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Unit: The Constitution & A New Nation Name __________________________

Lesson: The Presidency of George Washington


 George ________________ à 1st president of US April 1787

 Washington set many important ________________ for future presidents:
• established the structure of the ________________ system
• created the first presidential ________________
• use of the title “________________”
• established constitutional authority for the ________________ branch to enforce ________________
• limited a president’s time in office to ________________ terms

J ________________ Act of 1789

 Created a ________________ ________________ that would include a Chief Justice and 5 Associate Justices
 And established 3 ________________ Courts and 13 Federal District Courts
 Allowed state court decisions to be ________________ to a federal court
 Judgement of the federal court could ________________ the state’s court decision

P ________________ C ________________
 Washington wanted to surround himself with those who better understood specific ________________:
• Secretary of ________________ (________________ issues) à Thomas Jefferson
• Secretary of ________________ (________________ issues) à Alexander Hamilton
• Secretary of ________________ (________________ issues) à Henry Knox
• Attorney General (________________ for federal government) à Edmund Randolph
 There is still a presidential cabinet today à Vice President & leaders of 15 executive branch departments

 Some wanted to call the president “Your Majesty” or “Your Excellency.”

 Washington did not want a title to relate to a ________________.
 “________________” was simple and still used today.

E ________________ L ________________
 ________________ Rebellion à 1794 in western Pennsylvania
 Congress passed ________________ on liquor to help pay debts.
 Whiskey makers were angry!
 Also angry about lack of ________________ from Native American attacks
 1792 à farmers began to hold meetings to protest ________________ à Washington declared meetings illegal
 Meetings continued and tax collectors were attacked.
 Talked about ________________ from the US
 Washington led armed troops & ended rebellion before it spread.
 Citizens must ________________ federal law, & president can use executive power to ________________ laws.

T ________________-T ________________ Limit

 Washington believed it was dangerous to allow president to ________________ for an extended time à did not run for 3rd
 Wanted to show a peaceful transfer of ________________
 The 22nd ________________ passed in 1951 that formally limited a president from serving more than 2 terms.

Hamilton vs. Jefferson

 Both members of Washington’s ________________
 Many heated debates
 Creation of the National ________________ of the US:
• ________________ states supported national bank, ________________ states did not
• compromise à move nation’s capital to the ________________
• economic power in north, political power in south
 1790 à District of ________________ founded

 Federalists (________________ supporters) à wanted stronger ________________ government; policies that benefited
merchants and the ________________
 Democratic-Republicans (________________ supporters) à wanted stronger ________________ governments; policies that
benefited “ordinary people”

©Heather LeBlanc, LLC/Brainy Apples


US & ________________
 As French ________________ became extreme, many Americans stopped supporting it.
 France entered war with Great Britain, ________________, Austria, and other European countries in 1793.
 Washington did not want to get involved in international issues à ________________
 ________________- ________________ supported France.
 ________________ supported relationship with Great Britain.
 Hamilton and Jefferson ________________ neutrality was best.

 France became angry US did not honor treaty they signed in ________________ and send aid.
 France was angry the US was benefitting from ________________ with Great Britain.
 French diplomat Edmond-Charles ________________ traveled to US to negotiate but caused ________________ instead.
 France removed Genêt from his position in 1794.

US & ________________ ________________

 American ________________ attacked British merchants à Great Britain seized American ships
 British still occupied ________________ in the Northwest Territory à supplied Native Americans with ________________
and encouraged them to attack
 ________________ ________________ ended fighting between US and Great Britain in Nov. 1794.

US & ________________
 Spain owned ________________ territory and the ________________ Territory (west of Mississippi River).
 US wanted land ________________ of Appalachian Mountains to Mississippi River & ________________ rights on
Mississippi River.
 ________________ ________________ of 1795 (Treaty of San Lorenzo) à US received land east of Mississippi River except
________________ & ________________ rights (use New Orleans port for trade)

US & ________________ ________________

 Fighting since Treaty of Paris 1783
 US claimed land west of Appalachian Mountains à Native Americans did not ________________ this
 Some state governments negotiated with small groups of Native Americans for ________________ rights à several treaties
signed during 1780s
 Native American tribes formed ________________ ________________ in 1785.
 Washington tried to end conflicts in ________________ Territory à many losses and thousands of Americans killed
 1794 à General “Mad” Anthony ________________ defeated Native Americans at Battle of Fallen Timber à last major battle
in Northwest Territory
 Treaty of ________________ signed 1795 à Native Americans ________________ most of their lands in the Northwest

F ________________ A ________________
 September 1796
 3 threats that could ________________ the country:
• ________________ COUNTRY:
 become “National Union”
 don’t allow ________________ differences
• ________________ PARTIES:
 already formed and caused ________________
 don’t allow parties to spread
• ________________ POWERS:
 don’t make ________________ with foreign countries à can’t trust them
 supported ________________ relationships
 NO ________________ CONNECTIONS

©Heather LeBlanc, LLC/Brainy Apples

©Heather LeBlanc, LLC/Brainy Apples

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