Electrostatic Precipitator

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Electrostatic Precipitator where

Gl = Quantity of ash entering an ash collector per unit

time (kg/s)
G2 = Quantity of uncollected ash passing through the
collector per unit time (kg/s)
Cl = Concentration of ash in the gases at the inlet to the
ash collector (kg/m3)
C2 = Ash concentration at the exist (kg/m3).

Depending on the type of fuel and the power of

Principle of operation of Electrostatic Precipitator bailer the ash collection in industrial boilers and thermal
power stations can be effected by mechanical ash
The gas carrying dust particles, when passed collectors, fly ash scrubbers and electrostatic
between oppositely charged conductors, gets ionized, as precipitators.
the voltage applied (30kv) and spacing between For fly ash scrubbers of large importance is the
conductors, is adjusted that a strong electric field exists content of free lime (CaO) in the ash. With a high
between them. concentration of CaO the ash can be cemented and impair
The ionized gas is further passed through the the operation of a scrubber.
collecting unit which consists of a set of vertical metal
plates. The efficiency of operation of gas cleaning devices
The alternate plates are positively charged and depends largely on the physico-chemical
earthed. The spacing and voltage are so adjusted that high properties of the collected ash and of the entering waste
electric field exists between the plates which exert force gases.
on the ionized particles.
The positively charged dust particles are attracted Following are the principal characteristics of the fly ash:
towards the grounded plates. (i) Density (ii) Dispersity (Particle size)
The deposited dusts particles are removed from (iii) Electric resistance (For electrostatic precipitators)
the collecting plates by tumbling hammers and is (iv) Coalescence of ash particles.
collected in the dust hoppers.
Due to increasing boiler size and low sulphur high
It has two sets of electrodes, insulated from each ash content coal the problem of collecting fly ash is
other that maintain an electrostatic field between them at becoming increasingly complex. Fly ash can range from
high voltage. The flue gases are made to pass between very fine to very coarse size depending on the source.
these two sets of electrodes. The electric field ionises the Particles colour varies from light tan to grey to black. Tan
dust particle; that pass through it attracting them to the colour indicates presence of ion oxide while dark shades
electrode of opposite charge. The other electrode is indicate presence of unburnt carbon. Fly ash particles size
maintained at a negative potential of 30,000 to 60,000 varies between 1. micron (l μ) to 300 μ. Fly ash
volts. The dust particles are removed from the collecting concentration in flue gases depends upon mainly the
electrode by rapping the electrode periodically. The following factors :
electrostatic precipitator is costly but has low (i) Coal composition. (ii) Boiler design and capacity.
maintenance cost and is frequently employed with
pulverised coal fired power stations for its effectiveness Percentage of ash in coal directly contributes to
on very fine ash particles and is superior to that of any fly ash emission while boiler design and operation
other type. determine the percentage retained in the furnace as
The principal characteristics of an ash collector is bottom ash and fly ash carried away by flue gas. Fly ash
the degree of collection. concentration widely varies around 20-90 g/mm3
η = Degree of collection depending on coal and boiler design. Fly ash particle size
distribution depends primarily on the type of boiler such
as pulverised coal fired boiler typically produces coarser
particles then cyclone type boilers. Electrostatic
precipitator (ESP) is quite commonly used for removal of
fly ash from flue gases.

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