Philo (Limitations and Possibilities)

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1. Restricted to enter or be in a relationship. Teenage pregnancy is a very relevant issue
nowadays, and that is obviously one of the reasons why my parents restricted me to enter
a relationship. At this age, 17, although I already have morality, my parents do still want
me to avoid those kind of things. Of course, I do understand there reason, and that is for
me to be not distracted and especially for me to focus on my studies. And I believe that
my parents only want the best for me. -Antonio

2. Ask permission before going somewhere. We live in a dangerous world, people today
do dangerous things, this is probably the reason why my parents never let me go
somewhere without their permission. Honestly, they are less strict now unlike during my
junior high school years, now they can let me go somewhere as long as I will ask their
permission first, my phone is always open for phone calls and reminders, and do not go
home late. No child is born with self-discipline, they need their parents to provide them
the discipline they need until they learn to discipline themselves. -Abraham

3. Not to go home late. I have this limitation that I am not allowed to get home late because
my mom said that it is dangerous outside for a young lady like me to go home late.
Especially our house is pretty far from school. My parents are afraid that something bad
might happen to me because she do believe that bad people are just around the corner.

1. I can drive a motorcycle. "What man can do, can also be done by woman." When I was
in grade 8, my father taught me how to drive a motorcycle. Since I am a girl and fresh
from learning how to ride a motorcycle, of course it is hard for me and a little bit scared.
Considering the fact that I enjoy doing it, I helped myself fight my fright so that now, I
am able to ride it alone. -Antonio
2. I can travel alone. If truth can be told, I am the type of person who are afraid to be
alone. Before, when I am alone I can’t even order a food from any fast food chains and I
can’t even go to a certain place alone whether it’s near or far. But realizations hit me, I
realized that you need to take risks in order to learn and experience things you and others
think you cannot do. Now, I can go to manila, malls and other places whether it’s near or
far, all by myself. -Abraham

3. I can do backward tumblings on the beach. Considering the fact that we are just three
girls on the group and the rest are all boys, we still manage to bond together despite of
our differences. We still got to share to each other our talents. On day while we are on the
beach, I was envious of my male cousins because they are doing different kinds of
tumbling above the water, that’s why I talked to my kuya and ask him if he can yteach
me some back flips. Step by step I learned how to do backflips. Honestly, I didn’t really
think that I can do such thing. I was so surprised at first but I believe that if you really
want to do something, don’t just sit there and do nothing. Make it happen. -Reubal

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