Deliverable 01 Worksheet: Answer and Explanation

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Deliverable 01 Worksheet

1. Introduce your scenario and data set.

o Provide a brief overview of the scenario you are given and describe the data set.
o Describe how you will be analyzing the data set.
o Classify the variables in your data set.
 Which variables are quantitative/qualitative?
 If it is a quantitative variable, is it discrete or continuous?
 Describe the level of measurement for each variable included in the data set
(nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio).

Answer and Explanation:

In this scenario, the data was retrieved from; the data shows
job titles and the associated salaries. Therefore, the data will be analyzed using
excel to compare job titles to salaries.

Job Title

Type: Qualitative variable (continuous)

Level of Measurement: Nominal


Type: Quantitative variable

Level of Measurement: ratio scale

2. Discuss the importance of the Measures of Center.
o Name and describe each measure of center.
o Discuss the advantages and/or disadvantages of each.

Answer and Explanation:

There are three measures of center namely: mean, median and mode.

Mean (Gupta et al., 2019)


Useful for further statistical analysis

Stable from sample to sample

Unaffected by probable sampling variations


Decreasing or increasing the value of any score in the data changes the mean

Responsive to absence or presence of extreme scores in the distribution

Median (Gupta et al., 2019)


Less sensitive or responsive to extreme scores in the data than mean


Responsive to the number of scores that lie below or above it but not how far away
they lie

Mode (Manikandan, 2011a)


Simple to obtain

The only measure of center that can be used with the nominal scale.


3. Discuss the importance of the Measures of Variation.

o Name and describe each measure of variation.

o Discuss the advantages and/or disadvantages of each.
Answer and Explanation:

The three measures of variation include range, inter-quartile range and standard
deviation (Manikandan, 2011b).

Range (Gupta et al., 2019)


Easy to calculate and understand


Sensitive to outliers and extreme values

Becomes unstable as sample size increases

Inter-quartile Range (Manikandan, 2011b)


Great measure of variation with skewed distributions

Less sensitive to extreme scores

Standard Deviation (Manikandan, 2011b)


Resistant to sampling variation

Useful in both inferential and descriptive statistics


Responsive to the exact position of every score

4. Calculate the measures of center and measures of variation from the data set and list them
below. Be sure to include (a) an interpretation of each measure in context of the scenario
(for example, if the median is larger than the mean, what does it mean? What does the
value of standard deviation tell you?) and (b) correct units of measurement. Show your
calculations in your spreadsheet. You do not need to include Excel functions in your written
answer below.

o Mean
o Median
o Mode
o Midrange
o Range
o Variance
o Standard deviation
Answer and Explanation:

Mean: 71,879.40

Median: 66,525.00

Mode: 71,420.00


Range: 167,760.00

Variance: 546,033,521.95

Standard deviation: 23,367.36

The different job titles had an average salary of $71,879.40 with a standard deviation
of $23,367.36. Additionally, the descriptive statistics show that the median is less
than the mean and so is the mode thus showing that the data is skewed to the right.
Furthermore, the standard deviation (SD = $23,367.36) is less than the mean (M =
Gupta, A., Mishra, P., Pandey, C., Singh, U., Sahu, C., & Keshri, A. (2019). Descriptive statistics

and normality tests for statistical data. Annals Of Cardiac Anaesthesia, 22(1), 67. doi:


Manikandan, S. (2011a). Measures of central tendency: Median and mode. Journal Of

Pharmacology And Pharmacotherapeutics, 2(3), 214. doi: 10.4103/0976-500x.83300

Manikandan, S. (2011b). Measures of dispersion. Journal Of Pharmacology And

Pharmacotherapeutics, 2(4), 315. doi: 10.4103/0976-500x.85931

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