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hings you wea VOCABULARY BANK r Match the words and pictures. oma [4y &) Clothes \ cardigan } coat 2 3 dress jacket ) [e 3} jeans shire 1 shores skirt ae = - ui 20] ira fy (3 14] sweater (synonym jumper) = top = tracksuit = Bl Tshirt Be Fray a 3) i Footwear | boots sandals shoes " = Accessories belt cap hat leggings gloves a scarf socks a tights Jewellery bracelet earrings necklace ring 1/19) Listen and check. Cover the words and look at the pictures. Test yourself or a partner. {p.8 [3] Olas wear, carry, or dress? Use wear for clothes and jewellery / glasses, etc She's wearing a hat. He's wearing sunglasses, Use carry for bags, cases, etc. She's carrying a bag. Use dress (with no object) to describe the kind of clothes people wear. The Italians dress very well, Jane always dresses in black eet eee teeter e ee neta rm mretmtatmrmraey " a o : Everyday activities eT aS a Match the verbs and pictures. Suzy Stressed Suzy Stressed havea shower haveacoffee do the housework start work at 8.30 finish work at 6.30 get dressed wake up at 7.00 have lunch at work go shopping goto bed late have pizza for dinner gethome late goto work by bus watch TV and check emails Henry Healthy goo Italian classes do Italian homework getupar8.00 have breakfast do exercise gohome early walk to work relax, take the dog fora walk sleep for eight hours ‘make the dinner havea bath o 97) Listen and check In pairs, cover the phrases and look at the pictures. A describe Suzy’s day, then B describe Henry's day. Then swap. have Havehas two meanings. 1 For family and possessions, eg. Ihave three children, He has a big house. 2 Foractivities, e.g. Ihave lunch ‘at 1.30, She has a shower in the ‘morning. ao

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