM (FKG Dentaire SA, La Chaux-​de-​
• Superior handling properties as
Fonds, Switzerland), NeoMTA Plus (Avalon Biomed
available as a premixed putty
Inc, Bradenton, FL, USA)

Case difficulty assessment and referral

The clinician should identify any case difficulties before commen- • Should only refer to a colleague if the clinician is confident that the
cing treatment. Case difficulty assessment forms are available from colleague has been trained and is both competent and indemnified
endodontic societies; these can be helpful in determining the level of to do what is being asked.
difficulty of a case. The following situations may warrant referral if the • Should refer patients on if treatment required is outside their scope
clinician anticipates potential complications may arise: of practice or competence.
• Difficulty with access (e.g. posterior tooth, restricted mouth • Must provide patients with clear information about any referral
opening, pronounced gag reflex, extreme inclination or rotation arrangements.
of the tooth). • Should make their referral request clear and give the referring col-
• Root canal difficulties:  moderate-​to-​severe curvature, calcification, league all the information they need.
wide, immature.
• Root resorption.
Box 9.3  Information to be included in a referral letter
• Existing iatrogenic errors (e.g. ledges, separated files/​instrument in
the mid-​to-​apical portion of the root canal, perforation). • Patient’s full name.
• Presence of solid core carriers (this may only be discovered after • Patient’s date of birth.
initial access). • Patient’s contact details:  address, telephone numbers, email
Sometimes a clinician may feel they have the necessary skills and address.
competence; however, it may become apparent that a referral is in- • Referring clinician’s full name and contact details.
dicated after they initiate treatment and the case becomes unman- • Confirmation that the patient has consented to the referral.
ageable. Examples may include the inability to locate and treat root
• Reason for referral.
canals, unresolvable pain, acute exacerbations, and iatrogenic errors.
It is important to inform the patient from the outset that referral may • Indication of whether the referral is routine or urgent, and
be indicated. reason why urgent.
As per guidance published by the General Dental Council (UK), • Relevant medical and social history.
the clinician: • Salient dental history associated with the referred tooth.
• Must refer appropriately and effectively, and when it is in the • Associated clinical photographs and radiographs.

patient’s best interest.

164 Dealing with post-treatment disease

The clinician must carefully consider who is the most appropriate consider referral to a registered specialist in endodontics who will have
colleague to refer to. Responsibility can be delegated but not account- completed an approved specialist training programme. Box 9.3 gives
ability; you may be held liable for the acts or omissions of the col- the essential information that should be included in a referral letter.
league you have referred to. It is therefore advisable that a clinician

Foundations of clinical practice

The remainder of this chapter is concerned with the practical- remove the existing root canal filling materials are discussed. This
ities of dealing with post-​
treatment disease and clinical pro- chapter concludes with a discussion of the principles of surgical
cedures to regain access to the apical portion of the root canal endodontics. It must be emphasized that these are advanced pro-
system. The first section describes different techniques to aid cedures and consideration should be given to referral to a spe-
the dismantling of crowns and bridges, after which techniques to cialist in endodontics.

How are crowns/​bridges removed?

Satisfactory coronal restorations can be preserved as long as they do • Tapping with a sliding hammer (Figure 9.13) or pneumatic
not compromise access to the root canal system. Most cases benefit device.
from removal of the existing crowns or bridges as this would confirm • Pulling with crown pliers/​forceps (Figure 9.14).
the restorability of the tooth as well as improve access for retrieval of
• Twisting (Figure 9.15). This involves cutting an access cavity to allow
the existing root canal filling materials.
insertion and twisting of an instrument between the occlusal sur-
There are a variety of techniques and devices available to remove or dis-
face of the core and fitting surface of the restoration.
mantle crowns and bridges by essentially breaking down the luting cement:


(b) (c) (d)

Figure 9.13  Removal of linked crowns using a crown and bridge remover: (a) A crown and bridge remover with interchangeable tips. (b) Slots are
cut into the linked crowns from the buccal extending across the occlusal surface. (c) The tip of the device is placed over the margin of the crowns,
and gently tapped to remove the crowns. Protective gauze is used to catch debris. (d) The retrieved crowns.
How are crowns/bridges removed? 165

(a) (b)

Figure 9.14  Removal of a crown using ultrasonic energy: (a) Ultrasonic vibration with water spray is used to break down the luting cement. (b) The
crown is removed intact using pliers which incorporate rubber pads (GC Europe NV, Lueven, Belgium). A split dam technique has been used to
prevent ingestion or inhalation of debris.


(b) (c) (d) (e)

Figure 9.15  Root canal retreatment involving crown removal and reuse: (a) WAMkeys (WAM, Aix-​en Provence, France) with three different tips
(inset). (b) Preoperative radiograph showing unsatisfactory root canal filling and periapical radiolucencies. (c) A WAMkey is inserted into the
window cut through the buccal surface of the crown. (d) Crown is removed. (e) Immediate postoperative radiograph showing satisfactory root canal
filling. The existing crown has been recemented as a provisional restoration.
166 Dealing with post-treatment disease

• Sectioning with a fast handpiece and bur (Figure 9.13). This may Tapping or pulling devices should not be used if there is compromised
have to be employed when crowns/​bridges are very retentive or periodontal support.
have been cemented with adhesive cements. Porcelain restorations After root canal retreatment, it may be possible to reuse the re-
should be sectioned using diamond coated burs. Metal restorations moved crown/​bridge as a provisional restoration, or as a permanent
should be sectioned using tungsten carbide burs. The sectioned restoration where the restoration has not been significantly altered. If
pieces can be removed using ultrasonic vibration or gentle levering the crown or bridge is not reusable the clinician should provide a well-​
with a flat plastic or spoon excavator. fitting provisional restoration (e.g. temporary crown or bridge, partial
denture) for interim aesthetics, function, protection of the underlying
• A combination of the above.
tooth substance, and coronal seal to prevent re-​infection of the root
These devices should be used with care to minimize damage/​ canal system.
fracture to the underlying sound tooth substance or core material.

How are core filling materials removed?

The most commonly used core filling materials are amalgam and preserving sound dentine. Prolonged usage of ultrasonic tips
resin composite. The bulk of material may be carefully cut away should be avoided as this may cause overheating of the tooth
with long shank burs to improve visibility, with the aid of mag- and periradicular tissues. Care should be taken to preserve the
nification and good illumination. The use of ultrasonic tips with coronal portions of materials (e.g. posts, silver points, and car-
intermittent water spray, under magnification, is ideal for removal rier-​
b ased root canal fillings) to facilitate their retrieval at a
of the remainder of material lying close to dentine. These tips later stage.
are designed to remove controlled amounts of material, therefore

How are posts removed?

Most posts can be removed using ultrasonic vibration to detach the #1; Dentsply Sirona, Tulsa, OK, or Start-​X tip #4; Dentsply Sirona,
cement securing the post into the root canal, transmitted via specif- Ballaigues, Switzerland) with intermittent water spray at midrange
ically designed endodontic ultrasonic tips (e.g. ProUltra ENDO Tip energy levels. The use of ultrasonics without water spray aids

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g) (h)

Figure 9.16  Metal post removal: (a) Radiograph of underextended root canal fillings in mesio-buccal and disto-buccal root canal; (b) sagittal CBCT
screenshot of buccal roots (yellow arrows); (c, d) split dam isolation, sectioning and removal of existing crown confirms the tooth is restorable; (e)
post in palatal root canal; (f) completed root canal retreatment; (g, h) working length and post-treatment radiographs. The tooth was restored with
a fibre post, composite core, and temporary crown.
How are root canal filling materials removed? 167

visualization; however, water spray must be used intermittently to pre-

vent over-​heating and subsequent thermal injury to the periodontium
(Figure 9.16).
A forceps-​type instrument, for example Steiglitz forceps (Hu-​Friedy,
Rotterdam, Netherlands) may then be used to retrieve the post
(Figure 9.17). Clinicians must avoid overzealous removal of tooth struc-
ture surrounding a post, which could lead to thinned out dentine walls.
This compromises retention for a new post and increases risk of root

Figure 9.17  Steiglitz forceps (Hu-​Friedy, Rotterdam, Netherlands).

How are root canal filling materials removed?

A variety of techniques and armamentarium can be employed to re- Whilst most cases of separated files would be evident radiograph-
move root canal filling materials depending on the type of material ically, there could be occasions when a separated file becomes
(Table 9.2; Figure 9.18). It is essential to utilize magnification devices apparent intraoperatively upon removal of GP. It is important to
with co-​axial lighting. refine the access cavity to improve access to the root canal and

Table 9.2  Techniques for removal of root canal filling material

Material Removal technique

Gutta-​percha (GP) • Hedström file technique
The flutes of a Hedström file make it suitable for engaging GP. A Hedström file is gently screwed into GP and the file is
pulled out grasping GP. This is especially effective in cases where single GP points have been used to fill the root canal.
Ideally, the GP point should be retrieved in one piece. If this is done with care, it may be possible to remove GP which
has extruded beyond the apical foramen.
• Gates Glidden drill and rotary nickel-​titanium (NiTi) technique
Using a ‘crown-​down’ approach, a size 3 or 4 Gates Glidden drill is used to flare and remove GP from the coronal
portion of the root canal. Gates Glidden drills should only be used in the straight coronal portion of a root canal. Rotary
NiTi files can then be used to remove GP from the apical portion of the root canal.
• Retreatment rotary NiTi technique
Specially-​designed files (e.g. ProTaper Universal Retreatment files D1-​D3; Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) aid
removal of the bulk of GP. Some authors recommend using the D1-​D3 files at a higher rotational speed (500–​750 rpm) to
create the friction and heat necessary to soften GP. There are concerns over safety and its use in curved canals, making
the lower range of speed preferable. File D1 has a cutting tip for effective insertion into coronal GP. Files D2 and D3 are
used in the middle and apical thirds of the canal respectively and have non-​active tips which are safer and, if used with
care, should conform to the shape of the canal. As the file lengths are limited, the apical portion of the root canal may
require hand instrumentation.
• Heat technique
A heat plugger is used to soften coronal GP for about two seconds. This action is continued intermittently to
sequentially remove GP from the mid and then apical portions of the root canal. Older types of GP may be difficult to
remove with this technique due to a change in plasticity. The latest carrier-​based systems (e.g. Guttacore; Dentsply
Sirona, Ballaigue, Switzerland) contain cross-​linked GP which is heat resistant, hence it will not be able to be removed
with this technique. Once this is identified, consider the removal techniques for plastic core carriers.
• Ultrasonic technique
An ultrasonic instrument is vibrated at moderate to high energy levels to soften and remove GP. The ultrasonic tip
should be activated intermittently (with occasional water spray) to avoid overheating. The tip should not contact
ceramic restorations as it may damage and fracture the ceramic.

(continued )
168 Dealing with post-treatment disease

Table 9.2 Continued

Material Removal technique

• Solvent technique
A solvent (e.g. orange solvent) softens and dissolves GP and sealers. It is advisable to use solvents sparingly (use
a syringe to deposit the solvent into the coronal part of the canal). Use of solvents risk smearing GP along the
root canal walls, uninstrumented or difficult to access areas, and potentially entering dentinal tubules. This smear
will be difficult or impossible to remove and certainly compromise chemo-​mechanical debridement, as well as
the adaptation of the final root canal filling. The solvent is usually left for 2–​3 minutes to dissolve GP, followed by
removal with a hand-​file or rotary NiTi file. C+ files (which are end-​cutting and more rigid) may cut through GP
more efficiently. Solvent can be introduced into a root canal at the end stage of mechanical GP removal, by using a
paperpoints to wick away remnant GP.

Paste • Set pastes can be removed with ultrasonics and solvents.

• Softened pastes can be removed by rotary NiTi or hand-​files.

Plastic core carriers • Ultrasonic tips can be used to free the plastic core carriers from surrounding materials. Then braiding two or three
Hedström files around the core. Retrieval of the files (engaged to the core) with a surgical needle holder levering
against a cusp.

Silver points • The restorative material must be removed carefully with burs and ultrasonics in order to preserve the coronal part of
the silver point. By creating a trough around the silver point with ultrasonics, Steiglitz forceps can be used to grasp and
remove the silver point.
• The Hedström-​file braiding technique can also be attempted.

(a) (b)

Figure 9.18  Removal of GP: (a, b) Hedström file technique. Smaller sized Hedström files (e.g. 10 and 15) should used in the apical portion of the
root canal.
How are intracanal blockages managed? 169

(a) (b)


Figure 9.19  (a) Persistent disease associated with a mandibular molar which has been root canal filled with silver points; (b) silver points retrieved
using Masserann kit (Micro-​Mega, Besancon, France); (c) root canal retreatment carried and root canals filled with GP.

the separated file. If the separated piece is within the coronal third require the use of special kits such as the File Removal System
or straight part of the root canal, fine and long ultrasonic tips can (FRS) which actively engages with the underlying obstructions,
be used to trough around it and then direct ultrasonic energy ap- such as separated files, silver points, or carrier-​based obturators
plied to dislodge it. More stubborn intracanal obstructions may (Figure 9.19).

How are intracanal blockages managed?

After root canal filling materials have been removed, the next stage should be enlarged in order to remove blockages within the mid-​to-​ap-
would involve preparation of the root canal to working length. This can ical portions of the root canal. This step also enhances tactile feedback
be hampered by intracanal blockages due to calcifications, dentine when advancing files apically. Gentle probing with precurved, small
debris, or ledges. In these cases, the coronal portion of the root canal sized K-​files (i.e. size 8 or 10) to detect a ‘soft and sticky’ spot could
170 Dealing with post-treatment disease

(a) (b) hint at the point of entry bypassing the blockage. Copious irrigation
and use of lubricant may aid apical advancement of a file. This pro-
cedure will involve time and patience as well as the use of multiple
files, as deformed files must be discarded to prevent file separation.
Ledges are notoriously difficult to manage. There is a tendency for sub-
sequent files to drop into the ledge, making it more pronounced and
any excessive pecking with a file risks a zip perforation. Precurving the
apical 1–​2 mm of a small sized K-​file (i.e. size 8 or 10) can be used to
attempt to bypass a ledge by turning the bent tip of the file towards
the apical curvature (Figure 9.20).

Figure 9.20  (a) A ledge in the apical portion of a root canal. Ledges

typically occur on the outer curvature. During instrumentation, a file
will tend to drop into this ledge. (b) A precurved small sized K-​type file
may be used to bypass the ledge by turning it towards the direction of
the apical curvature, away from the ledge.

Surgical endodontics
The scope of surgical endodontics includes:  incisional drainage send tissue specimens for histopathological examination, in particular
and trephination, apical surgery, root resection, tooth resection, if there is suspicion that the lesion is malignant.
replantation, and biopsy. Cases that require surgical endodontics Resection of the root-​end aims to remove microbes within the ap-
should be referred to a specialist in endodontics. ical ramifications of the root canal. Traditionally, clinicians bevelled the
root-​end to give direct vision for root-​end cavity preparation and filling.
Incisional drainage and trephination Bevelled resections are no longer advisable as they may miss removal of
palatal/​lingual apical ramifications and expose a large number of den-
The incision of a fluctuant swelling to drain pus can result in immediate
tinal tubules which may harbour microbes. For this reason, contemporary
pain relief and bring spreading infection under control. In the absence
root-​end resection should have a minimal bevel. The root-​end should be
of a fluctuant swelling, where infection is confined to cancellous bone,
resected by 3 mm (most apical ramifications are within this region).
the process of trephination may be employed. This involves drilling
Preparation of the root-​end aims to clean the apical portion of the
through the cortical bone to effect drainage. Trephination can lead to
root canal and create a space suitable for a filling material to be placed.
damage of adjacent dental structures and should only be carried out
It is no longer advisable to prepare the root-​end cavity using a round bur
by a competent clinician.
as this may result in iatrogenic errors and a root-​end cavity with little or
no retentive form. Contemporary root-​end preparation is performed
Apical surgery using specialized ultrasonic microtips. Root-​end cavities prepared with
This involves curettage of the periapical tissues, and resection, prep- ultrasonics are cleaner and respect root canal anatomy. Ultrasonic
aration, and filling of the root-​end (Figure 9.21). Apical surgery re- microtips usually prepare a 3 mm cavity within the root canal, but pre-
quires special instruments and equipment (Figure 9.22). parations of up to 9 mm are possible with longer microtips.
Tissue flap reflection to provide vision and access is a fundamental Filling of the root-​end aims to provide an apical seal to prevent any
consideration. There are many full and limited flap designs, described ac- residual microbes leaking into the periapical tissues. There is a plethora
cording to their shapes and position. Flaps should consist of the full thick- of root-​end filling materials available. It is now widely accepted that
ness of periosteum, mucosa, and gingival tissues. Flap reflection should be amalgam should not be used.
carried out using appropriate elevators commencing away from the gin- Flap closure involves the placement of sutures. The sutured flap
gival margin. The flap should be lifted cleanly, separating the periosteum should be held under gentle pressure for 5–​10 minutes, before dischar-
from the underlying bone. Once reflected, the tissue is held away from ging the patient with appropriate postoperative instructions. Sutures
the surgical site by placing the retractor on bone to avoid tissue pinching. can be removed in 3–​5  days. Residual scarring may arise in areas of
Regular irrigation of the surgical site prevents dehydration of the tissues. sinus tract healing, relieving incisions, and suture placement where
Curettage aims to remove diseased periapical tissue and any over- surgical technique has been poor. Contemporary flap management
extended root filling material. It is not sufficient to perform curettage can reduce the risks of unsightly scarring, gingival recession, and loss
on its own when there is evidence of infection. It is good practice to of interdental papilla.
Surgical endodontics 171

(a) (b)

(c) (d) (e)

Figure 9.21  Apical surgery: the patient did not want to proceed with root canal retreatment due to the risk of root fracture during post removal and
loss of the existing well-​fitting bridge. (a) Preoperative radiograph showing wide post, unsatisfactory root canal filling, and a periapical radiolucency;
(b) view of the root-​end cavity following preparation using ultrasonic microtips; (c) view of the root-​end filling; (d) immediate postoperative
radiograph showing compacted root-​end filling; (e) radiograph taken one year later showing significant bony infill.

The following sections are provided for further information only. to assist with plaque control (Figure 9.23). The modified anatomical
There is no suggestion that the undergraduate dental student or recent configuration of the root resected teeth enhances the ability of pa-
graduate would perform these techniques. It is important, however, that tients to maintain optimal oral hygiene and increases the efficacy of
you gain a working knowledge of the processes involved and cases that professional cleaning of these sites.
may be indicated for such treatment measures.
Tooth resection
Corrective surgery Tooth resection is slightly different from root resection in that it in-
Corrective surgery is often performed to repair iatrogenic perforation volves the cutting off of associated crown material along with root.
defects in the root surface. A flap is reflected to expose the root surface A portion of the tooth is usually extracted and the remaining part is re-
which is then repaired with a biocompatible and well-​sealing material. stored. Occasionally, both parts are retained and restored in a process
often referred to as bicuspidization.
Root resection
Intentional replantation
Root resection is the complete removal of a root from a multi-​rooted
tooth. The indications for this procedure are severe periodontal dis- Replantation may be performed intentionally in situations where other
ease, resorption, and incomplete vertical fractures. The procedure usu- surgical options are not indicated. The tooth is extracted and modified
ally involves flap reflection, bone remodelling, and crown contouring out of the mouth in such a way as to facilitate the preparation and
172 Dealing with post-treatment disease


(b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 9.22  (a) Endodontic micro-​surgery kit; (b) surgical micromirrors compared to a conventional mouth mirror; (c) surgical ultrasonic microtips
allow improved access for minimal preparation of the apical portion of the root canal (Acteon Group, St Neots, UK); (d, e, f) surgical ultrasonic
microtip being used to prepare a root-​end cavity.
Surgical endodontics 173

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 9.23  This case was indicated for root resection as the maxillary first molar had Grade III furcation involvement, deep pocket depths and
severe localized bone loss around the mesio-​buccal root. The remaining roots had favourable root length and functional loading. (a) Preoperative
radiograph. (b) A full mucoperiosteal flap was raised. (c) The mesio-​buccal root was resected. (d) Review radiograph shows bony healing.

filling of the root canals. The tooth is returned to its socket and splinted flanged cannula. The marsupialized lesion may be irrigated and,
for less than a week. An example would be a mandibular premolar, with time, the lesion reduces in size until the decompression can be
which was extracted and replanted to avoid apical surgery and the terminated.
potential risk of damage to the mental nerve.
Marsupialization and decompression Any non-​friable tissue removed during surgery must be sent for rou-
Large periapical lesions may be treated by a surgical technique that tine histopathological examination to confirm the nature of the lesion.
involves penetration of the lesion through the cortical plate. Patency The sample should be forwarded for examination in 10% formalin and
of the fistula is maintained by the use of a drain or, preferably, a should be accompanied with comprehensive case details.
174 Dealing with post-treatment disease

Summary points
• It is important to recognize post-​treatment disease and to iden- include the presence of extraradicular infection and vertical
tify the potential causes of persistent disease in order to formu- root fracture.
late a comprehensive treatment plan. • The restorability of a tooth must be confirmed prior to
• Persistent infection of the root canal is usually associated with embarking on complex retreatment procedures.
poor technical quality of endodontic treatment. However, • The outcome of root canal retreatment will depend on the
even well-​treated teeth may harbour intraradicular microbes removal the previous root canal filling material, full nego-
which may prevent healing. tiation, and thorough disinfection of the entire root canal
• Non-​surgical root canal retreatment should always be considered system.
as the first line of treatment if endodontic intervention is required. • Surgical endodontics is indicated if root canal retreatment
• Alternative causative factors should be considered in cases has not achieved a favourable outcome or is impracticable.
which are resistant to root canal retreatment. These may

Problem-​solving section

A fit and healthy 45-​year-​old patient was referred for endodontic On examination, the patient reported a fleeting painful response
consultation regarding unresolved pain following multiple dental to the cold testing of the mandibular second molar and was con-
treatments. The patient presented complaining of deep throbbing vinced that this was the offending tooth. The periapical radiograph
pain associated with mandibular left molars for several months. taken of the mandibular left first molar showed three root canal fill-
There was a history of the general dentist initially performing a pulp ings which appeared to have satisfactory extension, no voids, and
protection procedure on the mandibular left first molar. Symptoms some sealer overextension (Figure 9.24a, b). There did not appear
persisted despite extraction of the mandibular left third molar, and to be any periapical radiolucencies associated with any of the visible
then root canal treatment of the mandibular left first molar. teeth. A small field of view CBCT scan was taken, with justification

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 9.24 (Problem-​solving case)  (a, b) Assessment periapical radiographs. (c, d, e) Cone beam computed tomography reconstructed images
(axial, coronal, and sagittal views respectively) revealed an untreated distal root canal (yellow arrows). (f) Post-​fill periapical radiograph.
Courtesy of Dr I. Zainal Abidin.
Surgical endodontics 175

being contradictory signs and symptoms and insufficient infor- The patient consented to root canal retreatment (Figure 9.24f). At
mation gleaned from the periapical radiographs. The CBCT scan the one-​month review, the patient was symptom-​free. The one-​year
(Figure  9.24c, d, e) scan revealed the mandibular first molar had review confirmed a favourable endodontic outcome.
a periapical radiolucency associated with an untreated distal root This case illustrates the importance of confirming the cause(s)
canal which was superimposed by existing root canal filling on the of post-​treatment disease, that is, an untreated infected root canal,
periapical radiograph. The mandibular second molar appeared to especially in cases where it appears that root canal treatment has
have healthy periapical tissues. been carried out to a satisfactory standard.


Select the single best answer (SBA). Answer are provided after SBA 9.3  Choose the most common cause of post-​treatment endodontic
suggested further reading.
a. Radicular cyst.
SBA 9.1  A patient wants to replace a deficient metal-​ceramic crown asso-
ciated with an endodontically treated tooth. The patient is symptom-​free. b. Extruded GP.
Radiographically, there is an associated periapical radiolucency which is c. Persistent or reintroduced intraradicular infection.
increasing in size when compared to previous radiographs. What is the
first line of treatment for this patient? d. Occlusal trauma.
a. No treatment and monitor over the next six months. e. Endodontic-​periodontal disease.
b. Root canal retreatment. SBA 9.4  Choose the most accurate statement associated with
c. Root resection. post-​treatment endodontic disease:
d. Non-​surgical root canal treatment followed by apical surgery. a. If the patient is symptom-​free, the tooth should be
e. Apical surgery. monitored.
b. Endodontically treated teeth with underextended root canal fillings
SBA 9.2  A patient is complaining of pain on chewing on the mandibular must undergo root canal retreatment.
second premolar. Clinically, there is a buccal sinus tract and isolated deep
periodontal probing depth. Radiographically, there is a halo-​shaped radio- c. Endodontically treated teeth which require replacement of the coronal
lucency associated with the root and evidence of a root canal filling. What restoration must undergo root canal retreatment.
is the most likely provisional diagnosis? d. Endodontically treated teeth with a well circumscribed periapical
a. Chronic periapical periodontitis. lesion should undergo apical surgery.

b. Chronic periapical abscess. e. Post-​treatment disease can occur in teeth with optimal root canal
c. Lateral periodontal cyst.
d. Endo-​perio lesion.
e. Vertical root fracture.

Suggested further reading

Carnivale G, Pontoriero R, and Di Febo G (1998) Long-​term effects of Nair PNR (2004) Pathogenesis of apical periodontitis and the causes of
root-​resective therapy in furcation-​involved molars. Journal of Clinical endodontic failures. Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine 15,
Periodontology 25, 209–​14. 348–​81.

Evans GE, Bishop K, and Renton T (2012) Guidelines for Setzer FC, Shah SB, Kohli MR, Karabucak B, and Kim S (2010)
Surgical Endodontics. London, UK: Royal College of Surgeons Outcome of endodontic surgery: a meta-​analysis of the literature,
of England. Part 1: Comparison of traditional rootend surgery and endodontic
microsurgery. Journal of Endodontics 36, 1757–​65.
Gorni FG and Gagliani MM (2004) The outcome of endodontic
retreatment: a 2 year follow-​up. Journal of Endodontics 30,  1–​4. Setzer FC, Kohli MR, Shah SB, Karabucak B, and Kim S (2012) Outcome of
endodontic surgery: a meta-​analysis of the literature, Part 2: Comparison
Kim S and Kratchman S (2006) Modern endodontic surgery concepts and
of endodontic microsurgical techniques with and without the use of
practice: a review. Journal of Endodontics 32, 601–​23.
higher magnification. Journal of Endodontics 38,  1–​10.
176 Dealing with post-treatment disease

Torabinejad M, Corr R, Handysides R, and Shabahang S (2009) von Arx T, Penarrocha M, and Jensen S (2010) Prognostic factors in apical
Outcomes of non-​surgical retreatment and endodontic surgery: surgery with root-​end filling: a meta analysis. Journal of Endodontics 36,
a systematic review. Journal of Endodontics 35, 930–​37. 957–​73.

Self-​assessment answers

SBA 9.1  Answer is b. Root canal retreatment is indicated prior to pro- diagnosis is achieved by direct visualization of the fracture by non-​sur-
vision of a new well-​fitting crown as there is evidence of post-​treatment gical or surgical means.
persistent disease.
SBA 9.3  Answer is c.
SBA 9.2  Answer is e. The clinical and radiographic evidence strongly SBA 9.4  Answer is e. Sometimes root canal treatment is ineffective
suggests the presence of a vertical root fracture. Confirmation of the despite being carried out to a high technical standard.
Dento-​legal aspects
of endodontics
Len D’Cruz

Chapter contents
Introduction 178
What is consent? 178
How much information should be given to
a patient about endodontic treatment? 178
Should I treat or refer? 180
Patient records 180
Data protection 181
How can inadequate root canal fillings be
prevented or managed? 182
How can separated instruments be prevented
or managed? 183
How can perforations be prevented or managed? 184
How can adverse incidents associated with
sodium hypochlorite be prevented or managed? 185
Why should rubber dam be used? 185
How can fractured teeth be prevented? 186
Conclusion 186

Self-​assessment 187
Suggested further reading 187
Self-​assessment answers 187
178 Dento-legal aspects of endodontics

With modern techniques and materials, endodontic treatment is being
undertaken more often by dentists. Patients are increasingly motivated Box 10.1  Range of complaints and claims that may
to retain their teeth, and their expectations are higher than they have arise in relation to endodontics
been in the past. The standards expected of dentists in delivering care
• Inadequate root canal filling in the presence of residual
have been driven by regulatory bodies, litigation, and specialist societies.
In primary dental care in the UK, endodontics has the highest number
• Separated instruments.
of legal claims in comparison with other dental treatments. There are a
range of complaints and claims that may arise in relation to endodontics • Inhaled or ingested instruments.
(Box 10.1). Many complaints and clinical negligence claims arise out of • Perforations.
the clinician’s failure to communicate effectively with the patient. Even
• Misdiagnosis.
when something goes wrong, research has shown that explanations,
• Adverse incident associated with the use of irrigant.
empathy, and openness with the patient prevent an escalation of the
problem. This chapter aims to discuss these dento-​legal issues and the • Nerve damage.

factors involved in reducing and managing risk in endodontics.

What is consent?
Consent is not a single event but a process. A good working definition fill the entire root canal to the desired length) and the prevailing situation
from the Department of Health in England is: is different from when treatment commenced. This further consent pro-
cedure enables the patient to weigh up the risks of continuing (or leaving
The voluntary, continuing permission of the patient to receive par-
part of the root canal unprepared and unfilled) against a decision to ex-
ticular treatments. It must be based upon the patient’s adequate
tract the tooth or agree to referral to a specialist in endodontics.
knowledge of the purpose, nature, likely effects, and risks of that
There are three essential and interdependent components to valid
treatment including the likelihood of its success and a discussion of
any alternative to it including no treatment.
• Competence. The patient has sufficient ability to understand the na-
Key elements in this definition are highlighted in italic. Every time
ture of the treatment and the consequences of receiving or declining
root canal treatment is contemplated, it is incumbent on the clinician
that treatment. The legal term is ‘capacity’.
to provide the information with specific reference to the patient and
their tooth. • Voluntariness. The patient has fully agreed to have the treatment
The significance of ‘continuing permission’ is very important. Take, for and there has been no coercion or undue influence to accept or
example, a patient who is undergoing root canal treatment on a molar decline the treatment.
tooth. If, during the procedure a difficulty is encountered, such as a • Information and knowledge. The patient has been given sufficient
curved or calcified root canal, further consent is required if the outcome and comprehensible information regarding the nature and conse-
of the treatment may be compromised (e.g. the inability to prepare and quences of the proposed and alternative treatments.

How much information should be given to a patient about

endodontic treatment?
Until very recently the simple answer used to be, whatever is normal prac- whom they are offering treatment would be likely to attach significance
tice for a dentist to advise their patient. This is the ‘professional test’ and to it. This creates a significantly higher burden on the clinician to provide
was set out in the case of Sidaway, the leading case in English law of this appropriate information upon which the patient can make decisions.
nature, and uses the ‘Bolam test’ as its basis. The Montgomery case, in This means that giving the ‘usual warnings’ about a particular procedure
which judgment was handed down from the Supreme Court in 2015, has may not be sufficient if a patient is likely to attach more significance to
moved the test for what information should be disclosed to the patient one particular risk than another. It is the clinician’s duty to inform the
from the ‘professional test’ to the particular patient sitting in your chair. patient rather than expect them to be sufficiently knowledgeable to ask
This is a very patient-​centred approach and revolves around finding out pertinent questions, despite the fact that patients, should they choose
what is important to the patient, and making them aware of any material to do so, can avail themselves of vast amounts of information about
risk involved in the recommended treatment and any reasonable alterna- endodontics from the Internet. The judges in the Montgomery case also
tive or variant treatment. The test of materiality of those risks is whether, determined that the percentage risk of a situation occurring should not
in the circumstances of the particular case, a reasonable person in the be the sole determinant of the disclosure of the risk to the patient. The
patient’s position would be likely to attach significance to the risk, or the particular patient may attach more significance to that risk, in spite of its
clinician is, or should reasonably be aware, that the particular patient to minimal risk, than another patient. The classic example would be a risk of
How much information should be given to a patient about endodontic treatment? 179

lingual nerve paraesthesia having more of an impact on the professional • Post-operative discomfort/​pain and how to manage this.
life of wind instrument player than another patient. You would only know
• Information about returning if problems occur (e.g. pain, swelling).
which risks to emphasize when you knew more about the patient, their
circumstances and preferences. The decision-​making process should be • Requirements for further treatment (e.g. posts, cuspal coverage).
shared between the dentist and patient where the dentist shares infor- • Costs of endodontic treatment and any recommended further
mation and opinion with the patient, and the patient is encouraged to treatment.
provide information and offer opinion. • Potential complications and complexity.
Endodontic treatment can be time-​consuming and expensive to
carry out (e.g. using nickel-​titanium (NiTi) files). Whilst in private prac- Providing this essential information enables the patients to consider
tice these costs may be passed on to the patient via the treatment fees, whether they would like to undertake endodontic treatment, or ex-
the ability to do so under the National Health Service is restricted. In plore any alternative treatment option(s). Much of this information will
obtaining consent from the patients these differences may be relevant, be provided verbally, with the patient encouraged to ask questions to
and consideration should be given to discussing these with the patient. ensure they understand what has been said. It is useful to support this
Once a definitive, or in some cases a provisional, diagnosis has been verbal discussion with written information, such as a patient informa-
reached, all the treatment options should be discussed with the pa- tion leaflet and consent form. Table 10.1 outlines the general informa-
tient. Advising patients of treatments options, their prognoses and tion which should be included in these types of leaflets/​forms. Whilst
other important issues such as costs (where relevant), complications, consent forms are not a legal requirement in the UK for endodontic
and limitations are essential to allow the patients to make the right de- treatment (unless provided under general anaesthetic or sedation),
cision for themselves. Before embarking on endodontic treatment, the they do have an impact on risk management. These leaflets/​forms are
patient should be informed about: useful to show that there has been a dialogue with the patient, and
they may encourage the patient to ask questions and ensure the clin-
• How the treatment will be carried out. ician covers all the relevant points and significant risks. It should be
• How long it will take (expected duration and number of stressed that consent forms should be patient specific, and the quality
appointments). of consent cannot be determined solely by a signature.

Table 10.1  Information to include in a patient information leaflet and/​or consent form

Question Example answer (this should be patient specific)

What is root canal treatment? The ‘tunnels’ (known as ‘root canals’) inside a tooth’s root(s) usually contain healthy nerves and blood
vessels (known as the ‘pulp’). Root canal treatment is necessary when the pulp has become infected or
inflamed which can occur due to tooth decay, dental trauma, or cracks in teeth. Without treatment, the
infection may get worse and cause inflammation of the tissues around the root(s). Root canal treatment
aims to control the infection by cleaning the infected or inflamed root canals and then sealing the clean
root canals with a filling to prevent reinfection.

What does root canal treatment The procedure involves:

involve? • Administration of local anaesthetic.
• Placing a stretchy rubber sheet around the tooth.
• Removing all or part of the existing restoration.
• Shaping and cleaning the root canals with fine sterile instruments and disinfectants.
• Filling the root canals with a rubbery material.
• Taking small dental X-​ray images at different stages.

Who performs root canal General dentists can perform root canal treatment. In certain cases, for example curved or blocked root
treatment? canals, referral to a specialist in endodontics may be required.

How many treatment Usually one or two treatment appointments are required, each approximately 45–​60 minutes in duration.
appointments are necessary?

What are the benefits of root canal Root canal treatment, if effective, has the benefit of controlling the infection and thus allowing the tissues inside
treatment? and outside the root(s) to heal or remain healthy so the tooth can be retained for appearance and function.

What are the consequences and • Extraction of the tooth may still be required if problems are identified during treatment, such as deep
risks of root canal treatment? decay, deep cracks, or blocked root canals rendering the tooth unsalvageable.
• Discomfort/​pain may occur after treatment. The severity of this can vary and may last several days. Pain
killers may be required.
• Severe pain and swelling may occur after treatment. In the unlikely event of this occurring, painkillers
and antibiotics may be required, as well as further treatment.

180 Dento-legal aspects of endodontics

Table 10.1 Continued

Question Example answer (this should be patient specific)

• Discolouration of the tooth. Dental whitening or other aesthetic dentistry may be required.
• Fracturing of the tooth can occur if the tooth is already very broken down or if an adequate restoration is
not placed soon after treatment is completed.
• The fine cleaning instruments (known as ‘files’) may break inside the tooth, especially in narrow and
curved root canals.
• An unintentional hole (known as a ‘perforation’) may be created through the side of the tooth when
trying to find the root canals.
• Referral to a specialist may be considered if complications are found during treatment or if infection
persists after treatment.
• Further management such as root canal retreatment; surgical treatment or extraction may be necessary
if there is ongoing infection after treatment is completed.
• Rare risks include: an adverse reaction to the disinfectants used; nerve damage if the roots lie close to a
nerve; or an allergic reaction.

What is necessary after completion • Front teeth may require dental whitening.
of root canal treatment?
• Back teeth usually require a ‘cap’ (e.g. crown or onlay).
• Review appointment(s) to check if root canal treatment has been effective.
• Good oral hygiene, low frequency of sugar intake, and regular dental check-​ups.

What is the likelihood that root Root canal treatment usually has a high probability of being effective when carried out to a satisfactory
canal treatment will be effective? standard. Root canal treatment cannot be guaranteed to be effective, and so loss of the tooth is a possibility.

What is the cost of root canal Root canal treatment is provided on a private/​NHS (delete as appropriate) basis, and the fee is £_​_​_​_​_​_​_​_​.

What may happen if root canal • Acute flare-​up with pain and/​or swelling.
treatment is not carried out or
• Further damage to the tissues/​bone around the roots of the tooth.
not completed?
• Fracture of the tooth.

What are the alternative options • No treatment, which is not usually advisable.
to root canal treatment?
• Extraction of the tooth and accept a gap.
• Extraction of the tooth and possible replacement with a denture, bridge, or dental implant.

Please note that a consent form should not only document that clinical information was discussed, ideally with the aid of a patient information leaflet, but it should
also demonstrate the consideration of a patient’s views. For example, documenting a quote from a patient such as: ‘I want to avoid an extraction if at all possible’.
The consent process should also demonstrate a patient’s understanding, for example documenting something like, ‘The patient told me their interpretation of the
information provided’, or, ‘The patient asked relevant questions. The patient’s final treatment choice should then be documented and the form signed by both them
and the clinician involved.

Adapted from patient information leaflet and consent form designed by Dr Melissa Good.

Should I treat or refer?

Part of the consent process is to discuss the potential complexity of training and are competent to do so. If you are not confident to provide
the endodontic treatment and to determine whether the clinician has treatment, you must refer the patient to an appropriately trained col-
the skills, confidence, and competence to provide the treatment. The league’. In England, NHS England may eventually determine the com-
General Dental Council (GDC) (UK) advises that: ‘You should only deliver plexity of care a clinician should or should not deliver, and which patients
treatment and care if you are confident that you have had the necessary may require onward referral.

Patient records
As per the GDC in the UK, clinicians ‘must make and keep contem- means the records were made at the time of treatment, not at the
poraneous, complete and accurate patient records’. Contemporaneous end of the working day. The quality and standard of record keeping is
Data protection 181

usually very high amongst undergraduate dental students and recently templates to be in the format of prompts or a list of alternatives (pref-
qualified dentists. Over time, however, the detail recorded diminishes, erably as a drop-​down menu), which are deleted if not appropriate for
with the most often quoted reason being lack time. the particular patient.
Most endodontic procedures in general practice start with the pa- These details often make the difference in a complaint or clinical
tient attending complaining of pain and/​or swelling and seeking un- negligence claim which may be made many months or even years
scheduled emergency care. Despite the possibility of working in a after the event. The question:  ‘Why was endodontic treatment ne-
busy practice, the appointment being double-​booked, and there being cessary for this patient?’ may well be asked. You will have only your
limited time, it is still necessary to carry out a detailed history, exam- notes and records to rely on to establish not only why, but also what
ination, and special testing of the patient to formulate a diagnosis and was treated, when it was treated, how it was treated, and what fur-
treatment plan (Chapter 3), and then record the details of these find- ther treatment was recommended. Remember: if it was not written
ings and discussions. It is also essential to record evidence that valid down, it did not happen. Courts are more likely to rely on the evi-
consent has been obtained. dence of a patient since they usually have one dentist. Whereas
Many dental practices now have practice management software clincians will have many patients and are unlikely to remember in
which allows custom templates. These are a useful way of ensuring any great detail what happened on a particular appointment without
the correct information is collected and recorded. It is advisable for the the prompting of contemporaneous records.

Data protection
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) • The right to erase or delete certain data (the right to be forgotten)
2016/​679) is a regulation by which the European Parliament, the though this is not absolute.
Council of the European Union, and the European Commission in- • The right to restrict processing.
tended to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals
• The right to data portability, for example patients may request that
within the European Union. The regulation applied from 25 May 2018
their dental records are sent to their new dentist.
and whilst it largely mirrors the Data Protection Act 1998 which it re-
placed, it created other statutory requirements to protect the data of • The right to object, for example patients may request that you stop
individuals, including mandatory notification of breaches and costly direct marketing.
penalties for those breaches. • Rights in relation to automated decision-​making and profiling.
Personal data is any information relating to an identifiable, natural
An important part of transparency is to ensure that individuals know
person which includes names, identification numbers, locations, and
what information is held about them, why it is held and how it will be
Internet protocol (IP) addresses. This covers patients, as well as staff and
used. This privacy notice can be on the practice website or available
dental associates. In addition to the lawful processing required for infor-
as an information leaflet for patients on request or as part of practice
mation about people, the GDPR creates a further ‘special’ category which
welcome pack.
covers genetic and biometric data, as well as the existing ‘sensitive per-
A data protection officer (DPO) is required where an organization
sonal data’ such as health, racial, and ethnic data. These require a higher
carries out large-​scale processing of special data categories such as
level of security than general personal data like names and addresses.
dental records. For dentistry this will only apply to those practices that
The GDPR allows the use of data necessary to carry out the functions
carry out NHS treatment as they are considered a public authority.
of a providing care to patients, as well as fulfilling other legal obligations
A private practice may decide they do not meet the criteria and they
to comply with GDC, NHS regulations, and tax laws. If a practice was
do not need to appoint a DPO; however, it is advisable to record why
intending to use the information for marketing or advertising, even if it is
this decision was made.
for a service the practice provides to its own patients, then specific con-
The GDPR applies to ‘controllers’ and ‘processors’. A ‘controller’ deter-
sent from the patient is necessary for that purpose. The GDPR points out
mines the purposes and means of processing personal data, and they must
that this consent must be unambiguous and a clear affirmative action
pay the appropriate fee to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).
that signifies agreement to the processing of personal data related to
A ‘processor’ is responsible for processing data on behalf of a controller. An
them. This means that it must not be buried in the small print of general
associate could be considered a ‘processor’ and so may not be expected
terms and conditions and there must be an active opt-​in. Patients can
to register with the ICO; this will depend on how the associate uses and
withdraw their consent at any time to the processing of their data.
accesses data. For example, an associate should register with the ICO if
The GDPR provides the following rights to individuals:
they work in different practices and access that data from remote locations.
A personal data breach, that is, a breach of security leading to
• The right to be informed about collection and use of their personal
the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized
disclosure of, or access to, personal data, needs to be notified. This
• The right to access their personal data. A copy of the information
must be reported to the ICO within 72 hours unless the breach is not
must be provided free of charge unless the request is unfounded,
likely to result in the risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals.
excessive, or repetitive.
Organizations in breach of GDPR can be fined up to 4% of annual
• The right to rectification of inaccurate personal data. global turnover or 20 million euro whichever is the greater.
182 Dento-legal aspects of endodontics

How can inadequate root canal fillings be prevented or managed?

The largest source of complaints and claims in endodontics arise canals; overextended, underextended, and/​or poorly compacted root
from the technical failure to adequately fill the root canal system in canal fillings; and/​or the use of unacceptable root canal filling mater-
the presence of persistent infection. This may include:  missed root ials, for example silver points or formaldehyde pastes (Figure 10.1).

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Figure 10.1  Examples of root canal fillings with inadequate technical quality: (a) No root canal fillings in second root canals of mandibular
incisor and canine; (b) Overextended root canal filling associated with a maxillary incisor; (c) Underextended root canal fillings associated with a
mandibular molar; (d) Poorly compacted root canal fillings associated with a mandibular molar; (e) Silver point root canal fillings associated with a
mandibular molar; (f) Poorly compacted root canal fillings with amalgam root-​end fillings associated with maxillary incisor teeth.
How can separated instruments be prevented or managed? 183

A  technically inadequate root canal filling can be indicative of inad- There are situations when a patient sees a different clinician to the
equate root canal preparation (i.e. the root canal system has not been one who has carried out endodontic treatment. Clinicians should take
adequately disinfected). care when describing the quality of a root canal filling which has been
The use of intraoperative (e.g. a working length and/​or master carried out by a colleague. Any perceived inadequacies should be ex-
cone radiograph) radiographs and electronic apex locators is essen- plained diplomatically using objective rather than subjective descrip-
tial to reduce the risk of inadequate root canal filling. Postoperative tions. This should be in the context of the nature of the endodontic
radiographs should always be taken to confirm the quality of the condition/​disease (e.g. infection is the essential cause of periapical
root canal filling, as well as being a baseline record for assessing periodontitis and not necessarily an overextended root canal filling),
the outcome of treatment. If there are radiographic shortcomings the complexity of the anatomy of the root canal system, and the intrica-
with the quality of the root canal filling, this would then be an op- cies of the endodontic procedure. A significant number of complaints
portunity to outline these to the patients, with options on how to are generated when another clinician makes injudicious comments
manage them. without knowing the full details of treatment provided elsewhere.

How can separated instruments be prevented or managed?

It is not negligent to separate an instrument in a root canal if the in- • Use the instrument in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruc-
struments are used in a reasonable manner, such as running the cor- tions (e.g. speed and torque settings).
rect speed for machine-​driven instruments and using the instrument • Single-​visit use of instruments to reduce the risk of fracture due to
in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. However, if it does cyclical fatigue.
occur (Figure 10.2) the patient must be informed and advised about
• Avoid using NiTi files in root canals with sharp and/​
or abrupt
the options, which may include extraction of the tooth, completing
root canal treatment with the instrument retained in situ, or arranging
referral to a specialist in endodontics. It is important that this advice is • Avoid forcing an instrument into a narrow or partially calcified
recorded in the clinical records. root canal.
Research indicates that the retention of a separated instrument in • Check the instrument before and after use for any signs of
an adequately disinfected root canal system will not significantly alter deformation.
the outcome of endodontic treatment. The following guidance will • Immediately discard any deformed instrument.
help to reduce the risk of a separated instrument:
• Measure the instrument before and after use.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 10.2 (a, b, c)  Examples of separated files.

184 Dento-legal aspects of endodontics

How can perforations be prevented or managed?

Perforations may occur in any part of the root canal system. Examples preparation (Figure 10.4). If a perforation occurs, the patient must be in-
include, perforation of the pulp chamber wall or floor when attempting formed and advised about the options, which will include extraction of
to locate the entrance to a root canal (Figure 10.3), or strip perforation the tooth, repair of the perforation, or arranging for its management by
of the root canal wall when carrying out mechanical preparation or post referral to a specialist in endodontics. This advice should be recorded in

(a) (b)

Figure 10.3  Examples of perforations: (a) Deviated access cavity nearing a cervical perforation associated with a mandibular incisor. (b) Perforation
of the pulp chamber floor of maxillary molar with GP in the periapical tissues.

the clinical notes. The following guidance will help to reduce the risk of

• Use a preoperative radiograph to estimate the depth of the pulp

chamber floor and the angulation of the root(s).

Consider creating the access cavity prior to placement of
rubber dam as the rubber dam may mask the angulation of the root(s).
• Remove the entire coronal restoration to aid vision and location
of root canals.
• Use a bur with a non-​cutting, safe-​ended tip after initial access
into the pulp chamber has been made.
• Precurve stainless steel files, especially stiffer files of ISO size >20.
• Avoid aggressive linear filing of the root canal wall closest to the
furcation region. Aggressive use of Gates Glidden drills should
also be avoided.

Figure 10.4  Post perforation and lateral radiolucency associated with

a maxillary incisor.
Why should rubber dam be used? 185

How can adverse incidents associated with sodium hypochlorite be

prevented or managed?
Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) is the irrigant of choice and is avail-
able for dental use in concentrations varying between 0.5% and 5%.
Sodium hypochlorite, especially at higher concentrations, has the
ability to dissolve organic tissue and this is favourable for dissolving
pulp tissue remnants in the root canal. However, extrusion of NaOCl
into the periapical tissues can cause significant damage to the sur-
rounding tissues (Figure 10.5), including neurological damage, and
in some cases this can be life-​threatening. Caution must be exercised
when using higher concentrations of NaOCl and precautions must be
taken to prevent extrusion through the apex of a tooth or iatrogenic
perforations. The following guidance will help to reduce the risk of an
adverse incident:

• Provide patients with goggles and bibs to protect from spillages.

• Use rubber dam.
• Follow the above guidance for reducing the risk of perforation.
• Accurately determine the working length.
• Use a side-​venting needle that has been premeasured to 1–​2 mm
short of the working length.
• Use a syringe with threads (Luer-​Lok) so the needle can be securely
screwed on.
• Do not force or bind the needle in the root canal. Figure 10.5  Ulcerated intraoral soft tissues following a hypochlorite
• Use gentle finger (not thumb) pressure to introduce the irrigant
into the root canal.
• Be especially cautious when using caustic irrigants in teeth with
in these patients. There are alternatives irrigants, such as chlorhexi-
open apices or teeth in close proximity to important anatomical
dine gluconate and iodine potassium iodide; however, these are not
as effective as NaOCl. The patient should be informed of this and the
Some clinicians may claim that they have used household bleach for possible effect on the outcome of endodontic treatment. If a problem
irrigation in endodontic treatment for many years without adverse ef- has flowed from the use of an irrigant when an alternative solution,
fects. It should be remembered that household bleach is marketed for product, and/​or technique could have been employed that would
stain removal in fabrics and disinfection of domestic surfaces. There are have avoided the harm, a clinician will be vulnerable to a successful
commercially available NaOCl solutions that are licensed for intraoral civil claim against them.
use and these are more appropriate to use these in endodontics. Management of a NaOCl accident is outlined in Chapter 5 Table 5.8.
Patients may report an allergy/​ hypersensitivity to chlorine (e.g. As per guidelines published by the GDC in the UK, clinicians must
household bleach). Ideally, this should be confirmed by allergy testing. record all patient safety incidents and report them promptly to the
It would be advisable not to use NaOCl during endodontic treatment appropriate national body.

Why should rubber dam be used?

Rubber dam has many advantages which benefit both the patient Parachute chains or tying a length of dental floss through the handle
and the clinician (Chapter 1 Table 1.1). Unfortunately, several survey of the endodontic file must be used when not using rubber dam. In
studies have reported that the use of rubber dam by clinicians is low. the absence of these safety devices, if a patient were to swallow or in-
From a dento-​legal perspective, the prime purpose of rubber dam is to hale an instrument, the chances of defending a legal claim arising out
protect the oropharynx. This may be protection from instruments (e.g. of the incident would be limited.
files) or caustic substances (e.g. NaOCl) being swallowed or inhaled.
186 Dento-legal aspects of endodontics

How can fractured teeth be prevented?

Restoration of the endodontically treated tooth is discussed in
Chapter 7. It is generally recommended that endodontically treated
molars be restored with a restoration that provides cuspal protection
(e.g. crown, onlay). Endodontically treated molars are considered
more susceptible to fracturing compared with their vital counter-
parts, especially if the tooth has little remaining tooth structure and
the patient has a parafunctional habit. Studies have shown that these
teeth will survive longer when restored with cuspal coverage restor-
ations. It is usually recommended that a patient proceed with cuspal
protection within a few weeks after endodontic treatment, subject
to the tooth being symptom-​free, particularly where fracture lines
are apparent within the tooth structure. Some patients may want
to delay cuspal protection until the outcome of endodontic treat-
ment is deemed favourable. These patients should be informed that
outcome is usually assessed at least one year after completion of
endodontic treatment and there is a risk that the tooth may fracture
while waiting (Figure 10.6). Patients should be advised of the need
for cuspal protection from the outset and this should be recorded in
the clinical records. Patients should also be informed of the risk of
inter-​appointment fracture, and care should be taken to avoid the
treated tooth until interim or definitive cuspal protection has been
Figure 10.6  Extracted endodontically treated premolar which had a
complete vertical tooth and root fracture.

Learning from your mistakes is the hallmark of a professional. A sys- something to learn. Even when things go drastically wrong (e.g. the
tematic analysis of what has gone wrong and how it can be improved patient swallows an instrument, or a file separates in the root canal),
or the error prevented makes the difference between delivering it is how the situation is managed with honesty and empathy that will
better healthcare outcomes and making the same mistake again. make the difference.
Using clinical audit is a valuable tool to ensure quality and can be The world of endodontics will continue to change with a plethora of
done by reviewing radiographs and records either individually or col- gadgets, new concepts, and new techniques. Clinicians need to ensure
laboratively in a peer review setting. Of course, nobody welcomes what they do is as evidence based as possible, and new materials and
complaints in whatever form they come to you. It is a challenge to techniques are used with caution until their efficacy has been estab-
your professional integrity and can be quite dispiriting and stressful, lished. When endodontic treatment is carried out well, it is rewarding
particularly when you feel you have tried your best. However, behind to the clinician, but more importantly allows the patient to obtain more
every complaint, no matter how unjustified it first appears, there is function and appearance that may not have been possible otherwise.

Summary points
• Valid consent is a continuing process that involves the dental treatments. Most complaints and claims arise from an
patient being competent, giving voluntary permission, inadequate root canal filling in the presence of residual infec-
and being given information on which to make their tion and separated instruments.
decision. • It is important to recognize when something goes wrong
• When giving a patient information, this should include the and how to manage the situation. This will start with
probable diagnosis, treatment options, and other important good communication with the patient and detailed
issues such as costs, complications, and limitations. record keeping. Management may include referral to a
• In primary dental care in the UK, endodontics has the specialist.
highest number of legal claims in comparison with other
Conclusion 187


Select the single best answer (SBA). Answers are provided after b. Inform the patient of the separated file, and complete the root canal
suggested further reading.
c. Inform the patient of the separated file, and offer them alternatives
SBA 10.1 For consent to be valid: for managing it.
a. The patient’s questions need to be answered. d. Make a note of it in the clinical records.
b. Every risk that could possibly occur should be provided to the patient. e. Contact the indemnity organization.
c. Relevant information to the patient’s social and clinical situation should
be provided. SBA 10.3 The most important dento-​legal reason for using
rubber dam is:
d. Information that other dentists would normally provide in that situ-
ation should be given to the patient. a. It prevents saliva contaminating the root canals.
e. Only risks that have a high chance of occurring should be disclosed to b. It protects the oropharynx from ingesting or inhaling foreign material.
the patient. c. It prevents you from being sued.
SBA 10.2 If file separates in the root canal during treatment d. It is against the law not to use rubber dam for endodontic treatment.
you should:
e. In the UK, its use is a General Dental Council requirement.
a. Immediately refer the patient for retrieval of the file.

Suggested further reading

Bolitho v. City and Hackney Health Authority [1997] UKHL46; [1998] AC Dental Protection (2015) Shared decision making. Riskwise UK 49, 29–​31.
232; [1997] 4 All ER771; [1997] 3 WLR 1151. London, UK: DPL Publications.

Bowden JR, Ethuandan M, and Brennan PA (2006) Lift-​threatening airway Montgomery v. Lanarkshire Health Board [2015] UKSC 11.
obstruction secondary to hypochlorite extrusion during root canal Faculty of Dental Surgery, The Royal College of Surgeons of England
treatment. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, (2001) Restorative Dentistry: Index of Treatment Need—​Complexity
and Endodontology 101,  402–​4. Assessment. London, UK: The Royal College of Surgeons of England.
British Dental Association (2018) GDPR—​What do you need to know? Faculty of Dental Surgery, The Royal College of Surgeons of England
BDJ in Practice 31,  14–​15. (2016) Consent: Supported Decision Making—​a Guide to Good Practice.
Chaudhry H, Wildan TM, Popat S, Anand R, and Dhariwal D (2011) Before London, UK: The Royal College of Surgeons of England.
you reach for the bleach. British Dental Journal 210, 157–​60. Muthukrishnan A, Owens J, Bryant S, and Dummer P (2007) Evaluation
D’Cruz L (2008) The successful management of complaints—​turning of a system for grading the complexity of root canal treatment. British
threats into opportunities. Dental Update 35,  182–​6. Dental Journal 202, E26.

Dental Protection (2009) Risk Management Module 2—​Endodontics. Sidaway v. Board of Governors of the Bethlem Royal Hospital [1985] AC871.
London, UK: DPL Publications. Webber J (2010) Risk management in clinical practice. Part 4.
Endodontics. British Dental Journal 209, 161–​70.

Self-​assessment answers

SBA 10.1  Answer is b. Using the concepts explored in the Montgomery phase it occurred. It would be useful to contact your indemnity organ-
case, relevant information to the patient’s social and clinical situation ization for advice and it is very important also to record the incident and
should be provided, though of course any questions asked by the patent decisions in the clinical records.
should be answered.
SBA 10.3  Answer is b. Whilst there are several ways to prevent file inges-
SBA 10.2  Answer is c. It is important that the patient is made of aware tion/​inhalation, for example parachute chains and floss ties, rubber dam
of the separated instrument and provided options for managing it. These is the most convenient. Rubber dam has other clinical benefits of isola-
may include referral as well as sealing in the separated instrument de- tion, reduction of contamination, and preventing caustic solution coming
pending on its location, size, and when during the cleaning and shaping into contact with the oral mucosa.
Tables, figures, and boxes are indicated by an italic t, f, and b following the page number.

A bitewing radiographs  25, 82

Bolam test  178
continuous wave technique  112–​14
controllers 181
A fibres  12, 14, 24 bonding agent application  129 core filling materials  105–​7, 125–​6
abscess bonding problems  128 removal 166
micro-​abscess  14 bridge removal  164–​6 coronal flaring  67, 86
periapical  18, 29t buccal object rule  25 coronal pulpotomy  53t, 56
access cavity preparation  83–​4 bud stage  8 coronal restorations  144–​5, 161
accountability 42 bulk-​fill composites  128,  129–​30 corrective surgery  171
acetaminophen 44 burs 72 cost issues  179
acid etching  129 cracked teeth  33, 124–​5
acoustic microstreaming  79
acrylic points  107
C crown-​down technique  89–​90
crowns  125, 129, 130–​1, 132–​3
C fibres  12, 24 removal  164–​6
aesthetics 125
CAD/​CAM techniques  134 culture techniques  17
all-​ceramic crowns  131, 134
calcium hydroxide  80, 101, 103t, 103, 118 curettage 170
allergy  24, 185
Candida spp.  19 cuspal coverage restorations  123, 124–​5, 126, 128, 129,
amalgam restorations  131
cap stage  8 131, 132, 133, 134, 139, 186
ameloblasts 8
caries custom templates  181
amoxicillin 45t
biological selective carious tissue removal  52, customized master GP points  108
anachoresis 16
53–​4,  56 Cvek (partial coronal) pulpotomy  53t, 56
anaesthesia  43–​4
dentine-​pulp response  12–​15 cyclic fatigue  76
analgesia  43–​4
histopathology 52 cysts 155
anterior tooth restoration  125, 129, 130–​4
preparatory treatment of tooth  45 cytokines 14
carrier-​based systems  112t, 116
prescribing  44–​5
prophylactic 24
steroid-​antibiotic preparations  80
Cavit G  128
cavity lining  54 D
cemento-​enamel junction  8 data protection  181
anticoagulant therapy  24
cementoblasts 8 data protection officer (DPO)  181
apexification  102, 118
cementum 8 decision-​making  42
apical constriction  69
cervical loop  8 decompression 173
apical enlargement  90
charge-​coupled devices (CCD)  25 deep shaping  90
apical foramen  69
chemical root canal preparation  64–​5, 77–​80, 93–​4 dental floss ties  185
apical negotiation  87
chlorhexidine gluconate  79 dental history  23, 29–​30
apical preparation  69–​70,  89–​91
chlorine allergy  185 dental implants  5
apical surgery  170–​1
chronic marginal periodontitis  158 dental loupes  70
apical taper  90
clindamycin 45t dental operating microscopes  70
apical transportation  92t
clinical examination  147, 156–​7 Dental Practicality Index (DPI)  42–​3
apoptosis 14
co-​amoxicillin  45t dental trauma  23
asymptomatic functional tooth  142
codeine phosphate/​paracetamol preparations  44 dentinal tubules  9–​10, 15
attendance history  23
cold lateral compaction  109–​11, 112t dentine

B cold testing  36
collagen  9, 11
caries-​affected (demineralized)  52t, 53
caries-​infected (contaminated)  52t, 53
backfill 114 colour of teeth  34 composition 9
bacterial infection  14, 15, 17–​18 compaction etching 129
balanced-​force technique  85–​6 cold lateral  109–​11, 112t -​pulp complex  8, 9
bell stage  8 warm  112–​16 response to caries  12–​15
bevelled resections  170 competence  4, 178 sclerosis 12
bioactive endodontic cements  102, 103–​4, 103t, 106–​7, complementary metal oxide semiconductors sensitivity 10
118, 162, 163t (CMOS) 25 types 9
bioceramic root canal sealers  103–​4 composite materials  125–​7, 130, 132, 133, 163t dento-​legal aspects  177–​87
Biodentine  55, 56, 58, 59, 106–​7 condensing osteitis  29t diagnosis  22, 28, 39–​40, 155–​7
biofilms 16 cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)  25, diamond burs  72
biological selective carious tissue removal  52, 53–​4, 56 148, 157 diet 23
biopsy 173 consent  178, 180 digital radiography  25, 82–​3
bisecting angled radiographs  25 consent forms  179 direct posts  135–​8
bisphosphonates 24 continuing permission  178 direct pulp protection (capping)  53t, 55–​6,  57–​8
190 Index

discoloured teeth  34
disinfection 4
horizontal root  25
prevention 186 K
downpack 114 vertical root  157–​8 K-​type files  70, 73, 85
drug interactions  24, 45 front-​surface mirror  72

fungal infections  18
ectoderm 8
G ledges 92t, 169
legal aspects  177–​87
ectomesenchyme 8 gag reflex  31, 65 light-​curing  129–​30
EDTA  78–​9,  129 Gates Glidden drills  72, 86, 167t lithium disilicate  134
electric motors  70 gauging 70 local anaesthesia  43–​4
electric pulp testing  35–​6 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)  181 locking tweezers  72
electronic apex locator  67, 69, 71, 89 glass-ionomer cement  125, 163t long shank burs  72
embryology 8 gold crowns  133 long shank excavator  72
enamel 8 gold onlays  132–​3 Luer-​lock syringes  77
Endo-​Z bur  72, 83 growth factors  9
endodontic disease
advantages of prevention and treatment  5
GT files  86
gutta-​percha M
definition 2 core filling material  105, 108 mandibular teeth
endodontic explorer  72 customized master points  108 anaesthesia 44
endodontic infection  15–​19 heat testing  36 root canal features, lengths and access
endodontic radiograph holders  71 master point placement  117t cavities 68f
endodontics points  105, 108, 118 mantle dentine  9
aims 4 pumping for irrigant agitation  94 marsupialization 173
clinical conditions requiring  2–​3 removal 167t master apical file (MAF)  90
definition 2 master points
development 5
scope 4 H customized GP points  108
GP point placement  117t
endodontology 2 hand files, see files sealer carrier  108
Endosequence Bioceramic BC RRM  107 heat plugger  167t selection  107, 111
Enterococcus faecalis 155 heat testing  36 material risk  178
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)  78–​9, 129 Hedström files  73, 167t, 168t maxillary teeth
eugenol-​containing materials  128, 129 Hertwig’s epithelial sheath  8 anaesthesia 44
evidence-​based practice  42 history-​taking  23–​4, 29–​30,  155–​6 root canal features, lengths and access cavities  68f
extirpation 44 horizontal root fracture  25 measuring device  72
extraction 162 household bleach  185 mechanical root canal preparation  64, 67–​70, 72–​6
extraoral examination  24, 30 hydrodynamic theory  10 medical history  23–​4, 30, 145
hydroxyapatite  9, 103 medication interactions  24, 44

F hypochlorite accident  78, 94t, 185 metal-​ceramic crowns  130–​1,  133

metal posts  126–​7, 135
ferrule effect  123
fibre posts  126–​7,  135–​8 I Metapex 80
metronidazole 45t
fibroblasts 10 iatrogenic infections  19 micro-​abscess  14
File Removal System  169 ibuprofen 44 microbes  18–​19,  154–​5
files immune system  15 microbrush 129
calcified root canals  74 incisional drainage  44, 170 mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA)  55, 58, 59, 106, 163t
Hedström  73, 167t, 168t indirect posts  135 minimally invasive dentistry  52, 53–​6, 56
ISO standard sizes and colour coding  75t indirect pulp protection (capping)  53t, 55 mirrors 72
K-​type  70, 73, 85 infection  5, 15–​19,  154–​5 mobility 33
manipulation techniques  85–​6 infective endocarditis  24 modified double flare technique  90
nickel-​titanium (NiTi)  69, 74–​5, 86, 90–​1, 93t, 167t inflammatory response  13 molar teeth, cuspal coverage restorations  123, 125–​6,
root canal filling material removal  167t information leaflets  179 129, 131, 186
sealer carrier  109 information provision  178–​80 molecular studies  17
separation 92t, 93t intentional replantation  173 Montgomery case  178–​9
stainless steel  69, 70, 72–​4 inter-​appointment temporization  128 mouth examination  31
treatment outcome  145 intertubular dentine  10 mouth opening restriction  31, 65
finger spreaders  109, 111 intracanal medicaments  80, 94, 145 multiple visit root canal treatment  100, 101, 102, 145
flap intraoral examination  24, 31–​5
closure 171
reflection  170–​1
intratubular dentine  10
iodine compounds  80 N
flare-​up  101 iodine potassium iodide  79 Nayyar core technique  131
floss ties  185 IRM  111, 107, 128 NeoMTA Plus  107
focal infection theory  5 irrigants and irrigation  77–​9, 93, 185 NICE guidelines, antibiotic prophylaxis  24
formaldehyde pastes  107 agitation  79,  93–​4 nickel-​titanium (NiTi) files  69, 74–​5, 86, 93t, 167t
fractures syringes and needles  77 non-​inflammatory swellings  40
at-​risk teeth  122, 129 treatment outcome  145 non-​steroidal anti-​inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)  44
Index 191

O personal data breach  181

personal history  24
endodontic holders  71
post-​fill  111,  183
obturation, see root canal filling phenolic compounds  80 post-​treatment disease diagnosis  156
obturator 116 phosphoric acid  129 root canal preparation  82–​3
occlusion photostimulable phosphor storage plates  25 technical quality of endodontically treated
examination 33 plastic core carrier removal  168t teeth 157b
post-​treatment disease  158 polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)  128 treatment outcome  147–​8, 149
radiographs 25 post-​treatment disease  153–​75 working length determination  67, 69, 87–​9
restoration type  124 case difficulty assessment  162 Rashkow’s nervous plexus  11
odontoblastic layer  10 causes  154–​5 reactionary dentine  9, 12
odontoblastic process  10 diagnosis  155–​7 record-​keeping  41,  180–​1
odontoblasts  8, 9, 10 differential diagnosis  157–​8 referral  163–​4,  180
onlays  125, 132–​3, 134 extraction 162 refrigerant spray  36
open apices  102, 118 intracanal blockages  169–​70 reparative dentine  9, 12
opioid analgesia  44 management options  159–​63 replantation 173
oral cavity examination  31 no treatment and monitoring  159 resins 103t, 133, 163t
oral hygiene  23 referral  163–​4 restorations  121–​40
overextended root canal filling  144 root canal retreatment  159–​61, 162 amalgam 131
surgical endodontics  162, 170–​3 anterior teeth  125, 130–​4

P posterior teeth
anaesthesia 44
bonding problems  128
composites  129–​30,  132
pain relief  43–​4 restorations  131–​4 crowns  125, 128–​9, 130–​1,  132–​3
palpation 32 posts  126–​8,  134–​8 deciding on type of restoration  123
paper points removal  161,  166–​7 direct  131–​4
drying root canals  94 practice management software  181 indirect  131–​5
sealer carrier  108 predentine 9 molar teeth  123, 125–​6, 129, 131–​2, 186
working length determination  69 pre-​endodontic build-​up  128 objectives 122b
paracetamol 44 pre-​fabricated posts  135–​8 onlays  125, 132–​3, 134
parachute chains  185 premolar tooth restoration  125, 129 post-​treatment disease  161
parafunction  124–​5 presenting complaint  23, 29–​30 posterior teeth  131–​4
parallax principle  25, 39 primary dentine  9 posts  126–​8,  134–​8
paramonochlorophenol 80 privacy notice  181 premolar teeth  125, 129
partial coronal pulpotomy  53t, 56 probing 33 preparatory treatment of tooth  45
partial coverage crowns  125 processors 181 provisional  111, 114
passive ultrasonic irrigation  71, 79, 94 professional test  178 quality  144–​5
paste removal  168t ProTaper systems  86 removal for root canal preparation  81–​3
patency filing  70 provisional restoration  111, 114 restorability of tooth  122–​3
patient factors PTFE 128 survivability of tooth  123
assessing treatment outcome  147 pulp temporary  81, 95, 129
root canal preparation  65 chamber floor perforation  92t timing  128–​9
timing of root canal filling  101, 102–​3 composition  10–​11 tooth preparation  129
tolerance of dentistry  31 dentine-​pulp complex  8, 9 veneers 130
treatment planning  41 differential diagnosis of conditions  29t reverse balanced-​force technique  86
patient management  43–​8 extirpation 44 risk assessment  42–​3
patient records  41, 180–​1 functions 10 root canal
penicillin VK  45t haemorrhage  58, 60 blockages 92t,  169–​70
percussion 33 immunity 14 curvature 65
perforations  72, 92t, 184 innervation  11–​12,  13 drainage via  44–​5
periapical abscess  18, 29t intrapulpal pressure  14 features, lengths and access cavities  68f
periapical cyst  155 necrosis  14, 29t initial negotiation  85
periapical fibro-​cemento-​osseous protection (capping)  53t,  55–​6 ledges 92t, 169
dysplasia 40 response to caries  12–​15 locating entrances  84–​5
periapical lesion  14 routes of infection  15–​16 perforation 92t
periapical osseous dysplasia  40 stones 12 weeping 102
periapical periodontitis  5, 15, 29t, 143 timing of root canal filling  101 root canal filling  99–​120
periapical radiographs  25–​6, 37–​8, 82, 156 vascularization 11 apical extent  107
periapical tissues vitality preservation  51–​61 carrier-​based systems  112t, 116
differential diagnosis of conditions  29t pulpitis, reversible and irreversible  14, 29t cold lateral compaction  109–​11, 112t
timing of root canal filling  101 pulpotomy 53t, 56, 58–​9 core filling materials  105–​7, 125
treatment outcome  143 push-​pull filing  86 criteria for success  119
periodontal pockets  16 customized master GP points  108
periodontal probing  33
periodontitis R gutta-​percha points  108
inadequate  182–​3
chronic marginal  158 radiographs master GP point placement  117t
periapical  5, 15, 29t, 143 diagnostic  25–​6,  39–​40 master point selection  108, 111
peritubular dentine  10 differential diagnosis of radiolucent lesions  40b material-​related outcome  145
192 Index

materials  103–​7 horizontal 25 closure 171

objectives 100 vertical  157–​8 reflection 170
open apices  102, 118 root resection  171–​2 tooth assessment  34
overextended 144 rubber dam  4, 47–​8, 70, 145, 185 tooth resection  172–​3
post-​fill radiographs  111, 183 torsional stresses  75–​6
provisional restoration  111, 114
quality-​related prognosis  144 S trauma 23
treatment fees  179
removal of material  161–​2, 167–​8 safe-​end burs  72, 83 treatment options  40, 179
root canal sealers  103–​4, 109 sclerotic dentine  9 treatment outcomes  141–​51
sterility of root canal  118 sealer puff  105 assessment  146–​8
technique-​related outcome  146 sealing 4 categorizing  142–​3
timing  100–​3 secondary dentine  9 classifying  148–​9
underextended 144 sectioning 166 favourable 148
voids 144 self-​strangulation theory  11, 14 prognostic factors  143–​6
warm compaction  112–​16 sensibility testing  24, 35, 156 uncertain 149
root canal preparation  63–​96 separated instruments  75–​6, 92t, 93t, 183 unfavourable 149
access cavity preparation  83–​4 Sharpey’s fibres  8 vital pulp therapies  59–​60
aims  64–​5 side-​vented needles  77 treatment planning  40–​3
apical negotiation  86 silver points  107 trephination 170
apical preparation  69–​70,  89–​91 removal 168t true cyst  155
challenges 65 single visit root canal treatment  100, 101, tug-​back  107,  111
chemical  64–​5, 77–​80,  93–​4 103, 145 tungsten carbide burs  72
clinical assessment  81–​3 sinus tracts  145, 156
coronal flaring  67, 86
equipment and instruments  70–​7
skin commensals  19
smear layer  79, 129 U
hand file manipulation  85–​6 sodium hypochlorite  78, 94t, 185 ultrasonic units and tips  70, 109, 129, 166–​7, 167t, 170
initial negotiation of root canal  85 solvents 168t underextended root canal filling  144
locating entrances to root canals  84–​5 sonic agitation  94
mechanical  64, 67–​70,  72–​6
patency filing  70
special investigations  24–​6,  35–​9
speed reducing handpieces  70 V
procedural error prevention  91, 92t spiral fillers  77, 109 veneers 130
radiographic assessment  82–​3 stainless steel files  69, 70, 72–​4 vertical root fracture  157–​8
restoration removal  81–​3 Standard Precautions  19 viral infection  18–​19
straight-​line access  85 Steiglitz forceps  167, 168t vitality testing, see sensibility testing
temporary restorations  81, 95, 129 stepwise excavation  53 Vitapex 80
terminus 69 steroid-​antibiotic preparations  80 voids 144
working length determination  67, 69, 87–​9 straight-​line access  85 voluntariness 178
root canal retreatment  159–​61, 161 strip perforations  72, 92t
root canal sealers  103–​5
placement 109
surgical endodontics  146, 162, 170–​3
survival of tooth  123, 142 W
root canal treatment swellings warm compaction  112–​16
contraindications 64 incision and drainage  44–​5, 170 watch-​winding technique  85
indications 64 non-​inflammatory  40 wedging 128
multiple visit  100, 102, 103, 145 weeping root canals  102
objective 64
retreatment  159–​61,  161 T working length determination  67, 69, 87–​9

single visit  100, 101, 103, 145

temporary restorations  81, 95, 129
tertiary dentine  9, 12 Z
filling  162, 170 test cavity preparation  37 zinc oxide eugenol compounds  103t, 163t
resection 170 thermoplastic compaction  112 zipping 92t
root fracture tissue flap zirconia 134

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