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Enter the
the values
values inin the
the shaded
shaded area
area then
then use
use the
the Run
Run Excel's
Excel's Solver
Solver button.
Alternatively, or
or to
to view
view the
the sensitivity
sensitivity results,
results, open
open Solver
Solver by
by going
going to
to the
the Data
Data Tab
(Excel 2007,
2007, 2010,
2010, 2013,
2013, 2016)
2016) or
or the
the Tools
Tools menu
menu (Excel
(Excel 2003,
2003, 2011).
Linear Programming

Use one of the three signs below for each constraint

< less than or equal to
= equals (You need to enter an apostrophe first.)
> greater than or equal to

Data VIDEO 1 VIDEO 2 VIDEO 3 Results

x1 x2 x3 LHS Slack/Surplus
Maximize 170 140 150 sign RHS 0
VARIABLES 1 110 70 65 < 500000 0 500000 VARIABLES 1
VARIABLES 2 20000 50000 17000 < 125000000 0 125000000 VARIABLES 2
VARIABLES 3 10 5 10 < 20000 0 20000 VARIABLES 3

Objective 0

Page 1

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