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Preparations for studying abroad:

When you become an international student, you will definitely have to worry about many different
things: tuition, living, part-time work, weather, cultural reduction, language,... and many more. So
what do you need to prepare to be ready for your school work?
For the best study abroad experiences, you and your family need to prepare early plans. Here are
things to prepare to study abroad. I will split it into two faces.
First: Materially.
1. Types of personal identification papers: helps define the identity and characteristics of a
particular person.
Example: identity card, Household registration book or birth certificate...
2. Education level: is a very important condition in the papers that need to be prepared when
studying abroad.
Example: High school diploma, with transcript ...
3. Ủa hổng cần chuẩn bị tiền hở anh? Thêm cho em nha anh ơi. Quan trọng lắm ó…
Second: Mentally.
1. Achievement and learning attitude: You must have a very high academic spirit and be ready to
withstand the pressure of studying in a foreign country because if you do not keep up with class
work with your friends, you will be under pressure from many sides.
2. Good foreign language: International students cannot do well without being good at the primary
language of the host country.
3. Destination culture: One of the very important things when studying abroad, but often ignored by
international students, is the understanding of culture, society, customs, ... of the host country.
Taking the time to learn about cultural activities, communication, public transport,... is the most
effective way for international students not to be surprised when they first arrive abroad as well as
easily. adapt to the new environment.
4. Life Skills: Since you were still in Vietnam, you need to participate in community activities to
help us be active, active and adaptable to the new environment and community.
5. Practice independent skills from home: Practice dealing with difficult situations on your own
before relying on others.

6. Be mentally prepared: The road to the future always has difficulties and challenges. Therefore,
the international students need to prepare themselves for a practical thought, a strong mentality.
You should find out all the difficulties that an international student may encounter, so that you can
orient yourself on how to overcome those difficulties.
Studying abroad is a big and hard job, so it is necessary to prepare carefully before going.

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