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before you continue on with the lesson. 2
University of Education Lahore
Department of English

Course Title: Academic Reading and Writing.

Programme: MA English.

Course Code: ENGL-1116

Instructor Name: Mr. Tahir Iqbal
OF Effective Writing
Recap of Previous Lecture
• What are writing Skills?
• Why writing is important?
• What are academic writings?
• Writing as a study skills: The skills of writing for a student.
• Complete: The message should be complete, i.e. it must include all the relevant
information as required by the intended audience. The complete information
gives answers to all the questions of the receivers and helps in better decision-
making by the recipient.
• Concrete: The communication should be concrete, which means the message
should be clear and particularly such that no room for misinterpretation is left.
All the facts and figures should be clearly mentioned in a message so as to
substantiate to whatever the sender is saying.
• Correct: The message should be correct, i.e. a correct language should be used,
and the sender must ensure that there is no grammatical and spelling mistakes.
4th C

The art of amazing writing.
What is conciseness?

• Conciseness means to, write the paper with strong and few words.

• Good writing needs better selection of vocabulary and words and

this comes from reading books and articles etc.

What is Conciseness?
• Conciseness is when you use more words then are necessary to get
your point across.

• Your writing should always be clear and concise. When you use
more words than are necessary to convey an idea your meaning
becomes harder to understand. You need to get your point across as
clearly and directly as possible.
Tips for creating Conciseness
• Eliminate unnecessary determiners and modifiers .

• Change phrases into single words

• Change unnecessary that, who, and which clauses into phrases.

• Avoid overusing expletives at the beginning of sentences

• Use active rather than passive verbs.

• Avoid overusing noun forms of verbs.

• Omit repetitive wording.

• Redundant Pairs.

• Eliminating Wordiness in Your Own Writing.

• Reword unnecessary infinitive phrases.

• Replace circumlocutions with direct expressions.

• Omit words that explain the obvious or provide excessive.

Bad Example of Conciseness

• Hi Naveed

I think we need to talk about the CSR campaign, I mean the one which
we need to do as a quarterly exercise. I think it is a great way of
enhancing our brand images. Basically it would just be a visit to an
orphanage but we can sort of do other things too. For instance we
could take the kid out for a short trip to a nearby park or zoo. Let us sit
and talk tomorrow.

Good Example of Conciseness.

Hi Naveed

I need to discuss the quarterly CSR campaign with you, let us take kids
out this to a nearby park or zoo instead of just visiting them. This will
enhance our brand image. We’ll talk in detail tomorrow.

5th C

“stepping into the shoes of others”.

Definition of Consideration

Consideration means preparing every message with the message

receiver in mind: put yourself at there place; being aware of there
ideas, emotion, attitudes, desires, circumstances, and probable
reactions to your point.

Handle the matter from their point of view called as “you attitude”
Effective Writing

Effective writing must take the reader into consideration, i.e., the
reader's view points, background, mind-set, education level, etc.
Make an attempt to envisage your audience, their requirements,
emotions as well as problems.
Check list for consideration

• See your material from your readers point of view.

• “You” is more desirable than “I” and “we”.

• Readers like to see benefits. Be sure benefits are a prominent part of

the message.

• Consciously use positive words; readers will react more favorably.

• Emphasize positive, pleasant facts.

Example of Consideration

• We attitude:
I am delighted to announce that we will be extending our hours to make
shopping more convenient.

You attitude:
We will be able to shop evening with extended hours.
6th C Clarity

Clarity is a characteristic of a speech or a prose composition that
communicates effectively with its intended audience or readers In
general, the qualities of clearly written prose include a carefully
defined purpose, logical organization, well-constructed sentences, and
precise word choice.
Methods for Writing With Absolute Clarity.
1) Know what you want to say.
2) Know who you’re talking to.
3) Define unfamiliar words.
4) Create a sentence outline.
5) Write one-sentence paragraphs.
6) Make your sentences short.
7) Don’t use long words.
8) Leverage writing tools.
9) Be consistent.
Bad Example of clarity

Dear Nasir

I would like to talk to you about the new clients project which the
engineering team has discussed yesterday. I might need the help of Ali
from your team.

Good Example of Clarity
Dear Nasir

As you may know we have signed up XYZ as our new client. I had a
meeting with the engineering team yesterday and had discussed the
campaign requirements for this project. Ali Ahmed from your team had
done a pretty good job last time doing the social media campaign for
ABC and so I would like him to work on the XYZ campaign too. Would
you be available sometime tomorrow to discuss this feature?

7th C Courteous

True courtesy involves being aware not only of the perspective of

others, but also their feelings. Courtesy System form a sincere you
attitude. It is not merely politeness with mechanical insertions of
“please” and “thank you", although applying socially accepted manners
is a form of courtesy. Rather it is politeness that grows out of respect
and concern for others.
Courteous writing

Courteous writing includes striving for a positive tone by avoiding

commanding phrases such as “you must” and negative phrases such as
“you failed.” There is no need to strive for false positivity, but taking
care over word choice shows consideration for your reader.

• Be sincerely tactful, thoughtful, and appreciative.

• Use expressions that show respect.

• Choose non discriminatory expressions.

Bad Example of Courteous

Hi Qadeer

I really do not appreciate how our IT team ignores the requests of my

team alone. My team is an important function in this organization too
and we have our own IT requirments. Can you ensure that out team
responds promptly to my team’s requests hereon?

Miss Alina
Good Example of Courteous

Hi Qadeer

I understand that the IT team is swamped with work and gets requests
from every department in the organization. My team however is
working on a high priority project and I would greatly appreciate if you
could ask your team members to respond to my team’s queries
promptly and help us complete this project on time. Please do let me
know if you need anything from me.

Miss Alina.
• Concise: When you’re concise in your communication, you stick to the point and
keep it brief. Your audience doesn’t want to read six sentences when you could
communicate your message in three.
• Consideration: The message should concentrate more on the employees or
consumer and not the company. Present the employees with logical projects that
can be achieved and not straining them.
• Clarity: When writing or speaking to someone, be clear about your goal or
message. What is your purpose in communicating with this person? If you’re not
sure, then your audience won’t be sure either.
• Courteous: Courteous communication is friendly, open, and honest. There are no
hidden insults or passive-aggressive tones. You keep your reader’s viewpoint in
mind, and you’re empathetic to their needs.

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