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People vs. Nangcas (2018) Ruling: Yes, appellant’s guilt was established beyond
G.R. No. 218806, June 13, 2018
MARTIRES, J.: Section 4 of RA 9208 provides: It shall be unlawful for any
person, natural or juridical, to commit any of the following acts:
Facts: An Information was filed charging appellant for
(a) To recruit, transport, transfer; harbor, provide, or receive a
Violation of the "Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003", which
person by any means, including those done under the pretext
alleges that the accused, unlawfully recruit, transport four (4)
of domestic or overseas employment or training or
women, three of them are minors, by taking advantage of the
apprenticeship, for the purpose of prostitution, pornography,
vulnerability of said victims for the purpose of offering and
sexual exploitation, forced labor, slavery, involuntary servitude
selling said victims for forced labor, that is, by promising them
or debt bondage;
local employment (as househelpers in Camella Homes,
Cagayan de Oro City) with a monthly salary of PhP1,500.00
each and that they could go home every Sunday, but instead,
said accused brought them to Marawi City and sold them for Section 6. Qualified Trafficking in Persons. - The following are
PhP1,600.00 each to their great damage and prejudice. considered as qualified trafficking: (a) When the trafficked
person is a child;
Nangcas denied the allegations claiming that she had no idea
that the employer would no longer be needing house helpers;
hence, with no money to pay for the fare, she had no other In this case, Nangcas induced and coaxed the victims to go
choice but to stay with Baby Abas in Marawi City. with her by promising the victims and their parents that their
daughters would be working within Cagayan De Oro City, with
an enticing salary of P1,500.00 per month. In Marawi, the
Issue: Whether or not appellant’s guilt was established victims were constrained to work with the intention to save
beyond reasonable doubt. money for their fare going back home; however, when they
asked for their salary they were told that it had already been
given to Nangcas.

CrimCasedigest-BravoLex | 1
seen the children lying on the floor he stabbed himself on the
chest with a kitchen knife and jumped out of the window of
Ratio Decidendi: Deceit is the false representation of a matter their house. At the hospital, accused-appellant survived and
of fact intended to deceive another so that he shall act upon it was treated however, the children could no longer be revived.
to his legal injury.
When Gina heard about the incident, she went home
immediately and confronted Tibon at the hospital where he
Gist: This an appeal from the Decision of the CA, which was confined. He confessed to stabbing their children and
affirmed the Decision of the RTC, finding appellant guilty begged her for forgiveness.
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Qualified Trafficking
In court, Tibon denied the charges against him and raised
in Persons under Section 4 in relation to Section 6 of Republic
insanity as defense. He said that he could not recall what
Act No. 9208. happened on the night he allegedly stabbed his two children.
He also could not remember being taken to the hospital. He
said that he was only informed by his siblings that he had
killed his two children, causing him to jump off the window of
People vs. Tibon Case Digest G.R. No. 188320, June 29, their house.
Facts: Whether or not the exempting circumstance of insanity
Honorio Tibon (accused-appellant) and his common-law wife applies to the accused-appellant’s case?
Gina Sumingot (Gina) lived together as husband and wife.
They had two children, Keen Gist (KenKen) and Reguel Albert Ruling:
(Reguel). They lived together with Tibon’s parents and siblings No.  Under Article 12 of the RPC “An imbecile or an insane
on the third floor of a rented house. Gina went to Hongkong to person, unless the latter has acted during a lucid interval” is
work as a domestic helper, leaving their children to Tibon’s exempted from criminal liability. Anyone who pleads the
custody. After some time, Tibon heard from her sister who was exempting circumstance of insanity bears the burden of
also working abroad that Gina was having an affair with proving it with clear and convincing evidence. Testimony or
another man. After the revelation, he was spotted drinking a lot proof of insanity must relate to the time immediately preceding
and was seen hitting his two children. or coetaneous with the commission of the offense.

On the night of December 12, 1998, at around 11:30 p.m., The medical records of Tibon with the National Center for
accused-appellant’s mothertaand his siblings (Zernan and Mental Health (NCMH) is inapplicable for such refers to his
Leilani), went to Tibon’s room. They saw him with the two condition to stand trial and not to his mental state immediately
children who appeared to be lifeless and bore wounds on their before or during the commission of the crimes.
bodies. When Tibon realized that his mother and siblings had

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Tibon’s behavior was triggered by jealousy because of the some purchases. Sandiganbayan convicted Rene Pondevida,
revelation that his wife was having an affair overseas. the Municipal Treasurer of Badiangan, Iloilo, of three counts of
Uncontrolled jealousy and anger are not equivalent to insanity. the complex crime of malversation of public funds through
falsification of commercial documents.  AMIGABLE and
The court considered Parricide as the applicable law in this GRANDE and the Mayor were acquitted.
case. Under Article 264 Parricide is committed when: (i) a
person is killed; (ii) the deceased is killed by the accused; (iii)    
the deceased is the father, mother, or child, whether legitimate
or illegitimate, or a legitimate other ascendant or other
descendant, or the legitimate spouse of the accused. Tibon
was found guilty by this Court with the punishment of reclusion


PONDEVIDA v. SANDIGANBAYAN           The essential elements common to all acts of

malversation under Article 217 of the Revised Penal Code are
G.R. Nos. 160929-31 August 16, 2005 CALLEJO, the following:
SR., J.:
(a)   That the offender be a public officer.
Based on the submitted cashbook of Pondevida, the State
auditors discovered that the Pondevida had a shortage of (b)   That he had the custody or control of
P1,176,580.59. Thus, 3 Informations for malversation of public funds or property by reason of the
funds through falsification of commercial documents relating to duties of his office.
the checks disbursements were filed in the Sandiganbayan (c)   That those funds or property were
against Mayor Amigable, Pondevida, and three private public funds or property for which he
individuals, namely, Victor Grande, Norma Tiu and Glenn was accountable.
Celis. Allegedly, Amigable and Pondevida, public officers,
conniving with one VICTOR GRANDE, a private individual and (d)   That he appropriated, took,
proprietor of V.N. Grande Enterprises, falsified a commercial misappropriated or consented or,
document consisting of a check of LAND BANK OF THE through abandonment or negligence,
PHILIPPINES, with V.N. Grande Enterprises as the payee, by permitted another person to take
making it appear therein that the municipality of Badiangan them.
has some accounts payable to V.N. Grande Enterprises for

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          A public officer may be liable for malversation even if he
does not use public property or funds under his custody for his
personal benefit, but consents to the taking thereof by another
person, or, through abandonment or negligence, permitted
such taking. In the present case, the petitioner does not
dispute the fact that, by his overt acts of drawing and issuing Article 217: Malversation of Public Funds
the checks to the order of Victor Grande, Glenn Celis and G.R. No. 184908
Norma Tiu, they were able to encash the checks.  Even if the
petitioner received P893,860.67 from them on June 15, 1997, July 3, 2013
a day after the checks were encashed, by then, the felonies of
Major Joel G. Cantos, Petitioner VS People of the
malversation had already been consummated.  Case law has
Philippines, Respondent
it that the individuals’ taking of funds is completed and is
consummated even if the severance of the funds from the
possession was only for an instant. Restitution of the said
amount after the consummation of the crimes is not a ground FACTS:
for acquittal of the said crimes. On the petitioner’s claim that Major Joel G. Cantos is a Commanding Officer of the
he deposited the amount of P893,890.67 with the LBP on June 22nd Finance Service Center in the Presidential Security
15, 1995 as evidenced by the deposit slips, SC held that it was Group, Malacanang Park in Manila. On December 21, 2000,
petitioner’s burden to prove that the said amount was part of he took and misappropriated the amount of P3, 270,000.00
the deposit he made with the LBP on June 15, 1997, but he from public funds, by reason of his position in the Office and
failed to do so.  for his personal interest.
  Meanwhile, Major Eligio T. Balao, a Disbursing Officer
 Dispositive: at the 22nd FSU who acted as a witness, revealed that Major
Cantos called him at around 12 noon to his office and notified
Petition is DENIED for lack of merit.  The assailed Resolution him about the missing Special Duty Allowance for December
dated October 3, 2003 and Decision dated April 11, 2003 are and other Maintenance Operating Expenses under his
AFFIRMED.  supervision all amounting to P3 Million pesos. Balao was
taken aback by what he had just found out about the said
When he asked Major Cantos where he kept it and
asked why he did not keep the money in a safety vault, there

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was no response from Cantos. Balao further narrated that he Petitioner Cantos failed to explain satisfactorily the
was instructed by Major Cantos to get a screw driver to missing money amounting to P3 Million and restitute the
unscrew the safety vault and make it appear that the money amount upon demand. The reasons he gave – the funds being
was stolen from the vault. Instructions on getting the stolen and forcibly taken -- were not well-supported by
combination number of the vault from a certain Major Mendoza evidence. There was no trace of the steel cabinet where he
in Taguig were also given to Balao but he was not able to find placed the money being opened by force and it was only
Mendoza. When Balao went back to the office, Col. Espinelli Cantos who had the keys to the said steel cabinet.
tried to make him disclose that he took the money.
His explanation was insufficient and did not overcome
On the part of Major Cantos, he mentioned that he was the presumption that he had put the missing funds to personal
informed by Major Mendoza that the safety vault where he use. Even if no direct evidence of misappropriation exists, it
wished to keep the money was defective and so he kept the was mentioned that the only required element is that there is
money in a duffel bag in a steel cabinet. At that time, he had shortage in the officer’s account which has not been able to be
the keys to the steel cabinet. The next day, he narrated that explained adequately.
the duffel bag with the money was gone. At first, they wanted
The petition was DENIED. The Decision of the
to make it appear that the money was stolen by unscrewing
Sandiganbayan in convicting Major Joel G. Cantos of the
the vault. But, Cantos later informed Gen. Diaz about the lost
crime of Malversation of Public Funds was AFFIRMED and
money and was advised to relay the incident to Col. Espinelli
UPHELD. There were costs against the petitioner.
to which Espinelli made an investigation.
In the case at bar, it showed that all the elements of the
crime of malversation of public funds were found. He was
public officer and had complete supervision and control of the
funds and he failed to explain adequately what had happened People v. Paycana GR No 179035| 551 SCRA 657 | 16 April
to the funds. 2008 | Tinga, J. Princess Trisha Joy Z. Uy | Law 110-Criminal
Law II | Grp3
Paycana stabbed his pregnant wife several times and ended
ISSUE: up killing his wife and the unborn child. The elements of
unintentional abortion is in the ratio.
Did the Sandiganbayan make a mistake in finding the
petitioner guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Facts: ! Paycana Jr. was charged with parricide with
malversation of public funds? No. unintentional abortion to which he pleaded not guilty ! He
claims it was self-defense, that the wife attacked him first and
so he had to retaliate and he ended up killing his pregnant
HELD/RULING: wife. Witness version: ! Paycana came home early in the

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morning carrying with him his tools of trade as a butcher (knife, PARDO, J.
bolo, sharpener) ! He stabbed his wife 14 times. ! Due to the
shouting, Tito (wife’s father) went to the place to see his
daughter lying near the door. ! Seeing that the accused was
armed, he stepped back. ! Angelina (Paycana’s daughter)
says that Paycana held her mother’s neck and stabbed her. DOCTRINE:
Paycana version: ! He got the knife from the wife who stabbed Indeterminate Sentence Law- intended to favor the accused
her first ! They had a fight the night before ! He wanted to particularly to shorten his term of imprisonment, depending
upon his behavior and his physical, mental, and moral record
separate and while on his way out the wife stabbed him and so
as a prisoner 
he got the knife from the wife and stabbed her. ! He claims he
was not aware of the number of times because he was dizzy This is a joint trial of two cases filed against Oyanib for the
from blood loss killing of his wife, Tita Oyanib and her paramour, Jesus
Issue/Ratio: WON the acts were done in self-defense. Esquierdo.

No RTC is better suited to ascertain if it was indeed self-
defense based on the facts. The lower court has appreciated  Manolito and Tita begot 2 children and separated in
fact due to differences
all the facts and circumstances, and have seen and heard the
 Manolito kept custody of the children; Tita lived nearby
witnesses. SC has no reason to disturb its findings. • unlawful
renting a room at the 2nd floor of Llada’s house
aggression - belied by the witnesses and medical findings that
 For the sake of their children, Manolito tried to
injuries to Paycana were self-inflicted and superficial. • reconcile with Tita, but to no avail. Tita was open about
reasonable means - 14 times! This shows effort to kill. her relationship with other men and would flaunt it in
Elements of unintentional abortion (1) pregnant woman (2) front of Manolito
violence upon same pregnant woman w/o intending abortion  Manolito chanced upon Tita and Jesus in a very
(3) violence is intentionally exerted (4) fetus dies as a result of intimate situation by a hanging bridge. He confronted
the violence This is a complex crime because one act resulted them and reminded her that she was still his wife. They
to two felonies. The unborn fetus was also killed when the just ignored him and threatened to kill him
accused stabbed his wife several times.  Manolito went to the rented house of Tita to inform her
of their child’s failing grade. When he opened the door
using a hunting knife, he caught Jesus and Tita having
 Jesus and Tita died of multiple stab wounds
GR No. 130634-35 MARCH 12, 2001

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 Accused surrendered and admitted the killings but jealousy and outrage, accused stabbed Jesus who
invoked the exceptional circumstances under RPC 247 fought off and kicked the accused. He vented his anger
 RTC convicted him of homicide and parricide; with 2 on his wife when she reacted, not in defense of him,
mitigating circumstances: passion/obfuscation and but in support of Jesus. Hence, he stabbed his wife as
voluntary surrender well several times. Accused Manolito Oyanib y
Mendoza surrendered to the police when a call for him
to surrender was made
ISSUE: W/N accused is entitled to the exceptional  "The vindication of a Man's honor is justified because
privilege under RPC 247 of the scandal an unfaithful wife creates; the law is
strict on this, authorizing as it does, a man to chastise
her, even with death. But killing the errant spouse as a
HELD/ RATIO: Yes purification is so severe as that it can only be justified
when the unfaithful spouse is caught in flagrante
 An absolutory cause is present where the act delicto; and it must be resorted to only with great
committed is a crime but for reasons of public policy caution so much so that the law requires that it be
and sentiment, there is no penalty imposed. inflicted only during the sexual intercourse or
 RPC 247 prescribes the following elements for such immediately thereafter."(People v. Wagas)
1. that a legally married person surprises his
spouse in the act of committing sexual
intercourse with another person; SC DECISION: RTC decision reversed. Accused is sentenced
2. that he kills any of them or both of them in the of two (2) years and four (4) months of destierro. He shall not
act or immediately thereafter; and
be permitted to enter Iligan City, nor within a radius of one
3. that he has not promoted or facilitated the
hundred (100) kilometers from Iligan city
prostitution of his wife (or daughter) or that he
or she has not consented to the infidelity of the
other spouse
 There is no question that the first element is present in
the case at bar. The crucial fact that accused must
convincingly prove to the court is that he killed his wife CASE DIGEST
and her paramour in the act of sexual intercourse or
immediately thereafter On
 Accused have acted within the circumstances
People vs Abarca
contemplated in Article 247 of the Revised Penal Code.
Admittedly, accused-appellant surprised his wife and
G.R. No. 74433 September 14, 1987
her lover in the act of sexual intercourse. Blinded by

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PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,  hit by the shots fired by the accused. Arnold and Lina
vs. Amparado were rushed to the hospital and were rendered
FRANCISCO ABARCA, accused-appellant. timely medical assistance that prevented their deaths.


Legal Issues:

This is an appeal from the decision of the Regional 1. Whether or not Article 247 of the Revised Penal Code
Trial Court of Palo, Leyte, sentencing the accused-appellant defining death inflicted under exceptional
Francisco Abarca to death for the complex crime of murder circumstances can be applied in the instant case
with double frustrated murder. The case was elevated to this dissolving the criminal liability of the accused for the
Court in view of the death sentence imposed. With the murder of the deceased.
approval of the new Constitution, abolishing the penalty of 2. Whether or not the accused is liable for frustrated
death and commuting all existing death sentences to life murder for the injuries suffered by the Amparados.
imprisonment, we required the accused-appellant to inform us
whether or not he wished to pursue the case as an appealed
case. In compliance therewith, he filed a statement informing
us that he wished to continue with the case by way of an


On July 15, 1984 at around 6:00 PM, accused

Francisco Abarca went home and found his wife, Jenny, and 1. Yes, Article 247 can be applied in the instant case.
Khingsley Koh in the act of sexual intercourse. When the wife 2. No, the accused is not liable for frustrated murder for
and Koh noticed the accused, the wife pushed her paramour the injuries suffered by the Amparados.
who got his revolver. The accused who was then peeping
above the built-in cabinet in their room jumped and ranaway.
The accused went to look for a firearm at Tacloban City. At
around 6:30 p.m. he got an M-16 rifle and went back to his Reasoning/Policy:
house. He was not able to find his wife and Koh there. He
proceeded to the hangout of Kingsley Koh. The accused found
Koh playing mah-jong and fired at him three times with his
rifle. Koh was hit and died instantaneously. Arnold and Lina
Amparado who were occupying the adjacent room were also

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Article 247 qualifies death to be under exceptional Summary of Ruling by SC:
circumstance when the following elements are present: (1) that
a legally married person surprises his spouse in the act of
committing sexual intercourse with another person; and (2)
that he kills any of them or both of them in the act or The case at bar requires distinctions. Here, the
immediately thereafter. accused-appellant was not committing murder when he
discharged his rifle upon the deceased. Inflicting death under
exceptional circumstances is not murder. It cannot therefore
hold the appellant liable for frustrated murder for the injuries
There is no question that the accused surprised his suffered by the Amparados. For the separate injuries suffered
wife and her paramour in the act of sexual intercourse. That he by the Amparado spouses, we therefore impose upon the
went out to kill one of them immediately thereafter is however accused-appellant arresto mayor (in its medium and maximum
vague. The length of time that passed between the time the periods) in its maximum period, arresto to being the graver
accused discovered his wife having sexual intercourse with the penalty (than destierro).
victim and the time the latter was actually shot took almost an
hour. It must be understood however that the shooting was the
continuation of the pursuit of the victim by the accused. The
killing has been motivated by the same blind impulse and was The decision appealed from is hereby MODIFIED. The
the direct by-product of the accused’s rage. Satisfying both accused-appellant is sentenced to four months and 21 days to
provisions, Article 247 can therefore be applicable in this case. six months of arresto mayor. The period within which he has
As a result, accused is not criminally liable for the death of the been in confinement shall be credited in the service of these
deceased as he was under exceptional circumstance upon penalties. He is furthermore ordered to indemnify Arnold and
employing the act of killing. Lina Amparado in the sum of P16,000.00 as and for
hospitalization expense and the sum of P1,500.00 as and for
Arnold Amparado's loss of earning capacity. No special
pronouncement as to costs.
As a rule, one committing an offense is liable for all the
consequences of his act. However, that rule presupposes that
the act done amounts to a felony. Ruling that Article247 can
be applied in this case, accused was therefore not committing
a felony when he killed the deceased. Having not committing a PEOPLE v. ELIZER BEDUYA, GR No. 175315, 2010-08-09
felony, it therefore follows that the accused is not liable for the
unintended acts which followed, in this case, for the injuries Facts:
suffered by the Amparados.
appellants Elizer Beduya (Elizer) and Ric Beduya (Ric)

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6th day of May 2002, at about 12:15 o'clock midnight, more or also reported to their Barangay Captain, who responded by
less, in barangay Baga, Municipality of Pana-on, province of going to the residence of the victim.
Misamis Occidental... conspiring, confederating and mutually
helping one another... attack, box and then stab one The victim told him that, "I will die because of this.  x x x  I was
DOMINADOR S. ACOP... use of a knife... hitting him on the boxed by Ric and I was stabbed by Elizer."[7]  He also told the
left hypochondriac area which caused his death Barangay Captain that he had no previous quarrel with the

On May 6, 2002, at around 11:45 p.m., Roy Bughao (Bughao) Beduya brothers
was carrying a torch on his way home from the birthday
celebration of his cousin when Elizer and Ric suddenly On the next day, May 8, 2002, the victim... died due to "septic
appeared.  Ric went around him while his brother Elizer and hypovolemic shock secondary to stabbed wound.
pointed a knife.  He drew back and swung the... torch at them
and shouted, "Why do you hurt me, what is my fault?"[6]  The The Appellants' Version
Beduya brothers did not reply and continued their assault. 
Bughao then scrambled for safety and ran towards the yard of Elizer maintained that he did not commit any crime
victim Dominador S. Acope, Sr. (Acope, Sr.) and hid... in a
dark area.
While on his way home at 10:30 p.m., he was suddenly
attacked and... struck by the victim and Bughao.  He got hit
At around 12:30 a.m. of May 7, 2002, the victim and his son, several times with a piece of wood and Bughao smashed his
Dominador Acope, Jr. (Acope, Jr.), were roused from their right foot.  To defend himself, he pulled out his knife and struck
sleep by a voice coming from the road in front of their house.  randomly.
The victim went outside while his son peeped through the
window.  The victim saw
Eduardo Eltagon
Bughao who readily identified himself and said that Elizer
(Eduardo) testified that he witnessed the event but he did not
pointed a knife at him
interfere since he did not want to get involved.
While in hiding, he saw the Beduya brothers approach the
Elizer continued to walk, and arrived home at 12:15 a.m.   At
victim after they were advised to go home... since it was
1:30 a.m., policemen came to his house and took him to a
already late
hospital.  They passed by the house of his brother Ric before
proceeding to their destination.
Ric slapped the victim while Elizer stabbed him.  The victim
retaliated by striking them with a piece of wood he got hold of.
Ric testified that he was asleep at the time of the incident.
Acope, Jr. immediately proceeded to his uncle's house which
was 40 meters away and sought his help.  The incident was

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Barangay Captain and... policemen came to his house with his abuse of superior strength, there being no proof of the relative
brother and asked him to come with them to the hospital. strength of the aggressors and the... victim."[21]

Issues: "Abuse of superior strength is present whenever there is a

notorious inequality of forces between the victim and the
determine whether the appellants killed the victim with abuse aggressor, assuming a situation of superiority of strength
of superior strength for which they were convicted of murder. notoriously advantageous for the aggressor selected or taken
advantage of by him in the commission of... the crime."[20] 
Ruling: "The fact that there were two persons who attacked the victim
does not per se establish that the crime was committed with
in favor of the prosecution, whose witnesses testified candidly abuse of superior strength, there being no proof of the relative
on the events that resulted in the death of the victim.  On the strength of the aggressors and the... victim."[21]  The evidence
other hand, the trial court found as unreliable the witnesses must establish that the assailants purposely sought the
presented by the defense advantage, or that they had the deliberate intent to use this
advantage.[22]  "To take advantage of superior strength
It held that means to purposely use... excessive force out of proportion to
the means of defense available to the person attacked."[23] 
The appreciation of this aggravating circumstance depends on
Eduardo, at 86 years of age, could not have seen the victim
the age, size, and strength of the parties.[24]
and Bughao attacking Elizer 30 meters away with a flashlight
as his only source of illumination in the dead of night since a
test on his vision showed that he could not "see at a distance The prosecution in this case failed to adduce evidence of a
little more than beyond his... nose." relative disparity in age, size and strength, or force, except for
the showing that two assailants, one of them (Elizer) armed
with a knife, assaulted the victim.  The presence of two
Moreover, it ruled that the injuries suffered by Elizer were
assailants, one of them armed... with a knife, does not ipso
more consistent with the defensive blows from a piece of wood
facto indicate an abuse of superior strength.[25]  Mere
the victim used to defend himself, rather than the alleged
superiority in numbers is not indicative of the presence of this
assault on him by the victim and Bughao
circumstance.[26]  Neither did the prosecution present proof to
show... that the victim suffered from an inferior physical
According to the trial court, the appellants' combined assault condition from which the circumstance can be inferred.  In fact,
gave them the advantage over the victim who must have... there is evidence that the victim was able to get hold of a piece
been taken by surprise.  The retaliation of the victim with a of wood and deliver retaliatory blows against the knife-wielder,
piece of wood was done only after he had already been Elizer.[27]
The events leading to the stabbing further disprove any finding
The fact that there were two persons who attacked the victim of deliberate intent on the part of the assailants to abuse their
does not per se establish that the crime was committed with

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superior strength over that of the victim.  The testimonies of Lozano stopped in front of the house. While his companions
the prosecution's witnesses, on the whole, show that the looked on, Antonio suddenly threw an object on the roof of the
incident between the... victim and his assailants was terrace and fled immediately together with his companions.
unplanned and unpremeditated. The assailants were in pursuit The object which happened to be a hand grenade suddenly
of Bughao when the victim advised them to go home since it explode ripping a hole in the roof. Robert and his companions
was already late at night. There was indeed no conscious were hit by shrapnel and slumped unconscious on the floor.
attempt on the part of the assailants to use or take advantage They were all rushed to the Hospital however Robert died
of any... superior strength that they then enjoyed.  Particularly, before reaching the hospital.
it has not been clearly established that the appellants, with an
advantage in number, purposely resorted to punching the The undisputed facts show that when Antonio was in the act of
victim and delivering a fatal stab wound.  Neither has it been throwing the hand grenade, his companions merely looked on
shown that the victim was... simply overwhelmed by the fist without uttering a single word of encouragement or performed
blows delivered by Ric and Elizer's act of stabbing him.  The any act to assist him. The trial court held that the mere
evidence on this matter is too insufficient for a definitive presence of the two provided encouragement and a sense of
conclusion.  What has been shown with certainty and clarity is security to Antonio, thus proving the existence of conspiracy.
the appellants' intent to kill, as shown by the stab... wound in
the left side of the victim's body which resulted in his death two Issue Can there be a conspiracy based on the foregoing facts?
days later.  As the knife wielder, Elizer is guilty of assaulting
and killing the victim. Ruling

In view of the foregoing, we are compelled to rule out the A conspiracy must be shown to exist as clearly and
presence of abuse of superior strength as a qualifying convincingly as the commission of the crime itself. Mere
circumstance.  Hence, appellants' guilt must be limited to the presence of a person at the scene of the crime does not make
crime of homicide. him a conspirator for conspiracy transcends companionship.

The evidence shows that George Comadre and Danilo Lozano

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, appellee, vs. ANTONIO did not have any participation in the commission of the crime
COMADRE and must therefore be set free. Their mere presence at the
scene of the crime as well as their close relationship with
Antonio are insufficient to establish conspiracy considering
[G.R. No. 153559. June 8, 2004]
that they performed no positive act in furtherance of the crime.
at around 7:00 in the evening of August 6, 1995, Robert
Neither was it proven that their act of running away with
Agbanlog with four others were having a drinking spree on the
Antonio was an act of giving moral assistance to his criminal
terrace of the house of Robert's father when they noticed
act. The ratiocination of the trial court that their presence
appellants Antonio Comadre, George Comadre and Danilo
provided encouragement and sense of security to Antonio, is

CrimCasedigest-BravoLex | 12
devoid of any factual basis. Such finding is not supported by MAXIMUM and orders the petitioner to pay Alexander
the evidence on record and cannot therefore be a valid basis P30,000 (CIVIL INDEMITY), P30,000 (MORAL
of a finding of conspiracy. DAMAGES) and P14,170.35 plus interest 6% annum
Important Details:

 On the evening of Dec. 24, 1997, Alexander Fojo was

fetching water below his rented house in Mandaluyong
City when he was suddenly hit on the nape by Alfredo
CASE DIGEST: De Guzman Jr. vs. People of the Philippines De Guzman, brother of Alexander’s land lady, Lucila
G.R. No. 178512 | November 26, 2014  Alexander informed Lucila about what happened and
Petitioner: Alfredo De Guzman Jr. she apologized on behalf of Alejandro and told the
latter to just go up.
Respondent: People of the Philippines  Later on, at around 12:00 to 12:15 pm, he went down
FACTS and continued fetch water. While pouring water, Alfredo
suddenly appeared and stabbed him on left face and
Ruling: chest
 Cirilino Bantaya, son-in-law of Alexander, saw the
 RTC found Alfredo guilty beyond unreasonable reason victim bleeding and begging for help. Alexander told
in the crime of FRUSTATED HOMICIDE and was Cirilino that Alfredo stabbed him.
sentenced 6 MONTHS AND 1 DAY of PRISION  Cirilino brought and rushed him to the Mandaluyong
CORRECTION as MINIMUM and6 YEARS AND ONE City Medical Center. Alexander two (2) stabbed
DAY of PRISION MAYOR as MAXIMUM and pay the wounds, one in zygoma (FACE), left part and one in
private complainant compensatory damages in amount the upper left chest which was fatal. The attending
of P14,170.35 physician, Francisco Obmerga, stated that the second
 CA dismissed the instant appeal and hereby affirmed wound could have caused Alexander’s death if he did
the RTC’s decision. not get rushed to the hospital.
 The SC affirmed the decision promulgated finding  Alfredo appealed to the CA, contending that his intent
Alexander GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of to kill (CRITICAL ELEMENT OF THE CRIME
FRUSTRATED HOMICIDE and was sentenced 4 CHARGED) was not established, and that any person
YEARS of PRISION CORRECTIONAL as MINIMUM could have inflicted the wounds.

CrimCasedigest-BravoLex | 13
 Petitioner also insisted that he should be guilty of slight 4. Acts, deeds or words stated by the offender before,
physical injuries, not frustrated homicide. during or immediately after the commission of the crime
– Alejandro was hit on the nape by Alfredo
5. Evidence of the motive (before or after but NOT during
the commission of the crime – direct evidence is not
 FRUSTRATED HOMICIDE – as ruled by RTC, CA available)

 Whether or not the INTENT TO KILL, which is a Specific Criminal Intent – it must be proven by the
criminal element of the crime charged, is established in prosecution beyond reasonable doubt since the VICTIM
the case. (RELATED TO ARTICLE 3, INTENT) did not die in this case. If the VICTIM died, the intent to kill
becomes a GENERAL CRIMINAL INTENT which is
HELD presumed by law.

 YES. The wounds sustained by Alexander were not mere The ELEMENTS of FRUSTRATED HOMICIDE are:
scuff-marks inflicted in the heat of anger or as the result of
(1) the accused intended to kill his victim, as manifested by
a fistfight between them. The petitioner wielded and used a
his use of a deadly weapon in his assault;
knife in his assault on Alexander. There is also to be no
doubt about the wound on Alexander’s chest being (2) the victim sustained fatal or mortal wound but did not
sufficient to result into his death were it not for the timely die because of timely medical assistance; and
medical intervention. (ARTICLE 3, INTENT)
(3) none of the qualifying circumstances for murder under
INTENT TO KILL is determined by the ff. factors: Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, is
1. Nature and number of the weapon used by the
offender in the commission of the crime – STABBED
THE VICTIM USING A KNIFE SECOND DIVISION [G.R. No. 185710. January 19, 2010.]
2. Nature, number and location of wounds PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, appellee, vs. ROMULO
inflicted/sustained by the victim – 2 wounds: One in the TUNIACO, JEFFREY DATULAYTA and ALEX ALEMAN,
ZYGOMA (left side), one in the upper left chest accused. ALEX ALEMAN, appellant. DECISION ABAD, J p:
3. The manner of committing the crime – Alfredo stabbed This case is about the requirements of a valid extrajudicial
him 2 times confession and the establishment of the existence of corpus
delicti in murder cases. cACEaI The Facts and the Case The
city prosecutor of General Santos City charged the accused

CrimCasedigest-BravoLex | 14
Romulo Tuniaco, Jeffrey Datulayta, and Alex Aleman with drunk then led him out supposedly to get the money he
murder before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of General needed. CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2016
Santos City in Criminal Case 8370. Based on the ?ndings of The three accused brought Cortez to Apopong near the dump
the RTC, in the morning of June 13, 1992 some police of?cers site and, as they were walking, accused Aleman turned on
from the Lagao Police Sub-Station requested police of?cer Cortez and stabbed him on the stomach. Accused Datulayta,
Jaime Tabucon of the Central Police Station of General on the other hand, drew out his single shot homemade M16
Santos City homicide division to take the statement of accused pistol 1 and shot Cortez on the head, causing him to fall.
Alex Aleman regarding the slaying of a certain Dondon Cortez. Datulayta handed over the gun to Aleman who ?red another
On his arrival at the sub-station, Tabucon noted the presence shot on Cortez's head. Accused Tuniaco used the same gun to
of Atty. Ruperto Besinga, Jr. of the Public Attorney's Of?ce pump some bullets into Cortez's body. Then they covered him
(PAO) who was conversing with those taken into custody for with rice husks. After taking down the statement, Tabucon
the offense. When queried if the suspects would be willing to explained the substance of it to accused Aleman who then
give their statements, Atty. Besinga said that they were. Some signed it in the presence of Atty. Besinga. On June 15, 1992
other police of?cer ?rst took the statement of accused Jeffrey the police brought Aleman to the City Prosecutor's Of?ce
Datulayta. Of?cer Tabucon next took the statement of accused where he swore to his statement before an assistant city
Aleman, whom he observed to be in good physical shape. prosecutor. In the afternoon, accused Datulayta and Aleman
Before anything else, of?cer Tabucon informed accused led Tabucon, the city prosecutor, and a police inspector, to the
Aleman in Cebuano of his constitutional right to remain silent dump site where they left their victim's body. After some
and to the assistance of counsel of his own choice and asked search, the group found a spot covered with burnt rice husks
him if he was willing to give a statement. Aleman answered in and a partially burnt body of a man. About a foot from the
the af?rmative. When asked if he had any complaint to make, body, they found the shells of a 5.56 caliber gun and an
Aleman said that he had none. When Aleman said that he had armalite rifle. On being arraigned, all three accused, assisted
no lawyer, Tabucon pointed to Atty. Besinga who claimed that by Atty. Besinga, pleaded not guilty to the murder charge.
he was assisting all the suspects in the case. Tabucon warned After the prosecution rested its case, accused Tuniaco ?led a
Aleman that anything he would say may be used against him demurrer to evidence which the Court granted, resulting in the
later in court. Afterwards, the police officer started taking down dismissal of the case against him. On being re-arraigned at his
Aleman's statement. Accused Aleman said that in the course request, accused Datulayta pleaded guilty to the lesser
of a drinking bout with accused Datulayta and Tuniaco at offense of Homicide. The trial court sentenced him to
around 9 p.m. on June 6, 1992, Dondon Cortez threatened to imprisonment of six years and one day and to pay P50,000.00
report his drinking companions' illegal activities to the police to the victim's family. For some reason, the trial court had
unless they gave him money for his forthcoming marriage. Aleman subjected to psychiatric examination at the Davao
According to Aleman, Datulayta and Tuniaco had already Mental Hospital. But, shortly after, the hospital sent word that
planned to kill Cortez in Tupi, South Cotabato, for making the Aleman had escaped. He was later recaptured. When trial in
same threats and now they decided to do it. They got Cortez the case resumed, Aleman's new PAO lawyer raised the

CrimCasedigest-BravoLex | 15
defense of insanity. This prompted the court to require the P25,000.00 as exemplary damages. Aleman appealed to this
Provincial Jail Warden to issue a certi?cation regarding Court. The Issues Presented Accused Aleman raises two
Aleman's behavior and mental condition while in jail to issues: a) whether or not the prosecution was able to present
determine if he was ?t to stand trial. The warden complied, evidence of corpus delicti; and b) whether or not accused
stating that Aleman had been observed to have good mental Aleman’s extrajudicial confession is admissible in evidence.
condition and did not commit any infraction while in jail. The Rulings of the Court 1. Corpus delicti has been de?ned as
Although the prosecution and defense stipulated that Atty. the body, foundation, or substance of a crime. The evidence of
Besinga assisted accused Aleman during the taking of his a dead body with a gunshot wound on its back would be
extrajudicial confession, the latter, however, recanted what he evidence that murder has been committed. 2 Corpus delicti
said to the police during the trial. He testi?ed that sometime in has two elements: (a) that a certain result has been
1992, some police of?cers took him from his aunt's house in established, for example, that a man has died and (b) that
Purok Palen, Labangal, General Santos City, and brought him some person is criminally responsible for it. 3 The prosecution
to the Lagao police station. He was there asked to admit is burdened to prove corpus delicti beyond reasonable doubt
having taken part in the murder of Cortez. When he refused, either by direct evidence or by circumstantial or presumptive
they tortured him until he agreed to sign a document admitting evidence. 4 The defense claims that the prosecution failed to
his part in the crime. Accused Aleman also testi?ed that he prove corpus delicti since it did not bother to present a medical
could not remember having been assisted by Atty. Besinga certi?cate identifying the remains found at the dump site and
during the police investigation. He even denied ever knowing an autopsy report showing such remains sustained gunshot
the lawyer. Aleman further denied prior association with and stab wounds that resulted in death; and the shells of the
accused Tuniaco and Datulayta. He said that he met them guns used in killing the victim. But corpus delicti need not be
only at the city jail where they were detained for the death of proved by an autopsy report of the dead victim’s body or even
Cortez. EDSAac On October 8, 2001 the RTC rendered by the testimony of the physician who examined such body. 5
judgment, ?nding accused Aleman guilty beyond reasonable While such report or testimony is useful for understanding the
doubt of the crime charged, and sentenced him to suffer the nature of the injuries the victim suffered, they are not
penalty o f reclusion perpetua. The court also ordered him to indispensable proof of such injuries or of the fact of death. 6
pay death indemnity of P70,000.00 and moral damages of Nor is the presentation of the murder weapons also
P50,000.00 to the heirs of Cortez. On appeal to the Court of indispensable since the physical existence of such weapons is
Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR-HC 00311, the court rendered not an element of the crime of murder. 7 Here, the police
judgment on January 21, 2008, af?rming the decision of the authorities found the remains of Cortez at the place pointed to
RTC with the modi?cation that directed accused Aleman and by accused Aleman. That physical con?rmation, coming after
Datulayta to indemnify the heirs of CD Technologies Asia, Inc. his testimony of the gruesome murder, suf?ciently establishes
© 2016 Cortez, jointly and severally, in the the corpus delicti of the crime. Of course, that statement must
amounts of P50,000.00 as civil indemnity; P50,000.00 as be admissible in evidence. 2. There is no reason for it not to
moral damages; P25,000.00 as temperate damages; and be. Confession to be admissible must be a) voluntary; b) made

CrimCasedigest-BravoLex | 16
with the assistance of a competent and independent counsel; lower court noted, it is improbable that the police fabricated
c) express; and d) in writing. 8 These requirements were met Aleman's confession and just forced him to sign it. The
here. A lawyer, not working with or was not beholden to the confession has details that only the person who committed the
police, Atty. Besinga, assisted accused Aleman during the crime could have possibly known. 12 What is more, accused
custodial investigation. Of?cer Tabucon testi?ed that he saw Datulayta’s confession corroborate that of Aleman in important
accused Aleman, before the taking of his statement, details. Under the doctrine of interlocking confessions, such
conversing with counsel at the police station. Atty. Besinga did corroboration is circumstantial evidence against the person
not dispute this claim. Aleman alleges torture as the reason for implicated in it. 13 The Court notes that, when it modi?ed the
the execution of the confession. The appellate court is correct award of civil damages to the heirs of Cortez, the CA made
in ruling that such allegation is baseless. It is a settled rule that both accused Aleman and Datulayta, jointly and severally
where the defendant did not present evidence of compulsion, liable, for the damages as modi?ed. But the appeal by one or
where he did not institute any criminal or administrative action more of several accused cannot affect those who did not
against his supposed intimidators, where no physical evidence appeal, except if the judgment of the appellate court is
of violence was presented, all these will be considered as favorable and applicable to them. 14 Here accused Datulayta
indicating voluntariness. 9 Here, although Aleman claimed that pleaded guilty to the lesser offense of homicide and the trial
he bore torture marks on his head, he never brought this to the court ordered him to pay only P50,000.00 in civil indemnity to
attention of his counsel, his relatives, or the prosecutor who the heirs of Cortez. The CA erred in expanding that liability
administered his oath. Accused Aleman claims, citing People when he did not appeal from his conviction. 15 DICSaH IN
v. Galit, 10 that long questions followed by monosyllabic LIGHT OF THE FOREGOING, the Court AFFIRMS the Court
answers do not satisfy the requirement that the accused is of Appeals' judgment in CA-G.R. CR-HC 00311 dated January
amply informed of his rights. But this does not apply here. 21, 2008 against accused Alex Aleman. The Court, however,
Tabucon testi?ed that he spoke to CD Technologies Asia, Inc. DELETES from such judgment the portion increasing the civil
© 2016 Aleman clearly in the language he liability of accused Jeffrey Datulayta who did not appeal from
knew. Aleman, joined by Atty. Besinga, even signed a certi? the RTC decision against him. SO ORDERED. Carpio, Brion,
cation that the investigator suf?ciently explained to him his Del Castillo and Jose P. Perez, JJ., concur. Footnotes 1. CA
constitutional rights and that he was still willing to give his rollo, p. 11. 2. People v. Cariño, 438 Phil. 771, 777 (2002). 3.
statement. Further, Aleman asserts that he was lacking in People v. Cabodoc, 331 Phil. 491, 509-510 (1996). 4. People
education and so he did not fully realize the consequences of v. Vasquez, G.R. No. 123939, May 28, 2004, 430 SCRA 52,
a confession. But as the CA said, no law or jurisprudence 77. 5. People v. Cariño, supra note 2. 6. People v. Barro, Sr.,
requires the police of?cer to ascertain the educational 392 Phil. 857, 873 (2000). 7. People v. Piedad, 441 Phil. 818,
attainment of the accused. All that is needed is an effective 836 (2002). 8. People v. Gallardo, 380 Phil. 182, 194 (2000).
communication between the interrogator and the suspect to CD Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2016 9.
the end that the latter is able to understand his rights. 11 This People v. Del Rosario, 411 Phil. 676, 690-691 (2001). 10. 220
appears to have been done in this case. Moreover, as the Phil. 143, 150-151 (1985). 11. People v. Muleta, 368 Phil. 451,

CrimCasedigest-BravoLex | 17
464 (1999). 12. People v. Villanueva, 334 Phil. 324, 330 Edwin Selda testified that on 29 January 1989 the police
(1997). 13. People v. Lising, 340 Phil. 530, 560-561 (1998). invited him to the Municipal Building of Hinigaran to give his
14. Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 122, Sec. 11. statement regarding the killing incident and, if necessary, to
15. People v. Napud, Jr., 418 Phil. 268, 284 (2001). CD confirm the identity of the suspect who was then in their
Technologies Asia, Inc. © 2016 custody. Thereat, he executed an affidavit and affirmed before
the police authorities that the man under detention, whom he
later identified as accused Anecito Unlagada, was the same
PEOPLE Vs. UNLAGADA man who stabbed his friend Danilo.

FACTS: Respondent however contended that at around 10:00 o'clock

in evening of 27 January 1989 while he was inside the dance
On 27 January 1989 at around 9:00 o'clock in the evening hall, an altercation ensued near the gate between the
Danilo Laurel left his house together with Edwin Selda, a gatekeeper and a group of four (4) individuals who, despite
visitor from Bacolod City, to attend a public dance at Rizal St., their disruptive behavior, were eventually allowed to get
Mag-asawang Taytay, Hinigaran, Negros Occidental. Two (2) through the gate. At around 11:00 o'clock, a gunshot suddenly
hours later, or around 11:00 o'clock that evening, Danilo asked rang out. From the people around he learned that a rumble
Edwin to take a short break from dancing to attend to their had taken place and that somebody was killed. But he came to
personal necessities outside the dance hall. Once outside, learn the victim's identity only the following morning when he
they decided to have a drink and bought two (2) bottles of and a certain Lorenzo Patos were brought by a police officer to
Gold Eagle beer at a nearby store. the Municipal Building for questioning. At the Municipal
Not long after, Danilo, halfway on his first bottle, left to look for Building, he heard somebody asking who "Lapad" was and an
a place to relieve himself. According to Edwin, he was only alleged eyewitness, who later turned out to be Edwin Selda,
about three (3) meters from Danilo who was relieving himself pointed to him as the man referred to by that name. Anecito
when a short, dark bearded man walked past him, approached Unlagada and Lorenzo Patos were put in jail and a complaint
Danilo and stabbed him at the side. Danilo retaliated by was filed against them before the Municipal Trial Court of
striking his assailant with a half-filled bottle of beer. Almost Hinigaran. Meanwhile the case against Lorenzo was
simultaneously, a group of men numbering about seven (7), dismissed leaving Aniceto alone to face the charge of murder.
ganged up on Danilo and hit him with assorted weapons, i.e., The trial court dismissed as incredible the alibi of the accused
bamboo poles, stones and pieces of wood. Edwin, who was and the testimonies of the defense witnesses negating
petrified, could only watch helplessly as Danilo was being Anecito's culpability.
mauled and overpowered by his assailants. Danilo fell to the
ground and died before he could be given any medical Accused Anecito Unlagada now assails his conviction on the
assistance. ground that it was error for the trial court to give full faith and
credence to the lone and uncorroborated testimony of witness

CrimCasedigest-BravoLex | 18
Edwin Selda, and in finding that the crime of murder was principal author of the killing, as against a common, particular
committed instead of "death caused in a tumultuous affray" victim. It is not, as the defense suggests, a "tumultuous affray"
under Art. 251 of The Revised Penal Code. within the meaning of Art. 251 of The Revised Penal Code,
that is, a melee or free-for-all, where several persons not
comprising definite or identifiable groups attack one another in
Whether or not the crime committed was “death caused in a a confused and disorganized manner, resulting in the death or
tumultuous affray" under Art. 251 of The Revised Penal Code. injury of one or some of them.

DECISION: Verily, the attack was qualified by treachery. The deceased

was relieving himself, fully unaware of any danger to his
WHEREFORE, the Decision appealed from is AFFIRMED person when suddenly the accused walked past witness
with the following MODIFICATION: Accused-appellant Edwin Selda, approached the victim and stabbed him at the
ANECITO UNLAGADA y SUANQUE a.k.a. "Lapad" is side. There was hardly any risk at all to accused-appellant; the
ordered to pay the heirs of the deceased Danilo Laurel attack was completely without warning, the victim was caught
P50,000.00 as civil indemnity, plus moral damages in the by surprise, and given no chance to put up any defense.
reduced amount of P50,000.00. Costs against accused-
appellant. Hence rime committed was murder.

RATIO: Tanega vs Masakayan

Art. 251. Death caused in a tumultuous affray. - When, while Art. 158
several persons, not composing groups organized for the
common purpose of assaulting and attacking each other
reciprocally, quarrel and assault each other in a confused and Guiding Provision: Arresto menor and a fine of P100.00
tumultuous manner, and in the course of the affray someone is constitute a light penalty. By Article 92 of the Revised Penal
killed, and it cannot be ascertained who actually killed the Code, light penalties "imposed by final sentence" prescribe in
deceased, but the person or persons who inflicted serious one year. The period of prescription of penalties — so the
physical injuries can be identified, such person or persons succeeding Article 93 provides — "shall commence to run from
shall be punished by prision mayor. the date when the culprit should evade the service of his
A tumultuous affray takes place when a quarrel occurs
between several persons who engage in a confused and Petitioner was convicted of slander by the City Court of
tumultuous manner, in the course of which a person is killed or Quezon City and appealed to the CFI but was found guilty and
wounded and the author thereof cannot be ascertained.5 The she was sentenced to 20 days of arresto menor, to indemnify
quarrel in the instant case is between a distinct group of the offended party, Pilar B. Julio, in the sum of P100.00, with
individuals, one of whom was sufficiently identified as the

CrimCasedigest-BravoLex | 19
the corresponding subsidiary imprisonment, and to pay the penal institution, the penalty shall be prision correccional in its
costs. The Court of Appeals affirmed. maximum period.
On January 11, 1965, the petitioner was directed that Elements of evasion of service of sentence are: (1) the
execution of the sentence be set for January 27, 1965. On offender is a convict by final judgment; (2) he "is serving his
petitioner's motion, execution was deferred to February 12, sentence which consists in deprivation of liberty"; and (3) he
1965, at 8:30 a.m. At the appointed day and hour, petitioner evades service of sentence by escaping during the term of his
failed to show up. This prompted the respondent judge, on sentence. This must be so. For, by the express terms of the
February 15, 1965, to issue a warrant for her arrest, and on statute, a convict evades "service of his sentence", by
March 23, 1965 an alias warrant of arrest. Petitioner was "escaping during the term of his imprisonment by reason of
never arrested. final judgment." That escape should take place while serving
sentence, is emphasized by the provisions of the second
Then, on December 10, 1966, petitioner, by counsel, moved to
sentence of Article 157 which provides for a higher penalty if
quash the warrants of arrest of February 15, 1965 and March
such "evasion or escape shall have taken by means of
23, 1965. Petitioner's assertion is that Penalty has prescribed.
unlawful entry, by breaking doors, windows, gates, walls,
On December 19, 1966, the respondent judge ruled that "the
roofs, or floors or by using picklocks, false keys, disguise,
penalty imposed upon the accused has to be served", rejected
deceit, violence or intimidation, or through connivance with
the plea of prescription of penalty and, instead, directed the
other convicts or employees of the penal institution, ... "
issuance of another alias warrant of arrest. Hence, the present
Indeed, evasion of sentence is but another expression of the
term "jail breaking".
Issue: Whether or not the petitioner is guilty of Evasion of
Ruling: The Court ruled that for prescription of penalty of
Service of Sentence
imprisonment imposed by final sentence to commence to run,
Held: The case was dismissed. Article 157 of the Revised the culprit should escape during the term of such
Penal Code furnishes the ready answer. Says Article 157: imprisonment. Adverting to the facts, the case of a convict who
was sentenced to imprisonment by final judgment was
ART. 157. Evasion of service of sentence. — The penalty of thereafter never placed in confinement. Prescription of penalty,
prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods shall then, does not run in her favor.
be imposed upon any convict who shall evade service of his
sentence by escaping during the term of his imprisonment 6 by US vs Casipong and Hongoy
reason of final judgment. However, if such evasion or escape
Topic: Art. 155- Alarms and Scandals
shall have taken place by means of unlawful entry, by breaking
doors, windows, gates, walls, roofs or floors, or by using Facts: On March 5, 1909, Juan Casipong contracted civil
picklocks, false keys, disguise, deceit, violence or intimidation, marriage with Teodora Juanico before the justice of the peace
or through connivance with other convicts or employees of the of the pueblo of Dumanjug, witnesses thereto being Telesforo

CrimCasedigest-BravoLex | 20
Quirante and Macario Pasculado, as shown in the certificate Spain, publicity of an immoral act produces scandal, for by the
issued by the acting municipal secretary of that municipality. bad example set it gives offense and wounds the virtuous
Two weeks after the ceremony Casipong left his wife and sentiments of others.
moved to the barrio of Bolocboc to live with Gregoria Hongoy.
The crime in this case is provided for and penalized by article
For the purpose of assuring that her husband was really living
437 of the Penal Code, (old) as follows: The husband who
with another woman, Teodora, the offended wife went to said
shall keep a concubine in his home, or out of it with scandal,
barrio, where she actually saw her husband, Casipong,
shall be punished with the penalty of prision correccional in its
maintaining marital relations with the aforesaid Gregoria
minimum and medium degrees. The concubine shall be
Hongoy, and although she did not see them in carnal
punished with banishment. The unlawful union of a married
intercourse, still she saw the two lying side by side and or
man with a woman not his wife, when the two live within a
several occasions going together to different places in that
town and in the same house as lawful husband and wife, go
barrio, and that there was no one besides them in the house
together through the streets of the town, frequent places
where they lived.
where large crowds gather, and commit acts in plain sight of
Accordingly, the provincial fiscal on August 24, 1910, filed a the community without caution and with effrontery, is a
complaint in the Court of First Instance of Cebu, charging Juan procedure that gives rises to criticism and general protest
Casipong and Gregoria Hongoy with the crime of among the neighbors and by its bad example offends the
concubinage, wherein the judge rendered decision the same conscience and feelings of every moral person; and when
day, sentencing the defendant Casipong to one year eight these conditions attend the conduct of a married persons it is
months and twenty-one days of prision correccional, and the indubitable that his concubinage with another woman, even
defendant Gregoria Hongoy to two years of banishment, though she does not live in his home, carries with it the
prohibiting her during the period of the sentence from going circumstance of scandal required by the law to make his action
within a radius of 25 kilometers of the place where the crime criminal.
was committed, the barrio of Bituon, pueblo of Dumanjug; with
It is to be noted in considering such complex actions that in
half the costs against each party. From this judgment the
order to regard them as criminal it is necessary and
defendants appealed, but later Casipong withdrew his appeal.
indispensable that they be performed by a married man and a
Issue: Whether or not Casipong and Hongoy publicly exhibited woman, or by both, the man being the active and the woman
a scandalous act. the passive agent, each with separate responsibility.
Therefore, notwithstanding the man's withdrawal of his appeal
Held: From the text of this article it appears that it is an
and the fact that the appeal taken by Gregoria Hongoy will
indispensable condition for convicting the husband of
alone be the subject of the decision, yet the arguments
concubinage outside of his home that his conduct produce
bearing upon the perpetration of the crime and proof of it will
scandal and set a bad example among his neighbors, and,
necessarily affect the man who is the alleged active agent
according to a principle laid down by the supreme court of

CrimCasedigest-BravoLex | 21
On this hypothesis and as a result of the hearing in this case, it judge of first instance (Act 131), directed the release on
is impossible to affirm that Juan Casipong, husband of habeas corpus, of Manuel Artigas Losada, Getulio Geocada,
Teodora Juanico, has been living in concubinage with public Santiago Aguda, Francisco Danao, inmates of the Davao
scandal with another woman, Gregoria Hongoy, because of Penal Colony Inagawan, Palawan.
lack of conclusive proof demonstrating the reality of the crime
The first is undergoing a maximum sentence of 15 years, 2
with the conditions the law requires for punishing the
months and 2 days for estafa, and estafa through falsification.
perpetrator thereof and his concubine.
Such term is due to expire, with good conduct allowance, on
Nothing would be easier than to adduce proofs of the criminal July 16, 1947.
act, if said Casipong really forsook his wife and unlawfully
The second, Getulio Geocada, doing time for illegal
entered into relations with Gregoria Hongoy, for if they have
possession of counterfeit money is due for release April 25,
lived publicly in concubinage and in sight of everybody,
various witnesses, residents not only of the place of residence
of the offended wife and her husband but also of the barrio of The third, Santiago Aguda, serving a sentence of 12 years and
Bolocboc, to which the unfaithful husband removed in order to 1 day for homicide, would be entitled to his liberty about
live with his paramour, could have testified. The statement of January 7, 1948, should he observe good conduct in the
the offended wife and of the witness Hilaria Lumban, who only meantime.
once saw them together, is not sufficient to prove the
aggregate of acts performed by the two accused, with the The last, Francisco Danao, jailed for abduction with rape, will
scandal produced by the bad example set in their complete the service of his sentence, with good conduct
neighborhood. allowance, about June 19, 1948.

Ruling: For these reasons and from lack of proof of the facts As above stated, the court decreed in July, 1946, that these
alleged in this case, it is our opinion that the judgment four penal colonists should forthwith be freed from restraint.
appealed from should reversed and Gregoria Hongoy, Reason for the decree was their allegation, and the court’s
acquitted, as we hereby do, with half of the cots in each opinion, that they had earned a special time allowance in the
instance de oficio. As the defendant Juan Casipong, through form of a deduction of one-fifth of their respective sentences
withdrawal of his appeal, is now serving sentence for a crime under articles 98 and 158 of the Revised Penal Code
which is held in this decision to be not proven, Court’s opinion: those prisoners who, having all the chances to
Case 7 escape and did not escape but remained in their prison cell
during the disorder caused by war have shown more
Artigas Losada v. Acenas convincingly their loyalty than those who escaped under the
circumstances specifically enumerated in article 158 and give
An appeal from an order, dated July 20, 1946, justice of the
themselves up within 48 hours. After the executive
peace of Puerto Princesa, Palawan, in the absence of the

CrimCasedigest-BravoLex | 22
proclamation for the latter, that is, the prisoner who escaped have the mettle to take advantage of it or to brave the perils in
might have been persuded to give themselves up merely connection with a jailbreak. And there is no assurance that had
because they could see but a slim chance to avoid capture they successfully run away and regained their precious liberty
inasmuch as the government then was functioning with all its they would have, nevertheless voluntarily exchanged it later
normal efficiency. And if those who arc loyal merely in times of with the privations of prison life impelled by that sense of right
conflagration, earthquake, explosion and other similar and loyalty to the Government, which is sought to be rewarded
catastrophe are considered loyal and are for that reason given will the special allowance. Wherefore, it is not plain that their
in their favor on fifth reduction of their sentence, with more case comes within the spirit of the law they have involved.
reason that those who stayed in their places of confinement must be observed in this connection that the only
during the war. circumstance favorable to petitioners is the admission of the
respondent that they "remained in the penal colony and did not
try to escape during the war."
WON to grant them for release basing it on habeas corpus
Case # 6
G.R. No. L-27191
The appealed decision is reversed and the petition for habeas
February 28, 1967
corpus denied. No costs. So ordered.
There are considerations that more properly belong to the
legislative department, should an amendment to the law be FACTS :
proposed. They are likewise equitable pleas, which the
Petitioner was convicted of slander by the City Court of
executive department could properly entertain in connection
Quezon City. He appealed once again but was found guilty
with petitions for parole or pardon of the prisoners. but they
again by the Court of First Instance. She was sentenced to 20
may not authorize the courts to read into the statute additional
days of arresto menor, to indemnify the offended party, Pilar B.
conditions or situations. The special allowance for loyalty
Julio, in the sum of P100.00, with the corresponding subsidiary
authorized by articles 98 and the Revised Penal Code refers to
imprisonment, and to pay the costs which the Court of Appeals
those convicts who, having evaded the service of their
sentences by leaving the penal institution, give themselves up
within two days. On January 11, 1965, the Court of First Instance of Quezon
City, directed that execution of the sentence be set for January
As these petitioners are not in that class, because they have
27, 1965. On petitioner's motion, execution was deferred to
not escaped, they have no claim to that allowance.
February 12, 1965. However, the petitioner did not show up.
For one thing there is no showing that they ever had the This prompted the respondent judge, on February 15, 1965, to
opportunity to escape, or that having such opportunity they

CrimCasedigest-BravoLex | 23
issue a warrant for her arrest, and on March 23, 1965 an alias or through connivance with other convicts or employees of the
warrant of arrest. Petitioner was never arrested. penal institution, the penalty shall be prision correccional in its
maximum period.
On December 10, 1966, petitioner, by counsel, moved to
quash the warrants of arrest of February 15, 1965 and March Elements of evasion of service of sentence are:
23, 1965. Petitioner's ground: Penalty has prescribed.
(1) the offender is a convict by final judgment;
On December 19, 1966, the respondent judge ruled that "the
(2) he "is serving his sentence which consists in deprivation of
penalty imposed upon the accused has to be served", rejected
liberty"; and
the plea of prescription of penalty and, instead, directed the
issuance of another alias warrant of arrest. (3) he evades service of sentence by escaping during the term
of his sentence.
ISSUE : Whether or not prescription of sentence has
commenced This must be so. For, by the express terms of the statute, a
convict evades "service of his sentence", by "escaping during
the term of his imprisonment by reason of final judgment." That
No. escape should take place while serving sentence, is
emphasized by the provisions of the second sentence of
By Article 92 of the Revised Penal Code, light penalties
Article 157 which provides for a higher penalty if such "evasion
"imposed by final sentence" prescribe in one year. The period
or escape shall have taken by means of unlawful entry, by
of prescription of penalties — so the succeeding Article 93
breaking doors, windows, gates, walls, roofs, or floors or by
provides — "shall commence to run from the date when the
using picklocks, false keys, disguise, deceit, violence or
culprit should evade the service of his sentence".
intimidation, or through connivance with other convicts or
What then is the concept of evasion of service of sentence employees of the penal institution, ... " Indeed, evasion of
Article 157 of the Revised Penal Code furnishes the ready sentence is but another expression of the term "jail breaking".
answer. Says Article 157:
The court ruled that for prescription of penalty of imprisonment
ART. 157. Evasion of service of sentence. — The penalty of imposed by final sentence to commence to run, the culprit
prision correccional in its medium and maximum periods shall should escape during the term of such imprisonment.
be imposed upon any convict who shall evade service of his
Adverting to the facts, we have here the case of a convict who
sentence by escaping during the term of his imprisonment 6 by
— sentenced to imprisonment by final judgment — was
reason of final judgment. However, if such evasion or escape
thereafter never placed in confinement. Prescription of penalty,
shall have taken place by means of unlawful entry, by breaking
then, does not run in her favor.
doors, windows, gates, walls, roofs or floors, or by using
picklocks, false keys, disguise, deceit, violence or intimidation,

CrimCasedigest-BravoLex | 24
For the reasons given, the Court resolved to dismiss the intentionally done and it was merely an accident.
petition for certiorari and prohibition. No costs. So ordered. Silvestre Balinas died as a result of the gunshot
wounds he sustained.
 Dr. Rhodora T. Antenor, who conducted the post-
mortem examination on the cadaver of Silvestre
10 DADO VS. PEOPLE Balinas testified that the fatal wound that caused the
death of the victim was the one inflicted on the mid-
TOPIC: Discharge of firearms inner thigh. The bullet pierced through and injured the
organs in the pelvic region where she found three
irregularly shaped metallic fragments. She added that
the position of the victim at that time of the shooting
FACTS: was higher than the assailant considering that the
 On May 25, 1992, in order to intercept cattle rustlers, trajectory of the bullets was upwards.
the Esperanza, Sultan Kudarat Police Station formed  Upon examination by NBI Ballistician Elmer Nelson D.
three teams, which composed of petitioner SPO4 Piedad, the three metallic fragments recovered from
Geromino Dado and CAFGU members Francisco the fatal wound of the victim turned out to be fragments
Eraso, Alfredo Balinas, and Rufo Alga. Alfredo Balinas of a 5.56 mm jacketed bullet. However, on cross-
and Rufo Alga were both armed with M14 armalite examination, he declared that he is not sure whether
rifles, while petitioner was armed with a caliber .45 the 2 other metallic fragments recovered from the fatal
pistol and accused Francisco Eraso was carrying an wound of the victim are indeed parts of a copper jacket
M16 armalite rifle. of a caliber 5.56 mm. jacketed bullet.
 The team saw somebody approaching who was half-
naked. When he was about 5 meters away from the
team, Balinas told Eraso to wait, but before Balinas
could beam his flash light, Eraso fired his M16 armalite TRIAL COURT: Convicted Dado and accused Eraso of the
rifle at the approaching man. crime of homicide which was affirmed by the Court of Appeals.
o Thereafter, Dado fired a single shot from his .45
caliber pistol. Dado admitted that when he
heard the rapid gun burst, he did not turn to
face the source thereof and instead fired his .45 Accused Eraso filed a Petition for Review but was denied by
caliber pistol in front of him purposely to CA; on the other hand petitioner, filed this petition.
demoralize their enemy.
 The victim turned out to be Silvestre "Butsoy" Balinas,
the nephew of Alfredo Balinas and not the cattle rustler
the team were ordered to intercept. Accused Eraso Issue: W/N the lower courts erred in finding Dado guilty of
embraced Alfredo Balinas and told him that it was not homicide? – YES, he is guilty of discharge of firearm.

CrimCasedigest-BravoLex | 25
The Court sustains the finding of the trial court that petitioner Absent an intent to kill in firing the gun towards the
fired his .45 caliber pistol towards the victim. However, it victim, petitioner should be held liable for the crime of
appears that there is no evidence to prove that petitioner had ILLEGAL DISCHARGE OF FIREARM under Article 254 of
intent to kill the victim. The prosecution witnesses did not see the Revised Penal Code.
whether petitioner aimed to kill the victim. Intent to kill cannot
be automatically drawn from the mere fact that the use of The elements of this crime are:
firearms is dangerous to life. Intent to kill must be established
with the same degree of certainty as is required of the other (1) that the offender discharges a firearm against or at
elements of the crime. The inference of intent to kill should not another person; and
be drawn in the absence of circumstances sufficient to prove
such intent beyond reasonable doubt. (2) that the offender has no intention to kill that person

There is no conspiracy in this case. Thus, petitioner can only

be held responsible for the acts or omissions which can
be proved to have been committed by him personally. In
other words, his criminal accountability, if any, should be
determined on an individual rather than on a collective basis.
Petitioner could not be made to answer for the acts done by
his co-accused, Franciso Eraso, unless it be shown that he
participated directly and personally in the commission of those
acts. It becomes important therefore to determine whether
petitioner inflicted the fatal wound that directly caused the
death of the victim.

In here, the prosecution failed to prove that the metallic

fragments found in the fatal wound of the victim are particles of
a .45 caliber bullet that emanated from the .45 caliber pistol
fired by petitioner. For this reason, the Court cannot in good
conscience affirm his conviction for the crime of homicide.

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